[pandas] annotated tag v0.12.0 created (now 099560b)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:13 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.12.0
in repository pandas.

        at  099560b   (tag)
   tagging  8c0a34f15f8a87def3f7ad6ebdac052de44669f2 (commit)
  replaces  v0.12.0rc1
 tagged by  Wes McKinney
        on  Wed Jul 24 13:18:35 2013 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.12

Andy Hayden (12):
      ENH col_level argument to melt
      ENH MultiIndex columns with melt
      ENH add drop_na argument to pivot_table
      CLN make cartesian product faster
      Merge pull request #4166 from jorisvandenbossche/bug-microsecond-parsing
      DOC to_datetime warning about dayfirst strictness
      Merge pull request #4175 from hayd/datetime_dayfirst_warning
      FIX disallow MultiIndex in Series constructor GH4187
      Merge pull request #4106 from hayd/cartesian_crosstab
      Merge pull request #4177 from danielballan/mysql-on-travis
      Merge pull request #4150 from hayd/melt_multi
      Merge pull request #4190 from hayd/disallow_multi

Damien Garaud (3):
      BUG: Display the legend when calling plot with kind='density'. GH4216
      Check if a plotting DataFrame with kind='kde' has a legend. GH4216
      Updated release note about GH4216.

Dan Allan (1):
      CLN: Ignore warnings generated by 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS' when table does not exist.

Joris Van den Bossche (6):
      BUG/TST: wrong parsing of microseconds with format arg (#4152)
      DOC: increased width of text area
      DOC: update ipython_directive with changes from ipython to restart prompt number at 1 each page
      BUG: invert_xaxis (negative tot_sec) triggers MilliSecondLocator (#3990)
      DOC: remove savefig width parameter (#4203)
      BUG: initialize DatetimeIndex with array of strings (#4229)

Kelsey Jordahl (1):
      DOC: Fix typos in CONTRIBUTING.md

Kieran O'Mahony (5):
      TST: fix ujson tests failures on 32-bit
      TST: remove fudgy ujson test #4223
      TST: ujson dont force endianness #4274
      ENH: ujson better handling of very large and very small numbers, throw ValueError for bad double_precision arg #4042
      ENH: expose ujson precise_float argument on decode

Phillip Cloud (42):
      BLD: use the wheel url for scikits timeseries
      Merge pull request #4168 from cpcloud/sktimeseries-dl-fix
      TST: remove double call to yahoo finance
      Merge pull request #4176 from cpcloud/remove-yahoo-test
      TST: raise when no data are found when trying to dld multiple symbols
      Merge pull request #4184 from cpcloud/fix-network-tests
      CLN/ENH: clean up docstrings remove some cruft and generalize
      BUG: raise on invalid colormap for older mpl
      DOC: release notes
      CLN: correct format string
      Merge pull request #4231 from cpcloud/matplotlib-invalid-colomap-test
      TST/BUG: disallow bs4==4.2.0 and skip assoc tests
      Merge pull request #4232 from cpcloud/read-html-warnings
      Merge pull request #4221 from garaud/plot_density_legend
      BUG: set name attr in DatetimeIndex and PeriodIndex
      Merge pull request #4233 from cpcloud/fix-index-slicing
      BLD: use wheels and newer scipy bc of 33 scipy issue
      Merge pull request #4240 from cpcloud/scipy-wheels
      BLD: use mpl 1.1.1 in python 2.7 production travis build
      Merge pull request #4248 from cpcloud/mpl-1.1.1-build
      BUG: remove six import
      Merge pull request #4250 from cpcloud/six-fix
      TST: no need for flavor testing in skip
      Merge pull request #4257 from cpcloud/read-html-flavor-attr
      BLD/TST/CI: add script to show skipped tests at the end of a build
      Merge pull request #4262 from cpcloud/print-skipped-tests
      TST/BLD: add testing for bad bs4 version
      TST: add message to nose.SkipTest
      Merge pull request #4259 from cpcloud/add-bad-bs4-version-to-travis
      TST: skip if no html5lib since bs4 needs it
      TST/CI: add scikits.timeseries wheel back
      Merge pull request #4267 from cpcloud/html5lib-fix
      Merge pull request #4270 from cpcloud/scikits-wheel
      TST: properly skip html5lib
      Merge pull request #4276 from cpcloud/html5lib-skip-fix
      TST/CI: remove html5lib from 3.2 build
      Merge pull request #4278 from cpcloud/remove-html5lib-from-3.2-build
      BUG: fix data.py regression
      Merge pull request #4281 from cpcloud/data-py-regression-fix
      Merge pull request #4286 from jseabold/fix-typo
      TST: make sure test passes even if componnents link isn't present
      Merge pull request #4310 from cpcloud/network-failure-hack

Skipper Seabold (1):
      DOC: Fix typo.

SleepingPills (2):
      BUG: (GH4192) Fixed buglet in the broadcasting logic in Series.where
      BUG: (GH4192) fixed broken unit test

Wes McKinney (1):
      RLS: set released to True, edit release dates

Yaroslav Halchenko (2):
      ENH: test_perf.py - use psutil to set affinity (if absent functionality - then affinity module)
      minor: some trailing spaces and a pylint "pragma" to stop complaining about Series._ix defined elsewhere

danielballan (1):
      TST: Create a MySQL database and run MySQL tests on Travis.

davidshinn (2):
      DOC: Update excel read dependency on ``xlrd``
      DOC: Update docstrings to reflect benefit from resolving #4131

duozhang (3):
      * added doc for parameter 'coerce_float' in io.sql.read_frame
      adjusted the indentation of doc of io.sql.read_frame
      fixed conflict in sql.py

jreback (45):
      DOC: minor io/whatsnew doc edits
      TST: to_datetime format fixes
      Merge pull request #4167 from jreback/dt_format
      CLN: write the attributes in a HDFStore as strings
      Merge pull request #4178 from jreback/hdf_3k
      Merge pull request #4154 from davidshinn/improve_excel_docs
      DOC: more cookbook recipies
      Merge pull request #4068 from simomo/read_sql_enhencement
      Merge pull request #3991 from jorisvandenbossche/bug_invert_xaxis
      Merge branch 'where_bool_broadcast' of https://github.com/SleepingPills/pandas into SleepingPills-where_bool_broadcast
      Merge pull request #4165 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-width
      Merge pull request #4186 from Komnomnomnom/ujson-32-bit-tests
      DOC: more prominent HDFStore store docs about storer/table formats
      Merge pull request #4206 from jreback/hdf_doc
      PERF: add ix scalar get benchmark
      Merge pull request #4207 from jreback/indexing_perf
      DOC: minor io.rst edits
      TST: little endian failure, GH4222
      Merge pull request #4228 from jreback/stata_bug
      Merge pull request #4234 from jorisvandenbossche/bug-datetimeindex-list-array
      Merge pull request #4238 from Komnomnomnom/ujson-fudgy-test
      TST: force rebuild
      CLN: replace __repr__ with __unicode__ for string printing (to use StringMixIn)
      Merge pull request #4241 from jreback/hdf_print
      ENH: implement non-unique indexing in series (GH4246)
      Merge pull request #4247 from jreback/series_dups
      DOC: add v0.13.0.txt release notes file (but not to the index yet)
      CLN: define __hash__ directly for _NaT; needed for some builds on py3k
      Merge pull request #4269 from jreback/nat_py3
      DOC: cookbook example
      BUG: Fixed non-unique indexing memory allocation issue with .ix/.loc (GH4280)
      Merge pull request #4283 from jreback/index_mem
      Merge pull request #4284 from Komnomnomnom/ujson-tst-endianness
      TST: print out byteorder in ci/print_versions.py
      BUG: explicity change nan -> NaT when assigning to datelike dtypes
      Merge pull request #4296 from neurodebian/master
      DOC: docs for precise_float option in read_json
      Merge branch 'Komnomnomnom-ujson-precise-float'
      Merge pull request #4302 from jreback/nat_convert
      Merge pull request #4299 from Komnomnomnom/ujson-small-floats
      TST: change a small float comparison to np.allclose
      DOC: cookbook addition
      Merge pull request #4307 from jreback/ujson_small_fix
      DOC: add 0.13 to release notes
      DOC: cookbook example

y-p (8):
      BLD: pip 1.4 is coming, preempt issues
      Merge pull request #4210 from y-p/PR_pip14
      BLD: Turn off the ISRELEASED flag in setup.py
      BLD: test_perf tweaks
      Merge pull request #4217 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-plots
      Merge pull request #4243 from kjordahl/master
      Update CONTRIBUTING.md with note on attribution in PRs
      Merge pull request #4285 from y-p/PR_CONTRIBUTING


No new revisions were added by this update.

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