[scikit-learn] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.18.1'
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Thu Dec 29 12:42:13 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository scikit-learn.
commit 4e792db7b2699b533e3a576ea2149da786004924
Merge: ad1e435 96e9f2f
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Thu Dec 29 12:55:43 2016 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/0.18.1'
Upstream version 0.18.1
.travis.yml | 17 +-
README.rst | 28 +-
appveyor.yml | 10 +
build_tools/circle/build_doc.sh | 12 +-
build_tools/circle/push_doc.sh | 22 +-
build_tools/cythonize.py | 198 -----
build_tools/travis/flake8_diff.sh | 70 +-
build_tools/travis/install.sh | 24 +-
build_tools/travis/test_script.sh | 5 +-
circle.yml | 5 +-
doc/about.rst | 15 +-
doc/conf.py | 8 +
doc/datasets/index.rst | 52 ++
doc/datasets/labeled_faces_fixture.py | 2 +-
doc/datasets/rcv1.rst | 2 +-
doc/datasets/twenty_newsgroups_fixture.py | 3 +-
doc/developers/advanced_installation.rst | 2 +-
doc/developers/contributing.rst | 79 +-
doc/documentation.rst | 2 +-
doc/faq.rst | 41 +-
doc/index.rst | 2 +
doc/install.rst | 4 +-
doc/modules/classes.rst | 75 +-
doc/modules/grid_search.rst | 9 +-
doc/modules/linear_model.rst | 2 +-
doc/modules/model_evaluation.rst | 6 +-
doc/modules/multiclass.rst | 31 +-
doc/modules/neural_networks_supervised.rst | 4 +-
doc/modules/outlier_detection.rst | 2 +-
doc/modules/preprocessing.rst | 4 +-
doc/sphinxext/sphinx_issues.py | 117 +++
doc/templates/deprecated_class.rst | 23 +
doc/templates/deprecated_class_with_call.rst | 24 +
doc/templates/deprecated_class_without_init.rst | 19 +
doc/templates/deprecated_function.rst | 19 +
doc/templates/generate_deprecated.sh | 8 +
doc/testimonials/testimonials.rst | 6 +-
doc/themes/scikit-learn/layout.html | 9 +-
doc/themes/scikit-learn/static/jquery.js | 4 +
.../scikit-learn/static/jquery.maphilight.min.js | 1 +
doc/themes/scikit-learn/static/js/bootstrap.min.js | 6 +
doc/themes/scikit-learn/static/js/copybutton.js | 29 +-
doc/themes/scikit-learn/static/nature.css_t | 33 +-
doc/tutorial/basic/tutorial.rst | 58 +-
.../text_analytics/working_with_text_data.rst | 1 -
doc/whats_new.rst | 805 +++++++++---------
examples/ensemble/plot_isolation_forest.py | 2 +-
examples/linear_model/plot_logistic.py | 15 +-
examples/svm/plot_iris.py | 4 +-
.../text/document_classification_20newsgroups.py | 10 +-
setup.py | 37 +-
sklearn/__check_build/setup.py | 2 +-
sklearn/__init__.py | 2 +-
sklearn/_build_utils/__init__.py | 51 +-
sklearn/base.py | 2 +-
sklearn/calibration.py | 43 +-
sklearn/cluster/bicluster.py | 1 +
sklearn/cluster/k_means_.py | 25 +-
sklearn/cluster/setup.py | 26 +-
sklearn/covariance/graph_lasso_.py | 8 +-
sklearn/covariance/outlier_detection.py | 36 +-
sklearn/cross_decomposition/tests/test_pls.py | 3 +-
sklearn/cross_validation.py | 64 ++
sklearn/datasets/lfw.py | 22 +-
sklearn/datasets/mldata.py | 12 +-
sklearn/datasets/olivetti_faces.py | 2 +-
sklearn/datasets/samples_generator.py | 20 +-
sklearn/datasets/setup.py | 2 +-
sklearn/datasets/species_distributions.py | 2 +-
sklearn/datasets/svmlight_format.py | 16 +-
sklearn/datasets/tests/test_20news.py | 18 +-
sklearn/datasets/tests/test_base.py | 8 +-
sklearn/datasets/twenty_newsgroups.py | 20 +-
sklearn/decomposition/dict_learning.py | 30 +-
sklearn/decomposition/nmf.py | 22 -
sklearn/decomposition/online_lda.py | 2 +-
sklearn/decomposition/pca.py | 19 +-
sklearn/decomposition/setup.py | 4 +-
sklearn/decomposition/tests/test_fastica.py | 3 +-
sklearn/decomposition/tests/test_nmf.py | 17 +-
sklearn/decomposition/tests/test_pca.py | 13 +
sklearn/decomposition/tests/test_truncated_svd.py | 2 +-
sklearn/decomposition/truncated_svd.py | 13 +-
sklearn/discriminant_analysis.py | 35 +-
sklearn/ensemble/base.py | 5 +
sklearn/ensemble/forest.py | 25 +-
sklearn/ensemble/gradient_boosting.py | 10 +-
sklearn/ensemble/iforest.py | 2 +-
sklearn/ensemble/partial_dependence.py | 11 +-
sklearn/ensemble/setup.py | 2 +-
sklearn/ensemble/tests/test_base.py | 26 +-
sklearn/ensemble/tests/test_gradient_boosting.py | 2 +-
.../tests/test_gradient_boosting_loss_functions.py | 3 +-
sklearn/externals/joblib/__init__.py | 138 ++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/_compat.py | 20 +
sklearn/externals/joblib/_memory_helpers.py | 105 +++
.../externals/joblib/_multiprocessing_helpers.py | 39 +
sklearn/externals/joblib/_parallel_backends.py | 360 ++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/disk.py | 106 +++
sklearn/externals/joblib/format_stack.py | 417 ++++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/func_inspect.py | 354 ++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/hashing.py | 262 ++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/logger.py | 157 ++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/memory.py | 918 +++++++++++++++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/my_exceptions.py | 112 +++
sklearn/externals/joblib/numpy_pickle.py | 577 +++++++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/numpy_pickle_compat.py | 239 ++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/numpy_pickle_utils.py | 623 ++++++++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/parallel.py | 783 ++++++++++++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/pool.py | 615 ++++++++++++++
sklearn/externals/joblib/testing.py | 93 +++
sklearn/feature_extraction/dict_vectorizer.py | 6 +-
sklearn/feature_extraction/setup.py | 2 +-
.../tests/test_feature_hasher.py | 7 +-
sklearn/feature_extraction/tests/test_image.py | 3 +-
sklearn/feature_extraction/tests/test_text.py | 26 +-
sklearn/feature_extraction/text.py | 24 +-
sklearn/feature_selection/from_model.py | 10 +-
sklearn/feature_selection/rfe.py | 17 +-
sklearn/feature_selection/tests/test_base.py | 2 +-
sklearn/feature_selection/tests/test_chi2.py | 2 +-
.../feature_selection/tests/test_feature_select.py | 51 +-
sklearn/feature_selection/tests/test_from_model.py | 14 +-
sklearn/feature_selection/tests/test_rfe.py | 29 +-
sklearn/feature_selection/univariate_selection.py | 6 +-
sklearn/gaussian_process/gaussian_process.py | 9 +-
sklearn/gaussian_process/gpc.py | 8 +-
sklearn/gaussian_process/gpr.py | 14 +-
.../tests/test_gaussian_process.py | 15 +-
sklearn/gaussian_process/tests/test_gpr.py | 4 +-
sklearn/grid_search.py | 19 +
sklearn/lda.py | 16 +-
sklearn/learning_curve.py | 24 +-
sklearn/linear_model/coordinate_descent.py | 15 +-
sklearn/linear_model/logistic.py | 103 +--
sklearn/linear_model/omp.py | 2 +-
sklearn/linear_model/ransac.py | 4 +-
sklearn/linear_model/ridge.py | 41 +-
sklearn/linear_model/sag.py | 4 +-
sklearn/linear_model/setup.py | 6 +-
.../linear_model/tests/test_coordinate_descent.py | 33 +
sklearn/linear_model/tests/test_least_angle.py | 13 +-
sklearn/linear_model/tests/test_logistic.py | 69 +-
sklearn/linear_model/tests/test_ridge.py | 19 +-
sklearn/linear_model/tests/test_sgd.py | 2 +-
sklearn/linear_model/tests/test_theil_sen.py | 5 +-
sklearn/manifold/locally_linear.py | 4 +-
sklearn/manifold/setup.py | 4 +-
sklearn/manifold/t_sne.py | 14 +-
sklearn/manifold/tests/test_locally_linear.py | 14 +-
sklearn/manifold/tests/test_mds.py | 2 +-
sklearn/manifold/tests/test_spectral_embedding.py | 8 +-
sklearn/manifold/tests/test_t_sne.py | 65 ++
sklearn/metrics/classification.py | 10 +-
sklearn/metrics/cluster/setup.py | 2 +-
sklearn/metrics/cluster/supervised.py | 16 +-
sklearn/metrics/cluster/tests/test_supervised.py | 10 +-
sklearn/metrics/pairwise.py | 11 +-
sklearn/metrics/ranking.py | 6 +-
sklearn/metrics/regression.py | 13 +-
sklearn/metrics/setup.py | 2 +-
sklearn/metrics/tests/test_common.py | 37 +-
sklearn/metrics/tests/test_pairwise.py | 30 +
sklearn/mixture/base.py | 10 +-
sklearn/mixture/bayesian_mixture.py | 2 +-
sklearn/mixture/dpgmm.py | 19 +-
sklearn/mixture/gaussian_mixture.py | 10 +-
sklearn/mixture/gmm.py | 9 +
sklearn/mixture/tests/test_gaussian_mixture.py | 18 +-
sklearn/mixture/tests/test_gmm.py | 6 +-
sklearn/model_selection/_search.py | 15 +-
sklearn/model_selection/_split.py | 71 +-
sklearn/model_selection/_validation.py | 18 +-
sklearn/model_selection/tests/common.py | 23 +
sklearn/model_selection/tests/test_search.py | 75 +-
sklearn/model_selection/tests/test_split.py | 166 +++-
sklearn/model_selection/tests/test_validation.py | 122 ++-
sklearn/multiclass.py | 33 +-
sklearn/neighbors/dist_metrics.pyx | 21 +-
sklearn/neighbors/nearest_centroid.py | 2 +-
sklearn/neighbors/regression.py | 2 +-
sklearn/neighbors/setup.py | 8 +-
sklearn/neighbors/tests/test_dist_metrics.py | 28 +-
sklearn/neighbors/unsupervised.py | 2 +-
sklearn/neural_network/multilayer_perceptron.py | 2 +-
sklearn/pipeline.py | 13 +-
sklearn/preprocessing/_function_transformer.py | 2 +-
sklearn/preprocessing/data.py | 16 +-
sklearn/preprocessing/label.py | 15 +-
.../tests/test_function_transformer.py | 30 +-
sklearn/preprocessing/tests/test_imputation.py | 41 +-
sklearn/preprocessing/tests/test_label.py | 4 +
sklearn/qda.py | 16 +-
.../tests/test_label_propagation.py | 4 +-
sklearn/setup.py | 15 +-
sklearn/svm/base.py | 2 +-
sklearn/svm/setup.py | 10 +-
sklearn/svm/tests/test_bounds.py | 11 +-
sklearn/svm/tests/test_sparse.py | 5 +-
sklearn/svm/tests/test_svm.py | 46 +-
sklearn/tests/test_calibration.py | 43 +-
sklearn/tests/test_common.py | 75 +-
sklearn/tests/test_discriminant_analysis.py | 18 +-
sklearn/tests/test_learning_curve.py | 27 +
sklearn/tests/test_multiclass.py | 43 +-
sklearn/tests/test_pipeline.py | 33 +-
sklearn/tree/_criterion.pxd | 1 +
sklearn/tree/_criterion.pyx | 9 +-
sklearn/tree/_tree.pyx | 3 +-
sklearn/tree/_utils.pyx | 4 +-
sklearn/tree/setup.py | 8 +-
sklearn/tree/tests/test_export.py | 5 +-
sklearn/tree/tests/test_tree.py | 138 +++-
sklearn/tree/tree.py | 173 ++--
sklearn/utils/_random.pyx | 16 +-
sklearn/utils/estimator_checks.py | 152 +++-
sklearn/utils/fixes.py | 21 +-
sklearn/utils/setup.py | 26 +-
sklearn/utils/sparsetools/setup.py | 12 +-
sklearn/utils/sparsetools/tests/test_traversal.py | 4 +-
sklearn/utils/testing.py | 54 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_bench.py | 2 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_estimator_checks.py | 19 +
sklearn/utils/tests/test_extmath.py | 4 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_fast_dict.py | 3 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_fixes.py | 23 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_metaestimators.py | 2 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_murmurhash.py | 2 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_seq_dataset.py | 4 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_testing.py | 3 +-
sklearn/utils/tests/test_validation.py | 4 +-
231 files changed, 9430 insertions(+), 1780 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/scikit-learn.git
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