[vtk6] branch master updated (344e3d3 -> 5ac5630)
Gert Wollny
gert-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Feb 2 16:38:00 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gert-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository vtk6.
from 344e3d3 Correct more Doxygen-latex
new 8834959 Add patch to fix race condition
new 654af2b Correct patch
new 99e3b50 Add vtk6-patch
new 59b9a69 Merge branch 'master' of git://git.debian.org/debian-science/packages/vtk6
new 4160836 Add gert wollny to uploaders
new 26db0e2 remove accidently added file
new 6ee30b9 Merge changes
new 60494bf apply th 97 patch because dpkg-source complains
new a7ecad1 Merge branch 'master' of git://git.debian.org/debian-science/packages/vtk6
new 5ac5630 apply net part of 97 patch because dpkg-source complains
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CMake/vtkModuleMacros.cmake | 4 +-
CMake/vtkTestFFMPEG.cmake | 4 +-
Common/Core/Testing/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
Common/Core/vtkAbstractArray.h | 2 +-
Common/Core/vtkLookupTable.cxx | 22 +++-
Common/Core/vtkLookupTable.h | 7 +-
Common/Core/vtkMath.h | 6 +-
Common/Core/vtkUnicodeString.cxx | 48 +++----
Examples/Infovis/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt | 5 -
Filters/ParallelMPI/vtkDistributedDataFilter.cxx | 48 +++++--
IO/Core/vtkUTF8TextCodec.cxx | 4 +-
IO/FFMPEG/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx | 20 +--
IO/GDAL/vtkGDALVectorReader.cxx | 12 ++
IO/SQL/vtkSQLiteDatabase.cxx | 22 ++--
IO/SQL/vtkSQLiteDatabase.h | 4 +-
IO/SQL/vtkSQLiteQuery.cxx | 144 ++++++++++-----------
IO/SQL/vtkSQLiteQuery.h | 4 +-
Parallel/MPI4Py/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
Parallel/MPI4Py/module.cmake | 2 -
.../Matplotlib/vtkMatplotlibMathTextUtilities.h | 4 +
Rendering/Tk/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
ThirdParty/sqlite/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +-
Utilities/Doxygen/doxyfile.in | 1 +
Wrapping/Tcl/vtkTkAppInit.cxx | 2 +
24 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/vtk6.git
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