February 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 1 03:29:54 UTC 2016
Ending: Mon Feb 29 21:49:56 UTC 2016
Messages: 3020
- [r-cran-lavaan] branch master updated (669950e -> 5455382)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-lavaan] 01/01: * debian/control: explicitly add r-cran-mnormt, r-cran-quadprog to Depends. Apparently these are missing from the auto-generated list. However, our DESCRIPTION has "Depends: R(>= 3.1.0), methods" and "Imports: stats4, stats, utils, graphics, MASS, mnormt, pbivnorm, quadprog". (Both packages listed in Depends _and_ Imports should be in our Depends:.) Thanks Daniel Oberski for reporting this.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-lavaan] branch master updated (5455382 -> b08860d)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-lavaan] 01/01: stuff to do
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-formatr] branch master updated (8bbe3a2 -> 4415064)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-formatr] 01/01: debian/copyright: add missing license of inst/shiny/*. Thanks Thorsten Alteholz.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-formatr] branch master updated (4415064 -> 0ba81f6)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-formatr] 01/01: ship it
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-formatr] annotated tag debian/1.2.1-3 created (now 9d53538)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-formatr] branch master updated (0ba81f6 -> 6beb444)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-formatr] 01/01: start next release
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch pristine-tar created (now c12874a)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch master created (now f2a29bc)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-markdown_0.7.7.orig.tar.gz
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] annotated tag upstream/0.7.7 created (now 3aa15c9)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch master updated (f2a29bc -> 8dd8d28)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 01/01: initial packaging attempt
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch master updated (8dd8d28 -> 6acc418)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 01/01: fix version
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch master updated (6acc418 -> 7684082)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 01/02: fix build depends
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 02/02: copyright completed
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch master updated (7684082 -> e5f8353)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 01/01: got ITP
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch master updated (e5f8353 -> 33008db)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 01/02: ship it
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 02/02: * debian/control: add remark about rmarkdown. Thanks Dirk Eddelbuettel.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] branch master updated (33008db -> c608d6f)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-markdown] 01/01: * debian/control: fix line length. * FIXME E: r-cran-markdown: privacy-breach-logo usr/lib/R/site-library/markdown/doc/markdown-output.html (http://cran.rstudio.com/rlogo.jpg) E: r-cran-markdown: privacy-breach-may-use-debian-package usr/lib/R/site-library/markdown/resources/mathjax.html You may use libjs-mathjax package. (https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/mathjax.js?config=tex-ams-mml_htmlormml)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (2a12953 -> ac4c87b)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] 01/01: this FIXME didnt need a fix here
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (ac4c87b -> 5114e87)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] 01/01: Fixes "mbtserver: FTBFS with timblserver 1.8". Thanks Andreas Beckmann (Closes: #813444).
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (5114e87 -> 52da158)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] 01/01: ship it
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] annotated tag debian/0.9-1 created (now 20e911f)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (52da158 -> 6c3eef5)
Joost van Baal
- [mbtserver] 01/01: start next release
Joost van Baal
- [frog] branch master updated (0fe318b -> 404612d)
Joost van Baal
- [frog] 01/01: debian/control: change Build-Depends "libfolia2-dev | libfolia-dev" into libfolia-dev (>= 0.13-1~).
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] branch master updated (479ad86 -> 0b289d5)
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] 01/01: resync autotools files with version as shipped by upstream
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] branch master updated (0b289d5 -> 895754e)
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] 01/01: * enable multiarch (WiP): - debian/control: change "Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7)" to more strict "Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.93~), debhelper (>= 8.1.3)" - debian/rules: Add DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --libdir=\$${prefix}/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) - debian/libfolia-dev.install, debian/libfolia3.install: change usr/lib to usr/lib/* Thanks https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation#cdbs_with_autotools_and_debhelper
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] branch master updated (895754e -> 578cd64)
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] 01/01: - debian/control: Package libfolia3 marked as Multi-Arch: same.
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] branch master updated (578cd64 -> 299615a)
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] 01/01: ship it
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] annotated tag debian/0.13-2 created (now d06c319)
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] branch master updated (299615a -> b88d0c1)
Joost van Baal
- [libfolia] 01/01: start next release
Joost van Baal
- [frog] branch master updated (404612d -> 92c01ac)
Joost van Baal
- [frog] 01/01: we probably need newer ucto...
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] branch master updated (a862338 -> 745ab45)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 01/03: resync with upstream
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 02/03: debian/control, debian/rules: use dh-autoreconf so that 'debian/rules clean' does what we want.
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 03/03: resync with upstream
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] branch master updated (745ab45 -> d6885cc)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 01/02: * enable multiarch: - debian/control: change "Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7)" to more strict "Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.93~), debhelper (>= 8.1.3)" - debian/rules: Add DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --libdir=\$${prefix}/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) - debian/libucto*.install: change usr/lib to usr/lib/* - debian/control: Package libucto2 marked as Multi-Arch: same. Thanks https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation section #cdbs_with_autotools_and_debhelper .
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 02/02: ship it
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] annotated tag debian/0.8.0-1 created (now 04bc1a9)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] branch master updated (d6885cc -> 9023577)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 01/01: start next release
Joost van Baal
- [frog] branch master updated (92c01ac -> f516f04)
Joost van Baal
- [frog] 01/01: * debian/control: change Build-Depends - "libtimblserver3-dev | libtimblserver-dev" into "libtimblserver4-dev", - "libfolia2-dev | libfolia-dev" into libfolia-dev (>= 0.13-1~), - "libticcutils2-dev | libticcutils-dev" into "libticcutils2-dev (>= 0.5)", - "libucto2-dev | libucto-dev" into "libucto-dev (>= 0.8.0)".
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] branch master updated (9023577 -> f63c5ba)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 01/01: more bugs to squash
Joost van Baal
- [frog] branch master updated (f516f04 -> eaebdf4)
Joost van Baal
- [frog] 01/01: debian/control: In the default configuration, frog attempts to use the ucto tokenizer, and gives a cryptic error message when it is not found. Therefore: add "Recommends: ucto" to Package frog. Thanks Andreas van Cranenburgh (Closes: #734151).
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] branch master updated (3f79754 -> d2df37a)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/01: fixme
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] branch master updated (d2df37a -> d174a87)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/01: debian/control, debian/copyright: Upstream has moved from Tilburg to Nijmegen: Homepage moved from http://ilk.uvt.nl/mbt/ to http://languagemachines.github.io/mbt/; add new upstream contact lamasoftware (at) science.ru.nl to copyright.
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] branch master updated (f63c5ba -> f992979)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 01/01: debian/control, debian/copyright: Upstream has moved from Tilburg to Nijmegen: Homepage moved from http://ilk.uvt.nl/ucto/ to http://languagemachines.github.io/ucto/; adjusted description.
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] branch master updated (d174a87 -> ab33bd3)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/02: debian/control, debian/rules: use dh-autoreconf so that 'debian/rules clean' does what we want.
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 02/02: * config.guess config.sub configure: track these files since they're shipped in upstream tarball.
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] annotated tag debian/3.2.12-2 created (now bb0ec77)
Joost van Baal
- [frog] annotated tag debian/0.12.20-1 created (now 8ff3766)
Joost van Baal
- [frog] branch master updated (eaebdf4 -> 66fcef3)
Joost van Baal
- [frog] 01/01: UNRELEASED
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] branch master updated (ab33bd3 -> 71a35ac)
Joost van Baal
- [mbt] 01/01: oops...
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] branch master updated (f992979 -> dd41f7a)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 01/02: debian/control: add Replaces, Breaks: ucto (<< 0.5.5-1) to Package libucto2, in order to properly deal with the move of /etc/ucto in 0.5.5-1. Fixes "libucto2: fails to upgrade from 'sid' - trying to overwrite /etc/ucto/tokconfig-en", thanks Andreas Beckmann (Closes: #782103).
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 02/02: ship it
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] annotated tag debian/0.8.0-2 created (now d9187de)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] branch master updated (dd41f7a -> 775bd0e)
Joost van Baal
- [ucto] 01/01: * debian/TODO: obsolete, removed.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] branch master updated (4356267 -> 7f71032)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] 01/01: * debian/control: fix typo in Depends: libyaml-0.2 -> libyaml-0-2.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] branch master updated (7f71032 -> aa51e53)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] 01/01: revert a previous bogus commit on upstream sources
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] branch master updated (aa51e53 -> 943e398)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] 01/01: debian/control: reformat extended description (thanks lintian).
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] branch master updated (943e398 -> bd541e3)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] 01/01: ship it
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] branch master updated (bd541e3 -> 1ed4bb8)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] 01/01: revert a previous bogus commit on upstream sources
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] annotated tag debian/2.1.13-4 created (now ff3f0ed)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] branch master updated (1ed4bb8 -> 1a88c07)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-yaml] 01/01: uploaded, start next release\
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-httpuv] branch master updated (9cb4c84 -> 1eb9f8c)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-httpuv] 01/01: debian/control: add missing Build-Depends r-cran-rcpp. Fixes "FTBFS: dependency 'Rcpp' is not available". Thanks Aaron M. Ucko and Chris Lamb. Closes: #814720, #814878
Joost van Baal
- [timblserver] branch master updated (d906007 -> e888350)
Andreas Beckmann
- [timblserver] 01/04: prepare NMU, upload to unstable
Andreas Beckmann
- [timblserver] 02/04: provide virtual libtimblserver-dev
Andreas Beckmann
- [timblserver] annotated tag debian/1.8-1.1 created (now 0c0eff5)
Andreas Beckmann
- [timblserver] 03/04: unapplied autofoo changes
Andreas Beckmann
- [timblserver] 04/04: use dh_autoreconf
Andreas Beckmann
- [hkl] branch master updated (973a0cd -> 34883d8)
Andreas Beckmann
- [hkl] annotated tag debian/ created (now cbf5e09)
Andreas Beckmann
- [hkl] 01/03: update build dependencies for GSL 2.x
Andreas Beckmann
- [hkl] 02/03: finalize changelog for hkl (
Andreas Beckmann
- [hkl] 03/03: actually close the gsl-2 bug
Andreas Beckmann
- [mpria] branch master updated (113b7a1 -> df86ea1)
Jerome Benoit
- [mpria] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.7.3'
Jerome Benoit
- [mpria] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.7.3-1
Jerome Benoit
- [mpria] branch pristine-tar updated (c776eae -> 9e88bc1)
Jerome Benoit
- [mpria] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mpria_0.7.3.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [mpria] annotated tag upstream/0.7.3 created (now eff4d35)
Jerome Benoit
- [apophenia] branch master updated (a0e7d4a -> 95ae3de)
Jerome Benoit
- [apophenia] 01/04: debianization: refreshment
Jerome Benoit
- [apophenia] 02/04: RC #793998 - tests/distribution_tests [2] - fix
Jerome Benoit
- [apophenia] 03/04: upstream source: typo correction
Jerome Benoit
- [apophenia] 04/04: debianization: build-arch/build-indep scheme: harden
Jerome Benoit
- [apophenia] tag debian/1.0+ds-2 created (now 95ae3de)
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] branch master updated (347cadc -> b9c2f6b)
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] 01/03: Debianization: update: new upstream website
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] branch pristine-tar updated (6eb7f6c -> 28624bb)
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.0+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] 03/03: Debian patch 3.1.0+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] 01/01: pristine-tar data for normaliz_3.1.0+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] annotated tag upstream/3.1.0+ds created (now 2d8e473)
Jerome Benoit
- [normaliz] tag debian/3.1.0+ds-1 created (now b9c2f6b)
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] branch master updated (3063b3d -> 3e24e9a)
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] 01/04: Debianization: harden debian/repack
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.3'
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.3+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] branch pristine-tar updated (f40d369 -> 8afca08)
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] 04/04: Imported Debian patch 4.0.3+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] 01/02: pristine-tar data for singular_4.0.3.orig.tar.gz
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] 02/02: pristine-tar data for singular_4.0.3+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] annotated tag upstream/4.0.3 created (now be177de)
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] annotated tag upstream/4.0.3+ds created (now 6db9b93)
Jerome Benoit
- [singular] tag debian/4.0.3+ds-1 created (now 3e24e9a)
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] branch master updated (f8e9b2b -> 1605852)
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] branch pristine-tar updated (2484ceb -> 57174f7)
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] 01/04: Imported Debian pre-patch 11.3.1+ds-0
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/11.3.1'
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/11.3.1+ds'
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] 04/04: Imported Debian patch 11.3.1+ds-1
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] 01/02: pristine-tar data for gap-openmath_11.3.1.orig.tar.bz2
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] 02/02: pristine-tar data for gap-openmath_11.3.1+ds.orig.tar.bz2
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] annotated tag upstream/11.3.1+ds created (now bacbc5c)
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] annotated tag upstream/11.3.1 created (now aff2e24)
Jerome Benoit
- [gap-openmath] tag debian/11.3.1+ds-1 created (now 1605852)
Jerome Benoit
- [dune-common] annotated tag debian/2.4.1.rc2-1 created (now 54f341b)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] 01/03: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream release candidate.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] 02/03: Refresh patch.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] 03/03: changelog for 2.4.1~rc2-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] branch master updated (6492fe0 -> 7ad5fce)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] annotated tag debian/2.4.1.rc2-1 created (now ed1074c)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] 01/04: (Build-)Depend on last dune-common upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] 02/04: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream release candidate.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] 03/04: Mark libdune-geometry-doc as Multi-Arch: foreign.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] 04/04: changelog for 2.4.1~rc2-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] branch master updated (70bd1cd -> 86204e8)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] annotated tag debian/2.4.1.rc2-1 created (now 2b6fbd3)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] 01/04: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream release candidate.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] 02/04: (Build-)Depend on last dune-common release.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] 03/04: Mark packages as Multi-Arch: foreign.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] 04/04: changelog for 2.4.1~rc2-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] branch master updated (e1b241d -> 98f7750)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] annotated tag debian/2.4.1.rc2-1 created (now c10e039)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] 01/03: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream release candidate.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] 02/03: (Build-)Depend on last DUNE upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] 03/03: changelog for 2.4.1~rc2-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] branch master updated (ad53ab0 -> 2afb5fd)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] annotated tag debian/2.4.1.rc2-1 created (now 408760e)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] 01/05: Drop backported patches.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] 02/05: (Build-)Depend on last DUNE upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] 03/05: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream release candidate.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] 04/05: Mark libdune-grid-dev as Multi-Arch: same.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] 05/05: changelog for 2.4.1~rc2-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] branch master updated (f82e74e -> f487b6d)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] annotated tag debian/2.4.1.rc1-1 created (now 38a681e)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] 01/04: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream release candidate.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] 02/04: (Build-)Depend on last dune-common upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] 03/04: Mark packages as Multi-Arch: foreign.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] 04/04: changelog for 2.4.1~rc1-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] branch master updated (e01e093 -> f7d3a65)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] annotated tag debian/2.4.1-1 created (now e4b9b06)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] 01/02: Mark libdune-common-dev as Multi-Arch: same.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] 02/02: changelog for 2.4.1-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-common] branch master updated (7ad5fce -> 9a3ee15)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] annotated tag debian/2.4.1-1 created (now 23241cc)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] 01/03: Mark libdune-geometry-dev as Multi-Arch: same.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] 02/03: (Build-)Depend on last dune-common upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] 03/03: changelog for 2.4.1-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-geometry] branch master updated (86204e8 -> 0b0be43)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] annotated tag debian/2.4.1-1 created (now 2fa001d)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] 01/02: (Build-)Depend on last dune-common release.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] 02/02: changelog for 2.4.1-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-istl] branch master updated (98f7750 -> 1dbc9ea)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] annotated tag debian/2.4.1-1 created (now 68969c0)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] 01/02: (Build-)Depend on last DUNE upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] 02/02: changelog for 2.4.1-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-localfunctions] branch master updated (2afb5fd -> 487532e)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] annotated tag debian/2.4.1-1 created (now 522f08a)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] 01/02: (Build-)Depend on last DUNE upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] 02/02: changelog for 2.4.1-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-grid] branch master updated (f487b6d -> ddcfdaa)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] annotated tag debian/2.4.1.rc1-2 created (now 5999285)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] 01/02: (Build-)Depend on last dune-common upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] 02/02: changelog for 2.4.1~rc1-2
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-typetree] branch master updated (f7d3a65 -> c1edc9a)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-pdelab] annotated tag debian/2.4.20160225g3614fe8-1 created (now ba98b2c)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-pdelab] 01/04: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream snapshot.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-pdelab] 02/04: (Build-)Depend on last DUNE upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-pdelab] 03/04: Mark libdune-pdelab-dev as Multi-Arch: same.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-pdelab] 04/04: changelog for 2.4~20160225g3614fe8-1
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-pdelab] branch master updated (faffaad -> 23dcb67)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-functions] branch master updated (b7581f8 -> fac0ee7)
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-functions] 01/03: debian/copyright: Update for new upstream snapshot.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-functions] 02/03: (Build-)Depend on last DUNE upload.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [dune-functions] 03/03: debian/changelog: Update version to current Git snapshot.
Ansgar Burchardt
- [polyml] branch master updated (b265ca5 -> d767a73)
James Clarke
- [polyml] 01/09: Change to upstream's soft float fixes
James Clarke
- [polyml] 02/09: Updated patches to refer to upstream's merge
James Clarke
- [polyml] 03/09: Only link against required libraries
James Clarke
- [polyml] 04/09: Mark polyexport.o as CPIC on MIPS when code is position-independent
James Clarke
- [polyml] 05/09: Define unixConstVec as unsigned
James Clarke
- [polyml] 06/09: Backport fix for --script with additional arguments
James Clarke
- [polyml] 07/09: Backport GC ratio fix
James Clarke
- [polyml] 08/09: Backport using POLYUNSIGNED consistently for stream IDs
James Clarke
- [polyml] 09/09: Release 5.6-2
James Clarke
- [polyml] annotated tag debian/5.6-2 created (now 806fca8)
James Clarke
- [apertium-dan] branch master updated (1b8595e -> 035dec3)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.3.0~r65282
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] branch upstream updated (7c9fbc8 -> c59594b)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] branch pristine-tar updated (eec6cc6 -> 250d42e)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.3.0~r65282-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-dan_0.3.0~r65282.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] annotated tag debian/0.3.0_r65282-1 created (now 26e7514)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] annotated tag upstream/0.3.0_r65282 created (now 4498060)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] branch master updated (2e91841 -> 28d3aeb)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.5.0~r65282
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] branch pristine-tar updated (1732c15 -> fab60c4)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] branch upstream updated (416de77 -> f6d7ec7)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.5.0~r65282-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-nno_0.5.0~r65282.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] annotated tag upstream/0.5.0_r65282 created (now 84a64e8)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] annotated tag debian/0.5.0_r65282-1 created (now 7537408)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] branch master updated (26990f8 -> b913b4d)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.5.1~r65301
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.5.1~r65301-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] branch pristine-tar updated (578f194 -> 8c663f2)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] branch upstream updated (34cb2f9 -> 700ef66)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-nob_0.5.1~r65301.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] annotated tag upstream/0.5.1_r65301 created (now bbb0489)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] annotated tag debian/0.5.1_r65301-1 created (now 29ef35f)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan-nor] branch pristine-tar updated (60b6586 -> 57bceb9)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan-nor] branch master updated (ec5de23 -> b9d90ae)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan-nor] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.2.2~r65301-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan-nor] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-dan-nor_1.2.2~r65301.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan-nor] annotated tag upstream/1.2.2_r65301 created (now 44b3559)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan-nor] annotated tag debian/1.2.2_r65301-1 created (now 6c213ce)
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (f36d105 -> 64da49e)
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] 01/02: Fix timestamp and email
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] 02/02: Fix timestamp and email
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (64da49e -> c50e421)
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Fix hyphen-used-as-minus-sign
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] branch master updated (035dec3 -> 0f2b3cb)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] 01/01: Nix lib
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] branch master updated (28d3aeb -> 30392e9)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] 01/01: Nix lib
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] branch master updated (b913b4d -> 9595bf8)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] 01/01: Nix lib
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (c4c0025 -> 6a4286a)
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] 01/02: Override hardening-no-fortify-functions and no-symbols-control-file
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] 02/02: Remove pre-dh9-style hardening
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (6a4286a -> ae2a810)
Tino Didriksen
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Split overrides
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch master updated (dcd5035 -> 2127f13)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/02: Remove old-style hardening; Override hardening-no-fortify-functions and no-symbols-control-file
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 02/02: Remove old-style hardening; Override hardening-no-fortify-functions and no-symbols-control-file
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (3eaec7b -> c57f394)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.4.0~r4643
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.4.0~r4643-1
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch pristine-tar updated (1f48e56 -> c9f8ad9)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: pristine-tar data for hfst-ospell_0.4.0~r4643.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch upstream updated (9bf417f -> 82377ae)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] annotated tag debian/0.4.0_r4643-1 created (now 6786fcf)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] annotated tag upstream/0.4.0_r4643 created (now 5a4adfd)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] branch master updated (0f2b3cb -> 714c3e0)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.3.0~r65318
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] branch upstream updated (c59594b -> b3f4f99)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] branch pristine-tar updated (250d42e -> 22a430b)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.3.0~r65318-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-dan_0.3.0~r65318.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] annotated tag debian/0.3.0_r65318-1 created (now 1154a95)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-dan] annotated tag upstream/0.3.0_r65318 created (now ac50f38)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] branch master updated (30392e9 -> 442f765)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.5.0~r65328
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.5.0~r65328-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] branch pristine-tar updated (fab60c4 -> cbe58e5)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] branch upstream updated (f6d7ec7 -> e719b0d)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-nno_0.5.0~r65328.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] annotated tag debian/0.5.0_r65328-1 created (now 0cf450d)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nno] annotated tag upstream/0.5.0_r65328 created (now 8b1ff85)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] branch master updated (9595bf8 -> 33bbf83)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.5.1~r65328
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] branch pristine-tar updated (8c663f2 -> 39d6f30)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.5.1~r65328-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] branch upstream updated (700ef66 -> 9cecdb9)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-nob_0.5.1~r65328.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] annotated tag debian/0.5.1_r65328-1 created (now 510cfea)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-nob] annotated tag upstream/0.5.1_r65328 created (now ef3c971)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch master updated (3e8e985 -> 165543a)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/01: SWIG part no longer supports Python2; Let autotools generate files
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch master updated (165543a -> 2d948bf)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/01: That ;
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch master updated (2d948bf -> ef1a865)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/01: Still need generate
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] branch master created (now 879d633)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.1.1~r129227
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] branch pristine-tar created (now e4180b4)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.1.1~r129227-1
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] branch upstream created (now 2294cb2)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] 01/01: pristine-tar data for giella-core_0.1.1~r129227.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] annotated tag upstream/0.1.1_r129227 created (now 86f523f)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] annotated tag debian/0.1.1_r129227-1 created (now 26ccae6)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] branch master created (now 9b43d0c)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] annotated tag debian/0.0.20150917_r129253-1 created (now 25f5bc7)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] annotated tag upstream/0.0.20150917_r129253 created (now 1f5701e)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] branch master created (now b829674)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.6.0~r65146
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] branch pristine-tar created (now 6f9ab28)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] branch upstream created (now 142dfbd)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.6.0~r65146-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-sme-nob_0.6.0~r65146.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] annotated tag upstream/0.6.0_r65146 created (now 90c5b58)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-sme-nob] annotated tag debian/0.6.0_r65146-1 created (now 69e25b7)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] branch master updated (51d9061 -> 40ed419)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-core] 01/01: GPLv2+ -> GPLv3+
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] branch master updated (7734b62 -> 9c8202d)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] 01/02: GPLv2+ -> GPLv3+
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] 02/02: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/giella-sme
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch master updated (ef1a865 -> d8a308e)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/01: HTTPS yields 404
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] branch master updated (4b101b4 -> c3c9348)
Tino Didriksen
- [giella-sme] 01/01: Post-build remove lib/ references; Use C.UTF-8 for building
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] branch master created (now 491dff8)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] branch pristine-tar created (now c3addb7)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~r65787
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 1.0.0~r65787-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] branch upstream created (now 8d17762)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-cat_1.0.0~r65787.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_r65787-1 created (now 29bcf41)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_r65787 created (now 256bc13)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra-cat] branch pristine-tar updated (7a8a550 -> bc3d6c0)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra-cat] branch master updated (6e64c09 -> 04f8de8)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra-cat] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 1.1.0~r64309-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra-cat] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-fra-cat_1.1.0~r64309.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra-cat] annotated tag upstream/1.1.0_r64309 created (now b2c7dee)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra-cat] annotated tag debian/1.1.0_r64309-1 created (now a4a18a2)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] branch master created (now e06353b)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] branch pristine-tar created (now 7ee3008)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~r65786
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 1.0.0~r65786-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] branch upstream created (now ce0f037)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-fra_1.0.0~r65786.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_r65786 created (now 1c1c2fc)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-fra] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_r65786-1 created (now f73d4e6)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (4bc5101 -> cadef82)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Disable tests as they're non-portable anyway
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (7a418f1 -> 0d85a74)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Upstream says tests should work as long as it's not a parallel build
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (27d9d63 -> ee4316d)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Tests did not work at -j1
Tino Didriksen
- [mathgl] branch master updated (5a56ae6 -> d5f55e1)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 2.3.4
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.4'
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] annotated tag upstream/2.3.4 created (now f2a3dc7)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] branch pristine-tar updated (7ebf060 -> c145ebf)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mathgl_2.3.4.orig.tar.gz
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] branch master updated (d5f55e1 -> b0a867f)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] 01/02: Disable C++11 features
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] 02/02: Correct day field in d/changelog
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [mathgl] annotated tag debian/2.3.4-1 created (now 2f1c5d2)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] branch master updated (7a40cdc -> 329052f)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/3.40'
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 02/04: Update d/changelog
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/3.44'
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 04/04: Update d/changelog
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] branch pristine-tar updated (194ceb5 -> f85104d)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 01/02: pristine-tar data for freefem++_3.40.orig.tar.gz
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 02/02: pristine-tar data for freefem++_3.44.orig.tar.gz
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] annotated tag debian/3.44-1 created (now afbcb18)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] annotated tag upstream/3.44 created (now fc31f34)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] annotated tag upstream/3.40 created (now e17bcf5)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] branch master updated (329052f -> cfb24d3)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 01/01: Remove all patches
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] branch master updated (cfb24d3 -> 03d7858)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 01/02: Run debuild clean
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 02/02: Disable package download from the internet
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] annotated tag debian/3.44-1 updated (afbcb18 -> 5814965)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] branch master updated (03d7858 -> 1ba2176)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 01/01: Restore two patches
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] annotated tag debian/3.44-1 updated (5814965 -> 2d40373)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] branch master updated (1ba2176 -> e90deaf)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 01/02: Run cme fix dpkg and replace patch headers
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] 02/02: Update d/changelog
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [freefempp] annotated tag debian/3.44-1 updated (2d40373 -> 9ca13fb)
Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos
- [calculix-cgx] branch master updated (b24b353 -> 4cd16f5)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 01/05: Updated patch files - Additional spelling error removed
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 02/05: Added repacksuffix to to d/watch Added Files-Excluded to d/copyright
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 03/05: Add encrypted transport protocol for Vcs-* field
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 04/05: Corrected copyright entry for netgen/ng_vol.cpp
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 05/05: Corrected dfsg-version
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] branch pristine-tar updated (89aaee9 -> 49f3b57)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 01/01: pristine-tar data for calculix-cgx_2.9+dfsg.orig.tar.bz2
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] annotated tag upstream/2.9.dfsg deleted (was bf84dd8)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] annotated tag upstream/2.9+dfsg created (now bf84dd8)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] branch master updated (a6e495a -> ca88989)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx-doc] 01/01: Using encrypted transport protocol for URI in Vcs-* field
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] branch master updated (4cd16f5 -> ca5fa06)
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [calculix-cgx] 01/01: Corrected errors in d/README.source
Wolfgang Fütterer
- [r-cran-rnetcdf] branch master updated (88bcdf3 -> f9562ed)
Sebastian Gibb
- [r-cran-rnetcdf] 01/06: New upstream version 1.8-2
Sebastian Gibb
- [r-cran-rnetcdf] 02/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.8-2'
Sebastian Gibb
- [r-cran-rnetcdf] 03/06: debian/changelog: update to new version 1.8-2-1
Sebastian Gibb
- [r-cran-rnetcdf] 04/06: update quilt hardining patch
Sebastian Gibb
- [r-cran-rnetcdf] 05/06: debian/control: use https in Vcs-Git/Vcs-Browser
Sebastian Gibb
- [r-cran-rnetcdf] 06/06: debian/control: set Standards-Version: 3.9.7
Sebastian Gibb
- [vtk6] branch master updated (d095f9f -> 7178aa5)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] 01/01: d/patched/96 Fix race condition in vtkLookupTableMapdata.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch 5.0v2 created (now a968f74)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 01/07: Exclude some more files from the source.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 02/07: Disable MobileRemoteControl plugin
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 03/07: Add lebxdmf-dev to build-depends.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 04/07: Update patches, remove applied by upstream.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 05/07: Update patch description.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 06/07: Update install-files.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 07/07: Tiny changes in d/rules.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch 5.0v2 updated (a968f74 -> 3186f9b)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 01/01: Use packaged version of some libs instead of embedded.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch master updated (d3cc777 -> d2d5cc4)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch pristine-tar updated (291d9e4 -> daa463c)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 01/01: pristine-tar data for paraview_5.0.0+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch 5.0v2 deleted (was 3186f9b)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch master updated (d2d5cc4 -> b45c967)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 01/02: Add some more python-deps.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch 5.0 created (now 35ac4b9)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 01/01: 1
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch 5.0v2 created (now bc218e9)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 01/12: Exclude some more files from the source.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 02/12: Disable MobileRemoteControl plugin
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 03/12: Add lebxdmf-dev to build-depends.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 04/12: Update patches, remove applied by upstream.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 05/12: Update patch description.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 06/12: Update install-files.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 07/12: Tiny changes in d/rules.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 08/12: Use packaged version of some libs instead of embedded.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 09/12: Remove doc-base file
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 10/12: Use DEP3 for utf8-patch.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 11/12: Update d/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] 12/12: Update d/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch 5.0 deleted (was 35ac4b9)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] branch 5.0v2 deleted (was bc218e9)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] annotated tag debian/5.0.0+dfsg1-1 created (now 1d5893d)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] annotated tag upstream/5.0.0+dfsg1 created (now 965ba9d)
Anton Gladky
- [paraview] annotated tag debian/5.0.0+dfsg1-2 created (now 910020c)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] branch master updated (0389666 -> 3bf2478)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] 01/01: Add allow-stderr to autopkgtest. (Closes: #767338)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] branch master updated (483cbe6 -> e372fa2)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 01/04: Fix build-test. (Closes: #813814)
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 02/04: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 03/04: Fix autopkgtest.
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [esys-particle] annotated tag debian/2.3.3+dfsg1-2 created (now df48d03)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] branch master updated (d7dde66 -> eb3be83)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] branch pristine-tar updated (895436c -> 44b2b01)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.3+dfsg1'
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 02/06: Update patches.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 03/06: Fix format not a string error.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 04/06: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 05/06: Add Provides-section for gnuplot4. Prepare for gnuplot4 removal.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 06/06: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 01/01: pristine-tar data for gnuplot5_5.0.3+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] annotated tag upstream/5.0.3+dfsg1 created (now 6f82b2d)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] annotated tag debian/5.0.3+dfsg1-1 created (now 68d3ace)
Anton Gladky
- [freecad] branch jessie-backports updated (918d1cf -> 63b439e)
Anton Gladky
- [freecad] 01/02: Merge.
Anton Gladky
- [freecad] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [freecad] annotated tag debian/0.15.4671+dfsg1-4_bpo8+1 created (now 5ce8705)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] branch master updated (571d277 -> 782b4ea)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 01/07: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20160122.git1fe4786'
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 02/07: Refresh patches.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 03/07: Add python-moko as Depends.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 04/07: Minor fix in d/rules.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] branch pristine-tar updated (15ed656 -> dbd5956)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 05/07: Apply cme fix dpkg.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 06/07: Drop site.py. (Closes: #801902)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 07/07: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pysph_0~20160122.git1fe4786.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] annotated tag upstream/0_20160122.git1fe4786 created (now d19eef1)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] annotated tag debian/0_20160122.git1fe4786-1 created (now 9d4a3df)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] branch master updated (3bf2478 -> 548ebf8)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] 01/02: Set JVM max memory to 1024m.
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] annotated tag debian/6.2.0+dfsg1-8 created (now 5b2b792)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] branch master updated (eb3be83 -> 546f2ab)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 01/02: Revert previous "provides-option". (Closes: #814415)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] annotated tag debian/5.0.3+dfsg1-2 created (now 760f534)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] branch master updated (548ebf8 -> 42b4281)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] 01/02: Add hppa x32 to architecture list. (Closes: #814689)'
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] 02/02: Use "any" for the list of archs.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] branch master updated (2134f03 -> 12f7e32)
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 01/03: Fix warning in newer matplotlib.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 02/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 03/03: Add missing patch.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] annotated tag debian/1.20.0-7 created (now 1b3b088)
Anton Gladky
- [gazebo] branch master updated (3f6cb22 -> b15a558)
Anton Gladky
- [gazebo] 01/01: Join unreleased gazebo versions in d/changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] branch jessie-backports updated (46d47fc -> ab25399)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 01/02: Merge.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] annotated tag debian/5.0.3+dfsg1-2_bpo8+1 created (now 64a5437)
Anton Gladky
- [gazebo] branch master updated (b15a558 -> 5c1076d)
Anton Gladky
- [gazebo] 01/01: Fix d/copyright, drop lintian-override.
Anton Gladky
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (418fb37 -> ef795b6)
Anton Gladky
- [urdfdom] 01/02: Add python-pkg-resources to build-depends.
Anton Gladky
- [urdfdom] 02/02: Apply "cme fix dpkg"
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] branch master updated (546f2ab -> efc7700)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 01/04: Update d/watch.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/5.0.3+dfsg2'
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 03/04: Remove patch, applied by upstrem.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 04/04: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] branch pristine-tar updated (44b2b01 -> 39a76c0)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] 01/01: pristine-tar data for gnuplot5_5.0.3+dfsg2.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] annotated tag upstream/5.0.3+dfsg2 created (now 5cae7cf)
Anton Gladky
- [gnuplot5] annotated tag debian/5.0.3+dfsg2-1 created (now 1ca938d)
Anton Gladky
- [gerris] branch master updated (3fd277a -> 43c738d)
Anton Gladky
- [gerris] 01/01: Fix compiler in build_function. (Closes: #815824)
Anton Gladky
- [openfoam] branch master created (now 36684a0)
Anton Gladky
- [openfoam] branch pristine-tar created (now 3445e2c)
Anton Gladky
- [openfoam] 01/01: Initial debian-dir.
Anton Gladky
- [openfoam] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openfoam_3.0.0.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [openfoam] annotated tag upstream/3.0.0 created (now 173f7f9)
Anton Gladky
- [gerris] branch master updated (43c738d -> df2b8a9)
Anton Gladky
- [gerris] 01/01: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [gerris] annotated tag debian/20131206+dfsg-7 created (now 5fdfad9)
Anton Gladky
- [libticcutils] branch master updated (e0ec680 -> 6ae0def)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] 01/01: homepage update
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] branch master updated (6ae0def -> 90b484f)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] 01/01: homepage update
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] branch master updated (b88d0c1 -> 12117cb)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] 01/01: Website update
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] branch master updated (66fcef3 -> fc7cedd)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/01: Website update
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (6c3eef5 -> 4d7cb14)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 01/01: Website URL
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] branch master updated (e888350 -> 03327c4)
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 01/01: Website URL
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] branch master updated (90b484f -> 67e1f01)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] 01/01: updated debian/watch to github
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] branch master updated (12117cb -> dc84c41)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] 01/01: debian/watch update (now pointing to github)
Maarten van Gompel
- [ucto] branch master updated (775bd0e -> 8ba6909)
Maarten van Gompel
- [ucto] 01/02: debian/watch: pointing to github releases now
Maarten van Gompel
- [ucto] 02/02: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/ucto
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] branch master updated (67e1f01 -> ed2b399)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libticcutils] 01/01: cleanup
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] branch master updated (dc84c41 -> 7be1beb)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] 01/01: cleanup
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] branch master updated (03327c4 -> e33c208)
Maarten van Gompel
- [timblserver] 01/01: debian/watch: updated to point to github (v1.10 ready there)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] branch master updated (71a35ac -> 59f92d8)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbt] 01/01: debian/watch: updated to point to github (version 3.2.15 ready there)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] branch master updated (4d7cb14 -> c25a821)
Maarten van Gompel
- [mbtserver] 01/01: debian/watch: pointing to github now
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] branch master updated (fc7cedd -> 7ee25d2)
Maarten van Gompel
- [frog] 01/01: debian/watch: pointing to github now (v0.13 ready there)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] branch master updated (7be1beb -> 7849a6b)
Maarten van Gompel
- [libfolia] 01/01: No 0.14-1 release yet, use 0.13-3
Maarten van Gompel
- [3depict] branch master updated (da27f0e -> 6f23c66)
D Haley
- [3depict] 01/02: * Remove menu per lintian (CTTE decision to downgrade menu) * Add dh_autoreconf to control
D Haley
- [3depict] 02/02: * Lintian fix : Don't redefine copyright section
D Haley
- [3depict] branch master updated (6f23c66 -> df184c7)
D Haley
- [3depict] 01/01: * Update changelog
D Haley
- [3depict] branch master updated (df184c7 -> c9a1686)
D Haley
- [3depict] 01/02: * Add patch from upstream 0.0.18 to upstream hg repo 212d6e1e6b14
D Haley
- [3depict] 02/02: build-commit Mon Feb 8 03:03:03 CET 2016
D Haley
- [cddlib] branch master updated (4965731 -> a2dbc4b)
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 094h
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/094h'
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] 03/03: Add new changelog entry.
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] branch master updated (a2dbc4b -> 72de1b6)
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] 01/02: Define transitional dummy package libcdd-test.
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] 02/02: Update changelog.
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] annotated tag upstream/094h created (now dd5dc13)
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] branch pristine-tar updated (74075b3 -> 092f941)
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] 01/01: pristine-tar data for cddlib_094h.orig.tar.gz
Tobias Hansen
- [cddlib] annotated tag debian/094h-1 created (now d2f28a5)
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] branch master updated (6bf2ad4 -> a37fb8c)
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 01/11: Rename source package to brial.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 02/11: Merge tag 'upstream/'
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 03/11: Delete most of old rules file.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 04/11: Deactivate two old patches.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 05/11: Remove build-depends scons, add dh-autoreconf.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 06/11: Call dh --with python2 correctly.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] branch pristine-tar updated (b9c7760 -> 7b4e83b)
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 07/11: Change .install files for renamed libraries.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 08/11: Remove packages polybori and polybori-gui.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 09/11: Remove package polybori-doc.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 10/11: Rename library packages and fix dh_strip override.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 11/11: Fix some stuff.
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] 01/01: pristine-tar data for brial_0.8.4.3.orig.tar.bz2
Tobias Hansen
- [polybori] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 6de1484)
Tobias Hansen
- [aster] branch master updated (1d898a7 -> a374c67)
Graham Inggs
- [aster] 01/01: Prepare for upload
Graham Inggs
- [aster] annotated tag debian/11.5.0+dfsg2-4 created (now ac7e9ef)
Graham Inggs
- [sagemath] branch master updated (5ad00dd -> 675b859)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Update some Build-Depends for current sid. Build still fails though
Ximin Luo
- [metview] tag debian/4.6.1-1 created (now 910a0a8)
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 01/13: Add FPIC support properly. FPIC not being picked up on CXX for i386
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 02/13: Define PATH_MAX in mars.h for Hurd FTBFS.
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 03/13: New upstream release 4.6.0
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 04/13: New upstream release 4.6.1
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 05/13: Merge tag 'upstream/4.6.1' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 06/13: New upstream release.
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 07/13: * qt5.patch now merged upstream. * B-D on magics >= 2.26.2-1 * Enable parallel builds
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 08/13: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 09/13: Fix paths in metview
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 10/13: Undo --parallel, as unsafe
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 11/13: Fix timestamp'd gzip issue
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 12/13: Prep for upload
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 13/13: Use METVIEW_BIN, _DEV_DIR from ./debian/rules during build
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] tag upstream/4.6.1 created (now b8dbd30)
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] tag debian/4.6.1.-1 created (now 910a0a8)
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] tag upstream/4.6.0 created (now 232cc65)
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] branch master updated (2b19e9f -> 11ba697)
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 01/05: Allow -A builds
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 02/05: * Remove B-D on libmotif-dev as it is no longer used (Qt5 is instead) * Split dh_fixperms to arch and -indep parts, so dpkg-buildpackage -A works. Closes: #814437.
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 03/05: Fix bashisms. Closes: #772310.
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 04/05: Patch for G++ 6 changes (c++-11 abi). Closes: #812161.
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] 05/05: Prep release
Alastair McKinstry
- [metview] tag debian/4.6.1-2 created (now 11ba697)
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] branch master updated (c9e1b3d -> 48a14c1)
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] 01/07: Disable DMR tests which still break on big-endian hw. (Upstream informed)
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] 02/07: Further fix to DMRTESTSUITE Makefile needed
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] 03/07: Also disable D4* unit tests
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] 04/07: Fix FTBFS on arch-independent builds. Closes: #806057
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] 05/07: Commit -6
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] 06/07: Disable more networ, tests. Closes: #809580.
Alastair McKinstry
- [libdap] 07/07: Fix for G++ 6 FTBFS.
Alastair McKinstry
- [pnetcdf] branch debian/master updated (b990325 -> 60cd83c)
Alastair McKinstry
- [pnetcdf] 01/02: Re-submitted with updated Copyright Information.
Alastair McKinstry
- [pnetcdf] 02/02: Add dependency on libpnetcdf0d to -dev package.
Alastair McKinstry
- [jpy] branch master created (now 776219f)
Alastair McKinstry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (ef9f705 -> f36d105)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Fixed Vcs-* URLs
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (c50e421 -> 761445d)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/02: Converted upstream patch to Debian patch
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 02/02: Removed dummy transitional pakage liblttoolbox3-3.3-0v5
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (761445d -> e0534ca)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Fixed changelog
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (e0534ca -> c4c0025)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Add hardening support
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] branch master updated (28fc748 -> 0ba1dfd)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 01/02: Updated copyright URL
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 02/02: Changelog and Vcs-* URLs
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] tag debian/3.9.0-r4595-1 created (now 0ba1dfd)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] branch master updated (0ba1dfd -> 30b155c)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 01/01: Foma URL
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] branch master updated (30b155c -> dcd5035)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 01/01: hardening support
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (ae2a810 -> 813b94b)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: New version
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] branch master updated (2127f13 -> 83fc82f)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 01/01: New version
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (8505320 -> 48c980d)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/02: wrap-and-sort
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 02/02: Add ITP bug no
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (48c980d -> 4dace36)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Converted direct change to patch
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (4dace36 -> 1f9401c)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: +series
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (1f9401c -> 3eaec7b)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/02: Refresh patch
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 02/02: Do not add applied patch
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (c57f394 -> 8898ae7)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Vcs-* URLs and (long) descriptions
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (8898ae7 -> 4bc5101)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Fix description again
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium] branch master updated (be75b3f -> 50c2337)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium] 01/01: Bumped lttoolbox dependency and fixed Vcs-* URLs
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium] tag debian/3.4.0_r61013-4 created (now 50c2337)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-lex-tools] branch master updated (533f065 -> c9b9ff7)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-lex-tools] 01/02: Rebuild for new lttoolbox
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-lex-tools] 02/02: Updated Vcs-* URLs
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (813b94b -> a3b07fe)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Revert Revert of renaming package
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (a3b07fe -> 6592f40)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Remove Breaks and fix Conflicts
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] branch master updated (6592f40 -> c20eebf)
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] 01/01: Updated timestamp
Kartik Mistry
- [lttoolbox] tag debian/3.3.2_r63423-3 created (now c20eebf)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium] branch master updated (50c2337 -> 8acd107)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium] 01/01: Rebuild package
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium] tag debian/3.4.0_r61013-5 created (now 8acd107)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan] branch master updated (714c3e0 -> eeebffc)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan] 01/02: Upload to unstable
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan] 02/02: Timestamp
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan] branch master updated (eeebffc -> 9fd4180)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan] 01/01: Disable tests
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan] branch master updated (9fd4180 -> 4b9c707)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan] 01/01: Fixed Vcs-* URLs
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-nno] branch master updated (442f765 -> dfa9770)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-nno] 01/02: Merge changelog, add ITP
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-nno] 02/02: Fix Vcs-* URL
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-nob] branch master updated (33bbf83 -> cd51c02)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-nob] 01/01: Merge changelog, added ITP, fixed Vcs-* URLs
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan-nor] branch master updated (b9d90ae -> 437c56f)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan-nor] 01/01: Fixed Vcs-* URL
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan-nor] branch master updated (437c56f -> f88b676)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan-nor] 01/01: Disable tests, merged changelog, add ITP, updated copyright
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan-nor] branch master updated (f88b676 -> 5a60bd0)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-dan-nor] 01/01: alt.xsl is not present in source now
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] branch master updated (83fc82f -> 5ed8ff2)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 01/01: Add fix for Deb bug: 809446
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] branch master updated (5ed8ff2 -> 3e8e985)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 01/01: Really apply last patch
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] tag debian/3.9.0-r4595-3 created (now ef1a865)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] branch master updated (879d633 -> 6df4c61)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] 01/02: Added ITP
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] 02/02: Removed empty debian/docs
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] branch master updated (6df4c61 -> 51d9061)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] 01/01: Added dummy watch file
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] branch master updated (9b43d0c -> a4b0a67)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] 01/01: Long description.
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] branch master updated (a4b0a67 -> 7734b62)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] 01/01: foma -> foma-bin
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] branch master updated (40ed419 -> f66fea8)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] 01/01: Added missing Apache license
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] branch master updated (f66fea8 -> 575691b)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-core] 01/01: Fixed debian/copyright
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] branch master updated (9c8202d -> 811a4d2)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] 01/01: More copyrights
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] branch master updated (811a4d2 -> 7c8561a)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] 01/01: More copyright fixes
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] branch master updated (7c8561a -> 4b101b4)
Kartik Mistry
- [giella-sme] 01/01: Add ITP bug#
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] branch master updated (b44fee4 -> 28f3cd1)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] 01/01: alt.xsl is GPL-2+
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] branch master updated (28f3cd1 -> 58d6456)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] 01/01: ITP bug
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] branch master updated (58d6456 -> 380813a)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] 01/01: dh bump and fixed vcs-* URLs
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] branch master updated (380813a -> dc5ce34)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-hbs] 01/01: Really update dh to 9
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (cadef82 -> 7a418f1)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: S-V to 3.9.7
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] tag debian/0.4.0_r4643-2 created (now 7a418f1)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] branch master updated (491dff8 -> b177fd0)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] 01/01: Dist set to unstable, skip tests
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra] branch master updated (e06353b -> eeba688)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra] 01/01: Dist set to unstable, S-V to 3.9.7 and skip the tests
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] branch master updated (b177fd0 -> 9e4bda0)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] 01/01: S-V to 3.9.7
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] branch master updated (9e4bda0 -> 544027e)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] 01/01: Add an ITP
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra] branch master updated (eeba688 -> deff56e)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra] 01/01: Add an ITP
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (0d85a74 -> 7247764)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/03: Upload to unstable
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 02/03: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/hfst-ospell
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 03/03: Update changelog
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (7247764 -> 27d9d63)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Typo
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] tag debian/0.4.0_r4643-3 created (now 27d9d63)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra-cat] branch master updated (04f8de8 -> 8b07fea)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra-cat] 01/01: Skip tests, update changelog
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra-cat] branch master updated (8b07fea -> 2ff1f37)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra-cat] 01/01: Removed unneeded copyright for filter.xml
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra-cat] branch master updated (2ff1f37 -> a47d323)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-fra-cat] 01/01: S-V to 3.9.7
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-sv-da] branch master updated (64158a7 -> 9932faa)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-sv-da] 01/01: ITP; fixed Vcs-* URLs, S-V to 3.9.7
Kartik Mistry
- [ros-ros] branch master updated (614cef9 -> d5d3e5e)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-ros] 01/02: Added dpkg-dev to have dpkg-architecture
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-ros] 02/02: Added /usr/lib// as search path to find executables
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-rosdep] branch master updated (9062d87 -> 6b9228a)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-rosdep] 01/01: More generic clean rule
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-catkin] branch master updated (8fb1b5c -> a5d19cf)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-catkin] 01/01: Update changelog
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (6386a26 -> 4bc69ba)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Duplicate dependency
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] branch master updated (d82a309 -> c0c77c2)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-diagnostics] branch master updated (f9559d3 -> 95dd6e1)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-diagnostics] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-diagnostics] branch master updated (95dd6e1 -> a0a3201)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-diagnostics] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-realtime-tools] branch master updated (b723357 -> 164d9d7)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-realtime-tools] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-ros-control] branch master updated (21a2c96 -> c80edb4)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-ros-control] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] branch master updated (9cf0d34 -> b9a805d)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-ros-control] branch master updated (c80edb4 -> 821efe4)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-ros-control] 01/01: Missed file to adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] branch master updated (b9a805d -> ac43b33)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-gazebo-ros-pkgs] 01/01: Missed file to adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-roslint] branch master updated (d7438a7 -> dce61b9)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-roslint] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-xacro] branch master updated (aaa7460 -> fc75dcf)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-xacro] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] branch master updated (c0c77c2 -> f657e6b)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 01/04: Update changelog for 1.5.39-3 release
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 02/04: Updated Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git fields
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 03/04: Enabling hardening=+all, +bindnow options to mute lintian
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] 04/04: Updated changelog. Final
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ros-dynamic-reconfigure] tag debian/1.5.39-3 created (now f657e6b)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [yorick] branch master updated (8c564eb -> 52a173c)
Thibaut Jean-Claude Paumard
- [yorick] 01/01: yorick (2.2.04+dfsg1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
Thibaut Jean-Claude Paumard
- [yorick] annotated tag debian/2.2.04+dfsg1-5 created (now 22de6f5)
Thibaut Jean-Claude Paumard
- [mlpack] annotated tag debian/2.0.0-2 created (now 12318d2)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] branch master updated (692c366 -> b9b7d07)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 01/01: log changes
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] branch pristine-tar updated (7a3881d -> 8e2e176)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] branch master updated (74bd2d9 -> c317d68)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] annotated tag upstream/2015.2 created (now 67a7f82)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 01/03: update uscan watch file
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/2015.2'
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 03/03: forward port quilt patches, delete those that have been upstreamed
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 01/01: pristine-tar data for qhull_2015.2.orig.tar.gz
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] branch master updated (c317d68 -> c5fb988)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 01/01: rev .so.6 to .so.7
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] annotated tag debian/2015.2-1 created (now 3b1bd22)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] branch master updated (c5fb988 -> fb96623)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 01/03: update debian/control
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 02/03: fix doc pointers in man pages, see https://bugs.debian.org/784117
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [qhull] 03/03: log changes
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] branch master updated (b9b7d07 -> 7fc993b)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 01/40: Change to BSD license! This was an embarrassing mistake!
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 02/40: Add functions that allow changing training-time parameters.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 03/40: Update to latest version.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 04/40: Be sure to serialize and deserialize in the same way!
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 05/40: Fix closing parenthesis.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 06/40: Fix bad memory handling and write a test for it.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 07/40: Loosen tolerances to increase the probability of successful tests.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 08/40: Include correct headers.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 09/40: Handle an edge case when all the points are the same.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 10/40: Force a minimum value on the diagonal.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 11/40: spelling
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 12/40: COPYRIGHT.txt, repeated field and lintian tag copyright-refers-to-deprecated-bsd-license-file
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 13/40: Fix confusion in error message
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 14/40: Print correct parameter name.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 15/40: Widen tolerances so tests succeed more.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 16/40: Update GetParam<>(parameterName) per marcos
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 17/40: Print status while loading.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 18/40: Fix issue that caused hanging tests: use the intended tolerance.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 19/40: Remove self assignment.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 20/40: Refactor to allow arbitrary types for Range.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 21/40: Fix typo: we should be checking HAVE_LAPACK not LAPACK_FOUND.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 22/40: Better error output for ARFF.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 23/40: Check number of columns.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 24/40: A better positive definite constraint strategy.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 25/40: Use CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR during files generation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 26/40: Widen tolerances; PositiveDefiniteConstraint seems to change things.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 27/40: Fix bug where arma_config.hpp wouldn't be installed.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 28/40: Update version number. I forgot to do this!
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 29/40: Loosen tolerance further. This is better-tested than my last attempt and appears to have a very low failure rate.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 30/40: Update history.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 31/40: Loosen tolerances to prevent spurious test failures.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 32/40: Preferentially find ATLAS libraries.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 33/40: Update version number for release.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 34/40: Add new contributors... how did I forget this?
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 35/40: Document most recent changes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 36/40: Update to mlpack 2.0.1.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 37/40: Update version.hpp.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 38/40: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.1'
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 39/40: log changes
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 40/40: forward port quilt patches
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] branch pristine-tar updated (f83e915 -> 62ddeed)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mlpack_2.0.1.orig.tar.gz
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] annotated tag debian/2.0.1-1 created (now 051d393)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag upstream/2.0.1 created (now 8992704)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag mlpack-1.0.10 created (now 6b7016c)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 01/37: Pull rectangle tree because it isn't done yet.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 02/37: Remove row_col_iterator because it isn't done quite yet.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 03/37: I forgot about this change...
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 04/37: Default to DEBUG=OFF and PROFILE=OFF for a release.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 05/37: Set Doxyfile version number.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 06/37: Update some documentation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 07/37: We require Boost.Heap now too.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 08/37: Update version number.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 09/37: Update version number.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 10/37: Minor documentation update.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 11/37: Some clarification on the leaf size.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 12/37: Minor comment fix.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 13/37: Minor comment changes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 14/37: Add license to each file.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 15/37: Set date of release.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 16/37: Remove bindings directory.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 17/37: Note a few methods that have been added.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 18/37: Minor readme fix.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 19/37: A couple methods I forgot.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 20/37: Warning fix.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 21/37: Fix some warnings.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 22/37: Oops, I didn't actually fix that warning.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 23/37: Fix botched LaTeX comment.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 24/37: Add licenses because patch failed (fake commit during svn to git transition).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 25/37: Remove stuff that patches did not (fake commit during svn to git transition).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 26/37: Backport trunk fixes for NeighborSearch.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 27/37: Backport FindArmadillo.cmake script changes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 28/37: Backport fixes for NeighborSearch from trunk.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 29/37: Fix usage of log2(), which does not exist in C99.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 30/37: Update history, set release date.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 31/37: Re-add licenses.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 32/37: Update number in license.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 33/37: Update version in documentation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 34/37: Fix version number.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 35/37: Fix warnings.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 36/37: Add MPL license for ARMA_*.cmake files.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 37/37: Update Doxyfile version (fake commit during svn to git transition).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag mlpack-1.0.11 created (now f4d80ec)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 01/44: Version bump.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 02/44: Merge r17174-17175 into mlpack-1.0.11.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 03/44: Document fix.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 04/44: Backport r17187.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 05/44: Backport r17189.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 06/44: Merge observation weight support for LinearRegression (r17104-17106) and style fixes (r17194-17195).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 07/44: Backport SGD fixes from r17196.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 08/44: Backport r17274.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 09/44: Backport documentation from r17014 (surprised this wasn't in 1.0.10).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 10/44: Backport r17307.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 11/44: Backport r17308.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 12/44: Backport fixes from r17310-r17318. Mostly test fixes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 13/44: Document the fixes I just merged.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 14/44: Backport r17366.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 15/44: Backport r17375.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 16/44: Backport r17377.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 17/44: Backport r17181-17183.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 18/44: Merge r17387.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 19/44: Merge r17388.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 20/44: Backport r17390-17395.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 21/44: Backport r17403.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 22/44: Merge test fixes from r17405-17407.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 23/44: Backport test fixes from r17410 to r17416.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 24/44: Backport r17429.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 25/44: Backport r17432:17437.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 26/44: Backport r17442:17443.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 27/44: Backport r17446, the most recent fix. Phew. I'm done with this backporting process (...for now). Hooray!
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 28/44: Update version number to 1.0.11.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 29/44: Add AverageInitialization.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 30/44: Add license.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 31/44: Minor changes to get things to compile. Looks like I didn't do a perfect job of merging...
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 32/44: Comment test out for #375.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 33/44: Backport row_col_iterator.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 34/44: Merge DiscreteDistributionRandomTest fix.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 35/44: Update test with trunk (somehow I did not merge it right).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 36/44: Refactor test to handle random failures.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 37/44: Comment out test which is failing on i386 for some reason.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 38/44: Tighten tolerance convergence for test (merge from trunk).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 39/44: Fix potential memory leak, and document known CosineTree bug.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 40/44: Merge RastrigrinFunction test failure probability relaxation from trunk.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 41/44: Merge CMake update from trunk
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 42/44: Today is the day.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 43/44: Fix -Wunused.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 44/44: Fix -Wuninitialized.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag mlpack-1.0.12 created (now f94823c)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 01/06: Change to BSD license from LGPL.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 02/06: Switch to BSD from LGPL, and update a few things.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 03/06: Add history for mlpack-1.0.12. We're only changing one thing (the license).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 04/06: Refactor license notice and update to 1.0.12.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 05/06: Update version number.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag mlpack-2.0.1 created (now 8992704)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag mlpack-2.0.0 created (now 0539869)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag mlpack-1.0.9 created (now da7f3bd)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 06/06: Update version numbers.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [hkl] branch master updated (34883d8 -> 7422f7c)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [hkl] 01/02: make it backportable on jessie
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [hkl] 02/02: release
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [hkl] annotated tag debian/ created (now ac35e77)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] branch master updated (cfe4341 -> 27f36c3)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] 01/03: upload to unstable
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/8.1.8'
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] branch pristine-tar updated (37661d3 -> 8eb6c66)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] 03/03: remove 0001-fix-compilation-with-python3.4.patch (applyed upstream)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pytango_8.1.8.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] annotated tag debian/8.1.8-1 created (now 86cc4a2)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] annotated tag upstream/8.1.8 created (now 4c1543c)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] annotated tag debian/8.1.6-1 created (now 44ced58)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] branch master updated (21bcbf7 -> 550e641)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/3.7.0+dfsg'
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 02/02: switch to pybuild
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] branch pristine-tar updated (771ccbf -> 6987a5e)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] 01/01: pristine-tar data for taurus_3.7.0+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] annotated tag debian/3.7.0+dfsg-1 created (now 9692ee5)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [taurus] annotated tag upstream/3.7.0+dfsg created (now eff6404)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] branch master updated (27f36c3 -> e2b2cd6)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] 01/01: Fix syntax error in python 3
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [pytango] annotated tag debian/8.1.8-2 created (now de7f14e)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] branch master updated (775ca8a -> 5f42963)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 01/08: Imported Upstream version 9.2.0~a+dfsg
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 02/08: update the upgrade script
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 03/08: Merge branch 'upstream' into master
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 04/08: refresh for tango 9.2.0~a
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 05/08: update the 9.2.0 database upgrade script
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 06/08: wip
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 07/08: move into rules the install directives
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 08/08: fix doc
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] branch pristine-tar updated (33ff20f -> 0d35ce3)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] 01/01: pristine-tar data for tango_9.2.0~a+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [tango] annotated tag upstream/9.2.0_a+dfsg created (now c71f8b2)
Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca
- [r-cran-arm] branch master created (now 33127aa)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] 01/01: Initial packaging
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] annotated tag upstream/1.8-6 created (now cc75a50)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-nlp] branch master created (now cfa70e3)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-nlp] 01/01: Initial packaging
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-nlp] annotated tag upstream/0.1-9 created (now 148c281)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] branch master created (now 4604e96)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] 01/01: Initial packaging
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] annotated tag upstream/2.0-2 created (now 7e01930)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] branch master created (now 3e2da76)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] 01/01: Initial packaging
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] annotated tag upstream/1.5.0 created (now d5352de)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] branch master created (now 3737595)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] 01/01: Initial packaging
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] annotated tag upstream/0.6-2 created (now 65e28af)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] branch master created (now a111461)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] 01/01: Initial packaging
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] annotated tag upstream/1.3-0 created (now 34a1d7e)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] branch master updated (3737595 -> 4468793)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] 01/02: Build for arch any
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] 02/02: Add full AGPL-3 text
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] branch master updated (a111461 -> 6c22066)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] 01/02: Build for arch any
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] 02/02: Add lintian-overrides
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] branch master updated (3e2da76 -> 99a77c7)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] 01/01: Build for arch any
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] branch master updated (4604e96 -> ad9a65b)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] 01/02: Build for arch any
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] 02/02: Use local mathjax
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] branch master updated (99a77c7 -> 66e721d)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] 01/01: copyright: src/tparse is GPL-2+
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] branch master updated (33127aa -> dc47e02)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] 01/02: Add README.source
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] 02/02: Add modifier to GPL-2 license paragraph
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] annotated tag debian/1.8-6-1 created (now dfd5f98)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] branch master updated (ad9a65b -> 902db04)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] 01/01: Add README.source
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] annotated tag debian/2.0-2-1 created (now 75b64c6)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] annotated tag debian/0.6-2-1 created (now c456d98)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] branch master updated (6c22066 -> 147c88f)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] 01/01: Add README.source
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-rjsonio] annotated tag debian/1.3-0-1 created (now d831f9d)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] annotated tag debian/1.5.0-1 created (now 861bd8c)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-nlp] annotated tag debian/0.1-9-1 created (now 1833fe6)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] branch master updated (902db04 -> 6cb1deb)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] 01/02: Add more build dependencies
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] 02/02: Update for v2.0-2-2
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] branch master updated (dc47e02 -> 964ea27)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] 01/02: Add more build dependencies
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] 02/02: Update for v1.8-6-2
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] branch master updated (66e721d -> 92924b8)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] 01/02: Add more build dependencies
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] 02/02: Update for v1.5.0-2
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] branch master updated (4468793 -> 4e1cf4d)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] 01/02: Add more build dependencies
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] 02/02: Update for v0.6-2-2
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-arm] annotated tag debian/1.8-6-2 created (now 3119131)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-glmnet] annotated tag debian/2.0-2-2 created (now 61c0a7e)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-lubridate] annotated tag debian/1.5.0-2 created (now c63ccda)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-tm] annotated tag debian/0.6-2-2 created (now 6533c04)
Daniel Pocock
- [r-cran-caret] branch master updated (9bd7206 -> d5b8b59)
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] 01/05: Exclude prebuilt pdf files from source
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] 02/05: Add description of data files
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] 03/05: Make uscan repack downloaded source excluding undistributable files
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] 04/05: Merge tag 'upstream/6.0-47+dfsg1'
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] 05/05: Update changelog
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] annotated tag debian/6.0-47+dfsg1-1 created (now d4c615f)
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] annotated tag upstream/6.0-47+dfsg1 created (now 2151f02)
Balint Reczey
- [r-cran-caret] annotated tag upstream/6.0-47 created (now 6a83a8b)
Balint Reczey
- [scatterplot3d] branch master updated (d4ccc34 -> 85b8720)
Philip Rinn
- [scatterplot3d] 01/01: Use secure URIs for vcs-* in debian/control
Philip Rinn
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (2fd38cf -> 3c83017)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.0'
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 02/11: Update patch. Submitted upstream
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 03/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.1'
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 04/11: Patch merged upstream
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 05/11: Yaml needed for testing
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 06/11: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 07/11: Update series
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 08/11: Update testing deps
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 09/11: Update cleaning method
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch origin/0.2.9 created (now 22e42f3)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch pritine-tar created (now 47f5561)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch pristine-tar updated (47f5561 -> ba0e3ec)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 10/11: Move libraries to 0.4 abi
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 11/11: Update to 0.4 libraries version
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/02: pristine-tar data for urdfdom_0.4.0.orig.tar.gz
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 02/02: pristine-tar data for urdfdom_0.4.1.orig.tar.gz
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] annotated tag upstream/0.4.0 created (now 8b945d4)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] annotated tag upstream/0.4.1 created (now be5bd96)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] branch master updated (5a71369 -> 2f9ca1b)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] 01/01: Missing .install files
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] branch master updated (2f9ca1b -> 7cd21fe)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] 01/01: Migrate metadata to gazebo7
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master created (now b327ae8)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch pristine-tar created (now 443690a)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/04: Update debian metadata with debian-science common data
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/04: Set up correct changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 03/04: Use kido as package name
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 04/04: Rename all libraries install files to just kido
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: pristine-tar data for kido_0.1.0.orig.tar.gz
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] annotated tag upstream/0.1.0 created (now c4f3cb4)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] tag upstream/0.1.0+dsfg created (now 95d5648)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (b327ae8 -> 896d455)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/02: Fix long description
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/02: Rename libraries to 0.1
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (896d455 -> 8fa4188)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/02: Modify version
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/02: Removed files from dfsg
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (8fa4188 -> 15e8c2f)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Define flags and variables in rules file
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] tag upstream/0.1.0+dfsg created (now b656d89)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (3c83017 -> bd7d701)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Need some boost libraries to build
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (15e8c2f -> 99cdae4)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Fix debug package names
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (99cdae4 -> 41f3f8f)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/03: Proper dependencies for -dbg packages
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 02/03: Define an override on kid source
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 03/03: Fix section in -dbg files
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (41f3f8f -> 4f48f36)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Declare priority extra in -dbg packages
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (4f48f36 -> 3c5d2bb)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Update copyright file
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (3c5d2bb -> c29352f)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Fix linitian problems on copyright
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] branch master updated (c29352f -> ff1ff5a)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [kido] 01/01: Implement auto testing
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (bd7d701 -> 75af44b)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Need mock for testing
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (75af44b -> 67d0412)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Fix old lib name
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (67d0412 -> f05cbb9)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: python2 for mock
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (f05cbb9 -> f4f9d4c)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Modify all python testing to use pytgon2
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (f4f9d4c -> 2721078)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Do not conflict with old 0.3 libraries
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] branch master updated (2721078 -> 418fb37)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [urdfdom] 01/01: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] branch master updated (7cd21fe -> 3f6cb22)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [gazebo] 01/01: Fix bug
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-math2] branch master updated (9d9b179 -> c6bc9ab)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-math2] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.0'
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-math2] 02/03: Update changelog
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-math2] 03/03: Remove obsolete patch
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-math2] branch pristine-tar updated (22de43f -> 0039d2c)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-math2] 01/01: pristine-tar data for ignition-math2_2.3.0.orig.tar.bz2
Jose Luis Rivero
- [ignition-math2] annotated tag upstream/2.3.0 created (now a16241d)
Jose Luis Rivero
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (b072639 -> a579f1f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/08: Revert "Fix URL in Vcs-Browser.", Those fields need to be rewrite anyway
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/08: Imported Debian version 1.0.2+nmu1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 03/08: Imported Debian version 1.0.2+nmu2
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 04/08: debian/control: use https in the Vcs-* fields
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 05/08: Bump debhelper compat level to 9
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 06/08: fix path of debian_defaults file in README.Debian
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 07/08: use the cleaner dh sequencer in d/rules
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 08/08: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] annotated tag debian/1.0.2+nmu1 created (now 18bc87d)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] annotated tag debian/1.0.2+nmu2 created (now 559928f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (a579f1f -> 0060fac)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/05: drop support for s390, it's not a thing anymore since wheezy.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/05: Use openmpi on s390x. Closes: #813691
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 03/05: debian/copyright: convert to copyright-format 1.0
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 04/05: d/rules: some dh magic didn't like the way I did it, so move code around to have it behaves as intended
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 05/05: changelog for 1.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] annotated tag debian/1.1 created (now b3ded52)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (0060fac -> 3633d89)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/01: add a README with a small note to remember there are packages needed sourceful updates when changing the defaults
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (3633d89 -> e5d8ac4)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/01: blacs-mpi is another package needing manual attention after changes here
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (e5d8ac4 -> 00a09e9)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/02: use openmpi on x32 too
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/02: release 1.2
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] annotated tag debian/1.2 created (now a71f54f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] branch master updated (5c77090 -> 10ca223)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 01/20: Merge tag 'upstream/2.7.0'
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 02/20: add .gitignore to ignore .pc
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 03/20: refresh patches
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 04/20: remove unused patches
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 05/20: remove useless debian/dirs file
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 06/20: remove useless README.source file. this is source format 3.0 (quilt), this is not the place to explain how to use quilt.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 07/20: rename debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 08/20: run wrap-and-sort
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 09/20: d/control: just remove that wrong X-Python-Version
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 10/20: Build-Depend on the unversioned petsc-dev and slepc-dev instead of the versioned -dev
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 11/20: Build-Depend on libgsl-dev instead of libgsl0-dev for the GSL2 transition
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 12/20: d/control: packaging moved to git, update Vcs-*
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 13/20: update changelog till now
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 14/20: remove some trailing whitespaces
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 15/20: bump debhelper compat level to 9
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 16/20: install README.txt in all packages
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 17/20: d/rules: semplify it
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 18/20: turns out this patch is not needed
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] branch pristine-tar created (now 1b9803e)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 19/20: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 20/20: Remove dependency on dpkg >= 1.15.4 from getdp, that dpkg version is old enough
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 01/01: pristine-tar data for getdp_2.7.0.orig.tar.gz
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] annotated tag upstream/2.7.0 created (now 310333c)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] annotated tag debian/2.7.0-1 created (now d0d434f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 01/01: release 2.7.0-1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] branch master created (now 27488a8)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 01/16: Imported Debian patch 1.2.1-4
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 02/16: Imported Debian patch 2.0.1-1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 03/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 04/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-12
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 05/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-16
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 06/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-16.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 07/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-16.2
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 08/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-17
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 09/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-18
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 10/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-19
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 11/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-20
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 12/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-20.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 13/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-21
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 14/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-22
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] branch pristine-tar created (now 2f713b2)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 15/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.5-1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 16/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.5-2
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 01/04: pristine-tar data for fftw_1.2.1.orig.tar.gz
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 02/04: pristine-tar data for fftw_2.0.1.orig.tar.gz
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 03/04: pristine-tar data for fftw_2.1.3.orig.tar.gz
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 04/04: pristine-tar data for fftw_2.1.5.orig.tar.gz
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.0.1-1 created (now 6b46b6f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/1.2.1-4 created (now c226bf7)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-17 created (now 0c167da)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-19 created (now cf15955)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-18 created (now d8d1714)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-1 created (now 4f83b47)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-16.1 created (now 100d27a)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-16 created (now abff10b)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-12 created (now 8e3200c)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-16.2 created (now 608d9cd)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-22 created (now bc2724e)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.5-1 created (now 42ecc00)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.5-2 created (now 6634338)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag upstream/1.2.1 created (now 78641a0)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag upstream/2.0.1 created (now fda048b)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag upstream/2.1.3 created (now 2cbecef)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-21 created (now d157abe)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-20.1 created (now a741789)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag upstream/2.1.5 created (now f93c19f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.3-20 created (now 0961897)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] branch master updated (10ca223 -> 0288211)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 01/02: Don't use -march and -mtune in g++ flags
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] 02/02: 2.7.0-2
Mattia Rizzolo
- [getdp] annotated tag debian/2.7.0-2 created (now b1cdb17)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] branch master updated (27488a8 -> cda4925)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 01/06: Run wrap-and-sort
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 02/06: Packaging moved to git, update Vcs-*
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 03/06: remove useless debian/*dirs files
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 04/06: Add patch from Graham Inggs <ginggs at debian.org> to fix FTBFS with perl 5.22. Closes: #811223
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 05/06: debian/rules: use DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU instead of DEB_HOST_ARCH to correctly optimize for non-linux architectures too.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] 06/06: release 2.1.5-3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [fftw] annotated tag debian/2.1.5-3 created (now ce2980e)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] branch master created (now 852956b)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 01/122: Creating trunk directory
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 02/122: [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 03/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 04/122: new upstream
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 05/122: new upstream release
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 06/122: remove powerpc support
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 07/122: new upstream release
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 08/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 09/122: use boost 1.40
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 10/122: added quilt support + patch to reduce compile cost on powerpc
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 11/122: update package and try to fix powerpc build
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 12/122: update package and try to fix powerpc build
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 13/122: new upstream
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 14/122: fix for petsc3.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 15/122: use RelWithDebInfo
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 16/122: use RelWithDebInfo
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 17/122: fix build on some arches
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 18/122: fix build on some arches
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 19/122: try out with -O2 instead of -O3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 20/122: c++0x only for c++
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 21/122: added quilt
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 22/122: added patch for compilaiton
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 23/122: removed flags
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 24/122: try to force default mpi implementation on sparc
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 25/122: fix for sparc (hopefully)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 26/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 27/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 28/122: fixes for lam on sparc
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 29/122: commentaires suite
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 30/122: copied life into feel++ life is renamed feel++ from now on keeping life around for bug tracking/fixing in testing/stable
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 31/122: life -> feel++
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 32/122: feel++ replace life
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 33/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 34/122: add openturns ann and octave
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 35/122: feel++ can use tbb now
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 36/122:
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 37/122: update copyright
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 38/122: add doxygen generated documentation
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 39/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 40/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 41/122: fixes
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 42/122: update Feel++ package almost ready for experimental upload
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 43/122: fix doc-base and do not compress pdf files
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 44/122: update version
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 45/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 46/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 47/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 48/122: update
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 49/122: new version
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 50/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 51/122: up 0.90.0
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 52/122: up 0.90.0, no instantioation with gcc45
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 53/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 54/122: fix for buildd
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 55/122: use quilt
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 56/122: try to build on more arch
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 57/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 58/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 59/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 60/122: fixes
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 61/122: fix sse
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 62/122: fix sse
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 63/122: fix for s390
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 64/122: up patch for s390
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 65/122: try out minimal configuration
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 66/122: min config
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 67/122: up -7
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 68/122: fix depends
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 69/122: change compiler b-d
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 70/122: up changelog
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 71/122: fix latex compilation
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 72/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 73/122: up changelog
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 74/122: fix
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 75/122: even more minimal
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 76/122: prepare for -11
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 77/122: fix feel++ apps install
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 78/122: fixes again
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 79/122: minor
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 80/122: new upstream
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 81/122: up -2
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 82/122: in Release mode -O2 instead of -O3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 83/122: in Release mode -O2 instead of -O3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 84/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 85/122: try to fox latex font creation
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 86/122: new upstream + some fixes
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 87/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 88/122: fixes
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 89/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 90/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 91/122: fixed sparc build
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 92/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 93/122: fix feel++
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 94/122: up 0.91.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 95/122: fix 0.91.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 96/122: fix issue 664594
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 97/122: simplify, nowsparc port works
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 98/122: see changelog
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 99/122: fix
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 100/122: up -4
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 101/122: up -4 bis
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 102/122: remove trilinos support
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 103/122: bump up version, slepc fix
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 104/122: fix for OT 1.0
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 105/122: debian/control: remove alternative dependencies on libboost1.46-* in the libfeel++-dev package. BinNMUs can and have transitioned the package to boost1.49 by now, so the dependency should only be on the default boost packages. This will get the package 'unstuck' in the boost1.49 transition tracker.
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 106/122: revert back to g++-4.6, g++-4.7 is just too broken
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 107/122: added watch file
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 108/122: Add libgmsh-dev to build-depends (Closes: #682650)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 109/122: bump up to 0.93
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 110/122: need gmsh in build-dep
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 111/122: fixed warning, new pstream pre-release
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 112/122: up changelog
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 113/122: added libgmsh-dev to libfeel++-dev Depends
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 114/122: up feel++-0.95, compiles and runs with petsc and slepc 3.4 as well as openmpi 1.6 and boost 1.54
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 115/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 116/122: up
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 117/122: up with beta3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 118/122: feel++-apps depend on lifeel++-dev for the ginac header
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 119/122: final 0.95.0
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 120/122: up 0.95.0
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 121/122: bump to 0.97.0-alpha.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 122/122: fix powerpc build, upload 0.97beta1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] branch master updated (852956b -> 1b75b66)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 01/15: empty commit to init the branch
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 02/15: of course this debian directory doesn't belong in the upstream branch
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] branch master updated (1b75b66 -> e3503e2)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 01/02: Run wrap-and-sort
Mattia Rizzolo
- [feel++] 02/02: build-dep on slepc-dev instead of libslepc3.4.2-dev
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (00a09e9 -> d9656b2)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/07: rename REAME README, how could I mistype it…
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/07: d/rules: parametrize debian/debian_defaults as $d
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 03/07: open changelog for the next upload
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 04/07: add yorick to the list of packages needing sourceful updates when default changes
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 05/07: d/rules: add a static list of OPENMPI_ARCHITECTURES and MPICH_ARCHITECTURES, and export them in debian_defaults
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 06/07: Add control.in and code to generate d/control out of the list of known architectures
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 07/07: regen d/control
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (d9656b2 -> 343a336)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/06: add a "don't touch this" message in the generated control file
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/06: Also export a list of known architectures where each implementation is available. Closes: #814943
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 03/06: build only for known architectures where a default has been defined
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 04/06: remove some annoying whitespaces from the generated control file
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 05/06: add myself to debian/copyright
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 06/06: s/arch/architecture/
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (343a336 -> 47387ca)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/01: changelog for 1.3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] annotated tag debian/1.3 created (now e07e0e2)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (47387ca -> 3e24a01)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/02: Reinstate accidentally removed mips64el support (defaul: OpenMPI)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/02: changelog for 1.4
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] annotated tag debian/1.4 created (now fe2d3f5)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] branch master updated (e291966 -> 4789b1f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 01/10: Run wrap-and-sort
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 02/10: open changelog for the next upload
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 03/10: add .gitignore to ignore .pc
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 04/10: Bump debhelper compat level to 9
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 05/10: Drop useless build-dependency on quilt
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 06/10: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no further changes needed
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 07/10: Use HTTPS in the Vcs-* fields
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 08/10: debian/control: fix weak-library-dev-dependency lintian error
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 09/10: Fix FTBFS by using libtoolize --force. Closes: #815781
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] 10/10: changelog for 2.8.0b-3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [hypre] annotated tag debian/2.8.0b-3 created (now cce5a3f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (3e24a01 -> 3b732e8)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/01: fix typo in changelog
Mattia Rizzolo
- [tachyon] branch master updated (c559244 -> e700f5c)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [tachyon] 01/04: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed
Mattia Rizzolo
- [tachyon] 02/04: Use HTTPS in the Vcs-* fields
Mattia Rizzolo
- [tachyon] 03/04: Use the list of openmpi architectures as provided by mpi-default-dev, instead of hardcoding our own list. Tight build-dep on mpi-default-dev (>= 1.3)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [tachyon] 04/04: changelog for 0.99~b6+dsx-4
Mattia Rizzolo
- [tachyon] annotated tag debian/0.99_b6+dsx-4 created (now 5a1a8ce)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] branch master updated (3b732e8 -> 7d10aa7)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 01/02: open changelog for 1.5
Mattia Rizzolo
- [mpi-defaults] 02/02: Make sure there are no trailing whitespaces in the produced debian_defaults
Mattia Rizzolo
- [visp] branch master updated (9049118 -> 7d116d0)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 01/06: Fix missing Breaks/Replaces relation to fix upgrade from testing (Closes: #810354)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 02/06: Switch to libusb-1.0 (Closes: #810464)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 03/06: Introduce patches to fix issues
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 04/06: Update changelog for 3.0.0-2 release
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 05/06: Remove Ogre and Ois dependencies to prevent ViSP from autoremoval from testing on 2016-02-19 due to an transitively dependency on blender affected by RC bug(s) 804678 and 810065.
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 06/06: Update changelog for 3.0.0-3 release
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] branch master updated (7d116d0 -> 0c0bbdf)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 01/05: Remove libusb-1.0-0-dev explicit dependency that will come from libfreenect-dev implicit dep.
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 02/05: Remove libfreenect also for kfreebsd-amd64 and kfreebsd-i386 (BD-Uninstallable)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 03/05: Since Ogre removal, remove dh_override_install (Closes: #813564)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 04/05: Remove doxygen-latex useless dependency
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] 05/05: Update changelog for 3.0.0-4 release
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] annotated tag debian/3.0.0-4 created (now 2a54a94)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] annotated tag debian/3.0.0-3 created (now a9527bb)
Olivier Sallou
- [visp] annotated tag debian/3.0.0-2 created (now 59b0f7e)
Olivier Sallou
- [ros-rosdistro] branch master updated (8a635da -> 74910cb)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.3'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 02/02: Update changelog for 0.4.3-1 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] branch pristine-tar updated (73a5c2b -> 0166c0f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 01/01: pristine-tar data for ros-rosdistro_0.4.3.orig.tar.gz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] annotated tag upstream/0.4.3 created (now 28b05e0)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] branch master updated (17a6dda -> 6e07e7c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.11.11+ds'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 02/03: Update patches
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 03/03: Update changelog for 1.11.11+ds-1 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] branch pristine-tar updated (50dd2ba -> 06c42e3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] branch patch-queue/master created (now fbcac8c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/01: pristine-tar data for ros-vision-opencv_1.11.11+ds.orig.tar.xz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/02: Add CMakeLists.txt
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 02/02: Add Debian specific SOVERSION
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] annotated tag upstream/1.11.11 created (now cfe8dfb)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 1.11.11
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] annotated tag upstream/1.11.11+ds created (now 0971250)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] tag debian/1.11.16-3 created (now 8010d59)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] branch master updated (74910cb -> 0130e8d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] branch pristine-tar updated (0166c0f -> 7eceb77)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.4'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 02/02: Update changelog for 0.4.4-1 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] 01/01: pristine-tar data for ros-rosdistro_0.4.4.orig.tar.gz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] tag debian/0.4.3-1 created (now 74910cb)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] annotated tag debian/0.4.4-1 created (now 0f54511)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdistro] annotated tag upstream/0.4.4 created (now d593081)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] branch master updated (6b9228a -> 8570315)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] 01/02: Add dependencies
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] 02/02: Update changelog for 0.11.4-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rosdep] annotated tag debian/0.11.4-2 created (now 60653fc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] tag debian/0.5.7-5 created (now 096f386)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] tag 1.11.11+ds-1 created (now 6e07e7c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] tag 1.11.11+ds-1 deleted (was 6e07e7c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] tag debian/1.11.11+ds-1 created (now 6e07e7c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] branch master updated (6e07e7c -> 85b62b3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] branch master updated (3d71a92 -> 046b6bd)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] 01/01: Fix location of default_plugin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (8010d59 -> b58b197)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/03: Add Python dependencies
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 02/03: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 03/03: Soname bump to move rosconsole to log4cxx
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] branch master updated (d5d3e5e -> c620c53)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] 01/03: Revert "Added /usr/lib// as search path to find executables"
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] 02/03: Revert "Added dpkg-dev to have dpkg-architecture"
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] 03/03: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] branch master updated (c808ffd -> 920d887)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] branch master updated (1aa2f69 -> 5840b88)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] branch master updated (381c9a0 -> 245e329)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] branch master updated (c67cb67 -> d9cb334)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-transport-plugins] branch master updated (47364cc -> 93c956e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-transport-plugins] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] branch master updated (6404ab1 -> a172408)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] 01/02: Move libimage_transport_plugins.so to libimage-transport0d
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] 02/02: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (0809bce -> 6386a26)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (9d7624a -> 609f35a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 01/02: Add dependency
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 02/02: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] branch master updated (096f386 -> db953cc)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] branch master updated (90a90b1 -> b5bad80)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] branch master updated (d048d4d -> a6cc1b3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] branch master updated (dbc3d54 -> dd03676)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (7ce6985 -> 8eb067f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] branch master updated (abe9f7c -> 8fb1b5c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 01/01: Change location of libexec to lib (without triplet)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] branch master updated (9f59581 -> c123831)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] 01/01: Adopt to new libexec location in catkin
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (b58b197 -> 2ebc560)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Add missing dependency
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] branch master updated (d62fc75 -> 0bfbf59)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-metapackages] 01/01: Rename libnodeletlib-tools nodeletlib-tools
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (609f35a -> 41c7e4d)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 01/01: Fix location of package.xml for rosrun tf tf_remap
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (2ebc560 -> 119d807)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Don't install rosconsole.config, it's not needed
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] branch master updated (85189e6 -> ad6c43e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] 01/01: Add patch to limit search depth
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] annotated tag debian/0.6.16-4 created (now 3e05597)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.6.16-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] branch ros2 created (now 2958046)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] branch master updated (a5d19cf -> cfeb33c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin] 01/01: WIP
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] branch master updated (d9cb334 -> 3bbb62b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] 01/01: Rename libnodeletlib-tools -> nodeletlib-tools
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] annotated tag debian/0.5.6-4 created (now 9cf7497)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.5.6-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] branch ros2 created (now 4e2059f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] branch master updated (b5bad80 -> 9f08eaa)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] 01/01: WIP
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (119d807 -> 37aca4a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.16-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] branch master updated (db953cc -> 63ebdb6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.5.7-6 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genpy] annotated tag debian/0.5.7-6 created (now 3d43372)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] annotated tag debian/0.5.3-4 created (now 476d85f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.5.3-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-gencpp] branch master updated (a6cc1b3 -> 547e15a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] branch master updated (dd03676 -> c5c0e5f)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.4.15-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genlisp] annotated tag debian/0.4.15-4 created (now 5542fba)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.12.3-5 created (now 2d0e4c0)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.12.3-5 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (8eb067f -> aa249b6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] branch master updated (ad6c43e -> 540d033)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] 01/01: Update changelog for 2.2.5-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rospack] annotated tag debian/2.2.5-3 created (now 0b9df74)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] annotated tag debian/1.12.5-4 created (now 91cf939)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.12.5-4 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros] branch master updated (c620c53 -> 9f5f285)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (37aca4a -> 3e7dc69)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Release to experimental
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch ros2 created (now 5a2d4b6)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: WIP
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] annotated tag debian/1.11.16-4 created (now d9d20a9)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin-pkg] branch ros2 created (now 987286a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-catkin-pkg] 01/01: WIP
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] branch master updated (3e7dc69 -> bb74fc5)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.16-5 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-ros-comm] annotated tag debian/1.11.16-5 created (now 268430a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] branch master updated (c123831 -> 9b73aff)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.4-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-actionlib] annotated tag debian/1.11.4-3 created (now 76f711e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] annotated tag debian/0.5.6-5 created (now da69654)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] 01/02: Add missing dependency
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] 02/02: Update changelog for 0.5.6-5 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-genmsg] branch master updated (9f08eaa -> 851c92b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (4bc69ba -> 459f080)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Update changelog for 0.5.12-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] annotated tag debian/0.5.12-3 created (now 26be65a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] annotated tag debian/1.10.1-3 created (now ac16670)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.10.1-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-pluginlib] branch master updated (245e329 -> 0a196cb)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (41c7e4d -> 470878c)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.7-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] annotated tag debian/1.11.7-2 created (now b047c2e)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] branch master updated (a172408 -> 5a76aae)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.10-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-image-common] annotated tag debian/1.11.10-2 created (now 465cc8b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch master updated (aa249b6 -> 6561c73)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] branch pristine-tar updated (1b006de -> 6fc5932)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.12.4'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 02/03: Remove boost dependency
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 03/03: Update changelog for 1.12.4-1 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] 01/01: pristine-tar data for ros-common-msgs_1.12.4.orig.tar.gz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] annotated tag upstream/1.12.4 created (now 6f9eba5)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-common-msgs] annotated tag debian/1.12.4-1 created (now 6eb254b)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] branch master updated (3bbb62b -> 08258f2)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-nodelet-core] 01/01: Revert "Rename libnodeletlib-tools -> nodeletlib-tools"
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] branch master updated (920d887 -> fba313a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.12.1'
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] 02/03: Update changelog for 1.12.1-1 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] 03/03: Disable broken test suite for now
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] branch pristine-tar updated (ad9476b -> 82f72bf)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] 01/01: pristine-tar data for ros-robot-state-publisher_1.12.1.orig.tar.gz
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-state-publisher] annotated tag upstream/1.12.1 created (now 67649ac)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] branch master updated (5840b88 -> b042c81)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.8-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-robot-model] annotated tag debian/1.11.8-3 created (now 82892f3)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] branch master updated (85b62b3 -> 2220dda)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.11+ds-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-vision-opencv] annotated tag debian/1.11.11+ds-2 created (now 76feec9)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] annotated tag debian/1.11.10+dfsg-2 created (now 6b5cb0a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] 01/01: Update changelog for 1.11.10+dfsg-2 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] branch master updated (046b6bd -> 378534a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] branch master updated (470878c -> 3c8277a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 01/02: Add breaks/replaces for moved package.xml
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] 02/02: Update changelog for 1.11.7-3 release
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry] annotated tag debian/1.11.7-3 created (now a6ec791)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-angles] branch master updated (663975e -> 4ba5545)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-angles] 01/01: Fix homepage link
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] branch master updated (459f080 -> 4b71d5a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-geometry-experimental] 01/01: Fix homepage link
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [ros-rviz] tag upstream/1.11.10+dfsg updated (5bf49be -> 4da495a)
Jochen Sprickerhof
- [libvigraimpex] branch master updated (6835d37 -> 2a5aae4)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 01/04: deb/control: depend libvigraimpex-dev on libpng-dev
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 02/04: deb/README.Debian: corrected typo
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 03/04: build libvigraimpex6
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 04/04: deb/changelog: added Closes
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] branch master updated (2a5aae4 -> 70da40c)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 01/04: deb/rules: added DH_VERBOSE export line
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 02/04: deb/control: bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.7
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 03/04: deb/rules: clean up phony targets
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 04/04: deb/control: added Replaces to libvigraimpex6
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] branch master updated (70da40c -> 3ccdc02)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 01/30: deb/control: moved Replaces
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 02/30: deb/control: use Breaks instead of Replaces
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 03/30: deb/rules: removed old pointers, moved a target
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 04/30: deb/rules: removed some old obsolete stuff
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 05/30: deb/rules: removed wildcard for non-multiarch Python paths
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 06/30: deb/rules: removed old failsafe for tests on powerpc
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 07/30: deb/rules: non-echoed line for free
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 08/30: deb/rules: removed some line breaks
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 09/30: deb/changelog: dropped doc/changelog target
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 10/30: deb/rules: removed chmod on vigranumpy/test/*.py
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 11/30: deb/rules: removed more line breaks
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 12/30: deb/rules: removed workaround for missing dh_sphinxdoc
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 13/30: deb/rules: added -a for everything in build-arch, added dh_lintian to build-indep
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 14/30: deb/changelog: corrected typo
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 15/30: deb/rules: removed test for if Numpy is available
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 16/30: deb/rules: dropped chmod on examples
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 17/30: deb/rules: changelog path not needed to be given
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 18/30: deb/rules: add BINDNOW to linker flags
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 19/30: deb/rules: dropped --keep-going from testsuite call
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 20/30: deb/rules: build with -O3 on ppc64el
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 21/30: deb/rules: cosmetics
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 22/30: deb/clean: removed unneeded lines
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 23/30: deb/control: actually Replaces is better
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 24/30: deb/rules: corrected a info sentence
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 25/30: deb/copyright: expanded copyright span, added email address
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 26/30: deb/rules: dh_sphinxdoc doesn't need path
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 27/30: added patches of Andreas Metzler for build with 1-11-rc branch
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 28/30: Imported Upstream version 1.10.0+git20160211.167be93
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 29/30: Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.0+git20160211.167be93'
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 30/30: deb/copyright: updated
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] branch pristine-tar updated (f52c20e -> 956730a)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] branch upstream updated (1adbfc9 -> a79bc3f)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 01/02: removed tarball which haven't been in the archive
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 02/02: pristine-tar data for libvigraimpex_1.10.0+git20160211.167be93.orig.tar.xz
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] branch master updated (3ccdc02 -> 4b15f14)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 01/02: deb/changelog: naughty emacs again
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 02/02: deb/changelog: corrected an info line
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] branch master updated (4b15f14 -> 9406e48)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 01/04: deb/rules: add DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS line
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 02/04: add support for multiarch
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 03/04: don't ship libvigraimpex-dev with old style vigra-config script
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] 04/04: upload to experimental
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] annotated tag debian/1.10.0+git20160211.167be93-1 created (now eac4063)
Daniel Stender
- [libvigraimpex] annotated tag upstream/1.10.0+git20160211.167be93 created (now 4af6acc)
Daniel Stender
- [theano] branch master created (now 4a5a12b)
Daniel Stender
- [theano] branch pristine-tar created (now 647789b)
Daniel Stender
- [theano] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 0.7-1~exp1
Daniel Stender
- [theano] 01/01: pristine-tar data for theano_0.7.orig.tar.xz
Daniel Stender
- [theano] annotated tag upstream/0.7 created (now fee7972)
Daniel Stender
- [theano] branch master updated (4a5a12b -> 3ed1711)
Daniel Stender
- [theano] 01/01: added debian/clean
Daniel Stender
- [openggsn] branch master updated (be9c3b1 -> 73ba451)
Andreas Tille
- [openggsn] 01/01: Do not leave a changelog paragraph for a never uploaded package
Andreas Tille
- [opengm] branch debian/sid updated (e92a3ab -> bfe003d)
Andreas Tille
- [opengm] 01/02: Fix Vcs fields
Andreas Tille
- [opengm] 02/02: Avoid mixed quote signs in debian/upstream/metadata
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] branch master updated (f0aec33 -> edbd971)
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/1.12.3'
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 02/05: New upstream version
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] branch pristine-tar updated (6d6261f -> 183ffca)
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 03/05: Add upstream/metadata
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 04/05: cme fix dpkg-control
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 05/05: Two packages left to wait for
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-knitr_1.12.3.orig.tar.gz
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] branch master updated (edbd971 -> ff4bed3)
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 01/02: Assume packaging work by Joost might be GPL
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-knitr] 02/02: Add question about unclear uversionmangling
Andreas Tille
- [mathicgb] branch master updated (bfd3566 -> 6ec4b0b)
Doug Torrance
- [mathicgb] 01/04: Fix lines in Description made too long by the Grober->Groebner change.
Doug Torrance
- [mathicgb] 02/04: Enable all hardening flags; fixes hardening-no-{bindnow,pie} Lintian warnings.
Doug Torrance
- [mathicgb] 03/04: Update Vcs-Browser to use https; fixes vcs-field-uses-insecure-uri Lintian warning.
Doug Torrance
- [mathicgb] 04/04: Update debian/changelog entry for version 1.0~git20150904-2.
Doug Torrance
- [libsmpp34] branch master created (now 74f13d9)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Added debian dir
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (74f13d9 -> bebe501)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Fix issue with "binary"-directory present in the source
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (bebe501 -> 58ace0f)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/06: Added main copyright info
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 02/06: Fix some lintians
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 03/06: Added symbols file
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 04/06: Fixed some lintians
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 05/06: Add long description to packages
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 06/06: Added patch to fix typo. Standards version is 3.9.6
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (58ace0f -> 25fa9d0)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Fixed dependencies so that it builds with pbuilder
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (25fa9d0 -> 5c375b9)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Fixed copyright year for upstream author
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch pristine-tar created (now aa5e986)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libsmpp34_1.10.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] annotated tag upstream/1.10 created (now b6168f9)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (5c375b9 -> 138b12a)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Fixed gbp.conf
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (138b12a -> bf532dd)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Set includedir
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master created (now 5df5cd2)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/05: Started preparing packaging
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 02/05: Make shared library
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 03/05: Add .install file
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 04/05: Rename libraries to contain "osmo"
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 05/05: Split in three library packages
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] annotated tag upstream/0.7.0 created (now 1d03688)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch pristine-tar created (now a6f734b)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libosmo-sccp_0.7.0.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (5df5cd2 -> 4cb1ef3)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Added gbp.conf
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (4cb1ef3 -> 3fd0c89)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Added .symbols files
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (3fd0c89 -> 3228c82)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Set version explicitly
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (3228c82 -> cff5894)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/05: Improved short description a bit
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 02/05: Enable hardening in the rules file
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 03/05: Get rid of some lintians. Improved copyright
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 04/05: Get symbols and put in -dbg package
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 05/05: Improved copyright
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (cff5894 -> f06eb18)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Some more description
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (f06eb18 -> eab3585)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Fewer build-dependencies
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master created (now 6bdd43c)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Started preparing files in the debian dir
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch pristine-tar created (now 8bb9eee)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openggsn_0.92.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] annotated tag upstream/0.92 created (now 84c5486)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (6bdd43c -> f1a26e1)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Get rid of some lintians.
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (f1a26e1 -> 8c8baa2)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: More precise copyright info
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (8c8baa2 -> 7e3cdec)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Added gbp.conf
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (7e3cdec -> c0f67d6)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Improved long description and changelog entry
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (c0f67d6 -> b905a09)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Keeping some more of the original files
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (bf532dd -> eb8f4d6)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Don't create -dbg package since -dbgsym is create automatically
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (eab3585 -> 30bcee4)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Don't create -dbg package since -dbgsym is automatically created
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (b905a09 -> ff84dff)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Make the content of README.Debian valid for today.
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (ff84dff -> b0240ae)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Fix spelling and watch file
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (eb8f4d6 -> b7331bd)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Add watch file
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (30bcee4 -> be5dbf3)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Added watch file
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (be5dbf3 -> 5a62052)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Better long descriptions
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (5a62052 -> 9c0f1f9)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Some files are licensed as AGPL
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (b0240ae -> 408d95d)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Don't include init-file. It just makes things unnecessarily complicated. Install configuration files in /etc/
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (9c0f1f9 -> 6b32440)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Fixed small typo in description
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (6b32440 -> 32359f5)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Fix library name in .pc files. Describe why libraries have been renamed in patch
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] branch master updated (d49e7b3 -> 0e53b5d)
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] 01/01: Use secure URI to Vcs
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] branch master updated (0e53b5d -> 44368bf)
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] 01/01: Run "cme fix dpkg-control"
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] branch master updated (44368bf -> 5a28f51)
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] 01/01: Added copyright year.
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (b7331bd -> 1d7906e)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Fixed typo in long description
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (32359f5 -> c92db4f)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Deleted empty file
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (c92db4f -> 5290ddd)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Ran "cme fix dpkg-control"
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] branch master updated (1d7906e -> 97ec13a)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] 01/01: Run "cme fix dpkg-control"
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (408d95d -> 5ee920d)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Run "cme fix dpkg-control"
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] tag debian/0_20150927gitefdb026-1 created (now 44368bf)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] branch master updated (7b9bea0 -> d4f2075)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 01/01: Added udev rules and fixed Vcs-Git
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] tag debian/0_20151006git103e6fd-2 created (now d4f2075)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] tag debian/0.92-1 created (now 408d95d)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] tag debian/0.92-1 updated (408d95d -> 5ee920d)
Ruben Undheim
- [libsmpp34] tag debian/1.10-1 created (now 97ec13a)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] tag debian/0.7.0-1 created (now 5290ddd)
Ruben Undheim
- [yosys] tag debian/0.5.0+20151013gitf13e387-1 created (now db23ccd)
Ruben Undheim
- [yosys] 01/01: Prepared changelog
Ruben Undheim
- [yosys] branch master updated (35c5707 -> db23ccd)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master created (now f1e9259)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Updated debian dir content to Debian standard.
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] annotated tag upstream/0.15.0 created (now 4f5dbdf)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (f1e9259 -> 5029326)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Get rid of some lintians
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch pristine-tar created (now c6eccd4)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: pristine-tar data for openbsc-0.15.0.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (5029326 -> 5bcac81)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Fixed error in d/rules
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (5bcac81 -> a59147e)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Set version explicitly and make sure the clean targets cleans everything properly
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (a59147e -> 351ebc4)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Added one other binary package for the shared header file
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (351ebc4 -> 1562721)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Skip installing init files, will be replaced by .service
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] branch master updated (f3ee4a7 -> be9c3b1)
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] 01/01: Fixed copyright info for some files
Ruben Undheim
- [openggsn] tag debian/0.92-1 updated (5ee920d -> 73ba451)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-abis] branch master updated (3027d69 -> 41c6af9)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-abis] 01/01: Fixed some problems in d/control
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmocore] branch master updated (c019ec6 -> eb1d10a)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmocore] 01/05: Remove "-Wl, -Bsymbolic-functions" from LDFLAGS
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmocore] 02/05: Various other fixes
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmocore] 03/05: Set HTML_TIMESTAMP to NO to make build reproducible
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmocore] 04/05: merge patched into master
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmocore] tag debian/0.9.0-4 created (now eb1d10a)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmocore] 05/05: Prepared changelog entry for upload
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (1562721 -> dbb443a)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Patch for fixing spelling errors
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (dbb443a -> de09236)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: New path for shared .h file
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] branch master created (now e325d77)
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] branch pristine-tar created (now e47356d)
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] 01/01: Added debian directory
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] 01/01: pristine-tar data for osmo-bts_0.4.0.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] annotated tag upstream/0.4.0 created (now fc8b8e4)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (de09236 -> c07ae62)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Fixed failing test
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (5290ddd -> 82773d8)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/02: Print test results in case of failure
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 02/02: Patch big-endian problematic struct
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (82773d8 -> 33c7c40)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Simplified expression a bit
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] branch master updated (5a28f51 -> 61162d4)
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] 01/01: Fix typo in short description and make build reproducible
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] branch master updated (d4f2075 -> 0882fef)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] tag debian/0_20151006git103e6fd-3 created (now 0882fef)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 01/01: Make build reproducible
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] branch master updated (261e950 -> 78d8a47)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.38'
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 02/02: New changelog entry
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] branch pristine-tar updated (51ad43e -> 05788c6)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] tag upstream/1.3.38 created (now cec2321)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] tag debian/1.3.38-1 created (now 78d8a47)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 01/01: pristine-tar data for qrouter_1.3.38.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-abis] tag debian/0.3.2+20151106git86fc3c8-1 created (now 3027d69)
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] branch master updated (e325d77 -> 896beb3)
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] 01/01: Set location of gsm_data_shared
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (c07ae62 -> c791897)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Install gsm_data_shared.c in /usr/src
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (c791897 -> 27bb8ee)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Link with gnutls instead of openssl
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (27bb8ee -> 69d1534)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/04: Fix patch-metadata
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 02/04: More spelling errors corrected
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 03/04: Generate man pages with txt2man
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 04/04: Added "empty" man pages for all binaries
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (69d1534 -> 5556f03)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Some more "extended description"
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (5556f03 -> 4b0bed4)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Proper heading in man pages
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (4b0bed4 -> 6f6d1cf)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Added content to bs11_config, ipaccess_find and ipaccess_config man pages
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (6f6d1cf -> 9ff820b)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Added content to more man pages
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (9ff820b -> 5f44eed)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Small man page change
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (5f44eed -> 089e7d7)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Fixed typo in man page
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (089e7d7 -> 4c805d7)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: More info in long descriptions
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (4c805d7 -> d87b2a0)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Updated d/copyright
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (d87b2a0 -> d3ffc27)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Remove unneeded files
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (d3ffc27 -> dfa4b07)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Small typo fixes
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (dfa4b07 -> 18ee79f)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Add d/gbp.conf to force pristin-tar
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (18ee79f -> 31f295b)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: UNRELEASED -> unstable
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] branch master updated (31f295b -> 599c809)
Ruben Undheim
- [openbsc] 01/01: Install more example configuration files. Added more text to some man pages.
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] branch master updated (896beb3 -> 15d9d2a)
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] 01/04: Patch in order to make it build with newer versions of openbsc
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] 02/04: Enable trx and sysmocom
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] 03/04: More to patch
Ruben Undheim
- [osmo-bts] 04/04: Some problems with --enable-sysmocom-bts
Ruben Undheim
- [yosys] branch master updated (db23ccd -> 0fa23a0)
Ruben Undheim
- [yosys] tag debian/0.5.0+20151013gitf13e387-2_exp1 created (now 0fa23a0)
Ruben Undheim
- [yosys] 01/01: Added autopkgtest
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] tag debian/0.7.0-2 created (now c8eeb82)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] 01/01: Prepare for upload
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] tag debian/0_20150927gitefdb026-2 created (now 3693e3a)
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] branch master updated (61162d4 -> 3693e3a)
Ruben Undheim
- [arachne-pnr] 01/01: Prepare for upload
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-sccp] branch master updated (33c7c40 -> c8eeb82)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-abis] branch master updated (41c6af9 -> 0b65ef8)
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-abis] 01/01: Prepare for upload
Ruben Undheim
- [libosmo-abis] tag debian/0.3.2+20151106git86fc3c8-2 created (now 0b65ef8)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] branch master updated (0882fef -> 8691efe)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 01/09: Merge remote-tracking branch 'clifford-wolf/master' into update-upstream
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 02/09: debian/changelog: new upstream version
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 03/09: refresh the python install path patch
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 04/09: refresh cxxflags.patch
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 05/09: set PREFIX to /usr when installing
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 06/09: let debian pick CC and CXX
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 07/09: add manpages for icepll and icetime
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 08/09: More in changelog entry
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 09/09: Get rid of more lintians
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] branch pristine-tar updated (7364df6 -> 5baada7)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] 01/01: pristine-tar data for fpga-icestorm_0~20160218gitf2b2549.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] tag upstream/0_20160218gitf2b2549 created (now f2b2549)
Ruben Undheim
- [fpga-icestorm] tag debian/0_20160218gitf2b2549-1 created (now 8691efe)
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] branch pristine-tar updated (dd7c3a0 -> a165147)
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] tag upstream/1.01+20160215hgae7d65e+dfsg created (now 835f771)
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] 01/01: pristine-tar data for berkeley-abc_1.01+20160215hgae7d65e+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] branch master updated (73a84f6 -> 8766d0b)
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] 01/05: Merge branch 'upstream'
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] 02/05: Refreshed patches
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] 03/05: New changelog entry
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] 04/05: Get rid of some lintians. Update copyright year
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] tag debian/1.01+20160215hgae7d65e+dfsg-1 created (now 8766d0b)
Ruben Undheim
- [berkeley-abc] 05/05: Prepare changelog entry for upload
Ruben Undheim
- [h5py] branch pristine-tar updated (3e31a4c -> 9bb1b4d)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 01/01: pristine-tar data for h5py_2.6.0.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] branch upstream/latest updated (0af9ed6 -> af0f1fe)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 2.6.0
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] branch pristine-tar updated (9bb1b4d -> 23d8b4f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 01/01: pristine-tar data for h5py_2.6.0.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] annotated tag upstream/2.6.0 created (now ff23ed9)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] annotated tag upstream/2.4.0+dfsg1 created (now 3c88b90)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] branch upstream/2.2.x deleted (was 0380acc)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] branch debian/sid updated (469299e -> 3747276)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 01/09: Merge tag 'upstream/2.6.0' into debian/sid
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 02/09: d/changelog: new upstream release.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 03/09: d/gbp.conf: no patch numbering.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 04/09: Update patch queue: - Drop 0002-prevent-cython-dep.patch, no longer required. - Drop drop-mpiposix.patch, unused. - Refresh Disable-usage-of-rpath.patch.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 05/09: Update build dependencies: - Raise versioned depends on cython to 0.19. - Drop versioned depends on numpy and sphinx.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 06/09: Update copyright: - add myself to the copyright holders of the debian files. - add missing copyright information for vendored files. - cme fix, wrap and sort.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 07/09: Add patch disabling broken tests acknowledged upstream.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 08/09: Update changelog.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] 09/09: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [h5py] annotated tag debian/2.6.0-1 created (now 2a0e96f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] annotated tag debian/3.3.0-5 created (now 8e1c635)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 01/06: d/control: use secure VCS-Git URI.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 02/06: d/control: add missing Testsuite field.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 03/06: d/control: cme fix, wrap and sort.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 04/06: d/copyright: correct NFFT3 licensing from GPL-2 to GPL-2+.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 05/06: Update changelog.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] 06/06: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [nfft] branch debian/sid updated (49a3cb9 -> 9556e83)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] tag upstream/v3.0.0 deleted (was 6a3acb3)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag upstream/v3.0.0+ds1 deleted (was bc5f699)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag upstream/v3.0.1+ds1 deleted (was 8eba03f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag upstream/3.0.0+ds1 created (now 049d9dd)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag upstream/3.0.1+ds1 created (now 04a1aa9)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] tag v3.0.0 created (now 6a3acb3)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] tag v3.0.1 created (now b1fa7e6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] tag v3.0.1 deleted (was b1fa7e6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] tag v3.0.1 created (now b1fa7e6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag upstream/3.0.1+ds1 updated (04a1aa9 -> ae70dc2)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] branch debian/experimental updated (7803782 -> fc8d0ad)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 01/284: Setup async project; Setup basic queues;
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 02/284: Convert CPU blas to use async queues
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 03/284: Async CPU approx1 and approx2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 04/284: Async CPU Assign
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 05/284: Async CPU Bilateral
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 06/284: Async CPU Convolve
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 07/284: Async CPU diff1 and diff2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 08/284: Avoid sending references to queued lambdas
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 09/284: Async CPU Copy, Assign, and Index
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 10/284: Async CPU diagonal
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 11/284: Async FFT for the CPU backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 12/284: Add eval to copyData
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 13/284: Async random on CPU backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 14/284: Async where on the CPU backe
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 15/284: Async CPU reduce and ireduce
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 16/284: Async CPU Transpose. Fix bug in eval
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 17/284: Merge branch 'devel' into async
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 18/284: Merge additional changes for async CPU.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 19/284: async cpu::index function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 20/284: Fixed asynchronous indexing & assignment in cpu backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 21/284: converted cpu tile to asychronous call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 22/284: converted sort_index cpu function to asynchronous call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 23/284: converted triangle fn in cpu backend to async call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 24/284: converted lu & cholesky decomposition functions to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 25/284: svd cpu backend is async now
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 26/284: adds scatter function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 27/284: update plot2d example to include scatter plot
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 28/284: converted qr & solve cpu functions to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 29/284: Converted wrap & unwrap cpu fns to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 30/284: converted transform to async call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 31/284: converted susan fn in cpu backend to asynchronous call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 32/284: convert sort & sort_by_key cpu fns to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 33/284: sobel cpu fn is async fn after this change
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 34/284: cleanup and scatter example update
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 35/284: adds scatter3
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 36/284: Converted resize & shift cpu fns to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 37/284: convert select & rotate cpu fns to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 38/284: Convert morph & range cpu fns to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 39/284: Merge pull request #1116 from syurkevi/forge_scatter
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 40/284: Increment version for devel to 3.3
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 41/284: Fixes for scatter
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 42/284: Merge pull request #1133 from shehzan10/devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 43/284: Converted cpu scan function to async call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 44/284: fix for async sift cpu function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 45/284: converted matchTemplate, meanShift & medfilt to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 46/284: nearest neighbour cpu func is asyn call now
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 47/284: conversion of listed functions to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 48/284: converted join cpu func to async call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 49/284: converted cpu regions function to asynchronous call
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 50/284: Removed dead code from opencl::DeviceManager class
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 51/284: Enables use of ArrayFire with external context & command queue
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 52/284: cpp wrappers for opencl external context related fns
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 53/284: unit tests for afcl::{pushDevice, setDevice, popDevice} fns
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 54/284: Style changes in opencl header
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 55/284: api name change for afcl external context functionality
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 56/284: Added OpenCL include dir for unit tests
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 57/284: additional style changes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 58/284: Merge pull request #1140 from 9prady9/ext_ocl_context
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 59/284: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 60/284: DOC resolve markerType enum in graphics
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 61/284: Remove unused variable warning in homography cuda kernel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 62/284: Merge branch 'devel' into async
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 63/284: initial gravity example
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 64/284: Converted iir, fir, fftconvolve to async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 65/284: Change to gfx to handle Arrays created by async calls
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 66/284: Fixed harris & homography cpu fns to work with async fns
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 67/284: Fix in Array::device method
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 68/284: Fix for getDeviceMemInfo function in cpu
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 69/284: FEAT added allocHost and freeHost functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 70/284: FEAT added infoString function to return info as string
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 71/284: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfixes-3.2.2' into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 72/284: Using af_alloc_host when allocating user-return string
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 73/284: toString now uses af_alloc_host to allocate memory
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 74/284: Add overload of toString that returns a string
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 75/284: FEAT add af_get_revision to get commit instead of AF_REVISION
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 76/284: Using c/version.cpp in unified
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 77/284: Merge pull request #1163 from shehzan10/devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 78/284: add collisions, split vectors into components for performance
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 79/284: Fixes for asynchronous cpu copy && set functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 80/284: Merge branch 'devel' into async
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 81/284: Added missing eval for input Array's in cpu backend fns
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 82/284: threads library is now a submodule in cpu backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 83/284: Moved fns enqueued onto async queue to separate folder
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 84/284: Removed obselete fn of evalArray from all backends
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 85/284: cpu::Array::eval queue work moved to kerenel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 86/284: moved assign cpu async fn to kernel space
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 87/284: moved kernel namespace in cpu backend inside cpu namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 88/284: moved bilateral, convolve, fftconvolve to cpu kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 89/284: moved copy queue fns from cpu backend to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 90/284: Moved diagonal cpu implementation to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 91/284: moved diff, fast, gradient, harris, histogram to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 92/284: moved rgb_hsv & identity fns to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 93/284: moved indexing & assignment fns to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 94/284: Update README.md with updated status badges
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 95/284: template parameters style fixes in cpu kernel namespace fns
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 96/284: Merge pull request #1178 from shehzan10/readme-badges
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 97/284: Moved more cpu fns implementations to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 98/284: moved the left over fns to cpu kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 99/284: Fixed the bug in cpu ireduce kernel function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 100/284: remove state globals
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 101/284: remove windows pause ifdef
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 102/284: Fixed orb async cpu fn
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 103/284: Merge pull request #1152 from syurkevi/gravity_example
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 104/284: cmake fix to check for threads submodule
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 105/284: moved fft cpu fns implementations to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 106/284: moved dot cpu implementation to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 107/284: moved fftconvolve reorder helper fn to kernel namespace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 108/284: fixed cpu::kernel::dot fn signature
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 109/284: Added ENQUEUE macro in cpu backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 110/284: Removed obsolete queue sync in cpu::padArray fn
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 111/284: Fixed cmake condition for threads submodule check
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 112/284: Added API support for perspective transform
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 113/284: Added perspective transform to CPU backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 114/284: Added perspective transform to CUDA backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 115/284: Added perspective transform to OpenCL backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 116/284: Updated transform documentation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 117/284: Added perspective transform unit tests
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 118/284: Updated test data
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 119/284: Fixed wrong data type in OpenCL transform
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 120/284: Simplified test for perspective transform in API
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 121/284: Merge pull request #1190 from pentschev/perspective_transform
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 122/284: Synchronize when AF_SYNCHRONOUS_CALLS is set to 1
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 123/284: Revert "Added ENQUEUE macro in cpu backend"
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 124/284: Merge remote-tracking branch 'arrayfire/master' into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 125/284: Merge branch 'devel' into async
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 126/284: Merge pull request #1174 from umar456/async
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 127/284: Cleanup util.cpp
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 128/284: Using getEnvVar instead of getenv
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 129/284: Cleanup/improve backend test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 130/284: Not building info for unified. backend does the same as info
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 131/284: FEAT Added isImageIOAvailable function to check support
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 132/284: FEAT Added isLAPACKAvailable function to check support
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 133/284: Use isImageIOAvailable in testHelper
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 134/284: Use isLAPACKAvailable in testHelper
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 135/284: Add missing af_err to string
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 136/284: af_get_last_error supports NULL as valid argument for len
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 137/284: Improvements to af::exception messages
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 138/284: Add version guards around allocHost and freeHost
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 139/284: Deprecate af_(lock/unlock)_device_ptr. Use af_(lock/unlock)_array
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 140/284: Add memFreeUnlinked to free locked device ptrs
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 141/284: FEAT Add printMemInfo to print memory information
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 142/284: Renamed is_free -> mngr_lock and is_unlinked -> user_lock in cpu memory mngr
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 143/284: Renamed is_free -> mngr_lock and is_unlinked -> user_lock in cuda memory mngr
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 144/284: Renamed is_free -> mngr_lock and is_unlinked -> user_lock in opencl memory mngr
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 145/284: Reverse conditions for freeing in memory managers
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 146/284: Renamed internal memFree functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 147/284: Fix AF_DISABLE_GRAPHICS condition (Fixes e19a6be)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 148/284: Fix clang warnings (std::abs, pragma ignores)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 149/284: Merge pull request #1208 from shehzan10/clang-warnings
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 150/284: Merge pull request #1207 from shehzan10/memory
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 151/284: Build fix for CUDA backend when using boost 1.60
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 152/284: Add missing isLAPACKAvailable implementation in CPU backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 153/284: Set revision to "default" when git is not available
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 154/284: Documentation fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 155/284: Replaced ssh based url with http url for threads submodule
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 156/284: Merge pull request #1216 from 9prady9/threads_uri_fix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 157/284: Merge pull request #1215 from shehzan10/devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 158/284: Merge pull request #1211 from pavanky/compile_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 159/284: Fix NONFREE Build CMake Options
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 160/284: Handle compute_53 (tegra x1) for cuda lapack
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 161/284: Add definition for each compute type
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 162/284: Added helper functions for device type and unified mem in OpenCL
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 163/284: Added getMappedPtr and unmapPtr functions in opencl memory
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 164/284: Added matmul offloading to CPU
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 165/284: Fix blas header types in cpu
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 166/284: Fix bug in OpenCL JIT when calling functions that return same value
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 167/284: Fix bug in CUDA JIT when calling functions that return same value
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 168/284: dot in CUDA/OpenCL now uses mul followed by reduction
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 169/284: Always use freeimage flags instead of hardcoded offsets
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 170/284: Remove cpu dot fallback. Slower than opencl dot always
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 171/284: Add OpenCL-CPU fallback for LU
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 172/284: Merge pull request #1218 from pavanky/freeimage_fix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 173/284: Add OpenCL-CPU fallback for Cholesky
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 174/284: Add OpenCL-CPU fallback for QR
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 175/284: Add OpenCL-CPU fallback for SVD
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 176/284: Add OpenCL-CPU fallback for solve
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 177/284: Add OpenCL-CPU fallback for inverse
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 178/284: Clean up header files in opencl/cpu/
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 179/284: Update environment variables doc
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 180/284: Update boost compute release tag
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 181/284: Update clFFT release tag
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 182/284: Move MappedPtr into the Array class
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 183/284: FEAT Add getActiveBackend function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 184/284: Add the ability to sort OpenCL devices Using the following criterion
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 185/284: Using proper offsets for loadImageNative and saveImageNative
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 186/284: Adding environment variables to choose OpenCL device
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 187/284: Cleaning up exception handling in src/api/c
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 188/284: Updating docs for new AF_OPENCL_*_TYPE environment variables
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 189/284: Freeimage only requires the flags for 24 / 32 bit images
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 190/284: Merge pull request #1222 from pavanky/opencl_device_sort
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 191/284: Merge pull request #1202 from shehzan10/clupdates
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 192/284: Moving dispatch.hpp / dispatch.cpp to src/backend/
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 193/284: Renaming a few internal functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 194/284: Adding a unified memory manager for all backends
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 195/284: Remove unnecessary line from CMakeLists
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 196/284: Cleaning up error messages in loading and saving files
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 197/284: Fixing CUDA platform manager to sort devices in a more saner manner.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 198/284: Adding lock to memory allocated using af_alloc_device / af::alloc
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 199/284: Adding documentation for AF_MEM_DEBUG
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 200/284: Additional sanitizing for mutex locks
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 201/284: Removing unnecessary returns from void functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 202/284: Fixing issue where garbageCollect was only called on current device
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 203/284: BUGFIX: Initialize buffer counts to 0
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 204/284: af_set_device now only warns when device > 0 on CPU
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 205/284: Merge pull request #1225 from pavanky/memory_manager
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 206/284: Re-enable disabled sort tests from issue #995
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 207/284: BUGFIX Handle 16-bit data in saveImage
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 208/284: Fix saveImageNative for 1-channel images
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 209/284: Update test data submodule commit
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 210/284: Add tests for 16-bit images for ImageIO+Native
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 211/284: Handle CUDA devices locked in exclusive mode
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 212/284: Add try/catch around cuda::setDevice in Pinned Memory Manager
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 213/284: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into fallback-opts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 214/284: Using device independent vector for cuda Pinned Memory Manager
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 215/284: Cleanup for opencl-cpu offload
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 216/284: Clean up cusolver finding in cmake
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 217/284: Merge pull request #1229 from shehzan10/imageio16-test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 218/284: Merge pull request #1221 from shehzan10/fallback-opts
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 219/284: Move asserts inside try/catch in indexer functions in util
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 220/284: Fix OpenCL-CPU offload when OpenCL is built without lapack
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 221/284: Added tranform coordinates functionality
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 222/284: Added transform coordinates to unified backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 223/284: Added transform coordinates documentation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 224/284: Added transform coordinates unit tests
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 225/284: Updated test data
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 226/284: Fix resize unit test.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 227/284: Compile fixes for gcc 5.3
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 228/284: Fixing compiler warnings
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 229/284: Functions to get opencl device type and platforms
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 230/284: Work around for a bug in AMD's clBuildProgram
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 231/284: Putting transform coordinates within version guards
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 232/284: Merge branch 'devel' of shehzan10/arrayfire into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 233/284: Merge branch 'compile_fixes' of pavanky/arrayfire into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 234/284: Update clBLAS release tag
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 235/284: Fixes in magma potrf (opencl cholesky)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 236/284: BUGFIX Fix how streams are created in setActiveDevice (CUDA)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 237/284: Merge pull request #1220 from shehzan10/clBLAS-updates
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 238/284: Fixes to getMappedPtr in OpenCL backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 239/284: Add getHostMemorySize and getDeviceMemorySize functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 240/284: Updates to Memory Manager and Garbage Collection Heuristics
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 241/284: Move ArrayFireConfig, CPack (as CPackConfig) into CMakeModules
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 242/284: Move /bigobj definitions into main CMakeList (windows)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 243/284: Fixes to build with MKL when INTEL_MKL_ROOT is exported
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 244/284: BUGFIX Add/remove entries for platform when adding external device/context
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 245/284: BUGFIX Fix CUDA device management and free at destructor
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 246/284: Fix Tests: ORB, Meanshift, basic_c, solve
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 247/284: Add documentation for deviceInfo
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 248/284: Merge branch 'memory' of shehzan10/arrayfire into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 249/284: Proper exception handling for memory manager
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 250/284: Removing unneeded cudaDeviceSynchronize()
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 251/284: Adding compute 37 to list of accepted CUDA computes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 252/284: BUGFIX: incorrect index for 3rd dimension in select / replace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 253/284: Documentation fix in matchTemplate function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 254/284: syntax+typo fix in opencl backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 255/284: Updated test data for meanshift, bilateral & morph
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 256/284: TEST: Adding tests for 3D and 4D select and replace
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 257/284: Changes required to build tests in a single file
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 258/284: Merge pull request #1251 from pavanky/bug_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 259/284: Merge pull request #1250 from pavanky/misc_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 260/284: Merge pull request #1252 from 9prady9/docs_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 261/284: Fixes issues when compiling with icc
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 262/284: Merge branch 'fixes_to_compile_with_icc' of mchandra/arrayfire into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 263/284: Removing unnecessary option "BUILD_GTEST"
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 264/284: Updating release notes for 3.3 pre-release
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 265/284: BUGFIX: max_bytes were being set incorrectly in MemoryManager
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 266/284: Cleaning up internal API for memory functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 267/284: JIT evaluation can now be tweaked by environment variables
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 268/284: BUGFIX: Fixing error in where for OpenCL backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 269/284: Changes to internal memory manager
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 270/284: Fixes to random.hpp to work in multi-threaded environment
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 271/284: OpenCL JIT now launches more threads per work group for CPU devices
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 272/284: Merge pull request #1262 from pavanky/memory_manager_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 273/284: Merge pull request #1260 from pavanky/where_fix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 274/284: Merge tag 'v3.3.alpha' into dfsg-clean
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 275/284: Clean source tree from non-dfsg components.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 276/284: Merge tag 'upstream/3.3_alpha+dfsg1' into debian/experimental
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 277/284: d/changelog: new upstream release.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 278/284: d/gbp.conf: use recommended DEP-14 format for upstream tags.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 279/284: d/copyright: update list of files excluded after dfsg-cleaning.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 280/284: Drop Always-use-freeimage-flags-instead-of-hardcoded-offsets.patch, fixed upstream.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 281/284: d/rules: remove usage of deprecated BUILD_GTEST option.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 282/284: cme fix d/control: - use secure VCS- Git URI. - remove unnecessary versioned depends. - sort install dependencies.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] branch dfsg-clean updated (25a2a75 -> cb95bda)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 283/284: Update changelog.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 284/284: Release to experimental.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] branch master updated (7507b61 -> 98ff1c0)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] annotated tag debian/3.3_alpha+dfsg1-1 created (now c2e2bc6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] tag v3.3.alpha created (now 98ff1c0)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] annotated tag upstream/3.3_alpha+dfsg1 created (now dacef43)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] branch debian/sid updated (6addea5 -> 8d98c63)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/11: d/copyright: add missing info for embedded sphinx code.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 02/11: d/control: use secure VCS-Git URI.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 03/11: Rename doc package from libshark-doc to shark-doc.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 04/11: d/control: cme fix, wrap and sort.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 05/11: d/gbp.conf: comply with DEP-14 format.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 06/11: d/rules: remove duplicate ENABLE_TESTING build option.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 07/11: d/rules: move OPT_INSTALL_DOCUMENTATION to configure-indep.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 08/11: Enable compilation with CBLAS.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 09/11: Use system jquery for Doxygen generated documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 10/11: Enable compilation with HDF5.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 11/11: Run HDF5 testcase manually due to a bug upstream.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] branch master updated (54d0a2c -> 377098e)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 01/10: d/watch: add repacksuffix option.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 02/10: Imported Upstream version 0.10.1+dfsg1
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] branch pristine-tar updated (24f5b7b -> 0107375)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 03/10: Merge tag 'upstream/0.10.1+dfsg1'
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 04/10: d/control: use recommended VCS entries.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 05/10: Update d/control: - source: add dh-python and setuptools to Build-Depends. - python{3}-h5py: remove manual Depends, use pythondeps and shlibdeps instead. - python{3}-h5py-dbg: move python{3}-dbg and python{3}-numpy-dbg from Recommends to Depends.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 06/10: Update patch queue: - Drop patch arm-build.diff. - Discover fftw libraries using pkgconfig. - Add build dependency on python{3}-pkgconfig.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 07/10: d/rules: enable clean target by pybuild.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 08/10: d/copyright: update copyright information.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 09/10: Update changelog.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 10/10: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] branch upstream updated (9a9398c -> 2212bb0)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pyfftw_0.10.1+dfsg1.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] annotated tag debian/0.10.1+dfsg1-1 created (now 1cec3e6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pyfftw] annotated tag upstream/0.10.1+dfsg1 created (now 646a9e0)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] branch master updated (9ccde6a -> d36a3df)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 01/12: Import nmu from YunQiang Su.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 02/12: Fix FTBFS with NFFT 3.3.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 03/12: Use recommended VCS URIs.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 04/12: Bump standards version to 3.9.7, no changes required.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 05/12: Move build of documentation to indep targets.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 06/12: Fix install dependencies of binary packages: - let python and shlibs substitutions figure the list of depends out, - debug packages depend on respective python and numpy debug packages.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 07/12: d/control: add build dependency on dh-python.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 08/12: Add autopkgtest testsuite.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 09/12: d/control: cme fix, wrap and sort.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 10/12: d/watch: use Debian redirector.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 11/12: Update changelog.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] 12/12: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] annotated tag debian/1.3.2-2 created (now 72056ef)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] annotated tag debian/1.3.2-1.1 created (now 6547855)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pynfft] annotated tag debian/1.3.2-1 created (now 8ea16fc)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] branch master updated (3e0c403 -> f0c167b)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 01/40: minor changes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 02/40: change name of brain-converter binary to a less generic one.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 03/40: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/opengm/opengm
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 04/40: Merge pull request #102 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 05/40: add matching converters
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 06/40: add converter
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 07/40: add converter
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 08/40: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/joergkappes/opengm
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 09/40: fix problems on 32bit systems
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 10/40: bugfix == -> =
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 11/40: Merge pull request #402 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 12/40: add simple python and matlab demos
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 13/40: Merge pull request #403 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 14/40: add new ibfs patch
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 15/40: reactivate patch
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 16/40: add tolarance for floating point operation-tests
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 17/40: fix patch
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 18/40: Merge pull request #103 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 19/40: Merge pull request #404 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 20/40: uncomment IBFS from graphcut test because of problems - have to be fixed
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 21/40: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/joergkappes/opengm
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 22/40: Merge pull request #405 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 23/40: fix amazing bug in test-marco
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 24/40: Merge pull request #406 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 25/40: avoid exception when no feasible solution is found
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 26/40: add ibfs test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 27/40: add ibfs test
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 28/40: char to int
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 29/40: Merge pull request #408 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 30/40: deletepython-demos
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 31/40: read python demos
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 32/40: Merge pull request #409 from joergkappes/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 33/40: Merge pull request #8 from opengm/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 34/40: Merge pull request #412 from DerThorsten/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 35/40: Fixed __repr__ function
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] branch pristine-tar updated (e75a464 -> 977d76c)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 36/40: cmake: apple: Removed linker flag "-undefined dynamic_lookup"
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 37/40: Merge pull request #415 from stuarteberg/no-undefined-dynamic-lookup
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 38/40: Merge pull request #414 from Erotemic/fix_numpy_repr
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 39/40: fix wrong use of IndexType and LabelType
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 40/40: fix incomplete bugfix
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 01/01: pristine-tar data for opengm_2.3.6+20160131.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] branch debian/sid updated (bfe003d -> f9e5876)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 01/14: Merge tag 'v2.3.6+20160131' into debian/sid
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 02/14: Drop Fix-testsuite-execution-on-32-bit.patch, applied upstream.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 03/14: Provide examples in doc package.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 04/14: d/rules: build examples conditionally on nocheck.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 05/14: d/gbp.conf: use upstream tag format.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 06/14: d/rules: simplify dh_autotest override.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 07/14: d/control: use secure VCS URIs.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 08/14: Fix usage of embedded jquery in doc package.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 09/14: d/rules: move dh_numpy call to dh_python2 override.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] annotated tag debian/2.3.6+20160131-1 created (now f52f335)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 10/14: d/rules: exclude examples from compression.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 11/14: Bump standards version to 3.9.7, no changes required.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 12/14: Update changelog.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 13/14: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [opengm] 14/14: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian/sid' into debian/sid
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag debian/3.0.1+ds1-1 created (now bcfec6f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/03: d/control: libshark-dev depends on libboost-dev.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 02/03: d/tests/build-examples: build with Boost.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 03/03: d/rules: fixup auto_test override.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] branch debian/sid updated (8d98c63 -> d8bfad7)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] annotated tag debian/3.0.1+ds1-1 deleted (was bcfec6f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] branch master created (now 9f44f59)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] branch pristine-tar created (now 0f71c97)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/03: Import watch file used for initial download.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/03: Initial debianization.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 03/03: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/01: pristine-tar data for python-hdf5storage_0.1.12.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag debian/0.1.12-1 created (now 04e90da)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag upstream/0.1.12 created (now 12cf6ff)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] branch debian/sid updated (d8bfad7 -> 1d48630)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 01/03: Bump standards version to 3.9.7, no changes required.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 02/03: libshark-dev: add missing install depends on blas and hdf5.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [shark] 03/03: Fix build of examples in autopkgtest testsuite.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] branch master updated (9f44f59 -> 067d239)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/02: Add missing dependency on nose for the packaging testsuite.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/02: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag debian/0.1.12-2 created (now 7769062)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] branch dfsg-clean updated (cb95bda -> c95f016)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 01/75: Prevent copy assignment & construction of af::Window object
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 02/75: FEAT: Adding functions exposing Array internals
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 03/75: Merge pull request #1263 from 9prady9/gfx_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 04/75: Memory leak fix in af_median_all
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 05/75: Compile fix for armel architecture
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 06/75: Adding cmake option to disable async queues
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 07/75: Changes to remove unneeded font
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 08/75: Merge branch 'median_memleak_fix' of 9prady9/arrayfire into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 09/75: Merge branch 'thread_fix' of pavanky/arrayfire into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 10/75: Merge branch 'assets_fixes' of pavanky/arrayfire into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 11/75: Fixing memory leak in plot3
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 12/75: Cleaning up code in plot3
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 13/75: Bugfixes, code clean up of plot
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 14/75: Clean up of surface()
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 15/75: BUGFIX: Fixing offsets when writing to Arrays for CPU and CUDA backends
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 16/75: Reorganizing offset to be inside ArrayInfo
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 17/75: BUGFIX: Fixed issues with offsets in moddims after using indexing
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 18/75: Fixes to internal functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 19/75: DOCS: Adding documentation for internal functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 20/75: Renaming createArray to be createStridedArray
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 21/75: Adding additional constraints when creating strided array
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 22/75: Adding functions to get raw pointer out of Array<T>
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 23/75: TEST: Adding tests for internal functions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 24/75: Merge pull request #1265 from pavanky/internals
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 25/75: Merge pull request #1274 from pavanky/gfx_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 26/75: BUGFIX: Fixed bug in CUDA and OpenCL when re-using same JIT nodes.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 27/75: Adding tests for to check for resetting in JIT
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 28/75: Merge pull request #1278 from pavanky/jit_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 29/75: Moving af_get_version to version.cpp
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 30/75: Fixing af_get_last_error for unified backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 31/75: Add better error messages coming out of unified api
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 32/75: Properly handle af_release_array when using a different backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 33/75: Set minimum CMake version to 2.8.12 (previously 2.8)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 34/75: Force offload OSX LAPACK on unified memory devices
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 35/75: Add BUILD_* Options for examples and tests when building standalone
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 36/75: Added support for loading 32 bit integer images
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 37/75: Merge remote-tracking branch 'pavanky/unified' into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 38/75: Merge remote-tracking branch 'yshady/loadImageINT32' into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 39/75: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 40/75: Search for GLEWmx in default paths too
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 41/75: Adding function to check if memory usage is approaching the limits
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 42/75: Changes to make sure cpu backend does not enqueue too many functions.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 43/75: Making copyArray from cpu backend asynchronous
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 44/75: Adding missing evals in cpu backend
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 45/75: BUGFIX: Fixing array.write for all backends
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 46/75: Change clBLAS commit tag to af3.3.0
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 47/75: Change clFFT commit tag to af3.3.0
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 48/75: Fixes for using MKL on OSX
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 49/75: Fix to MemoryManager in debug mode
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 50/75: Clear the free_map after calling garbageCollect in MemoryManager
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 51/75: Exit early when destructor is called on empty arrays.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 52/75: Added support for finding MKL RT on OSX for BLAS, LAPACKE, FFTW
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 53/75: Fixes to and reorganization of OSX Installer
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 54/75: OSX Installer: Move libforge and ArrayFireConfig into common sub package
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 55/75: Renaming ambiguous getInfo to getDeviceInfo
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 56/75: Make getInfo check if af_array belongs to current device.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 57/75: BUGFIX: Fixing getId() from ArrayInfo
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 58/75: BUGFIX: Ensure set operations work on vectors only
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 59/75: DOCS: Fixing documentation for exp
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 60/75: FEAT, TEST, DOC: Adding function to query which device an array was created.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 61/75: Merge pull request #1292 from jpauwels/patch-1
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 62/75: Merge pull request #1295 from shehzan10/devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 63/75: Merge pull request #1293 from pavanky/cpu_mem_async
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 64/75: Merge pull request #1303 from pavanky/minor_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 65/75: Merge pull request #1299 from pavanky/device_id
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 66/75: Merge pull request #1298 from shehzan10/osx-installer
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 67/75: Merge pull request #1297 from pavanky/memory_manager_fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 68/75: Merge pull request #1296 from shehzan10/osx-mkl-fixes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 69/75: Added release notes
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 70/75: Support to set visibility of windows programmatically
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 71/75: Merge pull request #1305 from 9prady9/gfx_additions
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 72/75: Merge pull request #1304 from shehzan10/release
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] branch master updated (98ff1c0 -> 5842ed2)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 73/75: DOC Typo corrections in Installation page
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 74/75: Merge pull request #1306 from arrayfire/devel
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] 75/75: Merge tag 'v3.3.0' into dfsg-clean
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] tag v3.3.0 created (now 5842ed2)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [arrayfire] annotated tag upstream/3.3.0+dfsg1 created (now 7122344)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] branch master updated (067d239 -> d13b1b3)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.13'
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] branch pristine-tar updated (0f71c97 -> a1aae34)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/02: Release to unstable.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/01: pristine-tar data for python-hdf5storage_0.1.13.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1 created (now f6d33dd)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/152: Initial commit
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/152: Added some needed files including license.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 03/152: Initial set of python codes to write only (still need polishing)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 04/152: Changed line endings to be native.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 05/152: Added missing import.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 06/152: Fixed method call typo.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 07/152: Fixed error in detection of whether an overwrite is needed based on shape and type information.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 08/152: Fixed bug in writting MATLAB_int_decode attribute for strings.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 09/152: Fleshed out core.Options (properties and docstrings) and added core module docstring.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 10/152: Fleshed out the rest of Marshallers.TypeMarshaller to support reading.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 11/152: Added docstrings to Marshallers.TypeMarshaller.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 12/152: Added minimal docstring for Marshallers module.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 13/152: Small, mostly docstring fixes in core.Options.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 14/152: More docstring work and adding a method in the core module.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 15/152: API changes in preparation for read support, especially in regard to MATLAB types.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 16/152: Added a function to get an Attribute.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 17/152: Added low level, somewhat buggy for strings, read support for Numpy types.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 18/152: Added utility function to encode complex types to be written to HDF5 file with the right complex field names.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 19/152: Changed writing of complex types to set complex field names manually.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 20/152: Fixed but in complex type encoding where type was not kept constant.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 21/152: Made utilities.decode_complex more general (can set one or both field names manually).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 22/152: Added read support for Python scaler types and None.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 23/152: Changed the way marshallers for container objects recursively write their elements.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 24/152: Removed partial code for the currently impossible to set MATLAB_fields attribute.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 25/152: Added read support for dicts.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 26/152: Added utility to convert strings to str, and changed other string conversion utilities to use it.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 27/152: Added Python string read support and changed it so bytearrays are written as numpy.string_ instead of numpy.uint8.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 28/152: Added high level read function.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 29/152: Fixed reading bugs.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 30/152: Fixed bugs with reading/writing scalar types and reading complex types.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 31/152: Fixed bug on writing empty datasets so that Matlab can read them.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 32/152: Fixed bugs in writing boolean types in a Matlab compatible way.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 33/152: Changed reading to have the Matlab compatiblity option set to False by default.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 34/152: Removed quad support as h5py doesn't support them.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 35/152: Added package installer (distutils) and wrote Readme.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 36/152: Escaped underscores in README.rst.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 37/152: Added what Python types are converted to in numpy in README.rst
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 38/152: Changed the way that None is written.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 39/152: Added and fixed documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 40/152: Added initial Sphinx based documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 41/152: Added ability to pass an Options object to the high level functions directly.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 42/152: Changed default names to read and write data to in the high level functions.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 43/152: Gathered all options keywords in high level read/write functions into a **keywords.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 44/152: Fixed error in README.rst about package functionality.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 45/152: Changed calling arguments for core.read and core.write and added their doc strings.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 46/152: Added Sphixnx API documentation structure for Marshallers.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 47/152: Fixed documentation and changed references to the aliases np.string_ and np.unicode to their targets np.bytes_ and np.str_.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 48/152: Changed manifest to include documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 49/152: Moved items in core module to main module (__init__.py), added examples, and fixed Sphinx based documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 50/152: Added initial tests.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 51/152: Added more tests for write and readback when not writing MATLAB metadata.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 52/152: Added tests to the manifest.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 53/152: Fixed bugs with writing and reading empty strings, in addition to a small file closing bug.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 54/152: Added read/write support for numpy.object_ types (become HDF5 references).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 55/152: Added read/write support for lists.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 56/152: Added read/write support for tuple, set, frozenset, and collections.deque.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 57/152: Dropped the C in all the CPython parts of attribute names.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 58/152: Added write readback tests for the numerical numpy types (not strings).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 59/152: Fixed issue in test where NaN's were causing equality tests to fail.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 60/152: Fixed bug of scalar numpy complex types being turned into arrays when doing write readback.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 61/152: Changed option name from MATLAB_comaptible to matlab_compatible.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 62/152: Fixed name of the PyTables package and group.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 63/152: Added file truncation options for writing.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 64/152: Fixed bugs in numpy bools not being converted back to book from uint8 correctly.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 65/152: Added numpy bool read writeback tests.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 66/152: Fixed a file clean up bug on error.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 67/152: Changed tests over to nose.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 68/152: Fixed and rearranged tests.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 69/152: Added tests for numpy bytes_ and str_ types.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 70/152: Fixed bugs in preserving the shape when reading back arrays of strings (all kinds).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 71/152: Switched from distutils to setuptools for packaging so unit tests could be run from setup.py.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 72/152: Changes to setup.py for using setuptools (forgot to add in the last commit).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 73/152: Added write readback tests for numpy.object_ type.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 74/152: Fixed a bug with deleting the H5PATH attribute on numpy.object_ arrays when not doint matlab compatibility.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 75/152: Split previously 2d array write readback test into 1d, 2d, and 3d cases.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 76/152: Fixed bug in decoding 3d and higher dimensionality arrays of numpy string types when encoded as uints.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 77/152: Added write readback unit tests for list, tuple, set, frozenset, and collection.deque.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 78/152: Consolidated the assertion functions for python and numpy types together.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 79/152: Rearranged write readback test code and added some comments.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 80/152: Fixed string encoding and decoding bugs.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 81/152: Added write readback tests to file with no python type information stored (either no information or just matlab information).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 82/152: Added tests for bug where a complex number with one field as NaN but the other not is read back as NaN in both fields.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 83/152: Parameterized the sizes of the random datasets used in the tests.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 84/152: Renamed the convert_strings_to_utf16 option to convert_numpy_bytes_to_utf16.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 85/152: Added an option to optionally convert numpy.str_ to np.uint16 in UTF-16 format and changed it so that str is converted to numpy.str_ instead of numpy.bytes_.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 86/152: Renamed decoders for numpy bytes_ and str_ in utilities.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 87/152: Updated documentation on the utilities module.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 88/152: Added custom assert functions for the tests into their own module.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 89/152: Moved the none format (not type or matlab information) and the matlab format assertion functions to tests/asserts.py as well as consolidating the assertions for different types together and adding in assertial code for dictionaries.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 90/152: Added write readback tests for dicts.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 91/152: Adjuste appearance of the first table in the README.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 92/152: Added oned_as option to control whether 1D arrays become row or column vectors when converted to 2D.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 93/152: Renamed the convert_scalars_to_arrays option to make_atleast_2d.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 94/152: Added a savemat function modelled after scipy.io.savemat.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 95/152: Added a loadmat function modelled after scipy.io.loadmat.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 96/152: Added existing file truncation options to savemat.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 97/152: Added main information page to documentation (replicate of README.rst) and adjusted titles.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 98/152: Created a skeleton introduction in the documentation and then moved the examples from __init__.py to it and updated them.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 99/152: Fixed error in README where the other numpy integer types were not in the table of supported types.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 100/152: Reorganized table in README.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 101/152: Renamed name arguments in read and write functions to path.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 102/152: Finished rest of introduction.rst in the documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 103/152: Added documentation on the storage format.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 104/152: Fixed bugs where the name keyword argument was not updated to path in savemat and loadmat.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 105/152: Renamed the store_type_information option to store_python_metadata.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 106/152: Added more documentation regarding the matlab_compatible option and how types are read back from MAT files.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 107/152: Added licence header to test files.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 108/152: Added more information to setup.py
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 109/152: Added numpy.chararray support.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 110/152: Added numpy.void support.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 111/152: Added ability to discard or throw an error when writing a matlab incompatible type when doing matlab compatibility.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 112/152: Fixed bugs in tests resulting from the changes in how matlab incompatible types are written.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 113/152: Fixed bugs in documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 114/152: Documentation and docstring updates and fixes.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 115/152: Added write support for numpy.ndarrays that have fields in their dtype as Groups/matlab structures.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 116/152: Added the use of the canonical empty inside the group for references.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 117/152: Updated documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 118/152: Fixed missing information about exceptions in docstrings.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 119/152: Moved the code to read an h5py.Reference array and make a numpy.object_ array from it to a function.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 120/152: Added read support for structured numpy.ndarrays as they are, as opposed to reading them as dicts.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 121/152: Removed commented out code.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 122/152: Made it so that structured numpy.ndarrays with one element have their fields written as is as opposed to packing them into HDF5 Reference arrays, and made it so they can be read back correctly.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 123/152: Changed the default marshaller for HDF5 Groups to be NumpyScalarArrayMarshaller as opposed to PythonDictMarshaller.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 124/152: Renamed the fielded_numpy_ndarray_as_struct option to structured_numpy_ndarray_as_struct.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 125/152: Fixed tests to work with how dicts are read back as structured np.ndarrays if python metadata isn't stored.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 126/152: Updated documentation with regards to reading/writing structured numpy.ndarrays and fixed errors.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 127/152: Changed the setting of string array attributes to use str instead of np.bytes_ (unicode instead of ASCII).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 128/152: Renamed the Attribute Python.numpy.Fields to Python.Fields and made it so that if it wasn't given, fields are sorted when making a structured ndarray.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 129/152: Updated documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 130/152: Added read/write numpy.recarray support.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 131/152: Fixed a bug where a dict with no members was marked with metadata as a zero sized struct, instead of one with no fields.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 132/152: Added/changed code to handle empty structured ndarrays.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 133/152: Renamed all the different string converters in utilities from starting with decode_to to convert_to
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 134/152: Added license info in README.rst
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 135/152: Added a development information page in the documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 136/152: Moved from using list.copy to copy.deepcopy(list) for Python 2 compatibility.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 137/152: Added Python 2.7 support.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 138/152: Replaced dictionary comprehensions to make code Python 2.6 compatible.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 139/152: Changed all sets to be constructed through set([...]) instead of {...}
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 140/152: Fixed bug on Python 2.6 where sys.version_info is just a tuple unlike in later Python versions.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 141/152: Fixed bug on Python 2.6 where byterray.fromhex was given a non-unicode argument.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 142/152: Fixed bug on Python 2.6 where the encoding to bytes.decode needs to be given as the first positional argument as opposed to as a keyword argument.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 143/152: Formally added Python 2.6 support in the README.rst and the installer.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 144/152: Fixed bug where loadmat was not returning a dict of the variables and not putting it in mdict if it was given.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 145/152: Added tests for reading data written by MATLAB.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 146/152: Fixed bugs in installer.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 147/152: Added additional tests to take the data read from MATLAB, send it back, read it back, and compare.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 148/152: Renamed MATLAB compatibility tests.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 149/152: Fixed bug where subprocess.check_output is not available on Python 2.6.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 150/152: Modified MATLAB test code to reduce output.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 151/152: Last changes to README.rst before releasing package.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 152/152: Changed description.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.1 created (now a695226)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/12: Fixed bug where str was converted to numpy.bytes_ instead of numpy.str_ before writing.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/12: Changed tests to work after fixing bug where str was written like numpy.bytes_ instead of like numpy.str_ and added test for writing and reading back unicode characters.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 03/12: Fixed bug when reading complex numbers where one part is NaN but the other is not.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 04/12: Modified tests to work with real/complex numbers that have NaN part/s.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 05/12: Fixed string conversion bug in Python 2.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 06/12: Fixed bug where MATLAB structures could not be read back correctly in Python 2.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 07/12: Fixed bug in Python2 where str.decode does not use a keyword for the encoding.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 08/12: Removed replace keyword in str.decode for Python 2.6
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 09/12: Changed a reference to numpy.str_ to numpy.unicode_ so that they will be written as numpy.uin16 if possible on Python 2.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 10/12: Fixed bug in tests.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 11/12: Incremented version to 0.1.1
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 12/12: Fixed version in documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.10 created (now 9b3dc60)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/84: Made it so that MATLAB compatible userblock is put in HDF5 file before data is written as opposed to after (fixes bug where the file becomes not MATLAB compatible if an exception occurs).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/84: Added MATLAB_fields Attribute support to the dict marshaller.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 03/84: Added MATLAB_fields Attribute write support to the NumpyScalarArrayMarshaller.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 04/84: Fixed bug where Attribute MATLAB_fields is not deleted for non-structured ndarrays.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 05/84: Added MATLAB_fields Attribute read support for empty structure arrays to the NumpyScalarArrayMarshaller.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 06/84: Fixed bug in MATLAB_fields Attribute generation for NumpyScalarArrayMarshaller.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 07/84: Fixed bug in MATLAB_fields Attribute generation for NumpyScalarArrayMarshaller.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 08/84: Fixed bug in reading empty MATLAB structures.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 09/84: Fixed bug in reading empty MATLAB structures.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 10/84: Fixed bug in reading empty MATLAB structures.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 11/84: Fixed writing of empty matlab structs to use a Dataset with the appropriate fields attributes set and several reading errors with the new format.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 12/84: Made it so that the MATLAB_fields Attribute is properly used on structures to order the fields in the right order.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 13/84: Fixed bug where structured numpy.ndarrays with a field having an 'object' type is written as an HDF5 COMPOUND when the structured_numpy_ndarray_as_struct option is disabled. Is now written as a GROUP instead as if the option was set.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 14/84: Added check for non-unicode keys in PythonDictMarshaller right to the beginning of the writing process so that nothing is changed if there is a non-unicode key.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 15/84: Removed numpy.float16 support for when the h5py version is less than 2.2 since that was when support for it was introduced.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 16/84: Updated documentation to reflect code changes and new version.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 17/84: Incremented package version to 0.1.2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 18/84: Made it so that ez_setup.py is for sure included in the manifest.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 19/84: Added structured numpy ndarray tests (both filled and empty).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 20/84: Added workaround for bug when allocating numpy.ndarray when its dtype.itemsize is zero.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 21/84: Fixed bugs in reading and writing structured numpy.ndarrays, especially empty ones.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 22/84: Fixed bugs in tests where structured numpy.ndarrays which were read right were found to be inequal.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 23/84: Fixed bug in tests where the partial squeezing of singleton arrays was not detected when no metadata was written.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 24/84: Fixed set syntax error for python 2.6 introduced into the tests.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 25/84: Added text to the documentation about this package not using pickling at all and why.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 26/84: Incremented version to 0.1.3 and added text in the README.rst explaining why.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 27/84: Updated version in package source.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 28/84: MP-77: Fix bug in hdf5storage
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 29/84: Fix h5py version detection on old h5py
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 30/84: Merge pull request #15 from mrdomino/master
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 31/84: Added comment to the h5py.__version__ grab and set to 2.0 if not available to explain its presence.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 32/84: Made the h5py version variable private.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 33/84: Updated README.rst with the bugfix information.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 34/84: Fixed README.rst bugfix line that didn't look good when in html.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 35/84: Incremented the version to 0.1.4
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 36/84: Updated copyright years.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 37/84: Fixed bug where too big a number can be read into an int in Python 2.x. Gets read into a long if this is the case.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 38/84: Updated documentation to reflect the too large int bug fix.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 39/84: Incremented version to 0.1.5
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 40/84: Added code to throw exception for longs that are too big to fit into a numpy.int64.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 41/84: Fixed bug where python 2.x longs could not be written.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 42/84: Fixed bug in Python 3.x where having a structured numpy.ndarray with a field with a non-ascii character threw UnicodeEncodeError instead of the UnicodeDecodeError that was originally expected.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 43/84: Fixed bug from isinstance(True, int) being True in Python 3.x
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 44/84: Fixed bug where structured ndarrays with non-ascii characters in fields couldn't be read in Python 2.x
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 45/84: Code cleanup and comment updating in Marshallers.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 46/84: Fixed bug where structured ndarrays with UTF-8 encoded fields couldn't be written in Python 2.x
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 47/84: Added tests for write-readback of longs and an error being raised when trying to write an int or long too big for a numpy.int64.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 48/84: Added tests for write-readback of bytes encoded in UTF-8 and structured numpy.ndarray with non-ascii or UTF-8 encoded fields.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 49/84: Fixes for the string conversions to read and write UTF-8 encoded fields of structured numpy.ndarrays on Python 2.x.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 50/84: Added to the tests a check for preservaation of the ordering of the fields for structured numpy.ndarrays.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 51/84: Writing non-ASCII numpy.bytes_ when using MATLAB formatting now throws an exception.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 52/84: Updated documentation for the 0.1.5 release.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 53/84: Fixed bug on 32-bit Python 2.x with determining the maximum int size.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 54/84: Incremented version to 0.1.6 and added entry to Changelong in README.rst.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 55/84: Incremented version in __init__.py to 0.1.6
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 56/84: Separated out all the random variable making methods in tests/test_write_readback.py from the master branch into their own test module (tests/make_randoms.py) and made the tests use them.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 57/84: Removed unused imports in test_write_readback
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 58/84: Added a test for reading data for any set of HDF5 filters.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 59/84: Fixed issue where a local variable having the same name as a global was confusting.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 60/84: Added workaround for reading MAT files with variables larger than 2 GB when the variables to read aren't given explicitly.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 61/84: Made it so that Options would take additional keyword arguments even though it will ignore them to be more compatible with future versions of the package.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 62/84: Updated README.rst for the 0.1.7 release.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 63/84: Incremented package version to 0.1.7.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 64/84: Fixed bug where the 'MATLAB_class' Attribute is not set when writing dicts.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 65/84: Fixed bug where dicts could be written with null characters and / in their keys
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 66/84: Fixed bug where structured numpy.ndarrays could be written with null characters and, depending on the case, / in their field names (not valid characters).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 67/84: Updated documentation for version 0.1.8
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 68/84: Incremented package version to 0.1.8
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 69/84: Added compression to Options and the Numpy marshaller. (cherry picked from commit b63e610bea6cc66eeaa350ca1a9f127f07cb6631)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 70/84: Added HDF5 filter tests for writing compressed and uncompressed data. (cherry picked from commit bdd216c3b71e9ff22ccd87bf196053ba09f7f166)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 71/84: Made it so that Options would take additional keyword arguments even though it will ignore them to be more compatible with future versions of the package. (cherry picked from commit baffeb1896977e3870aa415c046fce6ce275c9f7)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 72/84: Added documentation page for compression. (cherry picked from commit e8b33a0bf1b4c0897fc7ae7491143ed2000d4325)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 73/84: Added compression information to the introduction in the documentation. (cherry picked from commit 95bcf291dbd280c03e3693d0ff2a488e792db7e7)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 74/84: Updated documentation to reflect compression being backported to the 0.1.x branch. (cherry picked from commit 56139ce1c3fedc1a0605805bef35a3a1ac4541d9)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 75/84: Updated README for the 0.1.9 release.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 76/84: Incremented the package version to 0.1.9.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 77/84: Documentation updates for compression.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 78/84: Updated examples in the documentation to write and read data to /a instead of /
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 79/84: Fixed bug where a structured ndarray with a field having the name 'O' was always written as an HDF5 Group.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 80/84: Added functions for reading and writing more than one data item at a time (writes and reads) and made write and read into wrappers around them.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 81/84: Added tests for reading and writing more than one data item at a time.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 82/84: Made savemat and loadmat use writes and reads instead of write and read to improve performance.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 83/84: Updated documentation for version 0.1.10 which added the ability to write and read more than one piece of data at once.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 84/84: Incremented version to 0.1.10
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.11 created (now 0362a71)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/03: Fixed opening mode in loadmat to 'r'.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/03: Added documentation on for what was changed in 0.1.11.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 03/03: Incremented version to 0.1.11.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.12 created (now 599ab0e)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 01/13: Fixed bug where matlab_compatible was being set to True by default when reading data causing a data transpose before reshaping, corrupting arrays.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 02/13: Fixed write readback test to not reuse generated options for reading so that the transpose before reshape bug can be checked.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 03/13: Fixed the example code output having the transpose before reshape bug in the documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 04/13: Added tests for writing and reading back numpy matrix.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 05/13: Added tests for writing and reading back numpy recarrays.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 06/13: Added tests for writing and reading back numpy chararrays.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 07/13: Fixed bug where empty string arrays aren't read back with the same dtypes.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 08/13: Added tests for the writing and reading back of empty numpy string arrays with different character numbers as well as fixed a typo in some comments.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 09/13: Fixed bug in writing numpy chararrays when matlab metadata is included (error comes from conversions).
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 10/13: Updated copyright year.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 11/13: Added copyright headers to the Matlab functions used for testing.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 12/13: Updated README for the 0.1.12 version.
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] 13/13: Incremented version to 0.1.12
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.2 created (now 6c78963)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.3 created (now ecb58e6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.4 created (now d63348f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.5 created (now 44bc973)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.6 created (now cc0a5d7)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.7 created (now a17911b)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1 deleted (was f6d33dd)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.1 deleted (was a695226)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.2 deleted (was 6c78963)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.3 deleted (was ecb58e6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.4 deleted (was d63348f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.5 deleted (was 44bc973)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.6 deleted (was cc0a5d7)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.7 deleted (was a17911b)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.8 deleted (was 562e890)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.9 deleted (was 46bcd03)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.10 deleted (was 9b3dc60)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.11 deleted (was 0362a71)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-hdf5storage] annotated tag 0.1.12 deleted (was 599ab0e)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [numexpr] branch master updated (739f062 -> 3525a1f)
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/2.4.6'
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 02/02: Update changelog file for the new upstream release
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] branch pristine-tar updated (e5d1b74 -> 81a0db5)
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 01/01: pristine-tar data for numexpr_2.4.6.orig.tar.gz
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] annotated tag upstream/2.4.6 created (now 7af2fdc)
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] branch master updated (3525a1f -> 9452aba)
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 01/03: Standard version bumped to 3.9.7
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 02/03: Fix Vcs-Git URL
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 03/03: Disambiguate MIT license type
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] branch master updated (9452aba -> c6955ed)
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/2.5.0'
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 02/03: New upstream release
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 03/03: Set distribution to unstable
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] branch pristine-tar updated (81a0db5 -> c6a1e81)
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 01/01: pristine-tar data for numexpr_2.5.0.orig.tar.gz
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] annotated tag upstream/2.5 created (now 4d81c8d)
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 2.5
Antonio Valentino
- [numexpr] annotated tag upstream/2.5.0 created (now 51aab78)
Antonio Valentino
- [getdp] branch master created (now 5c77090)
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 01/60: import of getdp
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 02/60: Fix a problem in the duplication of TS symbol
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 03/60: Fix some issues in getpd
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 04/60: no longer available
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 05/60: update to pestc 3.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 06/60: add patch for petsc 3.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 07/60: corrected patches
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 08/60: some cleanup
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 09/60: Various update before upload
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 10/60: Not our business ;)
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 11/60: update to 2.1.0 rev 2026
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 12/60: add debian/docs
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 13/60: update to 2.1.0
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 14/60: add info pages to getdp
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 15/60: fixed build within cowbuilder
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 16/60: closes #587854) provides getdp-sparskit
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 17/60: Undoing change committed in r37385.
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 18/60: update to 2.1.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 19/60: update to svn rev 2227
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 20/60: various minor changes
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 21/60: update to svn rev 2227
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 22/60: fix petsc/slepc & hdf5 transition
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 23/60: add patch for petsc/slepc transition
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 24/60: fix #665946
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 25/60: add a script to create orig tarball from svn
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 26/60: With the username /password
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 27/60: Fails if not input argument
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 28/60: * Update to svn rev 2364 * Standards-Version updated to version 3.9.3
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 29/60: update to 2.2.0
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 30/60: update to 2.2.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 31/60: remove unneeded patches
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 32/60: nom more info generated
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 33/60: fix installation of getdp-sparskit
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 34/60: fix getdp-sparskit install
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 35/60: update to 2.3.0
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 36/60: closes #687317
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 37/60: fix get-orig-source
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 38/60: up get-orig-source
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 39/60: up
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 40/60: update to 2.4.0
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 41/60: update for petsc/slepc 3.4.2
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 42/60: Release to unstable
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 43/60: Add reference as found in debian-science task simulations
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 44/60: add libpastix-dev to Build-Depends
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 45/60: add libpastix-dev to Build-Depends
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 46/60: remove libpastix-dev from Build-Depends - provided by libpetsc3.4.2-dev
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 47/60: fix FTBS
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 48/60: update patch for 2.4.5 and higher
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 49/60: hack to add libgfortran when compiling with sparskit support
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 50/60: Closes: #755973
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 51/60: fix FTBS with rev >= 3556
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 52/60: fix FTBS for Ubuntu 14.04
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 53/60: update to petsc slepc 3.5.3
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 54/60: update to petsc slepc 3.5.3
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 55/60: skipped dh_shlibdeps to work around pb with libslepc.so.3.5
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 56/60: fix for 2.5.0
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 57/60: fix PETSCDIR
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 58/60: fix petsc/slpec version
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 59/60: fix PETS/SPLEC when splitted into several libs
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 60/60: update for petsc/slepc 3.6.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] tag 2.2.0-1 created (now 69dd744)
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 01/30: import of getdp
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 02/30: Fix a problem in the duplication of TS symbol
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 03/30: Fix some issues in getpd
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 04/30: no longer available
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 05/30: update to pestc 3.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 06/30: add patch for petsc 3.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 07/30: corrected patches
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 08/30: some cleanup
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 09/30: Various update before upload
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 10/30: Not our business ;)
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 11/30: update to 2.1.0 rev 2026
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 12/30: add debian/docs
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 13/30: update to 2.1.0
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 14/30: add info pages to getdp
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 15/30: fixed build within cowbuilder
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 16/30: closes #587854) provides getdp-sparskit
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 17/30: Undoing change committed in r37385.
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 18/30: update to 2.1.1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 19/30: update to svn rev 2227
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 20/30: various minor changes
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 21/30: update to svn rev 2227
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 22/30: fix petsc/slepc & hdf5 transition
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 23/30: add patch for petsc/slepc transition
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 24/30: fix #665946
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 25/30: add a script to create orig tarball from svn
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 26/30: With the username /password
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 27/30: Fails if not input argument
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 28/30: * Update to svn rev 2364 * Standards-Version updated to version 3.9.3
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 29/30: update to 2.2.0
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 30/30: tag of version 2.2.0-1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] tag 2.4.2-1 created (now d79b04d)
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] tag 2.2.0-1 at 45116 created (now b7ad341)
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [getdp] 01/01: [svn-buildpackage] Tagging getdp 2.4.2-1
Matteo F. Vescovi
- [r-cran-statmod] branch master updated (a086553 -> 9573489)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] branch pristine-tar updated (9c3a664 -> fec6b50)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.24'
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 02/04: d/control: use secure URLs for Vcs-*.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 03/04: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 04/04: Changelog entry for 1.4.24-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-statmod_1.4.24.orig.tar.gz
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] annotated tag upstream/1.4.24 created (now 1268ffc)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-statmod] annotated tag debian/1.4.24-1 created (now 544b195)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] branch master updated (6a13c2b -> 2b8cc5a)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.1+dfsg'
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 02/05: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 03/05: Use secure URLs for Vcs-*.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 04/05: Changelog entry for 0.5.1+dfsg-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 05/05: Add .gitignore.
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] branch pristine-tar updated (a437039 -> 7dab7cb)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-rsdmx_0.5.1+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] annotated tag debian/0.5.1+dfsg-1 created (now 237828f)
Sébastien Villemot
- [r-cran-rsdmx] annotated tag upstream/0.5.1+dfsg created (now 355143d)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] branch master updated (37163f8 -> 1872699)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 01/10: Merge tag 'upstream/4.58'
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 02/10: d/copyright: reflect upstream changes.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 03/10: Refresh patches.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 04/10: d/rules: migrate to dh.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 05/10: Drop -dbg package, now rely on automatic debug packages.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 06/10: SONAME bump: shared lib package now libglpk39.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 07/10: d/control: use secure URLs for Vcs-*.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 08/10: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 09/10: Update .gitignore.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 10/10: Changelog entry for 4.58-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] branch pristine-tar updated (4c10f27 -> 2283a00)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 01/01: pristine-tar data for glpk_4.58.orig.tar.gz
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] annotated tag debian/4.58-1 created (now 4620d58)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] annotated tag upstream/4.58 created (now 60ec8be)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] branch master updated (1872699 -> 6abcda9)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 01/01: Re-add parallel building.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] branch master updated (3b38492 -> 5416eaf)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 01/08: Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.4'
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 02/08: d/copyright: reflect upstream changes.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 03/08: SONAME bump: the shared library package is now libmatio4.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 04/08: d/p/ldflags.patch: new patch, fixes a build system bug.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 05/08: d/control: use secure URLs for Vcs-*.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 06/08: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 07/08: Update .gitignore.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 08/08: Changelog entry for 1.5.4-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] branch pristine-tar updated (62c1de3 -> f8623dd)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libmatio_1.5.4.orig.tar.gz
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] annotated tag upstream/1.5.4 created (now 6122264)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] annotated tag debian/1.5.4-1 created (now 822c783)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] branch master updated (5416eaf -> 7d46e25)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] branch pristine-tar updated (f8623dd -> 4c5ea02)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.6'
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 02/03: ldflags.patch: drop patch, applied upstream.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 03/03: Changelog entry for 1.5.6-1.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libmatio_1.5.6.orig.tar.gz
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] annotated tag upstream/1.5.6 created (now bbca3ba)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] annotated tag debian/1.5.6-1 created (now b51826b)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] branch master updated (7d46e25 -> d2b6441)
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] 01/01: Changelog entry for 1.5.6-2.
Sébastien Villemot
- [libmatio] annotated tag debian/1.5.6-2 created (now ebc4d42)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] branch master updated (6abcda9 -> 87432bf)
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] 01/01: Changelog entry for 4.58-2.
Sébastien Villemot
- [glpk] annotated tag debian/4.58-2 created (now 333b33d)
Sébastien Villemot
- [vtk6] branch master updated (7178aa5 -> 85faa57)
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 01/02: Add latex fix
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 02/02: Update package to fix some bugs
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] branch master updated (85faa57 -> 344e3d3)
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 01/01: Correct more Doxygen-latex
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] branch master updated (344e3d3 -> 5ac5630)
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 01/10: Add patch to fix race condition
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 02/10: Correct patch
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 03/10: Add vtk6-patch
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 04/10: Merge branch 'master' of git://git.debian.org/debian-science/packages/vtk6
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 05/10: Add gert wollny to uploaders
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 06/10: remove accidently added file
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 07/10: Merge changes
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 08/10: apply th 97 patch because dpkg-source complains
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 09/10: Merge branch 'master' of git://git.debian.org/debian-science/packages/vtk6
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 10/10: apply net part of 97 patch because dpkg-source complains
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] branch master updated (5ac5630 -> 0389666)
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 01/01: Update changelog for upload
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] annotated tag debian/6.2.0+dfsg1-7 created (now be08d37)
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] branch master updated (42b4281 -> 2458c4e)
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 01/12: Add the libvtk*Qt*.so files to libvtk6-qt-dev
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 02/12: Update Java installation locations
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 03/12: Move Python packages out of *-dev packages
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 04/12: add overrides and move PythonTK lib to python package
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 05/12: Make perl scripts executable
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 06/12: Update changelog for 6.2.0+dfsg1-8 release
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 07/12: Correct changelog for release
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 08/12: Merge changes from version -8
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 09/12: Change java modules init path
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 10/12: Apply java heap patch to source code
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 11/12: Follow java policy *Java.so install location
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] 12/12: Update changelog for release
Gert Wollny
- [vtk6] annotated tag debian/6.2.0+dfsg1-9 created (now 9b0521a)
Gert Wollny
- r47198 - /packages/morse/trunk/debian/changelog
sylvestre at users.alioth.debian.org
- r47199 - in /packages/morse/trunk/debian: changelog control morse-simulator-data.install morse-simulator-doc.install morse-simulator.install morse-simulator.manpages patches/series patches/sphinx13_theme_rename.diff rules watch
sylvestre at users.alioth.debian.org
- r47200 - /packages/morse/
sylvestre at users.alioth.debian.org
- r47201 - /packages/R/r-cran-msm/trunk/debian/changelog
tille at users.alioth.debian.org
- r47202 - in /packages/R/r-cran-msm/tags: 1.3-1/ 1.6-1/
tille at users.alioth.debian.org
Last message date:
Mon Feb 29 21:49:56 UTC 2016
Archived on: Mon Feb 29 21:50:12 UTC 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).