[ucto] annotated tag debian/0.8.0-1 created (now 04bc1a9)
Joost van Baal
joostvb at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Feb 4 04:46:10 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
joostvb pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.8.0-1
in repository ucto.
at 04bc1a9 (tag)
tagging d6885ccbf13cc005a583bbc66804aabd84d9aa39 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.8.0
tagged by Joost van Baal-Ilić
on Thu Feb 4 04:44:47 2016 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
ucto Debian release 0.8.0-1
Joost van Baal-Ilić (67):
ITP 607964, ITP 605905
commit 070d828883a5f9ba682224cbcba076605953fd2a
build depend upon libicu-dev
use current dh level
new upstream
record stuff to do
2 new upstreams
one issue fixed upstream
yet another new upstream & yet another upstream bug fixed
debian/control: for now use Homepage: http://ilk.uvt.nl/.
record plan
new upstream, release
starting new release
new upstream
ship it
start new release. ucto_0.3.6-1_amd64.changes has been uploaded
new upstream
new new upstream
ship it
control: libfolia has been renamed to libfolia1.
* debian/control: libfolia has been renamed to libfolia1.
debian/NEWS: unneeded, removed.
debian/source: updated package to use 3.0 source format.
add extra conflicts
ship it
start next release
debian/control: add missing pkg-config to Build-Depends.
ship it
start next release
debian/control: add missing libxml2-dev to Build-Depends.
ship it
start next release
Rebuild on amd64 to pull in libicu48 (was libicu44).
start next release
debian/libucto-dev.install, debian/libucto2-dev.install,
debian/control: change Build-Depends "libfolia2-dev, libticcutils2-
debian/control: removed obsolete field DM-Upload-Allowed. See
ship it
start next release, cosmetics in changelog
Merge branch 'upstream'
Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.2'
Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.3'
Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.5'
new upstream
stuff to do to fix ftbfs
Non-maintainer upload.
Acknowledge NMU 0.5.3-3.1, thanks Luk Claes (Closes: #722543).
debian/watch: more strict.
converted from svn to git
debian/control: made libfolia-dev Build-Depends versioned (>= 0.11), as required by new upstream.
stuff to do: lintian
debian/{ucto,libucto2}.install: move /etc/ucto from ucto to libucto2: applications (e.g. frog), using libucto2, generally need the ucto configuration too. Thanks Ko van der Sloot for reporting.
preparing upload
config.sub, config.guess: restore upstream versions.
releasing package ucto version 0.5.5-1
start new release.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.6.0'
Merge tag 'upstream/0.7.0'
Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.0'
New upstream release (missed: 0.6.0, 0.7.0).
.gitignore: added.
resync with upstream
debian/control, debian/rules: use dh-autoreconf so that 'debian/rules clean' does what we want.
resync with upstream
* enable multiarch:
ship it
Ko van der Sloot (21):
i will prepare next release
* New upstream (missed 0.4.4, 0.4.5, 0.4.6)
debian/control: debhelper > 7 should do
debian/compat: 7
* debian/control: added dependency on libfolia and split into a program, a
debian/ucto.install: we should install the config in /etc/ucto too
debian/control: added Conflicts rule to exterminate older ucto installs
typo fixed
New upstream release
control: libfolia version should be >= 0.5
New Upstream Release
* New Upstream Release
start next release
debian/watch updated to watch http://software.ticc.uvt.nl
* New Upstream Release
start next release
* New Upstream Release
start next release
debian/control: added Conflicts: libucto1-dev and Replaces: libucto1-dev
start next release
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/ucto.git
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