[arrayfire] 275/284: Clean source tree from non-dfsg components.

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Feb 7 18:59:41 UTC 2016

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ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch debian/experimental
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commit cb95bdabf7079eebb4133687460aee2b93af3689
Author: Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Feb 5 10:21:15 2016 +0000

    Clean source tree from non-dfsg components.
 src/backend/cpu/kernel/sift_nonfree.hpp | 1195 -------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1195 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/backend/cpu/kernel/sift_nonfree.hpp b/src/backend/cpu/kernel/sift_nonfree.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c92a9..0000000
--- a/src/backend/cpu/kernel/sift_nonfree.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1195 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2015, ArrayFire
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.
- * The complete license agreement can be obtained at:
- * http://arrayfire.com/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
- ********************************************************/
-// The source code contained in this file is based on the original code by
-// Rob Hess. Please note that SIFT is an algorithm patented and protected
-// by US law, before using this code or any binary forms generated from it,
-// verify that you have permission to do so. The original license by Rob Hess
-// can be read below:
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2012, Rob Hess <rob at iqengines.com>
-// All rights reserved.
-// The following patent has been issued for methods embodied in this
-// software: "Method and apparatus for identifying scale invariant features
-// in an image and use of same for locating an object in an image," David
-// G. Lowe, US Patent 6,711,293 (March 23, 2004). Provisional application
-// filed March 8, 1999. Asignee: The University of British Columbia. For
-// further details, contact David Lowe (lowe at cs.ubc.ca) or the
-// University-Industry Liaison Office of the University of British
-// Columbia.
-// Note that restrictions imposed by this patent (and possibly others)
-// exist independently of and may be in conflict with the freedoms granted
-// in this license, which refers to copyright of the program, not patents
-// for any methods that it implements.  Both copyright and patent law must
-// be obeyed to legally use and redistribute this program and it is not the
-// purpose of this license to induce you to infringe any patents or other
-// property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims.  If you
-// redistribute or use the program, then this license merely protects you
-// from committing copyright infringement.  It does not protect you from
-// committing patent infringement.  So, before you do anything with this
-// program, make sure that you have permission to do so not merely in terms
-// of copyright, but also in terms of patent law.
-// Please note that this license is not to be understood as a guarantee
-// either.  If you use the program according to this license, but in
-// conflict with patent law, it does not mean that the licensor will refund
-// you for any losses that you incur if you are sued for your patent
-// infringement.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright and
-//       patent notices, this list of conditions and the following
-//       disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-//       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-//       distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Oregon State University nor the names of its
-//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
-using af::dim4;
-namespace cpu
-static const float PI_VAL = 3.14159265358979323846f;
-// default width of descriptor histogram array
-static const int DescrWidth = 4;
-// default number of bins per histogram in descriptor array
-static const int DescrHistBins = 8;
-// assumed gaussian blur for input image
-static const float InitSigma = 0.5f;
-// width of border in which to ignore keypoints
-static const int ImgBorder = 5;
-// maximum steps of keypoint interpolation before failure
-static const int MaxInterpSteps = 5;
-// default number of bins in histogram for orientation assignment
-static const int OriHistBins = 36;
-// determines gaussian sigma for orientation assignment
-static const float OriSigFctr = 1.5f;
-// determines the radius of the region used in orientation assignment */
-static const float OriRadius = 3.0f * OriSigFctr;
-// number of passes of orientation histogram smoothing
-static const int SmoothOriPasses = 2;
-// orientation magnitude relative to max that results in new feature
-static const float OriPeakRatio = 0.8f;
-// determines the size of a single descriptor orientation histogram
-static const float DescrSclFctr = 3.f;
-// threshold on magnitude of elements of descriptor vector
-static const float DescrMagThr = 0.2f;
-// factor used to convert floating-point descriptor to unsigned char
-static const float IntDescrFctr = 512.f;
-// Number of GLOH bins in radial direction
-static const unsigned GLOHRadialBins = 3;
-// Radiuses of GLOH descriptors
-static const float GLOHRadii[GLOHRadialBins] = {6.f, 11.f, 15.f};
-// Number of GLOH angular bins (excluding the inner-most radial section)
-static const unsigned GLOHAngularBins = 8;
-// Number of GLOH bins per histogram in descriptor
-static const unsigned GLOHHistBins = 16;
-typedef struct
-    float    f[4];
-    unsigned l;
-} feat_t;
-bool feat_cmp(feat_t i, feat_t j)
-    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
-        if (i.f[k] != j.f[k])
-            return (i.f[k] < j.f[k]);
-    if (i.l != j.l)
-        return (i.l < j.l);
-    return true;
-void array_to_feat(std::vector<feat_t>& feat, float *x, float *y, unsigned *layer, float *resp, float *size, unsigned nfeat)
-    feat.resize(nfeat);
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < feat.size(); i++) {
-        feat[i].f[0] = x[i];
-        feat[i].f[1] = y[i];
-        feat[i].f[2] = resp[i];
-        feat[i].f[3] = size[i];
-        feat[i].l    = layer[i];
-    }
-template<typename T>
-void gaussian1D(T* out, const int dim, double sigma=0.0)
-    if(!(sigma>0)) sigma = 0.25*dim;
-    T sum = (T)0;
-    for(int i=0;i<dim;i++)
-    {
-        int x = i-(dim-1)/2;
-        T el = 1. / sqrt(2 * PI_VAL * sigma*sigma) * exp(-((x*x)/(2*(sigma*sigma))));
-        out[i] = el;
-        sum   += el;
-    }
-    for(int k=0;k<dim;k++)
-        out[k] /= sum;
-template<typename T>
-Array<T> gauss_filter(float sigma)
-    // Using 6-sigma rule
-    unsigned gauss_len = std::min((unsigned)round(sigma * 6 + 1) | 1, 31u);
-    Array<T> filter = createEmptyArray<T>(gauss_len);
-    gaussian1D((T*)getDevicePtr(filter), gauss_len, sigma);
-    return filter;
-template<int N>
-void gaussianElimination(float* A, float* b, float* x)
-    // forward elimination
-    for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i++) {
-        for (int j = i+1; j < N; j++) {
-            float s = A[j*N+i] / A[i*N+i];
-            for (int k = i; k < N; k++)
-                A[j*N+k] -= s * A[i*N+k];
-            b[j] -= s * b[i];
-        }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
-        x[i] = 0;
-    // backward substitution
-    float sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i <= N-2; i++) {
-        sum = b[i];
-        for (int j = i+1; j < N; j++)
-            sum -= A[i*N+j] * x[j];
-        x[i] = sum / A[i*N+i];
-    }
-template<typename T>
-void sub(
-    Array<T>& out,
-    const Array<T>& in1,
-    const Array<T>& in2)
-    size_t nel = in1.elements();
-    T* out_ptr = out.get();
-    const T* in1_ptr = in1.get();
-    const T* in2_ptr = in2.get();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < nel; i++) {
-        out_ptr[i] = in1_ptr[i] - in2_ptr[i];
-    }
-#define CPTR(Y, X) (center_ptr[(Y) * idims[0] + (X)])
-#define PPTR(Y, X) (prev_ptr[(Y) * idims[0] + (X)])
-#define NPTR(Y, X) (next_ptr[(Y) * idims[0] + (X)])
-// Determines whether a pixel is a scale-space extremum by comparing it to its
-// 3x3x3 pixel neighborhood.
-template<typename T>
-void detectExtrema(
-    float* x_out,
-    float* y_out,
-    unsigned* layer_out,
-    unsigned* counter,
-    const Array<T>& prev,
-    const Array<T>& center,
-    const Array<T>& next,
-    const unsigned layer,
-    const unsigned max_feat,
-    const float threshold)
-    const af::dim4 idims = center.dims();
-    const T* prev_ptr    = prev.get();
-    const T* center_ptr  = center.get();
-    const T* next_ptr    = next.get();
-    for (int y = ImgBorder; y < idims[1]-ImgBorder; y++) {
-        for (int x = ImgBorder; x < idims[0]-ImgBorder; x++) {
-            float p = center_ptr[y*idims[0] + x];
-            // Find extrema
-            if (abs((float)p) > threshold &&
-                ((p > 0 && p > CPTR(y-1, x-1) && p > CPTR(y-1, x) &&
-                  p > CPTR(y-1, x+1) && p > CPTR(y, x-1) && p > CPTR(y,   x+1)  &&
-                  p > CPTR(y+1, x-1) && p > CPTR(y+1, x) && p > CPTR(y+1, x+1)  &&
-                  p > PPTR(y-1, x-1) && p > PPTR(y-1, x) && p > PPTR(y-1, x+1)  &&
-                  p > PPTR(y,   x-1) && p > PPTR(y  , x) && p > PPTR(y,   x+1)  &&
-                  p > PPTR(y+1, x-1) && p > PPTR(y+1, x) && p > PPTR(y+1, x+1)  &&
-                  p > NPTR(y-1, x-1) && p > NPTR(y-1, x) && p > NPTR(y-1, x+1)  &&
-                  p > NPTR(y,   x-1) && p > NPTR(y  , x) && p > NPTR(y,   x+1)  &&
-                  p > NPTR(y+1, x-1) && p > NPTR(y+1, x) && p > NPTR(y+1, x+1)) ||
-                 (p < 0 && p < CPTR(y-1, x-1) && p < CPTR(y-1, x) &&
-                  p < CPTR(y-1, x+1) && p < CPTR(y, x-1) && p < CPTR(y,   x+1)  &&
-                  p < CPTR(y+1, x-1) && p < CPTR(y+1, x) && p < CPTR(y+1, x+1)  &&
-                  p < PPTR(y-1, x-1) && p < PPTR(y-1, x) && p < PPTR(y-1, x+1)  &&
-                  p < PPTR(y,   x-1) && p < PPTR(y  , x) && p < PPTR(y,   x+1)  &&
-                  p < PPTR(y+1, x-1) && p < PPTR(y+1, x) && p < PPTR(y+1, x+1)  &&
-                  p < NPTR(y-1, x-1) && p < NPTR(y-1, x) && p < NPTR(y-1, x+1)  &&
-                  p < NPTR(y,   x-1) && p < NPTR(y  , x) && p < NPTR(y,   x+1)  &&
-                  p < NPTR(y+1, x-1) && p < NPTR(y+1, x) && p < NPTR(y+1, x+1)))) {
-                if (*counter < max_feat)
-                {
-                    x_out[*counter] = (float)y;
-                    y_out[*counter] = (float)x;
-                    layer_out[*counter] = layer;
-                    (*counter)++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// Interpolates a scale-space extremum's location and scale to subpixel
-// accuracy to form an image feature. Rejects features with low contrast.
-// Based on Section 4 of Lowe's paper.
-template<typename T>
-void interpolateExtrema(
-    float* x_out,
-    float* y_out,
-    unsigned* layer_out,
-    float* response_out,
-    float* size_out,
-    unsigned* counter,
-    const float* x_in,
-    const float* y_in,
-    const unsigned* layer_in,
-    const unsigned extrema_feat,
-    std::vector< Array<T> >& dog_pyr,
-    const unsigned max_feat,
-    const unsigned octave,
-    const unsigned n_layers,
-    const float contrast_thr,
-    const float edge_thr,
-    const float sigma,
-    const float img_scale)
-    for (int f = 0; f < (int)extrema_feat; f++) {
-        const float first_deriv_scale = img_scale*0.5f;
-        const float second_deriv_scale = img_scale;
-        const float cross_deriv_scale = img_scale*0.25f;
-        float xl = 0, xy = 0, xx = 0, contr = 0;
-        int i = 0;
-        unsigned x = x_in[f];
-        unsigned y = y_in[f];
-        unsigned layer = layer_in[f];
-        const T* prev_ptr   = dog_pyr[octave*(n_layers+2) + layer-1].get();
-        const T* center_ptr = dog_pyr[octave*(n_layers+2) + layer].get();
-        const T* next_ptr   = dog_pyr[octave*(n_layers+2) + layer+1].get();
-        af::dim4 idims = dog_pyr[octave*(n_layers+2)].dims();
-        bool converges = true;
-        for (i = 0; i < MaxInterpSteps; i++) {
-            float dD[3] = {(float)(CPTR(x+1, y) - CPTR(x-1, y)) * first_deriv_scale,
-                           (float)(CPTR(x, y+1) - CPTR(x, y-1)) * first_deriv_scale,
-                           (float)(NPTR(x, y)   - PPTR(x, y))   * first_deriv_scale};
-            float d2  = CPTR(x, y) * 2.f;
-            float dxx = (CPTR(x+1, y) + CPTR(x-1, y) - d2) * second_deriv_scale;
-            float dyy = (CPTR(x, y+1) + CPTR(x, y-1) - d2) * second_deriv_scale;
-            float dss = (NPTR(x, y  ) + PPTR(x, y  ) - d2) * second_deriv_scale;
-            float dxy = (CPTR(x+1, y+1) - CPTR(x-1, y+1) -
-                         CPTR(x+1, y-1) + CPTR(x-1, y-1)) * cross_deriv_scale;
-            float dxs = (NPTR(x+1, y) - NPTR(x-1, y) -
-                         PPTR(x+1, y) + PPTR(x-1, y)) * cross_deriv_scale;
-            float dys = (NPTR(x, y+1) - NPTR(x-1, y-1) -
-                         PPTR(x, y-1) + PPTR(x-1, y-1)) * cross_deriv_scale;
-            float H[9] = {dxx, dxy, dxs,
-                          dxy, dyy, dys,
-                          dxs, dys, dss};
-            float X[3];
-            gaussianElimination<3>(H, dD, X);
-            xl = -X[2];
-            xy = -X[1];
-            xx = -X[0];
-            if (fabs(xl) < 0.5f && fabs(xy) < 0.5f && fabs(xx) < 0.5f)
-                break;
-            x += round(xx);
-            y += round(xy);
-            layer += round(xl);
-            if (layer < 1 || layer > n_layers ||
-                x < ImgBorder || x >= idims[1] - ImgBorder ||
-                y < ImgBorder || y >= idims[0] - ImgBorder) {
-                converges = false;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // ensure convergence of interpolation
-        if (i >= MaxInterpSteps || !converges)
-            continue;
-        float dD[3] = {(float)(CPTR(x+1, y) - CPTR(x-1, y)) * first_deriv_scale,
-                       (float)(CPTR(x, y+1) - CPTR(x, y-1)) * first_deriv_scale,
-                       (float)(NPTR(x, y)   - PPTR(x, y))   * first_deriv_scale};
-        float X[3] = {xx, xy, xl};
-        float P = dD[0]*X[0] + dD[1]*X[1] + dD[2]*X[2];
-        contr = center_ptr[x*idims[0]+y]*img_scale + P * 0.5f;
-        if(abs(contr) < (contrast_thr / n_layers))
-            continue;
-        // principal curvatures are computed using the trace and det of Hessian
-        float d2  = CPTR(x, y) * 2.f;
-        float dxx = (CPTR(x+1, y) + CPTR(x-1, y) - d2) * second_deriv_scale;
-        float dyy = (CPTR(x, y+1) + CPTR(x, y-1) - d2) * second_deriv_scale;
-        float dxy = (CPTR(x+1, y+1) - CPTR(x-1, y+1) -
-                     CPTR(x+1, y-1) + CPTR(x-1, y-1)) * cross_deriv_scale;
-        float tr = dxx + dyy;
-        float det = dxx * dyy - dxy * dxy;
-        // add FLT_EPSILON for double-precision compatibility
-        if (det <= 0 || tr*tr*edge_thr >= (edge_thr + 1)*(edge_thr + 1)*det+FLT_EPSILON)
-            continue;
-        if (*counter < max_feat)
-        {
-            x_out[*counter] = (x + xx) * (1 << octave);
-            y_out[*counter] = (y + xy) * (1 << octave);
-            layer_out[*counter] = layer;
-            response_out[*counter] = abs(contr);
-            size_out[*counter] = sigma*pow(2.f, octave + (layer + xl) / n_layers) * 2.f;
-            (*counter)++;
-        }
-    }
-#undef CPTR
-#undef PPTR
-#undef NPTR
-// Remove duplicate keypoints
-void removeDuplicates(
-    float* x_out,
-    float* y_out,
-    unsigned* layer_out,
-    float* response_out,
-    float* size_out,
-    unsigned* counter,
-    const std::vector<feat_t>& sorted_feat)
-    size_t nfeat = sorted_feat.size();
-    for (size_t f = 0; f < nfeat; f++) {
-        float prec_fctr = 1e4f;
-        if (f < nfeat-1) {
-            if (round(sorted_feat[f].f[0]*prec_fctr) == round(sorted_feat[f+1].f[0]*prec_fctr) &&
-                round(sorted_feat[f].f[1]*prec_fctr) == round(sorted_feat[f+1].f[1]*prec_fctr) &&
-                round(sorted_feat[f].f[2]*prec_fctr) == round(sorted_feat[f+1].f[2]*prec_fctr) &&
-                round(sorted_feat[f].f[3]*prec_fctr) == round(sorted_feat[f+1].f[3]*prec_fctr) &&
-                sorted_feat[f].l == sorted_feat[f+1].l)
-                continue;
-        }
-        x_out[*counter] = sorted_feat[f].f[0];
-        y_out[*counter] = sorted_feat[f].f[1];
-        response_out[*counter] = sorted_feat[f].f[2];
-        size_out[*counter] = sorted_feat[f].f[3];
-        layer_out[*counter] = sorted_feat[f].l;
-        (*counter)++;
-    }
-#define IPTR(Y, X) (img_ptr[(Y) * idims[0] + (X)])
-// Computes a canonical orientation for each image feature in an array.  Based
-// on Section 5 of Lowe's paper.  This function adds features to the array when
-// there is more than one dominant orientation at a given feature location.
-template<typename T>
-void calcOrientation(
-    float* x_out,
-    float* y_out,
-    unsigned* layer_out,
-    float* response_out,
-    float* size_out,
-    float* ori_out,
-    unsigned* counter,
-    const float* x_in,
-    const float* y_in,
-    const unsigned* layer_in,
-    const float* response_in,
-    const float* size_in,
-    const unsigned total_feat,
-    const std::vector< Array<T> >& gauss_pyr,
-    const unsigned max_feat,
-    const unsigned octave,
-    const unsigned n_layers,
-    const bool double_input)
-    const int n = OriHistBins;
-    float hist[OriHistBins];
-    float temphist[OriHistBins];
-    for (unsigned f = 0; f < total_feat; f++) {
-        // Load keypoint information
-        const float real_x = x_in[f];
-        const float real_y = y_in[f];
-        const unsigned layer = layer_in[f];
-        const float response = response_in[f];
-        const float size = size_in[f];
-        const int pt_x = (int)round(real_x / (1 << octave));
-        const int pt_y = (int)round(real_y / (1 << octave));
-        // Calculate auxiliary parameters
-        const float scl_octv = size*0.5f / (1 << octave);
-        const int radius = (int)round(OriRadius * scl_octv);
-        const float sigma = OriSigFctr * scl_octv;
-        const int len = (radius*2+1);
-        const float exp_denom = 2.f * sigma * sigma;
-        // Points img to correct Gaussian pyramid layer
-        const Array<T> img = gauss_pyr[octave*(n_layers+3) + layer];
-        const T* img_ptr = img.get();
-        for (int i = 0; i < OriHistBins; i++)
-            hist[i] = 0.f;
-        af::dim4 idims = img.dims();
-        // Calculate orientation histogram
-        for (int l = 0; l < len*len; l++) {
-            int i = l / len - radius;
-            int j = l % len - radius;
-            int y = pt_y + i;
-            int x = pt_x + j;
-            if (y < 1 || y >= idims[0] - 1 ||
-                x < 1 || x >= idims[1] - 1)
-                continue;
-            float dx = (float)(IPTR(x+1, y) - IPTR(x-1, y));
-            float dy = (float)(IPTR(x, y-1) - IPTR(x, y+1));
-            float mag = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
-            float ori = atan2(dy,dx);
-            float w = exp(-(i*i + j*j)/exp_denom);
-            int bin = round(n*(ori+PI_VAL)/(2.f*PI_VAL));
-            bin = bin < n ? bin : 0;
-            hist[bin] += w*mag;
-        }
-        for (int i = 0; i < SmoothOriPasses; i++) {
-            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
-                temphist[j] = hist[j];
-            }
-            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
-                float prev = (j == 0) ? temphist[n-1] : temphist[j-1];
-                float next = (j+1 == n) ? temphist[0] : temphist[j+1];
-                hist[j] = 0.25f * prev + 0.5f * temphist[j] + 0.25f * next;
-            }
-        }
-        float omax = hist[0];
-        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
-            omax = max(omax, hist[i]);
-        float mag_thr = (float)(omax * OriPeakRatio);
-        int l, r;
-        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
-            l = (j == 0) ? n - 1 : j - 1;
-            r = (j + 1) % n;
-            if (hist[j] > hist[l] &&
-                hist[j] > hist[r] &&
-                hist[j] >= mag_thr) {
-                if (*counter < max_feat) {
-                    float bin = j + 0.5f * (hist[l] - hist[r]) /
-                        (hist[l] - 2.0f*hist[j] + hist[r]);
-                    bin = (bin < 0.0f) ? bin + n : (bin >= n) ? bin - n : bin;
-                    float ori = 360.f - ((360.f/n) * bin);
-                    float new_real_x = real_x;
-                    float new_real_y = real_y;
-                    float new_size = size;
-                    if (double_input) {
-                        float scale = 0.5f;
-                        new_real_x *= scale;
-                        new_real_y *= scale;
-                        new_size *= scale;
-                    }
-                    x_out[*counter] = new_real_x;
-                    y_out[*counter] = new_real_y;
-                    layer_out[*counter] = layer;
-                    response_out[*counter] = response;
-                    size_out[*counter] = new_size;
-                    ori_out[*counter] = ori;
-                    (*counter)++;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void normalizeDesc(
-    float* desc,
-    const int histlen)
-    float len_sq = 0.0f;
-    for (int i = 0; i < histlen; i++)
-        len_sq += desc[i] * desc[i];
-    float len_inv = 1.0f / sqrt(len_sq);
-    for (int i = 0; i < histlen; i++) {
-        desc[i] *= len_inv;
-    }
-// Computes feature descriptors for features in an array.  Based on Section 6
-// of Lowe's paper.
-template<typename T>
-void computeDescriptor(
-    float* desc_out,
-    const unsigned desc_len,
-    const float* x_in,
-    const float* y_in,
-    const unsigned* layer_in,
-    const float* response_in,
-    const float* size_in,
-    const float* ori_in,
-    const unsigned total_feat,
-    const std::vector< Array<T> >& gauss_pyr,
-    const int d,
-    const int n,
-    const float scale,
-    const unsigned octave,
-    const unsigned n_layers)
-    float desc[128];
-    for (unsigned f = 0; f < total_feat; f++) {
-        const unsigned layer = layer_in[f];
-        float ori = (360.f - ori_in[f]) * PI_VAL / 180.f;
-        ori = (ori > PI_VAL) ? ori - PI_VAL*2 : ori;
-        const float size = size_in[f];
-        const int fx = round(x_in[f] * scale);
-        const int fy = round(y_in[f] * scale);
-        // Points img to correct Gaussian pyramid layer
-        Array<T> img = gauss_pyr[octave*(n_layers+3) + layer];
-        const T* img_ptr = img.get();
-        af::dim4 idims = img.dims();
-        float cos_t = cos(ori);
-        float sin_t = sin(ori);
-        float bins_per_rad = n / (PI_VAL * 2.f);
-        float exp_denom = d * d * 0.5f;
-        float hist_width = DescrSclFctr * size * scale * 0.5f;
-        int radius = hist_width * sqrt(2.f) * (d + 1.f) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
-        int len = radius*2+1;
-        for (int i = 0; i < (int)desc_len; i++)
-            desc[i] = 0.f;
-        // Calculate orientation histogram
-        for (int l = 0; l < len*len; l++) {
-            int i = l / len - radius;
-            int j = l % len - radius;
-            int y = fy + i;
-            int x = fx + j;
-            float x_rot = (j * cos_t - i * sin_t) / hist_width;
-            float y_rot = (j * sin_t + i * cos_t) / hist_width;
-            float xbin = x_rot + d/2 - 0.5f;
-            float ybin = y_rot + d/2 - 0.5f;
-            if (ybin > -1.0f && ybin < d && xbin > -1.0f && xbin < d &&
-                y > 0 && y < idims[0] - 1 && x > 0 && x < idims[1] - 1) {
-                float dx = (float)(IPTR(x+1, y) - IPTR(x-1, y));
-                float dy = (float)(IPTR(x, y-1) - IPTR(x, y+1));
-                float grad_mag = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
-                float grad_ori = atan2(dy, dx) - ori;
-                while (grad_ori < 0.0f)
-                    grad_ori += PI_VAL*2;
-                while (grad_ori >= PI_VAL*2)
-                    grad_ori -= PI_VAL*2;
-                float w = exp(-(x_rot*x_rot + y_rot*y_rot) / exp_denom);
-                float obin = grad_ori * bins_per_rad;
-                float mag = grad_mag*w;
-                int x0 = floor(xbin);
-                int y0 = floor(ybin);
-                int o0 = floor(obin);
-                xbin -= x0;
-                ybin -= y0;
-                obin -= o0;
-                for (int yl = 0; yl <= 1; yl++) {
-                    int yb = y0 + yl;
-                    if (yb >= 0 && yb < d) {
-                        float v_y = mag * ((yl == 0) ? 1.0f - ybin : ybin);
-                        for (int xl = 0; xl <= 1; xl++) {
-                            int xb = x0 + xl;
-                            if (xb >= 0 && xb < d) {
-                                float v_x = v_y * ((xl == 0) ? 1.0f - xbin : xbin);
-                                for (int ol = 0; ol <= 1; ol++) {
-                                    int ob = (o0 + ol) % n;
-                                    float v_o = v_x * ((ol == 0) ? 1.0f - obin : obin);
-                                    desc[(yb*d + xb)*n + ob] += v_o;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        normalizeDesc(desc, desc_len);
-        for (int i = 0; i < (int)desc_len; i++)
-            desc[i] = min(desc[i], DescrMagThr);
-        normalizeDesc(desc, desc_len);
-        // Calculate final descriptor values
-        for (int k = 0; k < (int)desc_len; k++) {
-            desc_out[f*desc_len+k] = round(min(255.f, desc[k] * IntDescrFctr));
-        }
-    }
-// Computes GLOH feature descriptors for features in an array. Based on Section III-B
-// of Mikolajczyk and Schmid paper.
-template<typename T>
-void computeGLOHDescriptor(
-    float* desc_out,
-    const unsigned desc_len,
-    const float* x_in,
-    const float* y_in,
-    const unsigned* layer_in,
-    const float* response_in,
-    const float* size_in,
-    const float* ori_in,
-    const unsigned total_feat,
-    const std::vector< Array<T> >& gauss_pyr,
-    const int d,
-    const unsigned rb,
-    const unsigned ab,
-    const unsigned hb,
-    const float scale,
-    const unsigned octave,
-    const unsigned n_layers)
-    float desc[272];
-    for (unsigned f = 0; f < total_feat; f++) {
-        const unsigned layer = layer_in[f];
-        float ori = (360.f - ori_in[f]) * PI_VAL / 180.f;
-        ori = (ori > PI_VAL) ? ori - PI_VAL*2 : ori;
-        const float size = size_in[f];
-        const int fx = round(x_in[f] * scale);
-        const int fy = round(y_in[f] * scale);
-        // Points img to correct Gaussian pyramid layer
-        Array<T> img = gauss_pyr[octave*(n_layers+3) + layer];
-        const T* img_ptr = img.get();
-        af::dim4 idims = img.dims();
-        float cos_t = cos(ori);
-        float sin_t = sin(ori);
-        float hist_bins_per_rad = hb / (PI_VAL * 2.f);
-        float polar_bins_per_rad = ab / (PI_VAL * 2.f);
-        float exp_denom = GLOHRadii[rb-1] * 0.5f;
-        float hist_width = DescrSclFctr * size * scale * 0.5f;
-        // Keep same descriptor radius used for SIFT
-        int radius = hist_width * sqrt(2.f) * (d + 1.f) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
-        // Alternative radius size calculation, changing the radius weight
-        // (rw) in the range of 0.25f-0.75f gives different results,
-        // increasing it tends to show a better recall rate but with a
-        // smaller amount of correct matches
-        //float rw = 0.5f;
-        //int radius = hist_width * GLOHRadii[rb-1] * rw + 0.5f;
-        int len = radius*2+1;
-        for (int i = 0; i < (int)desc_len; i++)
-            desc[i] = 0.f;
-        // Calculate orientation histogram
-        for (int l = 0; l < len*len; l++) {
-            int i = l / len - radius;
-            int j = l % len - radius;
-            int y = fy + i;
-            int x = fx + j;
-            float x_rot = (j * cos_t - i * sin_t);
-            float y_rot = (j * sin_t + i * cos_t);
-            float r = sqrt(x_rot*x_rot + y_rot*y_rot) / radius * GLOHRadii[rb-1];
-            float theta = atan2(y_rot, x_rot);
-            while (theta < 0.0f)
-                theta += PI_VAL*2;
-            while (theta >= PI_VAL*2)
-                theta -= PI_VAL*2;
-            float tbin = theta * polar_bins_per_rad;
-            float rbin = (r < GLOHRadii[0]) ? r / GLOHRadii[0] :
-                         ((r < GLOHRadii[1]) ? 1 + (r - GLOHRadii[0]) / (float)(GLOHRadii[1] - GLOHRadii[0]) :
-                         min(2 + (r - GLOHRadii[1]) / (float)(GLOHRadii[2] - GLOHRadii[1]), 3.f-FLT_EPSILON));
-            if (r <= GLOHRadii[rb-1] &&
-                y > 0 && y < idims[0] - 1 && x > 0 && x < idims[1] - 1) {
-                float dx = (float)(IPTR(x+1, y) - IPTR(x-1, y));
-                float dy = (float)(IPTR(x, y-1) - IPTR(x, y+1));
-                float grad_mag = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
-                float grad_ori = atan2(dy, dx) - ori;
-                while (grad_ori < 0.0f)
-                    grad_ori += PI_VAL*2;
-                while (grad_ori >= PI_VAL*2)
-                    grad_ori -= PI_VAL*2;
-                float w = exp(-r / exp_denom);
-                float obin = grad_ori * hist_bins_per_rad;
-                float mag = grad_mag*w;
-                int t0 = floor(tbin);
-                int r0 = floor(rbin);
-                int o0 = floor(obin);
-                tbin -= t0;
-                rbin -= r0;
-                obin -= o0;
-                for (int rl = 0; rl <= 1; rl++) {
-                    int rb = (rbin > 0.5f) ? (r0 + rl) : (r0 - rl);
-                    float v_r = mag * ((rl == 0) ? 1.0f - rbin : rbin);
-                    if (rb >= 0 && rb <= 2) {
-                        for (int tl = 0; tl <= 1; tl++) {
-                            int tb = (t0 + tl) % ab;
-                            float v_t = v_r * ((tl == 0) ? 1.0f - tbin : tbin);
-                            for (int ol = 0; ol <= 1; ol++) {
-                                int ob = (o0 + ol) % hb;
-                                float v_o = v_t * ((ol == 0) ? 1.0f - obin : obin);
-                                unsigned idx = (rb > 0) * (hb + ((rb-1) * ab + tb)*hb) + ob;
-                                desc[idx] += v_o;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        normalizeDesc(desc, desc_len);
-        for (int i = 0; i < (int)desc_len; i++)
-            desc[i] = min(desc[i], DescrMagThr);
-        normalizeDesc(desc, desc_len);
-        // Calculate final descriptor values
-        for (int k = 0; k < (int)desc_len; k++) {
-            desc_out[f*desc_len+k] = round(min(255.f, desc[k] * IntDescrFctr));
-        }
-    }
-#undef IPTR
-template<typename T, typename convAccT>
-Array<T> createInitialImage(
-    const Array<T>& img,
-    const float init_sigma,
-    const bool double_input)
-    af::dim4 idims = img.dims();
-    Array<T> init_img = createEmptyArray<T>(af::dim4());
-    float s = (double_input) ? std::max((float)sqrt(init_sigma * init_sigma - InitSigma * InitSigma * 4), 0.1f)
-                             : std::max((float)sqrt(init_sigma * init_sigma - InitSigma * InitSigma), 0.1f);
-    Array<T> filter = gauss_filter<T>(s);
-    if (double_input) {
-        Array<T> double_img = resize<T>(img, idims[0] * 2, idims[1] * 2, AF_INTERP_BILINEAR);
-        init_img = convolve2<T, convAccT, false>(double_img, filter, filter);
-    }
-    else {
-        init_img = convolve2<T, convAccT, false>(img, filter, filter);
-    }
-    return init_img;
-template<typename T, typename convAccT>
-std::vector< Array<T> > buildGaussPyr(
-    const Array<T>& init_img,
-    const unsigned n_octaves,
-    const unsigned n_layers,
-    const float init_sigma)
-    // Precompute Gaussian sigmas using the following formula:
-    // \sigma_{total}^2 = \sigma_{i}^2 + \sigma_{i-1}^2
-    std::vector<float> sig_layers(n_layers + 3);
-    sig_layers[0] = init_sigma;
-    float k = std::pow(2.0f, 1.0f / n_layers);
-    for (unsigned i = 1; i < n_layers + 3; i++) {
-        float sig_prev = std::pow(k, i-1) * init_sigma;
-        float sig_total = sig_prev * k;
-        sig_layers[i] = std::sqrt(sig_total*sig_total - sig_prev*sig_prev);
-    }
-    // Gaussian Pyramid
-    std::vector< Array<T> > gauss_pyr(n_octaves * (n_layers+3), createEmptyArray<T>(af::dim4()));
-    for (unsigned o = 0; o < n_octaves; o++) {
-        for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_layers+3; l++) {
-            unsigned src_idx = (l == 0) ? (o-1)*(n_layers+3) + n_layers : o*(n_layers+3) + l-1;
-            unsigned idx = o*(n_layers+3) + l;
-            if (o == 0 && l == 0) {
-                gauss_pyr[idx] = init_img;
-            }
-            else if (l == 0) {
-                af::dim4 sdims = gauss_pyr[src_idx].dims();
-                gauss_pyr[idx] = resize<T>(gauss_pyr[src_idx], sdims[0] / 2, sdims[1] / 2, AF_INTERP_BILINEAR);
-            }
-            else {
-                Array<T> filter = gauss_filter<T>(sig_layers[l]);
-                gauss_pyr[idx] = convolve2<T, convAccT, false>(gauss_pyr[src_idx], filter, filter);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return gauss_pyr;
-template<typename T>
-std::vector< Array<T> > buildDoGPyr(
-    std::vector< Array<T> >& gauss_pyr,
-    const unsigned n_octaves,
-    const unsigned n_layers)
-    // DoG Pyramid
-    std::vector< Array<T> > dog_pyr(n_octaves * (n_layers+2), createEmptyArray<T>(af::dim4()));
-    for (unsigned o = 0; o < n_octaves; o++) {
-        for (unsigned l = 0; l < n_layers+2; l++) {
-            unsigned idx    = o*(n_layers+2) + l;
-            unsigned bottom = o*(n_layers+3) + l;
-            unsigned top    = o*(n_layers+3) + l+1;
-            dog_pyr[idx] = createEmptyArray<T>(gauss_pyr[bottom].dims());
-            sub<T>(dog_pyr[idx], gauss_pyr[top], gauss_pyr[bottom]);
-        }
-    }
-    return dog_pyr;
-template<typename T, typename convAccT>
-unsigned sift_impl(Array<float>& x, Array<float>& y, Array<float>& score,
-                   Array<float>& ori, Array<float>& size, Array<float>& desc,
-                   const Array<T>& in, const unsigned n_layers,
-                   const float contrast_thr, const float edge_thr,
-                   const float init_sigma, const bool double_input,
-                   const float img_scale, const float feature_ratio,
-                   const bool compute_GLOH)
-    in.eval();
-    af::dim4 idims = in.dims();
-    const unsigned min_dim = (double_input) ? min(idims[0]*2, idims[1]*2)
-        : min(idims[0], idims[1]);
-    const unsigned n_octaves = floor(log(min_dim) / log(2)) - 2;
-    Array<T> init_img = createInitialImage<T, convAccT>(in, init_sigma, double_input);
-    std::vector< Array<T> > gauss_pyr = buildGaussPyr<T, convAccT>(init_img, n_octaves, n_layers, init_sigma);
-    std::vector< Array<T> > dog_pyr = buildDoGPyr<T>(gauss_pyr, n_octaves, n_layers);
-    std::vector<float*> x_pyr(n_octaves, NULL);
-    std::vector<float*> y_pyr(n_octaves, NULL);
-    std::vector<float*> response_pyr(n_octaves, NULL);
-    std::vector<float*> size_pyr(n_octaves, NULL);
-    std::vector<float*> ori_pyr(n_octaves, NULL);
-    std::vector<float*> desc_pyr(n_octaves, NULL);
-    std::vector<unsigned> feat_pyr(n_octaves, 0);
-    unsigned total_feat = 0;
-    const unsigned d = DescrWidth;
-    const unsigned n = DescrHistBins;
-    const unsigned rb = GLOHRadialBins;
-    const unsigned ab = GLOHAngularBins;
-    const unsigned hb = GLOHHistBins;
-    const unsigned desc_len = (compute_GLOH) ? (1 + (rb-1) * ab) * hb : d*d*n;
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_octaves; i++) {
-        af::dim4 ddims = dog_pyr[i*(n_layers+2)].dims();
-        if (ddims[0]-2*ImgBorder < 1 ||
-            ddims[1]-2*ImgBorder < 1)
-            continue;
-        const unsigned imel = ddims[0] * ddims[1];
-        const unsigned max_feat = ceil(imel * feature_ratio);
-        float* extrema_x = memAlloc<float>(max_feat);
-        float* extrema_y = memAlloc<float>(max_feat);
-        unsigned* extrema_layer = memAlloc<unsigned>(max_feat);
-        unsigned extrema_feat = 0;
-        for (unsigned j = 1; j <= n_layers; j++) {
-            unsigned prev   = i*(n_layers+2) + j-1;
-            unsigned center = i*(n_layers+2) + j;
-            unsigned next   = i*(n_layers+2) + j+1;
-            unsigned layer = j;
-            float extrema_thr = 0.5f * contrast_thr / n_layers;
-            detectExtrema<T>(extrema_x, extrema_y, extrema_layer, &extrema_feat,
-                             dog_pyr[prev], dog_pyr[center], dog_pyr[next],
-                             layer, max_feat, extrema_thr);
-        }
-        extrema_feat = min(extrema_feat, max_feat);
-        if (extrema_feat == 0) {
-            memFree(extrema_x);
-            memFree(extrema_y);
-            memFree(extrema_layer);
-            continue;
-        }
-        unsigned interp_feat = 0;
-        float* interp_x = memAlloc<float>(extrema_feat);
-        float* interp_y = memAlloc<float>(extrema_feat);
-        unsigned* interp_layer = memAlloc<unsigned>(extrema_feat);
-        float* interp_response = memAlloc<float>(extrema_feat);
-        float* interp_size = memAlloc<float>(extrema_feat);
-        interpolateExtrema<T>(interp_x, interp_y, interp_layer,
-                              interp_response, interp_size, &interp_feat,
-                              extrema_x, extrema_y, extrema_layer, extrema_feat,
-                              dog_pyr, max_feat, i, n_layers,
-                              contrast_thr, edge_thr, init_sigma, img_scale);
-        interp_feat = min(interp_feat, max_feat);
-        if (interp_feat == 0) {
-            memFree(interp_x);
-            memFree(interp_y);
-            memFree(interp_layer);
-            memFree(interp_response);
-            memFree(interp_size);
-            continue;
-        }
-        std::vector<feat_t> sorted_feat;
-        array_to_feat(sorted_feat, interp_x, interp_y, interp_layer, interp_response, interp_size, interp_feat);
-        std::stable_sort(sorted_feat.begin(), sorted_feat.end(), feat_cmp);
-        memFree(interp_x);
-        memFree(interp_y);
-        memFree(interp_layer);
-        memFree(interp_response);
-        memFree(interp_size);
-        unsigned nodup_feat = 0;
-        float* nodup_x = memAlloc<float>(interp_feat);
-        float* nodup_y = memAlloc<float>(interp_feat);
-        unsigned* nodup_layer = memAlloc<unsigned>(interp_feat);
-        float* nodup_response = memAlloc<float>(interp_feat);
-        float* nodup_size = memAlloc<float>(interp_feat);
-        removeDuplicates(nodup_x, nodup_y, nodup_layer,
-                         nodup_response, nodup_size, &nodup_feat,
-                         sorted_feat);
-        const unsigned max_oriented_feat = nodup_feat * 3;
-        float* oriented_x = memAlloc<float>(max_oriented_feat);
-        float* oriented_y = memAlloc<float>(max_oriented_feat);
-        unsigned* oriented_layer = memAlloc<unsigned>(max_oriented_feat);
-        float* oriented_response = memAlloc<float>(max_oriented_feat);
-        float* oriented_size = memAlloc<float>(max_oriented_feat);
-        float* oriented_ori = memAlloc<float>(max_oriented_feat);
-        unsigned oriented_feat = 0;
-        calcOrientation<T>(oriented_x, oriented_y, oriented_layer,
-                           oriented_response, oriented_size, oriented_ori, &oriented_feat,
-                           nodup_x, nodup_y, nodup_layer,
-                           nodup_response, nodup_size, nodup_feat,
-                           gauss_pyr, max_oriented_feat, i, n_layers, double_input);
-        memFree(nodup_x);
-        memFree(nodup_y);
-        memFree(nodup_layer);
-        memFree(nodup_response);
-        memFree(nodup_size);
-        if (oriented_feat == 0) {
-            memFree(oriented_x);
-            memFree(oriented_y);
-            memFree(oriented_layer);
-            memFree(oriented_response);
-            memFree(oriented_size);
-            memFree(oriented_ori);
-            continue;
-        }
-        float* desc = memAlloc<float>(oriented_feat * desc_len);
-        float scale = 1.f/(1 << i);
-        if (double_input) scale *= 2.f;
-        if (compute_GLOH)
-            computeGLOHDescriptor<T>(desc, desc_len,
-                                     oriented_x, oriented_y, oriented_layer,
-                                     oriented_response, oriented_size, oriented_ori,
-                                     oriented_feat, gauss_pyr, d, rb, ab, hb,
-                                     scale, i, n_layers);
-        else
-            computeDescriptor<T>(desc, desc_len,
-                                 oriented_x, oriented_y, oriented_layer,
-                                 oriented_response, oriented_size, oriented_ori,
-                                 oriented_feat, gauss_pyr, d, n, scale, i, n_layers);
-        total_feat += oriented_feat;
-        feat_pyr[i] = oriented_feat;
-        if (oriented_feat > 0) {
-            x_pyr[i] = oriented_x;
-            y_pyr[i] = oriented_y;
-            response_pyr[i] = oriented_response;
-            ori_pyr[i] = oriented_ori;
-            size_pyr[i] = oriented_size;
-            desc_pyr[i] = desc;
-        }
-    }
-    if (total_feat > 0) {
-        const af::dim4 total_feat_dims(total_feat);
-        const af::dim4 desc_dims(desc_len, total_feat);
-        // Allocate output memory
-        x     = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
-        y     = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
-        score = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
-        ori   = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
-        size  = createEmptyArray<float>(total_feat_dims);
-        desc  = createEmptyArray<float>(desc_dims);
-        float* x_ptr = x.get();
-        float* y_ptr = y.get();
-        float* score_ptr = score.get();
-        float* ori_ptr = ori.get();
-        float* size_ptr = size.get();
-        float* desc_ptr = desc.get();
-        unsigned offset = 0;
-        for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_octaves; i++) {
-            if (feat_pyr[i] == 0)
-                continue;
-            memcpy(x_ptr+offset,     x_pyr[i],        feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
-            memcpy(y_ptr+offset,     y_pyr[i],        feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
-            memcpy(score_ptr+offset, response_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
-            memcpy(ori_ptr+offset,   ori_pyr[i],      feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
-            memcpy(size_ptr+offset,  size_pyr[i],     feat_pyr[i] * sizeof(float));
-            memcpy(desc_ptr+(offset*desc_len), desc_pyr[i], feat_pyr[i] * desc_len * sizeof(float));
-            memFree(x_pyr[i]);
-            memFree(y_pyr[i]);
-            memFree(response_pyr[i]);
-            memFree(ori_pyr[i]);
-            memFree(size_pyr[i]);
-            memFree(desc_pyr[i]);
-            offset += feat_pyr[i];
-        }
-    }
-    return total_feat;

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