[fftw] 14/16: Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-22

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Fri Feb 12 22:42:09 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mattia pushed a commit to branch master
in repository fftw.

commit 3ba4a229e3f59a320de14b85d0efeaca4972d002
Author: Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org>
Date:   Wed May 14 11:23:40 2008 +0200

    Imported Debian patch 2.1.3-22
 debian/changelog                       |   15 +
 debian/control                         |   11 +-
 debian/patches/00_fix_aclocal.dpatch   |   53 +
 debian/patches/00list                  |    5 +
 debian/patches/01_fix_makefiles.dpatch |  403 +++
 debian/patches/02_fix_tests.dpatch     |   28 +
 debian/patches/03_fix_doc.dpatch       | 4670 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/04_configure.dpatch     |  237 ++
 debian/rules                           |   36 +-
 9 files changed, 5439 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 66af3aa..6bb9e8e 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+fftw (2.1.3-22) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Add missed patches from 2.1.3-20.1 to dpatch (closes: #480908)
+  * Call autoreconf to avoid shipping Makefile.inS in diff.gz
+  * debian/control: add build-depends on autotools-dev, autoconf and automake
+  * debian/control: add build-conflicts on autoconf2.13, automake1.4
+  * debian/rules: add build-depends on dpatch
+  * debian/rules: use $(CURDIR), not `pwd`
+  * debian/rules: do not ignore clean failures
+  * debian/control: bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3
+  * debian/control: fftw-docs to Section doc
+  * debian/control: {,s}fftw-dev use binary:Version, not Source-Version 
+ -- Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org>  Wed, 14 May 2008 11:23:40 +0200
 fftw (2.1.3-21) unstable; urgency=low
   * Acknowledge non-maintainer upload, thanks to Colin Tuckley
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 6817f57..19ca255 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ Source: fftw
 Section: oldlibs
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), libtool, libmpich1.0-dev, gfortran
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), autotools-dev, autoconf, automake, dpatch, libtool, libmpich1.0-dev, gfortran
+Build-Conflicts: autoconf2.13, automake1.4          
+Standards-Version: 3.7.3
 Package: fftw2
 Architecture: any
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ Description: library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
 Package: fftw-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: oldlibs
-Depends: fftw2 (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Depends: fftw2 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
 Provides: fftw-double-dev
 Conflicts: fftw1-dev, fftw-double-dev
 Description: library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ Description: library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
 Package: sfftw-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: oldlibs
-Depends: sfftw2 (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Depends: sfftw2 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
 Provides: fftw-single-dev
 Conflicts: fftw1-dev, fftw-dev (<< 2.1.3-8), fftw-single-dev
 Description: library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ Description: library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
 Package: fftw-docs
 Architecture: all
-Section: oldlibs
+Section: doc
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
 Suggests: fftw2
 Conflicts: fftw-dev (<< 2.1.3-15), k6fftwgel (<< 1.1-8), k7fftwgel (<< 1.2-6), p4fftwgel-dev (<< 1.2-5)
diff --git a/debian/patches/00_fix_aclocal.dpatch b/debian/patches/00_fix_aclocal.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a968586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/00_fix_aclocal.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 00_fix_aclocal by  <piem at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: moving /u/s/kino/help to /u/s/doc/kino/help
+ at DPATCH@
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/acinclude.m4
++++ fftw-2.1.3/acinclude.m4
+@@ -272,19 +272,19 @@
+ mangle_try=unknown
+ case $ac_f77_mangle_type in
+         lowercase)
++                AC_DEFINE(FFTW_FORTRANIZE_LOWERCASE,1,[Fortranize lowercase])
+                 mangle_try=foo_bar_
+                 ;;
+         lowercase-underscore)
++                AC_DEFINE(FFTW_FORTRANIZE_LOWERCASE_UNDERSCORE,1,[Fortranize lowercase underscore])
+                 mangle_try=foo_bar__
+                 ;;
+         uppercase)
++                AC_DEFINE(FFTW_FORTRANIZE_UPPERCASE,1,[Fortranize uppercase])
+                 mangle_try=FOO_BAR_
+                 ;;
+         uppercase-underscore)
++                AC_DEFINE(FFTW_FORTRANIZE_UPPERCASE_UNDERSCORE,1,[Fortranize uppercase underscore])
+                 mangle_try=FOO_BAR__
+                 ;;
+ esac
+@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
+ LIBS="mangle-func.o $FLIBS $LIBS"
+ AC_TRY_LINK(,$mangle_try();,
+             [ac_f77_mangle_underscore=yes;
++             AC_DEFINE(FFTW_FORTRANIZE_EXTRA_UNDERSCORE,1,[Fortranize extra underscore])],
+             [ac_f77_mangle_underscore=no])
+ LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
+@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
+ define(ACX_SUBST_XXX,
+ [ifdef([ACX_SUBST_XXX_$1], ,
+ [define([ACX_SUBST_XXX_$1], )dnl
+ s=XXX_$1_XXX=[$]$1=g
++dnl AC_DIVERT_POP()dnl
+ ])])
diff --git a/debian/patches/00list b/debian/patches/00list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..034a245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/00list
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/debian/patches/01_fix_makefiles.dpatch b/debian/patches/01_fix_makefiles.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea8db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/01_fix_makefiles.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 01_fix_makefiles by  <piem at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: moving /u/s/kino/help to /u/s/doc/kino/help
+ at DPATCH@
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/threads/Makefile.am
++++ fftw-2.1.3/threads/Makefile.am
+@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
+ # the --enable-threads option.  This requires us to use the combination
+ # of foo_* and EXTRA_* variables below.
+-                    libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads.la
+-                XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads.h
+-EXTRA_PROGRAMS = fftw_threads_test rfftw_threads_test
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_threads.la \
++                    lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_threads.la
++include_HEADERS = @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_threads.h \
++                @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_threads.h
++noinst_PROGRAMS = fftw_threads_test rfftw_threads_test
+ FFTWDIR=../fftw
+ RFFTWDIR=../rfftw
+@@ -18,50 +18,54 @@
+            -I$(srcdir)/$(FFTWDIR) -I$(srcdir)/$(RFFTWDIR) -I$(srcdir)
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads_la_SOURCES = \
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_threads_la_SOURCES = \
+                              executor_threads.c fftw_threads.c \
+                              fftwnd_threads.c \
+                              fftw_f77_threads.c \
+-	                     XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads.h \
++	                     @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_threads.h \
+                              fftw_threads-int.h
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads_la_LDFLAGS = \
+-                             -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@ \
+-                             -rpath $(libdir)
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXfftw_threads.h: fftw_threads.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' fftw_threads.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads.h
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_threads_la_LDFLAGS = \
++                             -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_threads_la_LIBADD = \
++                             $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la -lpthread
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@fftw_threads.h: fftw_threads.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_threads.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' fftw_threads.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_threads.h
+ fftw_threads_test_SOURCES = fftw_threads_test.c
+ fftw_threads_test_LDADD = ../tests/test_main.o \
+-	                  libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads.la \
+-                          $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la \
++	                  lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_threads.la \
++                          $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la \
+ 	 		  @THREADLIBS@
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads_la_SOURCES = \
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_threads_la_SOURCES = \
+                               rexec_threads.c rexec2_threads.c \
+     	                      rfftwnd_threads.c \
+                               rfftw_f77_threads.c \
+-	                      XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads.h \
++	                      @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_threads.h \
+                               fftw_threads-int.h \
+-                              XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads.h
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads_la_LDFLAGS = \
+-                              -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@ \
+-                              -rpath $(libdir)
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXrfftw_threads.h: rfftw_threads.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' rfftw_threads.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads.h
++                              @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_threads.h
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_threads_la_LDFLAGS = \
++                              -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_threads_la_LIBADD = \
++                             lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_threads.la \
++                             $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la \
++                             $(RFFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw.la -lpthread
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@rfftw_threads.h: rfftw_threads.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_threads.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' rfftw_threads.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_threads.h
+-             XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXrfftw_threads.h
++CLEANFILES = @FFTW_PREFIX1 at fftw_threads.h \
++             @FFTW_PREFIX1 at rfftw_threads.h
+ rfftw_threads_test_SOURCES = rfftw_threads_test.c
+ rfftw_threads_test_LDADD = ../tests/test_main.o \
+-	                  libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_threads.la \
+-                          libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_threads.la \
+-                          $(RFFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.la \
+-                          $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la \
++	                  lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_threads.la \
++                          lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_threads.la \
++                          $(RFFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw.la \
++                          $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la \
+ # for some reason, automake tries to use autoheader in order to
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/rfftw/Makefile.am
++++ fftw-2.1.3/rfftw/Makefile.am
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ # This file was automatically generated
+ #
+-include_HEADERS = XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.h
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw.la
++include_HEADERS = @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw.h
+ INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../fftw -I$(srcdir)
+ NOTW_CODELETS= frc_1.c frc_2.c frc_3.c frc_4.c frc_5.c frc_6.c frc_7.c frc_8.c frc_9.c frc_10.c frc_11.c frc_12.c frc_13.c frc_14.c frc_15.c frc_16.c frc_32.c frc_64.c frc_128.c
+@@ -14,18 +14,19 @@
+ OTHERSRC = rconfig.c rplanner.c rexec.c rexec2.c rfftwnd.c rgeneric.c \
+            rfftwf77.c
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_la_SOURCES = $(CODELETS) $(OTHERSRC)    \
+ 					 rfftw.h                   
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
++#lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_la_LIBADD = $(srcdir)/fftw/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la
+ DISTCLEANFILES = srfftw.h drfftw.h
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXrfftw.h: rfftw.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' rfftw.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.h
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@rfftw.h: rfftw.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' rfftw.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw.h
+ # for some reason, automake tries to use autoheader in order to
+ # generate config.h.in, and fails because config.h.in is GNU-lly
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/fftw/Makefile.am
++++ fftw-2.1.3/fftw/Makefile.am
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ # This file was automatically generated
+ #
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la
++include_HEADERS = @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw.h
+ INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../fftw -I$(srcdir)
+ NOTW_CODELETS= fn_1.c fn_2.c fn_3.c fn_4.c fn_5.c fn_6.c fn_7.c fn_8.c fn_9.c fn_10.c fn_11.c fn_12.c fn_13.c fn_14.c fn_15.c fn_16.c fn_32.c fn_64.c
+@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
+ 	   generic.c fftwnd.c malloc.c wisdom.c wisdomio.c putils.c rader.c \
+            fftwf77.c f77_func.h
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_la_SOURCES = $(CODELETS) $(OTHERSRC)             \
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_la_SOURCES = $(CODELETS) $(OTHERSRC)             \
+                                         fftw.h fftw-int.h 
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
+ DISTCLEANFILES = fftw.h sfftw.h dfftw.h
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXfftw.h: fftw.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' fftw.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.h
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@fftw.h: fftw.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' fftw.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw.h
+ # for some reason, automake tries to use autoheader in order to
+ # generate config.h.in, and fails because config.h.in is GNU-lly
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/tests/Makefile.am
++++ fftw-2.1.3/tests/Makefile.am
+@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
+ INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/$(FFTWDIR) -I$(srcdir)/$(RFFTWDIR)
+ fftw_test_SOURCES = fftw_test.c test_main.c
+-fftw_test_LDADD = $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la
++fftw_test_LDADD = $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la
+ rfftw_test_SOURCES = rfftw_test.c test_main.c
+-rfftw_test_LDADD = $(RFFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.la \
+-                   $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la
++rfftw_test_LDADD = $(RFFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw.la \
++                   $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la
+ check: fftw-tests rfftw-tests 
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/mpi/Makefile.am
++++ fftw-2.1.3/mpi/Makefile.am
+@@ -2,68 +2,74 @@
+ # the --enable-mpi option.  This requires us to use the combination
+ # of foo_* and EXTRA_* variables below.
+-                    libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_mpi.la
+-EXTRA_PROGRAMS = test_sched test_transpose_mpi fftw_mpi_test rfftw_mpi_test
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi.la \
++                    lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_mpi.la
++include_HEADERS = @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_mpi.h @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_mpi.h 
++noinst_PROGRAMS = test_sched test_transpose_mpi fftw_mpi_test rfftw_mpi_test
+ FFTWDIR=../fftw
+ RFFTWDIR=../rfftw
+-INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../tests \
++INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../tests -I/usr/include/mpi \
+            -I$(srcdir)/$(FFTWDIR) -I$(srcdir)/$(RFFTWDIR) -I$(srcdir)
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi_la_SOURCES = \
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi_la_SOURCES = \
+                          sched.c sched.h TOMS_transpose.c TOMS_transpose.h \
+                          transpose_mpi.c fftwnd_mpi.c fftw_mpi.c \
+-                         XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi.h \
++                         @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_mpi.h \
+ 			 fftw_f77_mpi.c fftw_f77_mpi.h
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi_la_LDFLAGS = \
+-                         -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@ \
+-                         -rpath $(libdir)
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXfftw_mpi.h: fftw_mpi.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' fftw_mpi.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi.h
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi_la_LDFLAGS = \
++                         -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi_la_LIBADD = \
++                         $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la \
++												 @MPILIBS@
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_mpi_la_SOURCES = \
+-                          rfftwnd_mpi.c XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_mpi.h \
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@fftw_mpi.h: fftw_mpi.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_mpi.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' fftw_mpi.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw_mpi.h
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_mpi_la_SOURCES = \
++                          rfftwnd_mpi.c @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_mpi.h \
+ 			  rfftw_f77_mpi.c
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_mpi_la_LDFLAGS = \
+-                          -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@ \
+-                          -rpath $(libdir)
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXrfftw_mpi.h: rfftw_mpi.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_mpi.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' rfftw_mpi.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_mpi.h
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_mpi_la_LDFLAGS = \
++                          -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_mpi_la_LIBADD = \
++                         lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi.la \
++                         $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la $(RFFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw.la \
++												 @MPILIBS@
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@rfftw_mpi.h: rfftw_mpi.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_mpi.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' rfftw_mpi.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw_mpi.h
++CLEANFILES = @FFTW_PREFIX1 at fftw_mpi.h @FFTW_PREFIX1 at rfftw_mpi.h
+ test_sched_SOURCES = test_sched.c
+-test_sched_LDADD = libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi.la \
+-                   $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la @MPILIBS@
++test_sched_LDADD = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi.la \
++                   $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la @MPILIBS@
+ test_transpose_mpi_SOURCES = test_transpose_mpi.c
+-test_transpose_mpi_LDADD = libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi.la \
+-                           $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la @MPILIBS@
++test_transpose_mpi_LDADD = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi.la \
++                           $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la @MPILIBS@
+ fftw_mpi_test_SOURCES = fftw_mpi_test.c
+ fftw_mpi_test_LDADD = ../tests/test_main.o \
+-                      libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi.la \
+-                      $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la @MPILIBS@
++                      lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi.la \
++                      $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la @MPILIBS@
+ rfftw_mpi_test_SOURCES = rfftw_mpi_test.c
+ rfftw_mpi_test_LDADD = ../tests/test_main.o \
+-                       libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw_mpi.la \
+-                       libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_mpi.la \
+-		       $(RFFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.la \
+-                       $(FFTWDIR)/libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.la \
++                       lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_mpi.la \
++                       lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_mpi.la \
++		       $(RFFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw.la \
++                       $(FFTWDIR)/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la \
+                        @MPILIBS@
+ # for some reason, automake tries to use autoheader in order to
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/gensrc/Makefile.fftw.am
++++ fftw-2.1.3/gensrc/Makefile.fftw.am
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ # This file was automatically generated
+ #
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la
++include_HEADERS = @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw.h
+ INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../fftw -I$(srcdir)
+@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
+ 	   generic.c fftwnd.c malloc.c wisdom.c wisdomio.c putils.c rader.c \
+            fftwf77.c f77_func.h
+-libXXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw_la_SOURCES = $(CODELETS) $(OTHERSRC)             \
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_la_SOURCES = $(CODELETS) $(OTHERSRC)             \
+                                         fftw.h fftw-int.h 
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
+ DISTCLEANFILES = fftw.h sfftw.h dfftw.h
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXfftw.h: fftw.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' fftw.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw.h
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@fftw.h: fftw.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' fftw.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at fftw.h
+ # for some reason, automake tries to use autoheader in order to
+ # generate config.h.in, and fails because config.h.in is GNU-lly
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/gensrc/Makefile.rfftw.am
++++ fftw-2.1.3/gensrc/Makefile.rfftw.am
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ # This file was automatically generated
+ #
+-include_HEADERS = XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.h
++lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw.la
++include_HEADERS = @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw.h
+ INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../fftw -I$(srcdir)
+@@ -14,18 +14,19 @@
+ OTHERSRC = rconfig.c rplanner.c rexec.c rexec2.c rfftwnd.c rgeneric.c \
+            rfftwf77.c
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_la_SOURCES = $(CODELETS) $(OTHERSRC)    \
+ 					 rfftw.h                   
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @SHARED_VERSION_INFO@
++lib at FFTW_PREFIX@rfftw_la_LIBADD = $(FFTWDIR)/fftw/lib at FFTW_PREFIX@fftw.la
+ DISTCLEANFILES = srfftw.h drfftw.h
+-XXX_FFTW_PREFIX1_XXXrfftw.h: rfftw.h
+-	rm -f XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.h
+-	sed 's/<fftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXfftw/g;s/<rfftw/<XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw/g' rfftw.h > XXX_FFTW_PREFIX_XXXrfftw.h
++ at FFTW_PREFIX1@rfftw.h: rfftw.h
++	rm -f @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw.h
++	sed 's/<fftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at fftw/g;s/<rfftw/<@FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw/g' rfftw.h > @FFTW_PREFIX at rfftw.h
+ # for some reason, automake tries to use autoheader in order to
+ # generate config.h.in, and fails because config.h.in is GNU-lly
diff --git a/debian/patches/02_fix_tests.dpatch b/debian/patches/02_fix_tests.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5b6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/02_fix_tests.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 02_fix_tests by  <piem at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: moving /u/s/kino/help to /u/s/doc/kino/help
+ at DPATCH@
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/tests/test_main.c
++++ fftw-2.1.3/tests/test_main.c
+@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
+ void test_timer(void)
+ {
+      double times[32], acc, min_time = 10000.00;
+-     unsigned long iters, iter;
++     unsigned long iters = 0, iter;
+      fftw_time begin, end, start;
+      double t, tmax, tmin;
+      int last = 0, i, repeat;
+@@ -559,7 +559,8 @@
+      start = fftw_get_time();
+      for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+-	  iters = 1 << i;
++	  //iters = 1 << i; /* workaround gcc-4.1 bug */
++	  if (i) iters <<= 1; else iters = 1;
+ 	  tmin = 1.0E10;
+ 	  tmax = -1.0E10;
diff --git a/debian/patches/03_fix_doc.dpatch b/debian/patches/03_fix_doc.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515860a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/03_fix_doc.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,4670 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 03_fix_doc by  <piem at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: moving /u/s/kino/help to /u/s/doc/kino/help
+ at DPATCH@
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/doc/fftw.texi
++++ fftw-2.1.3/doc/fftw.texi
+@@ -5,6 +5,15 @@
+ @settitle FFTW
+ @c %**end of header
++ at ifinfo
++ at format
++INFO-DIR-SECTION Development
++* FFTW: (fftw).                 FFTW User's Manual.
++ at end format
++ at end ifinfo
+ @include version.texi
+ @setchapternewpage odd
+ @c define constant index (ct)
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/doc/version.texi
++++ fftw-2.1.3/doc/version.texi
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+- at set UPDATED 7 November 1999
++ at set UPDATED 8 November 1999
++ at set UPDATED-MONTH November 1999
+ @set EDITION 2.1.3
+ @set VERSION 2.1.3
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/doc/fftw.info
++++ fftw-2.1.3/doc/fftw.info
+@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+-This is Info file fftw.info, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from the
+-input file fftw.texi.
++This is fftw.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.8 from fftw.texi.
++INFO-DIR-SECTION Development
++* FFTW: (fftw).                 FFTW User's Manual.
+    This is the FFTW User's manual.
+@@ -20,90 +24,4529 @@
+ translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
+-fftw.info-1: 871
+-fftw.info-2: 49529
+-fftw.info-3: 98154
+-fftw.info-4: 147774
+-fftw.info-5: 194232
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Introduction,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)
++FFTW User Manual
++Welcome to FFTW, the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West.  FFTW is a
++collection of fast C routines to compute the discrete Fourier transform.
++This manual documents FFTW version 2.1.3.
++* Menu:
++* Introduction::
++* Tutorial::
++* FFTW Reference::
++* Parallel FFTW::
++* Calling FFTW from Fortran::
++* Installation and Customization::
++* Acknowledgments::
++* License and Copyright::
++* Concept Index::
++* Library Index::
++* Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Multi-dimensional Array Format::
++* Words of Wisdom::
++Multi-dimensional Array Format
++* Row-major Format::
++* Column-major Format::
++* Static Arrays in C::
++* Dynamic Arrays in C::
++* Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way::
++Words of Wisdom
++* Caveats in Using Wisdom::     What you should worry about in using wisdom
++* Importing and Exporting Wisdom::  I/O of wisdom to disk and other media
++FFTW Reference
++* Data Types::                  real, complex, and halfcomplex numbers
++* One-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Wisdom Reference::
++* Memory Allocator Reference::
++* Thread safety::
++One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++* fftw_create_plan::            Plan Creation
++* Discussion on Specific Plans::
++* fftw::                        Plan Execution
++* fftw_destroy_plan::           Plan Destruction
++* What FFTW Really Computes::   Definition of the DFT.
++Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++* fftwnd_create_plan::          Plan Creation
++* fftwnd::                      Plan Execution
++* fftwnd_destroy_plan::         Plan Destruction
++* What FFTWND Really Computes::
++Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++* rfftw_create_plan::           Plan Creation
++* rfftw::                       Plan Execution
++* rfftw_destroy_plan::          Plan Destruction
++* What RFFTW Really Computes::
++Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++* rfftwnd_create_plan::         Plan Creation
++* rfftwnd::                     Plan Execution
++* Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms::
++* Strides in In-place RFFTWND::
++* rfftwnd_destroy_plan::        Plan Destruction
++* What RFFTWND Really Computes::
++Wisdom Reference
++* fftw_export_wisdom::
++* fftw_import_wisdom::
++* fftw_forget_wisdom::
++Parallel FFTW
++* Multi-threaded FFTW::
++* MPI FFTW::
++Multi-threaded FFTW
++* Installation and Supported Hardware/Software::
++* Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW::
++* How Many Threads to Use?::
++* Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program::
++* Tips for Optimal Threading::
++* MPI FFTW Installation::
++* Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms::
++* MPI Data Layout::
++* Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms::
++* Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms::
++* MPI Tips::
++Calling FFTW from Fortran
++* Wrapper Routines::
++* FFTW Constants in Fortran::
++* Fortran Examples::
++Installation and Customization
++* Installation on Unix::
++* Installation on non-Unix Systems::
++* Installing FFTW in both single and double precision::
++* gcc and Pentium hacks::
++* Customizing the timer::
++* Generating your own code::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Introduction,  Next: Tutorial,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top
++1 Introduction
++This manual documents version 2.1.3 of FFTW, the _Fastest Fourier
++Transform in the West_.  FFTW is a comprehensive collection of fast C
++routines for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or
++more dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input
++size.  FFTW also includes parallel transforms for both shared- and
++distributed-memory systems.  We assume herein that the reader is already
++familiar with the properties and uses of the DFT that are relevant to
++her application.  Otherwise, see e.g. `The Fast Fourier Transform' by
++E. O. Brigham (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1974).  Our web
++page (http://www.fftw.org) also has links to FFT-related information
++   FFTW is usually faster (and sometimes much faster) than all other
++freely-available Fourier transform programs found on the Net.  For
++transforms whose size is a power of two, it compares favorably with the
++FFT codes in Sun's Performance Library and IBM's ESSL library, which are
++targeted at specific machines.  Moreover, FFTW's performance is
++_portable_.  Indeed, FFTW is unique in that it automatically adapts
++itself to your machine, your cache, the size of your memory, the number
++of registers, and all the other factors that normally make it impossible
++to optimize a program for more than one machine.  An extensive
++comparison of FFTW's performance with that of other Fourier transform
++codes has been made. The results are available on the Web at the
++benchFFT home page (http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~benchfft).  
++   In order to use FFTW effectively, you need to understand one basic
++concept of FFTW's internal structure.  FFTW does not used a fixed
++algorithm for computing the transform, but it can adapt the DFT
++algorithm to details of the underlying hardware in order to achieve best
++performance.  Hence, the computation of the transform is split into two
++phases.  First, FFTW's "planner" is called, which "learns" the fastest
++way to compute the transform on your machine.  The planner produces a
++data structure called a "plan" that contains this information.
++Subsequently, the plan is passed to FFTW's "executor", along with an
++array of input data.  The executor computes the actual transform, as
++dictated by the plan.  The plan can be reused as many times as needed.
++In typical high-performance applications, many transforms of the same
++size are computed, and consequently a relatively-expensive
++initialization of this sort is acceptable.  On the other hand, if you
++need a single transform of a given size, the one-time cost of the
++planner becomes significant.  For this case, FFTW provides fast
++planners based on heuristics or on previously computed plans.
++   The pattern of planning/execution applies to all four operation
++modes of FFTW, that is, I) one-dimensional complex transforms (FFTW),
++II) multi-dimensional complex transforms (FFTWND), III) one-dimensional
++transforms of real data (RFFTW), IV) multi-dimensional transforms of
++real data (RFFTWND).  Each mode comes with its own planner and executor.
++   Besides the automatic performance adaptation performed by the
++planner, it is also possible for advanced users to customize FFTW for
++their special needs.  As distributed, FFTW works most efficiently for
++arrays whose size can be factored into small primes (2, 3, 5, and 7),
++and uses a slower general-purpose routine for other factors.  FFTW,
++however, comes with a code generator that can produce fast C programs
++for any particular array size you may care about.  For example, if you
++need transforms of size 513 = 19 x 3^3, you can customize FFTW to
++support the factor 19 efficiently.
++   FFTW can exploit multiple processors if you have them.  FFTW comes
++with a shared-memory implementation on top of POSIX (and similar)
++threads, as well as a distributed-memory implementation based on MPI.  We
++also provide an experimental parallel implementation written in Cilk,
++_the superior programming tool of choice for discriminating hackers_
++(Olin Shivers).  (See the Cilk home page
++   For more information regarding FFTW, see the paper, "The Fastest
++Fourier Transform in the West," by M. Frigo and S. G. Johnson, which is
++the technical report MIT-LCS-TR-728 (Sep. '97).  See also, "FFTW: An
++Adaptive Software Architecture for the FFT," by M. Frigo and S. G.
++Johnson, which appeared in the 23rd International Conference on
++Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (`Proc. ICASSP 1998' 3, p.
++1381).  The code generator is described in the paper "A Fast Fourier
++Transform Compiler", by M. Frigo, to appear in the `Proceedings of the
++1999 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and
++Implementation (PLDI), Atlanta, Georgia, May 1999'.  These papers,
++along with the latest version of FFTW, the FAQ, benchmarks, and other
++links, are available at the FFTW home page (http://www.fftw.org).  The
++current version of FFTW incorporates many good ideas from the past
++thirty years of FFT literature.  In one way or another, FFTW uses the
++Cooley-Tukey algorithm, the Prime Factor algorithm, Rader's algorithm
++for prime sizes, and the split-radix algorithm (with a variation due to
++Dan Bernstein).  Our code generator also produces new algorithms that
++we do not yet completely understand.  The reader is referred to the
++cited papers for the appropriate references.
++   The rest of this manual is organized as follows.  We first discuss
++the sequential (one-processor) implementation.  We start by describing
++the basic features of FFTW in *Note Tutorial::.  This discussion
++includes the storage scheme of multi-dimensional arrays (*Note
++Multi-dimensional Array Format::) and FFTW's mechanisms for storing
++plans on disk (*Note Words of Wisdom::).  Next, *Note FFTW Reference::
++provides comprehensive documentation of all FFTW's features.  Parallel
++transforms are discussed in their own chapter *Note Parallel FFTW::.
++Fortran programmers can also use FFTW, as described in *Note Calling
++FFTW from Fortran::.  *Note Installation and Customization:: explains
++how to install FFTW in your computer system and how to adapt FFTW to
++your needs.  License and copyright information is given in *Note
++License and Copyright::.  Finally, we thank all the people who helped
++us in *Note Acknowledgments::.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Tutorial,  Next: FFTW Reference,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Top
++2 Tutorial
++This chapter describes the basic usage of FFTW, i.e., how to compute the
++Fourier transform of a single array.  This chapter tells the truth, but
++not the _whole_ truth. Specifically, FFTW implements additional
++routines and flags, providing extra functionality, that are not
++documented here.  *Note FFTW Reference::, for more complete information.
++(Note that you need to compile and install FFTW before you can use it in
++a program.  *Note Installation and Customization::, for the details of
++the installation.)
++   Here, we assume a default installation of FFTW.  In some
++installations (particulary from binary packages), the FFTW header files
++and libraries are prefixed with ``d'' or ``s'' to indicate versions in
++double or single precision, respectively.  The usage of FFTW in that
++case is the same, except that `#include' directives and link commands
++must use the appropriate prefix.  *Note Installing FFTW in both single
++and double precision::, for more information.
++   This tutorial chapter is structured as follows.  *Note Complex
++One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial:: describes the basic usage of the
++one-dimensional transform of complex data.  *Note Complex
++Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial:: describes the basic usage of the
++multi-dimensional transform of complex data.  *Note Real
++One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial:: describes the one-dimensional
++transform of real data and its inverse.  Finally, *Note Real
++Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial:: describes the multi-dimensional
++transform of real data and its inverse.  We recommend that you read
++these sections in the order that they are presented.  We then discuss
++two topics in detail.  In *Note Multi-dimensional Array Format::, we
++discuss the various alternatives for storing multi-dimensional arrays
++in memory.  *Note Words of Wisdom:: shows how you can save FFTW's plans
++for future use.
++* Menu:
++* Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::
++* Multi-dimensional Array Format::
++* Words of Wisdom::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Next: Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Prev: Tutorial,  Up: Tutorial
++2.1 Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial
++The basic usage of FFTW is simple.  A typical call to FFTW looks like:
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     ...
++     {
++          fftw_complex in[N], out[N];
++          fftw_plan p;
++          ...
++          p = fftw_create_plan(N, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
++          ...
++          fftw_one(p, in, out);
++          ...
++          fftw_destroy_plan(p);
++     }
++   The first thing we do is to create a "plan", which is an object that
++contains all the data that FFTW needs to compute the FFT, using the
++following function:
++     fftw_plan fftw_create_plan(int n, fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   The first argument, `n', is the size of the transform you are trying
++to compute.  The size `n' can be any positive integer, but sizes that
++are products of small factors are transformed most efficiently.  The
++second argument, `dir', can be either `FFTW_FORWARD' or
++`FFTW_BACKWARD', and indicates the direction of the transform you are
++interested in.  Alternatively, you can use the sign of the exponent in
++the transform, -1 or +1, which corresponds to `FFTW_FORWARD' or
++`FFTW_BACKWARD' respectively.  The `flags' argument is either
++actually runs and measures the execution time of several FFTs in order
++to find the best way to compute the transform of size `n'.  This may
++take some time, depending on your installation and on the precision of
++the timer in your machine.  `FFTW_ESTIMATE', on the contrary, does not
++run any computation, and just builds a reasonable plan, which may be
++sub-optimal.  In other words, if your program performs many transforms
++of the same size and initialization time is not important, use
++`FFTW_MEASURE'; otherwise use the estimate.  (A compromise between
++these two extremes exists.  *Note Words of Wisdom::.)
++   Once the plan has been created, you can use it as many times as you
++like for transforms on arrays of the same size.  When you are done with
++the plan, you deallocate it by calling `fftw_destroy_plan(plan)'.  
++   The transform itself is computed by passing the plan along with the
++input and output arrays to `fftw_one':
++     void fftw_one(fftw_plan plan, fftw_complex *in, fftw_complex *out);
++   Note that the transform is out of place: `in' and `out' must point
++to distinct arrays. It operates on data of type `fftw_complex', a data
++structure with real (`in[i].re') and imaginary (`in[i].im')
++floating-point components.  The `in' and `out' arrays should have the
++length specified when the plan was created.  An alternative function,
++`fftw', allows you to efficiently perform multiple and/or strided
++transforms (*note FFTW Reference::).  
++   The DFT results are stored in-order in the array `out', with the
++zero-frequency (DC) component in `out[0]'.  The array `in' is not
++modified.  Users should note that FFTW computes an unnormalized DFT,
++the sign of whose exponent is given by the `dir' parameter of
++`fftw_create_plan'.  Thus, computing a forward followed by a backward
++transform (or vice versa) results in the original array scaled by `n'.
++*Note What FFTW Really Computes::, for the definition of DFT.  
++   A program using FFTW should be linked with `-lfftw -lm' on Unix
++systems, or with the FFTW and standard math libraries in general.  
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Next: Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Prev: Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Up: Tutorial
++2.2 Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial
++FFTW can also compute transforms of any number of dimensions ("rank").
++The syntax is similar to that for the one-dimensional transforms, with
++`fftw_' replaced by `fftwnd_' (which stands for "`fftw' in `N'
++   As before, we `#include <fftw.h>' and create a plan for the
++transforms, this time of type `fftwnd_plan':
++     fftwnd_plan fftwnd_create_plan(int rank, const int *n,
++                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   `rank' is the dimensionality of the array, and can be any
++non-negative integer.  The next argument, `n', is a pointer to an
++integer array of length `rank' containing the (positive) sizes of each
++dimension of the array.  (Note that the array will be stored in
++row-major order. *Note Multi-dimensional Array Format::, for information
++on row-major order.)  The last two parameters are the same as in
++`fftw_create_plan'.  We now, however, have an additional possible flag,
++`FFTW_IN_PLACE', since `fftwnd' supports true in-place transforms.
++Multiple flags are combined using a bitwise "or" (`|').  (An "in-place"
++transform is one in which the output data overwrite the input data.  It
++thus requires half as much memory as--and is often faster than--its
++opposite, an "out-of-place" transform.)  
++   For two- and three-dimensional transforms, FFTWND provides
++alternative routines that accept the sizes of each dimension directly,
++rather than indirectly through a rank and an array of sizes.  These are
++otherwise identical to `fftwnd_create_plan', and are sometimes more
++     fftwnd_plan fftw2d_create_plan(int nx, int ny,
++                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++     fftwnd_plan fftw3d_create_plan(int nx, int ny, int nz,
++                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   Once the plan has been created, you can use it any number of times
++for transforms of the same size.  When you do not need a plan anymore,
++you can deallocate the plan by calling `fftwnd_destroy_plan(plan)'.  
++   Given a plan, you can compute the transform of an array of data by
++     void fftwnd_one(fftwnd_plan plan, fftw_complex *in, fftw_complex *out);
++   Here, `in' and `out' point to multi-dimensional arrays in row-major
++order, of the size specified when the plan was created.  In the case of
++an in-place transform, the `out' parameter is ignored and the output
++data are stored in the `in' array.  The results are stored in-order,
++unnormalized, with the zero-frequency component in `out[0]'.  A forward
++followed by a backward transform (or vice-versa) yields the original
++data multiplied by the size of the array (i.e. the product of the
++dimensions).  *Note What FFTWND Really Computes::, for a discussion of
++what FFTWND computes.  
++   For example, code to perform an in-place FFT of a three-dimensional
++array might look like:
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     ...
++     {
++          fftw_complex in[L][M][N];
++          fftwnd_plan p;
++          ...
++          p = fftw3d_create_plan(L, M, N, FFTW_FORWARD,
++                                 FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
++          ...
++          fftwnd_one(p, &in[0][0][0], NULL);
++          ...
++          fftwnd_destroy_plan(p);
++     }
++   Note that `in' is a statically-declared array, which is
++automatically in row-major order, but we must take the address of the
++first element in order to fit the type expected by `fftwnd_one'.
++(*Note Multi-dimensional Array Format::.)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Next: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Prev: Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Up: Tutorial
++2.3 Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial
++If the input data are purely real, you can save roughly a factor of two
++in both time and storage by using the "rfftw" transforms, which are
++FFTs specialized for real data.  The output of a such a transform is a
++"halfcomplex" array, which consists of only half of the complex DFT
++amplitudes (since the negative-frequency amplitudes for real data are
++the complex conjugate of the positive-frequency amplitudes).  
++   In exchange for these speed and space advantages, the user sacrifices
++some of the simplicity of FFTW's complex transforms.  First of all, to
++allow maximum performance, the output format of the one-dimensional real
++transforms is different from that used by the multi-dimensional
++transforms.  Second, the inverse transform (halfcomplex to real) has the
++side-effect of destroying its input array.  Neither of these
++inconveniences should pose a serious problem for users, but it is
++important to be aware of them.  (Both the inconvenient output format
++and the side-effect of the inverse transform can be ameliorated for
++one-dimensional transforms, at the expense of some performance, by using
++instead the multi-dimensional transform routines with a rank of one.)
++   The computation of the plan is similar to that for the complex
++transforms.  First, you `#include <rfftw.h>'.  Then, you create a plan
++(of type `rfftw_plan') by calling:
++     rfftw_plan rfftw_create_plan(int n, fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   `n' is the length of the _real_ array in the transform (even for
++halfcomplex-to-real transforms), and can be any positive integer
++(although sizes with small factors are transformed more efficiently).
++`dir' is either `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' or `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL'.  The
++`flags' parameter is the same as in `fftw_create_plan'.
++   Once created, a plan can be used for any number of transforms, and is
++deallocated when you are done with it by calling
++   Given a plan, a real-to-complex or complex-to-real transform is
++computed by calling:
++     void rfftw_one(rfftw_plan plan, fftw_real *in, fftw_real *out);
++   (Note that `fftw_real' is an alias for the floating-point type for
++which FFTW was compiled.)  Depending upon the direction of the plan,
++either the input or the output array is halfcomplex, and is stored in
++the following format: 
++   r0, r1, r2, r(n/2), i((n+1)/2-1), ..., i2, i1
++   Here, rk is the real part of the kth output, and ik is the imaginary
++part.  (We follow here the C convention that integer division is
++rounded down, e.g. 7 / 2 = 3.) For a halfcomplex array `hc[]', the kth
++component has its real part in `hc[k]' and its imaginary part in
++`hc[n-k]', with the exception of `k' `==' `0' or `n/2' (the latter only
++if n is even)--in these two cases, the imaginary part is zero due to
++symmetries of the real-complex transform, and is not stored.  Thus, the
++transform of `n' real values is a halfcomplex array of length `n', and
++vice versa.  (1)  This is actually only half of the DFT spectrum of the
++data.  Although the other half can be obtained by complex conjugation,
++it is not required by many applications such as convolution and
++   Like the complex transforms, the RFFTW transforms are unnormalized,
++so a forward followed by a backward transform (or vice-versa) yields the
++original data scaled by the length of the array, `n'.  
++   Let us reiterate here our warning that an `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL'
++transform has the side-effect of destroying its (halfcomplex) input.
++The `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' transform, however, leaves its (real) input
++untouched, just as you would hope.
++   As an example, here is an outline of how you might use RFFTW to
++compute the power spectrum of a real array (i.e. the squares of the
++absolute values of the DFT amplitudes): 
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     ...
++     {
++          fftw_real in[N], out[N], power_spectrum[N/2+1];
++          rfftw_plan p;
++          int k;
++          ...
++          p = rfftw_create_plan(N, FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
++          ...
++          rfftw_one(p, in, out);
++          power_spectrum[0] = out[0]*out[0];  /* DC component */
++          for (k = 1; k < (N+1)/2; ++k)  /* (k < N/2 rounded up) */
++               power_spectrum[k] = out[k]*out[k] + out[N-k]*out[N-k];
++          if (N % 2 == 0) /* N is even */
++               power_spectrum[N/2] = out[N/2]*out[N/2];  /* Nyquist freq. */
++          ...
++          rfftw_destroy_plan(p);
++     }
++   Programs using RFFTW should link with `-lrfftw -lfftw -lm' on Unix,
++or with the FFTW, RFFTW, and math libraries in general.  
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) The output for the multi-dimensional rfftw is a
++more-conventional array of `fftw_complex' values, but the format here
++permitted us greater efficiency in one dimension.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Next: Multi-dimensional Array Format,  Prev: Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Up: Tutorial
++2.4 Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial
++FFTW includes multi-dimensional transforms for real data of any rank.
++As with the one-dimensional real transforms, they save roughly a factor
++of two in time and storage over complex transforms of the same size.
++Also as in one dimension, these gains come at the expense of some
++increase in complexity--the output format is different from the
++one-dimensional RFFTW (and is more similar to that of the complex FFTW)
++and the inverse (complex to real) transforms have the side-effect of
++overwriting their input data.
++   To use the real multi-dimensional transforms, you first `#include
++<rfftw.h>' and then create a plan for the size and direction of
++transform that you are interested in:
++     rfftwnd_plan rfftwnd_create_plan(int rank, const int *n,
++                                      fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   The first two parameters describe the size of the real data (not the
++halfcomplex data, which will have different dimensions).  The last two
++parameters are the same as those for `rfftw_create_plan'.  Just as for
++fftwnd, there are two alternate versions of this routine,
++`rfftw2d_create_plan' and `rfftw3d_create_plan', that are sometimes
++more convenient for two- and three-dimensional transforms.  Also as in
++fftwnd, rfftwnd supports true in-place transforms, specified by
++including `FFTW_IN_PLACE' in the flags.
++   Once created, a plan can be used for any number of transforms, and is
++deallocated by calling `rfftwnd_destroy_plan(plan)'.
++   Given a plan, the transform is computed by calling one of the
++following two routines:
++     void rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex(rfftwnd_plan plan,
++                                      fftw_real *in, fftw_complex *out);
++     void rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real(rfftwnd_plan plan,
++                                      fftw_complex *in, fftw_real *out);
++   As is clear from their names and parameter types, the former
++function is for `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' transforms and the latter is for
++`FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' transforms.  (We could have used only a single
++routine, since the direction of the transform is encoded in the plan,
++but we wanted to correctly express the datatypes of the parameters.)
++The latter routine, as we discuss elsewhere, has the side-effect of
++overwriting its input (except when the rank of the array is one).  In
++both cases, the `out' parameter is ignored for in-place transforms.
++   The format of the complex arrays deserves careful attention.  Suppose
++that the real data has dimensions n1 x n2 x ... x nd (in row-major
++order).  Then, after a real-to-complex transform, the output is an n1 x
++n2 x ... x (nd/2+1) array of `fftw_complex' values in row-major order,
++corresponding to slightly over half of the output of the corresponding
++complex transform.  (Note that the division is rounded down.)  The
++ordering of the data is otherwise exactly the same as in the complex
++case.  (In principle, the output could be exactly half the size of the
++complex transform output, but in more than one dimension this requires
++too complicated a format to be practical.)  Note that, unlike the
++one-dimensional RFFTW, the real and imaginary parts of the DFT
++amplitudes are here stored together in the natural way.
++   Since the complex data is slightly larger than the real data, some
++complications arise for in-place transforms.  In this case, the final
++dimension of the real data must be padded with extra values to
++accommodate the size of the complex data--two extra if the last
++dimension is even and one if it is odd.  That is, the last dimension of
++the real data must physically contain 2 * (nd/2+1) `fftw_real' values
++(exactly enough to hold the complex data).  This physical array size
++does not, however, change the _logical_ array size--only nd values are
++actually stored in the last dimension, and nd is the last dimension
++passed to `rfftwnd_create_plan'.
++   For example, consider the transform of a two-dimensional real array
++of size `nx' by `ny'.  The output of the `rfftwnd' transform is a
++two-dimensional real array of size `nx' by `ny/2+1', where the `y'
++dimension has been cut nearly in half because of redundancies in the
++output.  Because `fftw_complex' is twice the size of `fftw_real', the
++output array is slightly bigger than the input array.  Thus, if we want
++to compute the transform in place, we must _pad_ the input array so
++that it is of size `nx' by `2*(ny/2+1)'.  If `ny' is even, then there
++are two padding elements at the end of each row (which need not be
++initialized, as they are only used for output).
++   The RFFTWND transforms are unnormalized, so a forward followed by a
++backward transform will result in the original data scaled by the number
++of real data elements--that is, the product of the (logical) dimensions
++of the real data.  
++   Below, we illustrate the use of RFFTWND by showing how you might use
++it to compute the (cyclic) convolution of two-dimensional real arrays
++`a' and `b' (using the identity that a convolution corresponds to a
++pointwise product of the Fourier transforms).  For variety, in-place
++transforms are used for the forward FFTs and an out-of-place transform
++is used for the inverse transform.  
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     ...
++     {
++          fftw_real a[M][2*(N/2+1)], b[M][2*(N/2+1)], c[M][N];
++          fftw_complex *A, *B, C[M][N/2+1];
++          rfftwnd_plan p, pinv;
++          fftw_real scale = 1.0 / (M * N);
++          int i, j;
++          ...
++          p    = rfftw2d_create_plan(M, N, FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX,
++                                     FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
++          pinv = rfftw2d_create_plan(M, N, FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL,
++                                     FFTW_ESTIMATE);
++          /* aliases for accessing complex transform outputs: */
++          A = (fftw_complex*) &a[0][0];
++          B = (fftw_complex*) &b[0][0];
++          ...
++          for (i = 0; i < M; ++i)
++               for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
++                    a[i][j] = ... ;
++                    b[i][j] = ... ;
++               }
++          ...
++          rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex(p, &a[0][0], NULL);
++          rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex(p, &b[0][0], NULL);
++          for (i = 0; i < M; ++i)
++               for (j = 0; j < N/2+1; ++j) {
++                    int ij = i*(N/2+1) + j;
++                    C[i][j].re = (A[ij].re * B[ij].re
++                                  - A[ij].im * B[ij].im) * scale;
++                    C[i][j].im = (A[ij].re * B[ij].im
++                                  + A[ij].im * B[ij].re) * scale;
++               }
++          /* inverse transform to get c, the convolution of a and b;
++             this has the side effect of overwriting C */
++          rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real(pinv, &C[0][0], &c[0][0]);
++          ...
++          rfftwnd_destroy_plan(p);
++          rfftwnd_destroy_plan(pinv);
++     }
++   We access the complex outputs of the in-place transforms by casting
++each real array to a `fftw_complex' pointer.  Because this is a "flat"
++pointer, we have to compute the row-major index `ij' explicitly in the
++convolution product loop.  In order to normalize the convolution, we
++must multiply by a scale factor--we can do so either before or after
++the inverse transform, and choose the former because it obviates the
++necessity of an additional loop.  Notice the limits of the loops and
++the dimensions of the various arrays.
++   As with the one-dimensional RFFTW, an out-of-place
++`FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' transform has the side-effect of overwriting its
++input array.  (The real-to-complex transform, on the other hand, leaves
++its input array untouched.)  If you use RFFTWND for a rank-one
++transform, however, this side-effect does not occur.  Because of this
++fact (and the simpler output format), users may find the RFFTWND
++interface more convenient than RFFTW for one-dimensional transforms.
++However, RFFTWND in one dimension is slightly slower than RFFTW because
++RFFTWND uses an extra buffer array internally.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Multi-dimensional Array Format,  Next: Words of Wisdom,  Prev: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial,  Up: Tutorial
++2.5 Multi-dimensional Array Format
++This section describes the format in which multi-dimensional arrays are
++stored.  We felt that a detailed discussion of this topic was necessary,
++since it is often a source of confusion among users and several
++different formats are common.  Although the comments below refer to
++`fftwnd', they are also applicable to the `rfftwnd' routines.
++* Menu:
++* Row-major Format::
++* Column-major Format::
++* Static Arrays in C::
++* Dynamic Arrays in C::
++* Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Row-major Format,  Next: Column-major Format,  Prev: Multi-dimensional Array Format,  Up: Multi-dimensional Array Format
++2.5.1 Row-major Format
++The multi-dimensional arrays passed to `fftwnd' are expected to be
++stored as a single contiguous block in "row-major" order (sometimes
++called "C order").  Basically, this means that as you step through
++adjacent memory locations, the first dimension's index varies most
++slowly and the last dimension's index varies most quickly.
++   To be more explicit, let us consider an array of rank d whose
++dimensions are n1 x n2 x n3 x ... x nd.  Now, we specify a location in
++the array by a sequence of (zero-based) indices, one for each dimension:
++(i1, i2, ..., id).  If the array is stored in row-major order, then
++this element is located at the position id + nd * (id-1 + nd-1 * (... +
++n2 * i1)).
++   Note that each element of the array must be of type `fftw_complex';
++i.e. a (real, imaginary) pair of (double-precision) numbers. Note also
++that, in `fftwnd', the expression above is multiplied by the stride to
++get the actual array index--this is useful in situations where each
++element of the multi-dimensional array is actually a data structure or
++another array, and you just want to transform a single field. In most
++cases, however, you use a stride of 1.  
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Column-major Format,  Next: Static Arrays in C,  Prev: Row-major Format,  Up: Multi-dimensional Array Format
++2.5.2 Column-major Format
++Readers from the Fortran world are used to arrays stored in
++"column-major" order (sometimes called "Fortran order").  This is
++essentially the exact opposite of row-major order in that, here, the
++_first_ dimension's index varies most quickly.
++   If you have an array stored in column-major order and wish to
++transform it using `fftwnd', it is quite easy to do.  When creating the
++plan, simply pass the dimensions of the array to `fftwnd_create_plan' in
++_reverse order_.  For example, if your array is a rank three `N x M x
++L' matrix in column-major order, you should pass the dimensions of the
++array as if it were an `L x M x N' matrix (which it is, from the
++perspective of `fftwnd').  This is done for you automatically by the
++FFTW Fortran wrapper routines (*note Calling FFTW from Fortran::).  
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Static Arrays in C,  Next: Dynamic Arrays in C,  Prev: Column-major Format,  Up: Multi-dimensional Array Format
++2.5.3 Static Arrays in C
++Multi-dimensional arrays declared statically (that is, at compile time,
++not necessarily with the `static' keyword) in C are _already_ in
++row-major order.  You don't have to do anything special to transform
++them.  (*Note Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial::, for an
++example of this sort of code.)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Dynamic Arrays in C,  Next: Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way,  Prev: Static Arrays in C,  Up: Multi-dimensional Array Format
++2.5.4 Dynamic Arrays in C
++Often, especially for large arrays, it is desirable to allocate the
++arrays dynamically, at runtime.  This isn't too hard to do, although it
++is not as straightforward for multi-dimensional arrays as it is for
++one-dimensional arrays.
++   Creating the array is simple: using a dynamic-allocation routine like
++`malloc', allocate an array big enough to store N `fftw_complex'
++values, where N is the product of the sizes of the array dimensions
++(i.e. the total number of complex values in the array).  For example,
++here is code to allocate a 5x12x27 rank 3 array: 
++     fftw_complex *an_array;
++     an_array = (fftw_complex *) malloc(5 * 12 * 27 * sizeof(fftw_complex));
++   Accessing the array elements, however, is more tricky--you can't
++simply use multiple applications of the `[]' operator like you could for
++static arrays.  Instead, you have to explicitly compute the offset into
++the array using the formula given earlier for row-major arrays.  For
++example, to reference the (i,j,k)-th element of the array allocated
++above, you would use the expression `an_array[k + 27 * (j + 12 * i)]'.
++   This pain can be alleviated somewhat by defining appropriate macros,
++or, in C++, creating a class and overloading the `()' operator.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way,  Prev: Dynamic Arrays in C,  Up: Multi-dimensional Array Format
++2.5.5 Dynamic Arrays in C--The Wrong Way
++A different method for allocating multi-dimensional arrays in C is often
++suggested that is incompatible with `fftwnd': _using it will cause FFTW
++to die a painful death_.  We discuss the technique here, however,
++because it is so commonly known and used.  This method is to create
++arrays of pointers of arrays of pointers of ...etcetera.  For example,
++the analogue in this method to the example above is:
++     int i,j;
++     fftw_complex ***a_bad_array;  /* another way to make a 5x12x27 array */
++     a_bad_array = (fftw_complex ***) malloc(5 * sizeof(fftw_complex **));
++     for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
++          a_bad_array[i] =
++             (fftw_complex **) malloc(12 * sizeof(fftw_complex *));
++          for (j = 0; j < 12; ++j)
++               a_bad_array[i][j] =
++                     (fftw_complex *) malloc(27 * sizeof(fftw_complex));
++     }
++   As you can see, this sort of array is inconvenient to allocate (and
++deallocate).  On the other hand, it has the advantage that the
++(i,j,k)-th element can be referenced simply by `a_bad_array[i][j][k]'.
++   If you like this technique and want to maximize convenience in
++accessing the array, but still want to pass the array to FFTW, you can
++use a hybrid method.  Allocate the array as one contiguous block, but
++also declare an array of arrays of pointers that point to appropriate
++places in the block.  That sort of trick is beyond the scope of this
++documentation; for more information on multi-dimensional arrays in C,
++see the `comp.lang.c' FAQ (http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/s6.html).
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Words of Wisdom,  Prev: Multi-dimensional Array Format,  Up: Tutorial
++2.6 Words of Wisdom
++FFTW implements a method for saving plans to disk and restoring them.
++In fact, what FFTW does is more general than just saving and loading
++plans.  The mechanism is called "`wisdom'".  Here, we describe this
++feature at a high level. *Note FFTW Reference::, for a less casual (but
++more complete) discussion of how to use `wisdom' in FFTW.
++   Plans created with the `FFTW_MEASURE' option produce near-optimal
++FFT performance, but it can take a long time to compute a plan because
++FFTW must actually measure the runtime of many possible plans and select
++the best one.  This is designed for the situations where so many
++transforms of the same size must be computed that the start-up time is
++irrelevant.  For short initialization times but slightly slower
++transforms, we have provided `FFTW_ESTIMATE'.  The `wisdom' mechanism
++is a way to get the best of both worlds.  There are, however, certain
++caveats that the user must be aware of in using `wisdom'.  For this
++reason, `wisdom' is an optional feature which is not enabled by default.
++   At its simplest, `wisdom' provides a way of saving plans to disk so
++that they can be reused in other program runs.  You create a plan with
++the flags `FFTW_MEASURE' and `FFTW_USE_WISDOM', and then save the
++`wisdom' using `fftw_export_wisdom': 
++          plan = fftw_create_plan(..., ... | FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_USE_WISDOM);
++          fftw_export_wisdom(...);
++   The next time you run the program, you can restore the `wisdom' with
++`fftw_import_wisdom', and then recreate the plan using the same flags
++as before.  This time, however, the same optimal plan will be created
++very quickly without measurements. (FFTW still needs some time to
++compute trigonometric tables, however.)  The basic outline is:
++          fftw_import_wisdom(...);
++          plan = fftw_create_plan(..., ... | FFTW_USE_WISDOM);
++   Wisdom is more than mere rote memorization, however.  FFTW's
++`wisdom' encompasses all of the knowledge and measurements that were
++used to create the plan for a given size.  Therefore, existing `wisdom'
++is also applied to the creation of other plans of different sizes.
++   Whenever a plan is created with the `FFTW_MEASURE' and
++`FFTW_USE_WISDOM' flags, `wisdom' is generated.  Thereafter, plans for
++any transform with a similar factorization will be computed more
++quickly, so long as they use the `FFTW_USE_WISDOM' flag.  In fact, for
++transforms with the same factors and of equal or lesser size, no
++measurements at all need to be made and an optimal plan can be created
++with negligible delay!
++   For example, suppose that you create a plan for N = 2^16.  Then, for
++any equal or smaller power of two, FFTW can create a plan (with the
++same direction and flags) quickly, using the precomputed `wisdom'. Even
++for larger powers of two, or sizes that are a power of two times some
++other prime factors, plans will be computed more quickly than they
++would otherwise (although some measurements still have to be made).
++   The `wisdom' is cumulative, and is stored in a global, private data
++structure managed internally by FFTW.  The storage space required is
++minimal, proportional to the logarithm of the sizes the `wisdom' was
++generated from.  The `wisdom' can be forgotten (and its associated
++memory freed) by a call to `fftw_forget_wisdom()'; otherwise, it is
++remembered until the program terminates.  It can also be exported to a
++file, a string, or any other medium using `fftw_export_wisdom' and
++restored during a subsequent execution of the program (or a different
++program) using `fftw_import_wisdom' (these functions are described
++   Because `wisdom' is incorporated into FFTW at a very low level, the
++same `wisdom' can be used for one-dimensional transforms,
++multi-dimensional transforms, and even the parallel extensions to FFTW.
++Just include `FFTW_USE_WISDOM' in the flags for whatever plans you
++create (i.e., always plan wisely).
++   Plans created with the `FFTW_ESTIMATE' plan can use `wisdom', but
++cannot generate it;  only `FFTW_MEASURE' plans actually produce
++`wisdom'.  Also, plans can only use `wisdom' generated from plans
++created with the same direction and flags.  For example, a size `42'
++`FFTW_BACKWARD' transform will not use `wisdom' produced by a size `42'
++`FFTW_FORWARD' transform.  The only exception to this rule is that
++`FFTW_ESTIMATE' plans can use `wisdom' from `FFTW_MEASURE' plans.
++* Menu:
++* Caveats in Using Wisdom::     What you should worry about in using wisdom
++* Importing and Exporting Wisdom::  I/O of wisdom to disk and other media
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Caveats in Using Wisdom,  Next: Importing and Exporting Wisdom,  Prev: Words of Wisdom,  Up: Words of Wisdom
++2.6.1 Caveats in Using Wisdom
++     For in much wisdom is much grief, and he that increaseth knowledge
++     increaseth sorrow.  [Ecclesiastes 1:18] 
++   There are pitfalls to using `wisdom', in that it can negate FFTW's
++ability to adapt to changing hardware and other conditions. For example,
++it would be perfectly possible to export `wisdom' from a program
++running on one processor and import it into a program running on another
++processor.  Doing so, however, would mean that the second program would
++use plans optimized for the first processor, instead of the one it is
++running on.
++   It should be safe to reuse `wisdom' as long as the hardware and
++program binaries remain unchanged. (Actually, the optimal plan may
++change even between runs of the same binary on identical hardware, due
++to differences in the virtual memory environment, etcetera.  Users
++seriously interested in performance should worry about this problem,
++too.)  It is likely that, if the same `wisdom' is used for two
++different program binaries, even running on the same machine, the plans
++may be sub-optimal because of differing code alignments.  It is
++therefore wise to recreate `wisdom' every time an application is
++recompiled.  The more the underlying hardware and software changes
++between the creation of `wisdom' and its use, the greater grows the
++risk of sub-optimal plans.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Importing and Exporting Wisdom,  Prev: Caveats in Using Wisdom,  Up: Words of Wisdom
++2.6.2 Importing and Exporting Wisdom
++     void fftw_export_wisdom_to_file(FILE *output_file);
++     fftw_status fftw_import_wisdom_from_file(FILE *input_file);
++   `fftw_export_wisdom_to_file' writes the `wisdom' to `output_file',
++which must be a file open for writing. `fftw_import_wisdom_from_file'
++reads the `wisdom' from `input_file', which must be a file open for
++reading, and returns `FFTW_SUCCESS' if successful and `FFTW_FAILURE'
++otherwise. In both cases, the file is left open and must be closed by
++the caller.  It is perfectly fine if other data lie before or after the
++`wisdom' in the file, as long as the file is positioned at the
++beginning of the `wisdom' data before import.
++     char *fftw_export_wisdom_to_string(void);
++     fftw_status fftw_import_wisdom_from_string(const char *input_string)
++   `fftw_export_wisdom_to_string' allocates a string, exports the
++`wisdom' to it in `NULL'-terminated format, and returns a pointer to
++the string.  If there is an error in allocating or writing the data, it
++returns `NULL'.  The caller is responsible for deallocating the string
++(with `fftw_free') when she is done with it.
++`fftw_import_wisdom_from_string' imports the `wisdom' from
++`input_string', returning `FFTW_SUCCESS' if successful and
++`FFTW_FAILURE' otherwise.
++   Exporting `wisdom' does not affect the store of `wisdom'. Imported
++`wisdom' supplements the current store rather than replacing it (except
++when there is conflicting `wisdom', in which case the older `wisdom' is
++discarded). The format of the exported `wisdom' is "nerd-readable"
++LISP-like ASCII text; we will not document it here except to note that
++it is insensitive to white space (interested users can contact us for
++more details).  
++   *Note FFTW Reference::, for more information, and for a description
++of how you can implement `wisdom' import/export for other media besides
++files and strings.
++   The following is a brief example in which the `wisdom' is read from
++a file, a plan is created (possibly generating more `wisdom'), and then
++the `wisdom' is exported to a string and printed to `stdout'.
++     {
++          fftw_plan plan;
++          char *wisdom_string;
++          FILE *input_file;
++          /* open file to read wisdom from */
++          input_file = fopen("sample.wisdom", "r");
++          if (FFTW_FAILURE == fftw_import_wisdom_from_file(input_file))
++               printf("Error reading wisdom!\n");
++          fclose(input_file); /* be sure to close the file! */
++          /* create a plan for N=64, possibly creating and/or using wisdom */
++          plan = fftw_create_plan(64,FFTW_FORWARD,
++                                  FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_USE_WISDOM);
++          /* ... do some computations with the plan ... */
++          /* always destroy plans when you are done */
++          fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
++          /* write the wisdom to a string */
++          wisdom_string = fftw_export_wisdom_to_string();
++          if (wisdom_string != NULL) {
++               printf("Accumulated wisdom: %s\n",wisdom_string);
++               /* Just for fun, destroy and restore the wisdom */
++               fftw_forget_wisdom(); /* all gone! */
++               fftw_import_wisdom_from_string(wisdom_string);
++               /* wisdom is back! */
++               fftw_free(wisdom_string); /* deallocate it since we're done */
++          }
++     }
++File: fftw.info,  Node: FFTW Reference,  Next: Parallel FFTW,  Prev: Tutorial,  Up: Top
++3 FFTW Reference
++This chapter provides a complete reference for all sequential (i.e.,
++one-processor) FFTW functions.  We first define the data types upon
++which FFTW operates, that is, real, complex, and "halfcomplex" numbers
++(*note Data Types::).  Then, in four sections, we explain the FFTW
++program interface for complex one-dimensional transforms (*note
++One-dimensional Transforms Reference::), complex multi-dimensional
++transforms (*note Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference::), and real
++one-dimensional transforms (*note Real One-dimensional Transforms
++Reference::), real multi-dimensional transforms (*note Real
++Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference::).  *Note Wisdom Reference::
++describes the `wisdom' mechanism for exporting and importing plans.
++Finally, *Note Memory Allocator Reference:: describes how to change
++FFTW's default memory allocator.  For parallel transforms, *Note
++Parallel FFTW::.
++* Menu:
++* Data Types::                  real, complex, and halfcomplex numbers
++* One-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference::
++* Wisdom Reference::
++* Memory Allocator Reference::
++* Thread safety::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Data Types,  Next: One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Prev: FFTW Reference,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.1 Data Types
++The routines in the FFTW package use three main kinds of data types.
++"Real" and "complex" numbers should be already known to the reader.  We
++also use the term "halfcomplex" to describe complex arrays in a special
++packed format used by the one-dimensional real transforms (taking
++advantage of the "hermitian" symmetry that arises in those cases).
++   By including `<fftw.h>' or `<rfftw.h>', you will have access to the
++following definitions:
++     typedef double fftw_real;
++     typedef struct {
++          fftw_real re, im;
++     } fftw_complex;
++     #define c_re(c)  ((c).re)
++     #define c_im(c)  ((c).im)
++   All FFTW operations are performed on the `fftw_real' and
++`fftw_complex' data types.  For `fftw_complex' numbers, the two macros
++`c_re' and `c_im' retrieve, respectively, the real and imaginary parts
++of the number.
++   A "real array" is an array of real numbers.  A "complex array" is an
++array of complex numbers.  A one-dimensional array X of n complex
++numbers is "hermitian" if the following property holds: for all 0 <= i
++< n, we have X[i] = conj(X[n-i]).  Hermitian arrays are relevant to
++FFTW because the Fourier transform of a real array is hermitian.
++   Because of its symmetry, a hermitian array can be stored in half the
++space of a complex array of the same size.  FFTW's one-dimensional real
++transforms store hermitian arrays as "halfcomplex" arrays.  A
++halfcomplex array of size n is a one-dimensional array of n `fftw_real'
++numbers.  A hermitian array X in stored into a halfcomplex array Y as
++follows.  For all integers i such that 0 <= i <= n / 2, we have Y[i] =
++Re(X[i]).  For all integers i such that 0 < i < n / 2, we have Y[n-i] =
++   We now illustrate halfcomplex storage for n = 4 and n = 5, since the
++scheme depends on the parity of n.  Let n = 4.  In this case, we have
++Y[0] = Re(X[0]), Y[1] = Re(X[1]), Y[2] = Re(X[2]), and  Y[3] = Im(X[1]).
++Let now n = 5.  In this case, we have Y[0] = Re(X[0]), Y[1] = Re(X[1]),
++Y[2] = Re(X[2]), Y[3] = Im(X[2]), and Y[4] = Im(X[1]).
++   By default, the type `fftw_real' equals the C type `double'.  To
++work in single precision rather than double precision, `#define' the
++symbol `FFTW_ENABLE_FLOAT' in `fftw.h' and then recompile the library.
++On Unix systems, you can instead use `configure --enable-float' at
++installation time (*note Installation and Customization::).  
++   In version 1 of FFTW, the data types were called `FFTW_REAL' and
++`FFTW_COMPLEX'.  We changed the capitalization for consistency with the
++rest of FFTW's conventions.  The old names are still supported, but
++their use is deprecated.  
++File: fftw.info,  Node: One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Next: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Prev: Data Types,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.2 One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++The one-dimensional complex routines are generally prefixed with
++`fftw_'.  Programs using FFTW should be linked with `-lfftw -lm' on
++Unix systems, or with the FFTW and standard math libraries in general.
++* Menu:
++* fftw_create_plan::            Plan Creation
++* Discussion on Specific Plans::
++* fftw::                        Plan Execution
++* fftw_destroy_plan::           Plan Destruction
++* What FFTW Really Computes::   Definition of the DFT.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftw_create_plan,  Next: Discussion on Specific Plans,  Prev: One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.2.1 Plan Creation for One-dimensional Transforms
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     fftw_plan fftw_create_plan(int n, fftw_direction dir,
++                                int flags);
++     fftw_plan fftw_create_plan_specific(int n, fftw_direction dir,
++                                         int flags,
++                                         fftw_complex *in, int istride,
++                                         fftw_complex *out, int ostride);
++   The function `fftw_create_plan' creates a plan, which is a data
++structure containing all the information that `fftw' needs in order to
++compute the 1D Fourier transform. You can create as many plans as you
++need, but only one plan for a given array size is required (a plan can
++be reused many times).
++   `fftw_create_plan' returns a valid plan, or `NULL' if, for some
++reason, the plan can't be created.  In the default installation, this
++cannot happen, but it is possible to configure FFTW in such a way that
++some input sizes are forbidden, and FFTW cannot create a plan.
++   The `fftw_create_plan_specific' variant takes as additional
++arguments specific input/output arrays and their strides.  For the last
++four arguments, you should pass the arrays and strides that you will
++eventually be passing to `fftw'.  The resulting plans will be optimized
++for those arrays and strides, although they may be used on other arrays
++as well.  Note: the contents of the in and out arrays are _destroyed_
++by the specific planner (the initial contents are ignored, so the
++arrays need not have been initialized).
++   * `n' is the size of the transform.  It can be  any positive integer.
++        - FFTW is best at handling sizes of the form 2^a 3^b 5^c 7^d
++          11^e 13^f, where e+f is either 0 or 1, and the other
++          exponents are arbitrary.  Other sizes are computed by means
++          of a slow, general-purpose routine (which nevertheless retains
++          O(n lg n) performance, even for prime sizes).  (It is
++          possible to customize FFTW for different array sizes.  *Note
++          Installation and Customization::, for more information.)
++          Transforms whose sizes are powers of 2 are especially fast.
++   * `dir' is the sign of the exponent in the formula that defines the
++     Fourier transform.  It can be -1 or +1.  The aliases
++     `FFTW_FORWARD' and `FFTW_BACKWARD' are provided, where
++     `FFTW_FORWARD' stands for -1.
++   * `flags' is a boolean OR (`|') of zero or more of the following:
++        - `FFTW_MEASURE': this flag tells FFTW to find the optimal plan
++          by actually _computing_ several FFTs and measuring their
++          execution time.  Depending on the installation, this can take
++          some time. (1)
++        - `FFTW_ESTIMATE': do not run any FFT and provide a "reasonable"
++          plan (for a RISC processor with many registers).  If neither
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE' nor `FFTW_MEASURE' is provided, the default is
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE'.
++        - `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that the input
++          and output arrays will be distinct (this is the default).  
++        - `FFTW_IN_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that you want the
++          output in the input array.  The algorithm used is not
++          necessarily in place: FFTW is able to compute true in-place
++          transforms only for small values of `n'.  If FFTW is not able
++          to compute the transform in-place, it will allocate a
++          temporary array (unless you provide one yourself), compute
++          the transform out of place, and copy the result back.
++          _Warning: This option changes the meaning of some parameters
++          of `fftw'_ (*note Computing the One-dimensional Transform:
++          fftw.).
++          The in-place option is mainly provided for people who want to
++          write their own in-place multi-dimensional Fourier transform,
++          using FFTW as a base.  For example, consider a
++          three-dimensional `n * n * n' transform.  An out-of-place
++          algorithm will need another array (which may be huge).
++          However, FFTW can compute the in-place transform along each
++          dimension using only a temporary array of size `n'.
++          Moreover, if FFTW happens to be able to compute the transform
++          truly in-place, no temporary array and no copying are needed.
++          As distributed, FFTW `knows' how to compute in-place
++          transforms of size 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
++          14, 15, 16, 32 and 64.
++          The default mode of operation is `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE'.
++        - `FFTW_USE_WISDOM': use any `wisdom' that is available to help
++          in the creation of the plan. (*Note Words of Wisdom::.)  This
++          can greatly speed the creation of plans, especially with the
++          `FFTW_MEASURE' option. `FFTW_ESTIMATE' plans can also take
++          advantage of `wisdom' to produce a more optimal plan (based
++          on past measurements) than the estimation heuristic would
++          normally generate. When the `FFTW_MEASURE' option is used,
++          new `wisdom' will also be generated if the current transform
++          size is not completely understood by existing `wisdom'.
++   * `in', `out', `istride', `ostride' (only for
++     `fftw_create_plan_specific'): see corresponding arguments in the
++     description of `fftw'.  (*Note Computing the One-dimensional
++     Transform: fftw.)  In particular, the `out' and `ostride'
++     parameters have the same special meaning for `FFTW_IN_PLACE'
++     transforms as they have for `fftw'.
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) The basic problem is the resolution of the clock: FFTW needs to
++run for a certain time for the clock to be reliable.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Discussion on Specific Plans,  Next: fftw,  Prev: fftw_create_plan,  Up: One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.2.2 Discussion on Specific Plans
++We recommend the use of the specific planners, even in cases where you
++will be transforming arrays different from those passed to the specific
++planners, as they confer the following advantages:
++   * The resulting plans will be optimized for your specific arrays and
++     strides.  This may or may not make a significant difference, but it
++     certainly doesn't hurt.  (The ordinary planner does its planning
++     based upon a stride-one temporary array that it allocates.)
++   * Less intermediate storage is required during the planning process.
++     (The ordinary planner uses O(`N') temporary storage, where `N' is
++     the maximum dimension, while it is creating the plan.)
++   * For multi-dimensional transforms, new parameters become accessible
++     for optimization by the planner.  (Since multi-dimensional arrays
++     can be very large, we don't dare to allocate one in the ordinary
++     planner for experimentation.  This prevents us from doing certain
++     optimizations that can yield dramatic improvements in some cases.)
++   On the other hand, note that _the specific planner destroys the
++contents of the `in' and `out' arrays_.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftw,  Next: fftw_destroy_plan,  Prev: Discussion on Specific Plans,  Up: One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.2.3 Computing the One-dimensional Transform
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     void fftw(fftw_plan plan, int howmany,
++               fftw_complex *in, int istride, int idist,
++               fftw_complex *out, int ostride, int odist);
++     void fftw_one(fftw_plan plan, fftw_complex *in,
++               fftw_complex *out);
++   The function `fftw' computes the one-dimensional Fourier transform,
++using a plan created by `fftw_create_plan' (*Note Plan Creation for
++One-dimensional Transforms: fftw_create_plan.)  The function `fftw_one'
++provides a simplified interface for the common case of single input
++array of stride 1.  
++   * `plan' is the plan created by `fftw_create_plan' (*note Plan
++     Creation for One-dimensional Transforms: fftw_create_plan.).
++   * `howmany' is the number of transforms `fftw' will compute.  It is
++     faster to tell FFTW to compute many transforms, instead of simply
++     calling `fftw' many times.
++   * `in', `istride' and `idist' describe the input array(s).  There
++     are `howmany' input arrays; the first one is pointed to by `in',
++     the second one is pointed to by `in + idist', and so on, up to `in
++     + (howmany - 1) * idist'.  Each input array consists of complex
++     numbers (*note Data Types::), which are not necessarily contiguous
++     in memory.  Specifically, `in[0]' is the first element of the
++     first array, `in[istride]' is the second element of the first
++     array, and so on.  In general, the `i'-th element of the `j'-th
++     input array will be in position `in[i * istride + j * idist]'.
++   * `out', `ostride' and `odist' describe the output array(s).  The
++     format is the same as for the input array.
++        - _In-place transforms_: If the `plan' specifies an in-place
++          transform, `ostride' and `odist' are always ignored.  If
++          `out' is `NULL', `out' is ignored, too.  Otherwise, `out' is
++          interpreted as a pointer to an array of `n' complex numbers,
++          that FFTW will use as temporary space to perform the in-place
++          computation.  `out' is used as scratch space and its contents
++          destroyed.  In this case, `out' must be an ordinary array
++          whose elements are contiguous in memory (no striding).
++   The function `fftw_one' transforms a single, contiguous input array
++to a contiguous output array.  By definition, the call
++     fftw_one(plan, in, out)
++   is equivalent to
++     fftw(plan, 1, in, 1, 1, out, 1, 1)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftw_destroy_plan,  Next: What FFTW Really Computes,  Prev: fftw,  Up: One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.2.4 Destroying a One-dimensional Plan
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     void fftw_destroy_plan(fftw_plan plan);
++   The function `fftw_destroy_plan' frees the plan `plan' and releases
++all the memory associated with it.  After destruction, a plan is no
++longer valid.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: What FFTW Really Computes,  Prev: fftw_destroy_plan,  Up: One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.2.5 What FFTW Really Computes
++In this section, we define precisely what FFTW computes.  Please be
++warned that different authors and software packages might employ
++different conventions than FFTW does.
++   The forward transform of a complex array X of size n computes an
++array Y, where  Y[i] = sum for j = 0 to (n - 1) of X[j] * exp(-2 pi i j sqrt(-1)/n) .
++   The backward transform computes  Y[i] = sum for j = 0 to (n - 1) of X[j] * exp(2 pi i j sqrt(-1)/n) .
++   FFTW computes an unnormalized transform, that is, the equation
++IFFT(FFT(X)) = n X holds.  In other words, applying the forward and
++then the backward transform will multiply the input by n.
++   An `FFTW_FORWARD' transform corresponds to a sign of -1 in the
++exponent of the DFT.  Note also that we use the standard "in-order"
++output ordering--the k-th output corresponds to the frequency k/n (or
++k/T, where T is your total sampling period).  For those who like to
++think in terms of positive and negative frequencies, this means that
++the positive frequencies are stored in the first half of the output and
++the negative frequencies are stored in backwards order in the second
++half of the output.  (The frequency -k/n is the same as the frequency
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Next: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Prev: One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.3 Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++The multi-dimensional complex routines are generally prefixed with
++`fftwnd_'.  Programs using FFTWND should be linked with `-lfftw -lm' on
++Unix systems, or with the FFTW and standard math libraries in general.  
++* Menu:
++* fftwnd_create_plan::          Plan Creation
++* fftwnd::                      Plan Execution
++* fftwnd_destroy_plan::         Plan Destruction
++* What FFTWND Really Computes::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftwnd_create_plan,  Next: fftwnd,  Prev: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.3.1 Plan Creation for Multi-dimensional Transforms
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     fftwnd_plan fftwnd_create_plan(int rank, const int *n,
++                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++     fftwnd_plan fftw2d_create_plan(int nx, int ny,
++                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++     fftwnd_plan fftw3d_create_plan(int nx, int ny, int nz,
++                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++     fftwnd_plan fftwnd_create_plan_specific(int rank, const int *n,
++                                             fftw_direction dir,
++                                             int flags,
++                                             fftw_complex *in, int istride,
++                                             fftw_complex *out, int ostride);
++     fftwnd_plan fftw2d_create_plan_specific(int nx, int ny,
++                                             fftw_direction dir,
++                                             int flags,
++                                             fftw_complex *in, int istride,
++                                             fftw_complex *out, int ostride);
++     fftwnd_plan fftw3d_create_plan_specific(int nx, int ny, int nz,
++                                             fftw_direction dir, int flags,
++                                             fftw_complex *in, int istride,
++                                             fftw_complex *out, int ostride);
++   The function `fftwnd_create_plan' creates a plan, which is a data
++structure containing all the information that `fftwnd' needs in order
++to compute a multi-dimensional Fourier transform.  You can create as
++many plans as you need, but only one plan for a given array size is
++required (a plan can be reused many times).  The functions
++`fftw2d_create_plan' and `fftw3d_create_plan' are optional, alternative
++interfaces to `fftwnd_create_plan' for two and three dimensions,
++   `fftwnd_create_plan' returns a valid plan, or `NULL' if, for some
++reason, the plan can't be created.  This can happen if memory runs out
++or if the arguments are invalid in some way (e.g.  if `rank' < 0).
++   The `create_plan_specific' variants take as additional arguments
++specific input/output arrays and their strides.  For the last four
++arguments, you should pass the arrays and strides that you will
++eventually be passing to `fftwnd'.  The resulting plans will be
++optimized for those arrays and strides, although they may be used on
++other arrays as well.  Note: the contents of the in and out arrays are
++_destroyed_ by the specific planner (the initial contents are ignored,
++so the arrays need not have been initialized).  *Note Discussion on
++Specific Plans::, for a discussion on specific plans.
++   * `rank' is the dimensionality of the arrays to be transformed.  It
++     can be any non-negative integer.
++   * `n' is a pointer to an array of `rank' integers, giving the size
++     of each dimension of the arrays to be transformed.  These sizes,
++     which must be positive integers, correspond to the dimensions of row-major
++     arrays--i.e. `n[0]' is the size of the dimension whose indices
++     vary most slowly, and so on. (*Note Multi-dimensional Array
++     Format::, for more information on row-major storage.)  *Note Plan
++     Creation for One-dimensional Transforms: fftw_create_plan, for
++     more information regarding optimal array sizes.
++   * `nx' and `ny' in `fftw2d_create_plan' are positive integers
++     specifying the dimensions of the rank 2 array to be transformed.
++     i.e. they specify that the transform will operate on `nx x ny'
++     arrays in row-major order, where `nx' is the number of rows and
++     `ny' is the number of columns.
++   * `nx', `ny' and `nz' in `fftw3d_create_plan' are positive integers
++     specifying the dimensions of the rank 3 array to be transformed.
++     i.e. they specify that the transform will operate on `nx x ny x
++     nz' arrays in row-major order.
++   * `dir' is the sign of the exponent in the formula that defines the
++     Fourier transform.  It can be -1 or +1.  The aliases
++     `FFTW_FORWARD' and `FFTW_BACKWARD' are provided, where
++     `FFTW_FORWARD' stands for -1.
++   * `flags' is a boolean OR (`|') of zero or more of the following:
++        - `FFTW_MEASURE': this flag tells FFTW to find the optimal plan
++          by actually _computing_ several FFTs and measuring their
++          execution time.
++        - `FFTW_ESTIMATE': do not run any FFT and provide a "reasonable"
++          plan (for a RISC processor with many registers).  If neither
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE' nor `FFTW_MEASURE' is provided, the default is
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE'.
++        - `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that the input
++          and output arrays will be distinct (this is the default).
++        - `FFTW_IN_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that you want to
++          perform the transform in-place.  (Unlike the one-dimensional
++          transform, this "really" (1) performs the transform
++          in-place.) Note that, if you want to perform in-place
++          transforms, you _must_ use a plan created with this option.
++          The default mode of operation is `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE'.
++        - `FFTW_USE_WISDOM': use any `wisdom' that is available to help
++          in the creation of the plan. (*Note Words of Wisdom::.)  This
++          can greatly speed the creation of plans, especially with the
++          `FFTW_MEASURE' option. `FFTW_ESTIMATE' plans can also take
++          advantage of `wisdom' to produce a more optimal plan (based
++          on past measurements) than the estimation heuristic would
++          normally generate. When the `FFTW_MEASURE' option is used,
++          new `wisdom' will also be generated if the current transform
++          size is not completely understood by existing `wisdom'. Note
++          that the same `wisdom' is shared between one-dimensional and
++          multi-dimensional transforms.
++   * `in', `out', `istride', `ostride' (only for the
++     `_create_plan_specific' variants): see corresponding arguments in
++     the description of `fftwnd'.  (*Note Computing the
++     Multi-dimensional Transform: fftwnd.)
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) `fftwnd' actually may use some temporary storage (hidden in the
++plan), but this storage space is only the size of the largest dimension
++of the array, rather than being as big as the entire array.  (Unless
++you use `fftwnd' to perform one-dimensional transforms, in which case
++the temporary storage required for in-place transforms _is_ as big as
++the entire array.)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftwnd,  Next: fftwnd_destroy_plan,  Prev: fftwnd_create_plan,  Up: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.3.2 Computing the Multi-dimensional Transform
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     void fftwnd(fftwnd_plan plan, int howmany,
++                 fftw_complex *in, int istride, int idist,
++                 fftw_complex *out, int ostride, int odist);
++     void fftwnd_one(fftwnd_plan p, fftw_complex *in,
++                     fftw_complex *out);
++   The function `fftwnd' computes one or more multi-dimensional Fourier
++Transforms, using a plan created by `fftwnd_create_plan' (*note Plan
++Creation for Multi-dimensional Transforms: fftwnd_create_plan.). (Note
++that the plan determines the rank and dimensions of the array to be
++transformed.)  The function `fftwnd_one' provides a simplified
++interface for the common case of single input array of stride 1.  
++   * `plan' is the plan created by `fftwnd_create_plan'.  (*note Plan
++     Creation for Multi-dimensional Transforms: fftwnd_create_plan.).
++     In the case of two and three-dimensional transforms, it could also
++     have been created by `fftw2d_create_plan' or `fftw3d_create_plan',
++     respectively.
++   * `howmany' is the number of multi-dimensional transforms `fftwnd'
++     will compute.
++   * `in', `istride' and `idist' describe the input array(s).  There
++     are `howmany' multi-dimensional input arrays; the first one is
++     pointed to by `in', the second one is pointed to by `in + idist',
++     and so on, up to `in + (howmany - 1) * idist'.  Each
++     multi-dimensional input array consists of complex numbers (*note
++     Data Types::), stored in row-major format (*note Multi-dimensional
++     Array Format::), which are not necessarily contiguous in memory.
++     Specifically, `in[0]' is the first element of the first array,
++     `in[istride]' is the second element of the first array, and so on.
++     In general, the `i'-th element of the `j'-th input array will be
++     in position `in[i * istride + j * idist]'. Note that, here, `i'
++     refers to an index into the row-major format for the
++     multi-dimensional array, rather than an index in any particular
++     dimension.
++        - _In-place transforms_: For plans created with the
++          `FFTW_IN_PLACE' option, the transform is computed
++          in-place--the output is returned in the `in' array, using the
++          same strides, etcetera, as were used in the input.
++   * `out', `ostride' and `odist' describe the output array(s).  The
++     format is the same as for the input array.
++        - _In-place transforms_: These parameters are ignored for plans
++          created with the `FFTW_IN_PLACE' option.
++   The function `fftwnd_one' transforms a single, contiguous input
++array to a contiguous output array.  By definition, the call
++     fftwnd_one(plan, in, out)
++   is equivalent to
++     fftwnd(plan, 1, in, 1, 1, out, 1, 1)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftwnd_destroy_plan,  Next: What FFTWND Really Computes,  Prev: fftwnd,  Up: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.3.3 Destroying a Multi-dimensional Plan
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     void fftwnd_destroy_plan(fftwnd_plan plan);
++   The function `fftwnd_destroy_plan' frees the plan `plan' and
++releases all the memory associated with it.  After destruction, a plan
++is no longer valid.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: What FFTWND Really Computes,  Prev: fftwnd_destroy_plan,  Up: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.3.4 What FFTWND Really Computes
++The conventions that we follow for the multi-dimensional transform are
++analogous to those for the one-dimensional transform. In particular, the
++forward transform has a negative sign in the exponent and neither the
++forward nor the backward transforms will perform any normalization.
++Computing the backward transform of the forward transform will multiply
++the array by the product of its dimensions.  The output is in-order, and
++the zeroth element of the output is the amplitude of the zero frequency
++   The TeX version of this manual contains the exact definition of the
++n-dimensional transform FFTW uses.  It is not possible to display the
++definition on a ASCII terminal properly.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Next: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Prev: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.4 Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++The one-dimensional real routines are generally prefixed with `rfftw_'.
++(1)  Programs using RFFTW should be linked with `-lrfftw -lfftw -lm' on
++Unix systems, or with the RFFTW, the FFTW, and the standard math
++libraries in general.  
++* Menu:
++* rfftw_create_plan::           Plan Creation
++* rfftw::                       Plan Execution
++* rfftw_destroy_plan::          Plan Destruction
++* What RFFTW Really Computes::
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) The etymologically-correct spelling would be `frftw_', but it is
++hard to remember.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: rfftw_create_plan,  Next: rfftw,  Prev: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.4.1 Plan Creation for Real One-dimensional Transforms
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     rfftw_plan rfftw_create_plan(int n, fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++     rfftw_plan rfftw_create_plan_specific(int n, fftw_direction dir,
++     	    int flags, fftw_real *in, int istride,
++     	    fftw_real *out, int ostride);
++   The function `rfftw_create_plan' creates a plan, which is a data
++structure containing all the information that `rfftw' needs in order to
++compute the 1D real Fourier transform. You can create as many plans as
++you need, but only one plan for a given array size is required (a plan
++can be reused many times).
++   `rfftw_create_plan' returns a valid plan, or `NULL' if, for some
++reason, the plan can't be created.  In the default installation, this
++cannot happen, but it is possible to configure RFFTW in such a way that
++some input sizes are forbidden, and RFFTW cannot create a plan.
++   The `rfftw_create_plan_specific' variant takes as additional
++arguments specific input/output arrays and their strides.  For the last
++four arguments, you should pass the arrays and strides that you will
++eventually be passing to `rfftw'.  The resulting plans will be
++optimized for those arrays and strides, although they may be used on
++other arrays as well.  Note: the contents of the in and out arrays are
++_destroyed_ by the specific planner (the initial contents are ignored,
++so the arrays need not have been initialized).  *Note Discussion on
++Specific Plans::, for a discussion on specific plans.
++   * `n' is the size of the transform.  It can be  any positive integer.
++        - RFFTW is best at handling sizes of the form 2^a 3^b 5^c 7^d
++          11^e 13^f, where e+f is either 0 or 1, and the other
++          exponents are arbitrary.  Other sizes are computed by means
++          of a slow, general-purpose routine (reducing to O(n^2)
++          performance for prime sizes).  (It is possible to customize
++          RFFTW for different array sizes.  *Note Installation and
++          Customization::, for more information.)  Transforms whose
++          sizes are powers of 2 are especially fast.
++   * `dir' is the direction of the desired transform, either
++     `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' or `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL', corresponding to
++     `FFTW_FORWARD' or `FFTW_BACKWARD', respectively.  
++   * `flags' is a boolean OR (`|') of zero or more of the following:
++        - `FFTW_MEASURE': this flag tells RFFTW to find the optimal
++          plan by actually _computing_ several FFTs and measuring their
++          execution time.  Depending on the installation, this can take
++          some time.
++        - `FFTW_ESTIMATE': do not run any FFT and provide a "reasonable"
++          plan (for a RISC processor with many registers).  If neither
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE' nor `FFTW_MEASURE' is provided, the default is
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE'.
++        - `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that the input
++          and output arrays will be distinct (this is the default).
++        - `FFTW_IN_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that you want the
++          output in the input array.  The algorithm used is not
++          necessarily in place: RFFTW is able to compute true in-place
++          transforms only for small values of `n'.  If RFFTW is not
++          able to compute the transform in-place, it will allocate a
++          temporary array (unless you provide one yourself), compute
++          the transform out of place, and copy the result back.
++          _Warning: This option changes the meaning of some parameters
++          of `rfftw'_ (*note Computing the Real One-dimensional
++          Transform: rfftw.).
++          The default mode of operation is `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE'.
++        - `FFTW_USE_WISDOM': use any `wisdom' that is available to help
++          in the creation of the plan. (*Note Words of Wisdom::.)  This
++          can greatly speed the creation of plans, especially with the
++          `FFTW_MEASURE' option. `FFTW_ESTIMATE' plans can also take
++          advantage of `wisdom' to produce a more optimal plan (based
++          on past measurements) than the estimation heuristic would
++          normally generate. When the `FFTW_MEASURE' option is used,
++          new `wisdom' will also be generated if the current transform
++          size is not completely understood by existing `wisdom'.
++   * `in', `out', `istride', `ostride' (only for
++     `rfftw_create_plan_specific'): see corresponding arguments in the
++     description of `rfftw'.  (*Note Computing the Real One-dimensional
++     Transform: rfftw.)  In particular, the `out' and `ostride'
++     parameters have the same special meaning for `FFTW_IN_PLACE'
++     transforms as they have for `rfftw'.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: rfftw,  Next: rfftw_destroy_plan,  Prev: rfftw_create_plan,  Up: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.4.2 Computing the Real One-dimensional Transform
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     void rfftw(rfftw_plan plan, int howmany,
++                fftw_real *in, int istride, int idist,
++                fftw_real *out, int ostride, int odist);
++     void rfftw_one(rfftw_plan plan, fftw_real *in, fftw_real *out);
++   The function `rfftw' computes the Real One-dimensional Fourier
++Transform, using a plan created by `rfftw_create_plan' (*note Plan
++Creation for Real One-dimensional Transforms: rfftw_create_plan.).  The
++function `rfftw_one' provides a simplified interface for the common
++case of single input array of stride 1.  
++   _Important:_ When invoked for an out-of-place,
++`FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' transform, the input array is overwritten with
++scratch values by these routines.  The input array is not modified for
++`FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' transforms.
++   * `plan' is the plan created by `rfftw_create_plan' (*note Plan
++     Creation for Real One-dimensional Transforms: rfftw_create_plan.).
++   * `howmany' is the number of transforms `rfftw' will compute.  It is
++     faster to tell RFFTW to compute many transforms, instead of simply
++     calling `rfftw' many times.
++   * `in', `istride' and `idist' describe the input array(s).  There
++     are two cases.  If the `plan' defines a `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX'
++     transform, `in' is a real array.  Otherwise, for
++     `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' transforms, `in' is a halfcomplex array
++     _whose contents will be destroyed_.
++   * `out', `ostride' and `odist' describe the output array(s), and
++     have the same meaning as the corresponding parameters for the
++     input array.
++        - _In-place transforms_: If the `plan' specifies an in-place
++          transform, `ostride' and `odist' are always ignored.  If
++          `out' is `NULL', `out' is ignored, too.  Otherwise, `out' is
++          interpreted as a pointer to an array of `n' complex numbers,
++          that FFTW will use as temporary space to perform the in-place
++          computation.  `out' is used as scratch space and its contents
++          destroyed.  In this case, `out' must be an ordinary array
++          whose elements are contiguous in memory (no striding).
++   The function `rfftw_one' transforms a single, contiguous input array
++to a contiguous output array.  By definition, the call
++     rfftw_one(plan, in, out)
++   is equivalent to
++     rfftw(plan, 1, in, 1, 1, out, 1, 1)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: rfftw_destroy_plan,  Next: What RFFTW Really Computes,  Prev: rfftw,  Up: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.4.3 Destroying a Real One-dimensional Plan
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     void rfftw_destroy_plan(rfftw_plan plan);
++   The function `rfftw_destroy_plan' frees the plan `plan' and releases
++all the memory associated with it.  After destruction, a plan is no
++longer valid.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: What RFFTW Really Computes,  Prev: rfftw_destroy_plan,  Up: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.4.4 What RFFTW Really Computes
++In this section, we define precisely what RFFTW computes.
++   The real to complex (`FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX') transform of a real
++array X of size n computes an hermitian array Y, where   Y[i] = sum for j = 0 to (n - 1) of X[j] * exp(-2 pi i j sqrt(-1)/n)
++   (That Y is a hermitian array is not intended to be obvious, although
++the proof is easy.)  The hermitian array Y is stored in halfcomplex
++order (*note Data Types::).  Currently, RFFTW provides no way to
++compute a real to complex transform with a positive sign in the
++   The complex to real (`FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL') transform of a hermitian
++array X of size n computes a real array Y, where   Y[i] = sum for j = 0 to (n - 1) of X[j] * exp(2 pi i j sqrt(-1)/n)
++   (That Y is a real array is not intended to be obvious, although the
++proof is easy.)  The hermitian input array X is stored in halfcomplex
++order (*note Data Types::).  Currently, RFFTW provides no way to
++compute a complex to real transform with a negative sign in the
++   Like FFTW, RFFTW computes an unnormalized transform.  In other words,
++applying the real to complex (forward) and then the complex to real
++(backward) transform will multiply the input by n.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Next: Wisdom Reference,  Prev: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.5 Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++The multi-dimensional real routines are generally prefixed with
++`rfftwnd_'.  Programs using RFFTWND should be linked with `-lrfftw
++-lfftw -lm' on Unix systems, or with the FFTW, RFFTW, and standard math
++libraries in general.  
++* Menu:
++* rfftwnd_create_plan::         Plan Creation
++* rfftwnd::                     Plan Execution
++* Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms::
++* Strides in In-place RFFTWND::
++* rfftwnd_destroy_plan::        Plan Destruction
++* What RFFTWND Really Computes::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: rfftwnd_create_plan,  Next: rfftwnd,  Prev: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.5.1 Plan Creation for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     rfftwnd_plan rfftwnd_create_plan(int rank, const int *n,
++                                      fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++     rfftwnd_plan rfftw2d_create_plan(int nx, int ny,
++                                      fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++     rfftwnd_plan rfftw3d_create_plan(int nx, int ny, int nz,
++                                      fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   The function `rfftwnd_create_plan' creates a plan, which is a data
++structure containing all the information that `rfftwnd' needs in order
++to compute a multi-dimensional real Fourier transform.  You can create
++as many plans as you need, but only one plan for a given array size is
++required (a plan can be reused many times).  The functions
++`rfftw2d_create_plan' and `rfftw3d_create_plan' are optional,
++alternative interfaces to `rfftwnd_create_plan' for two and three
++dimensions, respectively.
++   `rfftwnd_create_plan' returns a valid plan, or `NULL' if, for some
++reason, the plan can't be created.  This can happen if the arguments
++are invalid in some way (e.g. if `rank' < 0).
++   * `rank' is the dimensionality of the arrays to be transformed.  It
++     can be any non-negative integer.
++   * `n' is a pointer to an array of `rank' integers, giving the size
++     of each dimension of the arrays to be transformed.  Note that these
++     are always the dimensions of the _real_ arrays; the complex arrays
++     have different dimensions (*note Array Dimensions for Real
++     Multi-dimensional Transforms::).  These sizes, which must be
++     positive integers, correspond to the dimensions of row-major
++     arrays--i.e. `n[0]' is the size of the dimension whose indices
++     vary most slowly, and so on. (*Note Multi-dimensional Array
++     Format::, for more information.)
++        - *Note Plan Creation for Real One-dimensional Transforms:
++          rfftw_create_plan, for more information regarding optimal
++          array sizes.
++   * `nx' and `ny' in `rfftw2d_create_plan' are positive integers
++     specifying the dimensions of the rank 2 array to be transformed.
++     i.e. they specify that the transform will operate on `nx x ny'
++     arrays in row-major order, where `nx' is the number of rows and
++     `ny' is the number of columns.
++   * `nx', `ny' and `nz' in `rfftw3d_create_plan' are positive integers
++     specifying the dimensions of the rank 3 array to be transformed.
++     i.e. they specify that the transform will operate on `nx x ny x
++     nz' arrays in row-major order.
++   * `dir' is the direction of the desired transform, either
++     `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' or `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL', corresponding to
++     `FFTW_FORWARD' or `FFTW_BACKWARD', respectively.
++   * `flags' is a boolean OR (`|') of zero or more of the following:
++        - `FFTW_MEASURE': this flag tells FFTW to find the optimal plan
++          by actually _computing_ several FFTs and measuring their
++          execution time.
++        - `FFTW_ESTIMATE': do not run any FFT and provide a "reasonable"
++          plan (for a RISC processor with many registers).  If neither
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE' nor `FFTW_MEASURE' is provided, the default is
++          `FFTW_ESTIMATE'.
++        - `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that the input
++          and output arrays will be distinct (this is the default).
++        - `FFTW_IN_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that you want to
++          perform the transform in-place.  (Unlike the one-dimensional
++          transform, this "really" performs the transform in-place.)
++          Note that, if you want to perform in-place transforms, you
++          _must_ use a plan created with this option.  The use of this
++          option has important implications for the size of the
++          input/output array (*note Computing the Real
++          Multi-dimensional Transform: rfftwnd.).
++          The default mode of operation is `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE'.
++        - `FFTW_USE_WISDOM': use any `wisdom' that is available to help
++          in the creation of the plan. (*Note Words of Wisdom::.)  This
++          can greatly speed the creation of plans, especially with the
++          `FFTW_MEASURE' option. `FFTW_ESTIMATE' plans can also take
++          advantage of `wisdom' to produce a more optimal plan (based
++          on past measurements) than the estimation heuristic would
++          normally generate. When the `FFTW_MEASURE' option is used,
++          new `wisdom' will also be generated if the current transform
++          size is not completely understood by existing `wisdom'. Note
++          that the same `wisdom' is shared between one-dimensional and
++          multi-dimensional transforms.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: rfftwnd,  Next: Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Prev: rfftwnd_create_plan,  Up: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.5.2 Computing the Real Multi-dimensional Transform
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     void rfftwnd_real_to_complex(rfftwnd_plan plan, int howmany,
++                                  fftw_real *in, int istride, int idist,
++                                  fftw_complex *out, int ostride, int odist);
++     void rfftwnd_complex_to_real(rfftwnd_plan plan, int howmany,
++                                  fftw_complex *in, int istride, int idist,
++                                  fftw_real *out, int ostride, int odist);
++     void rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex(rfftwnd_plan p, fftw_real *in,
++                                      fftw_complex *out);
++     void rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real(rfftwnd_plan p, fftw_complex *in,
++                                      fftw_real *out);
++   These functions compute the real multi-dimensional Fourier Transform,
++using a plan created by `rfftwnd_create_plan' (*note Plan Creation for
++Real Multi-dimensional Transforms: rfftwnd_create_plan.). (Note that
++the plan determines the rank and dimensions of the array to be
++transformed.)  The ``rfftwnd_one_'' functions provide a simplified
++interface for the common case of single input array of stride 1.
++Unlike other transform routines in FFTW, we here use separate functions
++for the two directions of the transform in order to correctly express
++the datatypes of the parameters.
++   _Important:_ When invoked for an out-of-place,
++`FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' transform with `rank > 1', the input array is
++overwritten with scratch values by these routines.  The input array is
++not modified for `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' transforms or for
++`FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' with `rank == 1'.
++   * `plan' is the plan created by `rfftwnd_create_plan'.  (*note Plan
++     Creation for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms:
++     rfftwnd_create_plan.). In the case of two and three-dimensional
++     transforms, it could also have been created by
++     `rfftw2d_create_plan' or `rfftw3d_create_plan', respectively.
++     `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' plans must be used with the
++     ``real_to_complex'' functions, and `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' plans
++     must be used with the ``complex_to_real'' functions.  It is an
++     error to mismatch the plan direction and the transform function.
++   * `howmany' is the number of transforms to be computed.
++   * `in', `istride' and `idist' describe the input array(s).  There
++     are `howmany' input arrays; the first one is pointed to by `in',
++     the second one is pointed to by `in + idist', and so on, up to `in
++     + (howmany - 1) * idist'.  Each input array is stored in row-major
++     format (*note Multi-dimensional Array Format::), and is not
++     necessarily contiguous in memory.  Specifically, `in[0]' is the
++     first element of the first array, `in[istride]' is the second
++     element of the first array, and so on.  In general, the `i'-th
++     element of the `j'-th input array will be in position `in[i *
++     istride + j * idist]'. Note that, here, `i' refers to an index into
++     the row-major format for the multi-dimensional array, rather than
++     an index in any particular dimension.
++     The dimensions of the arrays are different for real and complex
++     data, and are discussed in more detail below (*note Array
++     Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms::).
++        - _In-place transforms_: For plans created with the
++          `FFTW_IN_PLACE' option, the transform is computed
++          in-place--the output is returned in the `in' array.  The
++          meaning of the `stride' and `dist' parameters in this case is
++          subtle and is discussed below (*note Strides in In-place
++          RFFTWND::).
++   * `out', `ostride' and `odist' describe the output array(s).  The
++     format is the same as that for the input array.  See below for a
++     discussion of the dimensions of the output array for real and
++     complex data.
++        - _In-place transforms_: These parameters are ignored for plans
++          created with the `FFTW_IN_PLACE' option.
++   The function `rfftwnd_one' transforms a single, contiguous input
++array to a contiguous output array.  By definition, the call
++     rfftwnd_one_...(plan, in, out)
++   is equivalent to
++     rfftwnd_...(plan, 1, in, 1, 1, out, 1, 1)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Next: Strides in In-place RFFTWND,  Prev: rfftwnd,  Up: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.5.3 Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms
++The output of a multi-dimensional transform of real data contains
++symmetries that, in principle, make half of the outputs redundant
++(*note What RFFTWND Really Computes::).  In practice, it is not
++possible to entirely realize these savings in an efficient and
++understandable format.  Instead, the output of the rfftwnd transforms is
++_slightly_ over half of the output of the corresponding complex
++transform.  We do not "pack" the data in any way, but store it as an
++ordinary array of `fftw_complex' values.  In fact, this data is simply
++a subsection of what would be the array in the corresponding complex
++   Specifically, for a real transform of dimensions n1 x n2 x ... x nd,
++the complex data is an n1 x n2 x ... x (nd/2+1) array of `fftw_complex'
++values in row-major order (with the division rounded down).  That is,
++we only store the lower half (plus one element) of the last dimension
++of the data from the ordinary complex transform.  (We could have
++instead taken half of any other dimension, but implementation turns out
++to be simpler if the last, contiguous, dimension is used.)
++   Since the complex data is slightly larger than the real data, some
++complications arise for in-place transforms.  In this case, the final
++dimension of the real data must be padded with extra values to
++accommodate the size of the complex data--two extra if the last
++dimension is even and one if it is odd.  That is, the last dimension of
++the real data must physically contain 2 * (nd/2+1) `fftw_real' values
++(exactly enough to hold the complex data).  This physical array size
++does not, however, change the _logical_ array size--only nd values are
++actually stored in the last dimension, and nd is the last dimension
++passed to `rfftwnd_create_plan'.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Strides in In-place RFFTWND,  Next: rfftwnd_destroy_plan,  Prev: Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Up: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.5.4 Strides in In-place RFFTWND
++The fact that the input and output datatypes are different for rfftwnd
++complicates the meaning of the `stride' and `dist' parameters of
++in-place transforms--are they in units of `fftw_real' or `fftw_complex'
++elements?  When reading the input, they are interpreted in units of the
++datatype of the input data.  When writing the output, the `istride' and
++`idist' are translated to the output datatype's "units" in one of two
++ways, corresponding to the two most common situations in which `stride'
++and `dist' parameters are useful.  Below, we refer to these
++"translated" parameters as `ostride_t' and `odist_t'.  (Note that these
++are computed internally by rfftwnd; the actual `ostride' and `odist'
++parameters are ignored for in-place transforms.)
++   First, there is the case where you are transforming a number of
++contiguous arrays located one after another in memory.  In this
++situation, `istride' is `1' and `idist' is the product of the physical
++dimensions of the array.  `ostride_t' and `odist_t' are then chosen so
++that the output arrays are contiguous and lie on top of the input
++arrays.  `ostride_t' is therefore `1'.  For a real-to-complex
++transform, `odist_t' is `idist/2'; for a complex-to-real transform,
++`odist_t' is `idist*2'.
++   The second case is when you have an array in which each element has
++`nc' components (e.g. a structure with `nc' numeric fields), and you
++want to transform all of the components at once.  Here, `istride' is
++`nc' and `idist' is `1'.  For this case, it is natural to want the
++output to also have `nc' consecutive components, now of the output data
++type; this is exactly what rfftwnd does.  Specifically, it uses an
++`ostride_t' equal to `istride', and an `odist_t' of `1'.  (Astute
++readers will realize that some extra buffer space is required in order
++to perform such a transform; this is handled automatically by rfftwnd.)
++   The general rule is as follows.  `ostride_t' equals `istride'.  If
++`idist' is `1' and `idist' is less than `istride', then `odist_t' is
++`1'.  Otherwise, for a real-to-complex transform `odist_t' is `idist/2'
++and for a complex-to-real transform `odist_t' is `idist*2'.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: rfftwnd_destroy_plan,  Next: What RFFTWND Really Computes,  Prev: Strides in In-place RFFTWND,  Up: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.5.5 Destroying a Multi-dimensional Plan
++     #include <rfftw.h>
++     void rfftwnd_destroy_plan(rfftwnd_plan plan);
++   The function `rfftwnd_destroy_plan' frees the plan `plan' and
++releases all the memory associated with it.  After destruction, a plan
++is no longer valid.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: What RFFTWND Really Computes,  Prev: rfftwnd_destroy_plan,  Up: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference
++3.5.6 What RFFTWND Really Computes
++The conventions that we follow for the real multi-dimensional transform
++are analogous to those for the complex multi-dimensional transform. In
++particular, the forward transform has a negative sign in the exponent
++and neither the forward nor the backward transforms will perform any
++normalization.  Computing the backward transform of the forward
++transform will multiply the array by the product of its dimensions (that
++is, the logical dimensions of the real data).  The forward transform is
++real-to-complex and the backward transform is complex-to-real.
++   The TeX version of this manual contains the exact definition of the
++n-dimensional transform RFFTWND uses.  It is not possible to display
++the definition on a ASCII terminal properly.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Wisdom Reference,  Next: Memory Allocator Reference,  Prev: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.6 Wisdom Reference
++* Menu:
++* fftw_export_wisdom::
++* fftw_import_wisdom::
++* fftw_forget_wisdom::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftw_export_wisdom,  Next: fftw_import_wisdom,  Prev: Wisdom Reference,  Up: Wisdom Reference
++3.6.1 Exporting Wisdom
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     void fftw_export_wisdom(void (*emitter)(char c, void *), void *data);
++     void fftw_export_wisdom_to_file(FILE *output_file);
++     char *fftw_export_wisdom_to_string(void);
++   These functions allow you to export all currently accumulated
++`wisdom' in a form from which it can be later imported and restored,
++even during a separate run of the program. (*Note Words of Wisdom::.)
++The current store of `wisdom' is not affected by calling any of these
++   `fftw_export_wisdom' exports the `wisdom' to any output medium, as
++specified by the callback function `emitter'. `emitter' is a
++`putc'-like function that writes the character `c' to some output; its
++second parameter is the `data' pointer passed to `fftw_export_wisdom'.
++For convenience, the following two "wrapper" routines are provided:
++   `fftw_export_wisdom_to_file' writes the `wisdom' to the current
++position in `output_file', which should be open with write permission.
++Upon exit, the file remains open and is positioned at the end of the
++`wisdom' data.
++   `fftw_export_wisdom_to_string' returns a pointer to a
++`NULL'-terminated string holding the `wisdom' data. This string is
++dynamically allocated, and it is the responsibility of the caller to
++deallocate it with `fftw_free' when it is no longer needed.
++   All of these routines export the wisdom in the same format, which we
++will not document here except to say that it is LISP-like ASCII text
++that is insensitive to white space.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftw_import_wisdom,  Next: fftw_forget_wisdom,  Prev: fftw_export_wisdom,  Up: Wisdom Reference
++3.6.2 Importing Wisdom
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     fftw_status fftw_import_wisdom(int (*get_input)(void *), void *data);
++     fftw_status fftw_import_wisdom_from_file(FILE *input_file);
++     fftw_status fftw_import_wisdom_from_string(const char *input_string);
++   These functions import `wisdom' into a program from data stored by
++the `fftw_export_wisdom' functions above. (*Note Words of Wisdom::.)
++The imported `wisdom' supplements rather than replaces any `wisdom'
++already accumulated by the running program (except when there is
++conflicting `wisdom', in which case the existing wisdom is replaced).
++   `fftw_import_wisdom' imports `wisdom' from any input medium, as
++specified by the callback function `get_input'. `get_input' is a
++`getc'-like function that returns the next character in the input; its
++parameter is the `data' pointer passed to `fftw_import_wisdom'. If the
++end of the input data is reached (which should never happen for valid
++data), it may return either `NULL' (ASCII 0) or `EOF' (as defined in
++`<stdio.h>').  For convenience, the following two "wrapper" routines
++are provided:
++   `fftw_import_wisdom_from_file' reads `wisdom' from the current
++position in `input_file', which should be open with read permission.
++Upon exit, the file remains open and is positioned at the end of the
++`wisdom' data.
++   `fftw_import_wisdom_from_string' reads `wisdom' from the
++`NULL'-terminated string `input_string'.
++   The return value of these routines is `FFTW_SUCCESS' if the wisdom
++was read successfully, and `FFTW_FAILURE' otherwise. Note that, in all
++of these functions, any data in the input stream past the end of the
++`wisdom' data is simply ignored (it is not even read if the `wisdom'
++data is well-formed).
++File: fftw.info,  Node: fftw_forget_wisdom,  Prev: fftw_import_wisdom,  Up: Wisdom Reference
++3.6.3 Forgetting Wisdom
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     void fftw_forget_wisdom(void);
++   Calling `fftw_forget_wisdom' causes all accumulated `wisdom' to be
++discarded and its associated memory to be freed. (New `wisdom' can
++still be gathered subsequently, however.)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Memory Allocator Reference,  Next: Thread safety,  Prev: Wisdom Reference,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.7 Memory Allocator Reference
++     #include <fftw.h>
++     void *(*fftw_malloc_hook) (size_t n);
++     void (*fftw_free_hook) (void *p);
++   Whenever it has to allocate and release memory, FFTW ordinarily calls
++`malloc' and `free'.  If `malloc' fails, FFTW prints an error message
++and exits.  This behavior may be undesirable in some applications.
++Also, special memory-handling functions may be necessary in certain
++environments. Consequently, FFTW provides means by which you can install
++your own memory allocator and take whatever error-correcting action you
++find appropriate.  The variables `fftw_malloc_hook' and
++`fftw_free_hook' are pointers to functions, and they are normally
++`NULL'.  If you set those variables to point to other functions, then
++FFTW will use your routines instead of `malloc' and `free'.
++`fftw_malloc_hook' must point to a `malloc'-like function, and
++`fftw_free_hook' must point to a `free'-like function.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Thread safety,  Prev: Memory Allocator Reference,  Up: FFTW Reference
++3.8 Thread safety
++Users writing multi-threaded programs must concern themselves with the
++"thread safety" of the libraries they use--that is, whether it is safe
++to call routines in parallel from multiple threads.  FFTW can be used
++in such an environment, but some care must be taken because certain
++parts of FFTW use private global variables to share data between calls.
++In particular, the plan-creation functions share trigonometric tables
++and accumulated `wisdom'.  (Users should note that these comments only
++apply to programs using shared-memory threads.  Parallelism using MPI
++or forked processes involves a separate address-space and global
++variables for each process, and is not susceptible to problems of this
++   The central restriction of FFTW is that it is not safe to create
++multiple plans in parallel.  You must either create all of your plans
++from a single thread, or instead use a semaphore, mutex, or other
++mechanism to ensure that different threads don't attempt to create plans
++at the same time.  The same restriction also holds for destruction of
++plans and importing/forgetting `wisdom'.  Once created, a plan may
++safely be used in any thread.
++   The actual transform routines in FFTW (`fftw_one', etcetera) are
++re-entrant and thread-safe, so it is fine to call them simultaneously
++from multiple threads.  Another question arises, however--is it safe to
++use the _same plan_ for multiple transforms in parallel?  (It would be
++unsafe if, for example, the plan were modified in some way by the
++transform.)  We address this question by defining an additional planner
++flag, `FFTW_THREADSAFE'.  When included in the flags for any of the
++plan-creation routines, `FFTW_THREADSAFE' guarantees that the resulting
++plan will be read-only and safe to use in parallel by multiple threads.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Parallel FFTW,  Next: Calling FFTW from Fortran,  Prev: FFTW Reference,  Up: Top
++4 Parallel FFTW
++In this chapter we discuss the use of FFTW in a parallel environment,
++documenting the different parallel libraries that we have provided.
++(Users calling FFTW from a multi-threaded program should also consult
++*Note Thread safety::.)  The FFTW package currently contains three
++parallel transform implementations that leverage the uniprocessor FFTW
++   * The first set of routines utilizes shared-memory threads for
++     parallel one- and multi-dimensional transforms of both real and
++     complex data.  Any program using FFTW can be trivially modified to
++     use the multi-threaded routines.  This code can use any common
++     threads implementation, including POSIX threads.  (POSIX threads
++     are available on most Unix variants, including Linux.)  These
++     routines are located in the `threads' directory, and are
++     documented in *Note Multi-threaded FFTW::.
++   * The `mpi' directory contains multi-dimensional transforms of real
++     and complex data for parallel machines supporting MPI.  It also
++     includes parallel one-dimensional transforms for complex data.
++     The main feature of this code is that it supports
++     distributed-memory transforms, so it runs on everything from
++     workstation clusters to massively-parallel supercomputers.  More
++     information on MPI can be found at the MPI home page
++     (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi).  The FFTW MPI routines are
++     documented in *Note MPI FFTW::.
++   * We also have an experimental parallel implementation written in
++     Cilk, a C-like parallel language developed at MIT and currently
++     available for several SMP platforms.  For more information on Cilk
++     see the Cilk home page (http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/cilk).  The
++     FFTW Cilk code can be found in the `cilk' directory, with
++     parallelized one- and multi-dimensional transforms of complex
++     data.  The Cilk FFTW routines are documented in `cilk/README'.
++* Menu:
++* Multi-threaded FFTW::
++* MPI FFTW::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Multi-threaded FFTW,  Next: MPI FFTW,  Prev: Parallel FFTW,  Up: Parallel FFTW
++4.1 Multi-threaded FFTW
++In this section we document the parallel FFTW routines for shared-memory
++threads on SMP hardware.  These routines, which support parallel one-
++and multi-dimensional transforms of both real and complex data, are the
++easiest way to take advantage of multiple processors with FFTW.  They
++work just like the corresponding uniprocessor transform routines, except
++that they take the number of parallel threads to use as an extra
++parameter.  Any program that uses the uniprocessor FFTW can be trivially
++modified to use the multi-threaded FFTW.
++* Menu:
++* Installation and Supported Hardware/Software::
++* Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW::
++* How Many Threads to Use?::
++* Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program::
++* Tips for Optimal Threading::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Installation and Supported Hardware/Software,  Next: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW,  Prev: Multi-threaded FFTW,  Up: Multi-threaded FFTW
++4.1.1 Installation and Supported Hardware/Software
++All of the FFTW threads code is located in the `threads' subdirectory
++of the FFTW package.  On Unix systems, the FFTW threads libraries and
++header files can be automatically configured, compiled, and installed
++along with the uniprocessor FFTW libraries simply by including
++`--enable-threads' in the flags to the `configure' script (*note
++Installation on Unix::).  (Note also that the threads routines, when
++enabled, are automatically tested by the ``make check'' self-tests.)  
++   The threads routines require your operating system to have some sort
++of shared-memory threads support.  Specifically, the FFTW threads
++package works with POSIX threads (available on most Unix variants,
++including Linux), Solaris threads, BeOS (http://www.be.com) threads
++(tested on BeOS DR8.2), Mach C threads (reported to work by users), and
++Win32 threads (reported to work by users).  (There is also untested
++code to use MacOS MP threads.)  If you have a shared-memory machine
++that uses a different threads API, it should be a simple matter of
++programming to include support for it; see the file
++`fftw_threads-int.h' for more detail.
++   SMP hardware is not required, although of course you need multiple
++processors to get any benefit from the multithreaded transforms.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW,  Next: How Many Threads to Use?,  Prev: Installation and Supported Hardware/Software,  Up: Multi-threaded FFTW
++4.1.2 Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW
++Here, it is assumed that the reader is already familiar with the usage
++of the uniprocessor FFTW routines, described elsewhere in this manual.
++We only describe what one has to change in order to use the
++multi-threaded routines.
++   First, instead of including `<fftw.h>' or `<rfftw.h>', you should
++include the files `<fftw_threads.h>' or `<rfftw_threads.h>',
++   Second, before calling any FFTW routines, you should call the
++     int fftw_threads_init(void);
++   This function, which should only be called once (probably in your
++`main()' function), performs any one-time initialization required to
++use threads on your system.  It returns zero if successful, and a
++non-zero value if there was an error (in which case, something is
++seriously wrong and you should probably exit the program).
++   Third, when you want to actually compute the transform, you should
++use one of the following transform routines instead of the ordinary FFTW
++     fftw_threads(nthreads, plan, howmany, in, istride,
++                  idist, out, ostride, odist);
++     fftw_threads_one(nthreads, plan, in, out);
++     fftwnd_threads(nthreads, plan, howmany, in, istride,
++                    idist, out, ostride, odist);
++     fftwnd_threads_one(nthreads, plan, in, out);
++     rfftw_threads(nthreads, plan, howmany, in, istride,
++                   idist, out, ostride, odist);
++     rfftw_threads_one(nthreads, plan, in, out);
++     rfftwnd_threads_real_to_complex(nthreads, plan, howmany, in,
++                                     istride, idist, out, ostride, odist);
++     rfftwnd_threads_one_real_to_complex(nthreads, plan, in, out);
++     rfftwnd_threads_complex_to_real(nthreads, plan, howmany, in,
++                                     istride, idist, out, ostride, odist);
++     rfftwnd_threads_one_real_to_complex(nthreads, plan, in, out);
++     rfftwnd_threads_one_complex_to_real(nthreads, plan, in, out);
++   All of these routines take exactly the same arguments and have
++exactly the same effects as their uniprocessor counterparts (i.e.
++without the ``_threads'') _except_ that they take one extra parameter,
++`nthreads' (of type `int'), before the normal parameters.(1)  The
++`nthreads' parameter specifies the number of threads of execution to
++use when performing the transform (actually, the maximum number of
++   For example, to parallelize a single one-dimensional transform of
++complex data, instead of calling the uniprocessor `fftw_one(plan, in,
++out)', you would call `fftw_threads_one(nthreads, plan, in, out)'.
++Passing an `nthreads' of `1' means to use only one thread (the main
++thread), and is equivalent to calling the uniprocessor routine.
++Passing an `nthreads' of `2' means that the transform is potentially
++parallelized over two threads (and two processors, if you have them),
++and so on.
++   These are the only changes you need to make to your source code.
++Calls to all other FFTW routines (plan creation, destruction, wisdom,
++etcetera) are not parallelized and remain the same.  (The same plans and
++wisdom are used by both uniprocessor and multi-threaded transforms.)
++Your arrays are allocated and formatted in the same way, and so on.
++   Programs using the parallel complex transforms should be linked with
++`-lfftw_threads -lfftw -lm' on Unix.  Programs using the parallel real
++transforms should be linked with `-lrfftw_threads -lfftw_threads
++-lrfftw -lfftw -lm'.  You will also need to link with whatever library
++is responsible for threads on your system (e.g. `-lpthread' on Linux).  
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) There is one exception: when performing one-dimensional in-place
++transforms, the `out' parameter is always ignored by the multi-threaded
++routines, instead of being used as a workspace if it is non-`NULL' as
++in the uniprocessor routines.  The multi-threaded routines always
++allocate their own workspace (the size of which depends upon the number
++of threads).
++File: fftw.info,  Node: How Many Threads to Use?,  Next: Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program,  Prev: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW,  Up: Multi-threaded FFTW
++4.1.3 How Many Threads to Use?
++There is a fair amount of overhead involved in spawning and
++synchronizing threads, so the optimal number of threads to use depends
++upon the size of the transform as well as on the number of processors
++you have.
++   As a general rule, you don't want to use more threads than you have
++processors.  (Using more threads will work, but there will be extra
++overhead with no benefit.)  In fact, if the problem size is too small,
++you may want to use fewer threads than you have processors.
++   You will have to experiment with your system to see what level of
++parallelization is best for your problem size.  Useful tools to help you
++do this are the test programs that are automatically compiled along with
++the threads libraries, `fftw_threads_test' and `rfftw_threads_test' (in
++the `threads' subdirectory).  These take the same arguments as the
++other FFTW test programs (see `tests/README'), except that they also
++take the number of threads to use as a first argument, and report the
++parallel speedup in speed tests.  For example,
++     fftw_threads_test 2 -s 128x128
++   will benchmark complex 128x128 transforms using two threads and
++report the speedup relative to the uniprocessor transform.  
++   For instance, on a 4-processor 200MHz Pentium Pro system running
++Linux 2.2.0, we found that the "crossover" point at which 2 threads
++became beneficial for complex transforms was about 4k points, while 4
++threads became beneficial at 8k points.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program,  Next: Tips for Optimal Threading,  Prev: How Many Threads to Use?,  Up: Multi-threaded FFTW
++4.1.4 Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program
++It is perfectly possible to use the multi-threaded FFTW routines from a
++multi-threaded program (e.g. have multiple threads computing
++multi-threaded transforms simultaneously).  If you have the processors,
++more power to you!  However, the same restrictions apply as for the
++uniprocessor FFTW routines (*note Thread safety::).  In particular, you
++should recall that you may not create or destroy plans in parallel.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Tips for Optimal Threading,  Prev: Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program,  Up: Multi-threaded FFTW
++4.1.5 Tips for Optimal Threading
++Not all transforms are equally well-parallelized by the multi-threaded
++FFTW routines.  (This is merely a consequence of laziness on the part of
++the implementors, and is not inherent to the algorithms employed.)
++Mainly, the limitations are in the parallel one-dimensional transforms.
++The things to avoid if you want optimal parallelization are as follows:
++4.1.6 Parallelization deficiencies in one-dimensional transforms
++   * Large prime factors can sometimes parallelize poorly.  Of course,
++     you should avoid these anyway if you want high performance.
++   * Single in-place transforms don't parallelize completely.  (Multiple
++     in-place transforms, i.e. `howmany > 1', are fine.)  Again, you
++     should avoid these in any case if you want high performance, as
++     they require transforming to a scratch array and copying back.
++   * Single real-complex (`rfftw') transforms don't parallelize
++     completely.  This is unfortunate, but parallelizing this correctly
++     would have involved a lot of extra code (and a much larger
++     library).  You still get some benefit from additional processors,
++     but if you have a very large number of processors you will
++     probably be better off using the parallel complex (`fftw')
++     transforms.  Note that multi-dimensional real transforms or
++     multiple one-dimensional real transforms are fine.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: MPI FFTW,  Prev: Multi-threaded FFTW,  Up: Parallel FFTW
++4.2 MPI FFTW
++This section describes the MPI FFTW routines for distributed-memory (and
++shared-memory) machines supporting MPI (Message Passing Interface).  The
++MPI routines are significantly different from the ordinary FFTW because
++the transform data here are _distributed_ over multiple processes, so
++that each process gets only a portion of the array.  Currently,
++multi-dimensional transforms of both real and complex data, as well as
++one-dimensional transforms of complex data, are supported.
++* Menu:
++* MPI FFTW Installation::
++* Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms::
++* MPI Data Layout::
++* Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms::
++* Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms::
++* MPI Tips::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: MPI FFTW Installation,  Next: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Prev: MPI FFTW,  Up: MPI FFTW
++4.2.1 MPI FFTW Installation
++The FFTW MPI library code is all located in the `mpi' subdirectoy of
++the FFTW package (along with source code for test programs).  On Unix
++systems, the FFTW MPI libraries and header files can be automatically
++configured, compiled, and installed along with the uniprocessor FFTW
++libraries simply by including `--enable-mpi' in the flags to the
++`configure' script (*note Installation on Unix::).  
++   The only requirement of the FFTW MPI code is that you have the
++standard MPI 1.1 (or later) libraries and header files installed on
++your system.  A free implementation of MPI is available from the MPICH
++home page (http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/).
++   Previous versions of the FFTW MPI routines have had an unfortunate
++tendency to expose bugs in MPI implementations.  The current version has
++been largely rewritten, and hopefully avoids some of the problems.  If
++you run into difficulties, try passing the optional workspace to
++`(r)fftwnd_mpi' (see below), as this allows us to use the standard (and
++hopefully well-tested) `MPI_Alltoall' primitive for communications.
++Please let us know (<fftw at fftw.org>) how things work out.
++   Several test programs are included in the `mpi' directory.  The ones
++most useful to you are probably the `fftw_mpi_test' and
++`rfftw_mpi_test' programs, which are run just like an ordinary MPI
++program and accept the same parameters as the other FFTW test programs
++(c.f. `tests/README').  For example, `mpirun ...params...
++fftw_mpi_test -r 0' will run non-terminating complex-transform
++correctness tests of random dimensions.  They can also do performance
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Next: MPI Data Layout,  Prev: MPI FFTW Installation,  Up: MPI FFTW
++4.2.2 Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms
++Usage of the MPI FFTW routines is similar to that of the uniprocessor
++FFTW.  We assume that the reader already understands the usage of the
++uniprocessor FFTW routines, described elsewhere in this manual.  Some
++familiarity with MPI is also helpful.
++   A typical program performing a complex two-dimensional MPI transform
++might look something like:
++     #include <fftw_mpi.h>
++     int main(int argc, char **argv)
++     {
++           const int NX = ..., NY = ...;
++           fftwnd_mpi_plan plan;
++           fftw_complex *data;
++           MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
++           plan = fftw2d_mpi_create_plan(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
++                                         NX, NY,
++                                         FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
++           ...allocate and initialize data...
++           fftwnd_mpi(p, 1, data, NULL, FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER);
++           ...
++           fftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan(plan);
++           MPI_Finalize();
++     }
++   The calls to `MPI_Init' and `MPI_Finalize' are required in all MPI
++programs; see the MPI home page (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/) for more
++information.  Note that all of your processes run the program in
++parallel, as a group; there is no explicit launching of
++threads/processes in an MPI program.
++   As in the ordinary FFTW, the first thing we do is to create a plan
++(of type `fftwnd_mpi_plan'), using:
++     fftwnd_mpi_plan fftw2d_mpi_create_plan(MPI_Comm comm,
++                                            int nx, int ny,
++                                            fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   Except for the first argument, the parameters are identical to those
++of `fftw2d_create_plan'.  (There are also analogous
++`fftwnd_mpi_create_plan' and `fftw3d_mpi_create_plan' functions.
++Transforms of any rank greater than one are supported.)  The first
++argument is an MPI "communicator", which specifies the group of
++processes that are to be involved in the transform; the standard
++constant `MPI_COMM_WORLD' indicates all available processes.  
++   Next, one has to allocate and initialize the data.  This is somewhat
++tricky, because the transform data is distributed across the processes
++involved in the transform.  It is discussed in detail by the next
++section (*note MPI Data Layout::).
++   The actual computation of the transform is performed by the function
++`fftwnd_mpi', which differs somewhat from its uniprocessor equivalent
++and is described by:
++     void fftwnd_mpi(fftwnd_mpi_plan p,
++                     int n_fields,
++                     fftw_complex *local_data, fftw_complex *work,
++                     fftwnd_mpi_output_order output_order);
++   There are several things to notice here:
++   * First of all, all `fftw_mpi' transforms are in-place: the output is
++     in the `local_data' parameter, and there is no need to specify
++     `FFTW_IN_PLACE' in the plan flags.
++   * The MPI transforms also only support a limited subset of the
++     `howmany'/`stride'/`dist' functionality of the uniprocessor
++     routines: the `n_fields' parameter is equivalent to
++     `howmany=n_fields', `stride=n_fields', and `dist=1'.
++     (Conceptually, the `n_fields' parameter allows you to transform an
++     array of contiguous vectors, each with length `n_fields'.)
++     `n_fields' is `1' if you are only transforming a single, ordinary
++     array.
++   * The `work' parameter is an optional workspace.  If it is not
++     `NULL', it should be exactly the same size as the `local_data'
++     array.  If it is provided, FFTW is able to use the built-in
++     `MPI_Alltoall' primitive for (often) greater efficiency at the expense
++     of extra storage space.
++   * Finally, the last parameter specifies whether the output data has
++     the same ordering as the input data (`FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER'), or if
++     it is transposed (`FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER').  Leaving the data
++     transposed results in significant performance improvements due to
++     a saved communication step (needed to un-transpose the data).
++     Specifically, the first two dimensions of the array are
++     transposed, as is described in more detail by the next section.
++   The output of `fftwnd_mpi' is identical to that of the corresponding
++uniprocessor transform.  In particular, you should recall our
++conventions for normalization and the sign of the transform exponent.
++   The same plan can be used to compute many transforms of the same
++size.  After you are done with it, you should deallocate it by calling
++   Important: The FFTW MPI routines must be called in the same order by
++all processes involved in the transform.  You should assume that they
++all are blocking, as if each contained a call to `MPI_Barrier'.
++   Programs using the FFTW MPI routines should be linked with
++`-lfftw_mpi -lfftw -lm' on Unix, in addition to whatever libraries are
++required for MPI.  
++File: fftw.info,  Node: MPI Data Layout,  Next: Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Prev: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Up: MPI FFTW
++4.2.3 MPI Data Layout
++The transform data used by the MPI FFTW routines is "distributed": a
++distinct portion of it resides with each process involved in the
++transform.  This allows the transform to be parallelized, for example,
++over a cluster of workstations, each with its own separate memory, so
++that you can take advantage of the total memory of all the processors
++you are parallelizing over.
++   In particular, the array is divided according to the rows (first
++dimension) of the data: each process gets a subset of the rows of the data.
++(This is sometimes called a "slab decomposition.")  One consequence of
++this is that you can't take advantage of more processors than you have
++rows (e.g. `64x64x64' matrix can at most use 64 processors).  This
++isn't usually much of a limitation, however, as each processor needs a
++fair amount of data in order for the parallel-computation benefits to
++outweight the communications costs.
++   Below, the first dimension of the data will be referred to as ``x''
++and the second dimension as ``y''.
++   FFTW supplies a routine to tell you exactly how much data resides on
++the current process:
++     void fftwnd_mpi_local_sizes(fftwnd_mpi_plan p,
++                                 int *local_nx,
++                                 int *local_x_start,
++                                 int *local_ny_after_transpose,
++                                 int *local_y_start_after_transpose,
++                                 int *total_local_size);
++   Given a plan `p', the other parameters of this routine are set to
++values describing the required data layout, described below.
++   `total_local_size' is the number of `fftw_complex' elements that you
++must allocate for your local data (and workspace, if you choose).
++(This value should, of course, be multiplied by `n_fields' if that
++parameter to `fftwnd_mpi' is not `1'.)
++   The data on the current process has `local_nx' rows, starting at row
++`local_x_start'.  If `fftwnd_mpi' is called with
++`FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER' output, then `y' will be the first dimension of
++the output, and the local `y' extent will be given by
++`local_ny_after_transpose' and `local_y_start_after_transpose'.
++Otherwise, the output has the same dimensions and layout as the input.
++   For instance, suppose you want to transform three-dimensional data of
++size `nx x ny x nz'.  Then, the current process will store a subset of
++this data, of size `local_nx x ny x nz', where the `x' indices
++correspond to the range `local_x_start' to `local_x_start+local_nx-1'
++in the "real" (i.e. logical) array.  If `fftwnd_mpi' is called with
++`FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER' output, then the result will be a `ny x nx x
++nz' array, of which a `local_ny_after_transpose x nx x nz' subset is
++stored on the current process (corresponding to `y' values starting at
++   The following is an example of allocating such a three-dimensional
++array array (`local_data') before the transform and initializing it to
++some function `f(x,y,z)':
++             fftwnd_mpi_local_sizes(plan, &local_nx, &local_x_start,
++                                    &local_ny_after_transpose,
++                                    &local_y_start_after_transpose,
++                                    &total_local_size);
++             local_data = (fftw_complex*) malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) *
++                                                 total_local_size);
++             for (x = 0; x < local_nx; ++x)
++                     for (y = 0; y < ny; ++y)
++                             for (z = 0; z < nz; ++z)
++                                     local_data[(x*ny + y)*nz + z]
++                                             = f(x + local_x_start, y, z);
++   Some important things to remember:
++   * Although the local data is of dimensions `local_nx x ny x nz' in
++     the above example, do _not_ allocate the array to be of size
++     `local_nx*ny*nz'.  Use `total_local_size' instead.
++   * The amount of data on each process will not necessarily be the
++     same; in fact, `local_nx' may even be zero for some processes.
++     (For example, suppose you are doing a `6x6' transform on four
++     processors.  There is no way to effectively use the fourth
++     processor in a slab decomposition, so we leave it empty.  Proof
++     left as an exercise for the reader.)
++   * All arrays are, of course, in row-major order (*note
++     Multi-dimensional Array Format::).
++   * If you want to compute the inverse transform of the output of
++     `fftwnd_mpi', the dimensions of the inverse transform are given by
++     the dimensions of the output of the forward transform.  For
++     example, if you are using `FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER' output in the
++     above example, then the inverse plan should be created with
++     dimensions `ny x nx x nz'.
++   * The data layout only depends upon the dimensions of the array, not
++     on the plan, so you are guaranteed that different plans for the
++     same size (or inverse plans) will use the same (consistent) data
++     layouts.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Next: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms,  Prev: MPI Data Layout,  Up: MPI FFTW
++4.2.4 Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms
++MPI transforms specialized for real data are also available, similiar to
++the uniprocessor `rfftwnd' transforms.  Just as in the uniprocessor
++case, the real-data MPI functions gain roughly a factor of two in speed
++(and save a factor of two in space) at the expense of more complicated
++data formats in the calling program.  Before reading this section, you
++should definitely understand how to call the uniprocessor `rfftwnd'
++functions and also the complex MPI FFTW functions.
++   The following is an example of a program using `rfftwnd_mpi'.  It
++computes the size `nx x ny x nz' transform of a real function
++`f(x,y,z)', multiplies the imaginary part by `2' for fun, then computes
++the inverse transform.  (We'll also use `FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER' output
++for the transform, and additionally supply the optional workspace
++parameter to `rfftwnd_mpi', just to add a little spice.)
++     #include <rfftw_mpi.h>
++     int main(int argc, char **argv)
++     {
++          const int nx = ..., ny = ..., nz = ...;
++          int local_nx, local_x_start, local_ny_after_transpose,
++              local_y_start_after_transpose, total_local_size;
++          int x, y, z;
++          rfftwnd_mpi_plan plan, iplan;
++          fftw_real *data, *work;
++          fftw_complex *cdata;
++          MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
++          /* create the forward and backward plans: */
++          plan = rfftw3d_mpi_create_plan(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
++                                         nx, ny, nz,
++                                         FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX,
++                                         FFTW_ESTIMATE);
++          iplan = rfftw3d_mpi_create_plan(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
++           /* dim.'s of REAL data --> */  nx, ny, nz,
++                                          FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL,
++                                          FFTW_ESTIMATE);
++          rfftwnd_mpi_local_sizes(plan, &local_nx, &local_x_start,
++                                 &local_ny_after_transpose,
++                                 &local_y_start_after_transpose,
++                                 &total_local_size);
++          data = (fftw_real*) malloc(sizeof(fftw_real) * total_local_size);
++          /* workspace is the same size as the data: */
++          work = (fftw_real*) malloc(sizeof(fftw_real) * total_local_size);
++          /* initialize data to f(x,y,z): */
++          for (x = 0; x < local_nx; ++x)
++                  for (y = 0; y < ny; ++y)
++                          for (z = 0; z < nz; ++z)
++                                  data[(x*ny + y) * (2*(nz/2+1)) + z]
++                                          = f(x + local_x_start, y, z);
++          /* Now, compute the forward transform: */
++          rfftwnd_mpi(plan, 1, data, work, FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER);
++          /* the data is now complex, so typecast a pointer: */
++          cdata = (fftw_complex*) data;
++          /* multiply imaginary part by 2, for fun:
++             (note that the data is transposed) */
++          for (y = 0; y < local_ny_after_transpose; ++y)
++                  for (x = 0; x < nx; ++x)
++                          for (z = 0; z < (nz/2+1); ++z)
++                                  cdata[(y*nx + x) * (nz/2+1) + z].im
++                                          *= 2.0;
++          /* Finally, compute the inverse transform; the result
++             is transposed back to the original data layout: */
++          rfftwnd_mpi(iplan, 1, data, work, FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER);
++          free(data);
++          free(work);
++          rfftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan(plan);
++          rfftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan(iplan);
++          MPI_Finalize();
++     }
++   There's a lot of stuff in this example, but it's all just what you
++would have guessed, right?  We replaced all the `fftwnd_mpi*' functions
++by `rfftwnd_mpi*', but otherwise the parameters were pretty much the
++same.  The data layout distributed among the processes just like for
++the complex transforms (*note MPI Data Layout::), but in addition the
++final dimension is padded just like it is for the uniprocessor in-place
++real transforms (*note Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional
++Transforms::).  In particular, the `z' dimension of the real input data
++is padded to a size `2*(nz/2+1)', and after the transform it contains
++`nz/2+1' complex values.  
++   Some other important things to know about the real MPI transforms:
++   * As for the uniprocessor `rfftwnd_create_plan', the dimensions
++     passed for the `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' plan are those of the _real_
++     data.  In particular, even when `FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER' is used as
++     in this case, the dimensions are those of the (untransposed) real
++     output, not the (transposed) complex input.  (For the complex MPI
++     transforms, on the other hand, the dimensions are always those of
++     the input array.)
++   * The output ordering of the transform (`FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER' or
++     `FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER') _must_ be the same for both forward and
++     backward transforms.  (This is not required in the complex case.)
++   * `total_local_size' is the required size in `fftw_real' values, not
++     `fftw_complex' values as it is for the complex transforms.
++   * `local_ny_after_transpose' and `local_y_start_after_transpose'
++     describe the portion of the array after the transform; that is,
++     they are indices in the complex array for an
++     `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' transform and in the real array for an
++     `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL' transform.
++   * `rfftwnd_mpi' always expects `fftw_real*' array arguments, but of
++     course these pointers can refer to either real or complex arrays,
++     depending upon which side of the transform you are on.  Just as for
++     in-place uniprocessor real transforms (and also in the example
++     above), this is most easily handled by typecasting to a complex
++     pointer when handling the complex data.
++   * As with the complex transforms, there are also
++     `rfftwnd_create_plan' and `rfftw2d_create_plan' functions, and any
++     rank greater than one is supported.  
++   Programs using the MPI FFTW real transforms should link with
++`-lrfftw_mpi -lfftw_mpi -lrfftw -lfftw -lm' on Unix.  
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms,  Next: MPI Tips,  Prev: Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms,  Up: MPI FFTW
++4.2.5 Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms
++The MPI FFTW also includes routines for parallel one-dimensional
++transforms of complex data (only).  Although the speedup is generally
++worse than it is for the multi-dimensional routines,(1) these
++distributed-memory one-dimensional transforms are especially useful for
++performing one-dimensional transforms that don't fit into the memory of
++a single machine.
++   The usage of these routines is straightforward, and is similar to
++that of the multi-dimensional MPI transform functions.  You first
++include the header `<fftw_mpi.h>' and then create a plan by calling:
++     fftw_mpi_plan fftw_mpi_create_plan(MPI_Comm comm, int n,
++                                        fftw_direction dir, int flags);
++   The last three arguments are the same as for `fftw_create_plan'
++(except that all MPI transforms are automatically `FFTW_IN_PLACE').
++The first argument specifies the group of processes you are using, and
++is usually `MPI_COMM_WORLD' (all processes).  A plan can be used for
++many transforms of the same size, and is destroyed when you are done
++with it by calling `fftw_mpi_destroy_plan(plan)'.  
++   If you don't care about the ordering of the input or output data of
++the transform, you can include `FFTW_SCRAMBLED_INPUT' and/or
++`FFTW_SCRAMBLED_OUTPUT' in the `flags'.  These save some communications
++at the expense of having the input and/or output reordered in an
++undocumented way.  For example, if you are performing an FFT-based
++convolution, you might use `FFTW_SCRAMBLED_OUTPUT' for the forward
++transform and `FFTW_SCRAMBLED_INPUT' for the inverse transform.
++   The transform itself is computed by:
++     void fftw_mpi(fftw_mpi_plan p, int n_fields,
++                   fftw_complex *local_data, fftw_complex *work);
++   `n_fields', as in `fftwnd_mpi', is equivalent to `howmany=n_fields',
++`stride=n_fields', and `dist=1', and should be `1' when you are
++computing the transform of a single array.  `local_data' contains the
++portion of the array local to the current process, described below.
++`work' is either `NULL' or an array exactly the same size as
++`local_data'; in the latter case, FFTW can use the `MPI_Alltoall'
++communications primitive which is (usually) faster at the expense of
++extra storage.  Upon return, `local_data' contains the portion of the
++output local to the current process (see below).  
++   To find out what portion of the array is stored local to the current
++process, you call the following routine:
++     void fftw_mpi_local_sizes(fftw_mpi_plan p,
++                               int *local_n, int *local_start,
++                               int *local_n_after_transform,
++                               int *local_start_after_transform,
++                               int *total_local_size);
++   `total_local_size' is the number of `fftw_complex' elements you
++should actually allocate for `local_data' (and `work').  `local_n' and
++`local_start' indicate that the current process stores `local_n'
++elements corresponding to the indices `local_start' to
++`local_start+local_n-1' in the "real" array.  _After the transform, the
++process may store a different portion of the array._  The portion of
++the data stored on the process after the transform is given by
++`local_n_after_transform' and `local_start_after_transform'.  This data
++is exactly the same as a contiguous segment of the corresponding
++uniprocessor transform output (i.e. an in-order sequence of sequential
++frequency bins).
++   Note that, if you compute both a forward and a backward transform of
++the same size, the local sizes are guaranteed to be consistent.  That
++is, the local size after the forward transform will be the same as the
++local size before the backward transform, and vice versa.
++   Programs using the FFTW MPI routines should be linked with
++`-lfftw_mpi -lfftw -lm' on Unix, in addition to whatever libraries are
++required for MPI.  
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) The 1D transforms require much more communication.  All the
++communication in our FFT routines takes the form of an all-to-all
++communication: the multi-dimensional transforms require two all-to-all
++communications (or one, if you use `FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER'), while the
++one-dimensional transforms require _three_ (or two, if you use
++scrambled input or output).
++File: fftw.info,  Node: MPI Tips,  Prev: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms,  Up: MPI FFTW
++4.2.6 MPI Tips
++There are several things you should consider in order to get the best
++performance out of the MPI FFTW routines.
++   First, if possible, the first and second dimensions of your data
++should be divisible by the number of processes you are using.  (If only
++one can be divisible, then you should choose the first dimension.)
++This allows the computational load to be spread evenly among the
++processes, and also reduces the communications complexity and overhead.
++In the one-dimensional transform case, the size of the transform
++should ideally be divisible by the _square_ of the number of processors.
++   Second, you should consider using the `FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER' output
++format if it is not too burdensome.  The speed gains from
++communications savings are usually substantial.
++   Third, you should consider allocating a workspace for
++`(r)fftw(nd)_mpi', as this can often (but not always) improve
++performance (at the cost of extra storage).
++   Fourth, you should experiment with the best number of processors to
++use for your problem.  (There comes a point of diminishing returns,
++when the communications costs outweigh the computational benefits.(1))
++The `fftw_mpi_test' program can output helpful performance benchmarks.  It
++accepts the same parameters as the uniprocessor test programs (c.f.
++`tests/README') and is run like an ordinary MPI program.  For example,
++`mpirun -np 4 fftw_mpi_test -s 128x128x128' will benchmark a
++`128x128x128' transform on four processors, reporting timings and
++parallel speedups for all variants of `fftwnd_mpi' (transposed, with
++workspace, etcetera).  (Note also that there is the `rfftw_mpi_test'
++program for the real transforms.)  
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) An FFT is particularly hard on communications systems, as it
++requires an "all-to-all" communication, which is more or less the worst
++possible case.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Calling FFTW from Fortran,  Next: Installation and Customization,  Prev: Parallel FFTW,  Up: Top
++5 Calling FFTW from Fortran
++The standard FFTW libraries include special wrapper functions that allow
++Fortran programs to call FFTW subroutines.  This chapter describes how
++those functions may be employed to use FFTW from Fortran.  We assume
++here that the reader is already familiar with the usage of FFTW in C, as
++described elsewhere in this manual.
++   In general, it is not possible to call C functions directly from
++Fortran, due to Fortran's inability to pass arguments by value and also
++because Fortran compilers typically expect identifiers to be mangled somehow
++for linking.  However, if C functions are written in a special way,
++they _are_ callable from Fortran, and we have employed this technique
++to create Fortran-callable "wrapper" functions around the main FFTW
++routines.  These wrapper functions are included in the FFTW libraries
++by default, unless a Fortran compiler isn't found on your system or
++`--disable-fortran' is included in the `configure' flags.
++   As a result, calling FFTW from Fortran requires little more than
++appending ``_f77'' to the function names and then linking normally with
++the FFTW libraries.  There are a few wrinkles, however, as we shall
++discuss below.
++* Menu:
++* Wrapper Routines::
++* FFTW Constants in Fortran::
++* Fortran Examples::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Wrapper Routines,  Next: FFTW Constants in Fortran,  Prev: Calling FFTW from Fortran,  Up: Calling FFTW from Fortran
++5.1 Wrapper Routines
++All of the uniprocessor and multi-threaded transform routines have
++Fortran-callable wrappers, except for the wisdom import/export functions
++(since it is not possible to exchange string and file arguments portably
++with Fortran) and the specific planner routines (*note Discussion on
++Specific Plans::).  The name of the wrapper routine is the same as that
++of the corresponding C routine, but with `fftw/fftwnd/rfftw/rfftwnd'
++replaced by `fftw_f77/fftwnd_f77/rfftw_f77/rfftwnd_f77'.  For example,
++in Fortran, instead of calling `fftw_one' you would call
++`fftw_f77_one'.(1) For the most part, all of the arguments to the
++functions are the same, with the following exceptions:
++   * `plan' variables (what would be of type `fftw_plan',
++     `rfftwnd_plan', etcetera, in C), must be declared as a type that is
++     the same size as a pointer (address) on your machine.  (Fortran
++     has no generic pointer type.)  The Fortran `integer' type is
++     usually the same size as a pointer, but you need to be wary
++     (especially on 64-bit machines).  (You could also use `integer*4'
++     on a 32-bit machine and `integer*8' on a 64-bit machine.)  Ugh.
++     (`g77' has a special type, `integer(kind=7)', that is defined to
++     be the same size as a pointer.)
++   * Any function that returns a value (e.g. `fftw_create_plan') is
++     converted into a subroutine.  The return value is converted into an
++     additional (first) parameter of the wrapper subroutine.  (The
++     reason for this is that some Fortran implementations seem to have
++     trouble with C function return values.)
++   * When performing one-dimensional `FFTW_IN_PLACE' transforms, you
++     don't have the option of passing `NULL' for the `out' argument
++     (since there is no way to pass `NULL' from Fortran).  Therefore,
++     when performing such transforms, you _must_ allocate and pass a
++     contiguous scratch array of the same size as the transform.  Note
++     that for in-place multi-dimensional (`(r)fftwnd') transforms, the
++     `out' argument is ignored, so you can pass anything for that
++     parameter.
++   * The wrapper routines expect multi-dimensional arrays to be in
++     column-major order, which is the ordinary format of Fortran arrays.
++     They do this transparently and costlessly simply by reversing the
++     order of the dimensions passed to FFTW, but this has one important
++     consequence for multi-dimensional real-complex transforms,
++     discussed below.
++   In general, you should take care to use Fortran data types that
++correspond to (i.e. are the same size as) the C types used by FFTW.  If
++your C and Fortran compilers are made by the same vendor, the
++correspondence is usually straightforward (i.e. `integer' corresponds
++to `int', `real' corresponds to `float', etcetera).  Such simple
++correspondences are assumed in the examples below.  The examples also
++assume that FFTW was compiled in double precision (the default).
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) Technically, Fortran 77 identifiers are not allowed to have more
++than 6 characters, nor may they contain underscores.  Any compiler that
++enforces this limitation doesn't deserve to link to FFTW.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: FFTW Constants in Fortran,  Next: Fortran Examples,  Prev: Wrapper Routines,  Up: Calling FFTW from Fortran
++5.2 FFTW Constants in Fortran
++When creating plans in FFTW, a number of constants are used to specify
++options, such as `FFTW_FORWARD' or `FFTW_USE_WISDOM'.  The same
++constants must be used with the wrapper routines, but of course the C
++header files where the constants are defined can't be incorporated
++directly into Fortran code.
++   Instead, we have placed Fortran equivalents of the FFTW constant
++definitions in the file `fortran/fftw_f77.i' of the FFTW package.  If
++your Fortran compiler supports a preprocessor, you can use that to
++incorporate this file into your code whenever you need to call FFTW.
++Otherwise, you will have to paste the constant definitions in directly.
++They are:
++           integer FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_BACKWARD
++           parameter (FFTW_FORWARD=-1,FFTW_BACKWARD=1)
++           parameter (FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX=-1,FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL=1)
++           integer FFTW_ESTIMATE,FFTW_MEASURE
++           parameter (FFTW_ESTIMATE=0,FFTW_MEASURE=1)
++           parameter (FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE=0)
++           parameter (FFTW_IN_PLACE=8,FFTW_USE_WISDOM=16)
++           integer FFTW_THREADSAFE
++           parameter (FFTW_THREADSAFE=128)
++   In C, you combine different flags (like `FFTW_USE_WISDOM' and
++`FFTW_MEASURE') using the ``|'' operator; in Fortran you should just
++use ``+''.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Fortran Examples,  Prev: FFTW Constants in Fortran,  Up: Calling FFTW from Fortran
++5.3 Fortran Examples
++In C you might have something like the following to transform a
++one-dimensional complex array:
++             fftw_complex in[N], *out[N];
++             fftw_plan plan;
++             plan = fftw_create_plan(N,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE);
++             fftw_one(plan,in,out);
++             fftw_destroy_plan(plan);
++   In Fortran, you use the following to accomplish the same thing:
++             double complex in, out
++             dimension in(N), out(N)
++             integer plan
++             call fftw_f77_create_plan(plan,N,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE)
++             call fftw_f77_one(plan,in,out)
++             call fftw_f77_destroy_plan(plan)
++   Notice how all routines are called as Fortran subroutines, and the
++plan is returned via the first argument to `fftw_f77_create_plan'.
++_Important:_ these examples assume that `integer' is the same size as a
++pointer, and may need modification on a 64-bit machine.  *Note Wrapper
++Routines::, above.  To do the same thing, but using 8 threads in
++parallel (*note Multi-threaded FFTW::), you would simply replace the
++call to `fftw_f77_one' with:
++             call fftw_f77_threads_one(8,plan,in,out)
++   To transform a three-dimensional array in-place with C, you might do:
++             fftw_complex arr[L][M][N];
++             fftwnd_plan plan;
++             int n[3] = {L,M,N};
++             plan = fftwnd_create_plan(3,n,FFTW_FORWARD,
++                                       FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
++             fftwnd_one(plan, arr, 0);
++             fftwnd_destroy_plan(plan);
++   In Fortran, you would use this instead:
++             double complex arr
++             dimension arr(L,M,N)
++             integer n
++             dimension n(3)
++             integer plan
++             n(1) = L
++             n(2) = M
++             n(3) = N
++             call fftwnd_f77_create_plan(plan,3,n,FFTW_FORWARD,
++            +                            FFTW_ESTIMATE + FFTW_IN_PLACE)
++             call fftwnd_f77_one(plan, arr, 0)
++             call fftwnd_f77_destroy_plan(plan)
++   Instead of calling `fftwnd_f77_create_plan(plan,3,n,...)', we could
++also have called `fftw3d_f77_create_plan(plan,L,M,N,...)'.  
++   Note that we pass the array dimensions in the "natural" order; also
++note that the last argument to `fftwnd_f77' is ignored since the
++transform is `FFTW_IN_PLACE'.
++   To transform a one-dimensional real array in Fortran, you might do:
++             double precision in, out
++             dimension in(N), out(N)
++             integer plan
++             call rfftw_f77_create_plan(plan,N,FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX,
++            +                           FFTW_ESTIMATE)
++             call rfftw_f77_one(plan,in,out)
++             call rfftw_f77_destroy_plan(plan)
++   To transform a two-dimensional real array, out of place, you might
++use the following:
++             double precision in
++             double complex out
++             dimension in(M,N), out(M/2 + 1, N)
++             integer plan
++             call rfftw2d_f77_create_plan(plan,M,N,FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX,
++            +                             FFTW_ESTIMATE)
++             call rfftwnd_f77_one_real_to_complex(plan, in, out)
++             call rfftwnd_f77_destroy_plan(plan)
++   Important: Notice that it is the _first_ dimension of the complex
++output array that is cut in half in Fortran, rather than the last
++dimension as in C.  This is a consequence of the wrapper routines
++reversing the order of the array dimensions passed to FFTW so that the
++Fortran program can use its ordinary column-major order.  
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Installation and Customization,  Next: Acknowledgments,  Prev: Calling FFTW from Fortran,  Up: Top
++6 Installation and Customization
++This chapter describes the installation and customization of FFTW, the
++latest version of which may be downloaded from the FFTW home page
++   As distributed, FFTW makes very few assumptions about your system.
++All you need is an ANSI C compiler (`gcc' is fine, although
++vendor-provided compilers often produce faster code).  However,
++installation of FFTW is somewhat simpler if you have a Unix or a GNU
++system, such as Linux.  In this chapter, we first describe the
++installation of FFTW on Unix and non-Unix systems.  We then describe how
++you can customize FFTW to achieve better performance.  Specifically, you
++can I) enable `gcc'/x86-specific hacks that improve performance on
++Pentia and PentiumPro's; II) adapt FFTW to use the high-resolution clock
++of your machine, if any; III) produce code (_codelets_) to support fast
++transforms of sizes that are not supported efficiently by the standard
++FFTW distribution.  
++* Menu:
++* Installation on Unix::
++* Installation on non-Unix Systems::
++* Installing FFTW in both single and double precision::
++* gcc and Pentium hacks::
++* Customizing the timer::
++* Generating your own code::
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Installation on Unix,  Next: Installation on non-Unix Systems,  Prev: Installation and Customization,  Up: Installation and Customization
++6.1 Installation on Unix
++FFTW comes with a `configure' program in the GNU style.  Installation
++can be as simple as: 
++     ./configure
++     make
++     make install
++   This will build the uniprocessor complex and real transform libraries
++along with the test programs.  We strongly recommend that you use GNU
++`make' if it is available; on some systems it is called `gmake'.  The
++"`make install'" command installs the fftw and rfftw libraries in
++standard places, and typically requires root privileges (unless you
++specify a different install directory with the `--prefix' flag to
++`configure').  You can also type "`make check'" to put the FFTW test
++programs through their paces.  If you have problems during
++configuration or compilation, you may want to run "`make distclean'"
++before trying again; this ensures that you don't have any stale files
++left over from previous compilation attempts.
++   The `configure' script knows good `CFLAGS' (C compiler flags) for a
++few systems.  If your system is not known, the `configure' script will
++print out a warning.  (1)  In this case, you can compile FFTW with the
++     make CFLAGS="<write your CFLAGS here>"
++   If you do find an optimal set of `CFLAGS' for your system, please
++let us know what they are (along with the output of `config.guess') so
++that we can include them in future releases.
++   The `configure' program supports all the standard flags defined by
++the GNU Coding Standards; see the `INSTALL' file in FFTW or the GNU web
++page (http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html).  Note especially
++`--help' to list all flags and `--enable-shared' to create shared,
++rather than static, libraries.  `configure' also accepts a few
++FFTW-specific flags, particularly:
++   * `--enable-float' Produces a single-precision version of FFTW
++     (`float') instead of the default double-precision (`double').
++     *Note Installing FFTW in both single and double precision::.
++   * `--enable-type-prefix' Adds a `d' or `s' prefix to all installed
++     libraries and header files to indicate the floating-point
++     precision.  *Note Installing FFTW in both single and double
++     precision::.  (`--enable-type-prefix=<prefix>' lets you add an
++     arbitrary prefix.)  By default, no prefix is used.
++   * `--enable-threads' Enables compilation and installation of the FFTW
++     threads library (*note Multi-threaded FFTW::), which provides a
++     simple interface to parallel transforms for SMP systems.  (By
++     default, the threads routines are not compiled.)
++   * `--enable-mpi' Enables compilation and installation of the FFTW MPI
++     library (*note MPI FFTW::), which provides parallel transforms for
++     distributed-memory systems with MPI.  (By default, the MPI
++     routines are not compiled.)
++   * `--disable-fortran' Disables inclusion of Fortran-callable wrapper
++     routines (*note Calling FFTW from Fortran::) in the standard FFTW
++     libraries.  These wrapper routines increase the library size by
++     only a negligible amount, so they are included by default as long
++     as the `configure' script finds a Fortran compiler on your system.
++   * `--with-gcc' Enables the use of `gcc'.  By default, FFTW uses the
++     vendor-supplied `cc' compiler if present.  Unfortunately, `gcc'
++     produces slower code than `cc' on many systems.
++   * `--enable-i386-hacks'  *Note gcc and Pentium hacks::, below.
++   * `--enable-pentium-timer'  *Note gcc and Pentium hacks::, below.
++   To force `configure' to use a particular C compiler (instead of the default,
++usually `cc'), set the environment variable `CC' to the name of the
++desired compiler before running `configure'; you may also need to set
++the flags via the variable `CFLAGS'.  
++   ---------- Footnotes ----------
++   (1) Each version of `cc' seems to have its own magic incantation to
++get the fastest code most of the time--you'd think that people would
++have agreed upon some convention, e.g. "`-Omax'", by now.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Installation on non-Unix Systems,  Next: Installing FFTW in both single and double precision,  Prev: Installation on Unix,  Up: Installation and Customization
++6.2 Installation on non-Unix Systems
++It is quite straightforward to install FFTW even on non-Unix systems
++lacking the niceties of the `configure' script.  The FFTW Home Page may
++include some FFTW packages preconfigured for particular
++systems/compilers, and also contains installation notes sent in by users.
++All you really need to do, though, is to compile all of the `.c' files
++in the appropriate directories of the FFTW package.  (You needn't worry
++about the many extraneous files lying around.)
++   For the complex transforms, compile all of the `.c' files in the
++`fftw' directory and link them into a library.  Similarly, for the real
++transforms, compile all of the `.c' files in the `rfftw' directory into
++a library.  Note that these sources `#include' various files in the
++`fftw' and `rfftw' directories, so you may need to set up the
++`#include' paths for your compiler appropriately.  Be sure to enable
++the highest-possible level of optimization in your compiler.
++   By default, FFTW is compiled for double-precision transforms.  To
++work in single precision rather than double precision, `#define' the
++symbol `FFTW_ENABLE_FLOAT' in `fftw.h' (in the `fftw' directory) and
++(re)compile FFTW.
++   These libraries should be linked with any program that uses the
++corresponding transforms.  The required header files, `fftw.h' and
++`rfftw.h', are located in the `fftw' and `rfftw' directories
++respectively; you may want to put them with the libraries, or wherever
++header files normally go on your system.
++   FFTW includes test programs, `fftw_test' and `rfftw_test', in the
++`tests' directory.  These are compiled and linked like any program
++using FFTW, except that they use additional header files located in the
++`fftw' and `rfftw' directories, so you will need to set your compiler
++`#include' paths appropriately.  `fftw_test' is compiled from
++`fftw_test.c' and `test_main.c', while `rfftw_test' is compiled from
++`rfftw_test.c' and `test_main.c'.  When you run these programs, you
++will be prompted interactively for various possible tests to perform;
++see also `tests/README' for more information.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Installing FFTW in both single and double precision,  Next: gcc and Pentium hacks,  Prev: Installation on non-Unix Systems,  Up: Installation and Customization
++6.3 Installing FFTW in both single and double precision
++It is often useful to install both single- and double-precision versions
++of the FFTW libraries on the same machine, and we provide a convenient
++mechanism for achieving this on Unix systems.
++   When the `--enable-type-prefix' option of configure is used, the
++FFTW libraries and header files are installed with a prefix of `d' or
++`s', depending upon whether you compiled in double or single precision.
++Then, instead of linking your program with `-lrfftw -lfftw', for
++example, you would link with `-ldrfftw -ldfftw' to use the
++double-precision version or with `-lsrfftw -lsfftw' to use the
++single-precision version.  Also, you would `#include' `<drfftw.h>' or
++`<srfftw.h>' instead of `<rfftw.h>', and so on.
++   _The names of FFTW functions, data types, and constants remain
++unchanged!_  You still call, for instance, `fftw_one' and not
++`dfftw_one'.  Only the names of header files and libraries are
++modified.  One consequence of this is that _you cannot use both the
++single- and double-precision FFTW libraries in the same program,
++simultaneously,_ as the function names would conflict.
++   So, to install both the single- and double-precision libraries on the
++same machine, you would do:
++     ./configure --enable-type-prefix [ other options ]
++     make
++     make install
++     make clean
++     ./configure --enable-float --enable-type-prefix [ other options ]
++     make
++     make install
++File: fftw.info,  Node: gcc and Pentium hacks,  Next: Customizing the timer,  Prev: Installing FFTW in both single and double precision,  Up: Installation and Customization
++6.4 `gcc' and Pentium hacks
++The `configure' option `--enable-i386-hacks' enables specific
++optimizations for the Pentium and later x86 CPUs under gcc, which can
++significantly improve performance of double-precision transforms.
++Specifically, we have tested these hacks on Linux with `gcc' 2.[789]
++and versions of `egcs' since 1.0.3.  These optimizations affect only
++the performance and not the correctness of FFTW (i.e. it is always safe
++to try them out).
++   These hacks provide a workaround to the incorrect alignment of local
++`double' variables in `gcc'.  The compiler aligns these variables to
++multiples of 4 bytes, but execution is much faster (on Pentium and
++PentiumPro) if `double's are aligned to a multiple of 8 bytes.  By
++carefully counting the number of variables allocated by the compiler in
++performance-critical regions of the code, we have been able to
++introduce dummy allocations (using `alloca') that align the stack
++properly.  The hack depends crucially on the compiler flags that are
++used.  For example, it won't work without `-fomit-frame-pointer'.
++   In principle, these hacks are no longer required under `gcc'
++versions 2.95 and later, which automatically align the stack correctly
++(see `-mpreferred-stack-boundary' in the `gcc' manual).  However, we
++have encountered a bug
++(http://egcs.cygnus.com/ml/gcc-bugs/1999-11/msg00259.html) in the stack
++alignment of versions 2.95.[012] that causes FFTW's stack to be
++misaligned under some circumstances.  The `configure' script
++automatically detects this bug and disables `gcc''s stack alignment in
++favor of our own hacks when `--enable-i386-hacks' is used.
++   The `fftw_test' program outputs speed measurements that you can use
++to see if these hacks are beneficial.  
++   The `configure' option `--enable-pentium-timer' enables the use of
++the Pentium and PentiumPro cycle counter for timing purposes.  In order
++to get correct results, you must define `FFTW_CYCLES_PER_SEC' in
++`fftw/config.h' to be the clock speed of your processor; the resulting
++FFTW library will be nonportable.  The use of this option is
++deprecated.  On serious operating systems (such as Linux), FFTW uses
++`gettimeofday()', which has enough resolution and is portable.  (Note
++that Win32 has its own high-resolution timing routines as well.  FFTW
++contains unsupported code to use these routines.)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Customizing the timer,  Next: Generating your own code,  Prev: gcc and Pentium hacks,  Up: Installation and Customization
++6.5 Customizing the timer
++FFTW needs a reasonably-precise clock in order to find the optimal way
++to compute a transform.  On Unix systems, `configure' looks for
++`gettimeofday' and other system-specific timers.  If it does not find
++any high resolution clock, it defaults to using the `clock()' function,
++which is very portable, but forces FFTW to run for a long time in order
++to get reliable measurements.  
++   If your machine supports a high-resolution clock not recognized by
++FFTW, it is therefore advisable to use it.  You must edit
++`fftw/fftw-int.h'.  There are a few macros you must redefine.  The code
++is documented and should be self-explanatory.  (By the way, `fftw-int'
++stands for `fftw-internal', but for some inexplicable reason people are
++still using primitive systems with 8.3 filenames.)
++   Even if you don't install high-resolution timing code, we still
++recommend that you look at the `FFTW_TIME_MIN' constant in `fftw/fftw-int.h'.
++This constant holds the minimum time interval (in seconds) required to
++get accurate timing measurements, and should be (at least) several
++hundred times the resolution of your clock.  The default constants are
++on the conservative side, and may cause FFTW to take longer than
++necessary when you create a plan. Set `FFTW_TIME_MIN' to whatever is
++appropriate on your system (be sure to set the _right_
++`FFTW_TIME_MIN'...there are several definitions in `fftw-int.h',
++corresponding to different platforms and timers).
++   As an aid in checking the resolution of your clock, you can use the
++`tests/fftw_test' program with the `-t' option (c.f. `tests/README').
++Remember, the mere fact that your clock reports times in, say,
++picoseconds, does not mean that it is actually _accurate_ to that
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Generating your own code,  Prev: Customizing the timer,  Up: Installation and Customization
++6.6 Generating your own code
++If you know that you will only use transforms of a certain size (say,
++powers of 2) and want to reduce the size of the library, you can
++reconfigure FFTW to support only those sizes you are interested in.  You
++may even generate code to enable efficient transforms of a size not
++supported by the default distribution.  The default distribution
++supports transforms of any size, but not all sizes are equally fast.
++The default installation of FFTW is best at handling sizes of the form
++2^a 3^b 5^c 7^d 11^e 13^f, where e+f is either 0 or 1, and the other
++exponents are arbitrary.  Other sizes are computed by means of a slow,
++general-purpose routine.  However, if you have an application that
++requires fast transforms of size, say, `17', there is a way to generate
++specialized code to handle that.
++   The directory `gensrc' contains all the programs and scripts that
++were used to generate FFTW.  In particular, the program
++`gensrc/genfft.ml' was used to generate the code that FFTW uses to
++compute the transforms.  We do not expect casual users to use it.
++`genfft' is a rather sophisticated program that generates directed
++acyclic graphs of FFT algorithms and performs algebraic simplifications
++on them.  `genfft' is written in Objective Caml, a dialect of ML.
++Objective Caml is described at `http://pauillac.inria.fr/ocaml/' and
++can be downloaded from from `ftp://ftp.inria.fr/lang/caml-light'.  
++   If you have Objective Caml installed, you can type `sh bootstrap.sh'
++in the top-level directory to re-generate the files.  If you change the
++`gensrc/config' file, you can optimize FFTW for sizes that are not
++currently supported efficiently (say, 17 or 19).
++   We do not provide more details about the code-generation process,
++since we do not expect that users will need to generate their own code.
++However, feel free to contact us at <fftw at fftw.org> if you are
++interested in the subject.
++   You might find it interesting to learn Caml and/or some modern
++programming techniques that we used in the generator (including monadic
++programming), especially if you heard the rumor that Java and
++object-oriented programming are the latest advancement in the field.
++The internal operation of the codelet generator is described in the
++paper, "A Fast Fourier Transform Compiler," by M. Frigo, which is
++available from the FFTW home page (http://www.fftw.org) and will appear
++in the `Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming
++Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)'.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Acknowledgments,  Next: License and Copyright,  Prev: Installation and Customization,  Up: Top
++7 Acknowledgments
++Matteo Frigo was supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research
++Projects Agency (DARPA) under Grants N00014-94-1-0985 and
++F30602-97-1-0270, and by a Digital Equipment Corporation Fellowship.
++Steven G. Johnson was supported in part by a DoD NDSEG Fellowship, an
++MIT Karl Taylor Compton Fellowship, and by the Materials Research
++Science and Engineering Center program of the National Science
++Foundation under award DMR-9400334.
++   Both authors were also supported in part by their respective
++girlfriends, by the letters "Q" and "R", and by the number 12.  
++   We are grateful to SUN Microsystems Inc. for its donation of a
++cluster of 9 8-processor Ultra HPC 5000 SMPs (24 Gflops peak). These
++machines served as the primary platform for the development of earlier
++versions of FFTW.
++   We thank Intel Corporation for donating a four-processor Pentium Pro
++machine.  We thank the Linux community for giving us a decent OS to run
++on that machine.
++   The `genfft' program was written using Objective Caml, a dialect of
++ML.  Objective Caml is a small and elegant language developed by Xavier
++Leroy.  The implementation is available from `ftp.inria.fr' in the
++directory `lang/caml-light'.  We used versions 1.07 and 2.00 of the
++software.  In previous releases of FFTW, `genfft' was written in Caml
++Light, by the same authors.  An even earlier implementation of `genfft'
++was written in Scheme, but Caml is definitely better for this kind of
++   FFTW uses many tools from the GNU project, including `automake',
++`texinfo', and `libtool'.
++   Prof. Charles E. Leiserson of MIT provided continuous support and
++encouragement.  This program would not exist without him.  Charles also
++proposed the name "codelets" for the basic FFT blocks.
++   Prof. John D. Joannopoulos of MIT demonstrated continuing tolerance
++of Steven's "extra-curricular" computer-science activities.  Steven's
++chances at a physics degree would not exist without him.
++   Andrew Sterian contributed the Windows timing code.
++   Didier Miras reported a bug in the test procedure used in FFTW 1.2.
++We now use a completely different test algorithm by Funda Ergun that
++does not require a separate FFT program to compare against.
++   Wolfgang Reimer contributed the Pentium cycle counter and a few fixes
++that help portability.
++   Ming-Chang Liu uncovered a well-hidden bug in the complex transforms
++of FFTW 2.0 and supplied a patch to correct it.
++   The FFTW FAQ was written in `bfnn' (Bizarre Format With No Name) and
++formatted using the tools developed by Ian Jackson for the Linux FAQ.
++   _We are especially thankful to all of our users for their continuing
++support, feedback, and interest during our development of FFTW._
++File: fftw.info,  Node: License and Copyright,  Next: Concept Index,  Prev: Acknowledgments,  Up: Top
++8 License and Copyright
++FFTW is copyright (C) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
++   FFTW is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
++option) any later version.
++   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++General Public License for more details.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
++Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.  You can
++also find the GPL on the GNU web site
++   In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge FFTW and its authors in
++any program or publication in which you use FFTW.  (You are not
++_required_ to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether
++you want to comply with this request or not.)
++   Non-free versions of FFTW are available under terms different than
++the General Public License. (e.g. they do not require you to accompany
++any object code using FFTW with the corresponding source code.)  For
++these alternate terms you must purchase a license from MIT's Technology
++Licensing Office.  Users interested in such a license should contact us
++(<fftw at fftw.org>) for more information.
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Concept Index,  Next: Library Index,  Prev: License and Copyright,  Up: Top
++9 Concept Index
++ [index ]
++* Menu:
++* algorithm:                             Introduction.        (line  90)
++* benchfft:                              Introduction.        (line  29)
++* benchmark <1>:                         gcc and Pentium hacks.
++                                                              (line  35)
++* benchmark <2>:                         MPI Tips.            (line  28)
++* benchmark <3>:                         How Many Threads to Use?.
++                                                              (line  28)
++* benchmark:                             Introduction.        (line  29)
++* blocking:                              Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 111)
++* C multi-dimensional arrays:            Static Arrays in C.  (line   6)
++* Caml <1>:                              Acknowledgments.     (line  33)
++* Caml:                                  Generating your own code.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* Cilk <1>:                              Parallel FFTW.       (line  32)
++* Cilk:                                  Introduction.        (line  71)
++* clock:                                 Customizing the timer.
++                                                              (line  11)
++* code generator <1>:                    Generating your own code.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* code generator:                        Introduction.        (line  61)
++* column-major <1>:                      Fortran Examples.    (line  98)
++* column-major <2>:                      Wrapper Routines.    (line  42)
++* column-major:                          Column-major Format. (line   6)
++* compiler <1>:                          gcc and Pentium hacks.
++                                                              (line  15)
++* compiler <2>:                          Installation on non-Unix Systems.
++                                                              (line   9)
++* compiler <3>:                          Installation on Unix.
++                                                              (line  76)
++* compiler <4>:                          Installation and Customization.
++                                                              (line  12)
++* compiler <5>:                          Calling FFTW from Fortran.
++                                                              (line  14)
++* compiler:                              Introduction.        (line  80)
++* compiler flags:                        Installation on Unix.
++                                                              (line  25)
++* complex multi-dimensional transform <1>: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* complex multi-dimensional transform:   Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* complex number:                        Data Types.          (line   6)
++* complex one-dimensional transform:     Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* complex to real transform <1>:         Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   9)
++* complex to real transform:             Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* complex transform:                     Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* configure <1>:                         Installing FFTW in both single and double precision.
++                                                              (line  10)
++* configure <2>:                         Installation on Unix.
++                                                              (line   7)
++* configure <3>:                         MPI FFTW Installation.
++                                                              (line  11)
++* configure <4>:                         Installation and Supported Hardware/Software.
++                                                              (line  12)
++* configure:                             Data Types.          (line  54)
++* convolution:                           Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  96)
++* cyclic convolution:                    Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  96)
++* Discrete Fourier Transform <1>:        What RFFTWND Really Computes.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* Discrete Fourier Transform <2>:        What RFFTW Really Computes.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* Discrete Fourier Transform <3>:        What FFTWND Really Computes.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* Discrete Fourier Transform:            What FFTW Really Computes.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* distributed array format <1>:          Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  50)
++* distributed array format <2>:          Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  96)
++* distributed array format:              MPI Data Layout.     (line   6)
++* distributed memory <1>:                MPI Data Layout.     (line   6)
++* distributed memory <2>:                MPI FFTW.            (line  10)
++* distributed memory:                    Parallel FFTW.       (line  22)
++* Ecclesiastes:                          Caveats in Using Wisdom.
++                                                              (line   7)
++* executor:                              Introduction.        (line  39)
++* FFTW:                                  Introduction.        (line  16)
++* FFTWND:                                Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   8)
++* flags <1>:                             FFTW Constants in Fortran.
++                                                              (line  35)
++* flags <2>:                             Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  29)
++* flags <3>:                             rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  64)
++* flags <4>:                             rfftw_create_plan.   (line  53)
++* flags <5>:                             fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  88)
++* flags <6>:                             fftw_create_plan.    (line  55)
++* flags <7>:                             Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  24)
++* flags:                                 Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  35)
++* floating-point precision <1>:          Installing FFTW in both single and double precision.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* floating-point precision <2>:          Installation on non-Unix Systems.
++                                                              (line  22)
++* floating-point precision <3>:          Installation on Unix.
++                                                              (line  41)
++* floating-point precision <4>:          Wrapper Routines.    (line  50)
++* floating-point precision:              Data Types.          (line  50)
++* Fortran-callable wrappers <1>:         Installation on Unix.
++                                                              (line  61)
++* Fortran-callable wrappers <2>:         Calling FFTW from Fortran.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* Fortran-callable wrappers:             Column-major Format. (line  18)
++* frequency <1>:                         What FFTW Really Computes.
++                                                              (line  17)
++* frequency <2>:                         Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  54)
++* frequency:                             Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  64)
++* gettimeofday:                          Customizing the timer.
++                                                              (line  11)
++* girlfriends:                           Acknowledgments.     (line  15)
++* halfcomplex array <1>:                 Data Types.          (line   6)
++* halfcomplex array:                     Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  11)
++* hermitian array <1>:                   What RFFTWND Really Computes.
++                                                              (line  15)
++* hermitian array:                       Data Types.          (line  38)
++* in-place transform <1>:                Wrapper Routines.    (line  33)
++* in-place transform <2>:                Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  75)
++* in-place transform <3>:                Tips for Optimal Threading.
++                                                              (line  18)
++* in-place transform <4>:                Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  25)
++* in-place transform <5>:                rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  77)
++* in-place transform <6>:                fftwnd.              (line  49)
++* in-place transform <7>:                fftw.                (line  44)
++* in-place transform <8>:                fftw_create_plan.    (line  69)
++* in-place transform:                    Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  28)
++* installation:                          Installation and Customization.
++                                                              (line  21)
++* linking on Unix <1>:                   Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  78)
++* linking on Unix <2>:                   Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 134)
++* linking on Unix <3>:                   Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 117)
++* linking on Unix <4>:                   Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  85)
++* linking on Unix <5>:                   Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  99)
++* linking on Unix:                       Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  72)
++* LISP <1>:                              Acknowledgments.     (line  33)
++* LISP:                                  Importing and Exporting Wisdom.
++                                                              (line  36)
++* load-balancing:                        MPI Tips.            (line   9)
++* malloc <1>:                            Memory Allocator Reference.
++                                                              (line  10)
++* malloc:                                Dynamic Arrays in C. (line  15)
++* ML:                                    Generating your own code.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* monadic programming:                   Generating your own code.
++                                                              (line  39)
++* MPI <1>:                               Installation on Unix.
++                                                              (line  56)
++* MPI <2>:                               MPI FFTW.            (line   6)
++* MPI <3>:                               Parallel FFTW.       (line  22)
++* MPI:                                   Introduction.        (line  67)
++* MPI_Alltoall <1>:                      Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  48)
++* MPI_Alltoall <2>:                      Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  91)
++* MPI_Alltoall:                          MPI FFTW Installation.
++                                                              (line  23)
++* MPI_Barrier:                           Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 111)
++* MPI_COMM_WORLD <1>:                    Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  23)
++* MPI_COMM_WORLD:                        Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  57)
++* MPI_Finalize:                          Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  38)
++* MPI_Init:                              Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  38)
++* multi-dimensional transform <1>:       Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* multi-dimensional transform <2>:       Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* multi-dimensional transform:           Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* n_fields <1>:                          Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  40)
++* n_fields:                              Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  79)
++* nerd-readable text:                    Importing and Exporting Wisdom.
++                                                              (line  36)
++* normalization <1>:                     Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 103)
++* normalization <2>:                     What RFFTW Really Computes.
++                                                              (line  24)
++* normalization <3>:                     What FFTW Really Computes.
++                                                              (line  13)
++* normalization <4>:                     Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  89)
++* normalization <5>:                     Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  68)
++* normalization <6>:                     Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  58)
++* normalization:                         Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  69)
++* number of threads <1>:                 How Many Threads to Use?.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* number of threads:                     Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  64)
++* out-of-place transform:                Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  28)
++* padding <1>:                           Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  94)
++* padding <2>:                           Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  25)
++* padding:                               Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  68)
++* parallel transform <1>:                Parallel FFTW.       (line   6)
++* parallel transform:                    Introduction.        (line  67)
++* Pentium hack:                          gcc and Pentium hacks.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* plan <1>:                              Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  44)
++* plan <2>:                              Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  21)
++* plan:                                  Introduction.        (line  36)
++* planner:                               Introduction.        (line  37)
++* power spectrum:                        Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  77)
++* rank:                                  Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   7)
++* real multi-dimensional transform <1>:  Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* real multi-dimensional transform:      Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* real number:                           Data Types.          (line   6)
++* real transform <1>:                    Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   9)
++* real transform:                        Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* RFFTW <1>:                             Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   9)
++* RFFTW:                                 Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* RFFTWND:                               Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference.
++                                                              (line   9)
++* rfftwnd array format <1>:              Fortran Examples.    (line  98)
++* rfftwnd array format <2>:              Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  96)
++* rfftwnd array format <3>:              Strides in In-place RFFTWND.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* rfftwnd array format <4>:              Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* rfftwnd array format:                  Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  51)
++* row-major <1>:                         MPI Data Layout.     (line  91)
++* row-major <2>:                         fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  65)
++* row-major <3>:                         Row-major Format.    (line   6)
++* row-major:                             Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line 145)
++* saving plans to disk:                  Words of Wisdom.     (line   6)
++* slab decomposition:                    MPI Data Layout.     (line  14)
++* specific planner:                      Discussion on Specific Plans.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* stride <1>:                            Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  79)
++* stride <2>:                            Strides in In-place RFFTWND.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* stride <3>:                            rfftwnd.             (line  52)
++* stride <4>:                            rfftw.               (line  18)
++* stride <5>:                            fftwnd.              (line  20)
++* stride <6>:                            fftw.                (line  19)
++* stride:                                Row-major Format.    (line  25)
++* thread safety <1>:                     Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* thread safety:                         Thread safety.       (line   6)
++* threads <1>:                           Installation on Unix.
++                                                              (line  51)
++* threads <2>:                           Multi-threaded FFTW. (line   6)
++* threads <3>:                           Parallel FFTW.       (line  13)
++* threads <4>:                           Thread safety.       (line   6)
++* threads:                               Introduction.        (line  67)
++* timer, customization of:               Customizing the timer.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* Tutorial:                              Tutorial.            (line   6)
++* wisdom <1>:                            Wisdom Reference.    (line  12)
++* wisdom <2>:                            rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  88)
++* wisdom <3>:                            fftwnd_create_plan.  (line 109)
++* wisdom <4>:                            fftw_create_plan.    (line  95)
++* wisdom:                                Words of Wisdom.     (line   6)
++* wisdom, import and export:             Importing and Exporting Wisdom.
++                                                              (line   6)
++* wisdom, problems with:                 Caveats in Using Wisdom.
++                                                              (line   6)
++File: fftw.info,  Node: Library Index,  Prev: Concept Index,  Up: Top
++10 Library Index
++ [index ]
++* Menu:
++* fftw:                                  fftw.                (line  14)
++* fftw2d_create_plan <1>:                fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftw2d_create_plan:                    Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  40)
++* fftw2d_create_plan_specific:           fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftw2d_mpi_create_plan:                Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  50)
++* fftw3d_create_plan <1>:                fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftw3d_create_plan:                    Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  40)
++* fftw3d_create_plan_specific:           fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftw3d_f77_create_plan:                Fortran Examples.    (line  64)
++* fftw3d_mpi_create_plan:                Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  54)
++* FFTW_BACKWARD:                         Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  31)
++* FFTW_COMPLEX:                          Data Types.          (line  59)
++* fftw_complex <1>:                      Data Types.          (line  23)
++* fftw_complex:                          Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  61)
++* FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL <1>:              Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 102)
++* FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL <2>:              rfftw_create_plan.   (line  51)
++* FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL:                  Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  34)
++* fftw_create_plan <1>:                  fftw_create_plan.    (line  15)
++* fftw_create_plan:                      Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  26)
++* fftw_create_plan_specific:             fftw_create_plan.    (line  15)
++* fftw_destroy_plan <1>:                 fftw_destroy_plan.   (line   9)
++* fftw_destroy_plan:                     Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  48)
++* fftw_direction <1>:                    rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  16)
++* fftw_direction <2>:                    fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftw_direction <3>:                    fftw_create_plan.    (line  15)
++* fftw_direction <4>:                    Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  30)
++* fftw_direction <5>:                    Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  16)
++* fftw_direction:                        Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  26)
++* FFTW_ENABLE_FLOAT:                     Data Types.          (line  54)
++* FFTW_ESTIMATE:                         Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  40)
++* fftw_export_wisdom <1>:                fftw_export_wisdom.  (line  11)
++* fftw_export_wisdom:                    Words of Wisdom.     (line  30)
++* fftw_export_wisdom_to_file <1>:        fftw_export_wisdom.  (line  11)
++* fftw_export_wisdom_to_file:            Importing and Exporting Wisdom.
++                                                              (line   8)
++* fftw_export_wisdom_to_string <1>:      fftw_export_wisdom.  (line  11)
++* fftw_export_wisdom_to_string:          Importing and Exporting Wisdom.
++                                                              (line  20)
++* fftw_f77_create_plan:                  Fortran Examples.    (line  25)
++* fftw_f77_destroy_plan:                 Fortran Examples.    (line  25)
++* fftw_f77_one <1>:                      Fortran Examples.    (line  25)
++* fftw_f77_one:                          Wrapper Routines.    (line  14)
++* fftw_f77_threads_one:                  Fortran Examples.    (line  35)
++* fftw_forget_wisdom:                    fftw_forget_wisdom.  (line   9)
++* FFTW_FORWARD:                          Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  31)
++* fftw_free_hook:                        Memory Allocator Reference.
++                                                              (line  10)
++* fftw_import_wisdom <1>:                fftw_import_wisdom.  (line  11)
++* fftw_import_wisdom:                    Words of Wisdom.     (line  39)
++* fftw_import_wisdom_from_file <1>:      fftw_import_wisdom.  (line  11)
++* fftw_import_wisdom_from_file:          Importing and Exporting Wisdom.
++                                                              (line   8)
++* fftw_import_wisdom_from_string <1>:    fftw_import_wisdom.  (line  11)
++* fftw_import_wisdom_from_string:        Importing and Exporting Wisdom.
++                                                              (line  20)
++* FFTW_IN_PLACE:                         Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  24)
++* fftw_malloc:                           Memory Allocator Reference.
++                                                              (line  10)
++* fftw_malloc_hook:                      Memory Allocator Reference.
++                                                              (line  10)
++* FFTW_MEASURE:                          Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  36)
++* fftw_mpi:                              Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  39)
++* fftw_mpi_create_plan:                  Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  19)
++* fftw_mpi_destroy_plan:                 Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  25)
++* fftw_mpi_local_sizes:                  Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  58)
++* fftw_mpi_plan:                         Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  19)
++* fftw_mpi_test <1>:                     MPI Tips.            (line  28)
++* fftw_mpi_test:                         MPI FFTW Installation.
++                                                              (line  26)
++* FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER:                     Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  97)
++* fftw_one <1>:                          fftw.                (line  14)
++* fftw_one:                              Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  54)
++* FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE:                     fftw_create_plan.    (line  67)
++* fftw_plan <1>:                         fftw_create_plan.    (line  15)
++* fftw_plan:                             Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  26)
++* FFTW_REAL:                             Data Types.          (line  59)
++* fftw_real:                             Data Types.          (line  23)
++* FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX <1>:              rfftw_create_plan.   (line  51)
++* FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX:                  Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  34)
++* FFTW_SCRAMBLED_INPUT:                  Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  29)
++* FFTW_SCRAMBLED_OUTPUT:                 Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  29)
++* fftw_test <1>:                         gcc and Pentium hacks.
++                                                              (line  35)
++* fftw_test:                             Installation on non-Unix Systems.
++                                                              (line  33)
++* fftw_threads:                          Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  32)
++* fftw_threads_init:                     Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  19)
++* fftw_threads_one:                      Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  34)
++* fftw_threads_test:                     How Many Threads to Use?.
++                                                              (line  20)
++* FFTW_THREADSAFE:                       Thread safety.       (line  32)
++* FFTW_TIME_MIN:                         Customizing the timer.
++                                                              (line  21)
++* FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER <1>:             MPI Tips.            (line  17)
++* FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER <2>:             Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 102)
++* FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER <3>:             MPI Data Layout.     (line  55)
++* FFTW_TRANSPOSED_ORDER:                 Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  97)
++* FFTW_USE_WISDOM:                       Words of Wisdom.     (line  26)
++* fftwnd <1>:                            fftwnd.              (line  14)
++* fftwnd:                                Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  24)
++* fftwnd_create_plan <1>:                fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftwnd_create_plan:                    Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  16)
++* fftwnd_create_plan_specific:           fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftwnd_destroy_plan <1>:               fftwnd_destroy_plan. (line   9)
++* fftwnd_destroy_plan:                   Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  43)
++* fftwnd_f77_create_plan:                Fortran Examples.    (line  62)
++* fftwnd_f77_destroy_plan:               Fortran Examples.    (line  62)
++* fftwnd_f77_one:                        Fortran Examples.    (line  62)
++* fftwnd_mpi:                            Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  72)
++* fftwnd_mpi_create_plan:                Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  54)
++* fftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan:               Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 109)
++* fftwnd_mpi_local_sizes:                MPI Data Layout.     (line  34)
++* fftwnd_mpi_plan:                       Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  50)
++* fftwnd_one <1>:                        fftwnd.              (line  14)
++* fftwnd_one:                            Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  49)
++* fftwnd_plan <1>:                       fftwnd_create_plan.  (line  33)
++* fftwnd_plan:                           Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  16)
++* fftwnd_threads:                        Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  37)
++* fftwnd_threads_one:                    Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  39)
++* genfft <1>:                            Acknowledgments.     (line  33)
++* genfft:                                Generating your own code.
++                                                              (line  27)
++* rfftw:                                 rfftw.               (line  13)
++* rfftw2d_create_plan <1>:               Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 130)
++* rfftw2d_create_plan <2>:               rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  16)
++* rfftw2d_create_plan:                   Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  27)
++* rfftw2d_f77_create_plan:               Fortran Examples.    (line  93)
++* rfftw3d_create_plan <1>:               rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  16)
++* rfftw3d_create_plan:                   Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  27)
++* rfftw3d_mpi_create_plan:               Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  40)
++* rfftw_create_plan <1>:                 rfftw_create_plan.   (line  13)
++* rfftw_create_plan:                     Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  30)
++* rfftw_create_plan_specific:            rfftw_create_plan.   (line  13)
++* rfftw_destroy_plan <1>:                rfftw_destroy_plan.  (line   9)
++* rfftw_destroy_plan:                    Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  39)
++* rfftw_f77_create_plan:                 Fortran Examples.    (line  80)
++* rfftw_f77_destroy_plan:                Fortran Examples.    (line  80)
++* rfftw_f77_one:                         Fortran Examples.    (line  80)
++* rfftw_mpi_test <1>:                    MPI Tips.            (line  35)
++* rfftw_mpi_test:                        MPI FFTW Installation.
++                                                              (line  26)
++* rfftw_one <1>:                         rfftw.               (line  13)
++* rfftw_one:                             Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  45)
++* rfftw_plan <1>:                        rfftw_create_plan.   (line  13)
++* rfftw_plan:                            Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  30)
++* rfftw_test:                            Installation on non-Unix Systems.
++                                                              (line  33)
++* rfftw_threads:                         Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  42)
++* rfftw_threads_one:                     Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  44)
++* rfftw_threads_test:                    How Many Threads to Use?.
++                                                              (line  20)
++* rfftwnd_complex_to_real:               rfftwnd.             (line  19)
++* rfftwnd_create_plan <1>:               Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line 130)
++* rfftwnd_create_plan <2>:               rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  16)
++* rfftwnd_create_plan:                   Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  21)
++* rfftwnd_destroy_plan:                  rfftwnd_destroy_plan.
++                                                              (line   9)
++* rfftwnd_f77_destroy_plan:              Fortran Examples.    (line  93)
++* rfftwnd_f77_one_real_to_complex:       Fortran Examples.    (line  93)
++* rfftwnd_mpi:                           Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  64)
++* rfftwnd_mpi_destroy_plan:              Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  83)
++* rfftwnd_mpi_local_sizes:               Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms.
++                                                              (line  49)
++* rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real <1>:       rfftwnd.             (line  19)
++* rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real:           Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  41)
++* rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex <1>:       rfftwnd.             (line  19)
++* rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex:           Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  41)
++* rfftwnd_plan <1>:                      rfftwnd_create_plan. (line  16)
++* rfftwnd_plan:                          Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial.
++                                                              (line  21)
++* rfftwnd_real_to_complex:               rfftwnd.             (line  19)
++* rfftwnd_threads_complex_to_real:       Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  52)
++* rfftwnd_threads_one_complex_to_real:   Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  56)
++* rfftwnd_threads_one_real_to_complex:   Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  49)
++* rfftwnd_threads_real_to_complex:       Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW.
++                                                              (line  47)
+ Tag Table:
+-Node: Top871
+-Node: Introduction4285
+-Node: Tutorial10632
+-Node: Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial12861
+-Node: Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial16345
+-Node: Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial20047
+-Node: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial25049
+-Node: Multi-dimensional Array Format33192
+-Node: Row-major Format33886
+-Node: Column-major Format35224
+-Node: Static Arrays in C36201
+-Node: Dynamic Arrays in C36690
+-Node: Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way38118
+-Node: Words of Wisdom39864
+-Node: Caveats in Using Wisdom44513
+-Node: Importing and Exporting Wisdom46020
+-Node: FFTW Reference49529
+-Node: Data Types50878
+-Node: One-dimensional Transforms Reference53627
+-Node: fftw_create_plan54301
+-Node: Discussion on Specific Plans60245
+-Node: fftw61589
+-Node: fftw_destroy_plan64240
+-Node: What FFTW Really Computes64673
+-Node: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference66042
+-Node: fftwnd_create_plan66701
+-Node: fftwnd73511
+-Node: fftwnd_destroy_plan76476
+-Node: What FFTWND Really Computes76927
+-Node: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference77809
+-Node: rfftw_create_plan78628
+-Node: rfftw83538
+-Node: rfftw_destroy_plan86137
+-Node: What RFFTW Really Computes86592
+-Node: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference87982
+-Node: rfftwnd_create_plan88743
+-Node: rfftwnd93693
+-Node: Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms98154
+-Node: Strides in In-place RFFTWND100202
+-Node: rfftwnd_destroy_plan102594
+-Node: What RFFTWND Really Computes103077
+-Node: Wisdom Reference104015
+-Node: fftw_export_wisdom104281
+-Node: fftw_import_wisdom105928
+-Node: fftw_forget_wisdom107795
+-Node: Memory Allocator Reference108174
+-Node: Thread safety109257
+-Node: Parallel FFTW111170
+-Node: Multi-threaded FFTW113264
+-Node: Installation and Supported Hardware/Software114162
+-Node: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW115672
+-Node: How Many Threads to Use?119885
+-Node: Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program121551
+-Node: Tips for Optimal Threading122253
+-Node: MPI FFTW123868
+-Node: MPI FFTW Installation124710
+-Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms126508
+-Node: MPI Data Layout131630
+-Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms136825
+-Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms143243
+-Node: MPI Tips147774
+-Node: Calling FFTW from Fortran149766
+-Node: Wrapper Routines151194
+-Node: FFTW Constants in Fortran154536
+-Node: Fortran Examples156134
+-Node: Installation and Customization159823
+-Node: Installation on Unix161160
+-Node: Installation on non-Unix Systems165273
+-Node: Installing FFTW in both single and double precision167593
+-Node: gcc and Pentium hacks169277
+-Node: Customizing the timer171808
+-Node: Generating your own code173722
+-Node: Acknowledgments176371
+-Node: License and Copyright179226
+-Node: Concept Index180863
+-Node: Library Index194232
++Node: Top967
++Node: Introduction4377
++Node: Tutorial10733
++Node: Complex One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial12963
++Node: Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial16465
++Node: Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial20186
++Ref: Real One-dimensional Transforms Tutorial-Footnote-125033
++Node: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial25209
++Node: Multi-dimensional Array Format33354
++Node: Row-major Format34053
++Node: Column-major Format35402
++Node: Static Arrays in C36389
++Node: Dynamic Arrays in C36887
++Node: Dynamic Arrays in C-The Wrong Way38320
++Node: Words of Wisdom40070
++Node: Caveats in Using Wisdom44731
++Node: Importing and Exporting Wisdom46251
++Node: FFTW Reference49742
++Node: Data Types51087
++Node: One-dimensional Transforms Reference53837
++Node: fftw_create_plan54516
++Ref: fftw_create_plan-Footnote-160341
++Node: Discussion on Specific Plans60466
++Node: fftw61820
++Node: fftw_destroy_plan64470
++Node: What FFTW Really Computes64910
++Node: Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference66284
++Node: fftwnd_create_plan66950
++Ref: fftwnd_create_plan-Footnote-173372
++Node: fftwnd73744
++Node: fftwnd_destroy_plan76710
++Node: What FFTWND Really Computes77168
++Node: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference78059
++Ref: Real One-dimensional Transforms Reference-Footnote-178794
++Node: rfftw_create_plan78885
++Node: rfftw83801
++Node: rfftw_destroy_plan86405
++Node: What RFFTW Really Computes86867
++Node: Real Multi-dimensional Transforms Reference88260
++Node: rfftwnd_create_plan89028
++Node: rfftwnd93976
++Node: Array Dimensions for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms98437
++Node: Strides in In-place RFFTWND100493
++Node: rfftwnd_destroy_plan102895
++Node: What RFFTWND Really Computes103385
++Node: Wisdom Reference104332
++Node: fftw_export_wisdom104606
++Node: fftw_import_wisdom106260
++Node: fftw_forget_wisdom108134
++Node: Memory Allocator Reference108520
++Node: Thread safety109606
++Node: Parallel FFTW111524
++Node: Multi-threaded FFTW113625
++Node: Installation and Supported Hardware/Software114528
++Node: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW116048
++Ref: Usage of Multi-threaded FFTW-Footnote-1119916
++Node: How Many Threads to Use?120282
++Node: Using Multi-threaded FFTW in a Multi-threaded Program121959
++Node: Tips for Optimal Threading122669
++Node: MPI FFTW124304
++Node: MPI FFTW Installation125151
++Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms126959
++Node: MPI Data Layout132067
++Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Real Multi-dimensional Transforms137263
++Node: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms143645
++Ref: Usage of MPI FFTW for Complex One-dimensional Transforms-Footnote-1147833
++Node: MPI Tips148200
++Ref: MPI Tips-Footnote-1150048
++Node: Calling FFTW from Fortran150204
++Node: Wrapper Routines151634
++Ref: Wrapper Routines-Footnote-1154778
++Node: FFTW Constants in Fortran154981
++Node: Fortran Examples156564
++Node: Installation and Customization160246
++Node: Installation on Unix161586
++Ref: Installation on Unix-Footnote-1165507
++Node: Installation on non-Unix Systems165706
++Node: Installing FFTW in both single and double precision168030
++Node: gcc and Pentium hacks169719
++Node: Customizing the timer172257
++Node: Generating your own code174178
++Node: Acknowledgments176834
++Node: License and Copyright179694
++Node: Concept Index181332
++Node: Library Index204270
+ End Tag Table
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/FAQ/fftw-faq.bfnn
++++ fftw-2.1.3/FAQ/fftw-faq.bfnn
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ \endcopy
+ \copyto INFO
++INFO-DIR-SECTION Development
+ * FFTW FAQ: (fftw-faq). FFTW Frequently Asked Questions with Answers.
diff --git a/debian/patches/04_configure.dpatch b/debian/patches/04_configure.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc53a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/04_configure.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 04_configure by  <piem at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+ at DPATCH@
+--- fftw-2.1.3.orig/configure.in
++++ fftw-2.1.3/configure.in
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+ AC_INIT(fftw/planner.c)
+ AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(fftw, 2.1.3)
+ dnl This is the version info according to the libtool versioning system.
+ dnl It does *not* correspond to the release number.
+@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(float, [  --enable-float          compile fftw for single precision], enable_float=$enableval, enable_float=no)
+ if test "$enable_float" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(FFTW_ENABLE_FLOAT,1,[Compile fftw for single precision])
+ fi
+@@ -42,38 +43,39 @@
+         FFTW_PREFIX="$ok"
+ fi
+ FFTW_PREFIX1="xyz"
+ if test -n "$FFTW_PREFIX"; then
+ fi
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(i386-hacks, [  --enable-i386-hacks     enable gcc/x86 specific performance hacks], ok=$enableval, ok=no)
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(FFTW_ENABLE_I386_HACKS,1,[enable gcc/x86 specific performance hacks])
+ fi
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(pentium-timer, [  --enable-pentium-timer  enable high resolution Pentium timer], ok=$enableval, ok=no)
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(FFTW_ENABLE_PENTIUM_TIMER,1,[enable high resolution Pentium timer])
+ fi
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [  --enable-debug          compile fftw with extra runtime checks for debugging], ok=$enableval, ok=no)
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(FFTW_DEBUG,1,[Define to compile fftw with extra runtime checks for debugging])
+ fi
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug-alignment, [  --enable-debug-alignment          enable runtime checks for alignment on x86], ok=$enableval, ok=no)
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(FFTW_DEBUG_ALIGNMENT,1,[Define to enable runtime checks for alignement onx86])
+ fi
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(vec-recurse, [  --enable-vec-recurse    enable experimental performance hack], ok=$enableval, ok=no)
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(FFTW_ENABLE_VECTOR_RECURSE,1,[Define to enable experimental performance hack])
+ fi
+ dnl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@
+ AC_CHECK_PROG(PERL, perl, perl, echo perl)
+@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@
+ dnl -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Get the version number that will be appended to shared libraries:
+ SHARED_VERSION=`echo $SHARED_VERSION_INFO | awk -F':' '{ print $1 "." $3 "." $2 }'`
+@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@
+ 	if test "$enable_i386_hacks" = yes; then
+ 	if test "${acx_gcc_stack_align_bug-no}" = yes; then
+ 		# we are using a gcc with a stack alignment bug, and we should
+@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@
+ AC_TRY_LINK([#include <math.h>
+ ], if (!isnan(3.14159)) isnan(2.7183);, ok=yes, ok=no)
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ISNAN,1,[Have isnan])
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(${ok})
+@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@
+ #endif
+ ], [hrtime_t foobar;], ok=yes, ok=no)
+ if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++	AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HRTIME_T,1,[Have hrtime_t type])
+ fi
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(${ok})
+@@ -193,7 +195,7 @@
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(unsafe-mulmod, [  --enable-unsafe-mulmod  risk overflow for large prime sizes], enable_unsafe_mulmod=$enableval, enable_unsafe_mulmod=no)
+ if test "$enable_unsafe_mulmod" = "yes"; then
++        AC_DEFINE(FFTW_ENABLE_UNSAFE_MULMOD,1,[Risk overflow for large prime sizes])
+ fi
+@@ -218,7 +220,7 @@
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_LIB(pthreads, pthread_attr_init,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS="-lpthreads"
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_POSIX_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_POSIX_THREADS,1,[Using Posix threads])])
+ 	fi
+ 	# Normally (e.g. on Linux), POSIX threads are in -lpthread.
+ 	# We can't just use AC_CHECK_LIB, though, because DEC lossage
+@@ -233,7 +235,7 @@
+ 		LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+ 		if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
+ 			THREADLIBS="-lpthread"
++			AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_POSIX_THREADS,1,[Using Posix threads])
+ 		fi
+ 		AC_MSG_RESULT(${ok})
+ 	fi
+@@ -242,12 +244,12 @@
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_join,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS="-lpthread"
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_POSIX_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_POSIX_THREADS,1,[Using Posix threads])])
+ 	fi
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_FUNC(pthread_create,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS=" "
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_POSIX_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_POSIX_THREADS,1,[Using Posix threads])])
+ 	fi
+ 	if test -n "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		# detect AIX lossage: threads are created detached by default
+@@ -257,7 +259,7 @@
+                             [int attr=PTHREAD_CREATE_UNDETACHED;],
+                             ok=yes, ok=no)
+ 		if test "$ok" = "yes"; then
++		        AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PTHREAD_CREATE_UNDETACHED,1,[Have pthread create undetached])
+ 		fi
+ 		AC_MSG_RESULT(${ok})
+@@ -271,7 +273,7 @@
+ 		#  do this as well, especially if cc_r is not available.)
+ 		AC_MSG_CHECKING([if special flags are required for pthreads])
+ 		ok=no
+ 		case "${host_cpu}-${host_os}" in
+ 				 ok="-D_THREAD_SAFE";;
+@@ -284,32 +286,32 @@
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_LIB(thread, thr_create,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS="-lthread"
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_SOLARIS_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_SOLARIS_THREADS,1,[Using Solaris threads])])
+ 	fi
+ 	# Mach C threads:
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_FUNC(cthread_fork,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS=" "
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_MACH_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_MACH_THREADS,1,[Using Mach threads])])
+ 		AC_CHECK_HEADERS(mach/cthreads.h cthreads.h cthread.h)
+ 	fi
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_LIB(cthread, cthread_fork,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS="-lcthread"
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_MACH_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_MACH_THREADS,1,[Using Mach threads])])
+ 		AC_CHECK_HEADERS(mach/cthreads.h cthreads.h cthread.h)
+ 	fi
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_LIB(cthreads, cthread_fork,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS="-lcthreads"
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_MACH_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_MACH_THREADS,1,[Using Mach threads])])
+ 		AC_CHECK_HEADERS(mach/cthreads.h cthreads.h cthread.h)
+ 	fi
+ 	# BeOS threads:
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_FUNC(spawn_thread,
+ 		             [THREADLIBS=" "
+-                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_BEOS_THREADS)])
++                	      AC_DEFINE(FFTW_USING_BEOS_THREADS,1,[Using BeOS threads])])
+ 	fi
+ 	if test -z "$THREADLIBS"; then
+ 		AC_MSG_ERROR(couldn't find threads library for --enable-threads)
+@@ -335,9 +337,9 @@
+ if test "$enable_mpi" = "yes"; then
+ 	save_CC="$CC"
+ 	CC="$MPICC"
+-	if test -z "$MPILIBS"; then
+-	fi
++	#if test -z "$MPILIBS"; then
++	#fi
+ 	if test -z "$MPILIBS"; then
+ 		AC_CHECK_LIB(mpi, MPI_Init, [MPILIBS="-lmpi"])
+ 	fi
+@@ -352,7 +354,7 @@
+ 		AC_MSG_CHECKING([for MPI_Comm_f2c])
+ 		ok=yes
+ 		AC_TRY_LINK([#include <mpi.h>
+-		], MPI_Comm_f2c(0);, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MPI_COMM_F2C), ok=no)
++		], MPI_Comm_f2c(0);, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MPI_COMM_F2C,1,[Have MPI_Comm_f2c]), ok=no)
+ 		AC_MSG_RESULT($ok)
+ 	fi
+ 	CC="$save_CC"
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index d299118..296107d 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
+include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
 ARCHITECTURE := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH)
 DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE  ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
 DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)
@@ -20,8 +22,12 @@ endif
 build: build-arch build-indep
+autoreconf-stamp: patch-stamp 
+	autoreconf -f -i
+	touch autoreconf-stamp
 build-arch: build-arch-stamp
+build-arch-stamp: autoreconf-stamp 
 	# single precision
 	F77=gfortran CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure $(CONFFLAGS) --enable-float --enable-type-prefix $(ARCHCONFFLAGS)
@@ -29,7 +35,7 @@ build-arch-stamp:
 	#$(MAKE) -C tests check
 	./tests/fftw_test  -t -e -v -p 1024 -x 1
 	./tests/rfftw_test -t -e -v -p 1024 -x 1
-	$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=`pwd`/debian/tmp-single
+	$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp-single
 	$(MAKE) clean
 	# double precision
 	F77=gfortran CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure $(CONFFLAGS) $(ARCHCONFFLAGS)
@@ -37,25 +43,27 @@ build-arch-stamp:
 	#$(MAKE) -C tests check
 	./tests/fftw_test  -t -e -v -p 1024 -x 1
 	./tests/rfftw_test -t -e -v -p 1024 -x 1
-	$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=`pwd`/debian/tmp-double
+	$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp-double
 	touch build-arch-stamp
 build-indep: build-indep-stamp
+build-indep-stamp: autoreconf-stamp
 	# docs
+	F77=gfortran CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure $(CONFFLAGS) --enable-float --enable-type-prefix $(ARCHCONFFLAGS)
 	$(MAKE) -C doc
 	$(MAKE) -C doc html 
 	$(MAKE) -C FAQ 
 	touch build-indep-stamp
+clean: clean1st unpatch
-	rm -f build-arch-stamp build-indep-stamp
+	rm -f build-arch-stamp build-indep-stamp autoreconf-stamp
 	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
-	-$(MAKE) -k distclean
-	-$(MAKE) -C doc clean-local
-	-$(MAKE) -C FAQ clean 
+	[ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean
+	[ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) -C doc clean-local
+	[ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) -C FAQ clean 
 ifneq "$(wildcard /usr/share/misc/config.sub)" ""
 	cp -f /usr/share/misc/config.sub config.sub
@@ -75,10 +83,10 @@ install-indep:
 	dh_install -p fftw-docs doc/*.html usr/share/doc/fftw-docs/html
 	dh_install -p fftw-docs doc/*.gif usr/share/doc/fftw-docs/html
-	dh_install -p fftw-docs debian/mpi/Makefile usr/share/doc/fftw-docs/examples/mpi
-	for in in TOMS_transpose.h fftw_mpi_test.c rfftw_mpi_test.c sched.h test_sched.c test_transpose_mpi.c; do \
-		dh_install -p fftw-docs mpi/$$i usr/share/doc/fftw-docs/examples/mpi; \
-	done
+	dh_install -p fftw-docs debian/mpi/Makefile mpi/TOMS_transpose.h \
+		mpi/fftw_mpi_test.c mpi/rfftw_mpi_test.c mpi/sched.h \
+		mpi/test_sched.c mpi/test_transpose_mpi.c \
+		usr/share/doc/fftw-docs/examples/mpi
 	dh_install -p fftw-docs debian/tests/Makefile fftw/config.h fftw/fftw-int.h usr/share/doc/fftw-docs/examples/tests
 	for i in README fftw_test.c rfftw_test.c test_main.c test_main.h; do \
@@ -128,4 +136,4 @@ binary-arch: build-arch install-arch
 	$(MAKE) -f debian/rules DH_OPTIONS=-a binary-common
 binary: binary-arch binary-indep
-.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install install-indep install-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install install-indep install-arch patch unpatch clean1st autoreconf-stamp

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/fftw.git

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