[libvigraimpex] 29/30: Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.0+git20160211.167be93'
Daniel Stender
danstender-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Feb 14 00:55:33 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
danstender-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libvigraimpex.
commit 3613d3c9eaa82f3aa8c0b972395f8568c2fea8fe
Merge: 04f5114 a79bc3f
Author: Daniel Stender <debian at danielstender.com>
Date: Sun Feb 14 01:09:06 2016 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.0+git20160211.167be93'
Upstream version 1.10.0+git20160211.167be93
CMakeLists.txt | 86 +-
README.md | 3 +-
appveyor.yml | 22 +
config/FindHDF5.cmake | 91 ++-
config/FindVIGRANUMPY_DEPENDENCIES.cmake | 174 ++--
config/VigraDetectThreading.cmake | 22 +-
config/VigraSetDefaults.cmake | 34 +-
config/checkHDF5version.c | 8 +-
config/vigra-config.in | 14 +-
docsrc/makeFunctionIndex.py | 1 +
docsrc/tutorial.dxx | 10 +-
include/vigra/affine_registration_fft.hxx | 6 +-
include/vigra/config.hxx | 28 +-
include/vigra/config_version.hxx | 4 +-
include/vigra/hdf5impex.hxx | 881 +++++++++++----------
include/vigra/multi_blocking.hxx | 2 +-
include/vigra/multi_convolution.hxx | 16 +-
include/vigra/multi_histogram.hxx | 1 +
include/vigra/numpy_array.hxx | 39 +-
include/vigra/numpy_array_converters.hxx | 663 +++++++++++++---
include/vigra/numpy_array_taggedshape.hxx | 289 +++----
include/vigra/python_utility.hxx | 230 +++---
include/vigra/threading.hxx | 102 ++-
include/vigra/threadpool.hxx | 104 ++-
src/impex/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +-
src/impex/viff.cxx | 34 +-
test/blockwisealgorithms/CMakeLists.txt | 20 +-
test/checkUnitTests.py | 6 +-
test/correlation/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
test/multiarray/test_chunked.cxx | 391 ++++-----
test/registration/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
test/threadpool/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +-
test/threadpool/test.cxx | 19 +-
vigranumpy/docsrc/CMakeLists.txt | 18 +-
vigranumpy/docsrc/conf.py.cmake2.in | 6 +-
vigranumpy/docsrc/conf.py.in | 5 +-
vigranumpy/docsrc/index.rst | 257 +++---
vigranumpy/examples/VigraGraphs.ipynb | 619 ++++++++-------
vigranumpy/examples/blocking.py | 18 +-
vigranumpy/examples/gaussian_rank.py | 17 -
.../examples/graph_agglomerative_clustering.py | 1 +
vigranumpy/examples/graph_watersheds.py | 4 +-
vigranumpy/examples/grid_graph_shortestpath.py | 18 +-
vigranumpy/examples/merge_graph.py | 15 +-
vigranumpy/examples/non_local_mean_2d_color.py | 56 +-
vigranumpy/examples/rag_features.py | 19 -
vigranumpy/examples/shock_filter.py | 10 +-
vigranumpy/lib/CMakeLists.txt | 17 +-
vigranumpy/lib/__init__.py | 255 +++---
vigranumpy/lib/arraytypes.py | 37 +-
vigranumpy/lib/axistags.py | 75 +-
vigranumpy/lib/pyqt/imagewindow.py | 26 +-
vigranumpy/lib/pyqt/overlays.py | 3 +-
vigranumpy/lib/pyqt/viewer2svg.py | 4 +-
vigranumpy/lib/tagged_array.py | 101 +--
vigranumpy/lib/ufunc.py | 223 +++---
vigranumpy/src/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
vigranumpy/src/core/CMakeLists.txt | 56 +-
vigranumpy/src/core/axistags.cxx | 27 +-
vigranumpy/src/core/colors.cxx | 117 +--
vigranumpy/src/core/converters.cxx | 5 +-
vigranumpy/src/core/convolution.cxx | 287 +++----
vigranumpy/src/core/edgedetection.cxx | 128 +--
vigranumpy/src/core/geometry.cxx | 6 +-
vigranumpy/src/core/impex.cxx | 64 +-
vigranumpy/src/core/morphology.cxx | 726 +++++++----------
vigranumpy/src/core/multi_array_chunked.cxx | 184 ++++-
vigranumpy/src/core/pythonaccumulator.hxx | 13 +-
vigranumpy/src/core/segmentation.cxx | 375 +++------
vigranumpy/src/core/tensors.cxx | 831 +++++++++++--------
vigranumpy/src/core/vigranumpycore.cxx | 19 +-
vigranumpy/src/fourier/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +-
vigranumpy/test/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
vigranumpy/test/test1.py | 10 +-
vigranumpy/test/test2.py | 7 +-
vigranumpy/test/test3.py | 9 +-
vigranumpy/test/test4.py | 12 +-
vigranumpy/test/test_arraytypes.py | 53 +-
vigranumpy/test/test_color.py | 7 +-
vigranumpy/test/test_impex.py | 9 +-
vigranumpy/test/test_multidef.py | 582 ++++++++++++++
vigranumpy/test/test_rf.py | 6 +-
vigranumpy/test/test_segmentation.py | 7 +-
83 files changed, 5117 insertions(+), 3564 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libvigraimpex.git
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