[qhull] branch master updated (74bd2d9 -> c317d68)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
barak+git at pearlmutter.net
Mon Feb 15 00:30:43 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
bap pushed a change to branch master
in repository qhull.
from 74bd2d9 point to new upstream github repo
new d410e06 update uscan watch file
adds cac111e Imported Upstream version 2015.2
new ddd676c Merge tag 'upstream/2015.2'
new c317d68 forward port quilt patches, delete those that have been upstreamed
The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Announce.txt | 12 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 336 +-
CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake | 109 +
COPYING.txt | 2 +-
File_id.diz | 2 +-
Makefile | 515 ++-
README.txt | 347 +-
build/libqhull.vcproj | 58 +-
build/qconvex.vcproj | 28 +-
build/qdelaunay.vcproj | 28 +-
build/qhalf.vcproj | 28 +-
build/qhull-32.sln | 223 ++
build/qhull-64.sln | 223 ++
build/qhull.sln | 326 +-
build/qhull.vcproj | 38 +-
build/{libqhull_p.vcproj => qhull_p.vcproj} | 82 +-
build/{libqhull.vcproj => qhull_r.vcproj} | 150 +-
build/qhullcpp.vcproj | 123 +-
build/qhullstatic.vcproj | 74 +-
.../{qhullstatic_p.vcproj => qhullstatic_r.vcproj} | 144 +-
build/qhulltest.vcproj | 698 ----
build/qvoronoi.vcproj | 28 +-
build/rbox.vcproj | 28 +-
build/testqset.vcproj | 54 +-
build/{testqset.vcproj => testqset_r.vcproj} | 94 +-
build/user_eg.vcproj | 54 +-
build/user_eg2.vcproj | 54 +-
build/user_eg3.vcproj | 54 +-
config/Makefile-am-eg | 25 -
config/Makefile-am-html | 60 -
config/Makefile-am-libqhull | 103 -
config/Makefile-am-main | 29 -
config/Makefile.am | 14 -
config/README | 30 -
config/bootstrap.sh | 33 -
config/changelog | 128 -
config/configure.ac | 25 -
config/patches/00list | 2 -
config/patches/QHpointer.dpatch | 35 -
config/patches/make-new-msg.dpatch | 40 -
.../patches/0001-debianize-test-failure-msg.patch | 4 +-
.../{0003-QHpointer.patch => 0002-QHpointer.patch} | 4 +-
debian/patches/0002-format-string-security.patch | 40 -
debian/patches/0004-spelling.patch | 72 -
debian/patches/0005-man-macros.patch | 41 -
debian/patches/0006-cmake-LFS.patch | 143 -
debian/patches/series | 6 +-
debian/watch | 7 +-
eg/Qhull-go.bat | 36 +-
eg/make-vcproj.sh | 242 +-
eg/q_eg | 7 +-
eg/q_egtest | 7 +-
eg/q_test | 28 +-
eg/q_test-ok.txt | 2609 +++++++++----
eg/q_test.bat | 1332 +++----
eg/qhull-zip.sh | 112 +-
eg/qhulltest-ok.txt | 1272 +++---
html/index.htm | 273 +-
html/qconvex.htm | 12 +-
html/qdelau_f.htm | 8 +-
html/qdelaun.htm | 12 +-
html/qh-code.htm | 561 +--
html/qh-eg.htm | 8 +-
html/qh-faq.htm | 325 +-
html/qh-get.htm | 79 +-
html/qh-impre.htm | 46 +-
html/qh-optc.htm | 11 +-
html/qh-optf.htm | 311 +-
html/qh-optg.htm | 11 +-
html/qh-opto.htm | 16 +-
html/qh-optp.htm | 24 +-
html/qh-optq.htm | 32 +-
html/qh-optt.htm | 11 +-
html/qh-quick.htm | 16 +-
html/qhalf.htm | 89 +-
html/qhull-cpp.xml | 21 +-
html/qhull.htm | 14 +-
html/qhull.man | 11 +-
html/qhull.txt | 7 +-
html/qvoron_f.htm | 8 +-
html/qvoronoi.htm | 12 +-
html/rbox.htm | 9 +-
html/rbox.man | 3 +
html/rbox.txt | 4 +-
index.htm | 61 +-
qhull-2012.1-src-tgz.md5sum | 226 --
qhull-2015-src-7.2.0.tgz.md5sum | 268 ++
src/Changes.txt | 529 ++-
src/libqhull/DEPRECATED.txt | 29 +
src/libqhull/Makefile | 190 +-
src/libqhull/geom.c | 24 +-
src/libqhull/geom.h | 8 +-
src/libqhull/geom2.c | 57 +-
src/libqhull/global.c | 134 +-
src/libqhull/index.htm | 44 +-
src/libqhull/io.c | 130 +-
src/libqhull/io.h | 22 +-
src/libqhull/libqhull.c | 40 +-
src/libqhull/libqhull.h | 152 +-
src/libqhull/libqhull.pro | 59 +-
src/libqhull/mem.c | 155 +-
src/libqhull/mem.h | 21 +-
src/libqhull/merge.c | 55 +-
src/libqhull/merge.h | 10 +-
src/libqhull/poly.c | 64 +-
src/libqhull/poly.h | 23 +-
src/libqhull/poly2.c | 196 +-
src/libqhull/qh-geom.htm | 8 +-
src/libqhull/qh-globa.htm | 10 +-
src/libqhull/qh-io.htm | 8 +-
src/libqhull/qh-mem.htm | 10 +-
src/libqhull/qh-merge.htm | 8 +-
src/libqhull/qh-poly.htm | 12 +-
src/libqhull/qh-qhull.htm | 8 +-
src/libqhull/qh-set.htm | 8 +-
src/libqhull/qh-stat.htm | 8 +-
src/libqhull/qh-user.htm | 20 +-
src/libqhull/qhull-exports.def | 37 +-
src/libqhull/qhull_a.h | 29 +-
src/{libqhullp => libqhull}/qhull_p-exports.def | 35 +-
src/libqhull/qset.c | 31 +-
src/libqhull/qset.h | 10 +-
src/libqhull/random.c | 30 +-
src/libqhull/random.h | 8 +-
src/libqhull/rboxlib.c | 239 +-
src/libqhull/stat.c | 19 +-
src/libqhull/stat.h | 14 +-
src/libqhull/user.c | 47 +-
src/libqhull/user.h | 73 +-
src/libqhull/usermem.c | 42 +-
src/libqhull/userprintf.c | 5 +-
src/libqhull/userprintf_rbox.c | 2 +-
src/libqhull_r/Makefile | 240 ++
src/{libqhull/geom2.c => libqhull_r/geom2_r.c} | 1147 +++---
src/{libqhull/geom.c => libqhull_r/geom_r.c} | 468 +--
src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h | 176 +
src/libqhull_r/global_r.c | 2100 ++++++++++
src/libqhull_r/index.htm | 266 ++
src/libqhull_r/io_r.c | 4062 ++++++++++++++++++++
src/libqhull_r/io_r.h | 159 +
src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c | 1403 +++++++
.../libqhull.h => libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h} | 566 +--
src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.pro | 67 +
src/libqhull_r/mem_r.c | 562 +++
src/{libqhull/mem.h => libqhull_r/mem_r.h} | 137 +-
src/{libqhull/merge.c => libqhull_r/merge_r.c} | 1698 ++++----
src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h | 178 +
src/{libqhull/poly2.c => libqhull_r/poly2_r.c} | 1934 +++++-----
src/{libqhull/poly.c => libqhull_r/poly_r.c} | 570 +--
src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h | 296 ++
src/libqhull_r/qh-geom_r.htm | 295 ++
src/libqhull_r/qh-globa_r.htm | 163 +
src/libqhull_r/qh-io_r.htm | 305 ++
src/libqhull_r/qh-mem_r.htm | 145 +
.../qh-merge.htm => libqhull_r/qh-merge_r.htm} | 204 +-
.../qh-poly.htm => libqhull_r/qh-poly_r.htm} | 306 +-
src/libqhull_r/qh-qhull_r.htm | 279 ++
.../qh-set.htm => libqhull_r/qh-set_r.htm} | 204 +-
src/libqhull_r/qh-stat_r.htm | 161 +
src/libqhull_r/qh-user_r.htm | 271 ++
.../qhull_r-exports.def} | 47 +-
src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h | 150 +
src/{libqhull/qset.c => libqhull_r/qset_r.c} | 439 +--
src/{libqhull/qset.h => libqhull_r/qset_r.h} | 149 +-
src/{libqhull/random.c => libqhull_r/random_r.c} | 70 +-
src/libqhull_r/random_r.h | 34 +
src/{libqhull/rboxlib.c => libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c} | 389 +-
src/{libqhull/stat.c => libqhull_r/stat_r.c} | 366 +-
src/{libqhull/stat.h => libqhull_r/stat_r.h} | 174 +-
src/{libqhull/user.c => libqhull_r/user_r.c} | 359 +-
src/{libqhull/user.h => libqhull_r/user_r.h} | 278 +-
src/libqhull_r/usermem_r.c | 94 +
src/libqhull_r/userprintf_r.c | 65 +
src/libqhull_r/userprintf_rbox_r.c | 53 +
src/libqhullcpp/Coordinates.cpp | 64 +-
src/libqhullcpp/Coordinates.h | 292 +-
src/libqhullcpp/PointCoordinates.cpp | 156 +-
src/libqhullcpp/PointCoordinates.h | 134 +-
src/libqhullcpp/Qhull.cpp | 532 +--
src/libqhullcpp/Qhull.h | 181 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullError.h | 30 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullFacet.cpp | 281 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullFacet.h | 148 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullFacetList.cpp | 54 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullFacetList.h | 86 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullFacetSet.cpp | 34 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullFacetSet.h | 69 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.cpp | 121 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullHyperplane.h | 107 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullIterator.h | 22 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullLinkedList.h | 143 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullPoint.cpp | 134 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullPoint.h | 156 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullPointSet.cpp | 187 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullPointSet.h | 239 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullPoints.cpp | 185 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullPoints.h | 312 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullQh.cpp | 251 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullQh.h | 101 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullRidge.cpp | 78 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullRidge.h | 106 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullSet.cpp | 43 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullSet.h | 428 ++-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullSets.h | 8 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullStat.cpp | 12 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullStat.h | 25 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullVertex.cpp | 54 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullVertex.h | 97 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullVertexSet.cpp | 121 +-
src/libqhullcpp/QhullVertexSet.h | 77 +-
src/libqhullcpp/RboxPoints.cpp | 99 +-
src/libqhullcpp/RboxPoints.h | 43 +-
src/libqhullcpp/RoadError.cpp | 20 +-
src/libqhullcpp/RoadError.h | 44 +-
src/libqhullcpp/RoadLogEvent.cpp | 12 +-
src/libqhullcpp/RoadLogEvent.h | 30 +-
src/libqhullcpp/UsingLibQhull.cpp | 373 --
src/libqhullcpp/UsingLibQhull.h | 144 -
src/libqhullcpp/functionObjects.h | 11 +-
src/libqhullcpp/libqhullcpp.pro | 92 +-
src/libqhullcpp/qhull_interface.cpp | 96 -
src/libqhullcpp/qt-qhull.cpp | 17 +-
src/libqhullcpp/usermem_r-cpp.cpp | 93 +
src/libqhullp/libqhullp.pro | 25 -
.../libqhullstatic_r.pro} | 12 +-
src/libqhullstaticp/libqhullstaticp.pro | 21 -
src/qconvex/qconvex.c | 44 +-
src/qconvex/{qconvex.c => qconvex_r.c} | 76 +-
src/qdelaunay/qdelaun.c | 44 +-
src/qdelaunay/{qdelaun.c => qdelaun_r.c} | 84 +-
src/qhalf/qhalf.c | 44 +-
src/qhalf/{qhalf.c => qhalf_r.c} | 86 +-
src/qhull-all.pro | 48 +-
src/qhull-app-c.pri | 2 +-
src/{qhull-app-c.pri => qhull-app-c_r.pri} | 10 +-
src/qhull-app-cpp.pri | 11 +-
src/qhull-app-shared.pri | 2 +-
...hull-app-sharedp.pri => qhull-app-shared_r.pri} | 14 +-
src/qhull-libqhull-src.pri | 3 +
src/qhull-libqhull-src_r.pri | 39 +
src/qhull-warn.pri | 4 +-
src/qhull/qhull.pro | 6 +-
src/qhull/unix.c | 58 +-
src/qhull/{unix.c => unix_r.c} | 84 +-
src/qhulltest/Coordinates_test.cpp | 33 +-
src/qhulltest/PointCoordinates_test.cpp | 161 +-
src/qhulltest/Point_test.cpp | 238 --
src/qhulltest/QhullFacetList_test.cpp | 70 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullFacetSet_test.cpp | 28 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullFacet_test.cpp | 117 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullHyperplane_test.cpp | 97 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullLinkedList_test.cpp | 24 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullPointSet_test.cpp | 72 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullPoint_test.cpp | 118 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullPoints_test.cpp | 196 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullRidge_test.cpp | 52 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullSet_test.cpp | 49 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullVertexSet_test.cpp | 163 +-
src/qhulltest/QhullVertex_test.cpp | 66 +-
src/qhulltest/Qhull_test.cpp | 108 +-
src/qhulltest/RboxPoints_test.cpp | 19 +-
src/qhulltest/RoadTest.cpp | 26 +-
src/qhulltest/RoadTest.h | 17 +-
src/qhulltest/UsingLibQhull_test.cpp | 210 -
src/qhulltest/qhulltest.cpp | 33 +-
src/qhulltest/qhulltest.pro | 8 +-
src/qvoronoi/qvoronoi.c | 44 +-
src/qvoronoi/{qvoronoi.c => qvoronoi_r.c} | 84 +-
src/rbox/rbox.c | 35 +-
src/rbox/rbox.pro | 2 +-
src/rbox/{rbox.c => rbox_r.c} | 51 +-
src/testqset/testqset.c | 91 +-
src/testqset/testqset.pro | 3 +-
src/testqset_r/testqset_r.c | 890 +++++
.../testqset.pro => testqset_r/testqset_r.pro} | 17 +-
src/user_eg/user_eg.c | 117 +-
src/user_eg/user_eg.pro | 8 +-
src/user_eg/{user_eg.c => user_eg_r.c} | 189 +-
src/user_eg2/user_eg2.c | 214 +-
src/user_eg2/user_eg2.pro | 8 +-
src/user_eg2/{user_eg2.c => user_eg2_r.c} | 478 +--
src/user_eg3/user_eg3.pro | 4 +-
src/user_eg3/{user_eg3.cpp => user_eg3_r.cpp} | 38 +-
283 files changed, 31034 insertions(+), 16582 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake
create mode 100644 build/qhull-32.sln
create mode 100644 build/qhull-64.sln
rename build/{libqhull_p.vcproj => qhull_p.vcproj} (82%)
copy build/{libqhull.vcproj => qhull_r.vcproj} (68%)
rename build/{qhullstatic_p.vcproj => qhullstatic_r.vcproj} (65%)
delete mode 100644 build/qhulltest.vcproj
copy build/{testqset.vcproj => testqset_r.vcproj} (78%)
delete mode 100644 config/Makefile-am-eg
delete mode 100644 config/Makefile-am-html
delete mode 100644 config/Makefile-am-libqhull
delete mode 100644 config/Makefile-am-main
delete mode 100644 config/Makefile.am
delete mode 100644 config/README
delete mode 100755 config/bootstrap.sh
delete mode 100644 config/changelog
delete mode 100644 config/configure.ac
delete mode 100644 config/patches/00list
delete mode 100755 config/patches/QHpointer.dpatch
delete mode 100755 config/patches/make-new-msg.dpatch
rename debian/patches/{0003-QHpointer.patch => 0002-QHpointer.patch} (88%)
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/0002-format-string-security.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/0004-spelling.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/0005-man-macros.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/0006-cmake-LFS.patch
delete mode 100644 qhull-2012.1-src-tgz.md5sum
create mode 100644 qhull-2015-src-7.2.0.tgz.md5sum
create mode 100644 src/libqhull/DEPRECATED.txt
copy src/{libqhullp => libqhull}/qhull_p-exports.def (86%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/Makefile
copy src/{libqhull/geom2.c => libqhull_r/geom2_r.c} (54%)
copy src/{libqhull/geom.c => libqhull_r/geom_r.c} (67%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/geom_r.h
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/global_r.c
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/index.htm
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/io_r.c
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/io_r.h
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.c
copy src/{libqhull/libqhull.h => libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h} (69%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/libqhull_r.pro
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/mem_r.c
copy src/{libqhull/mem.h => libqhull_r/mem_r.h} (61%)
copy src/{libqhull/merge.c => libqhull_r/merge_r.c} (61%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/merge_r.h
copy src/{libqhull/poly2.c => libqhull_r/poly2_r.c} (50%)
copy src/{libqhull/poly.c => libqhull_r/poly_r.c} (61%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/poly_r.h
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qh-geom_r.htm
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qh-globa_r.htm
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qh-io_r.htm
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qh-mem_r.htm
copy src/{libqhull/qh-merge.htm => libqhull_r/qh-merge_r.htm} (58%)
copy src/{libqhull/qh-poly.htm => libqhull_r/qh-poly_r.htm} (55%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qh-qhull_r.htm
copy src/{libqhull/qh-set.htm => libqhull_r/qh-set_r.htm} (52%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qh-stat_r.htm
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qh-user_r.htm
rename src/{libqhullp/qhull_p-exports.def => libqhull_r/qhull_r-exports.def} (84%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h
copy src/{libqhull/qset.c => libqhull_r/qset_r.c} (67%)
copy src/{libqhull/qset.h => libqhull_r/qset_r.h} (73%)
copy src/{libqhull/random.c => libqhull_r/random_r.c} (78%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/random_r.h
copy src/{libqhull/rboxlib.c => libqhull_r/rboxlib_r.c} (59%)
copy src/{libqhull/stat.c => libqhull_r/stat_r.c} (72%)
copy src/{libqhull/stat.h => libqhull_r/stat_r.h} (66%)
copy src/{libqhull/user.c => libqhull_r/user_r.c} (55%)
copy src/{libqhull/user.h => libqhull_r/user_r.h} (75%)
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/usermem_r.c
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/userprintf_r.c
create mode 100644 src/libqhull_r/userprintf_rbox_r.c
delete mode 100644 src/libqhullcpp/UsingLibQhull.cpp
delete mode 100644 src/libqhullcpp/UsingLibQhull.h
delete mode 100644 src/libqhullcpp/qhull_interface.cpp
create mode 100644 src/libqhullcpp/usermem_r-cpp.cpp
delete mode 100644 src/libqhullp/libqhullp.pro
copy src/{libqhullstatic/libqhullstatic.pro => libqhullstatic_r/libqhullstatic_r.pro} (64%)
delete mode 100644 src/libqhullstaticp/libqhullstaticp.pro
copy src/qconvex/{qconvex.c => qconvex_r.c} (86%)
copy src/qdelaunay/{qdelaun.c => qdelaun_r.c} (84%)
copy src/qhalf/{qhalf.c => qhalf_r.c} (84%)
copy src/{qhull-app-c.pri => qhull-app-c_r.pri} (69%)
rename src/{qhull-app-sharedp.pri => qhull-app-shared_r.pri} (58%)
create mode 100644 src/qhull-libqhull-src_r.pri
copy src/qhull/{unix.c => unix_r.c} (87%)
delete mode 100644 src/qhulltest/Point_test.cpp
delete mode 100644 src/qhulltest/UsingLibQhull_test.cpp
copy src/qvoronoi/{qvoronoi.c => qvoronoi_r.c} (83%)
copy src/rbox/{rbox.c => rbox_r.c} (62%)
create mode 100644 src/testqset_r/testqset_r.c
copy src/{testqset/testqset.pro => testqset_r/testqset_r.pro} (57%)
copy src/user_eg/{user_eg.c => user_eg_r.c} (57%)
copy src/user_eg2/{user_eg2.c => user_eg2_r.c} (58%)
rename src/user_eg3/{user_eg3.cpp => user_eg3_r.cpp} (84%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/qhull.git
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