[qhull] 03/03: forward port quilt patches, delete those that have been upstreamed

Barak A. Pearlmutter barak+git at pearlmutter.net
Mon Feb 15 00:30:43 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bap pushed a commit to branch master
in repository qhull.

commit c317d6899479b01085c3466ed10358a728036116
Author: Barak A. Pearlmutter <barak+git at pearlmutter.net>
Date:   Mon Feb 15 00:30:24 2016 +0000

    forward port quilt patches, delete those that have been upstreamed
 .../patches/0001-debianize-test-failure-msg.patch  |   4 +-
 .../{0003-QHpointer.patch => 0002-QHpointer.patch} |   4 +-
 debian/patches/0002-format-string-security.patch   |  40 ------
 debian/patches/0004-spelling.patch                 |  72 -----------
 debian/patches/0005-man-macros.patch               |  41 ------
 debian/patches/0006-cmake-LFS.patch                | 143 ---------------------
 debian/patches/series                              |   6 +-
 7 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-debianize-test-failure-msg.patch b/debian/patches/0001-debianize-test-failure-msg.patch
index 729cf8a..f611ec2 100644
--- a/debian/patches/0001-debianize-test-failure-msg.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-debianize-test-failure-msg.patch
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Redirect users to the Debian BTS in the error message of rbox.
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/src/libqhull/io.c b/src/libqhull/io.c
-index 09a0079..6601ffd 100644
+index 401987e..17b09d0 100644
 --- a/src/libqhull/io.c
 +++ b/src/libqhull/io.c
-@@ -3932,10 +3932,7 @@ qhull warning: instead of %d %d-dimensional points, input contains\n\
+@@ -3933,10 +3933,7 @@ qhull warning: instead of %d %d-dimensional points, input contains\n\
      if (!strcmp(qh rbox_command, "./rbox D4"))
        qh_fprintf(qh ferr, 8055, "\n\
  This is the qhull test case.  If any errors or core dumps occur,\n\
diff --git a/debian/patches/0003-QHpointer.patch b/debian/patches/0002-QHpointer.patch
similarity index 88%
rename from debian/patches/0003-QHpointer.patch
rename to debian/patches/0002-QHpointer.patch
index 517283a..0db502c 100644
--- a/debian/patches/0003-QHpointer.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-QHpointer.patch
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ Access globals via a pointer to allocated memory.
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
 diff --git a/src/libqhull/user.h b/src/libqhull/user.h
-index a3322aa..e5063c7 100644
+index 523aa7b..2438f28 100644
 --- a/src/libqhull/user.h
 +++ b/src/libqhull/user.h
-@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ stop after qh_JOGGLEmaxretry attempts
+@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ stop after qh_JOGGLEmaxretry attempts
  #error QH6207 Qhull error: Use qh_QHpointer_dllimport instead of qh_dllimport with qh_QHpointer
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-format-string-security.patch b/debian/patches/0002-format-string-security.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fc51e46..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0002-format-string-security.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-From: Peter Green <plugwash at p10link.net>
-Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 00:00:00 +0000
-Subject: format string security
-Fix FTBFS when building with hardening flags as used by dpkg 1.16.0.
-Note that this was a *false positive* by the compiler: there was
-in fact no security issue.  However we will work around it anyway.
-Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/643461
- src/libqhull/io.c       | 2 +-
- src/testqset/testqset.c | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/libqhull/io.c b/src/libqhull/io.c
-index 6601ffd..fb1a7fd 100644
---- a/src/libqhull/io.c
-+++ b/src/libqhull/io.c
-@@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ void qh_printfacet3math(FILE *fp, facetT *facet, qh_PRINT format, int notfirst)
-     qh_memfree(point, qh normal_size);
-   qh_settempfree(&points);
-   qh_settempfree(&vertices);
--  qh_fprintf(fp, 9110, endfmt);
-+  qh_fprintf(fp, 9110, "%s", endfmt);
- } /* printfacet3math */
-diff --git a/src/testqset/testqset.c b/src/testqset/testqset.c
-index 2bdcf17..309d3bf 100644
---- a/src/testqset/testqset.c
-+++ b/src/testqset/testqset.c
-@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ void readOptions(int argc, char **argv, const char *promptstr, int *numInts, int
-     char *endp;
-     if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
--        printf(promptstr);
-+        printf("%s", promptstr);
-         exit(0);
-     }
-     numIntsArg= strtol(argv[1], &endp, 10);
diff --git a/debian/patches/0004-spelling.patch b/debian/patches/0004-spelling.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bbf8f9..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0004-spelling.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-From: "Barak A. Pearlmutter" <barak+git at cs.nuim.ie>
-Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 12:41:50 +0000
-Subject: spelling
- eg/q_eg                 | 2 +-
- eg/q_test-ok.txt        | 4 ++--
- src/libqhull/libqhull.h | 2 +-
- src/qhull/unix.c        | 2 +-
- 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/eg/q_eg b/eg/q_eg
-index 4d8dd74..01c134e 100755
---- a/eg/q_eg
-+++ b/eg/q_eg
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ rbox 10 r s Z1 G0.3 | qconvex FQ FV n | qhalf FQ s Fp | qconvex G >eg/eg.33c.con
- echo ==the following should generate flipped and concave facets== >/dev/null
- rbox 200 s | qhull Q0 s R0.014 Gav Po >eg/eg.21a.roundoff.errors
--echo ==the preceeding should report flipped and concave facets== >/dev/null
-+echo ==the preceding should report flipped and concave facets== >/dev/null
-diff --git a/eg/q_test-ok.txt b/eg/q_test-ok.txt
-index c9024ea..1906eea 100644
---- a/eg/q_test-ok.txt
-+++ b/eg/q_test-ok.txt
-@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)
-       3 flipped facets
-     125 coplanar horizon facets for new vertices
-      62 coplanar points during partitioning
--echo ==the preceeding should report flipped and concave facets== >/dev/null
-+echo ==the preceding should report flipped and concave facets== >/dev/null
-@@ -10634,7 +10634,7 @@ input (stdin):
-     other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line
-     comments:    start with a non-numeric character
-     halfspaces:  use dim plus one and put offset after coefficients.
--                 May be preceeded by a single interior point ('H').
-+                 May be preceded by a single interior point ('H').
- options:
-     d    - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid
-diff --git a/src/libqhull/libqhull.h b/src/libqhull/libqhull.h
-index 7a13226..f2a1e2b 100644
---- a/src/libqhull/libqhull.h
-+++ b/src/libqhull/libqhull.h
-@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ struct qhT {
-                              previous facets do not have outside sets
-                              NARROWhull: previous facets may have coplanar outside sets for qh_outcoplanar */
-   facetT *newfacet_list;  /* list of new facets to end of facet_list */
--  facetT *visible_list;   /* list of visible facets preceeding newfacet_list,
-+  facetT *visible_list;   /* list of visible facets preceding newfacet_list,
-                              facet->visible set */
-   int       num_visible;  /* current number of visible facets */
-   unsigned tracefacet_id;  /* set at init, then can print whenever */
-diff --git a/src/qhull/unix.c b/src/qhull/unix.c
-index 551c59a..63680bb 100644
---- a/src/qhull/unix.c
-+++ b/src/qhull/unix.c
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ input (stdin):\n\
-     other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line\n\
-     comments:    start with a non-numeric character\n\
-     halfspaces:  use dim plus one and put offset after coefficients.\n\
--                 May be preceeded by a single interior point ('H').\n\
-+                 May be preceded by a single interior point ('H').\n\
- \n\
- options:\n\
-     d    - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid\n\
diff --git a/debian/patches/0005-man-macros.patch b/debian/patches/0005-man-macros.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f860a7..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0005-man-macros.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-From: "Barak A. Pearlmutter" <barak+git at cs.nuim.ie>
-Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 13:35:16 +0000
-Subject: man macros
-Avoid lintian error
-  qhull-bin: manpage-has-errors-from-man
-to whit
-  usr/share/man/man1/qhull.1.gz 750: warning: macro `QJn'' not defined
-  usr/share/man/man1/qhull.1.gz 771: warning: macro `Qt'' not defined
-and consequent lost text.  These result from a line starting with the
-single quote character; this patch backslash escapes them.
- html/qhull.man | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/html/qhull.man b/html/qhull.man
-index 4ede521..780d706 100644
---- a/html/qhull.man
-+++ b/html/qhull.man
-@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ of attempts [see user.h].  Option 'QJ'
- selects a default value for n.  The output will be simplicial.  For
- Delaunay triangulations, 'QJn' sets 'Qbb' to scale the last coordinate
- (not if 'Qbk:n' or 'QBk:n' is set).
--'QJn' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams.  See also 'Qt'.
-+\'QJn' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams.  See also 'Qt'.
- .TP
- Qm
- Only process points that would otherwise increase max_outside.  Other
-@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ Search all points for the initial simplex.
- .TP
- Qt
- Triangulated output.  Triangulate all non\[hy]simplicial facets.  
--'Qt' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams.  See also 'Qt'.
-+\'Qt' is deprecated for Voronoi diagrams.  See also 'Qt'.
- .TP
- Qv
- Test vertex neighbors for convexity after post\[hy]merging.
diff --git a/debian/patches/0006-cmake-LFS.patch b/debian/patches/0006-cmake-LFS.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 48326fb..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0006-cmake-LFS.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-From: "Barak A. Pearlmutter" <barak+git at cs.nuim.ie>
-Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 12:50:37 +0100
-Subject: cmake LFS
-Enable LFS aka Large File Support (as option) in cmake.
-Snag cmake LFS macro from
- CMakeLists.txt              |   4 ++
- CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake | 109 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake
-diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index 98dbc70..c3bf46a 100644
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ string(REGEX REPLACE ".* ([0-9]+) .*"
- set(qhull_SOVERSION 6)
- set(qhull_VERSION2 "2012.1 2012/02/18")
-+option(WITH_LFS "Enable Large File Support" ON)
- else()
-diff --git a/CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake b/CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e2b0099
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake
-@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
-+## Checks for large file support ##
-+macro(check_lfs _isenable)
-+  set(LFS_OFF_T "")
-+  set(LFS_FOPEN "")
-+  set(LFS_FSEEK "")
-+  set(LFS_FTELL "")
-+  set(LFS_PRID "")
-+  if(${_isenable})
-+    check_include_file("sys/types.h" HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)
-+    check_include_file("inttypes.h" HAVE_INTTYPES_H)
-+    check_include_file("stddef.h" HAVE_STDDEF_H)
-+    check_include_file("stdint.h" HAVE_STDINT_H)
-+    # LFS type1: 8 <= sizeof(off_t), fseeko, ftello
-+    check_type_size("off_t" SIZEOF_OFF_T)
-+      check_symbol_exists("fseeko" "stdio.h" HAVE_FSEEKO)
-+      check_symbol_exists("ftello" "stdio.h" HAVE_FTELLO)
-+        set(LFS_OFF_T "off_t")
-+        set(LFS_FOPEN "fopen")
-+        set(LFS_FSEEK "fseeko")
-+        set(LFS_FTELL "ftello")
-+        check_symbol_exists("PRIdMAX" "inttypes.h" HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+        if(HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+          set(LFS_PRID "PRIdMAX")
-+        else(HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+          check_type_size("long" SIZEOF_LONG)
-+          check_type_size("int" SIZEOF_INT)
-+            set(LFS_PRID "\"lld\"")
-+            set(LFS_PRID "\"ld\"")
-+            set(LFS_PRID "\"d\"")
-+        endif(HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+    endif(SIZEOF_OFF_T GREATER 7)
-+    # LFS type2: 8 <= sizeof(off64_t), fopen64, fseeko64, ftello64
-+    if(NOT LFS_OFF_T)
-+      check_type_size("off64_t" SIZEOF_OFF64_T)
-+      if(SIZEOF_OFF64_T GREATER 7)
-+        check_symbol_exists("fopen64" "stdio.h" HAVE_FOPEN64)
-+        check_symbol_exists("fseeko64" "stdio.h" HAVE_FSEEKO64)
-+        check_symbol_exists("ftello64" "stdio.h" HAVE_FTELLO64)
-+          set(LFS_OFF_T "off64_t")
-+          set(LFS_FOPEN "fopen64")
-+          set(LFS_FSEEK "fseeko64")
-+          set(LFS_FTELL "ftello64")
-+          check_symbol_exists("PRIdMAX" "inttypes.h" HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+          if(HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+            set(LFS_PRID "PRIdMAX")
-+          else(HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+            check_type_size("long" SIZEOF_LONG)
-+            check_type_size("int" SIZEOF_INT)
-+              set(LFS_PRID "\"lld\"")
-+            elseif(SIZEOF_LONG GREATER SIZEOF_INT)
-+              set(LFS_PRID "\"ld\"")
-+            else(SIZEOF_OFF64_T GREATER SIZEOF_LONG)
-+              set(LFS_PRID "\"d\"")
-+            endif(SIZEOF_OFF64_T GREATER SIZEOF_LONG)
-+          endif(HAVE_PRIDMAX)
-+      endif(SIZEOF_OFF64_T GREATER 7)
-+    endif(NOT LFS_OFF_T)
-+    # LFS type3: 8 <= sizeof(__int64), _fseeki64, _ftelli64
-+    if(NOT LFS_OFF_T)
-+      check_type_size("__int64" SIZEOF___INT64)
-+      if(SIZEOF___INT64 GREATER 7)
-+        check_symbol_exists("_fseeki64" "stdio.h" HAVE__FSEEKI64)
-+        check_symbol_exists("_ftelli64" "stdio.h" HAVE__FTELLI64)
-+        if(HAVE__FSEEKI64 AND HAVE__FTELLI64)
-+          set(LFS_OFF_T "__int64")
-+          set(LFS_FOPEN "fopen")
-+          set(LFS_FSEEK "_fseeki64")
-+          set(LFS_FTELL "_ftelli64")
-+          set(LFS_PRID  "\"I64d\"")
-+        endif(HAVE__FSEEKI64 AND HAVE__FTELLI64)
-+      endif(SIZEOF___INT64 GREATER 7)
-+    endif(NOT LFS_OFF_T)
-+  endif(${_isenable})
-+  if(NOT LFS_OFF_T)
-+    ## not found
-+    set(LFS_OFF_T "long")
-+    set(LFS_FOPEN "fopen")
-+    set(LFS_FSEEK "fseek")
-+    set(LFS_FTELL "ftell")
-+    set(LFS_PRID  "\"ld\"")
-+  endif(NOT LFS_OFF_T)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index c67fbce..a71a23b 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/qhull.git

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