[mlpack] tag upstream/2.0.1 created (now 8992704)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
barak+git at pearlmutter.net
Mon Feb 15 19:34:29 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
bap pushed a change to tag upstream/2.0.1
in repository mlpack.
at 8992704 (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:
new 435cfa1 Change to BSD license! This was an embarrassing mistake!
new a8c993f Add functions that allow changing training-time parameters.
new 66bb497 Update to latest version.
new 10907ad Be sure to serialize and deserialize in the same way!
new 3fcd8c0 Fix closing parenthesis.
new d13d417 Fix bad memory handling and write a test for it.
new d79fab7 Loosen tolerances to increase the probability of successful tests.
new a3222fd Include correct headers.
new 41ca156 Handle an edge case when all the points are the same.
new 97bcd60 Force a minimum value on the diagonal.
new 818f132 spelling
new 2d75791 COPYRIGHT.txt, repeated field and lintian tag copyright-refers-to-deprecated-bsd-license-file
new 01cd38c Fix confusion in error message
new 3690663 Print correct parameter name.
new 5a41a4b Widen tolerances so tests succeed more.
new 78fac4f Update GetParam<>(parameterName) per marcos
new 9446c3f Print status while loading.
new b40d850 Fix issue that caused hanging tests: use the intended tolerance.
new fb4c078 Remove self assignment.
new 41a4cad Refactor to allow arbitrary types for Range.
new a8b5100 Fix typo: we should be checking HAVE_LAPACK not LAPACK_FOUND.
new f490ec5 Better error output for ARFF.
new f4888d9 Check number of columns.
new 9935250 A better positive definite constraint strategy.
new fe60c6b Use CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR during files generation.
new 364f587 Widen tolerances; PositiveDefiniteConstraint seems to change things.
new 29639af Fix bug where arma_config.hpp wouldn't be installed.
new 698e040 Update version number. I forgot to do this!
new a964357 Loosen tolerance further. This is better-tested than my last attempt and appears to have a very low failure rate.
new 3a9e17c Update history.
new 2614c3a Loosen tolerances to prevent spurious test failures.
new 8628bce Preferentially find ATLAS libraries.
new 8f8b14f Update version number for release.
new 0c66ad8 Add new contributors... how did I forget this?
new ddb32d7 Document most recent changes.
new 7d1886e Update to mlpack 2.0.1.
new 8992704 Update version.hpp.
The 37 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mlpack.git
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