[normaliz] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.0+ds'
Jerome Benoit
calculus-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Feb 18 05:28:27 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
calculus-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository normaliz.
commit f8321c20c2855e0b9409c4c0ac4d9b97b88b3da8
Merge: c23aed3 1943ab9
Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
Date: Thu Feb 18 05:52:16 2016 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.0+ds'
Upstream version 3.1.0+ds
Macaulay2/Normaliz.m2 | 20 +-
doc/Normaliz.tex | 2170 +-
example/A643.in | 2 +-
example/InhomIneqIH.in | 8 +
example/gen_inhom_nonpointed.in | 7 +
example/halfspace2.in | 3 +
example/rationalIH.in | 9 +
example/subspace4.in | 10 +
source/CMakeLists.txt | 52 +-
source/INSTALL | 5 +-
source/Input.cpp | 14 +-
source/Makefile.configuration | 2 +-
source/Normaliz.cpp | 31 +-
source/Options.cpp | 42 +-
source/Options.h | 7 +
source/cmake/Modules/FindSCIP.cmake | 3 +-
source/cmake/detect_features.cmake | 35 +
source/libnormaliz/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
source/libnormaliz/HilbertSeries.cpp | 15 +-
source/libnormaliz/HilbertSeries.h | 2 +-
source/libnormaliz/Makefile | 5 +-
source/libnormaliz/README | 2 +-
source/libnormaliz/add-exception-handling | 27 -
source/libnormaliz/bottom.cpp | 10 +-
source/libnormaliz/cone.cpp | 907 +-
source/libnormaliz/cone.h | 47 +-
source/libnormaliz/cone_dual_mode.cpp | 143 +-
source/libnormaliz/cone_dual_mode.h | 39 +-
source/libnormaliz/cone_helper.cpp | 75 +
source/libnormaliz/{general.h => cone_helper.h} | 39 +-
source/libnormaliz/cone_property.cpp | 56 +-
source/libnormaliz/cone_property.h | 15 +-
source/libnormaliz/convert.h | 1 -
source/libnormaliz/full_cone.cpp | 808 +-
source/libnormaliz/full_cone.h | 29 +-
source/libnormaliz/general.h | 1 +
source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz-all.cpp | 1 +
source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz.cpp | 3 +
source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz.h | 3 +-
source/libnormaliz/list_operations.h | 7 +-
source/libnormaliz/map_operations.h | 5 +-
source/libnormaliz/matrix.cpp | 357 +-
source/libnormaliz/matrix.h | 50 +-
source/libnormaliz/normaliz_exception.h | 14 +
source/libnormaliz/offload_handler.cpp | 1 +
source/libnormaliz/reduction.cpp | 40 +
source/libnormaliz/reduction.h | 14 +-
source/libnormaliz/simplex.cpp | 186 +-
source/libnormaliz/simplex.h | 6 +-
source/libnormaliz/sublattice_representation.cpp | 170 +-
source/libnormaliz/sublattice_representation.h | 11 +-
source/libnormaliz/vector_operations.cpp | 33 +-
source/libnormaliz/vector_operations.h | 3 +-
source/maxsimplex/Makefile | 60 +
source/maxsimplex/maxsimplex.cpp | 123 +
source/output.cpp | 115 +-
source/output.h | 4 +-
test/Makefile | 18 +-
test/test-/ChineseRemainder.ref | 5 +-
test/test-/Fact_wrt_dual_error.ref | 4 +-
test/test-/NonCMDiv.ref | 5 +-
test/test-/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.ref | 5 +-
test/test-/dehomogenization.ref | 5 +-
test/test-/empty_polyhedron.ref | 4 +-
test/test-/empty_polyhedron2.ref | 4 +-
test/test-/gen_inhom_nonpointed.in | 8 +
test/test-/gen_inhom_nonpointed.ref | 42 +
test/test-/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-/gen_nonpointed.ref | 55 +
test/test-/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-/halfspace2.ref | 53 +
test/test-/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-/{polyhedron.ref => halfspace3inhom.ref} | 59 +-
test/test-/inhom_eq.ref | 5 +-
test/test-/inhom_quasi.ref | 5 +-
test/test-/inhom_triangle.ref | 4 +-
test/test-/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 62 +
test/test-/notpointed.ref | 44 +
test/test-/polyhedron.ref | 5 +-
test/test-/strip2.in | 6 +
.../inhom_triangle.ref => test-/strip2.ref} | 45 +-
test/test-/subspace4.in | 10 +
test/test-/subspace4.ref | 59 +
test/test-/subspace4_inhom.in | 11 +
test/test-/subspace4_inhom.ref | 48 +
test/test-/zero_polyhedron.ref | 4 +-
test/test-1/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-1/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-1/gen_nonpointed.ref | 33 +
test/test-1/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-1/halfspace2.ref | 32 +
test/test-1/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-1/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 40 +
test/test-1/notpointed.ref | 22 +
test/test-1/rees_mini.ref | 1 -
test/test-d/ChineseRemainder.ref | 5 +-
test/test-d/Fact_wrt_dual_error.ref | 4 +-
test/test-d/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-d/dual-inhom-not-pointed.in | 10 +
test/test-d/dual-inhom-not-pointed.ref | 38 +
test/test-d/empty_polyhedron.ref | 4 +-
test/test-d/gen_inhom_nonpointed.in | 8 +
...ineseRemainder.ref => gen_inhom_nonpointed.ref} | 33 +-
test/test-d/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-d/gen_nonpointed.ref | 36 +
test/test-d/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-d/halfspace2.ref | 34 +
test/test-d/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-d/halfspace3inhom.ref | 49 +
test/test-d/inhom_eq.ref | 5 +-
test/test-d/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-d/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 43 +
test/test-d/rees_mini.ref | 1 -
test/test-d/strip2.in | 6 +
test/test-d/strip2.ref | 41 +
test/test-d1/3x3magic.ref | 31 -
test/test-d1/4x4.ref | 66 -
test/test-d1/5x5.ref | 2004 -
test/test-d1/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-d1/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
.../gen_nonpointed.ref} | 20 +-
test/test-d1/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-d1/halfspace2.ref | 17 +
test/test-d1/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
.../latt_id_nonpointed.ref} | 24 +-
test/test-d1/mode45.ref | 21 -
test/test-d1/mode456.ref | 24 -
test/test-d1/rees_mini.ref | 1 -
test/test-dnn/3x3magic.in | 15 +
test/{test-d1 => test-dnn}/3x3magic.ref | 5 +
test/test-dnn/4x4.in | 17 +
test/{test-d1 => test-dnn}/4x4.ref | 15 +
test/test-dnn/5x5.in | 18 +
test/test-dnn/5x5.ref | 6847 ++
test/test-dnn/ChineseRemainder.in | 6 +
test/test-dnn/ChineseRemainder.ref | 17 +
test/test-dnn/Fact_wrt_dual_error.in | 4 +
test/test-dnn/Fact_wrt_dual_error.ref | 15 +
test/test-dnn/cross2.in | 11 +
test/{test-d => test-dnn}/cross2.ref | 0
test/test-dnn/dual-inhom-not-pointed.in | 10 +
test/test-dnn/dual-inhom-not-pointed.ref | 16 +
test/test-dnn/dual_index.in | 6 +
.../dual_index.ref} | 14 +-
test/test-dnn/dual_not_full_dim.in | 6 +
test/{test-s => test-dnn}/dual_not_full_dim.ref | 14 +-
test/test-dnn/dupl_remove.in | 8 +
test/test-dnn/dupl_remove.ref | 40 +
test/test-dnn/election1dual.in | 241 +
test/test-dnn/election1dual.ref | 530 +
test/test-dnn/empty_polyhedron.in | 7 +
test/test-dnn/empty_polyhedron.ref | 16 +
test/test-dnn/gen_inhom_nonpointed.in | 8 +
.../gen_inhom_nonpointed.ref} | 32 +-
test/test-dnn/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-dnn/gen_nonpointed.ref | 36 +
test/test-dnn/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-dnn/halfspace2.ref | 34 +
test/test-dnn/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-dnn/halfspace3inhom.ref | 49 +
test/test-dnn/hyperplanes-not-pointed.in | 14 +
test/test-dnn/hyperplanes-not-pointed.ref | 42 +
test/test-dnn/inhom_eq.in | 8 +
test/test-dnn/inhom_eq.ref | 29 +
test/test-dnn/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-dnn/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 43 +
test/{test-s => test-dnn}/mode45.in | 0
test/{test-d1 => test-dnn}/mode45.ref | 15 +-
test/{test-s => test-dnn}/mode456.in | 2 +-
test/{test-d1 => test-dnn}/mode456.ref | 15 +-
test/test-dnn/rees_mini.in | 7 +
test/{test-d => test-dnn}/rees_mini.ref | 0
test/test-dnn/strip2.in | 6 +
test/test-dnn/strip2.ref | 45 +
test/{test-s/mode45.in => test-dnn/zero4.in} | 14 +-
test/{test-s => test-dnn}/zero4.ref | 13 +-
test/test-h/NonCMDiv.ref | 5 +-
test/test-h/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-h/gen_nonpointed.ref | 52 +
test/test-h/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-h/halfspace2.ref | 50 +
test/test-h/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
.../polyhedron.ref => test-h/halfspace3inhom.ref} | 59 +-
test/test-h/inhom_triangle.ref | 4 +-
test/test-h/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-h/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 59 +
test/test-h/notpointed.ref | 41 +
test/test-h/strip2.in | 6 +
test/test-h/{inhom_triangle.ref => strip2.ref} | 45 +-
test/test-hh/InhomIneq.IntHull.ref | 24 +
test/test-hh/InhomIneq.in | 7 +
test/test-hh/InhomIneq.ref | 43 +
test/test-hh/diagonal_5.IntHull.ref | 29 +
test/test-hh/diagonal_5.in | 3 +
.../diagonal_5.ref} | 37 +-
test/test-hh/halfspace3inhom.IntHull.ref | 30 +
test/test-hh/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-hh/halfspace3inhom.ref | 52 +
.../no_int_point.IntHull.ref} | 15 +-
test/test-hh/no_int_point.in | 5 +
.../no_int_point.ref} | 24 +-
test/test-hh/rational.IntHull.ref | 27 +
test/test-hh/rational.in | 8 +
test/test-hh/rational.ref | 62 +
test/test-hh/small.IntHull.ref | 240 +
test/test-hh/small.in | 193 +
test/test-hh/small.ref | 34839 ++++++
test/test-hh/strip2.IntHull.ref | 29 +
test/test-hh/strip2.in | 6 +
.../inhom_triangle.ref => test-hh/strip2.ref} | 45 +-
test/test-mm/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-mm/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-mm/gen_nonpointed.ref | 43 +
test/test-mm/modgen_inhom2.in | 8 +
.../modgen_inhom2.ref} | 33 +-
test/test-mm/modgen_inhom3.in | 11 +
test/test-mm/modgen_inhom3.ref | 101 +
test/test-mm/notpointed.ref | 33 +
test/test-mm/rees_mini.ref | 1 -
test/test-mm/rees_prim.ref | 1 -
test/test-mm/small.ref | 115 +-
test/test-mm/small_inhom.in | 195 +
test/test-mm/small_inhom.ref | 102810 ++++++++++++++++++
test/test-mm/zero_polyhedron.ref | 4 +-
test/test-n/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-n/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-n/gen_nonpointed.ref | 41 +
test/test-n/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-n/halfspace2.ref | 39 +
test/test-n/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-n/halfspace3inhom.ref | 53 +
test/test-n/inhom_quasi.ref | 5 +-
test/test-n/inhom_triangle.ref | 4 +-
test/test-n/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-n/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 48 +
test/test-n/strip2.in | 6 +
.../inhom_triangle.ref => test-n/strip2.ref} | 45 +-
test/test-nn/2equation_large_simplex.in | 12 +
test/test-nn/2equation_large_simplex.ref | 1756 +
test/test-nn/ChineseRemainder.ref | 5 +-
test/test-nn/Fact_wrt_dual_error.ref | 4 +-
test/test-nn/NonCMDiv.ref | 5 +-
test/test-nn/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-nn/gen_inhom_nonpointed.in | 8 +
test/test-nn/gen_inhom_nonpointed.ref | 42 +
test/test-nn/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-nn/gen_nonpointed.ref | 39 +
test/test-nn/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-nn/halfspace2.ref | 37 +
test/test-nn/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-nn/halfspace3inhom.ref | 52 +
test/test-nn/inhom_quasi.ref | 5 +-
test/test-nn/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-nn/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 46 +
test/test-nn/notpointed.ref | 28 +
test/test-nn/rees_mini.ref | 1 -
test/test-nn/rees_prim.ref | 1 -
test/test-nn/strip2.in | 6 +
.../inhom_triangle.ref => test-nn/strip2.ref} | 45 +-
test/test-nn/subspace4.in | 10 +
test/test-nn/subspace4.ref | 43 +
test/test-nn/subspace4_inhom.in | 11 +
test/test-nn/subspace4_inhom.ref | 48 +
test/test-p/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-p/gen_nonpointed.ref | 46 +
test/test-p/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-p/halfspace2.ref | 45 +
test/test-p/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-p/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 53 +
test/test-p/notpointed.ref | 35 +
test/test-q/NonCMDiv.ref | 5 +-
test/test-q/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-q/gen_nonpointed.ref | 42 +
test/test-q/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-q/halfspace2.ref | 41 +
test/test-q/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-q/halfspace3inhom.ref | 58 +
test/test-q/inhom_quasi.ref | 5 +-
test/test-q/inhom_triangle.ref | 4 +-
test/test-q/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-q/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 48 +
test/test-q/notpointed.ref | 30 +
test/test-q/strip2.in | 6 +
.../inhom_triangle.ref => test-q/strip2.ref} | 45 +-
test/test-q/subspace4.in | 10 +
test/test-q/subspace4.ref | 45 +
test/test-r1/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-r1/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-r1/gen_nonpointed.ref | 33 +
test/test-r1/halfspace2.in | 5 +
test/test-r1/halfspace2.ref | 32 +
test/test-r1/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
.../latt_id_nonpointed.ref} | 24 +-
test/test-r1/notpointed.ref | 22 +
test/test-r1/rees_mini.ref | 1 -
test/test-s/23.in | 6 +
test/test-s/{dupl_remove.ref => 23.ref} | 12 +-
test/test-s/3x3_sign.ref | 31 +-
test/test-s/3x3magiceven.in | 21 +
.../3x3magic.ref => test-s/3x3magiceven.ref} | 38 +-
test/test-s/ChineseRemainder.ref | 22 +-
test/test-s/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.in | 12 +
test/test-s/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.ref | 38 +
test/test-s/binom.in | 9 +
test/test-s/{dupl_remove.ref => binom.ref} | 27 +-
test/test-s/cross2.ref | 21 +-
test/test-s/cut.ref | 218 +-
test/test-s/dehomogenization.in | 10 +
test/test-s/dehomogenization.ref | 24 +
test/test-s/dual.ref | 64 +-
test/test-s/dual_not_full_dim.ref | 5 +-
test/test-s/dupl_remove.ref | 7 +-
test/test-s/gen_inhom_nonpointed.in | 8 +
test/test-s/gen_inhom_nonpointed.ref | 29 +
test/test-s/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
.../{dual_not_full_dim.ref => gen_nonpointed.ref} | 16 +-
test/test-s/halfspace2.in | 5 +
.../{dual_not_full_dim.ref => halfspace2.ref} | 11 +-
test/test-s/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-s/halfspace3inhom.ref | 39 +
test/test-s/hickerson-16.ref | 3 -
test/test-s/huge.in | 6 +-
test/test-s/huge.ref | 19845 ++--
test/test-s/hyperplanes-not-pointed.ref | 20 +-
test/test-s/icmi.ref | 19 +-
test/test-s/icml.ref | 15 +-
test/test-s/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
.../{dupl_remove.ref => latt_id_nonpointed.ref} | 19 +-
test/test-s/lattice_ideal.in | 8 +
test/test-s/{dupl_remove.ref => lattice_ideal.ref} | 28 +-
test/test-s/lowrank.ref | 91 +-
test/test-s/medium.ref | 7581 +-
test/test-s/mode45.in | 5 +
test/test-s/mode45.ref | 14 +-
test/test-s/mode456.in | 7 +-
test/test-s/mode456.ref | 20 +-
test/test-s/notpointed.ref | 19 +-
test/test-s/polytop.ref | 15 +-
test/test-s/rafa1409.in | 2 +-
test/test-s/rafa1409.ref | 91 +-
test/test-s/rafa2310.in | 2 +-
test/test-s/rafa2310.ref | 125 +-
test/test-s/rafa2416.ref | 911 +-
test/test-s/rees.ref | 79 +-
test/test-s/rees_mini.ref | 41 +-
test/test-s/rees_prim.ref | 24 +-
test/test-s/rp2poly.ref | 55 +-
test/test-s/rproj2.ref | 79 +-
test/test-s/small-sh.in | 2 +-
test/test-s/small-sh.ref | 426 +-
test/test-s/small.ref | 427 +-
test/test-s/smallerror.in | 2 +-
test/test-s/smallerror.ref | 38 +-
test/test-s/squaref0.ref | 295 +-
test/test-s/squaref1.ref | 306 +-
test/test-s/strip2.in | 6 +
test/test-s/strip2.ref | 29 +
test/test-s/subspace4.in | 10 +
test/test-s/subspace4.ref | 29 +
test/test-s/subspace4_inhom.in | 11 +
test/test-s/subspace4_inhom.ref | 34 +
test/test-s/zero4.ref | 13 +-
test/test-v/cross2.ref | 5 +
test/test-v/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
.../gen_nonpointed.ref} | 21 +-
test/test-v/halfspace2.in | 5 +
.../halfspace2.ref} | 16 +-
test/test-v/halfspace3inhom.in | 8 +
test/test-v/halfspace3inhom.ref | 45 +
test/test-v/inhom_triangle.ref | 4 +-
test/test-v/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
.../latt_id_nonpointed.ref} | 24 +-
test/test-v/notpointed.ref | 19 +
test/test-v/strip2.in | 6 +
test/test-v/strip2.ref | 37 +
test/test-w/binom.in | 9 +
test/test-w/binom.ref | 53 +
test/test-w/dupl_remove.in | 8 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/dupl_remove.ref | 10 +-
test/test-w/gen_nonpointed.in | 5 +
test/test-w/gen_nonpointed.ref | 39 +
test/test-w/icmi.in | 7 +
test/test-w/icmi.ref | 58 +
test/test-w/icml.in | 7 +
test/{test-nn/rees_mini.ref => test-w/icml.ref} | 19 +-
test/test-w/latt_id_nonpointed.in | 4 +
test/test-w/latt_id_nonpointed.ref | 46 +
test/test-w/lattice_ideal.in | 8 +
test/test-w/lattice_ideal.ref | 54 +
test/test-w/lowrank.in | 19 +
test/test-w/lowrank.ref | 102 +
test/test-w/medium.in | 43 +
test/test-w/medium.ref | 3816 +
test/test-w/notpointed.in | 7 +
test/test-w/notpointed.ref | 42 +
test/test-w/polytop.in | 7 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/polytop.ref | 18 +-
test/{test-s => test-w}/rafa1409.in | 2 +-
test/test-w/rafa1409.ref | 85 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/rafa2310.in | 2 +-
test/test-w/rafa2310.ref | 84 +
test/test-w/rafa2416.in | 51 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/rafa2416.ref | 914 +-
test/test-w/rees.in | 13 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/rees.ref | 82 +-
test/test-w/rees_mini.in | 7 +
test/{test-nn => test-w}/rees_mini.ref | 1 -
test/test-w/rees_prim.in | 6 +
test/{test-nn => test-w}/rees_prim.ref | 26 +-
test/test-w/rp2poly.in | 13 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/rp2poly.ref | 58 +-
test/test-w/rproj2.in | 19 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/rproj2.ref | 82 +-
test/test-w/small.in | 193 +
test/test-w/small.ref | 245 +
test/{test-s => test-w}/smallerror.in | 2 +-
test/test-w/smallerror.ref | 46 +
test/test-w/squaref0.in | 26 +
test/test-w/squaref0.ref | 176 +
test/test-w/squaref1.in | 22 +
test/test-w/squaref1.ref | 191 +
423 files changed, 178278 insertions(+), 20198 deletions(-)
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