[glpk] 06/10: SONAME bump: shared lib package now libglpk39.
Sébastien Villemot
sebastien at debian.org
Fri Feb 19 19:29:00 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository glpk.
commit e5cbebc95140670d10447e9dcb2479b795c3a65d
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date: Fri Feb 19 20:16:50 2016 +0100
SONAME bump: shared lib package now libglpk39.
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/libglpk36.symbols | 232 ------------------------
debian/{libglpk36.install => libglpk39.install} | 0
debian/libglpk39.symbols | 222 +++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 359e3d6..469b92d 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/glpk.html
Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-science/packages/glpk.git
Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/glpk.git
-Package: libglpk36
+Package: libglpk39
Architecture: any
Multi-Arch: same
Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Description: linear programming kit with integer (MIP) support
Package: libglpk-dev
Architecture: any
Section: libdevel
-Depends: libglpk36 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libgmp-dev,
+Depends: libglpk39 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libgmp-dev,
zlib1g-dev, libsuitesparse-dev
Description: linear programming kit - development files
GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) is intended for solving large-scale
diff --git a/debian/libglpk36.symbols b/debian/libglpk36.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 7df1430..0000000
--- a/debian/libglpk36.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-libglpk.so.36 libglpk36 #MINVER#
- glp_add_arc at Base 4.51
- glp_add_cols at Base 4.51
- glp_add_rows at Base 4.51
- glp_add_vertices at Base 4.51
- glp_adv_basis at Base 4.51
- glp_alloc at Base 4.51
- glp_analyze_bound at Base 4.51
- glp_analyze_coef at Base 4.51
- glp_asnprob_hall at Base 4.51
- glp_asnprob_lp at Base 4.51
- glp_asnprob_okalg at Base 4.51
- glp_assert_ at Base 4.51
- glp_at_error at Base 4.57
- glp_bf_exists at Base 4.51
- glp_bf_updated at Base 4.51
- glp_btran at Base 4.51
- glp_check_asnprob at Base 4.51
- glp_check_cnfsat at Base 4.51
- glp_check_dup at Base 4.51
- glp_check_kkt at Base 4.51
- glp_close_tee at Base 4.51
- glp_copy_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_cpp at Base 4.51
- glp_cpx_basis at Base 4.51
- glp_create_graph at Base 4.51
- glp_create_index at Base 4.51
- glp_create_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_create_v_index at Base 4.51
- glp_del_arc at Base 4.51
- glp_del_cols at Base 4.51
- glp_del_rows at Base 4.51
- glp_del_vertices at Base 4.51
- glp_delete_graph at Base 4.51
- glp_delete_index at Base 4.51
- glp_delete_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_delete_v_index at Base 4.51
- glp_difftime at Base 4.51
- glp_dual_rtest at Base 4.51
- glp_erase_graph at Base 4.51
- glp_erase_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_error_ at Base 4.51
- glp_error_hook at Base 4.51
- glp_eval_tab_col at Base 4.51
- glp_eval_tab_row at Base 4.51
- glp_exact at Base 4.51
- glp_factorize at Base 4.51
- glp_find_col at Base 4.51
- glp_find_row at Base 4.51
- glp_find_vertex at Base 4.51
- glp_free at Base 4.51
- glp_free_env at Base 4.51
- glp_ftran at Base 4.51
- glp_get_bfcp at Base 4.51
- glp_get_bhead at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_bind at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_dual at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_kind at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_lb at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_name at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_prim at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_stat at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_type at Base 4.51
- glp_get_col_ub at Base 4.51
- glp_get_dual_stat at Base 4.51
- glp_get_it_cnt at Base 4.53
- glp_get_mat_col at Base 4.51
- glp_get_mat_row at Base 4.51
- glp_get_num_bin at Base 4.51
- glp_get_num_cols at Base 4.51
- glp_get_num_int at Base 4.51
- glp_get_num_nz at Base 4.51
- glp_get_num_rows at Base 4.51
- glp_get_obj_coef at Base 4.51
- glp_get_obj_dir at Base 4.51
- glp_get_obj_name at Base 4.51
- glp_get_obj_val at Base 4.51
- glp_get_prim_stat at Base 4.51
- glp_get_prob_name at Base 4.51
- glp_get_rii at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_bind at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_dual at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_lb at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_name at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_prim at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_stat at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_type at Base 4.51
- glp_get_row_ub at Base 4.51
- glp_get_sjj at Base 4.51
- glp_get_status at Base 4.51
- glp_get_unbnd_ray at Base 4.51
- glp_gridgen at Base 4.51
- glp_init_cpxcp at Base 4.51
- glp_init_env at Base 4.51
- glp_init_iocp at Base 4.51
- glp_init_iptcp at Base 4.51
- glp_init_mpscp at Base 4.51
- glp_init_smcp at Base 4.51
- glp_interior at Base 4.51
- glp_intfeas1 at Base 4.51
- glp_intopt at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_add_row at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_best_node at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_branch_upon at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_can_branch at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_clear_pool at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_curr_node at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_del_row at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_get_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_heur_sol at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_mip_gap at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_next_node at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_node_bound at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_node_data at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_node_level at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_pool_size at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_prev_node at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_reason at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_row_attr at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_select_node at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_terminate at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_tree_size at Base 4.51
- glp_ios_up_node at Base 4.51
- glp_ipt_col_dual at Base 4.51
- glp_ipt_col_prim at Base 4.51
- glp_ipt_obj_val at Base 4.51
- glp_ipt_row_dual at Base 4.51
- glp_ipt_row_prim at Base 4.51
- glp_ipt_status at Base 4.51
- glp_load_matrix at Base 4.51
- glp_main at Base 4.51
- glp_maxflow_ffalg at Base 4.51
- glp_maxflow_lp at Base 4.51
- glp_mem_limit at Base 4.51
- glp_mem_usage at Base 4.51
- glp_mincost_lp at Base 4.51
- glp_mincost_okalg at Base 4.51
- glp_mincost_relax4 at Base 4.51
- glp_minisat1 at Base 4.51
- glp_mip_col_val at Base 4.51
- glp_mip_obj_val at Base 4.51
- glp_mip_row_val at Base 4.51
- glp_mip_status at Base 4.51
- glp_mpl_alloc_wksp at Base 4.51
- glp_mpl_build_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_mpl_free_wksp at Base 4.51
- glp_mpl_generate at Base 4.51
- glp_mpl_postsolve at Base 4.51
- glp_mpl_read_data at Base 4.51
- glp_mpl_read_model at Base 4.51
- glp_netgen at Base 4.51
- glp_netgen_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_open_tee at Base 4.51
- glp_prim_rtest at Base 4.51
- glp_print_ipt at Base 4.51
- glp_print_mip at Base 4.51
- glp_print_ranges at Base 4.51
- glp_print_sol at Base 4.51
- glp_printf at Base 4.51
- glp_puts at Base 4.51
- glp_read_asnprob at Base 4.51
- glp_read_ccdata at Base 4.51
- glp_read_cnfsat at Base 4.51
- glp_read_graph at Base 4.51
- glp_read_ipt at Base 4.51
- glp_read_lp at Base 4.51
- glp_read_maxflow at Base 4.51
- glp_read_mincost at Base 4.51
- glp_read_mip at Base 4.51
- glp_read_mps at Base 4.51
- glp_read_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_read_sol at Base 4.51
- glp_realloc at Base 4.51
- glp_rmfgen at Base 4.51
- glp_scale_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_close_file at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_error at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_line at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_open_file at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_read_int at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_read_item at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_read_num at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_read_text at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_set_jump at Base 4.51
- glp_sdf_warning at Base 4.51
- glp_set_bfcp at Base 4.51
- glp_set_col_bnds at Base 4.51
- glp_set_col_kind at Base 4.51
- glp_set_col_name at Base 4.51
- glp_set_col_stat at Base 4.51
- glp_set_graph_name at Base 4.51
- glp_set_it_cnt at Base 4.53
- glp_set_mat_col at Base 4.51
- glp_set_mat_row at Base 4.51
- glp_set_obj_coef at Base 4.51
- glp_set_obj_dir at Base 4.51
- glp_set_obj_name at Base 4.51
- glp_set_prob_name at Base 4.51
- glp_set_rii at Base 4.51
- glp_set_row_bnds at Base 4.51
- glp_set_row_name at Base 4.51
- glp_set_row_stat at Base 4.51
- glp_set_sjj at Base 4.51
- glp_set_vertex_name at Base 4.51
- glp_simplex at Base 4.51
- glp_sort_matrix at Base 4.51
- glp_std_basis at Base 4.51
- glp_strong_comp at Base 4.51
- glp_term_hook at Base 4.51
- glp_term_out at Base 4.51
- glp_time at Base 4.51
- glp_top_sort at Base 4.51
- glp_transform_col at Base 4.51
- glp_transform_row at Base 4.51
- glp_unscale_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_version at Base 4.51
- glp_vprintf at Base 4.51
- glp_warm_up at Base 4.51
- glp_wclique_exact at Base 4.51
- glp_weak_comp at Base 4.51
- glp_write_asnprob at Base 4.51
- glp_write_ccdata at Base 4.51
- glp_write_cnfsat at Base 4.51
- glp_write_graph at Base 4.51
- glp_write_ipt at Base 4.51
- glp_write_lp at Base 4.51
- glp_write_maxflow at Base 4.51
- glp_write_mincost at Base 4.51
- glp_write_mip at Base 4.51
- glp_write_mps at Base 4.51
- glp_write_prob at Base 4.51
- glp_write_sol at Base 4.51
diff --git a/debian/libglpk36.install b/debian/libglpk39.install
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/libglpk36.install
rename to debian/libglpk39.install
diff --git a/debian/libglpk39.symbols b/debian/libglpk39.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27dc1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libglpk39.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+libglpk.so.39 libglpk39 #MINVER#
+ glp_add_arc at Base 4.58
+ glp_add_cols at Base 4.58
+ glp_add_rows at Base 4.58
+ glp_add_vertices at Base 4.58
+ glp_adv_basis at Base 4.58
+ glp_alloc at Base 4.58
+ glp_analyze_bound at Base 4.58
+ glp_analyze_coef at Base 4.58
+ glp_asnprob_hall at Base 4.58
+ glp_asnprob_lp at Base 4.58
+ glp_asnprob_okalg at Base 4.58
+ glp_assert_ at Base 4.58
+ glp_at_error at Base 4.58
+ glp_bf_exists at Base 4.58
+ glp_bf_updated at Base 4.58
+ glp_btran at Base 4.58
+ glp_check_asnprob at Base 4.58
+ glp_check_cnfsat at Base 4.58
+ glp_check_dup at Base 4.58
+ glp_check_kkt at Base 4.58
+ glp_close_tee at Base 4.58
+ glp_copy_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_cpp at Base 4.58
+ glp_cpx_basis at Base 4.58
+ glp_create_graph at Base 4.58
+ glp_create_index at Base 4.58
+ glp_create_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_create_v_index at Base 4.58
+ glp_del_arc at Base 4.58
+ glp_del_cols at Base 4.58
+ glp_del_rows at Base 4.58
+ glp_del_vertices at Base 4.58
+ glp_delete_graph at Base 4.58
+ glp_delete_index at Base 4.58
+ glp_delete_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_delete_v_index at Base 4.58
+ glp_difftime at Base 4.58
+ glp_dual_rtest at Base 4.58
+ glp_erase_graph at Base 4.58
+ glp_erase_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_error_ at Base 4.58
+ glp_error_hook at Base 4.58
+ glp_eval_tab_col at Base 4.58
+ glp_eval_tab_row at Base 4.58
+ glp_exact at Base 4.58
+ glp_factorize at Base 4.58
+ glp_find_col at Base 4.58
+ glp_find_row at Base 4.58
+ glp_find_vertex at Base 4.58
+ glp_free at Base 4.58
+ glp_free_env at Base 4.58
+ glp_ftran at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_bfcp at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_bhead at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_bind at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_dual at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_kind at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_lb at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_prim at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_stat at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_type at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_col_ub at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_dual_stat at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_it_cnt at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_mat_col at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_mat_row at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_num_bin at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_num_cols at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_num_int at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_num_nz at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_num_rows at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_obj_coef at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_obj_dir at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_obj_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_obj_val at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_prim_stat at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_prob_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_rii at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_bind at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_dual at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_lb at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_prim at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_stat at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_type at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_row_ub at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_sjj at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_status at Base 4.58
+ glp_get_unbnd_ray at Base 4.58
+ glp_gridgen at Base 4.58
+ glp_init_cpxcp at Base 4.58
+ glp_init_env at Base 4.58
+ glp_init_iocp at Base 4.58
+ glp_init_iptcp at Base 4.58
+ glp_init_mpscp at Base 4.58
+ glp_init_smcp at Base 4.58
+ glp_interior at Base 4.58
+ glp_intfeas1 at Base 4.58
+ glp_intopt at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_add_row at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_best_node at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_branch_upon at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_can_branch at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_clear_pool at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_curr_node at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_del_row at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_get_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_heur_sol at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_mip_gap at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_next_node at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_node_bound at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_node_data at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_node_level at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_pool_size at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_prev_node at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_reason at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_row_attr at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_select_node at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_terminate at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_tree_size at Base 4.58
+ glp_ios_up_node at Base 4.58
+ glp_ipt_col_dual at Base 4.58
+ glp_ipt_col_prim at Base 4.58
+ glp_ipt_obj_val at Base 4.58
+ glp_ipt_row_dual at Base 4.58
+ glp_ipt_row_prim at Base 4.58
+ glp_ipt_status at Base 4.58
+ glp_load_matrix at Base 4.58
+ glp_maxflow_ffalg at Base 4.58
+ glp_maxflow_lp at Base 4.58
+ glp_mem_limit at Base 4.58
+ glp_mem_usage at Base 4.58
+ glp_mincost_lp at Base 4.58
+ glp_mincost_okalg at Base 4.58
+ glp_mincost_relax4 at Base 4.58
+ glp_minisat1 at Base 4.58
+ glp_mip_col_val at Base 4.58
+ glp_mip_obj_val at Base 4.58
+ glp_mip_row_val at Base 4.58
+ glp_mip_status at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_alloc_wksp at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_build_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_free_wksp at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_generate at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_init_rand at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_postsolve at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_read_data at Base 4.58
+ glp_mpl_read_model at Base 4.58
+ glp_netgen at Base 4.58
+ glp_netgen_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_open_tee at Base 4.58
+ glp_prim_rtest at Base 4.58
+ glp_print_ipt at Base 4.58
+ glp_print_mip at Base 4.58
+ glp_print_ranges at Base 4.58
+ glp_print_sol at Base 4.58
+ glp_printf at Base 4.58
+ glp_puts at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_asnprob at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_ccdata at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_cnfsat at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_graph at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_ipt at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_lp at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_maxflow at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_mincost at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_mip at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_mps at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_read_sol at Base 4.58
+ glp_realloc at Base 4.58
+ glp_rmfgen at Base 4.58
+ glp_scale_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_bfcp at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_col_bnds at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_col_kind at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_col_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_col_stat at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_graph_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_it_cnt at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_mat_col at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_mat_row at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_obj_coef at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_obj_dir at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_obj_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_prob_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_rii at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_row_bnds at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_row_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_row_stat at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_sjj at Base 4.58
+ glp_set_vertex_name at Base 4.58
+ glp_simplex at Base 4.58
+ glp_sort_matrix at Base 4.58
+ glp_std_basis at Base 4.58
+ glp_strong_comp at Base 4.58
+ glp_term_hook at Base 4.58
+ glp_term_out at Base 4.58
+ glp_time at Base 4.58
+ glp_top_sort at Base 4.58
+ glp_transform_col at Base 4.58
+ glp_transform_row at Base 4.58
+ glp_unscale_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_version at Base 4.58
+ glp_vprintf at Base 4.58
+ glp_warm_up at Base 4.58
+ glp_wclique_exact at Base 4.58
+ glp_weak_comp at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_asnprob at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_ccdata at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_cnfsat at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_graph at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_ipt at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_lp at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_maxflow at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_mincost at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_mip at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_mps at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_prob at Base 4.58
+ glp_write_sol at Base 4.58
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/glpk.git
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