[cddlib] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 094h
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 22 23:04:04 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cddlib.
commit 1d818bd8984fe1b0ad6273e0617d16868decd003
Author: Tobias Hansen <thansen at localhost.localdomain>
Date: Mon Feb 22 23:00:49 2016 +0000
Imported Upstream version 094h
.DS_Store | Bin 6148 -> 8196 bytes
ChangeLog | 5 +-
README | 6 +-
.DS_Store => examples-ml/.DS_Store.1 | Bin 6148 -> 6148 bytes
examples-ml/Combinatorica5.m | 3807 +++++++
examples-ml/ExtendGraphics30.tar | Bin 0 -> 337920 bytes
examples-ml/IOPolyhedra.m | 123 +
examples-ml/PolytopeSkeleton.m | 66 +
examples-ml/README.cddmathlink | 18 +
examples-ml/UnfoldPolytope.m | 423 +
examples-ml/cddml-DietProblem.nb | 586 +
examples-ml/cddml-PolytopeSkeleton.nb | 18567 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
examples-ml/cddml-Zonotope.m | 88 +
examples-ml/cddml-Zonotope.nb | 16192 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
examples-ml/cddml-notebook.nb | 663 ++
lib-src-gmp/cdd_f.h | 4 +-
lib-src-gmp/cddcore_f.c | 4 +-
lib-src-gmp/cddio_f.c | 5 +-
lib-src-gmp/cddlib_f.c | 4 +-
lib-src-gmp/cddlp_f.c | 13 +-
lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.c | 4 +-
lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.h | 4 +-
lib-src-gmp/cddtypes_f.h | 4 +-
lib-src/cdd.h | 8 +-
lib-src/cddcore.c | 4 +-
lib-src/cddio.c | 5 +-
lib-src/cddlib.c | 4 +-
lib-src/cddlp.c | 13 +-
lib-src/cddmp.c | 4 +-
lib-src/cddmp.h | 4 +-
lib-src/cddtypes.h | 4 +-
src/redundancies.c | 12 +-
src/redundancies_clarkson.c | 10 +-
33 files changed, 40597 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index 448660b..c9e5a19 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 99ff489..a499f05 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-libcdd, cdd & cdd+ HISTORY file (as of March 23, 2012)
+libcdd, cdd & cdd+ HISTORY file (as of April 30, 2015)
*** libcdd version (date) / changes ***
+Version 094h (April 30, 2015) /
+ - Thanks to Mathieu Dutour, one minor bug has been fixed.
Version 094g (March 23, 2012) /
- Thanks to both Anders Jensen and Mathieu Dutour
a few memory leaks in cddlib.c and cddlp.c have been
diff --git a/README b/README
index 1da257e..9e2b18e 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-2012-03-25 (March 25, 2012)
+2012-04-30 (April 30, 2015)
-C-Library cddlib (version 0.94g) README FILE
+C-Library cddlib (version 0.94h) README FILE
1. The C-library cddlib is a C implementation of the Double Description
Method of Motzkin et al. for generating all vertices (i.e. extreme points)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ for free software development is user's appreciation.
For more information, contact
-Komei Fukuda <fukuda at .math.ethz.ch>
+Komei Fukuda <fukuda at math.ethz.ch>
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel +41-1-632-4023, Fax +41-1-632-1063
diff --git a/.DS_Store b/examples-ml/.DS_Store.1
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 91%
copy from .DS_Store
copy to examples-ml/.DS_Store.1
index 448660b..5008ddf
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/examples-ml/.DS_Store.1 differ
diff --git a/examples-ml/Combinatorica5.m b/examples-ml/Combinatorica5.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..434f7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples-ml/Combinatorica5.m
@@ -0,0 +1,3807 @@
+(* Combinatorica5.m package, Modified version of Combinatorica.m
+ Modified by Komei Fukuda November 1998.
+ Please look for the string "Fukuda" for modified places.
+(* :Title: Combinatorica
+(* :Author:
+ Steven S. Skiena
+(* :Summary:
+ Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory
+ with Mathematica
+This package contains all the programs from the book, "Implementing
+Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica"
+by Steven S. Skiena, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Advanced Book Program,
+350 Bridge Parkway, Redwood City CA 94065. ISBN 0-201-50943-1.
+For ordering information, call 1-800-447-2226.
+These programs can be obtained on Macintosh and MS-DOS disks by sending
+$15.00 to Discrete Mathematics Disk, Wolfram Research Inc.,
+PO Box 6059, Champaign, IL 61826-9905. (217)-398-0700.
+Any comments, bug reports, or requests to get on the Combinatorica
+mailing list should be forwarded to:
+ Steven Skiena
+ Department of Computer Science
+ State University of New York
+ Stony Brook, NY 11794
+ skiena at sbcs.sunysb.edu
+ (516)-632-9026 / 8470
+(* :Context: DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`
+(* :Package Version: .9 (2/29/92 Beta Release)
+(* :Copyright: Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 by Steven S. Skiena
+This package may be copied in its entirety for nonprofit purposes only.
+Sale, other than for the direct cost of the media, is prohibited. This
+copyright notice must accompany all copies.
+The author, Wolfram Research, and Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
+Inc. make no representations, express or implied, with respond to this
+documentation, of the software it describes and contains, including
+without limitations, any implied warranties of mechantability or fitness
+for a particular purpose, all of which are expressly disclaimed. The
+author, Wolfram Research, or Addison-Wesley, their licensees,
+distributors and dealers shall in no event be liable for any indirect,
+incidental, or consequential damages.
+(* :History:
+ Version .8 by Steven S. Skiena, July 1991.
+ Version .7 by Steven S. Skiena, January 1991.
+ Version .6 by Steven S. Skiena, June 1990.
+(* :Keywords:
+ adjacency, automorphism, chromatic, clique, coloring,
+ combination, composition, connected components, connectivity, cycle,
+ de Bruijn, degree, derangement, Dijkstra, Durfee,
+ embedding, equivalence, Eulerian, Ferrers,
+ geodesic, graph, Gray code, group, Hamiltonian cycle, Harary, Hasse,
+ heap, hypercube, interval, inversion, involution, isomorphism,
+ Josephus, network,
+ partition, perfect, permutation, planar graph, Polya, pseudograph,
+ self-loop, sequence, signature, simple, spanning tree,
+ stable marriage, star, Stirling,
+ transitive closure, traveling salesman tour, tree, Turan,
+ vertex cover, wheel, Young tableau
+(* :Source:
+ Steven Skiena: "Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics
+ and Graph Theory with Mathematica",
+ Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
+(* :Mathematica Version: 2.0
+(* Change: unprotect all Combinatorica functions
+ by K. Fukuda 930501 *)
+DilworthGraph ]
+(* end Change *)
+Graph::usage = "Graph[g,v] is the header for a graph object where g is an adjacency matrix and v is a list of vertices."
+Directed::usage = "Directed is an option to inform certain functions that the graph is directed."
+Undirected::usage = "Undirected is an option to inform certain functions that the graph is undirected."
+Edge::usage = "Edge is an option to inform certain functions to work with edges instead of vertices."
+All::usage = "All is an option to inform certain functions to return all solutions, instead of just the first one."
+AcyclicQ::usage = "AcyclicQ[g] returns True if graph g is acyclic. AcyclicQ[g,Directed] returns True if g is a directed acyclic graph."
+AddEdge::usage = "AddEdge[g,{x,y}] returns graph g with a new undirected edge {x,y}, while AddEdge[g,{x,y},Directed] returns graph g with a new directed edge {x,y}."
+AddVertex::usage = "AddVertex[g] adds a disconnected vertex to graph g."
+AllPairsShortestPath::usage = "AllPairsShortestPath[g] returns a matrix, where the (i,j)th entry is the length of the shortest path in g between vertices i and j."
+ArticulationVertices::usage = "ArticulationVertices[g] returns a list of all articulation vertices in graph g, vertices whose removal will disconnect the graph."
+Automorphisms::usage = "Automorphisms[g] finds the automorphism group of a graph g, the set of isomorphisms of g with itself."
+Backtrack::usage = "Backtrack[s,partialQ,solutionQ] performs a backtrack search of the state space s, expanding a partial solution so long as partialQ is True and returning the first complete solution, as identified by solutionQ."
+BiconnectedComponents::usage = "BiconnectedComponents[g] returns a list of all the biconnected components of graph g."
+BiconnectedComponents::usage = "BiconnectedComponents[g] returns a list of the biconnected components of graph g."
+BiconnectedQ::usage = "BiconnectedQ[g] returns True if graph g is biconnected."
+BinarySearch::usage = "BinarySearch[l,k,f] searches sorted list l for key k and returns the the position of l containing k, with f a function which extracts the key from an element of l."
+BinarySubsets::usage = "BinarySubsets[l] returns all subsets of l ordered according to the binary string defining each subset."
+BipartiteMatching::usage = "BipartiteMatching[g] returns the list of edges associated with a maximum matching in bipartite graph g."
+BipartiteQ::usage = "BipartiteQ[g] returns True if graph g is bipartite."
+BreadthFirstTraversal::usage = "BreadthFirstTraversal[g,v] performs a breadth-first traversal of graph g starting from vertex v, and returns a list of vertices in the order in which they were encountered."
+Bridges::usage = "Bridges[g] returns a list of the bridges of graph g, the edges whose removal disconnects the graph."
+CartesianProduct::usage = "CartesianProduct[l1,l2] returns the Cartesian product of lists l1 and l2."
+CatalanNumber::usage = "CatalanNumber[n] computes the nth Catalan number, for a positive integer n."
+ChangeEdges::usage = "ChangeEdges[g,e] constructs a graph with the adjacency matrix e and the embedding of graph g."
+ChangeVertices::usage = "ChangeVertices[g,v] constructs a graph with the adjacency matrix of graph g and the list v as its embedding."
+ChromaticNumber::usage = "ChromaticNumber[g] computes the chromatic number of the graph, the fewest number of colors necessary to color the graph."
+ChromaticPolynomial::usage = "ChromaticPolynomial[g,z] returns the chromatic polynomial P(z) of graph g, which counts the number of ways to color g with exactly z colors."
+CirculantGraph::usage = "CirculantGraph[n,l] constructs a circulant graph on n vertices, meaning the ith vertex is adjacent to the (i+j)th and (i-j)th vertex, for each j in list l."
+CircularVertices::usage = "CircularVertices[n] constructs a list of n points equally spaced on a circle."
+CliqueQ::usage = "CliqueQ[g,c] returns True if the list of vertices c defines a clique in graph g."
+CodeToLabeledTree::usage = "CodeToLabeledTree[l] constructs the unique labeled tree on n vertices from the Prufer code l, which consists of a list of n-2 integers from 1 to n."
+Cofactor::usage = "Cofactor[m,{i,j}] calculates the (i,j)th cofactor of matrix m."
+CompleteQ::usage = "CompleteQ[g] returns True if graph g is complete."
+Compositions::usage = "Compositions[n,k] returns a list of all compositions of integer n into k parts."
+ConnectedComponents::usage = "ConnectedComponents[g] returns the vertices of graph g partitioned into connected components."
+ConnectedQ::usage = "ConnectedQ[g] returns True if undirected graph g is connected. ConnectedQ[g,Directed] and ConnectedQ[g,Undirected] returns True if g is strongly or weakly connected, respectively."
+ConstructTableau::usage = "ConstructTableau[p] performs the bumping algorithm repeatedly on each element of permutation p, resulting in a distinct Young tableau."
+Contract::usage = "Contract[g,{x,y}] gives the graph resulting from contracting edge {x,y} of graph g."
+CostOfPath::usage = "CostOfPath[g,p] sums up the weights of the edges in graph g defined by the path p."
+Cycle::usage = "Cycle[n] constructs the cycle on n vertices, a 2-regular connected graph."
+DeBruijnSequence::usage = "DeBruijnSequence[a,n] constructs a de Bruijn sequence on the alphabet described by list a, the shortest sequence such that every string of length n on a occurs as a contiguous subrange of the sequence."
+DegreeSequence::usage = "DegreeSequence[g] returns the sorted degree sequence of graph g."
+DeleteCycle::usage = "DeleteCycle[g,c] deletes undirected cycle c from graph g. DeleteCycle[g,c,Directed] deletes directed cycle c from graph g."
+DeleteEdge::usage = "DeleteEdge[g,{x,y}] returns graph g minus undirected edge {x,y}, while DeleteEdge[g,{x,y},Directed] returns graph g minus directed edge {x,y}."
+DeleteFromTableau::usage = "DeleteFromTableau[t,r] deletes the last element of row r from Young tableaux t."
+DeleteVertex::usage = "DeleteVertex[g,v] deletes vertex v from graph g."
+DepthFirstTraversal::usage = "DepthFirstTraversal[g,v] performs a depth-first traversal of graph g starting from vertex v, and returns a list of vertices in the order in which they were encountered."
+DerangementQ::usage = "DerangementQ[p] tests whether permutation p is a derangement, a permutation without a fixed point."
+Derangements::usage = "Derangements[p] constructs all derangements of permutation p."
+Diameter::usage = "Diameter[g] computes the diameter of graph g, the length of the longest shortest path between two vertices of g."
+Dijkstra::usage = "Dijkstra[g,v] returns the shortest path spanning tree and associated distances from vertex v of graph g."
+DilateVertices::usage = "DilateVertices[v,d] multiplies each coordinate of each vertex position in list l by d, thus dilating the embedding."
+DistinctPermutations::usage = "DistinctPermutations[l] returns all permutations of the multiset described by list l."
+Distribution::usage = "Distribution[l,set] lists the frequency of occurrence of each element of set in list l."
+DurfeeSquare::usage = "DurfeeSquare[p] computes the number of rows involved in the Durfee square of partition p, the side of the largest sized square contained within the Ferrers diagram of p."
+Eccentricity::usage = "Eccentricity[g] computes the eccentricity of each vertex v of graph g, the length of the longest shortest path from v."
+EdgeChromaticNumber::usage = "EdgeChromaticNumber[g] computes the fewest number of colors necessary to color each edge of graph g, so that no two edges incident on the same vertex have the same color."
+EdgeColoring::usage = "EdgeColoring[g] uses Brelaz's heuristic to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge coloring of graph g."
+EdgeConnectivity::usage = "EdgeConnectivity[g] computes the minimum number of edges whose deletion from graph g disconnects it."
+Edges::usage = "Edges[g] returns the adjacency matrix of graph g."
+Element::usage = "Element[a,l] returns the lth element of nested list a, where l is a list of indices"
+EmptyGraph::usage = "EmptyGraph[n] generates an empty graph on n vertices."
+EmptyQ::usage = "EmptyQ[g] returns True if graph g contains no edges."
+EncroachingListSet::usage = "EncroachingListSet[p] constructs the encroaching list set associated with permutation p."
+EquivalenceClasses::usage = "EquivalenceClasses[r] identifies the equivalence classes among the elements of matrix r."
+EquivalenceRelationQ::usage = "EquivalenceRelationQ[r] returns True if the matrix r defines an equivalence relation. EquivalenceRelationQ[g] tests whether the adjacency matrix of graph g defines an equivalence relation."
+Equivalences::usage = "Equivalences[g,h] lists the vertex equivalence classes between graphs g and h defined by the all-pairs shortest path heuristic."
+EulerianCycle::usage = "EulerianCycle[g] finds an Eulerian circuit of undirected graph g if one exists. EulerianCycle[g,Directed] finds an Eulerian circuit of directed graph g if one exists."
+EulerianQ::usage = "EulerianQ[g] returns True if graph g is Eulerian, meaning there exists a tour which includes each edge exactly once. EulerianQ[g,Directed] returns True if directed graph g is Eulerian."
+Eulerian::usage = "Eulerian[n,k] computes the number of permutations of length n with k runs."
+ExactRandomGraph::usage = "ExactRandomGraph[n,e] constructs a random labeled graph of exactly e edges and n vertices."
+ExpandGraph::usage = "ExpandGraph[g,n] expands graph g to n vertices by adding disconnected vertices."
+ExtractCycles::usage = "ExtractCycles[g] returns a list of edge disjoint cycles in graph g."
+FerrersDiagram::usage = "FerrersDiagram[p] draws a Ferrers diagram of integer partition p."
+FindCycle::usage = "FindCycle[g] finds a list of vertices which define an undirected cycle in graph g. FindCycle[g,Directed] finds a directed cycle in graph g."
+FindSet::usage = "FindSet[n,s] returns the root of the set containing n in union-find data structure s."
+FirstLexicographicTableau::usage = "FirstLexicographicTableau[p] constructs the first Young tableau with shape described by partition p."
+FromAdjacencyLists::usage = "FromAdjacencyLists[l] constructs an adjacency matrix representation for a graph with adjacency lists l, using a circular embedding. FromAdjacencyLists[l,v] uses v as the embedding for the resulting graph."
+FromCycles::usage = "FromCycles[c] restores a cycle structure c to the original permutation."
+FromInversionVector::usage = "FromInversionVector[v] reconstructs the unique permutation with inversion vector v."
+FromOrderedPairs::usage = "FromOrderedPairs[l] constructs an adjacency matrix representation from a list of ordered pairs l, using a circular embedding. FromOrderedPairs[l,v] uses v as the embedding for the resulting graph."
+FromUnorderedPairs::usage = "FromUnorderedPairs[l] constructs an adjacency matrix representation from a list of unordered pairs l, using a circular embedding. FromUnorderedPairs[l,v] uses v as the embedding for the resulting graph."
+FromOrderedTriples::usage = "FromOrderedTriples[l] constructs an adjacency matrix representation from a list of ordered triples l, using a circular embedding."
+FromUnorderedTriples::usage = "FromUnorderedTriples[l] constructs an adjacency matrix representation from a list of ordered triples l, using a circular embedding."
+FunctionalGraph::usage = "FunctionalGraph[f,n] constructs the functional digraph on n vertices defined by integer function f."
+Girth::usage = "Girth[g] computes the length of the shortest cycle in unweighted graph g."
+GraphCenter::usage = "GraphCenter[g] returns a list of the vertices of graph g with minimum eccentricity."
+GraphComplement::usage = "GraphComplement[g] returns the complement of graph g."
+GraphDifference::usage = "GraphDifference[g,h] constructs the graph resulting from subtracting the adjacency matrix of graph g from that of graph h."
+GraphIntersection::usage = "GraphIntersection[g,h] constructs the graph defined by the edges which are in both graph g and graph h."
+GraphJoin::usage = "GraphJoin[g,h] constructs the join of graphs g and h."
+GraphPower::usage = "GraphPower[g,k] computes the kth power of graph g, meaning there is an edge between any pair of vertices of g with a path between them of length at most k."
+GraphProduct::usage = "GraphProduct[g,h] constructs the product of graphs g and h."
+GraphSum::usage = "GraphSum[g,h] constructs the graph resulting from adding the adjacency matrices of graphs g and h."
+GraphUnion::usage = "GraphUnion[g,h] constructs the union of graphs g and h. GraphUnion[n,g] constructs n copies of graph g, where n is an integer."
+GraphicQ::usage = "GraphicQ[s] returns True if the list of integers s is graphic, and thus represents a degree sequence of some graph."
+GrayCode::usage = "GrayCode[l] constructs a binary reflected Gray code on set l."
+GridGraph::usage = "GridGraph[n,m] constructs an n*m grid graph, the product of paths on n and m vertices."
+HamiltonianCycle::usage = "HamiltonianCycle[g] finds a Hamiltonian cycle in graph g if one exists. HamiltonianCycle[g,All] returns all Hamiltonian cycles of graph g."
+HamiltonianQ::usage = "HamiltonianQ[g] returns True if there exists a Hamiltonian cycle in graph g, in other words, if there exists a cycle which visits each vertex exactly once."
+Harary::usage = "Harary[k,n] constructs the minimal k-connected graph on n vertices."
+HasseDiagram::usage = "HasseDiagram[g] constructs a Hasse diagram of the relation defined by directed acyclic graph g."
+HeapSort::usage = "HeapSort[l] performs a heap sort on the items of list l."
+Heapify::usage = "Heapify[p] builds a heap from permutation p."
+HideCycles::usage = "HideCycles[c] canonically encodes the cycle structure c into a unique permutation."
+Hypercube::usage = "Hypercube[n] constructs an n-dimensional hypercube."
+IdenticalQ::usage = "IdenticalQ[g,h] returns True if graphs g and h have identical adjacency matrices."
+IncidenceMatrix::usage = "IncidenceMatrix[g] returns the (0,1) incidence matrix of graph g, which has a row for each vertex and column for each edge and (v,e)=1 if and only if vertex v is incident upon edge e."
+IndependentSetQ::usage = "IndependentSetQ[g,i] returns True if the vertices in list i define an independent set in graph g."
+Index::usage = "Index[p] returns the index of permutation p, the sum of all subscripts j such that p[j] is greater than p[j+1]."
+InduceSubgraph::usage = "InduceSubgraph[g,s] constructs the subgraph of graph g induced by the list of vertices s."
+InitializeUnionFind::usage = "InitializeUnionFind[n] initializes a union-find data structure for n elements."
+InsertIntoTableau::usage = "InsertIntoTableau[e,t] inserts integer e into Young tableau t using the bumping algorithm."
+IntervalGraph::usage = "IntervalGraph[l] constructs the interval graph defined by the list of intervals l."
+InversePermutation::usage = "InversePermutation[p] yields the multiplicative inverse of permutation p."
+Inversions::usage = "Inversions[p] counts the number of inversions in permutation p."
+InvolutionQ::usage = "InvolutionQ[p] returns True if permutation p is its own inverse."
+IsomorphicQ::usage = "IsomorphicQ[g,h] returns True if graphs g and h are isomorphic."
+IsomorphismQ::usage = "IsomorphismQ[g,h,p] tests if permutation p defines an isomorphism between graphs g and h."
+Isomorphism::usage = "Isomorphism[g,h] returns an isomorphism between graphs g and h if one exists."
+Josephus::usage = "Josephus[n,m] generates the inverse of the permutation defined by executing every mth member in a circle of n men."
+KSubsets::usage = "KSubsets[l,k] returns all subsets of set l containing exactly k elements, ordered lexicographically."
+K::usage = "K[n] creates a complete graph on n vertices. K[a,b,c,...,k] creates a complete k-partite graph of the prescribed shape."
+LabeledTreeToCode::usage = "LabeledTreeToCode[g] reduces the tree g to its Prufer code."
+LastLexicographicTableau::usage = "LastLexicographicTableau[p] constructs the last Young tableau with shape described by partition p."
+LexicographicPermutations::usage = "LexicographicPermutations[l] constructs all permutations of list l in lexicographic order."
+LexicographicSubsets::usage = "LexicographicSubsets[l] returns all subsets of set l in lexicographic order."
+LineGraph::usage = "LineGraph[g] constructs the line graph of graph g."
+LongestIncreasingSubsequence::usage = "LongestIncreasingSubsequence[p] find the longest increasing scattered subsequence of permutation p."
+M::usage = "M[g] gives the number of edges in undirected graph g."
+MakeGraph::usage = "MakeGraph[v,f] constructs the binary relation defined by function f on all pairs of elements of list v."
+MakeSimple::usage = "MakeSimple[g] returns an undirected, unweighted graph derived from directed graph g."
+MakeUndirected::usage = "MakeUndirected[g] returns a graph with an undirected edge for each directed edge of graph g."
+MaximalMatching::usage = "MaximalMatching[g] returns the list of edges associated with a maximal matching of graph g."
+MaximumAntichain::usage = "MaximumAntichain[g] returns a largest set of unrelated vertices in partial order g."
+MaximumClique::usage = "MaximumClique[g] finds the largest clique in graph g."
+MaximumIndependentSet::usage = "MaximumIndependentSet[g] finds the largest independent set of graph g."
+MaximumSpanningTree::usage = "MaximumSpanningTree[g] uses Kruskal's algorithm to find a maximum spanning tree of graph g."
+MinimumChainPartition::usage = "MinimumChainPartition[g] partitions partial order g into a minimum number of chains."
+MinimumChangePermutations::usage = "MinimumChangePermutations[l] constructs all permutations of list l such that adjacent permutations differ by only one transposition."
+MinimumSpanningTree::usage = "MinimumSpanningTree[g] uses Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree of graph g."
+MinimumVertexCover::usage = "MinimumVertexCover[g] finds the minimum vertex cover of graph g."
+MultiplicationTable::usage = "MultiplicationTable[l,f] constructs the complete transition table defined by the binary relation function f on the elements of list l."
+NetworkFlowEdges::usage = "NetworkFlowEdges[g,source,sink] returns the adjacency matrix showing the distribution of the maximum flow from source to sink in graph g."
+NetworkFlow::usage = "NetworkFlow[g,source,sink] finds the maximum flow through directed graph g from source to sink."
+NextComposition::usage = "NextComposition[l] constructs the integer composition which follows l in a canonical order."
+NextKSubset::usage = "NextKSubset[l,s] computes the k-subset of list l which appears after k-subsets s in lexicographic order."
+NextPartition::usage = "NextPartition[p] returns the integer partition following p in reverse lexicographic order."
+NextPermutation::usage = "NextPermutation[p] returns the permutation following p in lexicographic order"
+NextSubset::usage = "NextSubset[l,s] constructs the subset of l following subset s in canonical order."
+NextTableau::usage = "NextTableau[t] returns the tableau of shape t which follows t in lexicographic order."
+NormalizeVertices::usage = "NormalizeVertices[v] returns a list of vertices with the same structure as v but with all coordinates of all points between 0 and 1."
+NthPair::usage = "NthPair[n] returns the nth unordered pair of positive integers, when sequenced to minimize the size of the larger integer."
+NthPermutation::usage = "NthPermutation[n,l] returns the nth lexicographic permutation of list l."
+NthSubset::usage = "NthSubset[n,l] returns the nth subset of list l in canonical order."
+NumberOfCompositions::usage = "NumberOfCompositions[n,k] counts the number of distinct compositions of integer n into k parts."
+NumberOfDerangements::usage = "NumberOfDerangements[n] counts the derangements on n elements, the permutations without any fixed points."
+NumberOfInvolutions::usage = "NumberOfInvolutions[n] counts the number of involutions on n elements."
+NumberOfPartitions::usage = "NumberOfPartitions[n] counts the number of distinct integer partitions of n."
+NumberOfPermutationsByCycles::usage = "NumberOfPermutationsByCycles[n,m] returns the number of permutations of length n with exactly m cycles."
+NumberOfSpanningTrees::usage = "NumberOfSpanningTrees[g] computes the number of distinct labeled spanning trees of graph g."
+NumberOfTableaux::usage = "NumberOfTableaux[p] uses the hook length formula to count the number of Young tableaux with shape defined by partition p."
+OrientGraph::usage = "OrientGraph[g] assigns a direction to each edge of a bridgeless, undirected graph g, so that the graph is strongly connected."
+PartialOrderQ::usage = "PartialOrderQ[g] returns True if the binary relation defined by the adjacency matrix of graph g is a partial order, meaning it is transitive, reflexive, and anti-symmetric."
+PartitionQ::usage = "PartitionQ[p] returns True if p is an integer partition."
+Partitions::usage = "Partitions[n] constructs all partitions of integer n in reverse lexicographic order."
+PathConditionGraph::usage = "PathConditionGraph[g] replaces each non-edge of a graph by an infinite cost, so shortest path algorithms work correctly"
+Path::usage = "Path[n] constructs a tree consisting only of a path on n vertices."
+PerfectQ::usage = "PerfectQ[g] returns true is g is a perfect graph, meaning that for every induced subgraph of g the size of the largest clique equals the chromatic number."
+PermutationGroupQ::usage = "PermutationGroupQ[l] returns True if the list of permutations l forms a permutation group."
+PermutationQ::usage = "PermutationQ[p] returns True if p represents a permutation and False otherwise."
+Permute::usage = "Permute[l,p] permutes list l according to permutation p."
+PlanarQ::usage = "PlanarQ[g] returns True if graph g is planar, meaning it can be drawn in the plane so no two edges cross."
+PointsAndLines::usage = "PointsAndLines[g] constructs a partial graphics representation of a graph g."
+Polya::usage = "Polya[g,m] returns the polynomial giving the number of colorings, with m colors, of a structure defined by the permutation group g."
+PseudographQ::usage = "PseudographQ[g] returns True if graph g is a pseudograph, meaning it contains self-loops."
+RadialEmbedding::usage = "RadialEmbedding[g] constructs a radial embedding of graph g, radiating from the center of the graph."
+Radius::usage = "Radius[g] computes the radius of graph g, the minimum eccentricity of any vertex of g."
+RandomComposition::usage = "RandomComposition[n,k] constructs a random composition of integer n into k parts."
+RandomGraph::usage = "RandomGraph[n,p,{l,h}] constructs a random labeled graph on n vertices with an edge probability of p and edge weights of integers drawn uniformly at random from the range (l,h). RandomGraph[n,p,{l,h},Directed] similarly constructs a random directed graph."
+RandomHeap::usage = "RandomHeap[n] constructs a random heap on n elements."
+RandomKSubset::usage = "RandomKSubset[l,k] returns a random subset of set l with exactly k elements."
+RandomPartition::usage = "RandomPartition[n] constructs a random partition of integer n."
+RandomPermutation1::usage = "RandomPermutation1[n] sorts random numbers to generate a random permutation."
+RandomPermutation2::usage = "RandomPermutation2[n] uses random transpositions to generate random permutations."
+RandomPermutation::usage = "RandomPermutation[n] returns a random permutation of length n."
+RandomSubset::usage = "RandomSubset[l] creates a random subset of set l."
+RandomTableau::usage = "RandomTableau[p] constructs a random Young tableau of shape p."
+RandomTree::usage = "RandomTree[n] constructs a random labeled tree on n vertices."
+RandomVertices::usage = "RandomVertices[g] assigns a random embedding to graph g."
+RankGraph::usage = "RankGraph[g,l] partitions the vertices into classes based on the shortest geodesic distance to a member of list l."
+RankPermutation::usage = "RankPermutation[p] computes the rank of permutation p in lexicographic order."
+RankSubset::usage = "RankSubset[l,s] computes the rank, in canonical order, of subset s of set l."
+RankedEmbedding::usage = "RankedEmbedding[g,l] performs a ranked embedding of graph g, with the vertices ranked in terms of geodesic distance from a member of list l."
+ReadGraph::usage = "ReadGraph[f] reads a graph represented as edge lists from file f, and returns the graph as a graph object."
+RealizeDegreeSequence::usage = "RealizeDegreeSequence[s] constructs a semirandom graph with degree sequence s."
+RegularGraph::usage = "RegularGraph[k,n] constructs a semirandom k-regular graph on n vertices, if such a graph exists."
+RegularQ::usage = "RegularQ[g] returns True if g is a regular graph."
+RemoveSelfLoops::usage = "RemoveSelfLoops[g] constructs a graph g with the same edges except for any self-loops."
+RevealCycles::usage = "RevealCycles[p] unveils the canonical hidden cycle structure of permutation p."
+RootedEmbedding::usage = "RootedEmbedding[g,v] constructs a rooted embedding of graph g with vertex v as the root."
+RotateVertices::usage = "RotateVertices[v,theta] rotates each vertex position in list v by theta radians around the origin (0,0)."
+Runs::usage = "Runs[p] partitions p into contiguous increasing subsequences."
+SamenessRelation::usage = "SamenessRelation[l] constructs a binary relation from a list of permutations l which is an equivalence relation if l is a permutation group."
+SelectionSort::usage = "SelectionSort[l,f] sorts list l using ordering function f."
+SelfComplementaryQ::usage = "SelfComplementaryQ[g] returns True if graph g is self-complementary, meaning it is isomorphic to its complement."
+ShakeGraph::usage = "ShakeGraph[g,d] performs a random perturbation of the vertices of graph g, with each vertex moving at most a distance d from its original position."
+ShortestPathSpanningTree::usage = "ShortestPathSpanningTree[g,v] constructs the shortest-path spanning tree originating from v, so that the shortest path in graph g from v to any other vertex is the path in the tree."
+ShortestPath::usage = "ShortestPath[g,start,end] finds the shortest path between vertices start and end in graph g."
+ShowGraph::usage = "ShowGraph[g] displays graph g according to its embedding. ShowGraph[g,Directed] displays directed graph g according to its embedding, with arrows illustrating the orientation of each edge."
+ShowLabeledGraph::usage = "ShowLabeledGraph[g] displays graph g according to its embedding, with each vertex labeled with its vertex number. ShowLabeledGraph[g,l] uses the ith element of list l as the label for vertex i. ShowLabeledGraph[g,l,Directed] displays directed graph g according to its embedding, with arrows illustrating the orientation of each edge."
+ShowWeightedGraph::usage = "ShowWeightedGraph[g] displays graph g according to its embedding. ShowWeitedGraph[g,Directed] displays directed graph g according to its embedding, with arrows illustrating the orientation of each edge."
+ShowWeightedLabeledGraph::usage = "ShowWeightedLabeledGraph[g] displays graph g according to its embedding, with each vertex labeled with its vertex number. ShowWeightedLabeledGraph[g,l] uses the ith element of list l as the label for vertex i. ShowWeightedLabeledGraph[g,l,Directed] displays directed graph g according to its embedding, with arrows illustrating the orientation of each edge."
+SignaturePermutation::usage = "SignaturePermutation[p] gives the signature of permutation p."
+SimpleQ::usage = "SimpleQ[g] returns True if g is a simple graph, meaning it is unweighted and contains no self-loops."
+Spectrum::usage = "Spectrum[g] gives the eigenvalues of graph g."
+SpringEmbedding::usage = "SpringEmbedding[g] beautifies the embedding of graph g by modeling the embedding as a system of springs."
+SpringEmbeddingDirected::usage = "SpringEmbeddingDirected[g] beautifies the embedding of digraph g by modeling the embedding as a system of springs."
+StableMarriage::usage = "StableMarriage[mpref,fpref] finds the male optimal stable marriage defined by lists of permutations describing male and female preferences."
+Star::usage = "Star[n] constructs a star on n vertices, which is a tree with one vertex of degree n-1."
+StirlingFirst::usage = "StirlingFirst[n,k] computes the Stirling numbers of the first kind."
+StirlingSecond::usage = "StirlingSecond[n,k] computes the Stirling numbers of the second kind."
+Strings::usage = "Strings[l,n] constructs all possible strings of length n from the elements of list l."
+StronglyConnectedComponents::usage = "StronglyConnectedComponents[g] returns the strongly connected components of directed graph g."
+Subsets::usage = "Subsets[l] returns all subsets of set l."
+TableauClasses::usage = "TableauClasses[p] partitions the elements of permutation p into classes according to their initial columns during Young tableaux construction."
+TableauQ::usage = "TableauQ[t] returns True if and only if t represents a Young tableau."
+TableauxToPermutation::usage = "TableauxToPermutation[t1,t2] constructs the unique permutation associated with Young tableaux t1 and t2, where both tableaux have the same shape. "
+Tableaux::usage = "Tableaux[p] constructs all tableaux whose shape is given by integer partition p."
+ToAdjacencyLists::usage = "ToAdjacencyLists[g] constructs an adjacency list representation for graph g."
+ToCycles::usage = "ToCycles[p] returns the cycle structure of permutation p."
+ToInversionVector::usage = "ToInversionVector[p] computes the inversion vector associated with permutation p."
+ToOrderedPairs::usage = "ToOrderedPairs[g] constructs a list of ordered pairs representing the edges of undirected graph g."
+ToUnorderedPairs::usage = "ToUnorderedPairs[g] constructs a list of vertex pairs representing graph g, with one pair per undirected edge."
+ToOrderedTriples::usage = "ToOrderedTriples[g] constructs a list of ordered triples representing the edges of weighted directed graph g."
+TopologicalSort::usage = "TopologicalSort[g] returns a permutation of the vertices of directed acyclic graph g such that an edge (i,j) implies vertex i appears before vertex j."
+TransitiveClosure::usage = "TransitiveClosure[g] finds the transitive closure of graph g, the superset of g which contains edge {x,y} iff there is a path from x to y."
+TransitiveQ::usage = "TransitiveQ[g] returns True if graph g defines a transitive relation."
+TransitiveReduction::usage = "TransitiveReduction[g] finds the smallest graph which has the same transitive closure as g."
+TranslateVertices::usage = "TranslateVertices[v,{x,y}] adds the vector {x,y} to each vertex in list v."
+TransposePartition::usage = "TransposePartition[p] reflects a partition p of k parts along the main diagonal, creating a partition with maximum part k."
+TransposeTableau::usage = "TransposeTableau[t] reflects a Young tableau t along the main diagonal, creating a different tableau."
+TravelingSalesmanBounds::usage = "TravelingSalesmanBounds[g] computes upper and lower bounds on the minimum cost traveling salesman tour of graph g."
+TravelingSalesman::usage = "TravelingSalesman[g] finds the optimal traveling salesman tour in graph g."
+TreeQ::usage = "TreeQ[g] returns True if graph g is a tree."
+TriangleInequalityQ::usage = "TriangleInequalityQ[g] returns True if the weight function defined by the adjacency matrix of graph g satisfies the triangle inequality."
+Turan::usage = "Turan[n,p] constructs the Turan graph, the extremal graph on n vertices which does not contain K[p]."
+TwoColoring::usage = "TwoColoring[g] finds a two-coloring of graph g if g is bipartite."
+UndirectedQ::usage = "UndirectedQ[g] returns True if graph g is undirected."
+UnionSet::usage = "UnionSet[a,b,s] merges the sets containing a and b in union-find data structure s."
+UnweightedQ::usage = "UnweightedQ[g] returns True if all entries in the adjacency matrix of graph g are zero or one."
+V::usage = "V[g] gives the order or number of vertices of graph g."
+VertexColoring::usage = "VertexColoring[g] uses Brelaz's heuristic to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, vertex coloring of graph g."
+VertexConnectivity::usage = "VertexConnectivity[g] computes the minimum number of vertices whose deletion from graph g disconnects it."
+VertexCoverQ::usage = "VertexCoverQ[g,c] returns True if the vertices in list c define a vertex cover of graph g."
+Vertices::usage = "Vertices[g] returns the embedding of graph g."
+WeaklyConnectedComponents::usage = "WeaklyConnectedComponents[g] returns the weakly connected components of directed graph g."
+Wheel::usage = "Wheel[n] constructs a wheel on n vertices, which is the join of K[1] and Cycle[n-1]."
+WriteGraph::usage = "WriteGraph[g,f] writes graph g to file f using an edge list representation."
+PermutationQ[p_List] := (Sort[p] == Range[Length[p]])
+Permute[l_List,p_?PermutationQ] := l [[ p ]]
+LexicographicPermutations[{l_}] := {{l}}
+LexicographicPermutations[{a_,b_}] := {{a,b},{b,a}}
+LexicographicPermutations[l_List] :=
+ Module[{i,n=Length[l]},
+ Apply[
+ Join,
+ Table[
+ Map[
+ (Prepend[#,l[[i]]])&,
+ LexicographicPermutations[
+ Complement[l,{l[[i]]}]
+ ]
+ ],
+ {i,n}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+RankPermutation[{1}] = 0
+RankPermutation[p_?PermutationQ] := (p[[1]]-1) (Length[Rest[p]]!) +
+ RankPermutation[ Map[(If[#>p[[1]], #-1, #])&, Rest[p]] ]
+NthPermutation[n1_Integer,l_List] :=
+ Module[{k, n=n1, s=l, i},
+ Table[
+ n = Mod[n,(i+1)!];
+ k = s [[Quotient[n,i!]+1]];
+ s = Complement[s,{k}];
+ k,
+ {i,Length[l]-1,0,-1}
+ ]
+ ]
+NextPermutation[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ NthPermutation[ RankPermutation[p]+1, Sort[p] ]
+RandomPermutation1[n_Integer?Positive] :=
+ Map[ Last, Sort[ Map[({Random[],#})&,Range[n]] ] ]
+RandomPermutation2[n_Integer?Positive] :=
+ Module[{p = Range[n],i,x},
+ Do [
+ x = Random[Integer,{1,i}];
+ {p[[i]],p[[x]]} = {p[[x]],p[[i]]},
+ {i,n,2,-1}
+ ];
+ p
+ ]
+RandomPermutation[n_Integer?Positive] := RandomPermutation1[n]
+MinimumChangePermutations[l_List] :=
+ Module[{i=1,c,p=l,n=Length[l],k},
+ c = Table[1,{n}];
+ Join[
+ {l},
+ Table[
+ While [ c[[i]] >= i, c[[i]] = 1; i++];
+ If[OddQ[i], k=1, k=c[[i]] ];
+ {p[[i]],p[[k]]} = {p[[k]],p[[i]]};
+ c[[i]]++;
+ i = 2;
+ p,
+ {n!-1}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+Backtrack[space_List,partialQ_,solutionQ_,flag_:One] :=
+ Module[{n=Length[space],all={},done,index,v=2,solution},
+ index=Prepend[ Table[0,{n-1}],1];
+ While[v > 0,
+ done = False;
+ While[!done && (index[[v]] < Length[space[[v]]]),
+ index[[v]]++;
+ done = Apply[partialQ,{Solution[space,index,v]}];
+ ];
+ If [done, v++, index[[v--]]=0 ];
+ If [v > n,
+ solution = Solution[space,index,n];
+ If [Apply[solutionQ,{solution}],
+ If [SameQ[flag,All],
+ AppendTo[all,solution],
+ all = solution; v=0
+ ]
+ ];
+ v--
+ ]
+ ];
+ all
+ ]
+Solution[space_List,index_List,count_Integer] :=
+ Module[{i}, Table[space[[ i,index[[i]] ]], {i,count}] ]
+DistinctPermutations[s_List] :=
+ Module[{freq,alph=Union[s],n=Length[s]},
+ freq = Map[ (Count[s,#])&, alph];
+ Map[
+ (alph[[#]])&,
+ Backtrack[
+ Table[Range[Length[alph]],{n}],
+ (Count[#,Last[#]] <= freq[[Last[#]]])&,
+ (Count[#,Last[#]] <= freq[[Last[#]]])&,
+ All
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+MinOp[l_List,f_] :=
+ Module[{min=First[l]},
+ Scan[ (If[ Apply[f,{#,min}], min = #])&, l];
+ Return[min];
+ ]
+SelectionSort[l_List,f_] :=
+ Module[{where,item,unsorted=l},
+ Table[
+ item = MinOp[unsorted, f];
+ {where} = First[ Position[unsorted,item] ];
+ unsorted = Drop[unsorted,{where,where}];
+ item,
+ {Length[l]}
+ ]
+ ]
+BinarySearch[l_List,k_Integer] := BinarySearch[l,k,1,Length[l],Identity]
+BinarySearch[l_List,k_Integer,f_] := BinarySearch[l,k,1,Length[l],f]
+BinarySearch[l_List,k_Integer,low_Integer,high_Integer,f_] :=
+ Module[{mid = Floor[ (low + high)/2 ]},
+ If [low > high, Return[low - 1/2]];
+ If [f[ l[[mid]] ] == k, Return[mid]];
+ If [f[ l[[mid]] ] > k,
+ BinarySearch[l,k,1,mid-1,f],
+ BinarySearch[l,k,mid+1,high,f]
+ ]
+ ]
+MultiplicationTable[elems_List,op_] :=
+ Module[{i,j,n=Length[elems],p},
+ Table[
+ p = Position[elems, Apply[op,{elems[[i]],elems[[j]]}]];
+ If [p === {}, 0, p[[1,1]]],
+ {i,n},{j,n}
+ ]
+ ]
+InversePermutation[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ Module[{inverse=p, i},
+ Do[ inverse[[ p[[i]] ]] = i, {i,Length[p]} ];
+ inverse
+ ]
+EquivalenceRelationQ[r_?SquareMatrixQ] :=
+ ReflexiveQ[r] && SymmetricQ[r] && TransitiveQ[r]
+EquivalenceRelationQ[g_Graph] := EquivalenceRelationQ[ Edges[g] ]
+SquareMatrixQ[{}] = True
+SquareMatrixQ[r_] := MatrixQ[r] && (Length[r] == Length[r[[1]]])
+ReflexiveQ[r_?SquareMatrixQ] :=
+ Module[{i}, Apply[And, Table[(r[[i,i]]!=0),{i,Length[r]}] ] ]
+TransitiveQ[r_?SquareMatrixQ] := TransitiveQ[ Graph[r,RandomVertices[Length[r]]] ]
+TransitiveQ[r_Graph] := IdenticalQ[r,TransitiveClosure[r]]
+SymmetricQ[r_?SquareMatrixQ] := (r === Transpose[r])
+EquivalenceClasses[r_List?EquivalenceRelationQ] :=
+ ConnectedComponents[ Graph[r,RandomVertices[Length[r]]] ]
+EquivalenceClasses[g_Graph?EquivalenceRelationQ] := ConnectedComponents[g]
+PermutationGroupQ[perms_List] :=
+ FreeQ[ MultiplicationTable[perms,Permute], 0] &&
+ EquivalenceRelationQ[SamenessRelation[perms]]
+SamenessRelation[perms_List] :=
+ Module[{positions = Transpose[perms], i, j, n=Length[First[perms]]},
+ Table[
+ If[ MemberQ[positions[[i]],j], 1, 0],
+ {i,n}, {j,n}
+ ]
+ ] /; perms != {}
+ToCycles[p1_?PermutationQ] :=
+ Module[{p=p1,m,n,cycle,i},
+ Select[
+ Table[
+ m = n = p[[i]];
+ cycle = {};
+ While[ p[[n]] != 0,
+ AppendTo[cycle,m=n];
+ n = p[[n]];
+ p[[m]] = 0
+ ];
+ cycle,
+ {i,Length[p]}
+ ],
+ (# =!= {})&
+ ]
+ ]
+FromCycles[cyc_List] :=
+ Module[{p=Table[0,{Length[Flatten[cyc]]}], pos},
+ Scan[
+ (pos = Last[#];
+ Scan[ Function[c, pos = p[[pos]] = c], #])&,
+ cyc
+ ];
+ p
+ ]
+HideCycles[c_List] :=
+ Flatten[
+ Sort[
+ Map[(RotateLeft[#,Position[#,Min[#]] [[1,1]] - 1])&, c],
+ (#1[[1]] > #2[[1]])&
+ ]
+ ]
+RevealCycles[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ Module[{start=end=1, cycles={}},
+ While [end <= Length[p],
+ If [p[[start]] > p[[end]],
+ AppendTo[ cycles, Take[p,{start,end-1}] ];
+ start = end,
+ end++
+ ]
+ ];
+ Append[cycles,Take[p,{start,end-1}]]
+ ]
+NumberOfPermutationsByCycles[n_Integer,m_Integer] := (-1)^(n-m) StirlingS1[n,m]
+StirlingFirst[n_Integer,m_Integer] := StirlingFirst1[n,m]
+StirlingFirst1[n_Integer,0] := If [n == 0, 1, 0]
+StirlingFirst1[0,m_Integer] := If [m == 0, 1, 0]
+StirlingFirst1[n_Integer,m_Integer] := StirlingFirst1[n,m] =
+ (n-1) StirlingFirst1[n-1,m] + StirlingFirst1[n-1, m-1]
+StirlingSecond[n_Integer,m_Integer] := StirlingSecond1[n,m]
+StirlingSecond1[n_Integer,0] := If [n == 0, 1, 0]
+StirlingSecond1[0,m_Integer] := If [m == 0, 1, 0]
+StirlingSecond1[n_Integer,m_Integer] := StirlingSecond1[n,m] =
+ m StirlingSecond1[n-1,m] + StirlingSecond1[n-1,m-1]
+SignaturePermutation[p_?PermutationQ] := (-1) ^ (Length[p]-Length[ToCycles[p]])
+Polya[g_List,m_] := Apply[ Plus, Map[(m^Length[ToCycles[#]])&,g] ] / Length[g]
+ToInversionVector[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ Module[{i,inverse=InversePermutation[p]},
+ Table[
+ Length[ Select[Take[p,inverse[[i]]], (# > i)&] ],
+ {i,Length[p]-1}
+ ]
+ ]
+FromInversionVector[vec_List] :=
+ Module[{n=Length[vec]+1,i,p},
+ p={n};
+ Do [
+ p = Insert[p, i, vec[[i]]+1],
+ {i,n-1,1,-1}
+ ];
+ p
+ ]
+Inversions[p_?PermutationQ] := Apply[Plus,ToInversionVector[p]]
+ Module[{i},
+ Sum[ If [p[[i]] > p[[i+1]], i, 0], {i,Length[p]-1} ]
+ ]
+Runs[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ Map[
+ (Apply[Take,{p,{#[[1]]+1,#[[2]]}}])&,
+ Partition[
+ Join[
+ {0},
+ Select[Range[Length[p]-1], (p[[#]]>p[[#+1]])&],
+ {Length[p]}
+ ],
+ 2,
+ 1
+ ]
+ ]
+Eulerian[n_Integer,k_Integer] := Eulerian1[n,k]
+Eulerian1[0,k_Integer] := If [k==1, 1, 0]
+Eulerian1[n_Integer,k_Integer] := Eulerian1[n,k] =
+ k Eulerian1[n-1,k] + (n-k+1) Eulerian1[n-1,k-1]
+InvolutionQ[p_?PermutationQ] := p[[p]] == Range[Length[p]]
+NumberOfInvolutions[n_Integer] :=
+ Module[{k},
+ n! Sum[1/((n - 2k)! 2^k k!), {k, 0, Quotient[n, 2]}]
+ ]
+DerangementQ[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ !(Apply[ Or, Map[( # == p[[#]] )&, Range[Length[p]]] ])
+NumberOfDerangements[0] = 1;
+NumberOfDerangements[n_] := n * NumberOfDerangements[n-1] + (-1)^n
+Derangements[n_Integer] := Derangements[Range[n]]
+Derangements[p_?PermutationQ] := Select[ Permutations[p], DerangementQ ]
+Josephus[n_Integer,m_Integer] :=
+ Module[{live=Range[n],next},
+ InversePermutation[
+ Table[
+ next = RotateLeft[live,m-1];
+ live = Rest[next];
+ First[next],
+ {n}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+Heapify[p_List] :=
+ Module[{j,heap=p},
+ Do [
+ heap = Heapify[heap,j],
+ {j,Quotient[Length[p],2],1,-1}
+ ];
+ heap
+ ]
+Heapify[p_List, k_Integer] :=
+ Module[{hp=p, i=k, l, n=Length[p]},
+ While[ (l = 2 i) <= n,
+ If[ (l < n) && (hp[[l]] > hp[[l+1]]), l++ ];
+ If[ hp[[i]] > hp[[l]],
+ {hp[[i]],hp[[l]]}={hp[[l]],hp[[i]]};
+ i = l,
+ i = n+1
+ ];
+ ];
+ hp
+ ]
+RandomHeap[n_Integer] := Heapify[RandomPermutation[n]]
+HeapSort[p_List] :=
+ Module[{heap=Heapify[p],min},
+ Append[
+ Table[
+ min = First[heap];
+ heap[[1]] = heap[[n]];
+ heap = Heapify[Drop[heap,-1],1];
+ min,
+ {n,Length[p],2,-1}
+ ],
+ Max[heap]
+ ]
+ ]
+Strings[l_List,0] := { {} }
+Strings[l_List,k_Integer?Positive] :=
+ Module[{oneless = Strings[l,k-1],i,n=Length[l]},
+ Apply[Join, Table[ Map[(Prepend[#,l[[i]]])&, oneless], {i,n}] ]
+ ]
+NthSubset[n_Integer,m_Integer] := NthSubset[n,Range[m]]
+NthSubset[n_Integer,l_List] :=
+ l[[ Flatten[ Position[Reverse[IntegerDigits[ Mod[n,2^Length[l]],2]],1] ] ]]
+BinarySubsets[l_List] :=
+ Module[{pos=Reverse[Range[Length[l]]], n=Length[l]},
+ Map[(l[[ Reverse[Select[pos*#, Positive]] ]])&, Strings[{0,1},n] ]
+ ]
+NextSubset[set_List,subset_List] := NthSubset[ RankSubset[set,subset], set ]
+RankSubset[set_List,subset_List] :=
+ Module[{i,n=Length[set]},
+ Sum[ 2^(i-1) * If[ MemberQ[subset,set[[i]]], 1, 0], {i,n}]
+ ]
+RandomSubset[set_List] := NthSubset[Random[Integer,2^(Length[set])-1],set]
+GrayCode[l_List] := GrayCode[l,{{}}]
+GrayCode[{},prev_List] := prev
+GrayCode[l_List,prev_List] :=
+ GrayCode[
+ Rest[l],
+ Join[ prev, Map[(Append[#,First[l]])&,Reverse[prev]] ]
+ ]
+Subsets[l_List] := GrayCode[l]
+Subsets[n_Integer] := GrayCode[Range[n]]
+LexicographicSubsets[l_List] := LexicographicSubsets[l,{{}}]
+LexicographicSubsets[{},s_List] := s
+LexicographicSubsets[l_List,subsets_List] :=
+ LexicographicSubsets[
+ Rest[l],
+ Join[
+ subsets,
+ Map[(Prepend[#,First[l]])&,LexicographicSubsets[Rest[l],{{}}] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+KSubsets[l_List,0] := { {} }
+KSubsets[l_List,1] := Partition[l,1]
+KSubsets[l_List,k_Integer?Positive] := {l} /; (k == Length[l])
+KSubsets[l_List,k_Integer?Positive] := {} /; (k > Length[l])
+KSubsets[l_List,k_Integer?Positive] :=
+ Join[
+ Map[(Prepend[#,First[l]])&, KSubsets[Rest[l],k-1]],
+ KSubsets[Rest[l],k]
+ ]
+NextKSubset[set_List,subset_List] :=
+ Take[set,Length[subset]] /; (Take[set,-Length[subset]] === subset)
+NextKSubset[set_List,subset_List] :=
+ Module[{h=1, x=1},
+ While [set[[-h]] == subset[[-h]], h++];
+ While [set[[x]] =!= subset[[-h]], x++];
+ Join[ Drop[subset,-h], Take[set, {x+1,x+h}] ]
+ ]
+RandomKSubset[n_Integer,k_Integer] := RandomKSubset[Range[n],k]
+RandomKSubset[set_List,k_Integer] :=
+ Module[{s=Range[Length[set]],i,n=Length[set],x},
+ set [[
+ Sort[
+ Table[
+ x=Random[Integer,{1,i}];
+ {s[[i]],s[[x]]} = {s[[x]],s[[i]]};
+ s[[i]],
+ {i,n,n-k+1,-1}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]]
+ ]
+PartitionQ[p_List] := (Min[p]>0) && Apply[And, Map[IntegerQ,p]]
+Partitions[n_Integer] := Partitions[n,n]
+Partitions[n_Integer,_] := {} /; (n<0)
+Partitions[0,_] := { {} }
+Partitions[n_Integer,1] := { Table[1,{n}] }
+Partitions[_,0] := {}
+Partitions[n_Integer,maxpart_Integer] :=
+ Join[
+ Map[(Prepend[#,maxpart])&, Partitions[n-maxpart,maxpart]],
+ Partitions[n,maxpart-1]
+ ]
+NextPartition[p_List] := Join[Drop[p,-1],{Last[p]-1,1}] /; (Last[p] > 1)
+NextPartition[p_List] := {Apply[Plus,p]} /; (Max[p] == 1)
+NextPartition[p_List] :=
+ Module[{index,k,m},
+ {index} = First[ Position[p,1] ];
+ k = p[[index-1]] - 1;
+ m = Apply[Plus,Drop[p,index-1]] + k + 1;
+ Join[
+ Take[p,index-2],
+ Table[k,{Quotient[m,k]}],
+ If [Mod[m,k] == 0, {}, {Mod[m,k]}]
+ ]
+ ]
+FerrersDiagram[p1_List] :=
+ Module[{i,j,n=Length[p1],p=Sort[p1]},
+ Show[
+ Graphics[
+ Join[
+ {PointSize[ Min[0.05,1/(2 Max[p])] ]},
+ Table[Point[{i,j}], {j,n}, {i,p[[j]]}]
+ ],
+ {AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> All}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+TransposePartition[p_List] :=
+ Module[{s=Select[p,(#>0)&], i, row, r},
+ row = Length[s];
+ Table [
+ r = row;
+ While [s[[row]]<=i, row--];
+ r,
+ {i,First[s]}
+ ]
+ ]
+DurfeeSquare[s_List] :=
+ Module[{i,max=1},
+ Do [
+ If [s[[i]] >= i, max=i],
+ {i,2,Min[Length[s],First[s]]}
+ ];
+ max
+ ]
+DurfeeSquare[{}] := 0
+NumberOfPartitions[n_Integer] := NumberOfPartitions1[n]
+NumberOfPartitions1[n_Integer] := 0 /; (n < 0)
+NumberOfPartitions1[n_Integer] := 1 /; (n == 0)
+NumberOfPartitions1[n_Integer] := NumberOfPartitions1[n] =
+ Module[{m},
+ Sum[ (-1)^(m+1) NumberOfPartitions1[n - m (3m-1)/2] +
+ (-1)^(m+1) NumberOfPartitions1[n - m (3m+1)/2],
+ {m, Ceiling[ (1+Sqrt[1.0 + 24n])/6 ], 1, -1}
+ ]
+ ]
+RandomPartition[n_Integer?Positive] :=
+ Module[{mult = Table[0,{n}],j,d,m = n},
+ While[ m != 0,
+ {j,d} = NextPartitionElement[m];
+ m -= j d;
+ mult[[d]] += j;
+ ];
+ Flatten[Map[(Table[#,{mult[[#]]}])&,Reverse[Range[n]]]]
+ ]
+NextPartitionElement[n_Integer] :=
+ Module[{d=0,j,m,z=Random[] n PartitionsP[n],done=False,flag},
+ While[!done,
+ d++; m = n; j = 0; flag = False;
+ While[ !flag,
+ j++; m -=d;
+ If[ m > 0,
+ z -= d PartitionsP[m];
+ If[ z <= 0, flag=done=True],
+ flag = True;
+ If[m==0, z -=d; If[z <= 0, done = True]]
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ {j,d}
+ ]
+NumberOfCompositions[n_,k_] := Binomial[ n+k-1, n ]
+RandomComposition[n_Integer,k_Integer] :=
+ Map[
+ (#[[2]] - #[[1]] - 1)&,
+ Partition[Join[{0},RandomKSubset[Range[n+k-1],k-1],{n+k}], 2, 1]
+ ]
+Compositions[n_Integer,k_Integer] :=
+ Map[
+ (Map[(#[[2]]-#[[1]]-1)&, Partition[Join[{0},#,{n+k}],2,1] ])&,
+ KSubsets[Range[n+k-1],k-1]
+ ]
+NextComposition[l_List] :=
+ Module[{c=l, h=1, t},
+ While[c[[h]] == 0, h++];
+ {t,c[[h]]} = {c[[h]],0};
+ c[[1]] = t - 1;
+ c[[h+1]]++;
+ c
+ ]
+NextComposition[l_List] :=
+ Join[{Apply[Plus,l]},Table[0,{Length[l]-1}]] /; Last[l]==Apply[Plus,l]
+TableauQ[{}] = True
+TableauQ[t_List] :=
+ And [
+ Apply[ And, Map[(Apply[LessEqual,#])&,t] ],
+ Apply[ And, Map[(Apply[LessEqual,#])&,TransposeTableau[t]] ],
+ Apply[ GreaterEqual, Map[Length,t] ],
+ Apply[ GreaterEqual, Map[Length,TransposeTableau[t]] ]
+ ]
+TransposeTableau[tb_List] :=
+ Module[{t=Select[tb,(Length[#]>=1)&],row},
+ Table[
+ row = Map[First,t];
+ t = Map[ Rest, Select[t,(Length[#]>1)&] ];
+ row,
+ {Length[First[tb]]}
+ ]
+ ]
+ShapeOfTableau[t_List] := Map[Length,t]
+InsertIntoTableau[e_Integer,{}] := { {e} }
+InsertIntoTableau[e_Integer, t1_?TableauQ] :=
+ Module[{item=e,row=0,col,t=t1},
+ While [row < Length[t],
+ row++;
+ If [Last[t[[row]]] <= item,
+ AppendTo[t[[row]],item];
+ Return[t]
+ ];
+ col = Ceiling[ BinarySearch[t[[row]],item] ];
+ {item, t[[row,col]]} = {t[[row,col]], item};
+ ];
+ Append[t, {item}]
+ ]
+ConstructTableau[p_List] := ConstructTableau[p,{}]
+ConstructTableau[{},t_List] := t
+ConstructTableau[p_List,t_List] :=
+ ConstructTableau[Rest[p], InsertIntoTableau[First[p],t]]
+ Module [{t=t1, col, row, item=Last[t1[[r]]]},
+ col = Length[t[[r]]];
+ If[col == 1, t = Drop[t,-1], t[[r]] = Drop[t[[r]],-1]];
+ Do [
+ While [t[[row,col]]<=item && Length[t[[row]]]>col, col++];
+ If [item < t[[row,col]], col--];
+ {item,t[[row,col]]} = {t[[row,col]],item},
+ {row,r-1,1,-1}
+ ];
+ t
+ ]
+TableauxToPermutation[p1_?TableauQ,q1_?TableauQ] :=
+ Module[{p=p1, q=q1, row, firstrow},
+ Reverse[
+ Table[
+ firstrow = First[p];
+ row = Position[q, Max[q]] [[1,1]];
+ p = DeleteFromTableau[p,row];
+ q[[row]] = Drop[ q[[row]], -1];
+ If[ p == {},
+ First[firstrow],
+ First[Complement[firstrow,First[p]]]
+ ],
+ {Apply[Plus,ShapeOfTableau[p1]]}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] /; ShapeOfTableau[p1] === ShapeOfTableau[q1]
+LastLexicographicTableau[s_List] :=
+ Module[{c=0},
+ Map[(c+=#; Range[c-#+1,c])&, s]
+ ]
+FirstLexicographicTableau[s_List] :=
+ TransposeTableau[ LastLexicographicTableau[ TransposePartition[s] ] ]
+NextTableau[t_?TableauQ] :=
+ Module[{s,y,row,j,count=0,tj,i,n=Max[t]},
+ y = TableauToYVector[t];
+ For [j=2, (j<n) && (y[[j]]>=y[[j-1]]), j++];
+ If [y[[j]] >= y[[j-1]],
+ Return[ FirstLexicographicTableau[ ShapeOfTableau[t] ] ]
+ ];
+ s = ShapeOfTableau[ Table[Select[t[[i]],(#<=j)&], {i,Length[t]}] ];
+ {row} = Last[ Position[ s, s[[ Position[t,j] [[1,1]] + 1 ]] ] ];
+ s[[row]] --;
+ tj = FirstLexicographicTableau[s];
+ If[ Length[tj] < row,
+ tj = Append[tj,{j}],
+ tj[[row]] = Append[tj[[row]],j]
+ ];
+ Join[
+ Table[
+ Join[tj[[i]],Select[t[[i]],(#>j)&]],
+ {i,Length[tj]}
+ ],
+ Table[t[[i]],{i,Length[tj]+1,Length[t]}]
+ ]
+ ]
+Tableaux[s_List] :=
+ Module[{t = LastLexicographicTableau[s]},
+ Table[ t = NextTableau[t], {NumberOfTableaux[s]} ]
+ ]
+Tableaux[n_Integer?Positive] := Apply[ Join, Map[ Tableaux, Partitions[n] ] ]
+YVectorToTableau[y_List] :=
+ Module[{k},
+ Table[ Flatten[Position[y,k]], {k,Length[Union[y]]}]
+ ]
+TableauToYVector[t_?TableauQ] :=
+ Module[{i,y=Table[1,{Length[Flatten[t]]}]},
+ Do [ Scan[ (y[[#]]=i)&, t[[i]] ], {i,2,Length[t]} ];
+ y
+ ]
+NumberOfTableaux[{}] := 1
+NumberOfTableaux[s_List] :=
+ Module[{row,col,transpose=TransposePartition[s]},
+ (Apply[Plus,s])! /
+ Product [
+ (transpose[[col]]-row+s[[row]]-col+1),
+ {row,Length[s]}, {col,s[[row]]}
+ ]
+ ]
+NumberOfTableaux[n_Integer] := Apply[Plus, Map[NumberOfTableaux, Partitions[n]]]
+CatalanNumber[n_] := Binomial[2n,n]/(n+1) /; (n>=0)
+RandomTableau[shape_List] :=
+ Module[{i=j=n=Apply[Plus,shape],done,l,m,h=1,k,y,p=shape},
+ y= Join[TransposePartition[shape],Table[0,{n - Max[shape]}]];
+ Do[
+ {i,j} = RandomSquare[y,p]; done = False;
+ While [!done,
+ h = y[[j]] + p[[i]] - i - j;
+ If[ h != 0,
+ If[ Random[] < 0.5,
+ j = Random[Integer,{j,p[[i]]}],
+ i = Random[Integer,{i,y[[j]]}]
+ ],
+ done = True
+ ];
+ ];
+ p[[i]]--; y[[j]]--;
+ y[[m]] = i,
+ {m,n,1,-1}
+ ];
+ YVectorToTableau[y]
+ ]
+RandomSquare[y_List,p_List] :=
+ Module[{i=Random[Integer,{1,First[y]}], j=Random[Integer,{1,First[p]}]},
+ While[(i > y[[j]]) || (j > p[[i]]),
+ i = Random[Integer,{1,First[y]}];
+ j = Random[Integer,{1,First[p]}]
+ ];
+ {i,j}
+ ]
+TableauClasses[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ Module[{classes=Table[{},{Length[p]}],t={}},
+ Scan [
+ (t = InsertIntoTableau[#,t];
+ PrependTo[classes[[Position[First[t],#] [[1,1]] ]], #])&,
+ p
+ ];
+ Select[classes, (# != {})&]
+ ]
+LongestIncreasingSubsequence[p_?PermutationQ] :=
+ Module[{c,x,xlast},
+ c = TableauClasses[p];
+ xlast = x = First[ Last[c] ];
+ Append[
+ Reverse[
+ Map[
+ (x = First[ Intersection[#,
+ Take[p, Position[p,x][[1,1]] ] ] ])&,
+ Reverse[ Drop[c,-1] ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ xlast
+ ]
+ ]
+LongestIncreasingSubsequence[{}] := {}
+AddToEncroachingLists[k_Integer,{}] := {{k}}
+AddToEncroachingLists[k_Integer,l_List] :=
+ Append[l,{k}] /; (k > First[Last[l]]) && (k < Last[Last[l]])
+AddToEncroachingLists[k_Integer,l1_List] :=
+ Module[{i,l=l1},
+ If [k <= First[Last[l]],
+ i = Ceiling[ BinarySearch[l,k,First] ];
+ PrependTo[l[[i]],k],
+ i = Ceiling[ BinarySearch[l,-k,(-Last[#])&] ];
+ AppendTo[l[[i]],k]
+ ];
+ l
+ ]
+EncroachingListSet[l_List] := EncroachingListSet[l,{}]
+EncroachingListSet[{},e_List] := e
+EncroachingListSet[l_List,e_List] :=
+ EncroachingListSet[Rest[l], AddToEncroachingLists[First[l],e] ]
+Edges[Graph[e_,_]] := e
+Vertices[Graph[_,v_]] := v
+V[Graph[e_,_]] := Length[e]
+M[Graph[g_,_],___] := Apply[Plus, Map[(Apply[Plus,#])&,g] ] / 2
+M[Graph[g_,_],Directed] := Apply[Plus, Map[(Apply[Plus,#])&,g] ]
+ChangeVertices[g_Graph,v_List] := Graph[ Edges[g], v ]
+ChangeEdges[g_Graph,e_List] := Graph[ e, Vertices[g] ]
+AddEdge[Graph[g_,v_],{x_,y_},Directed] :=
+ Module[ {gnew=g},
+ gnew[[x,y]] ++;
+ Graph[gnew,v]
+ ]
+AddEdge[g_Graph,{x_,y_},flag_:Undirected] :=
+ AddEdge[ AddEdge[g, {x,y}, Directed], {y,x}, Directed]
+DeleteEdge[Graph[g_,v_],{x_,y_},Directed] :=
+ Module[ {gnew=g},
+ If [ g[[x,y]] > 1, gnew[[x,y]]--, gnew[[x,y]] = 0];
+ Graph[gnew,v]
+ ]
+DeleteEdge[g_Graph,{x_,y_},flag_:Undirected] :=
+ DeleteEdge[ DeleteEdge[g, {x,y}, Directed], {y,x}, Directed]
+AddVertex[g_Graph] := GraphUnion[g, K[1]]
+DeleteVertex[g_Graph,v_Integer] := InduceSubgraph[g,Complement[Range[V[g]],{v}]]
+Spectrum[Graph[g_,_]] := Eigenvalues[g]
+ToAdjacencyLists[Graph[g_,_]] :=
+ Map[ (Flatten[ Position[ #, _?(Function[n, n!=0])] ])&, g ]
+FromAdjacencyLists[e_List] :=
+ Module[{blanks = Table[0,{Length[e]}] },
+ Graph[
+ Map [ (MapAt[ 1&,blanks,Partition[#,1]])&, e ],
+ CircularVertices[Length[e]]
+ ]
+ ]
+FromAdjacencyLists[e_List,v_List] := ChangeVertices[FromAdjacencyLists[e], v]
+ToOrderedPairs[g_Graph] := Position[ Edges[g], _?(Function[n,n != 0]) ]
+ToUnorderedPairs[g_Graph] := Select[ ToOrderedPairs[g], (#[[1]] < #[[2]])& ]
+FromOrderedPairs[l_List] :=
+ Module[{n=Max[l]},
+ Graph[
+ MapAt[1&, Table[0,{n},{n}],l],
+ CircularVertices[n]
+ ]
+ ]
+FromOrderedPairs[{}] := Graph[{},{}]
+FromOrderedPairs[l_List,v_List] :=
+ Graph[ MapAt[1&, Table[0,{Length[v]},{Length[v]}], l], v]
+FromUnorderedPairs[l_List] := MakeUndirected[ FromOrderedPairs[l] ]
+FromUnorderedPairs[l_List,v_List] := MakeUndirected[ FromOrderedPairs[l,v] ]
+(* Addition: Extension of From* and ToOrderedPairs
+by Fukuda 941006 *)
+ Block[{graph,pairs,wedges},
+ pairs=Transpose[Drop[Transpose[tr],-1]];
+ graph=FromOrderedPairs[pairs];
+ wedges=Edges[graph];
+ Scan[(wedges[[#[[1]],#[[2]]]]=#[[3]])&,tr];
+ graph=Graph[wedges,Vertices[graph]]
+ ]
+ Block[{graph,pairs,wedges},
+ pairs=Transpose[Drop[Transpose[tr],-1]];
+ graph=FromOrderedPairs[pairs];
+ wedges=Edges[graph];
+ Scan[(wedges[[#[[1]],#[[2]]]]=#[[3]];wedges[[#[[2]],#[[1]]]]=#[[3]])&,tr];
+ graph=Graph[wedges,Vertices[graph]]
+ ]
+ToOrderedTriples[g_Graph] :=
+ Map[Append[#,Edges[g][[#[[1]],#[[2]]]]]&, Position[ Edges[g], _?(Function[n,n != 0]) ]]
+(* end of Addition *)
+PseudographQ[Graph[g_,_]] :=
+ Module[{i},
+ Apply[Or, Table[ g[[i,i]]!=0, {i,Length[g]} ]]
+ ]
+UnweightedQ[Graph[g_,_]] := Apply[ And, Map[(#==0 || #==1)&, Flatten[g] ] ]
+SimpleQ[g_Graph] := (!PseudographQ[g]) && (UnweightedQ[g])
+RemoveSelfLoops[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{i,e=Edges[g]},
+ Do [ e[[i,i]]=0, {i,V[g]} ];
+ Graph[e, Vertices[g]]
+ ]
+EmptyQ[g_Graph] := Edges[g] == Table[0, {V[g]}, {V[g]}]
+CompleteQ[g_Graph] := Edges[RemoveSelfLoops[g]] == Edges[ K[V[g]] ]
+InduceSubgraph[g_Graph,{}] := Graph[{},{}]
+InduceSubgraph[Graph[g_,v_],s_List] :=
+ Graph[Transpose[Transpose[g[[s]]] [[s]] ],v[[s]]] /; (Length[s]<=Length[g])
+Contract[g_Graph,{u_Integer,v_Integer}] :=
+ Module[{o,e,i,n=V[g],newg,range=Complement[Range[V[g]],{u,v}]},
+ newg = InduceSubgraph[g,range];
+ e = Edges[newg]; o = Edges[g];
+ Graph[
+ Append[
+ Table[
+ Append[e[[i]],
+ If[o[[range[[i]],u]]>0 ||
+ o[[range[[i]],v]]>0,1,0] ],
+ {i,n-2}
+ ],
+ Append[
+ Map[(If[o[[u,#]]>0||o[[v,#]]>0,1,0])&,range],
+ 0
+ ]
+ ],
+ Join[Vertices[newg], {(Vertices[g][[u]]+Vertices[g][[v]])/2}]
+ ]
+ ] /; V[g] > 2
+Contract[g_Graph,_] := K[1] /; V[g] == 2
+GraphComplement[Graph[g_,v_]] :=
+ RemoveSelfLoops[ Graph[ Map[ (Map[ (If [#==0,1,0])&, #])&, g], v ] ]
+MakeUndirected[Graph[g_,v_]] :=
+ Module[{i,j,n=Length[g]},
+ Graph[ Table[If [g[[i,j]]!=0 || g[[j,i]]!=0,1,0],{i,n},{j,n}], v ]
+ ]
+UndirectedQ[Graph[g_,_]] := (Apply[Plus,Apply[Plus,Abs[g-Transpose[g]]]] == 0)
+MakeSimple[g_Graph] := MakeUndirected[RemoveSelfLoops[g]]
+BFS[g_Graph,start_Integer] :=
+ Module[{e,bfi=Table[0,{V[g]}],cnt=1,edges={},queue={start}},
+ e = ToAdjacencyLists[g];
+ bfi[[start]] = cnt++;
+ While[ queue != {},
+ {v,queue} = {First[queue],Rest[queue]};
+ Scan[
+ (If[ bfi[[#]] == 0,
+ bfi[[#]] = cnt++;
+ AppendTo[edges,{v,#}];
+ AppendTo[queue,#]
+ ])&,
+ e[[v]]
+ ];
+ ];
+ {edges,bfi}
+ ]
+BreadthFirstTraversal[g_Graph,s_Integer,Edge] := First[BFS[g,s]]
+BreadthFirstTraversal[g_Graph,s_Integer,___] := InversePermutation[Last[BFS[g,s]]]
+DFS[v_Integer] :=
+ ( dfi[[v]] = cnt++;
+ AppendTo[visit,v];
+ Scan[ (If[dfi[[#]]==0,AppendTo[edges,{v,#}];DFS[#] ])&, e[[v]] ] )
+DepthFirstTraversal[g_Graph,start_Integer,flag_:Vertex] :=
+ Block[{visit={},e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],edges={},dfi=Table[0,{V[g]}],cnt=1},
+ DFS[start];
+ If[ flag===Edge, edges, visit]
+ ]
+ShowGraph[g1_Graph,type_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{g=NormalizeVertices[g1]},
+ Show[
+ Graphics[
+ Join[
+ PointsAndLines[g],
+ If[SameQ[type,Directed],Arrows[g],{}]
+ ]
+ ],
+ {AspectRatio->1, PlotRange->FindPlotRange[Vertices[g]]}
+ ]
+ ]
+(* Addtion: Weighted Graph drawing by
+ Fukuda 941006 *)
+ShowWeightedGraph[g1_Graph,type_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{g=NormalizeVertices[g1]},
+ Show[
+ Graphics[
+ Join[
+ If[SameQ[type,Directed],PointsAndLines[g],PointsAndProportionalLines[g]],
+ If[SameQ[type,Directed],ProportionalArrows[g],{}]
+ ]
+ ],
+ {AspectRatio->1, PlotRange->FindPlotRange[Vertices[g]]}
+ ]
+ ]
+MinimumEdgeLength[v_List,pairs_List] :=
+ Max[ Select[
+ Chop[ Map[(Sqrt[ N[(v[[#[[1]]]]-v[[#[[2]]]]) .
+ (v[[#[[1]]]]-v[[#[[2]]]])] ])&,pairs] ],
+ (# > 0)&
+ ], 0.001 ]
+(* Change: for larger off-set by K. Fukuda 930530 *)
+FindPlotRange[v_List] :=
+ Module[{xmin=Min[Map[First,v]], xmax=Max[Map[First,v]],
+ ymin=Min[Map[Last,v]], ymax=Max[Map[Last,v]]},
+ { {xmin - 0.18 Max[1,xmax-xmin], xmax + 0.18 Max[1,xmax-xmin]},
+ {ymin - 0.18 Max[1,ymax-ymin], ymax + 0.18 Max[1,ymax-ymin]} }
+ ]
+(* end Change *)
+(* Change: for thiner line and smaller points by
+ K. Fukuda 960516 *)
+PointsAndLines[Graph[e_List,v_List]] :=
+ Module[{pairs=ToOrderedPairs[Graph[e,v]]},
+ Join[
+ {PointSize[ 0.02 ]},
+ Map[Point,Chop[v]],
+ {Thickness[ 0.0025 ]},
+ Map[(Line[Chop[ v[[#]] ]])&,pairs]
+ ]
+ ]
+PointsAndProportionalLines[Graph[e_List,v_List]] :=
+ Module[{triples=ToOrderedTriples[Graph[e,v]]},
+ Join[
+ {PointSize[ 0.02 ]},
+ Map[Point,Chop[v]],
+ Map[{Thickness[ 0.0025 * #[[3]]],(Line[Chop[ v[[Drop[#,-1]]] ]])}&,triples]
+ ]
+ ]
+(* End Change *)
+(* Change: Narrower arrow, and different arrow positioning by
+ K. Fukuda 930604 *)
+Arrows[Graph[e_,v_]] :=
+ Module[{pairs=ToOrderedPairs[Graph[e,v]], size, triangle},
+ size = Min[0.04, MinimumEdgeLength[v,pairs]/4];
+ triangle={ {0,0}, {-size,size/4}, {-size,-size/4} };
+ Map[
+ (Polygon[
+ TranslateVertices[
+ RotateVertices[
+ triangle,
+ Arctan[Apply[Subtract,v[[#]]]]+Pi
+ ],
+ v[[ #[[2]] ]]*(7/8)+v[[ #[[1]] ]]*(1/8)
+ ]
+ ])&,
+ pairs
+ ]
+ ]
+(* end of Change *)
+(* Addition: Proportional arrows for weighted graphs by
+ K. Fukuda 930604 *)
+ProportionalArrows[Graph[e_,v_]] :=
+ Module[{triples=ToOrderedTriples[Graph[e,v]],
+ pairs=ToOrderedPairs[Graph[e,v]],size, triangle},
+ size = Min[0.05, MinimumEdgeLength[v,pairs]/3];
+ triangle={ {0,0}, {-size,size/4}, {-size,-size/4} };
+ Map[
+ (Polygon[
+ TranslateVertices[
+ RotateVertices[
+ triangle * #[[3]],
+ Arctan[Apply[Subtract,v[[Drop[#,-1]]]]]+Pi
+ ],
+ v[[ #[[2]] ]]*(7/8)+v[[ #[[1]] ]]*(1/8)
+ ]
+ ])&,
+ triples
+ ]
+ ]
+(* end of Change *)
+ShowLabeledGraph[g_Graph] := ShowLabeledGraph[g,Range[V[g]]]
+ShowLabeledGraph[g1_Graph,labels_List] :=
+ Module[{pairs=ToOrderedPairs[g1], g=NormalizeVertices[g1], v},
+ v = Vertices[g];
+ Show[
+ Graphics[
+ Join[
+ PointsAndLines[g],
+ Map[(Line[Chop[ v[[#]] ]])&, pairs],
+ GraphLabels[v,labels]
+ ]
+ ],
+ {AspectRatio->1, PlotRange->FindPlotRange[v]}
+ ]
+ ]
+(* Addition: Directed option for ShowLabeledGraph
+ by K. Fukuda 930604 *)
+ShowLabeledGraph[g1_Graph,labels_List,type_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{pairs=ToOrderedPairs[g1], g=NormalizeVertices[g1], v},
+ v = Vertices[g];
+ Show[
+ Graphics[
+ Join[
+ PointsAndLines[g],
+ If[SameQ[type,Directed],Arrows[g],{}],
+ Map[(Line[Chop[ v[[#]] ]])&, pairs],
+ GraphLabels[v,labels]
+ ]
+ ],
+ {AspectRatio->1, PlotRange->FindPlotRange[v]}
+ ]
+ ]
+ShowWeightedLabeledGraph[g1_Graph,labels_List,type_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{pairs=ToOrderedPairs[g1], g=NormalizeVertices[g1], v},
+ v = Vertices[g];
+ Show[
+ Graphics[
+ Join[
+ If[SameQ[type,Directed],PointsAndLines[g],PointsAndProportionalLines[g]],
+ If[SameQ[type,Directed],ProportionalArrows[g],{}],
+ Map[(Line[Chop[ v[[#]] ]])&, pairs],
+ GraphLabels[v,labels]
+ ]
+ ],
+ {AspectRatio->1, PlotRange->FindPlotRange[v]}
+ ]
+ ]
+(* end Addition *)
+GraphLabels[v_List,l_List] :=
+ Module[{i},
+ Table[ Text[ l[[i]],v[[i]]-{0.025,0.025},{0,1} ],{i,Length[v]}]
+ ]
+CircularVertices[0] := {}
+CircularVertices[n_Integer] :=
+ Module[{i,x = N[2 Pi / n]},
+ Chop[ Table[ N[{ (Cos[x i]), (Sin[x i]) }], {i,n} ] ]
+ ]
+CircularVertices[Graph[g_,_]] := Graph[ g, CircularVertices[ Length[g] ] ]
+RankGraph[g_Graph, start_List] :=
+ Module[ {rank = Table[0,{V[g]}],edges = ToAdjacencyLists[g],v,queue,new},
+ Scan[ (rank[[#]] = 1)&, start];
+ queue = start;
+ While [queue != {},
+ v = First[queue];
+ new = Select[ edges[[v]], (rank[[#]] == 0)&];
+ Scan[ (rank[[#]] = rank[[v]]+1)&, new];
+ queue = Join[ Rest[queue], new];
+ ];
+ rank
+ ]
+RankedEmbedding[g_Graph,start_List] := Graph[ Edges[g],RankedVertices[g,start] ]
+RankedVertices[g_Graph,start_List] :=
+ Module[{i,m,stages,rank,freq = Table[0,{V[g]}]},
+ rank = RankGraph[g,start];
+ stages = Distribution[ rank ];
+ Table[
+ m = ++ freq[[ rank[[i]] ]];
+ {rank[[i]], (m-1) + (1 - stages[[ rank[[i]] ]])/2 },
+ {i,V[g]}
+ ]
+ ]
+Distribution[l_List] := Distribution[l, Union[l]]
+Distribution[l_List, set_List] := Map[(Count[l,#])&, set]
+Eccentricity[g_Graph] := Map[ Max, AllPairsShortestPath[g] ]
+Eccentricity[g_Graph,start_Integer] := Map[ Max, Last[Dijkstra[g,start]] ]
+Diameter[g_Graph] := Max[ Eccentricity[g] ]
+Radius[g_Graph] := Min[ Eccentricity[g] ]
+GraphCenter[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{eccentricity = Eccentricity[g]},
+ Flatten[ Position[eccentricity, Min[eccentricity]] ]
+ ]
+RadialEmbedding[g_Graph,ct_Integer] :=
+ Module[{center=ct,ang,i,da,theta,n,v,positioned,done,next,e=ToAdjacencyLists[g]},
+ ang = Table[{0,2 Pi},{n=V[g]}];
+ v = Table[{0,0},{n}];
+ positioned = next = done = {center};
+ While [next != {},
+ center = First[next];
+ new = Complement[e[[center]], positioned];
+ Do [
+ da = (ang[[center,2]]-ang[[center,1]])/Length[new];
+ ang[[ new[[i]] ]] = {ang[[center,1]] + (i-1)*da,
+ ang[[center,1]] + i*da};
+ theta = Apply[Plus,ang[[ new[[i]] ]] ]/2;
+ v[[ new[[i]] ]] = v[[center]] +
+ N[{Cos[theta],Sin[theta]}],
+ {i,Length[new]}
+ ];
+ next = Join[Rest[next],new];
+ positioned = Union[positioned,new];
+ AppendTo[done,center]
+ ];
+ Graph[Edges[g],v]
+ ]
+RadialEmbedding[g_Graph] := RadialEmbedding[g,First[GraphCenter[g]]];
+RootedEmbedding[g_Graph,rt_Integer] :=
+ Module[{root=rt,pos,i,x,dx,new,n=V[g],v,done,next,e=ToAdjacencyLists[g]},
+ pos = Table[{-Ceiling[Sqrt[n]],Ceiling[Sqrt[n]]},{n}];
+ v = Table[{0,0},{n}];
+ next = done = {root};
+ While [next != {},
+ root = First[next];
+ new = Complement[e[[root]], done];
+ Do [
+ dx = (pos[[root,2]]-pos[[root,1]])/Length[new];
+ pos[[ new[[i]] ]] = {pos[[root,1]] + (i-1)*dx,
+ pos[[root,1]] + i*dx};
+ x = Apply[Plus,pos[[ new[[i]] ]] ]/2;
+ v[[ new[[i]] ]] = {x,v[[root,2]]-1},
+ {i,Length[new]}
+ ];
+ next = Join[Rest[next],new];
+ done = Join[done,new]
+ ];
+ Graph[Edges[g],N[v]]
+ ]
+TranslateVertices[v_List,{x_,y_}] := Map[ (# + {x,y})&, v ]
+TranslateVertices[Graph[g_,v_],{x_,y_}] := Graph[g, TranslateVertices[v,{x,y}] ]
+DilateVertices[v_List,d_] := (d * v)
+DilateVertices[Graph[e_,v_],d_] := Graph[e, DilateVertices[v,d]]
+RotateVertices[v_List,t_] :=
+ Module[{d,theta},
+ Map[
+ (If[# == {0,0}, {0,0},
+ d=Sqrt[#[[1]]^2 + #[[2]]^2];
+ theta = t + Arctan[#];
+ N[{d Cos[theta], d Sin[theta]}]
+ ])&,
+ v
+ ]
+ ]
+RotateVertices[Graph[g_,v_],t_] := Graph[g, RotateVertices[v,t]]
+Arctan[{x_,y_}] := Arctan1[Chop[{x,y}]]
+Arctan1[{0,0}] := 0
+Arctan1[{x_,y_}] := ArcTan[x,y]
+(* Change: to normalize in x and y directions independently]
+ by K. Fukuda 930601 *)
+NormalizeVertices[v_List] :=
+ Module[{vx=Transpose[v][[1]],vy=Transpose[v][[2]],
+ xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,dx,dy},
+ xmin=Min[vx]; xmax=Max[vx];
+ ymin=Min[vy]; ymax=Max[vy];
+ dx=Max[(xmax-xmin),0.01];
+ dy=Max[(ymax-ymin),0.01];
+ Map[{(#[[1]]-xmin)/dx,(#[[2]]-ymin)/dy}&,v]
+ ]
+(* end Change *)
+NormalizeVertices[Graph[g_,v_]] := Graph[g, NormalizeVertices[v]]
+ShakeGraph[Graph[e_List,v_List], fract_:0.1] :=
+ Module[{i,d,a},
+ Graph[
+ e,
+ Table[
+ d = Random[Real,{0,fract}];
+ a = Random[Real,{0, 2 N[Pi]}];
+ {N[v[[i,1]] + d Cos[a]], N[v[[i,2]] + d Sin[a]]},
+ {i,Length[e]}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+CalculateForce[u_Integer,g_Graph,em_List] :=
+ Module[{n=V[g],stc=0.25,gr=10.0,e=Edges[g],f={0.0,0.0},spl=1.0,v,dsquared},
+ Do [
+ dsquared = Max[0.001, Apply[Plus,(em[[u]]-em[[v]])^2] ];
+ f += (1-e[[u,v]]) (gr/dsquared) (em[[u]]-em[[v]])
+ - e[[u,v]] stc Log[dsquared/spl] (em[[u]]-em[[v]]),
+ {v,n}
+ ];
+ f
+ ]
+SpringEmbedding[g_Graph,step_:10,inc_:0.15] :=
+ Module[{new=old=Vertices[g],n=V[g],i,u,g1=MakeUndirected[g]},
+ Do [
+ Do [
+ new[[u]] = old[[u]]+inc*CalculateForce[u,g1,old],
+ {u,n}
+ ];
+ old = new,
+ {i,step}
+ ];
+ Graph[Edges[g],new]
+ ]
+(* Rewritten for Version 2.0 *)
+(* Change: A directed spring embedding made by
+Fukuda 94-10-05 *)
+SpringEmbeddingDirected[g_Graph,step_:10,inc_:0.15] :=
+ Module[{new=old=Vertices[g],n=V[g],i,u,g1=g},
+ Do [
+ Do [
+ new[[u]] = old[[u]]+inc*CalculateForce[u,g1,old],
+ {u,n}
+ ];
+ old = new,
+ {i,step}
+ ];
+ Graph[Edges[g],new]
+ ]
+(* end of Change *)
+ReadGraph[file_] :=
+ Module[{edgelist={}, v={},x},
+ OpenRead[file];
+ While[!SameQ[(x = Read[file,Number]), EndOfFile],
+ AppendTo[v,Read[file,{Number,Number}]];
+ AppendTo[edgelist,
+ Convert[Characters[Read[file,String]]]
+ ];
+ ];
+ Close[file];
+ FromAdjacencyLists[edgelist,v]
+ ]
+Toascii[s_String] := First[ ToCharacterCode[s] ]
+Convert[l_List] :=
+ Module[{ch,num,edge={},i=1},
+ While[i <= Length[l],
+ If[ DigitQ[ l[[i]] ],
+ num = 0;
+ While[ ((i <= Length[l]) && (DigitQ[l[[i]]])),
+ num = 10 num + Toascii[l[[i++]]] - Toascii["0"]
+ ];
+ AppendTo[edge,num],
+ i++
+ ];
+ ];
+ edge
+ ]
+WriteGraph[g_Graph,file_] :=
+ Module[{edges=ToAdjacencyLists[g],v=N[NormalizeVertices[Vertices[g]]],i,x,y},
+ OpenWrite[file];
+ Do[
+ WriteString[file," ",ToString[i]];
+ {x,y} = Chop[ v [[i]] ];
+ WriteString[file," ",ToString[x]," ",ToString[y]];
+ Scan[
+ (WriteString[file," ",ToString[ # ]])&,
+ edges[[i]]
+ ];
+ Write[file],
+ {i,V[g]}
+ ];
+ Close[file];
+ ]
+GraphUnion[g_Graph,h_Graph] :=
+ Module[{maxg=Max[ Map[First,Vertices[g]] ], minh=Min[ Map[First,Vertices[h]] ]},
+ FromOrderedPairs[
+ Join[ ToOrderedPairs[g], (ToOrderedPairs[h] + V[g])],
+ Join[ Vertices[g], Map[({maxg-minh+1,0}+#)&, Vertices[h] ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+GraphUnion[1,g_Graph] := g
+GraphUnion[0,g_Graph] := EmptyGraph[0];
+GraphUnion[k_Integer,g_Graph] := GraphUnion[ GraphUnion[k-1,g], g]
+ExpandGraph[g_Graph,n_] := GraphUnion[ g, EmptyGraph[n - V[g]] ] /; V[g] <= n
+GraphIntersection[g_Graph,h_Graph] :=
+ FromOrderedPairs[
+ Intersection[ToOrderedPairs[g],ToOrderedPairs[h]],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ] /; (V[g] == V[h])
+GraphDifference[g1_Graph,g2_Graph] :=
+ Graph[Edges[g1] - Edges[g2], Vertices[g1]] /; V[g1]==V[g2]
+GraphSum[g1_Graph,g2_Graph] :=
+ Graph[Edges[g1] + Edges[g2], Vertices[g1]] /; V[g1]==V[g2]
+GraphJoin[g_Graph,h_Graph] :=
+ Module[{maxg=Max[ Abs[ Map[First,Vertices[g]] ] ]},
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Join[
+ ToUnorderedPairs[g],
+ ToUnorderedPairs[h] + V[g],
+ CartesianProduct[Range[V[g]],Range[V[h]]+V[g]]
+ ],
+ Join[ Vertices[g], Map[({maxg+1,0}+#)&, Vertices[h]]]
+ ]
+ ]
+CartesianProduct[a_List,b_List] :=
+ Module[{i,j},
+ Flatten[ Table[{a[[i]],b[[j]]},{i,Length[a]},{j,Length[b]}], 1]
+ ]
+GraphProduct[g_Graph,h_Graph] :=
+ Module[{k,eg=ToOrderedPairs[g],eh=ToOrderedPairs[h],leng=V[g],lenh=V[h]},
+ FromOrderedPairs[
+ Flatten[
+ Join[
+ Table[eg+(i-1)*leng, {i,lenh}],
+ Map[ (Table[
+ {leng*(#[[1]]-1)+k, leng*(#[[2]]-1)+k},
+ {k,1,leng}
+ ])&,
+ eh
+ ]
+ ],
+ 1
+ ],
+ ProductVertices[Vertices[g],Vertices[h]]
+ ]
+ ]
+ProductVertices[vg_,vh_] :=
+ Flatten[
+ Map[
+ (TranslateVertices[
+ DilateVertices[vg, 1/(Max[Length[vg],Length[vh]])],
+ #])&,
+ RotateVertices[vh,Pi/2]
+ ],
+ 1
+ ]
+IncidenceMatrix[g_Graph] :=
+ Map[
+ ( Join[
+ Table[0,{First[#]-1}], {1},
+ Table[0,{Last[#]-First[#]-1}], {1},
+ Table[0,{V[g]-Last[#]}]
+ ] )&,
+ ToUnorderedPairs[g]
+ ]
+LineGraph[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{b=IncidenceMatrix[g], edges=ToUnorderedPairs[g], v=Vertices[g]},
+ Graph[
+ b . Transpose[b] - 2 IdentityMatrix[Length[edges]],
+ Map[ ( (v[[ #[[1]] ]] + v[[ #[[2]] ]]) / 2 )&, edges]
+ ]
+ ]
+K[0] := Graph[{},{}]
+K[1] := Graph[{{0}},{{0,0}}]
+K[n_Integer?Positive] := CirculantGraph[n,Range[1,Floor[(n+1)/2]]]
+CirculantGraph[n_Integer?Positive,l_List] :=
+ Module[{i,r},
+ r = Prepend[MapAt[1&,Table[0,{n-1}], Map[List,Join[l,n-l]]], 0];
+ Graph[ Table[RotateRight[r,i], {i,0,n-1}], CircularVertices[n] ]
+ ]
+EmptyGraph[n_Integer?Positive] :=
+ Module[{i},
+ Graph[ Table[0,{n},{n}], Table[{0,i},{i,(1-n)/2,(n-1)/2}] ]
+ ]
+K[l__] :=
+ Module[{ll=List[l],t,i,x,row,stages=Length[List[l]]},
+ t = FoldList[Plus,0,ll];
+ Graph[
+ Apply[
+ Join,
+ Table [
+ row = Join[
+ Table[1, {t[[i-1]]}],
+ Table[0, {t[[i]]-t[[i-1]]}],
+ Table[1, {t[[stages+1]]-t[[i]]}]
+ ];
+ Table[row, {ll[[i-1]]}],
+ {i,2,stages+1}
+ ]
+ ],
+ Apply [
+ Join,
+ Table[
+ Table[{x,i-1+(1-ll[[x]])/2},{i,ll[[x]]}],
+ {x,stages}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] /; TrueQ[Apply[And, Map[Positive,List[l]]]] && (Length[List[l]]>1)
+Turan[n_Integer,p_Integer] :=
+ Module[{k = Floor[ n / (p-1) ], r},
+ r = n - k (p-1);
+ Apply[K, Join[ Table[k,{p-1-r}], Table[k+1,{r}] ] ]
+ ] /; (n > 0 && p > 1)
+Cycle[n_Integer] := CirculantGraph[n,{1}] /; n>=3
+Star[n_Integer?Positive] :=
+ Module[{g},
+ g = Append [ Table[0,{n-1},{n}], Append[ Table[1,{n-1}], 0] ];
+ Graph[
+ g + Transpose[g],
+ Append[ CircularVertices[n-1], {0,0}]
+ ]
+ ]
+Wheel[n_Integer] :=
+ Module[{i,row = Join[{0,1}, Table[0,{n-4}], {1}]},
+ Graph[
+ Append[
+ Table[ Append[RotateRight[row,i-1],1], {i,n-1}],
+ Append[ Table[1,{n-1}], 0]
+ ],
+ Append[ CircularVertices[n-1], {0,0} ]
+ ]
+ ] /; n >= 3
+Path[1] := K[1]
+Path[n_Integer?Positive] :=
+ FromUnorderedPairs[ Partition[Range[n],2,1], Map[({#,0})&,Range[n]] ]
+GridGraph[n_Integer?Positive,m_Integer?Positive] :=
+ GraphProduct[
+ ChangeVertices[Path[n], Map[({Max[n,m]*#,0})&,Range[n]]],
+ Path[m]
+ ]
+Hypercube[n_Integer] := Hypercube1[n]
+Hypercube1[0] := K[1]
+Hypercube1[1] := Path[2]
+Hypercube1[2] := Cycle[4]
+Hypercube1[n_Integer] := Hypercube1[n] =
+ GraphProduct[
+ RotateVertices[ Hypercube1[Floor[n/2]], 2Pi/5],
+ Hypercube1[Ceiling[n/2]]
+ ]
+LabeledTreeToCode[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],i,code},
+ Table [
+ {i} = First[ Position[ Map[Length,e], 1 ] ];
+ code = e[[i,1]];
+ e[[code]] = Complement[ e[[code]], {i} ];
+ e[[i]] = {};
+ code,
+ {V[g]-2}
+ ]
+ ]
+CodeToLabeledTree[l_List] :=
+ Module[{m=Range[Length[l]+2],x,i},
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Append[
+ Table[
+ x = Min[Complement[m,Drop[l,i-1]]];
+ m = Complement[m,{x}];
+ {x,l[[i]]},
+ {i,Length[l]}
+ ],
+ m
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+RandomTree[n_Integer?Positive] :=
+ RadialEmbedding[CodeToLabeledTree[ Table[Random[Integer,{1,n}],{n-2}] ], 1]
+RandomGraph[n_Integer,p_] := RandomGraph[n,p,{1,1}]
+RandomGraph[n_Integer,p_,range_List] :=
+ Module[{i,g},
+ g = Table[
+ Join[
+ Table[0,{i}],
+ Table[
+ If[Random[Real]<p, Random[Integer,range], 0],
+ {n-i}
+ ]
+ ],
+ {i,n}
+ ];
+ Graph[ g + Transpose[g], CircularVertices[n] ]
+ ]
+ExactRandomGraph[n_Integer,e_Integer] :=
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Map[ NthPair, Take[ RandomPermutation[n(n-1)/2], e] ],
+ CircularVertices[n]
+ ]
+NthPair[0] := {}
+NthPair[n_Integer] :=
+ Module[{i=2},
+ While[ Binomial[i,2] < n, i++];
+ {n - Binomial[i-1,2], i}
+ ]
+RandomVertices[n_Integer] := Table[{Random[], Random[]}, {n}]
+RandomVertices[g_Graph] := Graph[ Edges[g], RandomVertices[V[g]] ]
+RandomGraph[n_Integer,p_,range_List,Directed] :=
+ RemoveSelfLoops[
+ Graph[
+ Table[If[Random[Real]<p,Random[Integer,range],0],{n},{n}],
+ CircularVertices[n]
+ ]
+ ]
+RandomGraph[n_Integer,p_,Directed] := RandomGraph[n,p,{1,1},Directed]
+DegreeSequence[g_Graph] := Reverse[ Sort[ Degrees[g] ] ]
+Degrees[Graph[g_,_]] := Map[(Apply[Plus,#])&, g]
+GraphicQ[s_List] := False /; (Min[s] < 0) || (Max[s] >= Length[s])
+GraphicQ[s_List] := (First[s] == 0) /; (Length[s] == 1)
+GraphicQ[s_List] :=
+ Module[{m,sorted = Reverse[Sort[s]]},
+ m = First[sorted];
+ GraphicQ[ Join[ Take[sorted,{2,m+1}]-1, Drop[sorted,m+1] ] ]
+ ]
+RealizeDegreeSequence[d_List] :=
+ Module[{i,j,v,set,seq,n=Length[d],e},
+ seq = Reverse[ Sort[ Table[{d[[i]],i},{i,n}]] ];
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Flatten[ Table[
+ {{k,v},seq} = {First[seq],Rest[seq]};
+ While[ !GraphicQ[
+ MapAt[
+ (# - 1)&,
+ Map[First,seq],
+ set = RandomKSubset[Table[{i},{i,n-j}],k]
+ ] ]
+ ];
+ e = Map[(Prepend[seq[[#,2]],v])&,set];
+ seq = Reverse[ Sort[
+ MapAt[({#[[1]]-1,#[[2]]})&,seq,set]
+ ] ];
+ e,
+ {j,Length[d]-1}
+ ], 1],
+ CircularVertices[n]
+ ]
+ ] /; GraphicQ[d]
+RealizeDegreeSequence[d_List,seed_Integer] :=
+ (SeedRandom[seed]; RealizeDegreeSequence[d])
+RegularQ[Graph[g_,_]] := Apply[ Equal, Map[(Apply[Plus,#])& , g] ]
+RegularGraph[k_Integer,n_Integer] := RealizeDegreeSequence[Table[k,{n}]]
+MakeGraph[v_List,f_] :=
+ Module[{n=Length[v],i,j},
+ Graph [
+ Table[If [Apply[f,{v[[i]],v[[j]]}], 1, 0],{i,n},{j,n}],
+ CircularVertices[n]
+ ]
+ ]
+IntervalGraph[l_List] :=
+ MakeGraph[
+ l,
+ ( ((First[#1] <= First[#2]) && (Last[#1] >= First[#2])) ||
+ ((First[#2] <= First[#1]) && (Last[#2] >= First[#1])) )&
+ ]
+FunctionalGraph[f_,n_] :=
+ Module[{i,x},
+ FromOrderedPairs[
+ Table[{i, x=Mod[Apply[f,{i}],n]; If[x!=0,x,n]}, {i,n} ],
+ CircularVertices[n]
+ ]
+ ]
+ConnectedComponents[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{untraversed=Range[V[g]],traversed,comps={}},
+ While[untraversed != {},
+ traversed = DepthFirstTraversal[g,First[untraversed]];
+ AppendTo[comps,traversed];
+ untraversed = Complement[untraversed,traversed]
+ ];
+ comps
+ ]
+ConnectedQ[g_Graph] := Length[ DepthFirstTraversal[g,1] ] == V[g]
+WeaklyConnectedComponents[g_Graph] := ConnectedComponents[ MakeUndirected[g] ]
+ConnectedQ[g_Graph,Undirected] := Length[ WeaklyConnectedComponents[g] ] == 1
+StronglyConnectedComponents[g_Graph] :=
+ Block[{e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],s,c=1,i,cur={},low=dfs=Table[0,{V[g]}],scc={}},
+ While[(s=Select[Range[V[g]],(dfs[[#]]==0)&]) != {},
+ SearchStrongComp[First[s]];
+ ];
+ scc
+ ]
+SearchStrongComp[v_Integer] :=
+ Block[{r},
+ low[[v]]=dfs[[v]]=c++;
+ PrependTo[cur,v];
+ Scan[
+ (If[dfs[[#]] == 0,
+ SearchStrongComp[#];
+ low[[v]]=Min[low[[v]],low[[#]]],
+ If[(dfs[[#]] < dfs[[v]]) && MemberQ[cur,#],
+ low[[v]]=Min[low[[v]],dfs[[#]] ]
+ ];
+ ])&,
+ e[[v]]
+ ];
+ If[low[[v]] == dfs[[v]],
+ {r} = Flatten[Position[cur,v]];
+ AppendTo[scc,Take[cur,r]];
+ cur = Drop[cur,r];
+ ];
+ ]
+ConnectedQ[g_Graph,Directed] := Length[ StronglyConnectedComponents[g] ] == 1
+OrientGraph[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{pairs,newg,rest,cc,c,i,e},
+ pairs = Flatten[Map[(Partition[#,2,1])&,ExtractCycles[g]],1];
+ newg = FromUnorderedPairs[pairs,Vertices[g]];
+ rest = ToOrderedPairs[ GraphDifference[ g, newg ] ];
+ cc = Sort[ConnectedComponents[newg], (Length[#1]>=Length[#2])&];
+ c = First[cc];
+ Do[
+ e = Select[rest,(MemberQ[c,#[[1]]] &&
+ MemberQ[cc[[i]],#[[2]]])&];
+ rest = Complement[rest,e,Map[Reverse,e]];
+ c = Union[c,cc[[i]]];
+ pairs = Join[pairs, Prepend[ Rest[e],Reverse[e[[1]]] ] ],
+ {i,2,Length[cc]}
+ ];
+ FromOrderedPairs[
+ Join[pairs, Select[rest,(#[[1]] > #[[2]])&] ],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ]
+ ] /; SameQ[Bridges[g],{}]
+FindBiconnectedComponents[g_Graph] :=
+ Block[{e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],n=V[g],par,c=0,act={},back,dfs,ap=bcc={}},
+ back=dfs=Table[0,{n}];
+ par = Table[n+1,{n}];
+ Map[(SearchBiConComp[First[#]])&, ConnectedComponents[g]];
+ {bcc,Drop[ap, -1]}
+ ]
+SearchBiConComp[v_Integer] :=
+ Block[{r},
+ back[[v]]=dfs[[v]]=++c;
+ Scan[
+ (If[ dfs[[#]] == 0,
+ If[!MemberQ[act,{v,#}], PrependTo[act,{v,#}]];
+ par[[#]] = v;
+ SearchBiConComp[#];
+ If[ back[[#]] >= dfs[[v]],
+ {r} = Flatten[Position[act,{v,#}]];
+ AppendTo[bcc,Union[Flatten[Take[act,r]]]];
+ AppendTo[ap,v];
+ act = Drop[act,r]
+ ];
+ back[[v]] = Min[ back[[v]],back[[#]] ],
+ If[# != par[[v]],back[[v]]=Min[dfs[[#]],back[[v]]]]
+ ])&,
+ e[[v]]
+ ];
+ ]
+ArticulationVertices[g_Graph] := Union[Last[FindBiconnectedComponents[g]]];
+Bridges[g_Graph] := Select[BiconnectedComponents[g],(Length[#] == 2)&]
+BiconnectedComponents[g_Graph] := First[FindBiconnectedComponents[g]];
+BiconnectedQ[g_Graph] := Length[ BiconnectedComponents[g] ] == 1
+EdgeConnectivity[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{i},
+ Apply[Min, Table[NetworkFlow[g,1,i], {i,2,V[g]}]]
+ ]
+VertexConnectivityGraph[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{n=V[g],e},
+ e=Table[0,{2 n},{2 n}];
+ Scan[ (e[[#-1,#]] = 1)&, 2 Range[n] ];
+ Scan[
+ (e[[#[[1]], #[[2]]-1]] = e[[#[[2]],#[[1]]-1]] = Infinity)&,
+ 2 ToUnorderedPairs[g]
+ ];
+ Graph[e,Apply[Join,Map[({#,#})&,Vertices[g]]]]
+ ]
+VertexConnectivity[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{p=VertexConnectivityGraph[g],k=V[g],i=0,notedges},
+ notedges = ToUnorderedPairs[ GraphComplement[g] ];
+ While[ i++ <= k,
+ k = Min[
+ Map[
+ (NetworkFlow[p,2 #[[1]],2 #[[2]]-1])&,
+ Select[notedges,(First[#]==i)&]
+ ],
+ k
+ ]
+ ];
+ k
+ ]
+Harary[k_?EvenQ, n_Integer] := CirculantGraph[n,Range[k/2]]
+Harary[k_?OddQ, n_?EvenQ] := CirculantGraph[n,Append[Range[k/2],n/2]]
+Harary[k_?OddQ, n_?OddQ] :=
+ Module[{g=Harary[k-1,n],i},
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Join[
+ ToUnorderedPairs[g],
+ { {1,(n+1)/2}, {1,(n+3)/2} },
+ Table [ {i,i+(n+1)/2}, {i,2,(n-1)/2} ]
+ ],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ]
+ ]
+IdenticalQ[g_Graph,h_Graph] := Edges[g] === Edges[h]
+IsomorphismQ[g_Graph,h_Graph,p_List] := False /;
+ (V[g]!=V[h]) || !PermutationQ[p] || (Length[p] != V[g])
+IsomorphismQ[g_Graph,h_Graph,p_List] := IdenticalQ[g, InduceSubgraph[h,p] ]
+Isomorphism[g_Graph,h_Graph,flag_:One] := {} /; (V[g] != V[h])
+Isomorphism[g_Graph,h_Graph,flag_:One] :=
+ Module[{eg=Edges[g],eh=Edges[h],equiv=Equivalences[g,h]},
+ If [!MemberQ[equiv,{}],
+ Backtrack[
+ equiv,
+ (IdenticalQ[InduceSubgraph[g,Range[Length[#]]],
+ InduceSubgraph[h,#] ] &&
+ !MemberQ[Drop[#,-1],Last[#]])&,
+ (IsomorphismQ[g,h,#])&,
+ flag
+ ],
+ {}
+ ]
+ ]
+IsomorphicQ[g_Graph,h_Graph] := True /; IdenticalQ[g,h]
+IsomorphicQ[g_Graph,h_Graph] := ! SameQ[ Isomorphism[g,h], {}]
+Equivalences[g_Graph,h_Graph] :=
+ Equivalences[ AllPairsShortestPath[g], AllPairsShortestPath[h]]
+Equivalences[g_List,h_List] :=
+ Module[{dg=Map[Sort,g],dh=Map[Sort,h],s,i},
+ Table[
+ Flatten[Position[dh,_?(Function[s,SameQ[s,dg[[i]] ]])]],
+ {i,Length[dg]}
+ ]
+ ] /; Length[g] == Length[h]
+Automorphisms[g_Graph,flag_:All] :=
+ Module[{s=AllPairsShortestPath[g]},
+ Backtrack[
+ Equivalences[s,s],
+ (IdenticalQ[InduceSubgraph[g,Range[Length[#]]],
+ InduceSubgraph[g,#] ] &&
+ !MemberQ[Drop[#,-1],Last[#]])&,
+ (IsomorphismQ[g,g,#])&,
+ flag
+ ]
+ ]
+SelfComplementaryQ[g_Graph] := IsomorphicQ[g, GraphComplement[g]]
+FindCycle[g_Graph,flag_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{edge,n=V[g],x,queue,v,seen,parent},
+ edge=ToAdjacencyLists[g];
+ For[ v = 1, v <= n, v++,
+ parent=Table[n+1,{n}]; parent[[v]] = 0;
+ seen = {}; queue = {v};
+ While[ queue != {},
+ {x,queue} = {First[queue], Rest[queue]};
+ AppendTo[seen,x];
+ If[ SameQ[ flag, Undirected],
+ Scan[ (If[ parent[[x]] != #, parent[[#]]=x])&, edge[[x]] ],
+ Scan[ (parent[[#]]=x)&, edge[[x]]]
+ ];
+ If[ SameQ[flag,Undirected],
+ If[ MemberQ[ edge[[x]],v ] && parent[[x]] != v,
+ Return[ FromParent[parent,x] ]
+ ],
+ If[ MemberQ[ edge[[x]],v ],
+ Return[ FromParent[parent,x] ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ queue = Join[ Complement[ edge[[x]], seen], queue]
+ ]
+ ];
+ {}
+ ]
+FromParent[parent_List,s_Integer] :=
+ Module[{i=s,lst={s}},
+ While[!MemberQ[lst,(i=parent[[i]])], PrependTo[lst,i] ];
+ PrependTo[lst,i];
+ Take[lst, Flatten[Position[lst,i]]]
+ ]
+AcyclicQ[g_Graph,flag_:Undirected] := SameQ[FindCycle[g,flag],{}]
+TreeQ[g_Graph] := ConnectedQ[g] && (M[g] == V[g]-1)
+ExtractCycles[gi_Graph,flag_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{g=gi,cycles={},c},
+ While[!SameQ[{}, c=FindCycle[g,flag]],
+ PrependTo[cycles,c];
+ g = DeleteCycle[g,c,flag];
+ ];
+ cycles
+ ]
+DeleteCycle[g_Graph,cycle_List,flag_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{newg=g},
+ Scan[(newg=DeleteEdge[newg,#,flag])&, Partition[cycle,2,1] ];
+ newg
+ ]
+Girth[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{v,dist,queue,n=V[g],girth=Infinity,parent,e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],x},
+ Do [
+ dist = parent = Table[Infinity, {n}];
+ dist[[v]] = parent[[v]] = 0;
+ queue = {v};
+ While [queue != {},
+ {x,queue} = {First[queue],Rest[queue]};
+ Scan[
+ (If [ (dist[[#]]+dist[[x]]<girth) &&
+ (parent[[x]] != #),
+ girth=dist[[#]]+dist[[x]] + 1,
+ If [dist[[#]]==Infinity,
+ dist[[#]] = dist[[x]] + 1;
+ parent[[#]] = x;
+ If [2 dist[[#]] < girth-1,
+ AppendTo[queue,#] ]
+ ]])&,
+ e[[ x ]]
+ ];
+ ],
+ {v,n}
+ ];
+ girth
+ ] /; SimpleQ[g]
+EulerianQ[g_Graph,Directed] :=
+ ConnectedQ[g,Undirected] && (InDegree[g] === OutDegree[g])
+EulerianQ[g_Graph,flag_:Undirected] := ConnectedQ[g,Undirected] &&
+ UndirectedQ[g] && Apply[And,Map[EvenQ,DegreeSequence[g]]]
+OutDegree[Graph[e_List,_],n_Integer] := Length[ Select[ e[[n]], (# != 0)& ] ]
+OutDegree[g_Graph] := Map[ (OutDegree[g,#])&, Range[V[g]] ]
+InDegree[g_Graph,n_Integer] := OutDegree[ TransposeGraph[g], n ];
+InDegree[g_Graph] := Map[ (InDegree[g,#])&, Range[V[g]] ]
+TransposeGraph[Graph[g_List,v_List]] := Graph[ Transpose[g], v ]
+EulerianCycle[g_Graph,flag_:Undirected] :=
+ Module[{euler,c,cycles,v},
+ cycles = Map[(Drop[#,-1])&, ExtractCycles[g,flag]];
+ {euler, cycles} = {First[cycles], Rest[cycles]};
+ Do [
+ c = First[ Select[cycles, (Intersection[euler,#]=!={})&] ];
+ v = First[Intersection[euler,c]];
+ euler = Join[
+ RotateLeft[c, Position[c,v] [[1,1]] ],
+ RotateLeft[euler, Position[euler,v] [[1,1]] ]
+ ];
+ cycles = Complement[cycles,{c}],
+ {Length[cycles]}
+ ];
+ Append[euler, First[euler]]
+ ] /; EulerianQ[g,flag]
+DeBruijnSequence[alph_List,n_Integer] :=
+ Module[{states = Strings[alph,n-1]},
+ Rest[ Map[
+ (First[ states[[#]] ])&,
+ EulerianCycle[
+ MakeGraph[
+ states,
+ (Module[{i},
+ MemberQ[
+ Table[
+ Append[Rest[#1],alph[[i]]],
+ {i,Length[alph]}
+ ],
+ #2
+ ]
+ ])&
+ ],
+ Directed
+ ]
+ ] ]
+ ] /; n>=2
+DeBruijnSequence[alph_List,n_Integer] := alph /; n==1
+HamiltonianQ[g_Graph] := False /; !BiconnectedQ[g]
+HamiltonianQ[g_Graph] := HamiltonianCycle[g] != {}
+HamiltonianCycle[g_Graph,flag_:One] :=
+ Module[{s={1},all={},done,adj=Edges[g],e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],x,v,ind,n=V[g]},
+ ind=Table[1,{n}];
+ While[ Length[s] > 0,
+ v = Last[s];
+ done = False;
+ While[ ind[[v]] <= Length[e[[v]]] && !done,
+ If[!MemberQ[s,(x = e[[v,ind[[v]]++]])], done=True]
+ ];
+ If[ done, AppendTo[s,x], s=Drop[s,-1]; ind[[v]] = 1];
+ If[(Length[s] == n),
+ If [(adj[[x,1]]>0),
+ AppendTo[all,Append[s,First[s]]];
+ If [SameQ[flag,All],
+ s=Drop[s,-1],
+ all = Flatten[all]; s={}
+ ],
+ s = Drop[s,-1]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ all
+ ]
+TravelingSalesman[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{v,s={1},sol={},done,cost,g1,e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],x,ind,best,n=V[g]},
+ ind=Table[1,{n}];
+ g1 = PathConditionGraph[g];
+ best = Infinity;
+ While[ Length[s] > 0,
+ v = Last[s];
+ done = False;
+ While[ ind[[v]] <= Length[e[[v]]] && !done,
+ x = e[[v,ind[[v]]++]];
+ done = (best > CostOfPath[g1,Append[s,x]]) &&
+ !MemberQ[s,x]
+ ];
+ If[done, AppendTo[s,x], s=Drop[s,-1]; ind[[v]] = 1];
+ If[(Length[s] == n),
+ cost = CostOfPath[g1, Append[s,First[s]]];
+ If [(cost < best), sol = s; best = cost ];
+ s = Drop[s,-1]
+ ]
+ ];
+ Append[sol,First[sol]]
+ ]
+CostOfPath[Graph[g_,_],p_List] := Apply[Plus, Map[(Element[g,#])&,Partition[p,2,1]] ]
+Element[a_List,{index___}] := a[[ index ]]
+TriangleInequalityQ[e_?SquareMatrixQ] :=
+ Module[{i,j,k,n=Length[e],flag=True},
+ Do [
+ If[(e[[i,k]]!=0) && (e[[k,j]]!=0) && (e[[i,j]]!=0),
+ If[e[[i,k]]+e[[k,j]]<e[[i,j]],
+ flag = False;
+ ]
+ ],
+ {i,n},{j,n},{k,n}
+ ];
+ flag
+ ]
+TriangleInequalityQ[g_Graph] := TriangleInequalityQ[Edges[g]]
+TravelingSalesmanBounds[g_Graph] := {LowerBoundTSP[g], UpperBoundTSP[g]}
+UpperBoundTSP[g_Graph] :=
+ CostOfPath[g, Append[DepthFirstTraversal[MinimumSpanningTree[g],1],1]]
+LowerBoundTSP[g_Graph] := Apply[Plus, Map[Min,ReplaceAll[Edges[g],0->Infinity]]]
+PartialOrderQ[g_Graph] := ReflexiveQ[g] && AntiSymmetricQ[g] && TransitiveQ[g]
+TransitiveQ[g_Graph] := IdenticalQ[g,TransitiveClosure[g]]
+ReflexiveQ[Graph[g_List,_]] :=
+ Module[{i},
+ Apply[And, Table[(g[[i,i]]!=0),{i,Length[g]}] ]
+ ]
+AntiSymmetricQ[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{e = Edges[g], g1 = RemoveSelfLoops[g]},
+ Apply[And, Map[(Element[e,Reverse[#]]==0)&,ToOrderedPairs[g1]] ]
+ ]
+TransitiveClosure[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{i,j,k,e=Edges[g],n=V[g]},
+ Do [
+ If[ e[[j,i]] != 0,
+ Do [
+ If[ e[[i,k]] != 0, e[[j,k]]=1],
+ {k,n}
+ ]
+ ],
+ {i,n},{j,n}
+ ];
+ Graph[e,Vertices[g]]
+ ]
+TransitiveReduction[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{closure=reduction=Edges[g],i,j,k,n=V[g]},
+ Do[
+ If[ closure[[i,j]]!=0 && closure[[j,k]]!=0 &&
+ reduction[[i,k]]!=0 && (i!=j) && (j!=k) && (i!=k),
+ reduction[[i,k]] = 0
+ ],
+ {i,n},{j,n},{k,n}
+ ];
+ Graph[reduction,Vertices[g]]
+ ] /; AcyclicQ[RemoveSelfLoops[g],Directed]
+TransitiveReduction[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{reduction=Edges[g],i,j,k,n=V[g]},
+ Do[
+ If[ reduction[[i,j]]!=0 && reduction[[j,k]]!=0 &&
+ reduction[[i,k]]!=0 && (i!=j) && (j!=k) && (i!=k),
+ reduction[[i,k]] = 0
+ ],
+ {i,n},{j,n},{k,n}
+ ];
+ Graph[reduction,Vertices[g]]
+ ]
+HasseDiagram[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{r,rank,m,stages,freq=Table[0,{V[g]}]},
+ r = TransitiveReduction[ RemoveSelfLoops[g] ];
+ rank = RankGraph[
+ MakeUndirected[r],
+ Select[Range[V[g]],(InDegree[r,#]==0)&]
+ ];
+ m = Max[rank];
+ rank = MapAt[(m)&,rank,Position[OutDegree[r],0]];
+ stages = Distribution[ rank ];
+ Graph[
+ Edges[r],
+ Table[
+ m = ++ freq[[ rank[[i]] ]];
+ {(m-1) + (1-stages[[rank[[i]] ]])/2, rank[[i]]},
+ {i,V[g]}
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] /; AcyclicQ[RemoveSelfLoops[g],Directed]
+TopologicalSort[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{g1 = RemoveSelfLoops[g],e,indeg,zeros,v},
+ e=ToAdjacencyLists[g1];
+ indeg=InDegree[g1];
+ zeros = Flatten[ Position[indeg, 0] ];
+ Table [
+ {v,zeros}={First[zeros],Rest[zeros]};
+ Scan[
+ ( indeg[[#]]--;
+ If[indeg[[#]]==0, AppendTo[zeros,#]] )&,
+ e[[ v ]]
+ ];
+ v,
+ {V[g]}
+ ]
+ ] /; AcyclicQ[RemoveSelfLoops[g],Directed]
+ChromaticPolynomial[g_Graph,z_] := 0 /; Identical[g,K[0]]
+ChromaticPolynomial[g_Graph,z_] :=
+ Module[{i}, Product[z-i, {i,0,V[g]-1}] ] /; CompleteQ[g]
+ChromaticPolynomial[g_Graph,z_] := z ( z - 1 ) ^ (V[g]-1) /; TreeQ[g]
+ChromaticPolynomial[g_Graph,z_] :=
+ If [M[g]>Binomial[V[g],2]/2, ChromaticDense[g,z], ChromaticSparse[g,z]]
+ChromaticSparse[g_Graph,z_] := z^V[g] /; EmptyQ[g]
+ChromaticSparse[g_Graph,z_] :=
+ Module[{i=1, v, e=Edges[g], none=Table[0,{V[g]}]},
+ While[e[[i]] === none, i++];
+ v = Position[e[[i]],1] [[1,1]];
+ ChromaticSparse[ DeleteEdge[g,{i,v}], z ] -
+ ChromaticSparse[ Contract[g,{i,v}], z ]
+ ]
+ChromaticDense[g_Graph,z_] := ChromaticPolynomial[g,z] /; CompleteQ[g]
+ChromaticDense[g_Graph,z_] :=
+ Module[
+ {i=1, v, e=Edges[g], all=Join[Table[1,{V[g]-1}],{0}] },
+ While[e[[i]] === RotateRight[all,i], i++];
+ v = Last[ Position[e[[i]],0] ] [[1]];
+ ChromaticDense[ AddEdge[g,{i,v}], z ] +
+ ChromaticDense[ Contract[g,{i,v}], z ]
+ ]
+ChromaticNumber[g_Graph] :=
+ Block[{ways, z},
+ ways[z_] = ChromaticPolynomial[g,z];
+ For [z=0, z<=V[g], z++,
+ If [ways[z] > 0, Return[z]]
+ ]
+ ]
+TwoColoring[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{queue,elem,edges,col,flag=True,colored=Table[0,{V[g]}]},
+ edges = ToAdjacencyLists[g];
+ While[ MemberQ[colored,0],
+ queue = First[ Position[colored,0] ];
+ colored[[ First[queue] ]] = 1;
+ While[ queue != {},
+ elem = First[queue];
+ col = colored[[elem]];
+ Scan[
+ (Switch[colored[[ # ]],
+ col, flag = False,
+ 0, AppendTo[queue, # ];
+ colored[[#]] = Mod[col,2]+1
+ ])&,
+ edges[[elem]]
+ ];
+ queue = Rest[queue];
+ ]
+ ];
+ If [!flag, colored[[1]] = 0];
+ colored
+ ]
+BipartiteQ[g_Graph] := ! MemberQ[ TwoColoring[g], 0 ]
+VertexColoring[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{v,l,n=V[g],e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],x,color=Table[0,{V[g]}]},
+ v = Map[(Apply[Plus,#])&, Edges[g]];
+ Do[
+ l = MaximumColorDegreeVertices[e,color];
+ x = First[l];
+ Scan[(If[ v[[#]] > v[[x]], x = #])&, l];
+ color[[x]] = Min[
+ Complement[ Range[n], color[[ e[[x]] ]] ]
+ ],
+ {V[g]}
+ ];
+ color
+ ]
+MaximumColorDegreeVertices[e_List,color_List] :=
+ Module[{n=Length[color],l,i,x},
+ l = Table[ Count[e[[i]], _?(Function[x,color[[x]]!=0])], {i,n}];
+ Do [
+ If [color[[i]]!=0, l[[i]] = -1],
+ {i,n}
+ ];
+ Flatten[ Position[ l, Max[l] ] ]
+ ]
+EdgeColoring[g_Graph] := VertexColoring[ LineGraph[g] ]
+EdgeChromaticNumber[g_Graph] := ChromaticNumber[ LineGraph[g] ]
+CliqueQ[g_Graph,clique_List] :=
+ IdenticalQ[ K[Length[clique]], InduceSubgraph[g,clique] ] /; SimpleQ[g]
+MaximumClique[g_Graph] := {} /; g === K[0]
+MaximumClique[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{d = Degrees[g],i,clique=Null,k},
+ i = Max[d];
+ While[(SameQ[clique,Null]),
+ k = K[i+1];
+ clique = FirstExample[
+ KSubsets[Flatten[Position[d,_?((#>=i)&)]], i+1],
+ (IdenticalQ[k,InduceSubgraph[g,#]])&
+ ];
+ i--;
+ ];
+ clique
+ ]
+FirstExample[list_List, predicate_] := Scan[(If [predicate[#],Return[#]])&,list]
+VertexCoverQ[g_Graph,vc_List] :=
+ CliqueQ[ GraphComplement[g], Complement[Range[V[g]], vc] ]
+MinimumVertexCover[g_Graph] :=
+ Complement[ Range[V[g]], MaximumClique[ GraphComplement[g] ] ]
+IndependentSetQ[g_Graph,indep_List] :=
+ VertexCoverQ[ g, Complement[ Range[V[g]], indep] ]
+MaximumIndependentSet[g_Graph] := Complement[Range[V[g]], MinimumVertexCover[g]]
+PerfectQ[g_Graph] :=
+ Apply[
+ And,
+ Map[(ChromaticNumber[#] == Length[MaximumClique[#]])&,
+ Map[(InduceSubgraph[g,#])&, Subsets[Range[V[g]]] ] ]
+ ]
+Dijkstra[g_Graph,start_Integer] := First[ Dijkstra[g,{start}] ]
+Dijkstra[g_Graph, l_List] :=
+ Module[{x,start,e=ToAdjacencyLists[g],i,p,parent,untraversed},
+ p=Edges[PathConditionGraph[g]];
+ Table[
+ start = l[[i]];
+ parent=untraversed=Range[V[g]];
+ dist = p[[start]]; dist[[start]] = 0;
+ Scan[ (parent[[#]] = start)&, e[[start]] ];
+ While[ untraversed != {} ,
+ x = First[untraversed];
+ Scan[(If [dist[[#]]<dist[[x]],x=#])&, untraversed];
+ untraversed = Complement[untraversed,{x}];
+ Scan[
+ (If[dist[[#]] > dist[[x]]+p[[x,#]],
+ dist[[#]] = dist[[x]]+p[[x,#]];
+ parent[[#]] = x ])&,
+ e[[x]]
+ ];
+ ];
+ {parent, dist},
+ {i,Length[l]}
+ ]
+ ]
+ShortestPath[g_Graph,s_Integer,e_Integer] :=
+ Module[{parent=First[Dijkstra[g,s]],i=e,lst={e}},
+ While[ (i != s) && (i != parent[[i]]),
+ PrependTo[lst,parent[[i]]];
+ i = parent[[i]]
+ ];
+ If[ i == s, lst, {}]
+ ]
+ShortestPathSpanningTree[g_Graph,s_Integer] :=
+ Module[{parent=First[Dijkstra[g,s]],i},
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Map[({#,parent[[#]]})&, Complement[Range[V[g]],{s}]],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ]
+ ]
+AllPairsShortestPath[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{p=Edges[ PathConditionGraph[g] ],i,j,k,n=V[g]},
+ Do [
+ p = Table[Min[p[[i,k]]+p[[k,j]],p[[i,j]]],{i,n},{j,n}],
+ {k,n}
+ ];
+ p
+ ] /; Min[Edges[g]] < 0
+AllPairsShortestPath[g_Graph] := Map[ Last, Dijkstra[g, Range[V[g]]]]
+PathConditionGraph[Graph[e_,v_]] := RemoveSelfLoops[Graph[ReplaceAll[e,0->Infinity],v]]
+GraphPower[g_Graph,1] := g
+GraphPower[g_Graph,n_Integer] :=
+ Module[{prod=power=p=Edges[g]},
+ Do [
+ prod = prod . p;
+ power = prod + power,
+ {n-1}
+ ];
+ Graph[power, Vertices[g]]
+ ]
+InitializeUnionFind[n_Integer] := Module[{i}, Table[{i,1},{i,n}] ]
+FindSet[n_Integer,s_List] := If [n == s[[n,1]], n, FindSet[s[[n,1]],s] ]
+UnionSet[a_Integer,b_Integer,s_List] :=
+ Module[{sa=FindSet[a,s], sb=FindSet[b,s], set=s},
+ If[ set[[sa,2]] < set[[sb,2]], {sa,sb} = {sb,sa} ];
+ set[[sa]] = {sa, Max[ set[[sa,2]], set[[sb,2]]+1 ]};
+ set[[sb]] = {sa, set[[sb,2]]};
+ set
+ ]
+MinimumSpanningTree[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{edges=Edges[g],set=InitializeUnionFind[V[g]]},
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Select [
+ Sort[
+ ToUnorderedPairs[g],
+ (Element[edges,#1]<=Element[edges,#2])&
+ ],
+ (If [FindSet[#[[1]],set] != FindSet[#[[2]],set],
+ set=UnionSet[#[[1]],#[[2]],set]; True,
+ False
+ ])&
+ ],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ]
+ ] /; UndirectedQ[g]
+MaximumSpanningTree[g_Graph] := MinimumSpanningTree[Graph[-Edges[g],Vertices[g]]]
+Cofactor[m_List,{i_Integer,j_Integer}] :=
+ (-1)^(i+j) * Det[ Drop[ Transpose[ Drop[Transpose[m],{j,j}] ], {i,i}] ]
+NumberOfSpanningTrees[Graph[g_List,_]] :=
+ Cofactor[ DiagonalMatrix[Map[(Apply[Plus,#])&,g]] - g, {1,1}]
+NetworkFlow[g_Graph,source_Integer,sink_Integer] :=
+ Block[{flow=NetworkFlowEdges[g,source,sink], i},
+ Sum[flow[[i,sink]], {i,V[g]}]
+ ]
+NetworkFlowEdges[g_Graph,source_Integer,sink_Integer] :=
+ Block[{e=Edges[g], x, y, flow=Table[0,{V[g]},{V[g]}], p, m},
+ While[ !SameQ[p=AugmentingPath[g,source,sink], {}],
+ m = Min[Map[({x,y}=#[[1]];
+ If[SameQ[#[[2]],f],e[[x,y]]-flow[[x,y]],
+ flow[[x,y]]])&,p]];
+ Scan[
+ ({x,y}=#[[1]];
+ If[ SameQ[#[[2]],f],
+ flow[[x,y]]+=m,flow[[x,y]]-=m])&,
+ p
+ ]
+ ];
+ flow
+ ]
+AugmentingPath[g_Graph,src_Integer,sink_Integer] :=
+ Block[{l={src},lab=Table[0,{V[g]}],v,c=Edges[g],e=ToAdjacencyLists[g]},
+ lab[[src]] = start;
+ While[l != {} && (lab[[sink]]==0),
+ {v,l} = {First[l],Rest[l]};
+ Scan[ (If[ c[[v,#]] - flow[[v,#]] > 0 && lab[[#]] == 0,
+ lab[[#]] = {v,f}; AppendTo[l,#]])&,
+ e[[v]]
+ ];
+ Scan[ (If[ flow[[#,v]] > 0 && lab[[#]] == 0,
+ lab[[#]] = {v,b}; AppendTo[l,#]] )&,
+ Select[Range[V[g]],(c[[#,v]] > 0)&]
+ ];
+ ];
+ FindPath[lab,src,sink]
+ ]
+FindPath[l_List,v1_Integer,v2_Integer] :=
+ Block[{x=l[[v2]],y,z=v2,lst={}},
+ If[SameQ[x,0], Return[{}]];
+ While[!SameQ[x, start],
+ If[ SameQ[x[[2]],f],
+ PrependTo[lst,{{ x[[1]], z }, f}],
+ PrependTo[lst,{{ z, x[[1]] }, b}]
+ ];
+ z = x[[1]]; x = l[[z]];
+ ];
+ lst
+ ]
+BipartiteMatching[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{p,v1,v2,coloring=TwoColoring[g],n=V[g]},
+ v1 = Flatten[Position[coloring,1]];
+ v2 = Flatten[Position[coloring,2]];
+ p = BipartiteMatchingFlowGraph[g,v1,v2];
+ flow = NetworkFlowEdges[p,V[g]+1,V[g]+2];
+ Select[ToOrderedPairs[Graph[flow,Vertices[p]]], (Max[#]<=n)&]
+ ] /; BipartiteQ[g]
+BipartiteMatchingFlowGraph[g_Graph,v1_List,v2_List] :=
+ Module[{edges = Table[0,{V[g]+2},{V[g]+2}],i,e=ToAdjacencyLists[g]},
+ Do[
+ Scan[ (edges[[v1[[i]],#]] = 1)&, e[[ v1[[i]] ]] ],
+ {i,Length[v1]}
+ ];
+ Scan[(edges[[V[g] + 1, #]] = 1)&, v1];
+ Scan[(edges[[#, V[g] + 2]] = 1)&, v2];
+ Graph[edges,RandomVertices[V[g] + 2] ]
+ ]
+MinimumChainPartition[g_Graph] :=
+ ConnectedComponents[
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Map[(#-{0,V[g]})&, BipartiteMatching[DilworthGraph[g]]],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ]
+ ]
+MaximumAntichain[g_Graph] := MaximumIndependentSet[TransitiveClosure[g]]
+DilworthGraph[g_Graph] :=
+ FromUnorderedPairs[
+ Map[
+ (#+{0,V[g]})&,
+ ToOrderedPairs[RemoveSelfLoops[TransitiveReduction[g]]]
+ ]
+ ]
+MaximalMatching[g_Graph] :=
+ Module[{match={}},
+ Scan[
+ (If [Intersection[#,match]=={}, match=Join[match,#]])&,
+ ToUnorderedPairs[g]
+ ];
+ Partition[match,2]
+ ]
+StableMarriage[mpref_List,fpref_List] :=
+ Module[{n=Length[mpref],freemen,cur,i,w,husband},
+ freemen = Range[n];
+ cur = Table[1,{n}];
+ husband = Table[n+1,{n}];
+ While[ freemen != {},
+ {i,freemen}={First[freemen],Rest[freemen]};
+ w = mpref[[ i,cur[[i]] ]];
+ If[BeforeQ[ fpref[[w]], i, husband[[w]] ],
+ If[husband[[w]] != n+1,
+ AppendTo[freemen,husband[[w]] ]
+ ];
+ husband[[w]] = i,
+ cur[[i]]++;
+ AppendTo[freemen,i]
+ ];
+ ];
+ InversePermutation[ husband ]
+ ] /; Length[mpref] == Length[fpref]
+BeforeQ[l_List,a_,b_] :=
+ If [First[l]==a, True, If [First[l]==b, False, BeforeQ[Rest[l],a,b] ] ]
+PlanarQ[g_Graph] :=
+ Apply[
+ And,
+ Map[(PlanarQ[InduceSubgraph[g,#]])&, ConnectedComponents[g]]
+ ] /; !ConnectedQ[g]
+PlanarQ[g_Graph] := False /; (M[g] > 3 V[g]-6) && (V[g] > 2)
+PlanarQ[g_Graph] := True /; (M[g] < V[g] + 3)
+PlanarQ[g_Graph] := PlanarGivenCycle[ g, Rest[FindCycle[g]] ]
+PlanarGivenCycle[g_Graph, cycle_List] :=
+ Module[{b, j, i},
+ {b, j} = FindBridge[g, cycle];
+ If[ InterlockQ[j, cycle],
+ False,
+ Apply[And, Table[SingleBridgeQ[b[[i]],j[[i]]], {i,Length[b]}]]
+ ]
+ ]
+SingleBridgeQ[b_Graph, {_}] := PlanarQ[b]
+SingleBridgeQ[b_Graph, j_List] :=
+ PlanarGivenCycle[ JoinCycle[b,j],
+ Join[ ShortestPath[b,j[[1]],j[[2]]], Drop[j,2]] ]
+JoinCycle[g1_Graph, cycle_List] :=
+ Module[{g=g1},
+ Scan[(g = AddEdge[g,#])&, Partition[cycle,2,1] ];
+ AddEdge[g,{First[cycle],Last[cycle]}]
+ ]
+FindBridge[g_Graph, cycle_List] :=
+ Module[{rg = RemoveCycleEdges[g, cycle], b, bridge, j},
+ b = Map[
+ (IsolateSubgraph[rg,g,cycle,#])&,
+ Select[ConnectedComponents[rg], (Intersection[#,cycle]=={})&]
+ ];
+ b = Select[b, (!EmptyQ[#])&];
+ j = Join[
+ Map[Function[bridge,Select[cycle, MemberQ[Edges[bridge][[#]],1]&] ], b],
+ Complement[
+ Select[ToOrderedPairs[g],
+ (Length[Intersection[#,cycle]] == 2)&],
+ Partition[Append[cycle,First[cycle]],2,1]
+ ]
+ ];
+ {b, j}
+ ]
+RemoveCycleEdges[g_Graph, c_List] :=
+ FromOrderedPairs[
+ Select[ ToOrderedPairs[g], (Intersection[c,#] === {})&],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ]
+IsolateSubgraph[g_Graph,orig_Graph,cycle_List,cc_List] :=
+ Module[{eg=ToOrderedPairs[g], og=ToOrderedPairs[orig]},
+ FromOrderedPairs[
+ Join[
+ Select[eg, (Length[Intersection[cc,#]] == 2)&],
+ Select[og, (Intersection[#,cycle]!={} &&
+ Intersection[#,cc]!={})&]
+ ],
+ Vertices[g]
+ ]
+ ]
+InterlockQ[ bl_List, c_List ] :=
+ Module[{in = out = {}, code, jp, bridgelist = bl },
+ While [ bridgelist != {},
+ {jp, bridgelist} = {First[bridgelist],Rest[bridgelist]};
+ code = Sort[ Map[(Position[c, #][[1,1]])&, jp] ];
+ If[ Apply[ Or, Map[(LockQ[#,code])&, in] ],
+ If [ Apply[Or, Map[(LockQ[#,code])&, out] ],
+ Return[True],
+ AppendTo[out,code]
+ ],
+ AppendTo[in,code]
+ ]
+ ];
+ False
+ ]
+LockQ[a_List,b_List] := Lock1Q[a,b] || Lock1Q[b,a]
+Lock1Q[a_List,b_List] :=
+ Module[{bk, aj},
+ bk = Min[ Select[Drop[b,-1], (#>First[a])&] ];
+ aj = Min[ Select[a, (# > bk)&] ];
+ (aj < Max[b])
+ ]
+DilworthGraph ]
+EndPackage[ ]
diff --git a/examples-ml/ExtendGraphics30.tar b/examples-ml/ExtendGraphics30.tar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fbd593
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples-ml/ExtendGraphics30.tar differ
diff --git a/examples-ml/IOPolyhedra.m b/examples-ml/IOPolyhedra.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5ed23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples-ml/IOPolyhedra.m
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+(* IOPolyhedra.m: written by Komei Fukuda; Version-980111 *)
+ Block[{rf,outlist={},row={},m,n,i,val,st=" ",ty},
+ rf=OpenRead[filename];
+ While[st=!=EndOfFile && st=!="begin",
+ st=Read[rf,String];
+ ];
+ {m,n,ty}=Read[rf,{Number,Number,Word}];
+ st=Skip[rf,String];
+ Print["m=", m,", n=",n, " type=", ty];
+ Do[
+ If[ty!="rational",
+ row=Read[rf,Table[Number,{n}]],
+ row=Read[rf,Table[Word,{n}]];row=ToExpression[row]
+ ];
+ AppendTo[outlist,row],
+ {i,m}
+ ];
+ Close[rf];
+ outlist
+ ];
+ Block[{rf,outlist={},row={},m,n,n1,i,val,st=" ",inc,colon},
+ rf=OpenRead[filename];
+ While[st=!=EndOfFile && st=!="begin",
+ st=Read[rf,String];
+ ];
+ {m,n,n1}=Read[rf,{Number,Number,Number}];
+ Print["m=", m,", n=",n];
+ Do[
+ {inc}=Read[rf,{Number}];
+ colon=Read[rf,{Word}];
+ row=Read[rf,Table[Number,{Abs[inc]}]];
+ If[inc>0,
+ AppendTo[outlist,row],
+ AppendTo[outlist,Complement[Range[n1],row]]
+ ],
+ {i,m}
+ ];
+ Close[rf];
+ outlist
+ ];
+ Block[{rf,outlist={},row={},v,num,i,val,st=" ",deg,colon},
+ rf=OpenRead[filename];
+ While[st=!=EndOfFile && st=!="begin",
+ st=Read[rf,String];
+ ];
+ {v}=Read[rf,{Number}];
+ Print["v =", v];
+ Do[
+ {num, deg}=Read[rf,{Number, Number}];
+ colon=Read[rf,{Word}];
+ If[deg >0, row=Read[rf,Table[Number,{deg}]], row={}];
+ AppendTo[outlist,row],
+ {i,v}
+ ];
+ Close[rf];
+ outlist
+ ];
+ Block[{wf,m,n,i,j,str},
+ wf=OpenWrite[filename];
+ {m,n}=Dimensions[a];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["H-representation"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["begin"]];
+ Write[wf,m,OutputForm[" "],n+1,OutputForm[" "],OutputForm[type]];
+ Do[
+ str="";
+ Do[
+ If[j==0,
+ str=StringJoin[str," ",ToString[b[[i]]]],
+ str=StringJoin[str," ",ToString[-a[[i,j]],FormatType->InputForm]]
+ ],
+ {j,0,n}
+ ];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm[str]],
+ {i,m}
+ ];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["end"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["incidence"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["input_incidence"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["input_adjacency"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["adjacency"]];
+ Close[wf];
+ ];
+ Block[{wf,m,n,i,j,str},
+ wf=OpenWrite[filename];
+ {m,n}=Dimensions[a];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["V-representation"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["begin"]];
+ Write[wf,m,OutputForm[" "],n+1,OutputForm[" "],OutputForm[type]];
+ Do[
+ str="";
+ Do[
+ If[j==0,
+ str=StringJoin[str," ",ToString[1]],
+ str=StringJoin[str," ",ToString[a[[i,j]],FormatType->InputForm]]
+ ],
+ {j,0,n}
+ ];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm[str]],
+ {i,m}
+ ];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["end"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["hull"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["incidence"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["input_incidence"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["input_adjacency"]];
+ Write[wf,OutputForm["adjacency"]];
+ Close[wf];
+ ];
diff --git a/examples-ml/PolytopeSkeleton.m b/examples-ml/PolytopeSkeleton.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a617d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples-ml/PolytopeSkeleton.m
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ PolytopeSkeleton.m,
+ by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
+ Version March 3, 1999.
+ -- This Needs View3D package ---
+Visible[ineq_Integer, {a_,b_}, viewpoint_]:=
+ If[N[a[[ineq]].viewpoint] >= N[b[[ineq]]], True, False];
+Visible[{a_,b_}, viewpoint_]:=
+ Map[Visible[#,{a,b},viewpoint]&, Range[Length[b]]];
+VisibleSkeleton[vertices_,ecd_, ead_, {a_, b_},viewpoint_]:=
+ Block[{grtemp, edgelist, i, visibility, viseges, invisedges, visibles,invisibles},
+ edgelist={};
+ Do[ edgelist=Join[edgelist,Map[{i, #}&, ead[[i]]]],
+ {i,1,Length[ead]}
+ ];edgelist=Select[edgelist,#[[1]]<#[[2]]&];
+ visibility=Flatten[Position[Visible[{a, b},viewpoint],True]];
+ visedges=Select[edgelist,
+ (Intersection[visibility,ecd[[#[[1]]]],ecd[[#[[2]]]] ] != {}) &];
+ invisedges=Complement[edgelist,visedges];
+ visibles=(vertices[[#]]&) /@ visedges;
+ invisibles=(vertices[[#]]&) /@ invisedges;
+ grtemp=Join[{Thickness[ 0.0085]},
+ Line /@ visibles,
+ {Thickness[ 0.0035], Dashing[{0.01,0.012}]}, Line /@ invisibles];
+ grtemp
+ ];
+VisibleSkeleton2[vertices_,ecd_, ead_, flist_,{a_, b_},viewpoint_]:=
+ Block[{grtemp, edgelist, i, edgelist0, visibility, viseges, invisedges, visibles,invisibles},
+ edgelist0={};
+ Do[ edgelist0=Join[edgelist0,Map[{i, #}&, ead[[i]]]],
+ {i,1,Length[ead]}
+ ];edgelist0=Select[edgelist0,#[[1]]<#[[2]]&];
+ edgelist=Select[edgelist0,(Intersection[ecd[[#[[1]]]],ecd[[#[[2]]]],flist] != {})&];
+ visibility=Flatten[Position[Visible[{a, b},viewpoint],True]];
+ visedges=Select[edgelist,
+ (Intersection[visibility,ecd[[#[[1]]]],ecd[[#[[2]]]] ] != {}) &];
+ invisedges=Complement[edgelist,visedges];
+ visibles=(vertices[[#]]&) /@ visedges;
+ invisibles=(vertices[[#]]&) /@ invisedges;
+ grtemp=Join[{Thickness[ 0.0085]},
+ Line /@ visibles,
+ {Thickness[ 0.0035], Dashing[{0.01,0.012}]}, Line /@ invisibles];
+ grtemp
+ ];
+ ViewPointFromUser[vp,
+ FullOptions[gr,PlotRange],
+ FullOptions[gr,BoxRatios]
+ ];
+ ViewPointToUser[vp,
+ FullOptions[gr,PlotRange],
+ FullOptions[gr,BoxRatios]
+ ];
+circle[alpha_, r_:2, h_:2]:=
+ {r*Cos[alpha], r*Sin[alpha], h}
+(* end of PolytopeSkeleton.m *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples-ml/README.cddmathlink b/examples-ml/README.cddmathlink
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c99634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples-ml/README.cddmathlink
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+1999-03-14 (March 14, 1999)
+You need a properly built cddmathlink binary for the notebooks
+in this subdirectory "mma". Go to "makedir" subdirectory, and
+use Makefile to build it. I will try to put some prebuilt
+binaries in the ftp directory:
+For more information, contact
+ Komei Fukuda
+ fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
+ Zurich :IFOR, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
+ Lausanne:DMA, EPFL, Ch-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
+ homepage: http://www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/staff/fukuda/fukuda.html
+// END of libcdd.readme
diff --git a/examples-ml/UnfoldPolytope.m b/examples-ml/UnfoldPolytope.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64dcb22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples-ml/UnfoldPolytope.m
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+ Unfolding Convex Polytopes
+ Version 1.0 Beta
+ February, 1992
+ Copyright (c) 1992 by
+ Makoto Namiki
+This package contains Mathematica implementations
+of unfolding 3-dimsional polytope.
+This package is copyright 1992 by Makoto Namiki.
+This package may be copied in its entirety for
+nonprofit purposes only. Sale, other than for
+the direct cost of the media, is prohibited.
+This copyright notice must accompany all copies.
+The authors make no representations, express or
+implied, with respond to this documentation, of
+the software it describes and contains, including
+without limitations, any implied warranties of
+mechantability or fitness for a particular purpose,
+all of which are expressly disclaimed. The authors
+shall in no event be liable for any indirect,
+incidental, or consequential damages.
+This beta release is designed to run under
+Version 1.2 & 2.0 of Mathematica. Any comments,
+bug reports, or requests to get on the
+UnfoldPolytope mailing list should be
+forwarded to:
+ Makoto Namiki
+ Department of Information Science,
+ Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo
+ 2-12-1 Oh-okayama, Meguro-ku
+ Tokyo 145, Japan
+ +81-3-3726-1111 (Ex. 4131)
+ namiki at titisna.is.titech.ac.jp
+UnfoldPolytope::usage="UnfoldPolytope[facets] gives graphics of unfoldings of a polytope which is given as a list of facets.";
+OrderFacets::usage="OrderFacets[facets] returns a correctly order lists of facets.";
+ProperSubsetQ::usage="ProperSubsetQ[t,s] returns True if t is a proper subset of s.";
+MakeEdgesFromFacets::usage="MakeEdgesFromFacets[faces] returns a cordinats of lower faces and a adjacency of faces.";
+MakeFacetsFromZerosets::usage="MakeFacetsFromZerosets[v,z] returns a list of facets consisting of cordinates of vertices, where v denotes a list of vertices and z denotes a list of zerosets.";
+MakeAdjTable::usage="MakeAdjTable[n,l] or MakeAdjTable[n,l,costs] return an adjacency table where l denotes a list of unordered pairs consist of {1,2,...,n} and a costs denotes an adjacency cost.";
+BreadthFirstSearch::usage="BreadthFirstSearch[adj_list,n] gives a incidence matrix representing a tree of a graph obtained by breadth first search from a vertex n, where this graph is given as a incidence matrix of adj_list.";
+DepthFirstSearch::usage="DepththFirstSearch[adj_list,n] gives a incidence matrix representing a tree of a graph obtained by depth first search from a vertex n, where this graph is given as a incidence matrix of adj_list.";
+IntersectionOfList::usage="IntersectionOfList[{l_1,l_2,...l_n}] returns a Intersection[l_1,l_2,...,l_n].";
+SelectLeaf::usage="SelectLeaf[adj_Mat] returns {i,j} such that node i is a child of node j for adjacent matrix adj_Mat.";
+ProjectVertex::usage="ProjectVetex[v1,v2,v3,v4] returns coordinates which is a projection of v4 onto affine space {v1,v2,v3} around the line {v1,v2}.";
+ProjectFaces::usage="ProjectFaces[child,parent,faces,vervect] argument child is a list of faces, parent is a face, and faces is a list of all faces. This procedure project faces of child onto a face of parent by using ProjectVertices.";
+IntersectOfFaces::usage="IntersectOfFaces[f1_List,f2_List] returns veticeswhich commonly belong to f1 and f2.";
+VectEQ::usage="VectEQ[v1,v2] returns True if v1 == v2 otherwise False";
+Unfold::usage="Unfold[sptree,tree,maxf] open one of a leaf of Tree of Facet.";
+Zonotope::usage="Zonotope[vlist] returns a list extreme points of zonotope which is defined by vlist, a list of vectors.";
+VerticalVector::usage="VerticalVector[maxf_List] returns a list of Vertical vector of each face.";
+OrderFace::usage="OrderFace[facet]: reorder a facet correctly.
+ where argument facet consits of {v_1,v_2,..,v_n}
+ ,v_i is a cordinat of a vetex.";
+ Block[{odfacets,edg,faAdj,vertices,veAdj,
+ t,tree,cotree,sptree,i,tr,vervec},
+ odfacets = facets;
+ {edg,faAdj} = MakeEdgesFromFacets[odfacets];
+ vertices = Union[Flatten[facets,1]];
+ veAdj = Flatten[{Position[vertices,#[[1]]],
+ Position[vertices,#[[2]]]}]& /@ edg;
+ t = BreadthFirstSearch[MakeAdjTable[Length[vertices],veAdj],1];
+ tree = Flatten[Position[veAdj,#]& /@ Position[t,1]];
+ cotree = Complement[Table[i,{i,1,Length[edg]}],tree];
+ sptree = MakeAdjTable[Length[odfacets],faAdj[[cotree]]];
+ tr = Table[{i},{i,Length[facets]}];
+ vervec = VerticalVector[odfacets];
+ Show[Graphics3D[Polygon /@ odfacets],Boxed->False];
+ Do[{sptree,tr,odfacets,vervec} = Unfold[sptree,tr,N[odfacets],vervec];
+ Show[Graphics3D[(Polygon /@ odfacets)],Boxed->False];
+ ,{i,1,Length[odfacets]-1}];
+ Show[Graphics3D[(Polygon /@ odfacets)],Boxed->False,ViewPoint->vervec[[1]][[1]]];
+ ];
+ Block[{i,edges,facetsAdj,f,out,cyc,cand,cand2cyc,ff},
+ {edges,facetsAdj} = MakeEdgesFromFacets[facets];
+ out = {};
+ For[i=1,i<=Length[facets],i++,
+ f = edges[[Transpose[Position[facetsAdj,i]][[1]]]];
+ cand = Drop[f,1];
+ cyc = {First[f]};
+ ff = {};
+ While[(cand2cyc = Select[cand,(Length[Intersection[Last[cyc],#]]==1)&]) != {},
+ AppendTo[ff,Intersection[Last[cyc],cand2cyc[[1]]][[1]]];
+ AppendTo[cyc,cand2cyc[[1]]];
+ cand = Complement[cand,{cand2cyc[[1]]}];
+ ];
+ AppendTo[ff,Intersection[Last[cyc],First[cyc]][[1]]];
+ AppendTo[out,ff];
+ ];
+ Return[out];
+ ];
+ Block[{i},
+ For[i=1, i<= Length[v], ++i,
+ If [v[[i]] < 0, Return[False]];
+ ];
+ Return[True];
+ ];
+MakeEdgesFromFacets[l_List] :=
+ Block[{i,j,lf={},adj={}},
+ For[i=1,i<Length[l],i++,
+ For[j=i+1,j<=Length[l],j++,
+ If[Length[Intersection[l[[i]],l[[j]]]] == 2,
+ AppendTo[lf,Intersection[l[[i]],l[[j]]]];
+ AppendTo[adj,{i,j}];
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ Return[{lf,adj}];
+ ];
+ Block[{i,j,flist,maxf,flag,out},
+ flist = Transpose[Position[z,#]][[1]]& /@ Union[Flatten[z]];
+ maxf = {};
+ For[i=1,i<=Length[flist],i++,
+ flag = 0;
+ For[j=1,j<=Length[flist],j++,
+ If[ProperSubsetQ[flist[[i]],flist[[j]]],
+ flag = 1,
+ If[SubsetQ[flist[[i]],flist[[j]]] && i<j,
+ flag = 1;
+ ];
+ ];
+ ];
+ If[flag == 0,
+ AppendTo[maxf,flist[[i]]];
+ ];
+ ];
+ (* Return[maxf]; *)
+ out = v[[#]]& /@ (MakeOrder[#,z]& /@ maxf);
+ Return[out];
+ ];
+ Block[{candidates, cycle ,candidate2cycle},
+ candidates = Drop[ver,1];
+ cycle = { First[ver] };
+ (* when one is list, comparing needs other is list *)
+ While[{} != (candidate2cycle = Select[candidates,AdjQ[Last[cycle],#,zerova] &]),
+ AppendTo[cycle,candidate2cycle[[1]]];
+ candidates = Complement[candidates,candidate2cycle[[{1}]]];
+ ];
+ While[{} != (candidate2cycle = Select[candidates,AdjQ[First[cycle],#,zerova] &]),
+ PrependTo[cycle,candidate2cycle[[1]]];
+ candidates = Complement[candidates,candidate2cycle[[{1}]]];
+ ];
+ cycle
+ ];
+ Block[{subface},
+ subface=Intersection[l[[i]],l[[j]]];
+ Length[Select[l,SubsetQ[subface,#]&]]==2];
+ Length[s]==Length[Intersection[s,t]] && Length[s]<Length[t];
+ Length[s]==Length[Intersection[s,t]];
+ Block[{t=Table[Table[0,{n}],{n}],i},
+ For[i=1,i<=Length[l],i++,
+ t[[l[[i,1]],l[[i,2]]]] = 1;
+ t[[l[[i,2]],l[[i,1]]]] = 1;
+ ];
+ Return[t];
+ ];
+ Block[{t=Table[Table[0,{n}],{n}],i},
+ For[i=1,i<=Length[l],i++,
+ t[[l[[i,1]],l[[i,2]]]] = c[[i]];
+ t[[l[[i,2]],l[[i,1]]]] = c[[i]];
+ ];
+ Return[t];
+ ];
+ Block[{out={},search,find={},output,
+ i,obj,cd,l=Length[adj]},
+ search = {n};
+ While[search != {},
+ obj = search[[1]];
+ search = Drop[search,1];
+ cd = {};
+ For[i=1, i<=l, i++,
+ If[adj[[obj,i]] != 0, AppendTo[cd,i]];
+ ];
+ cd = Complement[cd,search];
+ cd = Complement[cd,find];
+ For[i=1, i<=Length[cd],i++,
+ AppendTo[search,cd[[i]]];
+ AppendTo[out,{obj,cd[[i]]}];
+ AppendTo[out,{cd[[i]],obj}];
+ ];
+ AppendTo[find,obj];
+ ];
+ Return[MakeAdjTable[l,out]];
+ ];
+ Block[{out={},search,find={},output,
+ i,obj,cd,l=Length[adj]},
+ search = {n};
+ While[search != {},
+ obj = search[[1]];
+ search = Drop[search,1];
+ cd = {};
+ For[i=1, i<=l, i++,
+ If[adj[[obj,i]] != 0, AppendTo[cd,i]];
+ ];
+ cd = Complement[cd,search];
+ cd = Complement[cd,find];
+ search = Flatten[Append[cd,search]];
+ For[i=1, i<=Length[cd],i++,
+ AppendTo[out,{obj,cd[[i]]}];
+ AppendTo[out,{cd[[i]],obj}];
+ ];
+ AppendTo[find,obj];
+ ];
+ Return[MakeAdjTable[l,out]];
+ ];
+ Block[{},
+ If[Length[l]==1,Return[l[[1]]],
+ Return[Intersection[l[[1]],
+ IntersectionOfList[Drop[l,{1}]]]];
+ ];
+ ];
+ Block[{i,maximals={}},
+ Do[If[MaximalQ[i,l],
+ AppendTo[maximals,l[[i]]]
+ ], {i,Length[l]}
+ ];
+ maximals]
+ Block[{candidate},
+ candidate=l[[i]];
+ Length[Union[Select[l,ProperSubsetQ[candidate,#]&]]]==0]
+ Length[s]==Length[Intersection[s,t]];
+ Block[{},
+ If [Length[s] == 1,
+ Return[s[[1]]],
+ Return[Intersection[s[[1]],Is[Drop[s,1]]]]
+ ];
+ ];
+ Block[{size,i,j,deg,child,par,cp},
+ size = Length[g];
+ For[i=2,i<=size,i++,
+ deg = 0;
+ child = i;
+ For[j=1,j<=size,j++,
+ If[g[[i]][[j]] > 0,
+ deg = deg + 1;
+ par = j;
+ ];
+ ];
+ If[deg == 1,
+ Return[{child,par}];
+ ];
+ ];
+ ]
+ Block[{v1,v2,nch,i,fl},
+ {v1,v2} = IntersectOfFaces[face[[child[[1]]]],face[[par]]];
+ For[i=1, i<=Length[face[[par]]], ++i,
+ If[!VectEQ[face[[par]][[i]],v1] && !VectEQ[face[[par]][[i]],v2],
+ v3 = face[[par]][[i]];
+ Break[];
+ ];
+ ];
+ fl = {};
+ For[i=1, i<=Length[child], i++,
+ AppendTo[fl,ProjectVertex[v1,v2,v3,#,vervec]& /@ face[[child[[i]]]]];
+ ];
+ Return[fl];
+ ]
+ Block[{i,j,lvect},
+ lvect = {};
+ For[i=1,i<=Length[f1],i++,
+ For[j=1,j<=Length[f2],j++,
+ If[VectEQ[f1[[i]],f2[[j]]],AppendTo[lvect,f1[[i]]]];
+ ];
+ ];
+ Return[{lvect[[1]],lvect[[2]]}];
+ ]
+ Block[{i},
+ For[i=1,i<=Length[v1],i++,
+ If[v1[[i]] != v2[[i]],Return[False]];
+ ];
+ Return[True];
+ ]
+ Block[{x,y},
+ If [N[a[[1]].v4] <= a[[2]] + 10^(-10),
+ x = (v2-v1).(v2-v4)/(v2-v1).(v2-v1)*v1 + (v1-v2).(v1-v4)/(v1-v2).(v1-v2)*v2;
+ y = (v2-v1).(v2-v3)/(v2-v1).(v2-v1)*v1 + (v1-v2).(v1-v3)/(v1-v2).(v1-v2)*v2;
+ Return[x + Sqrt[(v4-x).(v4-x)/(y-v3).(y-v3)]*(y-v3)]
+ ];
+ If [N[a[[1]].v4] >= a[[2]] - 10^(-10),
+ x = (v2-v1).(v2-v4)/(v2-v1).(v2-v1)*v1 + (v1-v2).(v1-v4)/(v1-v2).(v1-v2)*v2;
+ y = (v2-v1).(v2-v3)/(v2-v1).(v2-v1)*v1 + (v1-v2).(v1-v3)/(v1-v2).(v1-v2)*v2;
+ Return[x + Sqrt[(v4-x).(v4-x)/(y-v3).(y-v3)]*(v3-y)]
+ ];
+ ]
+ Block[{j,child,par,posch,ch,of,pospa,sptree=sptree1,tree=tree1,maxf=maxf1,vv=vervec},
+ {child, par} = SelectLeaf[sptree];
+ sptree[[child,par]] = -1;
+ sptree[[par,child]] = -1;
+ {posch} = Transpose[Position[tree,child]][[1]];
+ ch = tree[[posch]];
+ of = ProjectFaces[ch,par,maxf,vv[[par]]];
+ For[j=1, j<=Length[ch],j++,
+ maxf[[ch[[j]]]] = of[[j]];
+ ];
+ {pospa} = Transpose[Position[tree,par]][[1]];
+ tree[[pospa]] = (AppendTo[tree[[pospa]],#]& /@ ch)[[Length[ch]]];
+ tree = Drop[tree,{posch}];
+ Return[{sptree,tree,maxf,vv}];
+ ]
+ Block[{vlist},
+ vlist = Sum[(#)[[i]],{i,Length[#]}]& /@ ((vectors * (#)&) /@ Pow[Length[vectors]]);
+ Return[vlist];
+ ]
+ Block[{p,a,b},
+ If[n == 1, Return[{{1},{-1}}]
+ ];
+ p = Pow[n-1];
+ a = Append[#,1]& /@ p;
+ b = Append[#,-1]& /@ p;
+ Return[(AppendTo[a,#]& /@ b)[[Length[b]]]];
+ ]
+ Map[Function[Transpose[Position[zerova,#]][[1]]],Union[Flatten[zerova]]]
+ Block[{i,vervec,a1,a2,x,y,z,b,v,vv={}},
+ For[i=1,i<=Length[maxf],i++,
+ a1 = maxf[[i]][[3]]-maxf[[i]][[2]];
+ a2 = maxf[[i]][[1]]-maxf[[i]][[3]];
+ Clear[x,y,z];
+ vervec = {x,y,z};
+ {vervec} = vervec /. Solve[{a1.vervec == 0, a2.vervec == 0}];
+ x = 1; y = 1; z = 1;
+ b = vervec.maxf[[i]][[1]];
+ v = Complement[Union[Flatten[maxf,1]],maxf[[i]]][[1]];
+ If[v.vervec > b, vervec = -vervec; b = -b];
+ AppendTo[vv,{vervec,b}];
+ ];
+ Return[vv];
+ ]
diff --git a/examples-ml/cddml-DietProblem.nb b/examples-ml/cddml-DietProblem.nb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec42445
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+++ b/examples-ml/cddml-DietProblem.nb
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+(************** Content-type: application/mathematica **************
+ Mathematica-Compatible Notebook
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+ StyleBox["Diet Problem",
+ FontColor->RGBColor[0.0557107, 0.137819, 0.517113]],
+ "\nAn Application of Vertex Enumeration\nwith ",
+ StyleBox["MathLink",
+ FontSize->24,
+ FontSlant->"Italic",
+ FontColor->RGBColor[0.0146487, 0.461387, 0.0967727]],
+ " to ",
+ StyleBox["cddlib",
+ FontColor->RGBColor[0.517113, 0.0273594, 0.0273594]]
+}], "Title",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->27],
+Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch\nSwiss Federal \
+Institute of Technology, Lausanne and Zurich\nMarch 14, 1999",
+ FontSize->17,
+ FontSlant->"Italic"]], "Subtitle",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["Connecting cddmathlink", "Section",
+ InitializationCell->True,
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ "You just put the compiled cddmathlink for your computer in some directory. \
+ In this example, the name of the directory is ",
+ StyleBox["\"~/Math\".",
+ FontFamily->"Courier",
+ FontWeight->"Bold"]
+}], "Text",
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+Cell["cddml=Install[\"~/Math/cddmathlink\"]", "Input",
+ InitializationCell->True,
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \(LinkObject["/Users/fukuda/Math/cddmathlink", 7, 7]\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell["What is Diet Problem?", "Section",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->20],
+The following diet problem is taken from V. Chvatal's great book \
+on Linear Programming (\"Linear Programming\", W.H.Freeman and Company,1983). \
+ It is to design a cheapest meal with six possible items below to satisfy \
+prescribed nutritional needs. Please see Page 3 of the book.\
+\>", "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+var={\"\",\"Oatmeal\",\"Chicken\",\"Eggs\",\"Milk\",\"Cherry Pie\", \
+\t\"Pork Beans\"};
+price={\"Price/Ser\", \"3c\", \"24c\", \"13c\", \"9c\", \"20c\", \
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
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+ \({"Price/Ser", "3c", "24c", "13c", "9c", "20c", "19c"}\)], "Output"]
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+ {2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0}, {2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1},
+ {-2000, 110, 205, 160, 160, 420, 260},
+ {-55, 4, 32, 13, 8, 4, 14},
+ {-800, 2, 12, 54, 285, 22, 80}}];\
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->14],
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ TagBox[GridBox[{
+ {"\<\"Price/Ser\"\>", "\<\"3c\"\>", "\<\"24c\"\>", "\<\"13c\"\>", "\
+\<\"9c\"\>", "\<\"20c\"\>", "\<\"19c\"\>"},
+ {"\<\"\"\>", "\<\"Oatmeal\"\>", "\<\"Chicken\"\>", "\<\"Eggs\"\>", \
+"\<\"Milk\"\>", "\<\"Cherry Pie\"\>", "\<\"Pork Beans\"\>"},
+ {"0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"},
+ {"0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0"},
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+ {"2", "0", "0", "0", "0", \(-1\), "0"},
+ {"2", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", \(-1\)},
+ {\(-2000\), "110", "205", "160", "160", "420", "260"},
+ {\(-55\), "4", "32", "13", "8", "4", "14"},
+ {\(-800\), "2", "12", "54", "285", "22", "80"}
+ },
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+ Function[ BoxForm`e$,
+ TableForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+c={3, 24, 13, 9, 20, 19};\
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->14],
+ "By using the build-in LP optimizer of ",
+ StyleBox["Mathematica",
+ FontSlant->"Italic"],
+ ", one can easily compute the optimal solution."
+}], "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["lps=LinearProgramming[c, m,b]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->14],
+ \({4, 0, 0, 9\/2, 2, 0}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["optvalue= N[c.lps]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->14],
+ \(92.5`\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+We can see the optimal solution better in the following table. It \
+is certainly not an exciting menu. In fact, an optimal solution to any \
+optimization problem tends to be extreme, and thus it must be modified for \
+practical purposes.\
+\>", "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->14],
+ TagBox[GridBox[{
+ {"\<\"\"\>", "\<\"Oatmeal\"\>", "\<\"Chicken\"\>", "\<\"Eggs\"\>", \
+"\<\"Milk\"\>", "\<\"Cherry Pie\"\>", "\<\"Pork Beans\"\>"},
+ {"92.5`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "4.5`", "2.`", "0.`"}
+ },
+ RowSpacings->1,
+ ColumnSpacings->3,
+ RowAlignments->Baseline,
+ ColumnAlignments->{Left}],
+ Function[ BoxForm`e$,
+ TableForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell["Why is the Vertex Enumeration Useful?", "Section",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Now we try to do something more reasonable. We use cddmathlink \
+fuction AllVertices:\
+\>", "Subsection",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["?AllVertices", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \("AllVertices[m,d+1,A] generates all extreme points (vertices) and \
+extreme rays of the convex polyhedron in R^(d+1) given as the solution set to \
+an inequality system A x >= 0 where A is an m*(d+1) matrix and \
+x=(1,x1,...,xd). The output is {{extlist, linearity}, ecdlist} where extlist \
+is the extreme point list and ecdlist is the incidence list. Each vertex \
+(ray) has the first component 1 (0). If the convex polyhedron is nonempty \
+and has no vertices, extlist is a (nonunique) set of generators of the \
+polyhedron where those generators in the linearity list are considered as \
+linearity space (of points satisfying A (0, x1, x2, ...., xd) = 0) \
+generators."\)], "Print",
+ CellTags->"Info3249106745-1451094"]
+}, Open ]],
+We can then compute ALL possibilities for cost at most, say One \
+\>", "Subsection",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["BudgetLimit=100;", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ {BudgetLimit, -3, -24, -13, -9, -20, -19}]]\
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ TagBox[
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+ {"4", \(-1\), "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"},
+ {"3", "0", \(-1\), "0", "0", "0", "0"},
+ {"2", "0", "0", \(-1\), "0", "0", "0"},
+ {"8", "0", "0", "0", \(-1\), "0", "0"},
+ {"2", "0", "0", "0", "0", \(-1\), "0"},
+ {"2", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", \(-1\)},
+ {\(-2000\), "110", "205", "160", "160", "420", "260"},
+ {\(-55\), "4", "32", "13", "8", "4", "14"},
+ {\(-800\), "2", "12", "54", "285", "22", "80"},
+ {"100", \(-3\), \(-24\), \(-13\), \(-9\), \(-20\), \(-19\)}
+ }], "\[NoBreak]", ")"}],
+ Function[ BoxForm`e$,
+ MatrixForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"],
+Cell["{m2,d2}=Dimensions[dietproblem2]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({16, 7}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["Length[extlist]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \(17\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["vlist=Map[Drop[#,1]&, extlist];", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["allsolutions=Union[Map[Prepend[#, N[c.#,3]]&, N[vlist,5]]];", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["TableForm[table2=Prepend[allsolutions,var]]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ TagBox[GridBox[{
+ {"\<\"\"\>", "\<\"Oatmeal\"\>", "\<\"Chicken\"\>", "\<\"Eggs\"\>", \
+"\<\"Milk\"\>", "\<\"Cherry Pie\"\>", "\<\"Pork Beans\"\>"},
+ {"92.5`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "4.5`", "2.`", "0.`"},
+ {"97.33333333333336`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "8.`",
+ "0.6666666666666675`", "0.`"},
+ {"98.6035889070147`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "2.232952691680261`",
+ "2.`", "1.3951060358890708`"},
+ {"100.`", "1.6470588235294117`", "0.`", "0.`", "6.117647058823529`",
+ "2.`", "0.`"},
+ {"100.`", "2.8085106382978777`", "0.`", "0.`", "8.`",
+ "0.9787234042553182`", "0.`"},
+ {"100.`", "3.7415068699984926`", "0.`", "0.`",
+ "2.1980371432885404`", "2.`", "1.5259550052846136`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "2.2091586794462197`", "2.`",
+ "1.4798722044728432`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "5.333333333333333`", "2.`", "0.`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "8.`", "0.8000000000000002`",
+ "0.`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.49557522123893516`", "8.`",
+ "0.4778761061946923`", "0.`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.`", "1.8750000000000029`", "2.624999999999996`",
+ "2.`", "0.`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.1655305777133171`", "0.`", "2.268813149625332`",
+ "2.`", "1.2425235678027577`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.1872909698996644`", "0.`", "8.`",
+ "0.5752508361204028`", "0.`"},
+ {"100.`", "4.`", "0.601503759398496`", "0.`", "3.729323308270678`",
+ "2.`", "0.`"},
+ {"100.00000000000001`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "2.179657768651609`",
+ "1.8828199863107473`", "1.6171937029431882`"},
+ {"100.00000000000001`", "4.`", "0.`", "0.`", "8.`",
+ "0.4172661870503621`", "0.4028776978417242`"},
+ {"100.00000000000001`", "4.`", "0.`", "1.025149700598805`",
+ "2.2122155688622755`", "2.`", "0.7770059880239508`"}
+ },
+ RowSpacings->1,
+ ColumnSpacings->3,
+ RowAlignments->Baseline,
+ ColumnAlignments->{Left}],
+ Function[ BoxForm`e$,
+ TableForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+The list is complete in the sense that any feasible menu of cost at \
+most One Dollar is a combination of these seventeen (extreme) solutions. One \
+can find menus with Chicken, Eggs or Pork that might be much more desireble \
+than the optimal menu. Also it shows you cannot avoid Oatmeal nor Cherry \
+pie within this budget to satisfy the nutritional needs.\
+\>", "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell["Disconnecting cddmathlink", "Section",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["Uninstall[cddml]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \("/Users/fukuda/Math/cddmathlink"\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
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+This notebook can be used with any Mathematica-compatible
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+Visualizing Convex Polytope Skeletons (with cddmathlink)\
+\>", "Title",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch\nSwiss Federal \
+Institute of Technology, Lausanne and Zurich\nDecember 17, 2002",
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+ FontSlant->"Italic"]], "Subtitle",
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+Cell["Preparation (reading Packages)", "Section",
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+Cell["Off[General::spell1]; Off[General::spell]", "Input",
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+Cell["$Path = Append[$Path,\"~/Math\"]; ", "Input",
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+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ "We use an extra graphics package available from ",
+ StyleBox["MathSource",
+ FontSlant->"Italic"],
+ ". It is called View3D which is a part of ExtendGraphics package wrtten \
+by Tom Wickham-Jones . The package is available at ",
+ StyleBox["http://www.mathsource.com/",
+ FontFamily->"Courier",
+ FontWeight->"Bold"],
+ ". If you install it in a directory which in not in the $Path, you need to \
+append the directory to $Path."
+}], "Text",
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+Cell["$Path", "Input",
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+ "~/Math", "~/Math", "~/Math"}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["Needs[\"ExtendGraphics`View3D`\"];", "Input",
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+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ "cddmathlink is a ",
+ StyleBox["MathLink",
+ FontSlant->"Italic"],
+ " version of libcdd for doing the vertex enumeration and the facet \
+enumeration of a convex polyhedron. cddlib-080.tar.gz is available from \
+Fukuda's Homepage: http:///www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/staff/fukuda/fukuda.html \
+. Look for \"cdd Homepage\"."
+}], "Text",
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+Cell["cddml=Install[\"~/Math/cddmathlink\"]", "Input",
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+ \(LinkObject["/Users/fukuda/Math/cddmathlink", 4, 3]\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+ "The following packages come with libcdd package and should be installed in \
+your favorite directory. Here I assume it is in \"~/Math\" directory. They \
+are separately available from Fukuda's Homepage: \
+http:///www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/staff/fukuda/fukuda.html . Look for ",
+ StyleBox["Mathematica",
+ FontSlant->"Italic"],
+ " Projects."
+}], "Text",
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+Cell["<< PolytopeSkeleton.m", "Input",
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+Cell["<< IOPolyhedra.m", "Input",
+ InitializationCell->True,
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+ \(Syntax::"com" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\)
+ "Warning: comma encountered with no adjacent expression; the expression \
+will be treated as Null. \!\(\" (line 49 of \\\"IOPolyhedra.m\\\")\"\)"\)], \
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["<< UnfoldPolytope.m", "Input",
+ InitializationCell->True,
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \(Syntax::"com" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\)
+ "Warning: comma encountered with no adjacent expression; the expression \
+will be treated as Null. \!\(\" (line 90 of \
+\\\"UnfoldPolytope.m\\\")\"\)"\)], "Message"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["Compute theVertices of a Polytope by using cddmathlink", "Section",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["FileNames[\"*\",\"~/Math/ine_3d\"]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
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+ "~/Math/ine_3d/cube3.ine", "~/Math/ine_3d/cubocta.ine",
+ "~/Math/ine_3d/cuboctaT.ine", "~/Math/ine_3d/denault1.ine",
+ "~/Math/ine_3d/dodeca.ine", "~/Math/ine_3d/dodecaT.ine",
+ "~/Math/ine_3d/grcubocta.ine", "~/Math/ine_3d/grcuboctaT.ine",
+ "~/Math/ine_3d/hexocta.ine", "~/Math/ine_3d/hexoctaT.ine",
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+ "~/Math/ine_3d/rhomtriaT.ine", "~/Math/ine_3d/scube3.ine",
+ "~/Math/ine_3d/zono3_10.ine"}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+The file test.ine is the main output file of cdd+, which gives the \
+inequality (facet) representation of the polytope.\
+\>", "Text",
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+\>", "Input",
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+ InterpretationBox[\("m="\[InvisibleSpace]48\[InvisibleSpace]", n="\
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+}, Open ]],
+\>", "Input",
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+ \({48, 4}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+\>", "Input",
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+\(-0.5999999999999995`\), 4.9589961766590355`*^-17}, {\(-1.`\),
+ 1.8503717077085943`*^-16, 4.5642502123478674`*^-17}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+invertpos[l_List, j_]:=
+dualizeIndices[ecd_List, ineLen_Integer]:=
+\tMap[invertpos[ecd,#]&, Range[ineLen]];\
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["icdlist=dualizeIndices[ecdlist, Length[inedata]]", "Input",
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+ 8, 18}, {3, 4, 6}, {3, 6, 18}, {10, 12, 14}, {12, 15, 19}, {12, 14,
+ 19}, {10, 12, 15}, {11, 14, 18}, {8, 11, 18}, {10, 11, 14}, {8, 10,
+ 11}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["Drawing the Skeleton of a Polytope", "Section",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["Defining 3D objects. ", "Subsection",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+\t\tVisibleSkeleton[vlist, ecdlist, eadlist,
+ \t{amat, bvec}, vp]
+ ];
+\>", "Input",
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+facets=Map[(Part[vlist,#]) &, icdlist];
+solid3D:= Graphics3D[Polygon /@ facets1];
+\>", "Input",
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+}, Open ]]
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+Do[ uvp=circle[a,5,2];
+ \t\tViewPoint -> getMmaViewPoint[uvp,skel3D[uvp]],
+ \t\tSphericalRegion->True
+ \t],
+ \t{a,Pi/11,Pi,Pi/18}
+ ]\
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diff --git a/examples-ml/cddml-Zonotope.m b/examples-ml/cddml-Zonotope.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59e07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples-ml/cddml-Zonotope.m
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+This file was generated automatically by the Mathematica front end.
+It contains Initialization cells from a Notebook file, which
+typically will have the same name as this file except ending in
+".nb" instead of ".m".
+This file is intended to be loaded into the Mathematica kernel using
+the package loading commands Get or Needs. Doing so is equivalent
+to using the Evaluate Initialization Cells menu command in the front
+DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This entire file is regenerated
+automatically each time the parent Notebook file is saved in the
+Mathematica front end. Any changes you make to this file will be
+(* Russell Towle's codes to create projections (zonotopes) of
+hypercubes. *)
+cross[ {ax_, ay_, az_}, {bx_, by_, bz_} ] := (*cross product*)
+ {ay bz - az by, az bx - ax bz, ax by - ay bx}
+mag[v_]:= Sqrt[Plus@@(v^2)] (*magnitude of a vector*)
+unit[v_]:= v/Sqrt[v.v] (*make unit vector*)
+collinear[ v1_, v2_ ] := (*test for collinearity*)
+ Apply[And, Map[Abs[#]<tolerance&, cross[v1,v2]]]
+setStar[vlist_] := (*discard collinear vectors*)
+ Module[{selected={}},
+ Scan[Function[v, If[v!={0,0,0} &&
+ Select[selected,
+ collinear[v,#]&]=={},
+ AppendTo[selected,v]] ],
+ vlist];
+ Print[Length[selected]," zonal directions."];
+ gStar=selected] (*gStar is global, list of non-collinear vectors*)
+(* Here I set to a directory where I store
+the packages I need *)
+(*the vectors which determine an n-merous polar zonohedron*)
+(*3<=n, 0<=pitch<=90 degrees*)
+Table[N[{Cos[Degree pitch] Cos[2Pi i/n],
+ Cos[Degree pitch] Sin[2Pi i/n],
+ -Sin[Degree pitch]},15],
+ {i,n}] (* modified by KF, precision 15 added *)
+(*the pitch at which a polar zonohedron is
+an isometric shadow of an n-cube*)
+N[1/Degree * ArcTan[(1/2)^(1/2)],15];
+(*Here, we obtain the vectors for an isometric projection of
+a d-cube into cyclic symmetry*)
+gen=Zonotope[vectors[dim, N[ 1/Degree * ArcTan[(1/2)^(1/2)],15 ] ] ];
+genc = Chop[gen,10^(-12)];
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..275f3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples-ml/cddml-Zonotope.nb
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+ Mathematica-Compatible Notebook
+This notebook can be used with any Mathematica-compatible
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+* Save the data starting with the line of stars above into a file
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+ FontSlant->"Italic"],
+ StyleBox["\nby Komei Fukuda\nwith \na nice zonotope example\nof Russell \
+Towle\n (April 17, 2001)",
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+Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell["Off[General::spell1];Off[General::spell]", "Input",
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+(* Russell Towle's codes to create projections (zonotopes) of
+hypercubes. *)
+cross[ {ax_, ay_, az_}, {bx_, by_, bz_} ] := (*cross product*)
+ {ay bz - az by, az bx - ax bz, ax by - ay bx}
+mag[v_]:= Sqrt[Plus@@(v^2)] (*magnitude of a vector*)
+unit[v_]:= v/Sqrt[v.v] (*make unit vector*)
+collinear[ v1_, v2_ ] := (*test for collinearity*)
+ Apply[And, Map[Abs[#]<tolerance&, cross[v1,v2]]]
+setStar[vlist_] := (*discard collinear vectors*)
+ Module[{selected={}},
+ Scan[Function[v, If[v!={0,0,0} &&
+ Select[selected,
+ collinear[v,#]&]=={},
+ AppendTo[selected,v]] ],
+ vlist];
+ Print[Length[selected],\" zonal directions.\"];
+ gStar=selected] (*gStar is global, list of non-collinear vectors*)
+\>", "Input",
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+(* Here I set to a directory where I store
+the packages I need *)
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+\>", "\<\
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+(*the vectors which determine an n-merous polar zonohedron*)
+(*3<=n, 0<=pitch<=90 degrees*)
+Table[N[{Cos[Degree pitch] Cos[2Pi i/n],
+\tCos[Degree pitch] Sin[2Pi i/n],
+\t-Sin[Degree pitch]},15],
+\t{i,n}] (* modified by KF, precision 15 added *)\
+\>", "Input",
+ InitializationCell->True,
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+(*the pitch at which a polar zonohedron is
+an isometric shadow of an n-cube*)
+N[1/Degree * ArcTan[(1/2)^(1/2)],15];
+\>", "Input",
+ InitializationCell->True,
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+(*Here, we obtain the vectors for an isometric projection of
+a d-cube into cyclic symmetry*)
+gen=Zonotope[vectors[dim, N[ 1/Degree * ArcTan[(1/2)^(1/2)],15 ] ] ];
+genc = Chop[gen,10^(-12)];\
+\>", "Input",
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+\>", "Input",
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+{{inelist,equalities}, icd, iad,ecd,ead}=
+\>", "Input",
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+Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell["{m,d}=Dimensions[inelist]", "Input",
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+{56, 4}\
+\>", "\<\
+{56, 4}\
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+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}]}, Open]],
+Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell["facets=Map[(Part[genc,#]) &, icd];", "Input",
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+Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell["Length[facets]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+\>", "\<\
+\>"], "Output",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}]}, Open]],
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+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
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+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+{2, -2.4, 1}\
+\>", "\<\
+{2, -2.4, 1}\
+\>"], "Output",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}]}, Open]],
+Show[poly=Graphics3D[Polygon /@ facets1],Boxed->False,
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+.886 .679 .617 r
+F P
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+.93 .872 .758 r
+F P
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+.29287 .57062 m .29604 .45247 L .41695 .37811 L p
+.824 .791 .821 r
+F P
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+.651 .641 .827 r
+F P
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+.189 0 .281 r
+F P
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+.68816 .7386 m .78294 .63809 L .81079 .68732 L p
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+.481 .567 .865 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+.788 .322 .13 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.28841 .7295 m .4056 .81382 L .41091 .87364 L p
+.788 .322 .13 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.20513 .62282 m .28841 .7295 L .28671 .78391 L p
+.899 .485 .112 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.29604 .45247 m .41695 .37811 L .50785 .26916 L p
+.836 .889 .879 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.7099 .79274 m .58813 .87679 L .57291 .81714 L p
+.387 .024 .222 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.58813 .87679 m .57291 .81714 L .49662 .8823 L p
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+F P
+.002 w
+.4056 .81382 m .49662 .8823 L .57291 .81714 L p
+.66 .291 .334 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+F P
+.002 w
+.7015 .46563 m .62873 .35218 L .7311 .40241 L p
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+F P
+.002 w
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+.93 .872 .758 r
+F P
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+F P
+.002 w
+.50785 .26916 m .38592 .34334 L .29604 .45247 L p
+.836 .889 .879 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.38592 .34334 m .50785 .26916 L .42686 .30886 L p
+.562 .927 .769 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.42686 .30886 m .50785 .26916 L .51943 .29676 L p
+.284 0 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.62873 .35218 m .50785 .26916 L .60442 .31555 L p
+.016 .415 .859 r
+F P
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+F P
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+.514 0 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+.899 .485 .112 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.20514 .50089 m .20513 .62282 L .19829 .67219 L p
+.789 .66 .107 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.60442 .31555 m .7311 .40241 L .62873 .35218 L p
+.016 .415 .859 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.38592 .34334 m .29761 .38735 L .20514 .50089 L p
+.847 .994 .841 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.42686 .30886 m .29761 .38735 L .38592 .34334 L p
+.562 .927 .769 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.83448 .56304 m .80422 .51927 L .7311 .40241 L p
+0 0 .411 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.58813 .87679 m .7099 .79274 L .637 .85965 L p
+0 0 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.81079 .68732 m .7099 .79274 L .637 .85965 L p
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+F P
+.002 w
+.49662 .8823 m .50785 .94906 L .58813 .87679 L p
+.509 .097 .194 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.50785 .94906 m .41091 .87364 L .28671 .78391 L p
+.511 0 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+F P
+.002 w
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+.602 .038 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+.789 .66 .107 r
+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+.957 .948 .701 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.637 .85965 m .74149 .75026 L .81079 .68732 L p
+.595 .887 .587 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.43388 .34043 m .42686 .30886 L .29761 .38735 L p
+.103 0 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+.284 0 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.53866 .39582 m .62265 .34733 L .51943 .29676 L p
+.585 .12 .115 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.51943 .29676 m .43388 .34043 L .53866 .39582 L p
+.585 .12 .115 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.29761 .38735 m .29635 .42454 L .43388 .34043 L p
+.103 0 0 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+.259 .329 .746 r
+F P
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+0 .255 .765 r
+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+.345 .53 .894 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+.938 .703 .556 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.68032 .4939 m .75754 .43997 L .83448 .56304 L p
+.938 .703 .556 r
+F P
+.002 w
+.83448 .56304 m .76359 .62196 L .74149 .75026 L p
+.957 .948 .701 r
+F P
+.002 w
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+.766 .781 .865 r
+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+.849 .856 .847 r
+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+F P
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+ Mathematica-Compatible Notebook
+This notebook can be used with any Mathematica-compatible
+application, such as Mathematica, MathReader or Publicon. The data
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+* Save the data starting with the line of stars above into a file
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+ StyleBox["cddmathlink",
+ FontColor->RGBColor[0.0557107, 0.137819, 0.517113]],
+ "\nConvex Hull and Vertex Enumeration by ",
+ StyleBox["MathLink",
+ FontSlant->"Italic",
+ FontColor->RGBColor[0.0146487, 0.461387, 0.0967727]],
+ " to ",
+ StyleBox["cddlib",
+ FontColor->RGBColor[0.517113, 0.0273594, 0.0273594]],
+ "\nby Komei Fukuda\nApril 17, 2001"
+}], "Title",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["Connecting cddmathlink", "Subsection",
+ InitializationCell->True,
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ "You just put the compiled cddmathlink for your computer in some directory. \
+ In this example, the name of the directory is ",
+ StyleBox["\"~/Math\".",
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+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell["Generating All Vertices ", "Subsection",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["?AllVertices", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \("AllVertices[m,d+1,A] generates all extreme points (vertices) and \
+extreme rays of the convex polyhedron in R^(d+1) given as the solution set to \
+an inequality system A x >= 0 where A is an m*(d+1) matrix and \
+x=(1,x1,...,xd). The output is {{extlist, linearity}, ecdlist} where extlist \
+is the extreme point list and ecdlist is the incidence list. Each vertex \
+(ray) has the first component 1 (0). If the convex polyhedron is nonempty \
+and has no vertices, extlist is a (nonunique) set of generators of the \
+polyhedron where those generators in the linearity list are considered as \
+linearity space (of points satisfying A (0, x1, x2, ...., xd) = 0) \
+generators."\)], "Print",
+ CellTags->"Info3249106863-2654627"],
+Let's try this function with a 3-dimenstional cube defined by 6 \
+inequalities (facets);
+x1 >= 0, x2 >=0, x3 >= 0, 1 - x1 >= 0, 1 - x2 >= 0 and 1 - x3 >= 0. We \
+write these six inequalities as A x >= 0 and x=(1, x1, x2, x3).\
+\>", \
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+ {"1", "0", \(-1\), "0"},
+ {"1", "0", "0", \(-1\)}
+ }], "\[NoBreak]", ")"}],
+ Function[ BoxForm`e$,
+ MatrixForm[ BoxForm`e$]]]], "Output"],
+Cell["{m,d1}=Dimensions[a]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({6, 4}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+{{vertices, linearity}, \
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
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+ 1.`}, {1.`, 0.`, 1.`, 1.`}, {1.`, 1.`, 1.`, 1.`}}, {}}, {{3, 4,
+ 5}, {1, 3, 5}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 6}, {2, 4, 6}, {1, 5,
+ 6}, {4, 5, 6}}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell["Generating the Graph Structure", "Subsection",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["?AllVerticesWithAdjacency", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \("AllVerticesWithAdjacency[m,d+1,A] generates all extreme points \
+(vertices) and extreme rays of the convex polyhedron in R^(d+1) given as the \
+solution set to an inequality system A x >= 0 where A is an m*(d+1) matrix \
+ and x=(1,x1,...,xd). The output is {{extlist, linearity}, ecdlist, eadlist, \
+icdlist, iadlist} where extlist, ecdlist, eadlist are the extreme point list, \
+the incidence list, the adjacency list (of extreme points and rays), and \
+icdlist, iadlist are the incidence list, the adjacency list (of \
+inequalities). Each vertex (ray) has the first component 1 (0). If the \
+convex polyhedron is nonempty and has no vertices, extlist is a (nonunique) \
+set of generators of the polyhedron where those generators in the linearity \
+list are considered as linearity space (of points satisfying A (0, x1, x2, \
+...., xd) = 0) generators."\)], "Print",
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+ 1.`}, {1.`, 0.`, 1.`, 1.`}, {1.`, 1.`, 1.`, 1.`}}, {}}, {{3, 4,
+ 5}, {1, 3, 5}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 6}, {2, 4, 6}, {1, 5,
+ 6}, {4, 5, 6}}, {{2, 4, 8}, {1, 3, 7}, {2, 4, 5}, {1, 3, 6}, {3, 6,
+ 7}, {4, 5, 8}, {2, 5, 8}, {1, 6, 7}}, {{2, 3, 5, 7}, {3, 4, 5,
+ 6}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 4, 6, 8}, {1, 2, 7, 8}, {5, 6, 7,
+ 8}, {}}, {{2, 3, 5, 6}, {1, 3, 4, 6}, {1, 2, 4, 5}, {2, 3, 5,
+ 6}, {1, 3, 4, 6}, {1, 2, 4, 5}, {}}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+ "The graph structure is output as the adjacency list ",
+ StyleBox["ead. ",
+ FontFamily->"Courier",
+ FontWeight->"Bold"],
+ "For example, the first list {2, 4 ,8} represents the neighbour vertices of \
+the first vertex 1. The adjacency of input is given by\nthe list ",
+ StyleBox["iad.",
+ FontFamily->"Courier",
+ FontWeight->"Bold"]
+}], "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell["Convex Hull (Facet Generation)", "Subsection",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["?AllFacets", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \("AllFacets[n,d+1,G] generates all facet inequalities of the convex \
+polyhedron in R^(d+1) generated by points and rays given in the rows of an \
+n*(d+1) matrix G. Each point (ray) must have 1 (0) in the first coordinate. \
+The output is {{faclist, equalities}, icdlist} where faclist is the facet \
+list and icdlist is the incidence list. If the convex polyhedron is not \
+full-dimensional, extlist is a (nonunique) set of inequalities of the \
+polyhedron where those inequalities in the equalities list are considered as \
+equalities."\)], "Print",
+ CellTags->"Info3249106877-5554290"],
+We have computed all the vertices of a 3-cube. Let's try the \
+reverse operation. First check the size of the list of vertics. It should \
+reconstruct the facets we have started with.\
+\>", "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["{n, d1}=Dimensions[vertices]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({8, 4}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+{{facets,equalities}, fincidences}= AllFacets[n,d1,Flatten[vertices]]\
+\>", \
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({{{{0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.`}, {0.`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {0.`, 0.`, 1.`,
+ 0.`}, {1.`, 0.`, 0.`, \(-1.`\)}, {1.`, 0.`, \(-1.`\),
+ 0.`}, {1.`, \(-1.`\), 0.`, 0.`}}, {}}, {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 5,
+ 7}, {3, 4, 5, 6}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {1, 2, 7, 8}, {1, 4, 6,
+ 8}}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+ "We can compute how the facets are connected by using ",
+ StyleBox["AllFacetsWithAdjacency",
+ FontWeight->"Bold"],
+ " function."
+}], "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+{{facets,equalities}, icd,iad, ecd,ead}=
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
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+ 0.`}, {1.`, 0.`, 0.`, \(-1.`\)}, {1.`, 0.`, \(-1.`\),
+ 0.`}, {1.`, \(-1.`\), 0.`, 0.`}}, {}}, {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 5,
+ 7}, {3, 4, 5, 6}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {1, 2, 7, 8}, {1, 4, 6, 8}}, {{2,
+ 3, 5, 6}, {1, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 4, 6}, {2, 3, 5, 6}, {1, 2, 4,
+ 6}, {1, 3, 4, 5}}, {{1, 5, 6}, {1, 2, 5}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 6}, {2,
+ 3, 4}, {3, 4, 6}, {2, 4, 5}, {4, 5, 6}}, {{2, 4, 8}, {1, 3, 7}, {2,
+ 4, 5}, {1, 3, 6}, {3, 6, 7}, {4, 5, 8}, {2, 5, 8}, {1, 6,
+ 7}}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+If you want to compute an inequality description of the \
+one-dimensional cone in R^3 with a vertex at origin and containing the \
+direction (1,1,1), you must set up the input (generator) data as:\
+\>", "Text",\
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["coneGenerators={{1,0,0,0},{0,1,1,1}}", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({{1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1, 1}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+{{cfacets,cequalities}, cfincidences}=
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({{{{1.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {0.`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {0.`, \(-1.`\), 1.`,
+ 0.`}, {0.`, \(-1.`\), 0.`, 1.`}}, {3, 4}}, {{2}, {1}, {1, 2}, {1,
+ 2}}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Since the equalities list contains 3 and 4, of the four output \
+inequalities , the third and the forth must be considered as equalities. It \
+is important to note that this cone can have infinitely many different \
+minimal inequality descriptions, since it is not full-dimensional.\
+\>", \
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell["A Larger Example (Random 0/1 Polytopes)", "Subsection",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Let's compute the convex hull of 0/1 points in R^d. First generate \
+0/1 points. Below each point with the first component 0 is considered as a \
+direction that must be included in the convex hull.\
+\>", "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}},
+ FontSize->13],
+Cell["n=30; d1=8;", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+", "Input",
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+ 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0,
+ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
+ 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,
+ 0}, {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 1,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1}, {0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 1}, {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, {0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell["Dimensions[points]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({30, 8}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+{CPUtime, {{facets,equalities}, inc}}=
+\>", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["{CPUtime,Length[facets]}", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({0.`\ Second, 33}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Usually facets of 0/1 polytopes are very pretty and their \
+coefficients are small integers.\
+\>", "Text",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+Cell["Take[facets,5]", "Input",
+ ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}],
+ \({{0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {0.`, \(-1.`\), 0.`, 1.`,
+ 0.`, 1.`, 0.`, 1.`}, {0.`, \(-1.`\), \(-1.`\), 1.`, 0.`, 1.`, 1.`,
+ 1.`}, {0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.`}, {0.`, 0.`, 1.`, 0.`,
+ 1.`, 0.`, \(-1.`\), 1.`}}\)], "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
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+Cell[5513, 184, 85, 1, 30, "Subsection"],
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+Cell[5701, 192, 930, 13, 231, "Print",
+ CellTags->"Info3249106869-2272285"],
+Cell[6656, 209, 141, 4, 42, "Input"],
+Cell[6800, 215, 670, 9, 155, "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[7497, 228, 412, 11, 68, "Text"]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell[7946, 244, 85, 1, 30, "Subsection"],
+Cell[8056, 249, 60, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[8119, 252, 613, 9, 151, "Print",
+ CellTags->"Info3249106877-5554290"],
+Cell[8735, 263, 244, 5, 50, "Text"],
+Cell[9004, 272, 78, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[9085, 275, 40, 1, 27, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[9162, 281, 130, 5, 57, "Input"],
+Cell[9295, 288, 323, 5, 75, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[9633, 296, 196, 6, 32, "Text"],
+Cell[9854, 306, 149, 5, 57, "Input"],
+Cell[10006, 313, 633, 9, 139, "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[10688, 328, 255, 6, 50, "Text"],
+Cell[10968, 338, 86, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[11057, 341, 62, 1, 27, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[11156, 347, 138, 4, 42, "Input"],
+Cell[11297, 353, 196, 3, 43, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[11508, 359, 342, 7, 68, "Text"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell[11899, 372, 94, 1, 30, "Subsection"],
+Cell[11996, 375, 272, 6, 48, "Text"],
+Cell[12271, 383, 61, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[12357, 388, 124, 4, 42, "Input"],
+Cell[12484, 394, 913, 12, 171, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[13434, 411, 68, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[13505, 414, 41, 1, 27, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[13561, 418, 141, 5, 57, "Input"],
+Cell[13727, 427, 74, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[13804, 430, 51, 1, 27, "Output"]
+}, Open ]],
+Cell[13870, 434, 149, 4, 32, "Text"],
+Cell[14044, 442, 64, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[14111, 445, 291, 4, 59, "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]],
+Cell[14451, 455, 81, 1, 30, "Subsection"],
+Cell[14557, 460, 66, 1, 27, "Input"],
+Cell[14626, 463, 66, 1, 27, "Output"]
+}, Open ]]
+}, Closed]]
+End of Mathematica Notebook file.
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cdd_f.h b/lib-src-gmp/cdd_f.h
index ae30b42..1bee024 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cdd_f.h
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cdd_f.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cdd.h: Header file for cddlib.c
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib.c : C-Implementation of the double description method for
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cddcore_f.c b/lib-src-gmp/cddcore_f.c
index 200f368..f1ae9d9 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cddcore_f.c
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cddcore_f.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cddcore.c: Core Procedures for cddlib
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib : C-library of the double description method for
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cddio_f.c b/lib-src-gmp/cddio_f.c
index 3c7775c..5dcf1cf 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cddio_f.c
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cddio_f.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cddio.c: Basic Input and Output Procedures for cddlib
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib : C-library of the double description method for
@@ -809,6 +809,7 @@ ddf_boolean ddf_InitializeConeData(ddf_rowrange m, ddf_colrange d, ddf_ConePtr *
=(ddf_AdjacencyType**) calloc((*cone)->m_alloc,sizeof(ddf_AdjacencyType*));
+ for (j=0; j<(*cone)->m_alloc; j++) (*cone)->Edges[j]=NULL; /* 094h */
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cddlib_f.c b/lib-src-gmp/cddlib_f.c
index ecfe8cf..a3b0ab6 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cddlib_f.c
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cddlib_f.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cddlib.c: cdd library (library version of cdd)
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
Standard ftp site: ftp.ifor.math.ethz.ch, Directory: pub/fukuda/cdd
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cddlp_f.c b/lib-src-gmp/cddlp_f.c
index 46003e4..8fa1f4b 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cddlp_f.c
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cddlp_f.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cddlp.c: dual simplex method c-code
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlp.c : C-Implementation of the dual simplex method for
@@ -2570,7 +2570,7 @@ ddf_rowset ddf_RedundantRows(ddf_MatrixPtr M, ddf_ErrorType *error) /* 092 */
ddf_rowset redset;
ddf_MatrixPtr Mcopy;
ddf_Arow cvec; /* certificate */
- ddf_boolean localdebug=ddf_FALSE;
+ ddf_boolean localdebug=ddf_TRUE;
if (M->representation==ddf_Generator){
@@ -2583,11 +2583,11 @@ ddf_rowset ddf_RedundantRows(ddf_MatrixPtr M, ddf_ErrorType *error) /* 092 */
set_initialize(&redset, m);
for (i=m; i>=1; i--) {
if (ddf_Redundant(Mcopy, i, cvec, error)) {
- if (localdebug) printf("ddf_RedundantRows: the row %ld is redundant.\n", i);
+ if (localdebug) printf("Iteration %ld: the row %ld is redundant.\n",m-i+1,i);
set_addelem(redset, i);
ddf_MatrixRowRemove(&Mcopy, i);
} else {
- if (localdebug) printf("ddf_RedundantRows: the row %ld is essential.\n", i);
+ if (localdebug) printf("Iteration %ld: the row %ld is essential.\n",m-i+1, i);
if (*error!=ddf_NoError) goto _L99;
@@ -2874,7 +2874,7 @@ ddf_rowset ddf_RedundantRowsViaShooting(ddf_MatrixPtr M, ddf_ErrorType *error)
ddf_LPSolutionPtr lps;
ddf_ErrorType err;
ddf_LPSolverType solver=ddf_DualSimplex;
- ddf_boolean localdebug=ddf_FALSE;
+ ddf_boolean localdebug=ddf_TRUE;
@@ -2951,6 +2951,7 @@ ddf_rowset ddf_RedundantRowsViaShooting(ddf_MatrixPtr M, ddf_ErrorType *error)
} /* endwhile */
} else {
/* No interior point is found. Apply the standard LP technique. */
+ if (localdebug) printf("No interior-point is found and thus the standard LP technique will be used.\n", ired);
redset=ddf_RedundantRows(M, error);
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.c b/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.c
index 4225549..717ea18 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.c
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cddmp.c (cddlib arithmetic operations using gmp)
- Copyright: Komei Fukuda 2000, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.h b/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.h
index 5fedc49..0b82599 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.h
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cddmp_f.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cddmp.h (cddlib arithmetic operations using gmp)
- Copyright: Komei Fukuda 2000, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
diff --git a/lib-src-gmp/cddtypes_f.h b/lib-src-gmp/cddtypes_f.h
index 87c86d8..4d24bf9 100644
--- a/lib-src-gmp/cddtypes_f.h
+++ b/lib-src-gmp/cddtypes_f.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* automatically generated by sed scripts from the c source named below: */
/* cddtypes.h: Header file for cddlib.c
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib.c : C-Implementation of the double description method for
diff --git a/lib-src/cdd.h b/lib-src/cdd.h
index dda7414..6925745 100644
--- a/lib-src/cdd.h
+++ b/lib-src/cdd.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cdd.h: Header file for cddlib.c
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib.c : C-Implementation of the double description method for
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ extern dd_LPSolverType dd_choiceLPSolverDefault; /* Default LP solver Algorithm
extern dd_LPSolverType dd_choiceRedcheckAlgorithm; /* Redundancy Checking Algorithm */
extern dd_boolean dd_choiceLexicoPivotQ; /* whether to use the lexicographic pivot */
-/* to be used to avoid creating temporary spaces for mytype */
-#define dd_almostzero 1.0E-6
+ /* to be used to avoid creating temporary spaces for mytype */
+#define dd_almostzero 1.0E-7
/* ---------- FUNCTIONS MEANT TO BE PUBLIC ---------- */
diff --git a/lib-src/cddcore.c b/lib-src/cddcore.c
index 9644788..de6f21f 100644
--- a/lib-src/cddcore.c
+++ b/lib-src/cddcore.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cddcore.c: Core Procedures for cddlib
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib : C-library of the double description method for
diff --git a/lib-src/cddio.c b/lib-src/cddio.c
index 9779308..58545d5 100644
--- a/lib-src/cddio.c
+++ b/lib-src/cddio.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cddio.c: Basic Input and Output Procedures for cddlib
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib : C-library of the double description method for
@@ -809,6 +809,7 @@ dd_boolean dd_InitializeConeData(dd_rowrange m, dd_colrange d, dd_ConePtr *cone)
=(dd_AdjacencyType**) calloc((*cone)->m_alloc,sizeof(dd_AdjacencyType*));
+ for (j=0; j<(*cone)->m_alloc; j++) (*cone)->Edges[j]=NULL; /* 094h */
diff --git a/lib-src/cddlib.c b/lib-src/cddlib.c
index e87daee..ca9469f 100644
--- a/lib-src/cddlib.c
+++ b/lib-src/cddlib.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cddlib.c: cdd library (library version of cdd)
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
Standard ftp site: ftp.ifor.math.ethz.ch, Directory: pub/fukuda/cdd
diff --git a/lib-src/cddlp.c b/lib-src/cddlp.c
index 855b197..46f98b5 100644
--- a/lib-src/cddlp.c
+++ b/lib-src/cddlp.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cddlp.c: dual simplex method c-code
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlp.c : C-Implementation of the dual simplex method for
@@ -2570,7 +2570,7 @@ dd_rowset dd_RedundantRows(dd_MatrixPtr M, dd_ErrorType *error) /* 092 */
dd_rowset redset;
dd_MatrixPtr Mcopy;
dd_Arow cvec; /* certificate */
- dd_boolean localdebug=dd_FALSE;
+ dd_boolean localdebug=dd_TRUE;
if (M->representation==dd_Generator){
@@ -2583,11 +2583,11 @@ dd_rowset dd_RedundantRows(dd_MatrixPtr M, dd_ErrorType *error) /* 092 */
set_initialize(&redset, m);
for (i=m; i>=1; i--) {
if (dd_Redundant(Mcopy, i, cvec, error)) {
- if (localdebug) printf("dd_RedundantRows: the row %ld is redundant.\n", i);
+ if (localdebug) printf("Iteration %ld: the row %ld is redundant.\n",m-i+1,i);
set_addelem(redset, i);
dd_MatrixRowRemove(&Mcopy, i);
} else {
- if (localdebug) printf("dd_RedundantRows: the row %ld is essential.\n", i);
+ if (localdebug) printf("Iteration %ld: the row %ld is essential.\n",m-i+1, i);
if (*error!=dd_NoError) goto _L99;
@@ -2874,7 +2874,7 @@ dd_rowset dd_RedundantRowsViaShooting(dd_MatrixPtr M, dd_ErrorType *error) /* 0
dd_LPSolutionPtr lps;
dd_ErrorType err;
dd_LPSolverType solver=dd_DualSimplex;
- dd_boolean localdebug=dd_FALSE;
+ dd_boolean localdebug=dd_TRUE;
@@ -2951,6 +2951,7 @@ dd_rowset dd_RedundantRowsViaShooting(dd_MatrixPtr M, dd_ErrorType *error) /* 0
} /* endwhile */
} else {
/* No interior point is found. Apply the standard LP technique. */
+ if (localdebug) printf("No interior-point is found and thus the standard LP technique will be used.\n", ired);
redset=dd_RedundantRows(M, error);
diff --git a/lib-src/cddmp.c b/lib-src/cddmp.c
index 70affea..fe04849 100644
--- a/lib-src/cddmp.c
+++ b/lib-src/cddmp.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cddmp.c (cddlib arithmetic operations using gmp)
- Copyright: Komei Fukuda 2000, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
diff --git a/lib-src/cddmp.h b/lib-src/cddmp.h
index 0589059..1ab69b0 100644
--- a/lib-src/cddmp.h
+++ b/lib-src/cddmp.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cddmp.h (cddlib arithmetic operations using gmp)
- Copyright: Komei Fukuda 2000, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
diff --git a/lib-src/cddtypes.h b/lib-src/cddtypes.h
index d55174c..058f83e 100644
--- a/lib-src/cddtypes.h
+++ b/lib-src/cddtypes.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* cddtypes.h: Header file for cddlib.c
- written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.94g, March 23, 2012
+ written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at math.ethz.ch
+ Version 0.94h, April 30, 2015
/* cddlib.c : C-Implementation of the double description method for
diff --git a/src/redundancies.c b/src/redundancies.c
index 72ba239..15d5eb8 100644
--- a/src/redundancies.c
+++ b/src/redundancies.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* redcheck.c: Test program to call the cdd library cddlib
written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.92, December 11, 2001
+ Version 0.94, April 12, 2012
Standard ftp site: ftp.ifor.math.ethz.ch, Directory: pub/fukuda/cdd
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ dd_boolean SetWriteFile(FILE **f, dd_DataFileType fname)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
dd_MatrixPtr M=NULL,M2=NULL;
- dd_colrange d;
dd_ErrorType err=dd_NoError;
dd_rowset redrows,linrows;
mytype val;
dd_DataFileType inputfile;
FILE *reading=NULL;
+ time_t starttime,endtime;
dd_set_global_constants(); /* First, this must be called. */
@@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (err!=dd_NoError) goto _L99;
- if (M->representation==dd_Generator) d=M->colsize+1; else d=M->colsize;
+ time(&starttime);
fprintf(stdout, "redundant rows: ");
redrows=dd_RedundantRows(M, &err);
set_fwrite(stdout, redrows);
@@ -105,9 +104,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
set_uni(M2->linset, M2->linset, linrows);
/* add the implicit linrows to the given linearity rows */
+ time(&endtime);
printf("\nNonredundant representation (except for the linearity part):\n");
dd_WriteMatrix(stdout, M2);
+ dd_WriteTimes(stdout,starttime,endtime);
diff --git a/src/redundancies_clarkson.c b/src/redundancies_clarkson.c
index 142af16..b02f16b 100644
--- a/src/redundancies_clarkson.c
+++ b/src/redundancies_clarkson.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* redcheck.c: Test program to call the cdd library cddlib
written by Komei Fukuda, fukuda at ifor.math.ethz.ch
- Version 0.92, December 11, 2001
+ Version 0.94, April 12, 2012
Standard ftp site: ftp.ifor.math.ethz.ch, Directory: pub/fukuda/cdd
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ dd_boolean SetWriteFile(FILE **f, dd_DataFileType fname)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
dd_MatrixPtr M=NULL,M2=NULL;
- dd_colrange d;
dd_ErrorType err=dd_NoError;
dd_rowset redrows,linrows;
mytype val;
dd_DataFileType inputfile;
FILE *reading=NULL;
+ time_t starttime,endtime;
dd_set_global_constants(); /* First, this must be called. */
@@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (err!=dd_NoError) goto _L99;
- if (M->representation==dd_Generator) d=M->colsize+1; else d=M->colsize;
+ time(&starttime);
fprintf(stdout, "redundant rows: ");
redrows=dd_RedundantRowsViaShooting(M, &err);
set_fwrite(stdout, redrows);
@@ -105,9 +104,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
set_uni(M2->linset, M2->linset, linrows);
/* add the implicit linrows to the given linearity rows */
+ time(&endtime);
printf("\nNonredundant representation (except for the linearity part):\n");
dd_WriteMatrix(stdout, M2);
+ dd_WriteTimes(stdout,starttime,endtime);
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cddlib.git
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