[arrayfire] branch dfsg-clean updated (cb95bda -> c95f016)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 29 08:01:06 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch dfsg-clean
in repository arrayfire.

      from  cb95bda   Clean source tree from non-dfsg components.
       new  01d819a   Prevent copy assignment & construction of af::Window object
       new  6453b40   Merge pull request #1263 from 9prady9/gfx_fixes
       new  b6ccdef   Memory leak fix in af_median_all
       new  7e141c1   Merge branch 'median_memleak_fix' of 9prady9/arrayfire into devel
       new  d0f401e   Compile fix for armel architecture
       new  4d7b37a   Adding cmake option to disable async queues
       new  4d6c6cd   Merge  branch 'thread_fix' of pavanky/arrayfire into devel
       new  16fd976   Changes to remove unneeded font
       new  484761c   Merge branch 'assets_fixes' of pavanky/arrayfire into devel
       new  e0879cb   FEAT: Adding functions exposing Array internals
       new  d7d79af   BUGFIX: Fixing offsets when writing to Arrays for CPU and CUDA backends
       new  1b623a0   Reorganizing offset to be inside ArrayInfo
       new  2d59503   BUGFIX: Fixed issues with offsets in moddims after using indexing
       new  b260cc8   Fixes to internal functions
       new  6e9eacb   DOCS: Adding documentation for internal functions
       new  f6d0236   Renaming createArray to be createStridedArray
       new  f728c03   Adding additional constraints when creating strided array
       new  7bc56a7   Adding functions to get raw pointer out of Array<T>
       new  86ff134   TEST: Adding tests for internal functions
       new  fa0f6e7   Merge pull request #1265 from pavanky/internals
       new  2325ca2   Fixing memory leak in plot3
       new  05296fb   Cleaning up code in plot3
       new  ff27536   Bugfixes, code clean up of plot
       new  213c8e6   Clean up of surface()
       new  f3c5ad2   Merge pull request #1274 from pavanky/gfx_fixes
       new  5be6cd7   BUGFIX: Fixed bug in CUDA and OpenCL when re-using same JIT nodes.
       new  3faa83d   Adding tests for to check for resetting in JIT
       new  3753a60   Merge pull request #1278 from pavanky/jit_fixes
       new  199ea82   Moving af_get_version to version.cpp
       new  11aa933   Fixing af_get_last_error for unified backend
       new  fd87af4   Add better error messages coming out of unified api
       new  52158ef   Properly handle af_release_array when using a different backend
       new  236ac64   Merge remote-tracking branch 'pavanky/unified' into devel
       new  9b10c0e   Added support for loading 32 bit integer images
       new  123a037   Merge remote-tracking branch 'yshady/loadImageINT32' into devel
       new  4c045b1   Set minimum CMake version to 2.8.12 (previously 2.8)
       new  3c06fa0   Force offload OSX LAPACK on unified memory devices
       new  3c385b3   Add BUILD_* Options for examples and tests when building standalone
       new  fd660a0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/devel' into devel
       new  0a0f6e3   Search for GLEWmx in default paths too
       new  5e63fbb   Merge pull request #1292 from jpauwels/patch-1
       new  49a18e0   Change clBLAS commit tag to af3.3.0
       new  31b8643   Change clFFT commit tag to af3.3.0
       new  8eb31eb   Merge pull request #1295 from shehzan10/devel
       new  e4facbb   Adding function to check if memory usage is approaching the limits
       new  e1abe12   Changes to make sure cpu backend does not enqueue too many functions.
       new  e59df75   Making copyArray from cpu backend asynchronous
       new  cfe76f3   Adding missing evals in cpu backend
       new  c66da40   BUGFIX: Fixing array.write for all backends
       new  6bb2bcd   Merge pull request #1293 from pavanky/cpu_mem_async
       new  c38cc2d   BUGFIX: Ensure set operations work on vectors only
       new  4831631   DOCS: Fixing documentation for exp
       new  054ef71   Merge pull request #1303 from pavanky/minor_fixes
       new  571f0ca   Renaming ambiguous getInfo to getDeviceInfo
       new  f0d11b3   Make getInfo check if af_array belongs to current device.
       new  0258883   BUGFIX: Fixing getId() from ArrayInfo
       new  9b793f0   FEAT,TEST,DOC: Adding function to query which device an array was created.
       new  c6f8a90   Merge pull request #1299 from pavanky/device_id
       new  96baaf9   Fixes to and reorganization of OSX Installer
       new  529b638   OSX Installer: Move libforge and ArrayFireConfig into common sub package
       new  706ebe8   Merge pull request #1298 from shehzan10/osx-installer
       new  cc59efa   Fix to MemoryManager in debug mode
       new  d6d08f9   Clear the free_map after calling garbageCollect in MemoryManager
       new  6325406   Exit early when destructor is called on empty arrays.
       new  e67f04c   Merge pull request #1297 from pavanky/memory_manager_fixes
       new  513e711   Fixes for using MKL on OSX
       new  d4fb656   Added support for finding MKL RT on OSX for BLAS, LAPACKE, FFTW
       new  9421284   Merge pull request #1296 from shehzan10/osx-mkl-fixes
       new  58809cb   Support to set visibility of windows programmatically
       new  8e24695   Merge pull request #1305 from 9prady9/gfx_additions
       new  e83fcaf   Added release notes
       new  443b5e8   Merge pull request #1304 from shehzan10/release
       new  5a22674   DOC Typo corrections in Installation page
       new  5842ed2   Merge pull request #1306 from arrayfire/devel
       new  c95f016   Merge tag 'v3.3.0' into dfsg-clean

The 75 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CMakeLists.txt                                |   2 +-
 CMakeModules/FindCBLAS.cmake                  |  26 ++--
 CMakeModules/FindFFTW.cmake                   |  29 ++++-
 CMakeModules/FindGLEWmx.cmake                 |   2 -
 CMakeModules/FindLAPACKE.cmake                |   8 +-
 CMakeModules/build_clBLAS.cmake               |   2 +-
 CMakeModules/build_clFFT.cmake                |   2 +-
 CMakeModules/osx_install/OSXInstaller.cmake   | 130 ++++++++++++++----
 CMakeModules/osx_install/distribution.dist    |  31 +++--
 CMakeModules/osx_install/readme.html          |  13 +-
 assets                                        |   2 +-
 docs/arrayfire.css                            |   9 --
 docs/details/arith.dox                        |   2 -
 docs/details/backend.dox                      |   9 ++
 docs/details/internal.dox                     |  29 +++++
 docs/pages/INSTALL.md                         |  15 ++-
 docs/pages/release_notes.md                   |  56 +++++++-
 examples/CMakeLists.txt                       |  29 +++--
 include/af/backend.h                          |  24 ++++
 include/af/defines.h                          |   7 +
 include/af/graphics.h                         |  29 +++++
 include/af/internal.h                         | 181 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/arrayfire.h                           |   9 ++
 src/api/c/array.cpp                           |  96 ++++++++++++++
 src/api/c/data.cpp                            |  52 --------
 src/api/c/device.cpp                          |  27 ++--
 src/api/c/err_common.cpp                      |  61 +--------
 src/api/c/err_common.hpp                      |   4 +
 src/api/c/error.cpp                           |  63 +++++++++
 src/api/c/handle.hpp                          |   2 +
 src/api/c/image.cpp                           |  22 ++++
 src/api/c/imageio.cpp                         |  39 +++++-
 src/api/c/imageio2.cpp                        |  25 +++-
 src/api/c/index.cpp                           |  68 ++++++++++
 src/api/c/internal.cpp                        | 170 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/api/c/median.cpp                          |  11 +-
 src/api/c/moddims.cpp                         |   1 +
 src/api/c/plot.cpp                            |  15 ++-
 src/api/c/plot3.cpp                           |  18 +--
 src/api/c/print.cpp                           |   4 +-
 src/api/c/set.cpp                             |  24 +++-
 src/api/c/surface.cpp                         |  28 ++--
 src/api/c/util.cpp                            |  81 ------------
 src/api/c/version.cpp                         |   9 ++
 src/api/cpp/device.cpp                        |   7 +
 src/api/cpp/graphics.cpp                      |   5 +
 src/api/cpp/internal.cpp                      |  63 +++++++++
 src/api/unified/CMakeLists.txt                |  13 +-
 src/api/unified/array.cpp                     |  13 +-
 src/api/unified/device.cpp                    |   6 +
 src/api/unified/error.cpp                     |  51 ++++++++
 src/api/unified/graphics.cpp                  |   5 +
 src/api/unified/index.cpp                     |  34 +++++
 src/api/unified/internal.cpp                  |  54 ++++++++
 src/api/unified/symbol_manager.cpp            |   7 +-
 src/api/unified/symbol_manager.hpp            |  37 ++++--
 src/api/unified/util.cpp                      |   5 -
 src/backend/ArrayInfo.cpp                     |  43 +-----
 src/backend/ArrayInfo.hpp                     |  21 +--
 src/backend/MemoryManager.cpp                 |  19 ++-
 src/backend/MemoryManager.hpp                 |   2 +
 src/backend/cblas.cpp                         |   8 +-
 src/backend/cpu/Array.cpp                     |  66 ++++++----
 src/backend/cpu/Array.hpp                     |  25 +++-
 src/backend/cpu/CMakeLists.txt                |  29 ++++-
 src/backend/cpu/blas.hpp                      |  16 +--
 src/backend/cpu/copy.cpp                      |   5 +-
 src/backend/cpu/exampleFunction.cpp           |   3 +-
 src/backend/cpu/histogram.cpp                 |   3 +-
 src/backend/cpu/kernel/sort.hpp               |   1 +
 src/backend/cpu/kernel/sort_by_key.hpp        |   1 +
 src/backend/cpu/kernel/sort_index.hpp         |   1 +
 src/backend/cpu/lapack_helper.hpp             |  20 +--
 src/backend/cpu/lu.cpp                        |   3 +
 src/backend/cpu/memory.cpp                    |  26 +++-
 src/backend/cpu/memory.hpp                    |   1 +
 src/backend/cpu/nearest_neighbour.cpp         |   2 +
 src/backend/cpu/platform.cpp                  |   2 +-
 src/backend/cpu/platform.hpp                  |   2 +-
 src/backend/cpu/qr.cpp                        |   3 +
 src/backend/cpu/queue.hpp                     |  85 +++++++++---
 src/backend/cpu/scan.cpp                      |   3 +-
 src/backend/cpu/solve.cpp                     |   3 +
 src/backend/cpu/tile.cpp                      |   1 -
 src/backend/cpu/transform.cpp                 |   1 -
 src/backend/cpu/transpose.cpp                 |   1 -
 src/backend/cpu/triangle.cpp                  |   2 +-
 src/backend/cpu/unwrap.cpp                    |   1 -
 src/backend/cpu/where.cpp                     |   1 -
 src/backend/cpu/wrap.cpp                      |   1 -
 src/backend/cuda/Array.cpp                    |  77 +++++++----
 src/backend/cuda/Array.hpp                    |  24 +++-
 src/backend/cuda/CMakeLists.txt               |  19 ++-
 src/backend/cuda/JIT/BinaryNode.hpp           |   6 +-
 src/backend/cuda/JIT/BufferNode.hpp           |   7 +-
 src/backend/cuda/JIT/Node.hpp                 |  19 ++-
 src/backend/cuda/JIT/ScalarNode.hpp           |   7 +-
 src/backend/cuda/JIT/UnaryNode.hpp            |   6 +-
 src/backend/cuda/copy.cu                      |   2 +-
 src/backend/cuda/cpu_lapack/lapack_helper.hpp |  20 +--
 src/backend/cuda/memory.cpp                   |   5 +
 src/backend/cuda/memory.hpp                   |   2 +
 src/backend/cuda/platform.cpp                 |  24 ++--
 src/backend/cuda/platform.hpp                 |   7 +-
 src/backend/cuda/set.cu                       |  14 +-
 src/backend/opencl/Array.cpp                  |  79 +++++++----
 src/backend/opencl/Array.hpp                  |  22 +++-
 src/backend/opencl/CMakeLists.txt             |  23 +++-
 src/backend/opencl/JIT/BinaryNode.hpp         |   8 +-
 src/backend/opencl/JIT/BufferNode.hpp         |   9 +-
 src/backend/opencl/JIT/Node.hpp               |  18 ++-
 src/backend/opencl/JIT/ScalarNode.hpp         |  11 +-
 src/backend/opencl/JIT/UnaryNode.hpp          |   7 +-
 src/backend/opencl/blas.cpp                   |   2 +-
 src/backend/opencl/copy.cpp                   |   2 +-
 src/backend/opencl/cpu/cpu_helper.hpp         |  28 ++--
 src/backend/opencl/magma/magma_cpu_blas.h     |  16 +--
 src/backend/opencl/magma/magma_cpu_lapack.h   |  18 ++-
 src/backend/opencl/memory.cpp                 |   5 +
 src/backend/opencl/memory.hpp                 |   1 +
 src/backend/opencl/platform.cpp               |  19 ++-
 src/backend/opencl/platform.hpp               |   6 +-
 src/backend/opencl/set.cpp                    |  14 +-
 test/CMakeLists.txt                           |  43 +++---
 test/array.cpp                                |  31 +++++
 test/internal.cpp                             | 124 ++++++++++++++++++
 test/jit.cpp                                  |  50 +++++++
 127 files changed, 2208 insertions(+), 734 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/details/internal.dox
 create mode 100644 include/af/internal.h
 create mode 100644 src/api/c/array.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/api/c/error.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/api/c/internal.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/api/c/util.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/api/cpp/internal.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/api/unified/error.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/api/unified/internal.cpp
 create mode 100644 test/internal.cpp

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/arrayfire.git

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