[python-hdf5storage] 102/152: Finished rest of introduction.rst in the documentation.
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 29 08:24:39 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag 0.1
in repository python-hdf5storage.
commit 12a6eec1aea094b595f5873e652a9ea2029511e5
Author: Freja Nordsiek <fnordsie at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Feb 7 00:16:53 2014 -0500
Finished rest of introduction.rst in the documentation.
doc/source/introduction.rst | 154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 154 insertions(+)
diff --git a/doc/source/introduction.rst b/doc/source/introduction.rst
index 6e68008..2d3dbc7 100644
--- a/doc/source/introduction.rst
+++ b/doc/source/introduction.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,161 @@
+.. currentmodule:: hdf5storage
+Getting Started
+Most of the functionality that one will use is contained in the main
+module ::
+ import hdf5storage
+Lower level functionality needed mostly for extending this package to
+work with more datatypes are in its submodules.
+The main functions in this module are :py:func:`write` and
+:py:func:`read` which write a Python variable to an HDF5 file or read
+the specified contents of an HDF5 file and convert to Python types.
+HDF5 files are structured much like a Unix filesystem, so everything can
+be referenced with a POSIX style path, which look like
+``'/pyth/hf'``. Unlike a Windows path, back slashes (``'/'``) are used
+as directory separators instead of forward slashes (``'\'``) and the
+base of the file system is just ``'/'`` instead of something like
+``'C:\'``. In the language of HDF5, what we call directories and files
+in filesystems are called groups and datasets.
+:py:func:`write` has many options for controlling how the data is
+stored, and what metadata is stored, but we can ignore that for now. If
+we have a variable named ``foo`` that we want to write to an HDF5 file
+named ``data.h5``, we would write it by ::
+ hdf5storage.write(foo, name='/foo', filename='data.h5')
+And then we can read it back from the file with the :py:func:`read`
+function, which returns the read data. Here, we will put the data we
+read back into the variable ``bar`` ::
+ bar = hdf5storage.read(name='/foo', filename='data.h5')
+Main Options Controlling Writing/Reading Data
+There are many individual options that control how data is written and
+read to/from file. These can be set by passing an :py:class:`Options`
+object to :py:func:`write` and :py:func:`read` by ::
+ options = hdf5storage.Options(...)
+ hdf5storage.write(... , options=options)
+ hdf5storage.read(... , options=options)
+or passing the individual keyword arguments used by the
+:py:class:`Options` constructor to :py:func:`write` and
+:py:func:`read`. The two methods cannot be mixed (the functions will
+give precedence to the given :py:class:`Options` object).
+.. note::
+ Functions in the various submodules only support the
+ :py:class:`Options` object method of passing options.
+The two main options are :py:attr:`Options.store_type_information` and
+:py:attr:`Options.matlab_compatible`. A more minor option is
+Setting this options causes metadata to be written so that the written
+objects can be read back into Python accurately. As HDF5 does not
+natively support many Python data types (essentially only Numpy types),
+most Python data types have to be converted before being written. If
+metadata isn't also written, the data cannot be read back to its
+original form and will instead be read back as the Python type most
+closely resembling how it is stored, which will be a Numpy type of some
+.. note
+ This option is especially important when we consider that when
+ ``matlab_compatible == True``, many additional conversions and
+ manipulations will be done to the data that cannot be reversed
+ without this metadata.
+Setting this option causes the writing of HDF5 files be done in a way
+compatible with MATLAB v7.3 MAT files. This consists of writing some
+file metadata so that MATLAB recognizes the file, adding specific
+metadata to every stored object so that MATLAB recognizes them, and
+transforming the data to be in the form that MATLAB expects for certain
+types (for example, MATLAB expects everything to be at least a 2D array
+and strings to be stored in UTF-16 but with no doublets).
+.. note::
+ There are many individual small options in the :py:class:`Options`
+ class that this option sets to specific values. Setting
+ ``matlab_compatible`` automatically sets them, while changing their
+ values to something else automatically turns ``matlab_compatible``
+ off.
+{'row', 'column'}
+This option is only actually relevant when
+``matlab_compatible == True``. MATLAB only supports 2D and higher
+dimensionality arrays, but Numpy supports 1D arrays. So, 1D arrays have
+to be made 2 dimensional making them either into row vectors or column
+vectors. This option sets which they become when imported into MATLAB.
+Convenience Functions for MATLAB MAT Files
+Two functions are provided for reading and writing to MATLAB MAT files
+in a convenient way. They are :py:func:`savemat` and :py:func:`loadmat`,
+which are modelled after the SciPy functions of the same name
+(:py:func:`scipy.io.savemat` and :py:func:`scipy.io.loadmat`), which
+work with non-HDF5 based MAT files. They take not only the same options,
+but dispatch calls automatically to the SciPy versions when instructed
+to write to a non-HDF5 based MAT file, or read a MAT file that is not
+HDF5 based. SciPy must be installed to take advantage of this
+:py:func:`savemat` takes a ``dict`` having data (values) and the names
+to give each piece of data (keys), and writes them to a MATLAB
+compatible MAT file. The `format` keyword sets the MAT file format, with
+``'7.3'`` being the HDF5 based format supported by this package and
+``'5'`` and ``'4'`` being the non HDF5 based formats supported by
+SciPy. If you want the data to be able to be read accurately back into
+Python, you should set ``store_type_information=True``. Writing a couple
+variables to a file looks like ::
+ hdf5storage.savemat('data.mat', {'foo': 2.3, 'bar': (1+2j)}, format='7.3', oned_as='column', store_type_information=True)
+Then, to read variables back, we can either explicitly name the
+variables we want ::
+ out = hdf5storage.loadmat('data.mat', variable_names=['foo', 'bar'])
+or grab all variables by either not giving the `variable_names` option
+or setting it to ``None``. ::
+ out = hdf5storage.loadmat('data.mat')
Example: Write And Readback Including Different Metadata
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