[sdpb] branch master created (now 26c89ef)
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:10 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a change to branch master
in repository sdpb.
at 26c89ef Generalize Makefile; improve make test; remove pseudolicense from docs .sty
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 5dfe267 initial commit
new 72f8c90 Consolidated the code into main for now; wrote an initial schur complement routine; testing for block congruence, cholesky decomp.
new 088c10a Initial parsing code for SDPs
new 0954d9a Some progress implementing bootstrap versions of sdps
new 352ee61 More parsing code
new 20337dc Added new SDP representation
new 74eaf5b Removed old representation of SDP
new 522f5d4 Initialization for SDPSolver mostly done
new f669191 Finished solver initialization code; initial work on search direction computations
new 6e18419 Progress in search direction computations
new 06b647f wrote constraint matrix weighted sum
new 5ee9650 More progress computing search direction
new 522c8e0 Fixed a couple bugs
new 0f7f7ad Finished coding search direction
new 8c075f0 Added code to print constraint matrices
new f745a09 Debugged search direction computation for simple test data
new 84b3e92 Fixed bug in computation of schur complement and d
new 1676a62 Modifications to testing code; passes more complicated checks
new 428be3b Implemented Mehrotra predictor/corrector algorithm in search direction computation
new 80af824 Some renaming and cleanup
new f7e88be Added QR routine for min eigenvalue; Lanczos method currently not working; some cleanup
new 2afd7bc Now using SDPA's exact algorithm for computing DirectionParameter predictor and corrector; several more changes
new 3b9c2ce Removed redundant minReal and maxReal functions
new 7448f77 Hooked up search algorithm; following sdpa.yamashita.pdf instead of the SDPA source for SearchDirection and StepLength calculations
new 9bdb9b4 Also outputting to dense SDPA format, for cross-checking
new ed95d3a Added slack variables, fixed constants so that bootstrapSDP is now correct; still not being solved correctly
new c9313f4 It works.
new e6e5df7 moved constraintIndexTuples into SDP as constraintIndices
new 6f369fe Some cleanup and documentation
new 375a288 Added cholesky update functions
new eea6796 Switched to low-rank update of SchurComplementCholesky
new 72d81c2 Renamed SDP parameters; some cleanup
new efe7c3e Nicer output and result reporting
new f19d280 Small changes
new 23ca2ae Some changes to step length code -- simplified away from SDPA, works better for reducing dual error; high precision required to get sufficiently small dual error
new c182ab2 Now reading bilinearBasisPols and samplePoints from input file
new 536707a Removed old files
new c3aad55 Attempts to parallelize not going perfectly
new 95f37d1 Added timers; Cholesky update is the bottleneck; parallelized it for a modest speedup;
new 80d464d Switched from get+set to elt for Matrix
new 6b4ac90 Implemented Sherman-Morrison formula for solving schur complement -- about 10x faster, but much more unstable
new b4614a7 Tiny changes for debugging output
new c40bbb3 Some more experimenting; numerical instability due to unbounded direction in normalization constriant. Next: consider Tr(Y)=1 constraint
new 230e5cd Removed own mpack, now using mpack library; initialized some quantities for free variable elimination
new 041c75c Some progress up to step 6 of eliminatefree steps
new b70c7a0 More progress on eliminating free variables
new eb39a8b Working on Schur complement solution with eliminated free variables -- surprisingly nice...
new 3fcda8c Finished implementing variable elimination. Untested
new 0b3ceb5 Fixed a couple silly segfaults
new 3aacbc0 eliminate free variables working
new d4f6c22 Got rid of diagonal part for BlockDiagonalMatrix; some dead code cleanup
new 32584af More old code elimination; next: read affineConstants from file
new 791a03d No longer using XInv -- doesn't seem to improve stability much but oh well
new de2d580 Got rid of inverse cholesky's -- only using cholesky now; a little slower, but maybe simpler
new 016fe78 Added stabilization to Schur solver -- it works.
new 1cdda93 Now allowing arbitrary choices of basic and nonbasic variables
new a8c6c50 Some cleanup
new d283691 More cleanup and renaming
new 7a5cc9e Some renaming of things
new af0bed8 More renaming and cleanup
new a0151eb Added a routine to find linearly independent rows
new 1f9fbaf Now computing basicIndices from scratch using linear independence
new 3d8c3c5 Small fixes and renamings; things seem to work with actual bootstrap problems
new bf6ef32 Loss of dual feasibility probably caused by ill-conditioning of X. Not sure what the fix is right now...
new e6295ad Now using program_options for parameter parsing
new 54b1ef7 Switched to local version of mpack again because of openmp weirdness; some rearranging of files and editing of Makefile
new 538d37f More source rearranging; parallelizing now works without any funny business
new 0b0d52f More parallelization
new 5191abb Generalized timer
new 5e40062 Some rearranging and cleanup
new f732d05 Split things up into different files
new 0006494 Added checkpointing
new f0955db Some cleanup; have yet to print solution to file
new c36a088 Added printing of free variable solution; some refactoring
new bfa8df2 Nicer formatting
new 9f6c5cc Now outputting correct free variable solution
new 46c7f71 Fixed parameter setting bug
new 8d87f9d made only two changes from newsearchdirection that actually help
new bf8a718 Some cleanup
new 622dcfe Fixed old bug again
new a0009ce Made it possible to use mpfr -- still much slower by at least 10x
new a1a8833 Added ability to independently set initialMatrixScale for primal and dual
new 12ab4da Attempt at returning to polynomial SDPs -- cholesky woes on current test data
new 2ca9436 Fixed bug in sampleBilinearBasis
new 3588eb0 First attempt at stabilized cholesky decomposition
new 323148f More fixes to cholesky stabilization
new e45dd08 Added maxComplementarity, now output solution for whatever status -- probably shouldn't do this for maxIterations or maxRuntime...
new ca3bb30 Fixed bugs in tensorMatrixInvCongruenceTransposeWithCholesky
new 0e91817 Fixed bug in constraintMatrixWeightedSum whereby old data wasn't overwritten
new df2a4f5 Some cosmetic changes to output
new 20014e4 Now splitting SchurUpdateLowRank and stabilization apart into block pieces; 15% speed improvement with 4 cores, though code is more complex
new 3d997da Added parallelized version of Rgemm (matrix multiplication) for use in Rgetrf (LU decomposition); another 10-15% speedup
new fd8315b Removed timing information, made a few small fixes
new 06b08d6 Some cosmetic changes and cleanup
new 633de18 Flush stdout after every iteration
new 9580423 Now including free variables in the differential equation; way more numerically stable -- yay :)
new bcb831f Cleaned up Makefile
new e43d4a8 Some changes to arguments; added detectDualFeasibleJump flag
new 3dc6128 A few cosmetic changes
new 4b27ad0 Now allowing individual sample points, scalings, bilinear basis for each matrix
new 3af2357 Made choleskyStabilizeThreshold a parameter; added (temporary) timers for a bunch of things
new 7b91c3f Added detectPrimalFeasibleJump and findPrimalFeasible options
new d67665b Removed author notice from tinyxml2 files
new 35aa7ae Added Readme.md
new 16d0370 Readme.md edited online with Bitbucket
new 39fc125 Readme.md edited online with Bitbucket
new b0c69c3 Added LICENSE file and headers
new ff6efd4 Ran cpplint on some files
new 9e376b9 More cosmetic changes from cpplint.py
new 66bd450 Removed test files
new 4bf28ef moved tinyxml2 into its own directory
new 2bd632e Readme.md edited online with Bitbucket
new 996dc11 Readme.md edited online with Bitbucket
new 594f693 removed Y,X from out files, initial comments
new 493aa13 Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:davidsd/sdpb
new 36a4f89 Commented SDP.h; changed some names
new 26ae2c5 Small documentation changes to SDP, some function renaming
new 86a2001 Mostly commented SDPSolver.h
new c44a6ff Removed some unnecessary prototypes from SDP.h; small fixes to SDPSolver.h
new e17d2c2 Removed SDPSolverStatus class
new e7f620f Added parameters to SDPSolver object; got rid of SDPSolver.initialize; few other small fixes
new 68e84eb Made dualityGap a variable like primal/dual objectives
new dc743d8 Included printHeader and printIteration methods in SDPSolver
new 9c0e224 Some reorganization of SDPSolver.cpp
new efb9d77 Fixed a couple typos so everything compiles again; extended license year to 2015
new b280438 Finished commenting SDPSolver.cpp
new 44201eb Commented Matrix, BlockDiagonalMatrix, and main; some minor fixes and cleanup
new 1f6ed6b More commenting
new 34995cc Removed util.h
new 312a9ac Simplified types.h
new d9de8d1 Commented Timers.h
new fa4d96a Commented SDP.cpp
new 2b52503 Small fixes/simplifications
new 53f88ed Commented Makefile, made it easier to modify
new 833aaae Trivial changes to comments
new 113c25e Added SDPB.m
new 67329b5 Added manual
new 6bc9179 Small fixes to manual
new 060533b More updates to manual
new 948b2d0 Modifications to Readme.md
new 55192cb Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:davidsd/sdpb
new fe54bdd Tiny change to Readme.md
new f5b7223 Separated SDPB.m from examples
new 1eb4fe8 Small fix in SDPSolver.cpp comments
new 6614e28 Some fixes to Readme and manual
new b906052 Merge branch 'master' of https://bitbucket.org/davidsd/sdpb
new 1f7e300 Added Bootstrap2dExample.m
new b81650f Removed old bootstrap example
new 07d2e85 Some fixes to Bootstrap2dExample.m
new 1298f85 Edits to manual
new c905379 Small fixes to Readme and manual
new e9dfa55 Simplified description in readme
new f157dc3 Note about Linux and installation
new 7ae437c Added references to arXiv paper
new 5b981e3 Removed a couple useless lines
new a151e61 Fix broken order of linker sources in makefile
new 6ce14b2 Merge pull request #2 from sehe/master
new 049b746 Added Mac OS installation instructions
new 23e11f1 Update Readme.md
new a3e7f56 Update Readme.md
new adbb0fd Update Readme.md
new 68601ed Generalized Makefile for Mac OS X users
new 569f9d4 Fixed compile warnings in Rgemm. Updated Readme installation instructions.
new 087207d Added -std=c++0x flag to Makefile
new 37545ea Update Readme.md
new 5ada475 Update Readme.md
new 50bf0ac Update Readme.md
new 1b4c93d Update Readme.md
new fbf55bc Implemented Filip's fix for matrices larger than 2x2
new 06c45d9 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/davidsd/sdpb
new 70c71f1 Update Readme.md
new d22e72e Pedantic help text
new 2bfe552 Merge pull request #5 from cbehan/patch-1
new 352578b Added BOOST_WINDOWS_API support to parse.cpp
new 41c1462 cosmetic changes
new e740fdb Merge pull request #8 from pkravchuk/master
new 20aa9b8 Update Readme.md
new 94c1a4c Added TOC to Readme
new 8c25120 Update Readme.md
new 06037d8 Update Readme.md
new a61e460 Added a list of papers using sdpb
new 387f107 Update Readme.md
new 495045b Small fix to parsing; added test.xml; small fixes to Makefile
new 124d490 Added windows installation instructions
new 02eee0d Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pkravchuk/sdpb into windowsinstructions
new 9660d09 Moved Win instructions to a separate file
new a66ede3 Moved the Windows instructions to a separate file.
new cc8b894 Minor cosmetics for windows instructions
new 8c10386 More cosmetics
new 4868f96 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pkravchuk/sdpb into windowsinstructions
new c817290 Split off installation instructions into own file
new 3489753 fixed thanks in Install.md
new b73d54f Added description image
new 5fd95ec Update Readme.md
new 532bfe8 Update Readme.md
new af99193 Update Readme.md
new 30378a1 Update Readme.md
new ebc27ec Update Readme.md
new 7ab65f1 Update Readme.md
new cc9bb84 Update Readme.md
new 3df6658 Update Readme.md
new 7266b6e Added compatibility with INTEL compiler
new 78b5712 Update Readme.md
new d18d991 Update Readme.md
new 07b1c51 Update Readme.md
new b4bccae Update Readme.md
new 97b451e Update Readme.md
new ae0d3f6 Install.md Edited
new 895e193 Merge pull request #1 from KeYeeYeK/Install-Update
new dc306b5 Merge pull request #10 from KeYeeYeK/master
new b43034d Fixed ordered list
new 2a02ec7 Mention librt issues.
new 28b4e5d option to use clang-omp on mac
new 639bc07 Update Install.md
new 09f0893 Update Install.md
new bca57b1 Update Install.md
new 5c3afc8 Merge pull request #12 from yujitach/master
new 254de6c Update Install.md
new 4024139 Update Readme.md
new e2b96a8 Update Readme.md
new 67a8ac4 Update Install.md
new 9092c8b Update Readme.md
new fb5de56 Check outFile permission before proceeding
new 2f9bc42 Merge pull request #14 from cbehan/patch-1
new f519eef Update Readme.md
new cb58af1 Update Readme.md
new 1708300 Update Readme.md
new a83f39d Added boost define BOOST_NO_CXX11_SCOPED_ENUMS to allow ubuntu/gcc-4.8.2 to compile
new 51115ec Merge pull request #16 from spikebike/master
new e6812b3 Update Readme.md
new fd638ee Update Readme.md
new 28396bf Update Readme.md
new 26c89ef Generalize Makefile; improve make test; remove pseudolicense from docs .sty
The 233 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/sdpb.git
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