March 2017 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Mar 1 10:35:50 UTC 2017
Ending: Fri Mar 31 21:00:05 UTC 2017
Messages: 1326
- [4ti2] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [4ti2] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 1ec86b9)
Andreas Tille
- [4ti2] tag debian/1.6.7+ds-2_bpo8+1 created (now 1ec86b9)
Andreas Tille
- [apertium-cat] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-cat_2.0.0~r77286.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] 01/01: Update timestamp
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 2.0.0~r77286
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 2.0.0~r77286-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] annotated tag debian/2.0.0_r77286-1 created (now 84391e0)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] annotated tag upstream/2.0.0_r77286 created (now f9e0d2c)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] branch master updated (5e752e7 -> 42ac5b1)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-cat] branch master updated (e33c716 -> 5e752e7)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] branch pristine-tar updated (c3addb7 -> e3f5ce3)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-cat] branch upstream updated (8d17762 -> c56bfef)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-es-ca] 01/01: Imported Debian patch 2.0.0~r77288-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-es-ca] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-spa-cat_2.0.0~r77288.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-es-ca] annotated tag debian/2.0.0_r77288-1 created (now c12fa56)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-es-ca] annotated tag upstream/2.0.0_r77288 created (now a9e45d9)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-es-ca] branch master updated (6ade0e1 -> 828fa9d)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-es-ca] branch pristine-tar updated (5a6bb77 -> 0da5f53)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa-cat] 01/01: Updated copyright
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-spa-cat] branch master updated (828fa9d -> 0c079d9)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-spa] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-spa_1.0.0~r77286.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] 01/01: pristine-tar data for apertium-spa_1.0.0~r77293.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] 01/01: Update changelog
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-spa] 01/01: Update timestamp
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-spa] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~r77286
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.0.0~r77293
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 1.0.0~r77286-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 1.0.0~r77293-1
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_r77286-1 created (now 72ccaf4)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_r77293-1 created (now 9e11d6e)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_r77286 created (now cf4287c)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_r77293 created (now bdb0b2d)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] branch master updated (3ea4a7e -> ae321a6)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] branch master updated (6779110 -> cfa397d)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] branch master updated (ae321a6 -> 27e531b)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-spa] branch master updated (cfa397d -> 3ea4a7e)
Kartik Mistry
- [apertium-spa] branch pristine-tar updated (a026a4d -> b14465f)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] branch pristine-tar updated (b14465f -> 3d47a50)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] branch upstream updated (5912288 -> 8b2e01f)
Tino Didriksen
- [apertium-spa] branch upstream updated (ee5cf54 -> 5912288)
Tino Didriksen
- [atlas] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [atlas] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 77c2c62)
Andreas Tille
- [atlas] tag debian/3.10.3-1_bpo8+1 created (now 77c2c62)
Andreas Tille
- [caffe] 01/01: Import Debian changes 1.0.0~rc5-1
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 01/05: New upstream version 1.0.0~rc5
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.0_rc5'
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 03/05: dch/rules: import new RC version, bump SOVER
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 04/05: patch: refresh, remove unused, pick upstream updates
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] 05/05: dch: release to expeirmental
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_rc5-1 created (now 9ad8169)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0_rc5 created (now 7efc992)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] branch master updated (b8af4df -> da85fe0)
Zhou Mo
- [caffe] branch master updated (da85fe0 -> f5220dc)
Zhou Mo
- [cddlib] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [cddlib] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 926adf7)
Andreas Tille
- [cddlib] tag debian/094h-1_bpo8+1 created (now 926adf7)
Andreas Tille
- [cdo] 01/03: Use debhelper 10
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 02/03: Build against libeecodes-dev not libgrib-api-dev
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] 03/03: add eccodes.patch
Alastair McKinstry
- [cdo] branch debian/master updated (c9ae2a5 -> 537059d)
Alastair McKinstry
- [cvc4] 01/01: Add debian revision to package version in debian/changelog
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] 01/01: pristine-tar data for cvc4_1.5~pre-20170316.orig.tar.gz
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] 01/02: Adjust debian/copyright
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] 01/03: New upstream version 1.5~pre-20170316
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] 02/02: Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields to debian/control
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] 02/03: Add debian/*
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] 03/03: Change maintainer field to Debian Science Maintainers in debian/control
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] annotated tag upstream/1.5_pre-20170316 created (now c03c846)
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] annotated tag upstream/1.5_pre-20170316 created (now c03c846)
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] annotated tag upstream/1.5_pre-20170316 deleted (was c03c846)
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] branch master created (now cd847fe)
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] branch master updated (cd847fe -> fac1c80)
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] branch master updated (fac1c80 -> d93b2e3)
Fabian Wolff
- [cvc4] branch pristine-tar created (now 77d828b)
Fabian Wolff
- [cvxopt] 01/01: pristine-tar data for cvxopt_1.1.8+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 01/02: Close bugs, upload to unstable
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 01/05: delete copy of sphinx themes
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 02/02: Upload to experimental - unfortunately for whatever reason this upload was delayed/rejected (?) and its to late for Stretch now
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.8+dfsg'
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 03/05: Depends: python-sphinx-rtd-theme instead of sphinx code copy
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 04/05: Consequently also remove the doc mentioning that suitesparse is included as well
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] 05/05: Remove info about SuiteSparse
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 556d9ed)
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] branch master updated (673db81 -> 8dd3a22)
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] branch master updated (8dd3a22 -> b834b9f)
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] branch pristine-tar updated (5c83c94 -> beeb151)
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] tag debian/1.1.4-1.5_bpo8+1 created (now 556d9ed)
Andreas Tille
- [cvxopt] tag debian/1.1.8+dfsg-1 created (now b834b9f)
Andreas Tille
- [cylc] 01/23: stash changelog
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 02/23: Merge tag 'upstream/6.11.2' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 03/23: S-V: 3.9.8
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 04/23: DH_COMPAT=10
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 05/23: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 06/23: Don't ship Pyro; depend on it
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 07/23: Depend on Pyro
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 08/23: Add deps
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 09/23: Move bash-completions
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 10/23: remove Pyro after install
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 11/23: Move cylc-el to separate package to dep on emacs
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 12/23: Add misc:Depends for cylc-el
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 13/23: Update copyright
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 14/23: Add startup file
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 15/23: Next iter of emacsen stuff based on quilt-el
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 16/23: Prep release; temp. disable cylc-el
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 17/23: Fix: cylc needs to be in /usr/share/cylc/bin
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 18/23: Add fixed version of cylc driver cmd
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 19/23: Re-uploaded with Copyright updates (Add Python license for Ordereddict*)
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 20/23: * python-cylc: add Breaks/Replaces for xdot << 0.7-2. Closes: #847966 * Multi-Arch: same for cylc
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 21/23: Binary rebuild for armhf build failure
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 22/23: Add icon, desktop file for cylc-gui
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] 23/23: Add icon, desktop entry for cylc gui
Alastair McKinstry
- [cylc] branch debian/master updated (4c51afd -> 7c46ac9)
Alastair McKinstry
- [docopt.cpp] 01/07: Switch from git-dpm to gbp
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] 02/07: Refresh and drop numbering of the patch queue
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] 03/07: Fixup the VCS-Browser URI
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] 04/07: Support the nocheck build profile
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] 05/07: Run the tests using Python 3 instead of Python 2
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] 06/07: Fixup the Maintainer and Uploaders fields
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] 07/07: Release to unstable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] annotated tag debian/0.6.2-2 created (now 1436ba1)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [docopt.cpp] branch master updated (31f2b56 -> bb7da50)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [dolfin] 01/01: Enable petsc/slepc dependencies on kfreebsd.
Drew Parsons
- [dolfin] branch master updated (95d5dbe -> 391f6c5)
Drew Parsons
- [eclib] 01/01: Prepare for upload
Julien Puydt
- [eclib] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [eclib] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 49bf6fd)
Andreas Tille
- [eclib] branch master updated (bcfda86 -> 0429738)
Julien Puydt
- [eclib] tag debian/20160720-2_bpo8+1 created (now 49bf6fd)
Andreas Tille
- [edge-addition-planarity-suite] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [edge-addition-planarity-suite] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 7fb3957)
Andreas Tille
- [edge-addition-planarity-suite] tag debian/ created (now 7fb3957)
Andreas Tille
- [emos] 01/13: upstream release 4.4.5
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 02/13: Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.5' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 03/13: New upstream release
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 04/13: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 05/13: Now build in preference against eccodes, not libgrib-api
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 06/13: Build-dep on libeccodes-dev >= 2.0.1-2 for cmake config changes
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 07/13: * libemos-bin conflicts with libeccodes-tools, which replaces it * libemos-dev now depends on libeccodes-tools | libemos-bin
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 08/13: * Build-dep on libeccodes-dev >= 2.0.1-2 for cmake config change * libemos-bin now depends on libeccodes-tools, which ships bufr_filter instead of libemos-bin
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 09/13: libopenjp2-7-dev needed as B-D since move to eccodes. Closes: 846501
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 10/13: new upstream 4.4.6
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 11/13: Merge tag 'upstream/4.4.6' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 12/13: Prepare 4.4.6-1
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] 13/13: upload to experimental
Alastair McKinstry
- [emos] branch debian/master updated (acd8f23 -> 2121eb0)
Alastair McKinstry
- [flint-arb] 01/01: pristine-tar data for flint-arb_2.10.0.orig.tar.gz
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [flint-arb] 01/07: Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.0'
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 02/07: Package new upstream version 2.10.0
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 03/07: Follow soname bump from 1 to 2
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 04/07: Make the compilation of tests verbose (avoids build log checks warnings)
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 05/07: Enable all hardening options
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 06/07: Remove unused lintian override
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] 07/07: Install the lib into a multi-arch /usr/lib/ subdirectory using dh-exec
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] annotated tag upstream/2.10.0 created (now c6f4580)
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 6c86892)
Andreas Tille
- [flint-arb] branch master updated (0431a86 -> 64b38f5)
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] branch pristine-tar updated (e591121 -> 66ec74e)
Julien Puydt
- [flint-arb] tag debian/2.8.1-3_bpo8+1 created (now 6c86892)
Andreas Tille
- [flint] 01/02: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [flint] 02/02: hardening=-pie since dpkg does not deal with this in Jessie properly
Andreas Tille
- [flint] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 56cc6b4)
Andreas Tille
- [flint] tag debian/2.5.2-15_bpo8+1 created (now 56cc6b4)
Andreas Tille
- [fplll] 01/01: pristine-tar data for fplll_5.1.0.orig.tar.gz
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [fplll] 01/01: Updated the fplll(1) manpage
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/5.1.0'
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 02/03: Package new upstream release 5.1.0
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] 03/03: Follow soname version bump
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] annotated tag upstream/5.1.0 created (now 767dae8)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 82be997)
Andreas Tille
- [fplll] branch master updated (463ac7a -> 62b7c76)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] branch master updated (9ebaf35 -> 463ac7a)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] branch pristine-tar updated (d59e171 -> 072e5c3)
Julien Puydt
- [fplll] tag debian/5.0.3-1_bpo8+1 created (now 82be997)
Andreas Tille
- [giac] 01/01: Add missing depends from libgiac-dev on libgiac0
Ximin Luo
- [giac] 01/01: Release to Debian unstable.
Ximin Luo
- [giac] annotated tag debian/ created (now 697267e)
Ximin Luo
- [giac] branch master updated (9f29602 -> 8b2fb97)
Ximin Luo
- [giac] branch master updated (a12066a -> 9f29602)
Ximin Luo
- [givaro] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [givaro] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 64db082)
Andreas Tille
- [givaro] tag debian/4.0.2-5_bpo8+1 created (now 64db082)
Andreas Tille
- [globjects] 01/01: pristine-tar data for globjects_1.1.0.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [globjects] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.0' into debian/experimental
Ghislain Vaillant
- [globjects] 02/03: Fixup the Vcs-Browser URI
Ghislain Vaillant
- [globjects] 03/03: Release to experimental
Ghislain Vaillant
- [globjects] annotated tag debian/1.1.0-1 created (now ffab5f2)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [globjects] annotated tag upstream/1.1.0 created (now 9439ed4)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [globjects] branch debian/experimental created (now e1b8815)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [globjects] branch pristine-tar updated (d362c3c -> d38af9f)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [graywolf] 01/01: pkg-config is also new build-dependency
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 01/01: pristine-tar data for graywolf_0.1.4+20170306gitecee764.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 01/01: pristine-tar data for graywolf_0.1.4+20170307gite1bf319.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 01/01: Release 0.1.4+20170307gite1bf319-1 to unstable
James Clarke
- [graywolf] 01/01: UNRELEASED -> unstable
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 01/01: Updated copyright info (Stav Verhaegen was missing, and some years updated)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 01/02: Integrate new version with ABI bump
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.4+20170306gitecee764'
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 02/02: Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.4+20170307gite1bf319'
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] 02/02: New changelog entry. Added new build-dependency Refreshed patches Removed symbols in violating files from libycadgraywolf0.symbols
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] annotated tag debian/0.1.4+20170307gite1bf319-1 created (now 3df5f77)
James Clarke
- [graywolf] branch master updated (290539a -> 8637bf9)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] branch master updated (4259cab -> 4a6e5d3)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] branch master updated (4a6e5d3 -> a4e469a)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] branch master updated (748926c -> 6085fc9)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] branch master updated (8637bf9 -> 4259cab)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] branch master updated (a4e469a -> 748926c)
James Clarke
- [graywolf] branch pristine-tar updated (1e0dd09 -> f7b56ed)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] branch pristine-tar updated (f7b56ed -> d08d2c2)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] tag debian/0.1.4+20170306gitecee764-1 created (now 4a6e5d3)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] tag debian/0.1.4+20170307gite1bf319-2 created (now 6085fc9)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] tag upstream/0.1.4+20170306gitecee764 created (now fcb930c)
Ruben Undheim
- [graywolf] tag upstream/0.1.4+20170307gite1bf319 created (now 072ba15)
Ruben Undheim
- [heaptrack] 01/01: Add kio-dev as a build-dependency.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 01/01: pristine-tar data for heaptrack_1.0.0.orig.tar.xz
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 01/07: Initial debian-directory.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 02/07: Update debian/copyright.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 03/07: Update d/changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 04/07: Fix manpage install.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 05/07: Update manpages.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 06/07: Update d/control.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] 07/07: Update description.
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] annotated tag debian/1.0.0-1 created (now 835fa6d)
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0 created (now 24344ff)
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] branch master created (now 8bd0e0a)
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] branch master updated (8bd0e0a -> cf6520a)
Anton Gladky
- [heaptrack] branch pristine-tar created (now dda90c9)
Anton Gladky
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: pristine-tar data for hfst-ospell_0.4.5~r343.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 01/01: Updated changelog
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.4.5~r343
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 0.4.5~r343-1
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] annotated tag debian/0.4.5_r343-1 created (now 23d4ff4)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] annotated tag upstream/0.4.5_r343 created (now 5f334a4)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (3965215 -> fbd744b)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch master updated (9dc5bbe -> 3965215)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst-ospell] branch pristine-tar updated (7bf2c0c -> 898b5f5)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst-ospell] branch upstream updated (545c13e -> 1e38414)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/01: pristine-tar data for hfst_3.12.2~r3258.orig.tar.bz2
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/01: Updated urgency
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] 01/01: Work around bug 827199
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 3.12.2~r3258
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 3.12.2~r3258-1
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] annotated tag debian/3.12.2_r3258-1 created (now 2eccfb9)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] annotated tag upstream/3.12.2_r3258 created (now 75a9ec2)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch master updated (77802f9 -> 7bef2e0)
Kartik Mistry
- [hfst] branch master updated (7bef2e0 -> 2508744)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch master updated (97d82d8 -> 77802f9)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch pristine-tar updated (d547962 -> 552d8a4)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] branch upstream updated (75715d6 -> 5e4e314)
Tino Didriksen
- [hfst] tag debian/3.10.0_r2798-3 created (now 7bef2e0)
Kartik Mistry
- [lammps] 01/02: Remove oversubscrive option in mpirun.
Anton Gladky
- [lammps] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [lammps] annotated tag debian/0_20161109.git9806da6-7_bpo8+1 created (now 9476ed5)
Anton Gladky
- [lammps] branch jessie-backports created (now 4e72642)
Anton Gladky
- [lapack] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [lapack] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 669791c)
Andreas Tille
- [lapack] tag debian/3.7.0-1_bpo8+1 created (now 669791c)
Andreas Tille
- [lcalc] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [lcalc] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now b0dfba1)
Andreas Tille
- [lcalc] tag debian/1.23+dfsg-6_bpo8+1 created (now b0dfba1)
Andreas Tille
- [libgap-sage] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libgap-sage_4.8.6+3+20160327g69a66f0+dsx.orig.tar.xz
Andreas Tille
- [libgap-sage] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [libgap-sage] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now e197b6d)
Andreas Tille
- [libgap-sage] branch pristine-tar updated (0962856 -> 7a7142f)
Andreas Tille
- [libgap-sage] tag debian/4.8.6+3+20160327g69a66f0+dsx-2_bpo8+1 created (now e197b6d)
Andreas Tille
- [libmseed] 01/01: pristine-tar data for libmseed_2.19.2.orig.tar.gz
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 01/01: The usual convention is having the dev package suggests the doc package, not the other way around.
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 01/02: fixed double example subdir creation in Makefile
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 01/04: New upstream version 2.19.2
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 01/07: Revert "fixed double example subdir creation in Makefile"
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 02/02: refreshed d/patches
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.19.2'
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 02/07: Revert "- fixed a few typos in man pages"
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 03/04: upstream accepted patches, not needing them anymore downstream
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 03/07: Revert "- added install rule"
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 04/04: updated changelog with new upstream release number
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 04/07: incremented dh compat version
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 05/07: add a libmseed-doc package and a d/libmseed-doc.examples file
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 06/07: Added an autopkgtest test suite
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] 07/07: refreshed patches
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] annotated tag debian/2.18-1 created (now b99a68b)
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] annotated tag debian/2.19.2-1 created (now 9474602)
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] branch master updated (13a088b -> a78822e)
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] branch master updated (617d762 -> dd16c20)
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] branch master updated (a78822e -> 617d762)
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] branch master updated (dd16c20 -> 6ef781f)
Pierre Duperray
- [libmseed] branch pristine-tar updated (1188e36 -> 1a9f7e1)
Pierre Duperray
- [libntl] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [libntl] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 09b237f)
Andreas Tille
- [libntl] tag debian/9.9.1-3_bpo8+1 created (now 09b237f)
Andreas Tille
- [librsb] 01/01: pristine-tar data for librsb_1.2.0-rc6.orig.tar.gz
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.0-rc6'
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 01/03: d/control: Build-Depend on doxygen-latex
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 01/07: d/p/compile-fortran-examples.patch: Drop patch (applied upsgream)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 01/09: d/rules: Hardcode cache size on problematic architectures
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 02/02: d/p/use-shared-lib.patch: Drop patch (applied upstream)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 02/03: d/librsb-doc.lintian-overrides: New file
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 02/07: d/p/fix-spelling-information.patch: Drop patch (applied upstream)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 02/09: d/s/options: Ignore man files
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 03/03: Changelog entry for version 1.2.0-rc5-5
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 03/07: d/p/fix-spelling-function.patch: Drop patch (applied upstream)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 03/09: Drop Lintian overrides for rc-version-greater-than-expected-version
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 04/07: d/p/manpages-in-section-1.patch: Drop patch (applied upstream)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 04/09: d/control: Build-depends on help2man
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 05/07: d/psenseful-whatis-entries.patch: Drop patch (applied upstream)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 05/09: d/p/fix-spelling-information.patch : New patch
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 06/07: d/copyright: Reflect upstream changes
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 06/09: d/p/fix-spelling-function.patch : New patch
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 07/07: Changelog entry for version 1.2.0-rc6-1
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 07/09: d/p/manpages-in-section-1.patch: New patch
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 08/09: d/p/senseful-whatis-entries.patch: New patch
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] 09/09: Changelog entry for version 1.2.0-rc5-4
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] annotated tag debian/1.2.0-rc5-4 created (now 2b9b5a3)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] annotated tag debian/1.2.0-rc5-5 created (now ae7fa6b)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] annotated tag debian/1.2.0-rc6-1 created (now 8e05870)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] annotated tag upstream/1.2.0-rc6 created (now b90a200)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] branch master updated (0e09c6e -> a3e5e5f)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] branch master updated (9e3d72b -> ddea4ac)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] branch master updated (a3e5e5f -> 616854a)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] branch master updated (ddea4ac -> 0e09c6e)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [librsb] branch pristine-tar updated (d1a1d3d -> e13ef75)
Rafael Laboissiere
- [libserialport] 01/01: update VCS URLs
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] 01/07: Import Upstream version 0.1.1
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] 02/07: Import Debian changes 0.1.1-1
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] 03/07: update maintainer, add patch to fix kfreebsd build
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] 04/07: fix typo in dch, add libserialport0.symbols
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] 05/07: add Vcs fields to source package control
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] 06/07: increase debhelper compat to 10
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] 07/07: also increase debhelper dependency in control
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] branch master created (now 871b41c)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libserialport] branch master updated (871b41c -> bb56a6b)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 01/01: update VCS URLs
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 01/12: Import Upstream version 0.3.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 02/12: Import Debian changes 0.3.0-1
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 03/12: New upstream version 0.4.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 04/12: Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.0'
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 05/12: rename to package libsigrok 3, add cxx lib package
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 06/12: add cxx and Python binding packages, add patch for Python building
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 07/12: add transitional package for libsigrok2, also delete leftover pyc file with rules clean
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 08/12: add Vcs fields to source package control
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 09/12: tweak dch
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 10/12: add missing build deps to control, update dch
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 11/12: add missing items to dch
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] 12/12: actually increment debian compat...
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] branch master created (now 0af94db)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrok] branch master updated (0af94db -> 9a50209)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 01/01: update VCS URLs
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 01/08: Import Upstream version 0.3.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 02/08: Import Debian changes 0.3.0-1
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 03/08: New upstream version 0.4.1
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 04/08: Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.1'
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 05/08: remove patches, change maintainer, rename to libsigrokdecode3
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 06/08: add transitional package for libsigrokdecode2 and Vcs fields in debian/control
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 07/08: fix missing separator in d/control, bump dh compat and dependency to 10
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] 08/08: update dch
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] branch master created (now 3170f5f)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [libsigrokdecode] branch master updated (3170f5f -> 08f43f0)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [liggghts] 01/05: Merge branch 'master' into jessie-backports
Anton Gladky
- [liggghts] 02/05: Remove oversubscribe-parameter from mpirun.
Anton Gladky
- [liggghts] 03/05: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [liggghts] 04/05: Remove vtkIOParallelXML from cmake.
Anton Gladky
- [liggghts] 05/05: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [liggghts] annotated tag debian/3.5.0+repack1-10_bpo8+1 created (now b157694)
Anton Gladky
- [liggghts] branch jessie-backports updated (760cee0 -> 10e9002)
Anton Gladky
- [linbox] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [linbox] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 5e7c777)
Andreas Tille
- [linbox] tag debian/1.4.2-3_bpo8+1 created (now 5e7c777)
Andreas Tille
- [lrcalc] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [lrcalc] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now d732be6)
Andreas Tille
- [lrcalc] tag debian/1.2-2_bpo8+1 created (now d732be6)
Andreas Tille
- [lua-torch-cutorch] 01/01: Import Debian changes 0~20170202-g64536bc-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-cutorch] annotated tag debian/0_20170202-g64536bc-1 created (now 5506f71)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-cutorch] branch master updated (4a182a2 -> 81f7d78)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/01: Import Debian changes 0~20170308-g1d38cba+dfsg-1
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 01/06: New upstream version 0~20170308-g1d38cba
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 02/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20170308-g1d38cba'
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 03/06: New upstream version 0~20170308-g1d38cba+dfsg
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 04/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20170308-g1d38cba+dfsg'
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 05/06: dch: import snapshot
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] 06/06: symbols: refresh; release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] annotated tag debian/0_20170308-g1d38cba+dfsg-1 created (now 5955b2a)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] annotated tag upstream/0_20170308-g1d38cba+dfsg created (now 90c9b51)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] annotated tag upstream/0_20170308-g1d38cba created (now b0eba03)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (793e95a -> fc07d3e)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-nn] branch master updated (c113871 -> 793e95a)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: dch: release to experimental
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/01: Import Debian changes 0~20170304-g329dff5-2
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/02: control: remove unsupported architectures
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 01/05: New upstream version 0~20170304-g329dff5
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/02: dch: release to exp
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0_20170304-g329dff5'
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 03/05: dch: import snapshot
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 04/05: patche: refresh cmake-disable-simd-for-compatibility.patch
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] 05/05: symbols: refresh
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] annotated tag debian/0_20170304-g329dff5-2 created (now 283596f)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] annotated tag upstream/0_20170304-g329dff5 created (now 517750a)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (555e7e7 -> c451907)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (7124eb3 -> 6181e62)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (b88874f -> 7124eb3)
Zhou Mo
- [lua-torch-torch7] branch master updated (c451907 -> b88874f)
Zhou Mo
- [magics] 01/63: WIP: support for python3.
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 02/63: WIP: More python3 changes
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 03/63: merge dev-cmake work and add python3 detection
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 04/63: WIP: update python3 patch
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 05/63: WIP: PythonInterp fix
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 06/63: WIP: PythonInterp fix
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 07/63: WIP: PythonInterp fix
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 08/63: * New upstream release. 2.24.4-1~exp1 * Standards-Version: 3.9.6 * emoslib now builds on mips, so remove exception for its dependency * Move to cmake-based build. Update patches * Add Vcs-Git, pointing to debian-science repo. * Uses libgt for build. Closes: #767747.
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 09/63: Fix deps
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 10/63: Merge master changes
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 11/63: Add python3-magics package; more deps
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 12/63: Add -py3 for python3 support; remove obsolete stuff
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 13/63: Do 2 builds, py2 and py3
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 14/63: merge latest to dev-python3 branch
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 15/63: refresh numpy patch
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 16/63: And 2to3 convert the tests, too
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 17/63: No longer need python-instant
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 18/63: Disable tests; ensure chrpath runs on python3 for release
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 19/63: py3 fixes
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 20/63: changelog - py3 fixes
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 21/63: * Add Python3 support. * Update numpy.i from numpy.git for python3
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 22/63: Add missing license information to debian/copyright; thanks to Thorsten Alteholz.
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 23/63: Fix python3 support: indentation errors in
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 24/63: Loosen the libemos-dev depends, to allow backports
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 25/63: * Fix python3 support: indentation errors in Closes: #827850. * Set LC_ALL=C during build to aid reproducibility
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 26/63: Merge branch 'upstream 2.29.2' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 27/63: New upstream release
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 28/63: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 29/63: Undo g++ changes for now. Closes: #830467.
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 30/63: Merge tag 'upstream/2.29.4' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 31/63: * New upsteam release * DH_COMPAT, debhelper 10
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 32/63: Merge tag 'upstream/2.29.6' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 33/63: Now 2.29.6-1
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 34/63: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 35/63: directory python/Magics -> python
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 36/63: Prep release
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 37/63: Delete accidentally shipped binaries
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 38/63: typo
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 39/63: Call to install python stuff
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 40/63: Enable unique_ptr
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 41/63: Add python*install files
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 42/63: Delete old bins
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 43/63: Prep release
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 44/63: Convert ksh scripts to bash
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 45/63: Build-dep against eccodes not grib-api
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 46/63: New upstream release 2.30.0
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 47/63: Merge tag 'upstream/2.30.0' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 48/63: New upstream release
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 49/63: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 50/63: Split dh_fixperms-arch for FTBFS on dpkg-buildpackage -A. Closes: #846092
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 51/63: debian/rules: now need to specify geotiff location
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 52/63: fix chrpaths
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 53/63: libemos-bin node a build-dependency. Closes: #846505
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 54/63: Ensure dep. on libopenjp2-7-dev present. Closes: #846920
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 55/63: Update python3 patch. Closes: #847193
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 56/63: Drop grib_api from CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in debian/rules
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 57/63: Donet define HAVE_LIBGRIB_API
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 58/63: indentation fixes
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 59/63: new release 2.31.0
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 60/63: Merge branch 'upstream' into debian/master
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 61/63: Start new debian 2.31.0-1 version
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 62/63: refresh patches
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] 63/63: Prep exp release
Alastair McKinstry
- [magics] branch debian/master updated (9a2741f -> 8ebeccb)
Alastair McKinstry
- [maxima-sage] 01/01: Build-Depend on ecl >= 16.1.3.
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] 01/01: Do not configure with --program-suffix.
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] 01/01: Lower Build-Depends for ECL to 16.1.2.
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [maxima-sage] 01/02: pristine-tar data for maxima-sage_5.39.0.orig.tar.gz
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] 02/02: pristine-tar data for maxima-sage_5.39.0+ds.orig.tar.xz
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] annotated tag upstream/5.39.0+ds created (now c698192)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch coinstallable created (now 0b51f4c)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch coinstallable deleted (was 0b51f4c)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 43dc312)
Andreas Tille
- [maxima-sage] branch ecl-patch created (now e45ab0c)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch ecl-patch deleted (was e45ab0c)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch master-5.38 deleted (was f239280)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch master updated (689edfd -> 151f939)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch master updated (8cbab6e -> b74f8e7)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch master updated (b74f8e7 -> 689edfd)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch master updated (cda1d3f -> 8cbab6e)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch pristine-tar-5.38 deleted (was 8a3dde0)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] branch pristine-tar updated (2513573 -> 18f9567)
Tobias Hansen
- [maxima-sage] tag debian/5.35.1-2_bpo8+1 created (now 43dc312)
Andreas Tille
- [minieigen] 01/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [minieigen] 02/03: Change sphinx thema.
Anton Gladky
- [minieigen] 03/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [minieigen] annotated tag debian/0.50.3+dfsg1-4_bpo8+1 created (now 7cfc57b)
Anton Gladky
- [minieigen] branch jessie-backports created (now e78c662)
Anton Gladky
- [mlpack] 01/01: pristine-tar data for mlpack_2.2.0.orig.tar.gz
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 01/207: adds GammaDistribution::Train(observations, probabilities)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 02/207: adds tests for GammaDistribution::Train(observations, probabilities)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 03/207: adds my name to core.hpp and COPYRIGHT.txt
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 04/207: Replaced all instances of `#include <mlpack/core.hpp>` with `#include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>`. This doesn't affect build times when building the whole project, but it greatly reduces build times after modifying only a few files.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 05/207: moved cmath include for appveyor
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 06/207: Backport Load() and Save() functionality into prereqs.hpp.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 07/207: Style fixes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 08/207: More style fixes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 09/207: Use mlpack random generator objects.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 10/207: Increase the number of points to reduce variance in tests.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 100/207: Use "traditional" initialization to help fix Windows build (hopefully).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 101/207: Add nice Javascript search box (thanks Dirk for the tip).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 102/207: Update some contribution dates.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 103/207: Add mlpack logo and use unified badges.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 104/207: Fix support for printing arma objects with custom precision
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 105/207: Fix include order to include armadillo before mlpack
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 106/207: Fix element alignment with high precision output from prefixedoutstream
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 107/207: Unwrap arma::Op objects for printing in prefixedoutstream
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 108/207: Extract proxy object from abs operation in prefixedoutstream_impl.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 109/207: Split prefixedoustream tests and fix includes in prefixedoustream.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 11/207: Add Mike as a contributor.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 110/207: Remove default type void from std::enable_if in prefixedoutstream.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 111/207: Move around includes to make compile work.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 112/207: Minor style fixes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 113/207: Set logging to true, working on reset to previous value now
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 114/207: Added reset flag, but test fails on something else entirely?
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 115/207: Reverted to without any output guards
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 116/207: Remove stray random seed.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 117/207: Fix typo (#914).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 118/207: Case insensitive condition added
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 119/207: Added necessary header files for independant invocation
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 12/207: Update to latest version number.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 120/207: Added a test file to check the ARFF Loader
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 121/207: Simple test for ARFF Loader
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 122/207: Sample test file for ARFF Loader
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 123/207: Added testcase in load_save_test.cpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 124/207: Removed the test file
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 125/207: Added name
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 126/207: Minor style fixes (tabs to spaces, formatting).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 127/207: Improved Load to load column vectors
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 128/207: Improved Load to Load col and row arma vectors
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 129/207: Added Test for col and row load
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 13/207: Use slightly safer setting for LD_LIBRARY_PATH that preserves the old value.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 130/207: Added test case for load and save
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 131/207: Minor fixes in load_save_test.cpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 132/207: Minor formatting fixes and clarifications.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 133/207: Add forward declarations of new Load() overloads.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 134/207: Oops, remove extra forward declarations.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 135/207: Update link to Keon's excellent tutorial to build mlpack on windows.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 136/207: Avoid use of internal Armadillo structures in prefixedoustream_impl.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 137/207: Tiny pedantic style changes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 138/207: Use CheckMatrices in gmm_test.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 139/207: Update CheckMatrices to support tolerance values
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 14/207: Remove unsued debug messages.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 140/207: Minor include fix.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 141/207: add overload, able to move string
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 142/207: fix bug--infinite recursive call
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 143/207: first commit
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 144/207: 1 : fix bug, did not consider case like "210DM, 1~200" 2 : fix bug, cannot parse transpose file with correct result
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 145/207: fix bug--category conversion should based on columns but not rows
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 146/207: remove useless codes
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 147/207: support tsv
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 148/207: use LoadCSV to implement csv/tsv/txt loader
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 149/207: fix bug--LoadCSV should parse txt parse file too
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 15/207: Minor style fix; use the correct filename.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 150/207: can specify fatal or not if file cannot open
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 151/207: fix bug--should not use empty string to open file
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 152/207: treat \t and space as same category
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 153/207: refine string construct
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 154/207: refine comments
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 155/207: refine comments
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 156/207: refine comments and parsers
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 157/207: add new test cases for strings like "200-DM"
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 158/207: simplify parser by phrase_parse
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 159/207: simnplify parser and refine format
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 16/207: fixed typo in perceptron documentation
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 160/207: add forward declaration for DatasetInfo, wihtout it the vc2015 compiler cannot find the declaration, weird
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 161/207: add load_csv.hpp and load_csv.cpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 162/207: split part of the implementation details into cpp, this may reduce some compile times
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 163/207: remove forward declaration
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 164/207: include mlpack/core.hpp before arma_extend.hpp to prevent some weird bugs
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 165/207: add header load_csv.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 166/207: change order of sources
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 167/207: remove useless include file
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 168/207: change order of header file
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 169/207: move implementation details from cpp back to hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 17/207: added tests for SimpleWeightUpdate
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 170/207: move part of the implementation details to cpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 171/207: 1 : use extern template to export part of the implementation of Load function 2 : use LoadCSV to relpace implementation of the part of csv loading
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 172/207: Fix Armadillo warning.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 173/207: Use extern templates to compile Load() overloads, so that spirit doesn't get included.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 174/207: Add new file.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 175/207: use std::string to replace raw buffer, cpp11 guarantee memory layout is contiguous
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 176/207: 1 : fix bug, wrong constructor 2 : use std::string to replace raw buffer
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 177/207: fix format
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 178/207: remove useless file
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 179/207: add license
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 18/207: Minor spelling and grammatical fixes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 180/207: use preprocessor to omit extra instant of Load function under windows
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 181/207: Add Classify in SoftmaxRegression
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 182/207: Change remaining references of Predict to Classify
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 183/207: Change Predict() to wrap Classify()
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 184/207: Add minor changes
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 185/207: Set random seed when splitting dataset.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 186/207: Fix ambiguous namespace.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 187/207: Avoid warning in a different way.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 188/207: mlpack_deprecated is lowercase... why did this compile before this change?
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 189/207: Refactor MissingPolicy to handle when the string is not a part of missingTokens.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 19/207: Fix minor doxygen issue in order to trigger benchmark build.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 190/207: Refactor MapPolicy classes to also allow a first pass.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 191/207: Refactor DatasetMapper to allow a first pass over data.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 192/207: Refactor for new DatasetMapper API.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 193/207: Significant refactoring to fix ImputationTest.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 194/207: Fix test compilation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 195/207: Remove unreleased features.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 196/207: Update HISTORY.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 197/207: Update copyright dates.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 198/207: Strip Github display from README for release and update dependencies.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 199/207: Update version.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 20/207: Update COPYRIGHT.txt
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 200/207: Update versions for release.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 201/207: Remove unused file.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 202/207: Add license.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 203/207: Add license to DBSCAN and decision tree files.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 204/207: Remove ann directory from CMake config.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 205/207: Re-add random_init.hpp since it is used by PCA.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 206/207: Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.0'
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 207/207: log changes
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 21/207: Update core.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 22/207: Added name and email to COPYRIGHT.txt and src/mlpack/core.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 23/207: Transpose is one word, no need for camelcase.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 24/207: Update tutorials link.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 25/207: Decrease the number of parallel builds.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 26/207: Increase the number of parallel builds (travis).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 27/207: Fix inconsistency.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 28/207: Initialise "success" variable to fix warnings
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 29/207: Refactored range search model to include boost variant and visitor paradigm
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 30/207: Refactored range search model to include boost variant and visitor paradigm
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 31/207: Fixed coding style in Range Search model classes and added my name to copyright.txt and core.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 32/207: Fix style and add some comments.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 33/207: Fix a space I missed.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 34/207: Minor spelling fix.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 35/207: Refactor DecisionStump to hold children when it is a stump.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 36/207: Update tests for slightly changed (and not final) API.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 37/207: Add function to get the number of children.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 38/207: Fix implementation for move constructor to avoid infinite recursion.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 39/207: Add decision tree to compilation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 40/207: Add decision tree first implementation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 41/207: Add tests for first part of decision trees (the gains).
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 42/207: Fix minor bugs in splitting strategies.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 43/207: Refactor auxiliary infos to be part of the class.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 44/207: Add some tests for the decision tree.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 45/207: Add tolerance for floating point errors.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 46/207: Ensure splits when only two points are in the set.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 47/207: Test the probabilities also.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 48/207: Add simple generalization test for numeric features.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 49/207: Add test for categorical data and stumps.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 50/207: Add convenience typedef for stumps.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 51/207: Fix -Wuninitialized and handle NoRecursion correctly.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 52/207: Fix bug: it was right the first time.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 53/207: Add first pass at CLI program.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 54/207: Build main program.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 55/207: Fix minor bugs with Classify() versions.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 56/207: Fix bugs in main program.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 57/207: Document addition of decision tree.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 58/207: Add documentation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 59/207: Revert changes to decision stumps that I didn't mean to push.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 60/207: Remove unnecessary class names to fix Windows build.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 61/207: Backport CLI interface to 2.2.x.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 62/207: Add public overload for weighted learning.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 63/207: Added my name to contributors list
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 64/207: Added Test For Gaussian::Distribution
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 65/207: Added Test for Gaussian::Train
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 66/207: Added TestCase for GaussianDistribution::Train(observation, probabilities)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 67/207: A first pass at DBSCAN. But it doesn't pass the tests.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 68/207: Don't increment currentCluster when we don't create a cluster.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 69/207: Initialize bitset correctly, to all 1s.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 70/207: Set cluster of a point when ProcessPoint() is called.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 71/207: Fix selection to not return all 0s.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 72/207: Smaller datasets mean faster tests.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 73/207: Test for outliers.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 74/207: Add a test of actual clustering quality.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 75/207: First pass on command-line program.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 76/207: Add copy and move constructors.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 77/207: Fix some DBSCAN implementation bugs.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 78/207: Declare copy and move constructors.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 79/207: Add untested implementation for move and copy constructors.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 80/207: Update dbscan.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 81/207: Update dbscan_impl.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 82/207: Added description of function in dbscan.hpp and dbscan_impl.hpp
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 83/207: Fix header guards.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 84/207: Fix minor documentation issues.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 85/207: Minor style fixes.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 86/207: Add program documentation.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 87/207: Transpose on save.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 88/207: Fix merges.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 89/207: minor documentation update
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 90/207: I love when the error is in the test, not the algorithm.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 91/207: Implement multidimensional discrete distribution
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 92/207: Adapt decision tree test to new DiscreteDistribution API.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 93/207: Fix serialization.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 94/207: Fix syntax and style issues.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 95/207: Fix Random().
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 96/207: Switch to arma::Col<size_t>.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 97/207: Invert loops to better use memory.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 98/207: Fix support for multidimensional discrete distributions.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] 99/207: Update HISTORY.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] annotated tag debian/2.2.0-1 created (now 86ce27d)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] branch master updated (b45bcb7 -> 24c4cc3)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] branch pristine-tar updated (19db1ea -> e0c4db2)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [mlpack] tag upstream/2.2.0 created (now 40bf682)
Barak A. Pearlmutter
- [nauty] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [nauty] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now da44e65)
Andreas Tille
- [nauty] tag debian/2.6r7+ds-1_bpo8+1 created (now da44e65)
Andreas Tille
- [nltk] 01/01: Add publication data
Andreas Tille
- [nltk] branch master updated (a8a1e52 -> 82f04ec)
Andreas Tille
- [normaliz] 01/01: pristine-tar data for normaliz_3.1.1+ds.orig.tar.xz
Andreas Tille
- [normaliz] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [normaliz] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 6f4d877)
Andreas Tille
- [normaliz] branch pristine-tar updated (64540d5 -> b1cb3dd)
Andreas Tille
- [normaliz] tag debian/3.1.1+ds-1_bpo8+1 created (now 6f4d877)
Andreas Tille
- [ompl] 01/02: pristine-tar data for ompl_1.2.1+ds1.orig.tar.xz
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 01/04: New ubuntu-robotics version
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 01/05: Debian-robotics version
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.0+ds1'
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 02/02: pristine-tar data for ompl_1.3.0+ds1.orig.tar.xz
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 02/04: Typo in the patch
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 02/05: Typo in the suffix
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 02/05: Upgrading to the new version of ompl
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 03/04: Added a backport of ompl_benchmark_statistics from 1.2.1
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 03/05: Added libode-dev (>= 0.14.1) restriction to avoid conflics
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 03/05: Updating patches
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 04/04: New urp version
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 04/05: Merge branch 'master' into debian-robotics
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 04/05: Update copyright. Thx decopy
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 05/05: Drop old file
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] 05/05: New drp package
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] branch debian-robotics updated (ba6e92d -> a1c14be)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] branch master updated (10110b6 -> 239b2c7)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] branch pristine-tar updated (e1ccaef -> 40f8d16)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [ompl] branch ubuntu-robotics created (now 6d39ae1)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [openblas] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [openblas] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now ff39dd7)
Andreas Tille
- [openblas] tag debian/0.2.19-2_bpo8+1 created (now ff39dd7)
Andreas Tille
- [polybori] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [polybori] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 60991ec)
Andreas Tille
- [polybori] tag debian/0.8.5-4_bpo8+1 created (now 60991ec)
Andreas Tille
- [polyml] 01/02: pristine-tar data for polyml_5.7~20170222.git2737850.orig.tar.bz2
James Clarke
- [polyml] 01/10: Merge tag 'upstream/5.7_20170222.git2737850' into debian/experimental
James Clarke
- [polyml] 02/02: pristine-tar data for polyml_5.7~20170315.git1343f60.orig.tar.gz
James Clarke
- [polyml] 02/10: Fix FTBFS on x32
James Clarke
- [polyml] 03/10: Update changelog
James Clarke
- [polyml] 04/10: Release 5.7~20170222.git2737850-1 to experimental
James Clarke
- [polyml] 05/10: Merge tag 'upstream/5.7_20170315.git1343f60' into debian/experimental
James Clarke
- [polyml] 06/10: Open changelog for next release
James Clarke
- [polyml] 07/10: Drop all patches; fixed upstream
James Clarke
- [polyml] 08/10: Include IntInfAsInt module in libpolyml7
James Clarke
- [polyml] 09/10: Update changelog
James Clarke
- [polyml] 10/10: Release 5.7~20170315.git1343f60-1 to experimental
James Clarke
- [polyml] annotated tag debian/5.7_20170315.git1343f60-1 created (now 32cb35e)
James Clarke
- [polyml] branch debian/experimental updated (185be6a -> be89dbd)
James Clarke
- [polyml] branch pristine-tar updated (2f90a3d -> afc6ae6)
James Clarke
- [pulseview] 01/01: update VCS URLs
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] 01/06: Import Upstream version 0.2.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] 02/06: Import Debian changes 0.2.0-1.2
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] 03/06: New upstream version 0.3.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] 04/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.0'
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] 05/06: remove old, add new patches, update dch and d/control
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] 06/06: set Qt5 depenencies and update dch
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] branch master created (now 879a9ed)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pulseview] branch master updated (879a9ed -> 0378db4)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [pybind11] 01/01: pristine-tar data for pybind11_2.1.0.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 01/08: Switch from git-dpm to gbp
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.0' into experimental
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 03/08: Refresh the patch queue
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 04/08: Fixup the Vcs-Browser URI
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 05/08: Simplify the rules file
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 06/08: Update the packaging of the documentation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 07/08: Add DEP-8 tests for clang
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] 08/08: Release to experimental
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] annotated tag debian/2.1.0-1 created (now a4c168a)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] annotated tag upstream/2.1.0 created (now 23bbc05)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] branch experimental created (now 43f9b17)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pybind11] branch pristine-tar updated (023723f -> a20bed5)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [pysph] 01/01: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] annotated tag debian/0_20160514.git91867dc-4_bpo8+1 created (now f9a739a)
Anton Gladky
- [pysph] branch jessie-backports created (now 439e356)
Anton Gladky
- [python-coards] 01/02: Fix typo in watch regex
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-coards] 02/02: Release to unstable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-coards] annotated tag debian/1.0.5-3 created (now cee63a8)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-coards] branch master updated (0237cbb -> ec78f22)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-imageio] 01/02: Fix typo in watch regex
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-imageio] 02/02: Release to unstable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-imageio] annotated tag debian/2.1.2+ds1-2 created (now b5370fd)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-imageio] branch master updated (864f625 -> b1e6935)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-pweave] 01/01: pristine-tar data for python-pweave_0.25.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-pweave] 01/02: Initial debianisation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-pweave] 02/02: Release to unstable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-pweave] annotated tag debian/0.25-1 created (now f6c756d)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-pweave] annotated tag upstream/0.25 created (now c6ee611)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-pweave] branch master created (now e10f6c6)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [python-pweave] branch pristine-tar created (now 1551965)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [qflow] 01/01: Add to ~exp1 to version. Fix typo in d/copyright
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] 01/01: pristine-tar data for qflow_1.1.44.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.44'
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] 02/02: New changelog entry and updated copyright
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] annotated tag upstream/1.1.44 created (now f0a0917)
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] branch master updated (6a439bc -> 77285b4)
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] branch master updated (72509d4 -> 6a439bc)
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] branch pristine-tar updated (8b7076f -> c35d680)
Ruben Undheim
- [qflow] tag debian/1.1.44-1_exp1 created (now 77285b4)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 01/01: Add ~exp1 to version
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 01/01: pristine-tar data for qrouter_1.3.67.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 01/01: pristine-tar data for qrouter_1.3.69.orig.tar.gz
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.67'
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.69'
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 02/02: New changelog entry
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] 02/02: New changelog entry
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] annotated tag upstream/1.3.67 created (now 4dbae0f)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] annotated tag upstream/1.3.69 created (now 2efa5f2)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] branch master updated (0f95ffc -> 3f0c28c)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] branch master updated (5ac1bfd -> e686408)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] branch master updated (e686408 -> 0f95ffc)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] branch pristine-tar updated (082db0c -> 751be76)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] branch pristine-tar updated (751be76 -> 5add484)
Ruben Undheim
- [qrouter] tag debian/1.3.67-1_exp1 created (now 0f95ffc)
Ruben Undheim
- [r-cran-miniui] 01/01: Fix template errors in the license
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-miniui] 01/01: Initial package
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-miniui] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-miniui_0.1.1.orig.tar.xz
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-miniui] 01/01: Upload to unstable after polishing d/copyright a bit
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-miniui] branch master created (now ccb5446)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-miniui] branch master updated (9df6b4e -> 159a573)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-miniui] branch master updated (ccb5446 -> 9df6b4e)
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-miniui] branch pristine-tar created (now 5bc2408)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] 01/01: * debian/control: add missing build-deps r-cran-boot, r-cran-plyr, r-cran-coda, r-cran-xtable, r-cran-lattice.
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] 01/01: Import Debian changes 0.6.4-1
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-mplusautomation_0.6.4.orig.tar.gz
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] annotated tag debian/0.6.4-1 created (now a483a94)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] annotated tag upstream/0.6.4 created (now 7f73f09)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] branch master created (now 45ef562)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] branch master updated (45ef562 -> 3545f55)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-mplusautomation] branch pristine-tar created (now a0a076e)
Joost van Baal
- [r-cran-shinyjs] 01/01: Added Cory LaViska reference
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-shinyjs] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-shinyjs_0.9.orig.tar.xz
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-shinyjs] 01/02: Added initial package
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-shinyjs] 01/03: Slightly polished
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-shinyjs] 02/02: Drop double directory name mistake
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-shinyjs] 02/03: Spitting up examples looks like over engineering. I usually like splitting up things but have never seen it in R packages. It might even have bad side effects when R user expect it to be installed but admin has decided against.
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-shinyjs] 03/03: Upload to unstable
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-shinyjs] branch master created (now d4ec9e8)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-shinyjs] branch master updated (7081238 -> 1a27c44)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-shinyjs] branch master updated (d4ec9e8 -> 7081238)
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-shinyjs] branch pristine-tar created (now 08b5b79)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] 01/01: Added README to explain the sources of one file
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] 01/01: Initial package
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] 01/01: Move explanation about source files from README.Debian to README.source
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-v8] 01/01: pristine-tar data for r-cran-v8_1.3.orig.tar.xz
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] 01/01: Set libv8-dev version specifically. Recommendation of Upstream
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] 01/01: Upload to unstable
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-v8] branch master created (now 70e1ec5)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] branch master updated (0d98b8d -> 76093d8)
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-v8] branch master updated (5102510 -> bb3a370)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] branch master updated (70e1ec5 -> 5102510)
Andreas Tille
- [r-cran-v8] branch master updated (bb3a370 -> 0d98b8d)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [r-cran-v8] branch pristine-tar created (now 47258c0)
Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
- [rw] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [rw] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now f853eec)
Andreas Tille
- [rw] tag debian/0.8+ds-1_bpo8+1 created (now f853eec)
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add another commit to u0-version-singular-4.1.0p2.patch to fix a doctest.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add libjs-three to runtime-depends
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add trac numbers of upstream tickets to series file to keep an overview, rename a patch from u1* to u0*.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Add xcas dependency back in
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Apply upstream patch to fix doctests with R 3.3.3.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Close bug 856866 (fixed upstream).
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Depend on ecl 16.1.2 instead of 16.1.3.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Don't default to threejs for now, otherwise dochtml build fails
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Enable some more backported packages
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] 01/01: Fix a doctest that checks the location of maxima files in /usr/share.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Improve header for dt-undo-trac-21267-sagenb-interacts-for-jupyter.patch
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Mention threejs in the no-jsmol message
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: More adatoations to versions in Jessie backports
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] 01/01: Reduce number of allowed test failures to 40.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Release 7.5.1-1 to Debian experimental.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Rename u2-scripts-dir.patch after forwarding upstream.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Undo trac #21267 (SageNB interacts for Jupyter).
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Update sage to 7.6.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/01: Update TODO
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/01: Use d/rules release-deb-sci-sage to build with deb-sci-sage, release-experimental to build with experimental sources.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/02: Drop xcas dependency now that libgiac-dev is fixed
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/02: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] 01/02: Remove trivial doctest fixes that are not needed anymore.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/02: Update sage to 7.6.rc2.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/03: Sort languages in d/control and elsewhere
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 01/05: Remove dt-version-singular-4-extra-fixes.patch.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 01/07: Update sage to 7.6.rc1.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 02/02: Adapt debian/control.runtime-depends to versions in Jessie backports
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] 02/02: Add new doctest fixes to d0-pari-stackwarn.patch.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 02/02: Update changelog and refresh a patch for 7.6.rc2.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 02/02: Use offline threejs as the default 3D viewer
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 02/03: Note that xcas depedency is probably removeable
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 02/05: Remove an obsolete comment from a patch.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 02/07: Changelog entry for 7.6~rc1.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 03/03: Add script to help with patch upstreaming
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] 03/05: Depend on ecl (<< 16.1.3).
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 03/07: Delete patches that were applied upstream.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 04/05: Depend on python3-dev instead of python3 (to find it with pkg-config).
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 04/07: Refresh more patches for sage 7.6.rc1.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 05/05: Upload sagemath 7.6-0sage1 to deb-sci-sage.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 05/07: Refresh remaining patches for sage 7.6.rc1.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 06/07: Depend on new versions of eclib, ecl and maxima.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] 07/07: Add new standard packages to pruner and Depends: enum34, python3, threejs, xz.
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] annotated tag deb-sci-sage/7.6-0sage1 created (now 2ff62fa)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] annotated tag debian/7.5.1-1 created (now d12e9ab)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 37fec9d)
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] branch debian/jessie-backports updated (37fec9d -> c023ae3)
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] branch debian/jessie-backports updated (c023ae3 -> c1ac6a2)
Andreas Tille
- [sagemath] branch master updated (044cd0b -> 6587662)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (13edba4 -> c97c14b)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (1785fd3 -> a3553b0)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (3b16f0b -> f2b181f)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (3d6955a -> 3b16f0b)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (3dbbe1f -> 3d6955a)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (6587662 -> 1785fd3)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (7298c34 -> d9cd451)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (7c92750 -> b086d85)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (8439d35 -> 2d20bb7)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (98ec8b5 -> b259896)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (a055ff5 -> 7298c34)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (a1947bd -> 044cd0b)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (a3553b0 -> a055ff5)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (a89237d -> aa81909)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (aa81909 -> 8439d35)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (b086d85 -> 98ec8b5)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (b259896 -> d6ee4d4)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (c97c14b -> d9056cb)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (cde3aa6 -> a1947bd)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (d6ee4d4 -> 3dbbe1f)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (d9056cb -> 7c92750)
Ximin Luo
- [sagemath] branch master updated (d9cd451 -> a89237d)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagemath] branch master updated (f2b181f -> cde3aa6)
Tobias Hansen
- [sagenb-export] 01/02: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [sagenb-export] 02/02: Use py34 for tox test
Andreas Tille
- [sagenb-export] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now c1a7baa)
Andreas Tille
- [sagenb-export] tag debian/2.0-2_bpo8+1 created (now c1a7baa)
Andreas Tille
- [sagenb] 01/02: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [sagenb] 02/02: Provide alternative to non-existing default-jdk-headless
Andreas Tille
- [sagenb] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 506eebd)
Andreas Tille
- [sagenb] tag debian/0.13+ds1-2_bpo8+1 created (now 506eebd)
Andreas Tille
- [scram] 01/01: Merge tag 'upstream/0.12.0'
Olzhas Rakhimov
- [scram] 01/01: pristine-tar data for scram_0.12.0.orig.tar.gz
Olzhas Rakhimov
- [scram] 01/01: Update the changelog for new upstream 0.12.0
Olzhas Rakhimov
- [scram] annotated tag upstream/0.12.0 created (now c3fcc52)
Olzhas Rakhimov
- [scram] branch master updated (5366183 -> 86441ec)
Olzhas Rakhimov
- [scram] branch master updated (86441ec -> db23f43)
Olzhas Rakhimov
- [scram] branch pristine-tar updated (7e0ac24 -> 77e9c49)
Olzhas Rakhimov
- [sdpb] 01/01: Build-Depend on boost dev packages from boost-defaults.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 01/01: pristine-tar data for sdpb_1.0.orig.tar.xz
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 01/01: Set BASEDIR=/usr when building.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 01/02: Add a patch to use the system version of tinyxml2.h.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 01/02: Initial Debian package.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 01/233: initial commit
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 02/02: Update debian/copyright.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 02/02: Use boost 1.63 instead of 1.62.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 02/233: Consolidated the code into main for now; wrote an initial schur complement routine; testing for block congruence, cholesky decomp.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 03/233: Initial parsing code for SDPs
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 04/233: Some progress implementing bootstrap versions of sdps
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 05/233: More parsing code
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 06/233: Added new SDP representation
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 07/233: Removed old representation of SDP
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 08/233: Initialization for SDPSolver mostly done
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 09/233: Finished solver initialization code; initial work on search direction computations
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 10/233: Progress in search direction computations
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 100/233: Now allowing individual sample points, scalings, bilinear basis for each matrix
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 101/233: Made choleskyStabilizeThreshold a parameter; added (temporary) timers for a bunch of things
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 102/233: Added detectPrimalFeasibleJump and findPrimalFeasible options
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 103/233: Removed author notice from tinyxml2 files
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 104/233: Added
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 105/233: edited online with Bitbucket
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 106/233: edited online with Bitbucket
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 107/233: Added LICENSE file and headers
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 108/233: Ran cpplint on some files
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 109/233: More cosmetic changes from
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 11/233: wrote constraint matrix weighted sum
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 110/233: Removed test files
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 111/233: moved tinyxml2 into its own directory
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 112/233: edited online with Bitbucket
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 113/233: edited online with Bitbucket
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 114/233: removed Y,X from out files, initial comments
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 115/233: Merge branch 'master' of
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 116/233: Commented SDP.h; changed some names
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 117/233: Small documentation changes to SDP, some function renaming
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 118/233: Mostly commented SDPSolver.h
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 119/233: Removed some unnecessary prototypes from SDP.h; small fixes to SDPSolver.h
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 12/233: More progress computing search direction
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 120/233: Removed SDPSolverStatus class
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 121/233: Added parameters to SDPSolver object; got rid of SDPSolver.initialize; few other small fixes
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 122/233: Made dualityGap a variable like primal/dual objectives
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 123/233: Included printHeader and printIteration methods in SDPSolver
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 124/233: Some reorganization of SDPSolver.cpp
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 125/233: Fixed a couple typos so everything compiles again; extended license year to 2015
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 126/233: Finished commenting SDPSolver.cpp
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 127/233: Commented Matrix, BlockDiagonalMatrix, and main; some minor fixes and cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 128/233: More commenting
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 129/233: Removed util.h
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 13/233: Fixed a couple bugs
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 130/233: Simplified types.h
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 131/233: Commented Timers.h
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 132/233: Commented SDP.cpp
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 133/233: Small fixes/simplifications
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 134/233: Commented Makefile, made it easier to modify
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 135/233: Trivial changes to comments
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 136/233: Added SDPB.m
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 137/233: Added manual
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 138/233: Small fixes to manual
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 139/233: More updates to manual
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 14/233: Finished coding search direction
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 140/233: Modifications to
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 141/233: Merge branch 'master' of
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 142/233: Tiny change to
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 143/233: Separated SDPB.m from examples
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 144/233: Small fix in SDPSolver.cpp comments
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 145/233: Some fixes to Readme and manual
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 146/233: Merge branch 'master' of
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 147/233: Added Bootstrap2dExample.m
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 148/233: Removed old bootstrap example
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 149/233: Some fixes to Bootstrap2dExample.m
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 15/233: Added code to print constraint matrices
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 150/233: Edits to manual
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 151/233: Small fixes to Readme and manual
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 152/233: Simplified description in readme
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 153/233: Note about Linux and installation
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 154/233: Added references to arXiv paper
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 155/233: Removed a couple useless lines
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 156/233: Fix broken order of linker sources in makefile
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 157/233: Merge pull request #2 from sehe/master
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 158/233: Added Mac OS installation instructions
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 159/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 16/233: Debugged search direction computation for simple test data
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 160/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 161/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 162/233: Generalized Makefile for Mac OS X users
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 163/233: Fixed compile warnings in Rgemm. Updated Readme installation instructions.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 164/233: Added -std=c++0x flag to Makefile
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 165/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 166/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 167/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 168/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 169/233: Implemented Filip's fix for matrices larger than 2x2
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 17/233: Fixed bug in computation of schur complement and d
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 170/233: Merge branch 'master' of
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 171/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 172/233: Pedantic help text
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 173/233: Merge pull request #5 from cbehan/patch-1
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 174/233: Added BOOST_WINDOWS_API support to parse.cpp
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 175/233: cosmetic changes
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 176/233: Merge pull request #8 from pkravchuk/master
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 177/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 178/233: Added TOC to Readme
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 179/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 18/233: Modifications to testing code; passes more complicated checks
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 180/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 181/233: Added a list of papers using sdpb
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 182/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 183/233: Small fix to parsing; added test.xml; small fixes to Makefile
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 184/233: Added windows installation instructions
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 185/233: Merge branch 'master' of into windowsinstructions
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 186/233: Moved Win instructions to a separate file
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 187/233: Moved the Windows instructions to a separate file.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 188/233: Minor cosmetics for windows instructions
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 189/233: More cosmetics
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 19/233: Implemented Mehrotra predictor/corrector algorithm in search direction computation
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 190/233: Merge branch 'master' of into windowsinstructions
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 191/233: Split off installation instructions into own file
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 192/233: fixed thanks in
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 193/233: Added description image
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 194/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 195/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 196/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 197/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 198/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 199/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 20/233: Some renaming and cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 200/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 201/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 202/233: Added compatibility with INTEL compiler
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 203/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 204/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 205/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 206/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 207/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 208/233: Edited
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 209/233: Merge pull request #1 from KeYeeYeK/Install-Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 21/233: Added QR routine for min eigenvalue; Lanczos method currently not working; some cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 210/233: Merge pull request #10 from KeYeeYeK/master
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 211/233: Fixed ordered list
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 212/233: Mention librt issues.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 213/233: option to use clang-omp on mac
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 214/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 215/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 216/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 217/233: Merge pull request #12 from yujitach/master
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 218/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 219/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 22/233: Now using SDPA's exact algorithm for computing DirectionParameter predictor and corrector; several more changes
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 220/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 221/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 222/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 223/233: Check outFile permission before proceeding
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 224/233: Merge pull request #14 from cbehan/patch-1
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 225/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 226/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 227/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 228/233: Added boost define BOOST_NO_CXX11_SCOPED_ENUMS to allow ubuntu/gcc-4.8.2 to compile
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 229/233: Merge pull request #16 from spikebike/master
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 23/233: Removed redundant minReal and maxReal functions
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 230/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 231/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 232/233: Update
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 233/233: Generalize Makefile; improve make test; remove pseudolicense from docs .sty
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 24/233: Hooked up search algorithm; following sdpa.yamashita.pdf instead of the SDPA source for SearchDirection and StepLength calculations
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 25/233: Also outputting to dense SDPA format, for cross-checking
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 26/233: Added slack variables, fixed constants so that bootstrapSDP is now correct; still not being solved correctly
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 27/233: It works.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 28/233: moved constraintIndexTuples into SDP as constraintIndices
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 29/233: Some cleanup and documentation
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 30/233: Added cholesky update functions
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 31/233: Switched to low-rank update of SchurComplementCholesky
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 32/233: Renamed SDP parameters; some cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 33/233: Nicer output and result reporting
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 34/233: Small changes
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 35/233: Some changes to step length code -- simplified away from SDPA, works better for reducing dual error; high precision required to get sufficiently small dual error
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 36/233: Now reading bilinearBasisPols and samplePoints from input file
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 37/233: Removed old files
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 38/233: Attempts to parallelize not going perfectly
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 39/233: Added timers; Cholesky update is the bottleneck; parallelized it for a modest speedup;
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 40/233: Switched from get+set to elt for Matrix
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 41/233: Implemented Sherman-Morrison formula for solving schur complement -- about 10x faster, but much more unstable
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 42/233: Tiny changes for debugging output
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 43/233: Some more experimenting; numerical instability due to unbounded direction in normalization constriant. Next: consider Tr(Y)=1 constraint
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 44/233: Removed own mpack, now using mpack library; initialized some quantities for free variable elimination
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 45/233: Some progress up to step 6 of eliminatefree steps
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 46/233: More progress on eliminating free variables
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 47/233: Working on Schur complement solution with eliminated free variables -- surprisingly nice...
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 48/233: Finished implementing variable elimination. Untested
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 49/233: Fixed a couple silly segfaults
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 50/233: eliminate free variables working
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 51/233: Got rid of diagonal part for BlockDiagonalMatrix; some dead code cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 52/233: More old code elimination; next: read affineConstants from file
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 53/233: No longer using XInv -- doesn't seem to improve stability much but oh well
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 54/233: Got rid of inverse cholesky's -- only using cholesky now; a little slower, but maybe simpler
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 55/233: Added stabilization to Schur solver -- it works.
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 56/233: Now allowing arbitrary choices of basic and nonbasic variables
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 57/233: Some cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 58/233: More cleanup and renaming
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 59/233: Some renaming of things
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 60/233: More renaming and cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 61/233: Added a routine to find linearly independent rows
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 62/233: Now computing basicIndices from scratch using linear independence
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 63/233: Small fixes and renamings; things seem to work with actual bootstrap problems
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 64/233: Loss of dual feasibility probably caused by ill-conditioning of X. Not sure what the fix is right now...
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 65/233: Now using program_options for parameter parsing
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 66/233: Switched to local version of mpack again because of openmp weirdness; some rearranging of files and editing of Makefile
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 67/233: More source rearranging; parallelizing now works without any funny business
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 68/233: More parallelization
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 69/233: Generalized timer
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 70/233: Some rearranging and cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 71/233: Split things up into different files
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 72/233: Added checkpointing
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 73/233: Some cleanup; have yet to print solution to file
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 74/233: Added printing of free variable solution; some refactoring
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 75/233: Nicer formatting
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 76/233: Now outputting correct free variable solution
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 77/233: Fixed parameter setting bug
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 78/233: made only two changes from newsearchdirection that actually help
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 79/233: Some cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 80/233: Fixed old bug again
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 81/233: Made it possible to use mpfr -- still much slower by at least 10x
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 82/233: Added ability to independently set initialMatrixScale for primal and dual
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 83/233: Attempt at returning to polynomial SDPs -- cholesky woes on current test data
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 84/233: Fixed bug in sampleBilinearBasis
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 85/233: First attempt at stabilized cholesky decomposition
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 86/233: More fixes to cholesky stabilization
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 87/233: Added maxComplementarity, now output solution for whatever status -- probably shouldn't do this for maxIterations or maxRuntime...
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 88/233: Fixed bugs in tensorMatrixInvCongruenceTransposeWithCholesky
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 89/233: Fixed bug in constraintMatrixWeightedSum whereby old data wasn't overwritten
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 90/233: Some cosmetic changes to output
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 91/233: Now splitting SchurUpdateLowRank and stabilization apart into block pieces; 15% speed improvement with 4 cores, though code is more complex
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 92/233: Added parallelized version of Rgemm (matrix multiplication) for use in Rgetrf (LU decomposition); another 10-15% speedup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 93/233: Removed timing information, made a few small fixes
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 94/233: Some cosmetic changes and cleanup
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 95/233: Flush stdout after every iteration
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 96/233: Now including free variables in the differential equation; way more numerically stable -- yay :)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 97/233: Cleaned up Makefile
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 98/233: Some changes to arguments; added detectDualFeasibleJump flag
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] 99/233: A few cosmetic changes
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] annotated tag debian/1.0-1 created (now 43aba87)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] annotated tag debian/1.0-2 created (now 938f9ed)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] annotated tag debian/1.0-3 created (now 1f0a8cc)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] annotated tag v1.0 created (now 6adbd3f)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] branch master created (now 26c89ef)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] branch master updated (26c89ef -> 45c55c0)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] branch master updated (45c55c0 -> 8f6949e)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] branch master updated (57060c1 -> a5f363a)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] branch master updated (8f6949e -> 57060c1)
Tobias Hansen
- [sdpb] branch pristine-tar created (now 1e35a66)
Tobias Hansen
- [seaborn] 01/02: Add python-tk and python3-tk as a dependency. (Closes: #858576)
Anton Gladky
- [seaborn] 01/02: Revert adding python-tk and python3-tk as a dependency. (Closes: #858637)
Anton Gladky
- [seaborn] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [seaborn] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [seaborn] annotated tag debian/0.7.1-3 created (now eac922b)
Anton Gladky
- [seaborn] annotated tag debian/0.7.1-4 created (now 5fb931e)
Anton Gladky
- [seaborn] branch debian updated (691ff6b -> e2869ce)
Anton Gladky
- [seaborn] branch debian updated (f0b1a89 -> 691ff6b)
Anton Gladky
- [sigrok-cli] 01/01: update VCS URLs
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] 01/06: Import Upstream version 0.5.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] 02/06: Import Debian changes 0.5.0-1
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] 03/06: New upstream version 0.6.0
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] 04/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.6.0'
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] 05/06: new dch entry and update maintainer
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] 06/06: update standarts-version, dh compat, dependencies, fill dch
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] branch master created (now cbc05cd)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-cli] branch master updated (cbc05cd -> 376fd9a)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] 01/01: update VCS URLs
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] 01/06: Import Upstream version 0.1.3
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] 02/06: Import Debian changes 0.1.3-1
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] 03/06: New upstream version 0.1.4
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] 04/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.4'
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] 05/06: bump to new upstream version, change maintainer
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] 06/06: bump dh compat, fill changelog
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] branch master created (now 5b34f4e)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw] branch master updated (5b34f4e -> 07d0bf4)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok] 01/01: update VCS URLs
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok] 01/03: Import Upstream version 0.2
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok] 02/03: Import Debian changes 0.2-3
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok] 03/03: update maintainer, dependencies, dch for the new versions of the sigrok suite
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok] branch master created (now afadc30)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [sigrok] branch master updated (afadc30 -> 9d4c415)
Zoltan Gyarmati
- [singular] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [singular] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now ec6efd0)
Andreas Tille
- [singular] tag debian/4.0.3-p3+ds-5_bpo8+1 created (now ec6efd0)
Andreas Tille
- [solvespace] 01/01: Set minimal cmake version to 3.1.0.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/01: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 01/02: Add missing dependency on libslvs1. (Closes: #856937)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] annotated tag debian/2.3+repack1-2_bpo8+1 created (now 69ae833)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] annotated tag debian/2.3+repack1-2 created (now 363f9ef)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] branch jessie-backports created (now ec51e03)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] branch master updated (ba8a019 -> e90acc5)
Anton Gladky
- [solvespace] branch master updated (e90acc5 -> 6d84f29)
Anton Gladky
- [spyder-line-profiler] 01/01: pristine-tar data for spyder-line-profiler_0.1.1.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-line-profiler] 01/02: Initial debianisation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-line-profiler] 02/02: Release to unstable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-line-profiler] annotated tag upstream/0.1.1 created (now 7945f3a)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-line-profiler] branch master created (now b06a179)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-line-profiler] branch pristine-tar created (now 1a14b62)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-memory-profiler] 01/01: pristine-tar data for spyder-memory-profiler_0.1.0.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-memory-profiler] 01/02: Initial debianisation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-memory-profiler] 02/02: Release to unstable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-memory-profiler] annotated tag debian/0.1.0-1 created (now c5ac098)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-memory-profiler] annotated tag upstream/0.1.0 created (now 03f284e)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-memory-profiler] branch master created (now cab0c30)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-memory-profiler] branch pristine-tar created (now 6680e83)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-unittest] 01/01: pristine-tar data for spyder-unittest_0.1.2.orig.tar.gz
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-unittest] 01/02: Initial debianisation
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-unittest] 02/02: Release to unstable
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-unittest] annotated tag debian/0.1.2-1 created (now b4302e9)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-unittest] branch master created (now c84b651)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder-unittest] branch pristine-tar created (now 10b2b2c)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder] 01/02: Cherry-pick upstream fix for broken autocompletion
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder] 02/02: Release to experimental
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder] annotated tag debian/3.1.3+dfsg1-2 created (now e185655)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [spyder] branch experimental updated (5d2da3c -> 2a3abe1)
Ghislain Vaillant
- [sumo] 01/02: Merge branch 'master' into jessie-backports
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] annotated tag debian/0.28.0+dfsg1-1_bpo8+1 created (now 9eafb05)
Anton Gladky
- [sumo] branch jessie-backports updated (590b48d -> 6a9694e)
Anton Gladky
- [sundials] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 2.7.0
Dima Kogan
- [sundials] 01/01: pre-release to experimental
Dima Kogan
- [sundials] 01/02: Fix duplicate descriptions
Andreas Tille
- [sundials] 02/02: hardening=+bindnow
Andreas Tille
- [sundials] annotated tag debian/2.7.0+dfsg-1_1 created (now 67a3eeb)
Dima Kogan
- [sundials] annotated tag upstream/2.7.0 created (now ca5a37d)
Dima Kogan
- [sundials] branch master updated (ae4769a -> f26fcd3)
Andreas Tille
- [surf-alggeo] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [surf-alggeo] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now d13cae8)
Andreas Tille
- [surf-alggeo] tag debian/1.0.6+ds-4_bpo8+1 created (now d13cae8)
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] 01/01: Rebuild for jessie-backports
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 173d379)
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] branch debian/jessie-backports created (now 8ee2414)
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] branch debian/jessie-backports deleted (was 8ee2414)
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] tag debian/1.023-8_bpo8+1 created (now 173d379)
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] tag debian/_1.023-6_bpo8+1 created (now 8ee2414)
Andreas Tille
- [sympow] tag debian/_1.023-6_bpo8+1 deleted (was 8ee2414)
Andreas Tille
- [thepeg] 01/01: Import Debian changes 1.8.0-1.1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 01/01: Merge tag 'debian/1.8.0-1.1'
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 01/02: d/rules: deal with thepeg-reference0s files only when doing a binary-indep build
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 01/17: wrap-and-sort -ast
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 02/02: Changelog for 1.8.0-3
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 02/17: Update changelog
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 03/17: Revert "debian/rules: disable parallel installation."
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 04/17: drop check on the s390, doesn't exist anymore (and I'd expect it to have more than enough RAM for everything…
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 05/17: Bump debheleper compat level to 10
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 06/17: d/rules: correctly use DEB_HOST_ARCH instead of DEB_BUILD_ARCH
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 07/17: d/control: Add Build-Depend on lhapdf-pdfsets-minimal
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 08/17: d/rules: fix lintian's useless-autogenerated-doxygen-file
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 09/17: d/control: use HTTPS in Vcs-{Git,Browser}
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 10/17: d/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 11/17: d/copyright: Update the URL of the specification
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 12/17: d/copyright: Use GPL-2+ instead of GPL-2.0 as license identifier
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 13/17: d/copyright: fix syntax by specifieng a unique license identificator
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 14/17: d/copyright: add myself to the copyright holders of debian/*
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 15/17: Add patch from Maria Valentina Marin to make the build reproducible
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 16/17: d/control: apply suggestions from the multi-arch hinter
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] 17/17: Changelog for 1.8.0-2
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] annotated tag debian/1.8.0-1.1 created (now e421a33)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] annotated tag debian/1.8.0-2 created (now 85b5e27)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] annotated tag debian/1.8.0-3 created (now f1692c9)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] branch master updated (2c3295b -> ca908b1)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] branch master updated (8da9d90 -> 050be95)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] branch master updated (9ce12c4 -> 8da9d90)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] branch master updated (ca908b1 -> 9ce12c4)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [thepeg] branch next created (now 2c3295b)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [vtk6] 01/02: Fix symlink onto vtk. (Closes: #857533).
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] 02/02: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] annotated tag debian/6.3.0+dfsg1-4 created (now 2d6d68f)
Anton Gladky
- [vtk6] branch master updated (9969d82 -> cf55b63)
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 01/03: Merge branch 'master' into jessie-backports
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 02/03: Update changelog.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] 03/03: Low the neded python version.
Anton Gladky
- [yade] annotated tag debian/2017.01a-7_bpo8+1 created (now 9f6f5a6)
Anton Gladky
- [yade] branch jessie-backports updated (777438f -> 02cfa1e)
Anton Gladky
- r47453 - in /packages/R/r-cran-gsl/branches: ./ jessie/ jessie/1.9-10.3-1~bpo8+1/ jessie/1.9-10.3-1~bpo8+1/changelog
tille at
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 21:00:05 UTC 2017
Archived on: Fri Mar 31 21:00:08 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).