[sdpb] 43/233: Some more experimenting; numerical instability due to unbounded direction in normalization constriant. Next: consider Tr(Y)=1 constraint
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:16 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sdpb.
commit c40bbb3286665ef8a56f174ad506e98d786bca08
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at neptune.sns.ias.edu>
Date: Tue Jul 29 21:48:09 2014 -0400
Some more experimenting; numerical instability due to unbounded direction in normalization constriant. Next: consider Tr(Y)=1 constraint
main.cpp | 300 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
1 file changed, 132 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 2f2535b..9e37dff 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -272,6 +272,10 @@ Real dotProduct(const Vector &u, const Vector v) {
return result;
+Real norm(const Vector &v) {
+ return sqrt(dotProduct(v,v));
// y := alpha*A*x + beta*y
void vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Vector &x, Real beta, Vector &y) {
@@ -980,6 +984,27 @@ public:
+ void rescale() {
+ Vector colWeightedNormSq(objective.size());
+ for (int p = 0; p < polMatrixValues.rows; p++) {
+ Real rowNormSq = 0;
+ for (int n = 0; n < polMatrixValues.cols; n++)
+ rowNormSq += polMatrixValues.elt(p, n)*polMatrixValues.elt(p, n);
+ for (int n = 0; n < polMatrixValues.cols; n++)
+ colWeightedNormSq[n] += polMatrixValues.elt(p, n)*polMatrixValues.elt(p, n) / rowNormSq;
+ }
+ Vector rescaling(objective.size());
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < rescaling.size(); n++) {
+ rescaling[n] = polMatrixValues.rows/sqrt(colWeightedNormSq[n]);
+ objective[n] *= rescaling[n];
+ for (int p = 0; p < polMatrixValues.rows; p++)
+ polMatrixValues.elt(p, n) *= rescaling[n];
+ }
+ }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDP& sdp);
@@ -1143,7 +1168,8 @@ SDP bootstrapSDP(const Vector &objective,
sdp.polMatrixValues.elt(p, n) = normalization[n];
- sdp.addSlack();
+ //sdp.rescale();
+ // sdp.addSlack();
return sdp;
@@ -1169,7 +1195,102 @@ int parseInt(XMLElement *iXml) {
Vector parseVector(XMLElement *vecXml) {
- return parseMany("coord", parseReal, vecXml);
+ return parseMany("elt", parseReal, vecXml);
+Matrix parseMatrix(XMLElement *matXml) {
+ Matrix m;
+ m.rows = parseInt(matXml->FirstChildElement("rows"));
+ m.cols = parseInt(matXml->FirstChildElement("cols"));
+ m.elements = parseVector(matXml->FirstChildElement("elements"));
+ return m;
+class SampledMatrixPolynomial {
+ int dim;
+ int degree;
+ Matrix samplesMatrix;
+ vector<Matrix> bilinearBases;
+SampledMatrixPolynomial parseSampledMatrixPolynomial(XMLElement *smpXml) {
+ SampledMatrixPolynomial s;
+ s.dim = parseInt(smpXml->FirstChildElement("dim"));
+ s.degree = parseInt(smpXml->FirstChildElement("degree"));
+ s.samplesMatrix = parseMatrix(smpXml->FirstChildElement("samplesMatrix"));
+ s.bilinearBases = parseMany("bilinearBasisMatrix", parseMatrix, smpXml->FirstChildElement("bilinearBases"));
+ return s;
+SDP bootstrapSDP2(const Vector &objective,
+ const Vector &normalization,
+ const vector<SampledMatrixPolynomial> &sampledMatrixPols) {
+ SDP sdp;
+ sdp.objective = objective;
+ int numConstraints = 0;
+ for (vector<SampledMatrixPolynomial>::const_iterator s = sampledMatrixPols.begin();
+ s != sampledMatrixPols.end();
+ s++) {
+ int dimension = s->dim;
+ int degree = s->degree;
+ sdp.dimensions.push_back(dimension);
+ sdp.degrees.push_back(degree);
+ numConstraints += (degree+1)*dimension*(dimension+1)/2;
+ }
+ // For the normalization constraint
+ sdp.dimensions.push_back(1);
+ sdp.degrees.push_back(0);
+ numConstraints += 1;
+ sdp.polMatrixValues = Matrix(numConstraints, sdp.objective.size());
+ sdp.affineConstants = Vector(numConstraints, 0);
+ // normalization constraint
+ sdp.affineConstants[numConstraints-1] = 1;
+ int p = 0;
+ for (vector<SampledMatrixPolynomial>::const_iterator s = sampledMatrixPols.begin();
+ s != sampledMatrixPols.end();
+ s++) {
+ vector<int> blocks;
+ for (vector<Matrix>::const_iterator b = s->bilinearBases.begin();
+ b != s->bilinearBases.end();
+ b++) {
+ assert(b->cols == s->degree + 1);
+ blocks.push_back(sdp.bilinearBases.size());
+ sdp.bilinearBases.push_back(*b);
+ }
+ sdp.blocks.push_back(blocks);
+ for (int k = 0; k < s->samplesMatrix.rows; k++, p++)
+ for (int n = 0; n < s->samplesMatrix.cols; n++)
+ sdp.polMatrixValues.elt(p, n) = -(s->samplesMatrix.elt(k, n));
+ }
+ assert(p == numConstraints - 1);
+ // normalization constraint
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < sdp.objective.size(); n++)
+ sdp.polMatrixValues.elt(p, n) = normalization[n];
+ sdp.blocks.push_back(vector<int>());
+ //sdp.rescale();
+ // sdp.addSlack();
+ sdp.initializeConstraintIndices();
+ return sdp;
+SDP parseBootstrapSDP2(XMLElement *sdpXml) {
+ return bootstrapSDP2(parseVector(sdpXml->FirstChildElement("objective")),
+ parseVector(sdpXml->FirstChildElement("normalization")),
+ parseMany("sampledMatrixPolynomial",
+ parseSampledMatrixPolynomial,
+ sdpXml->FirstChildElement("sampledPositiveMatrices")));
Polynomial parsePolynomial(XMLElement *polXml) {
@@ -1204,7 +1325,7 @@ SDP parseBootstrapSDP(XMLElement *sdpXml) {
SDP readBootstrapSDP(const path sdpFile) {
XMLDocument doc;
- return parseBootstrapSDP(doc.FirstChildElement("sdp"));
+ return parseBootstrapSDP2(doc.FirstChildElement("sdp"));
class SDPSolverParameters {
@@ -1221,8 +1342,8 @@ public:
int maxThreads;
- maxIterations(100),
- dualityGapThreshold("1e-20"),
+ maxIterations(500),
+ dualityGapThreshold("1e-100"),
@@ -1751,7 +1872,9 @@ void computeSchurComplementCholesky(const SDP &sdp,
computeSchurBlocks(sdp, BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY, SchurBlocks);
- // cout << "SchurBlocks[" << i << "] = " << SchurBlocks << ";\n";
+ // cout << "XInvDiagonal[" << i << "] = " << XInv.diagonalPart << ";\n";
+ cout << "YDiagonal[" << i << "] = " << Y.diagonalPart << ";\n";
+ // cout << "SchurBlocks[" << i << "] = " << SchurBlocks << ";\n";
choleskyDecomposition(SchurBlocks, SchurBlocksCholesky);
@@ -2016,173 +2139,14 @@ SDPSolverStatus SDPSolver::run(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters,
dY *= dualStepLength;
Y += dY;
- // printInfo(iteration, mu, status, isPrimalFeasible, isDualFeasible,
- // primalStepLength, dualStepLength, betaCorrector);
+ printInfo(iteration, mu, status, isPrimalFeasible, isDualFeasible,
+ primalStepLength, dualStepLength, betaCorrector);
return status;
-// Compute minimum eigenvalue of L X L^T using the Lanczos method.
-// Inputs:
-// L : dim x dim Matrix
-// X : dim x dim Matrix
-// Q : ? x ? Matrix
-// out : dim-length Vector
-// b : dim-length Vector
-// r : dim-length Vector
-// q : dim-length Vector
-// qold : dim-length Vector
-// w : dim-length Vector
-// tmp : dim-length Vector
-// diagVec : dim-length Vector
-// diagVec2: dim-length Vector
-// workVec : dim-length Vector
-Real minEigenvalueViaLanczos(Matrix &L,
- Matrix &X,
- Matrix &Q,
- Vector &out,
- Vector &b,
- Vector &r,
- Vector &q,
- Vector &qold,
- Vector &w,
- Vector &tmp,
- Vector &diagVec,
- Vector &diagVec2,
- Vector &workVec) {
- Real alpha;
- Real value;
- Real min = 1.0e+51;
- Real min_old = 1.0e+52;
- Real min_min= 1.0e+50;
- Real error = 1.0e+10;
- int dim = X.rows;
- int k = 0;
- int kk = 0;
- fillVector(diagVec, min_min);
- fillVector(diagVec2, 0);
- fillVector(q, 0);
- fillVector(r, 1);
- Real beta = sqrt(Real(dim)); // norm of "r"
- // nakata 2004/12/12
- while (k < dim
- && k < sqrt(Real(dim)) + 10
- && beta > 1.0e-16
- && (abs(min-min_old) > (1.0e-5)*abs(min)+(1.0e-8)
- // && (fabs(min-min_old) > (1.0e-3)*fabs(min)+(1.0e-6)
- || abs(error*beta) > (1.0e-2)*abs(min)+(1.0e-4) )) {
- cout << "k = " << k << endl;
- cout << "kk = " << kk << endl;
- qold = q;
- value = 1/beta;
- // q = value*r
- vectorScaleMultiplyAdd(value, r, 0, q);
- // w = L X L^T q
- w = q;
- // w = L^T q
- lowerTriangularMatrixTransposeTimesVector(L, w);
- // tmp = X w
- vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyAdd(1, X, w, 0, tmp);
- w = tmp;
- // w = L tmp
- lowerTriangularMatrixTimesVector(L, w);
- alpha = dotProduct(q, w);
- diagVec[k] = alpha;
- // r = w - alpha q - beta qold
- r = w;
- vectorScaleMultiplyAdd(-alpha, q, 1, r);
- vectorScaleMultiplyAdd(-beta, qold, 1, r);
- if ( kk>=sqrt((mpf_class)k) || k==dim-1 || k>sqrt((mpf_class)dim+9) ) {
- kk = 0;
- out = diagVec;
- b = diagVec2;
- out[dim-1] = diagVec[k];
- b[dim-1] = 0;
- mpackint info;
- int kp1 = k+1;
- Rsteqr("I_withEigenvalues", kp1, &out[0], &b[0], &Q.elements[0], Q.rows, &workVec[0], &info);
- min_old = min;
- // out have eigen values with ascending order.
- min = out[0];
- error = Q.elements[k];
- }
- value = dotProduct(r,r);
- beta = sqrt(value);
- diagVec2[k] = beta;
- ++k;
- ++kk;
- cout << "beta = " << beta << endl;
- cout << "value = " << value << endl;
- }
- return min - abs(error*beta);
-void testMinEigenvalue() {
- int dim = 3;
- Matrix L(dim, dim);
- Matrix X(dim, dim);
- L.addDiagonal(1);
- L.elt(1,1) =2;
- L.elt(2,2) =3;
- X.addDiagonal(3);
- X.elt(1,2) =1;
- X.elt(2,1) =1;
- X.elt(0,1) =2;
- X.elt(1,0) =2;
- Matrix Q(dim, dim);
- Vector out(dim);
- Vector b(dim);
- Vector r(dim);
- Vector q(dim);
- Vector qold(dim);
- Vector w(dim);
- Vector tmp(dim);
- Vector diagVec(dim);
- Vector diagVec2(dim);
- Vector workVec(dim);
- Real lambda = minEigenvalueViaLanczos(L, X, Q, out, b, r, q, qold, w, tmp, diagVec, diagVec2, workVec);
- cout << "L = " << L << endl;
- cout << "X = " << X << endl;
- cout << "Q = " << Q << endl;
- cout << "lambda = " << lambda << endl;
- Matrix Y(dim, dim);
- Matrix Work1(dim, dim);
- Matrix Work2(dim, dim);
- Work1 = L;
- Work1.transpose();
- matrixMultiply(X, Work1, Work2);
- matrixMultiply(L, Work2, Y);
- cout << "Y = " << Y << endl;
- Vector Yeigenvalues(dim);
- Vector Yworkspace(3*dim-1);
- cout << "lambdaY = " << minEigenvalueViaQR(Y, Yeigenvalues, Yworkspace) << endl;
void printSDPDenseFormat(ostream& os, const SDP &sdp) {
BlockDiagonalMatrix F(BlockDiagonalMatrix(sdp.objective.size(), sdp.psdMatrixBlockDims()));
@@ -2267,7 +2231,7 @@ void solveSDP(const path sdpFile,
cout.precision(int(parameters.precision * 0.30102999566398114 + 5));
- printSDPBHeader(sdpFile, outFile, checkpointFile, parameters);
+ // printSDPBHeader(sdpFile, outFile, checkpointFile, parameters);
const SDP sdp = readBootstrapSDP(sdpFile);
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