[sdpb] 55/233: Added stabilization to Schur solver -- it works.
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:18 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sdpb.
commit 016fe78343ebfe7682a05bce7284bb44c3cbec1a
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at athena.sns.ias.edu>
Date: Wed Aug 6 19:03:08 2014 -0400
Added stabilization to Schur solver -- it works.
main.cpp | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
types.h | 4 ++
2 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 4c9dff6..30a64a0 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
#include "omp.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "tinyxml2.h"
@@ -138,6 +139,22 @@ class Matrix {
elt(i,i) += c;
+ void addColumn() {
+ elements.resize(elements.size() + rows);
+ cols++;
+ }
+ void setCols(int c) {
+ elements.resize(rows*c);
+ cols = c;
+ }
+ void setRowsCols(int r, int c) {
+ elements.resize(r*c);
+ rows = r;
+ cols = c;
+ }
void setIdentity() {
assert(rows == cols);
@@ -396,6 +413,10 @@ void solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(Matrix &LU, vector<mpackint> &ipiv, Real
assert(info == 0);
+void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<mpackint> &ipiv, Vector &b) {
+ solveWithLUDecomposition(LU, ipiv, &b[0], 1, b.size());
// L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T
// Inputs:
// - A : dim x dim symmetric matrix
@@ -433,22 +454,14 @@ void choleskyDecomposition(Matrix &A, Matrix &L) {
// - v : pointer to the head of a length-dim vector
// both L and v are modified in place
-void choleskyUpdate(Matrix &L, Real *v) {
+void choleskyUpdate(Matrix &L, Real *v, int firstNonzeroIndex) {
int dim = L.rows;
Real c, s, x, y;
- for (int r = 0; r < dim; r++) {
+ for (int r = firstNonzeroIndex; r < dim; r++) {
x = L.elt(r,r);
y = *(v+r);
Rrotg(&x, &y, &c, &s);
- Real *dx = &L.elements[r*(dim+1)];
- Real *dy = v+r;
- #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
- for (int i = 0; i < dim - r; i++) {
- const Real tmp = c*dx[i] + s*dy[i];
- dy[i] = c*dy[i] - s*dx[i];
- dx[i] = tmp;
- }
+ Rrot(dim - r, &L.elements[r*(dim+1)], 1, v+r, 1, c, s);
@@ -465,7 +478,66 @@ void choleskyUpdate(Matrix &L, Real *v) {
void choleskyUpdate(Matrix &L, Matrix &V) {
assert(L.rows == V.rows);
for (int c = 0; c < V.cols; c++)
- choleskyUpdate(L, &V.elements[c*V.rows]);
+ choleskyUpdate(L, &V.elements[c*V.rows], 0);
+// Let lambdaGeometricMean be the geometric mean of the diagonal
+// elements of L. Whenever a diagonal element is less than
+// CHOLESKY_STABILIZE_THRESHOLD * lambdaGeometricMean, update the
+// cholesky decomposition L -> L' so that
+// L' L'^T = L L^T + lambdaGeometricMean^2 u_i u_i^T
+// where u is a unit vector in the i-th direction. The index i is
+// stored in the vector updateIndices.
+void stabilizeCholesky(Matrix &L,
+ Vector &updateVector,
+ vector<int> &updateIndices,
+ Real &lambdaGeometricMean) {
+ int dim = L.rows;
+ assert(L.cols == dim);
+ double averageLogLambda = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
+ averageLogLambda += log(realToDouble(L.elt(i,i)));
+ }
+ lambdaGeometricMean = Real(exp(averageLogLambda/dim));
+ Real lambdaThreshold = CHOLESKY_STABILIZE_THRESHOLD * lambdaGeometricMean;
+ for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
+ if (L.elt(i,i) < lambdaThreshold) {
+ fillVector(updateVector, 0);
+ updateVector[i] = lambdaGeometricMean;
+ choleskyUpdate(L, &updateVector[0], i);
+ updateIndices.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+void testCholeskyStabilize() {
+ Matrix A(4,4);
+ Matrix L(A);
+ A.elt(0,0) = 1e40;
+ A.elt(1,1) = 1e20;
+ A.elt(2,2) = 1;
+ A.elt(3,3) = 1e-20;
+ A.elt(1,0) = 1e15;
+ A.elt(0,1) = 1e15;
+ A.elt(1,2) = 2e8;
+ A.elt(2,1) = 2e8;
+ vector<int> updateIndices;
+ Vector updateVector(L.rows);
+ Real lambdaGM;
+ choleskyDecomposition(A,L);
+ cout << "A = " << A << ";\n";
+ cout << "L = " << L << ";\n";
+ stabilizeCholesky(L, updateVector, updateIndices, lambdaGM);
+ cout << "updateIndices = " << updateIndices << ";\n";
+ cout << "L = " << L << "\n;";
+ cout << "lambdaGM = " << lambdaGM << ";\n";
void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb) {
@@ -1058,11 +1130,11 @@ public:
int maxThreads;
- maxIterations(130),
+ maxIterations(200),
- initialMatrixScale("1e20"),
+ initialMatrixScale("1e4"),
@@ -1176,6 +1248,10 @@ public:
Matrix M;
Vector basicKernelCoords;
Matrix BasicKernelSpan;
+ vector<vector<int> > schurStabilizeIndices;
+ vector<Real> schurStabilizeLambdas;
+ vector<Vector> schurStabilizeVectors;
+ vector<mpackint> schurIpiv;
// additional workspace variables
BlockDiagonalMatrix StepMatrixWorkspace;
@@ -1209,6 +1285,10 @@ public:
+ schurStabilizeIndices(SchurBlocks.blocks.size()),
+ schurStabilizeLambdas(SchurBlocks.blocks.size()),
+ schurStabilizeVectors(SchurBlocks.blocks.size()),
+ schurIpiv(sdp.polMatrixValues.cols),
// initialize bilinearPairingsWorkspace, eigenvaluesWorkspace, QRWorkspace
@@ -1252,10 +1332,16 @@ public:
BasicKernelSpan.elt(nonBasicStart + r, c) = E.elt(r, c);
for (int c = 0; c < E.cols; c++)
BasicKernelSpan.elt(c, c) = -1;
+ for (unsigned int b = 0; b < SchurBlocks.blocks.size(); b++)
+ schurStabilizeVectors[b].resize(SchurBlocks.blocks[b].rows);
void initialize(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters);
SDPSolverStatus run(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters, const path outFile, const path checkpointFile);
+ void initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsXInv,
+ const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY);
+ void solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx);
void computeSearchDirectionWithRMatrix(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &R, const bool isPrimalFeasible);
@@ -1479,7 +1565,6 @@ void computePrimalResidues(const SDP &sdp,
BlockDiagonalMatrix &PrimalResidues) {
constraintMatrixWeightedSum(sdp, x, PrimalResidues);
PrimalResidues -= X;
- // PrimalResidues.addDiagonalPart(sdp.objective, -1);
Real primalObjective(const SDP &sdp, const Vector &x) {
@@ -1620,15 +1705,24 @@ Real stepLength(BlockDiagonalMatrix &XCholesky,
return -gamma/lambda;
-void computeSchurComplementCholesky(const SDP &sdp,
- const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsXInv,
- const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY,
- const Matrix &BasicKernelSpan,
- BlockDiagonalMatrix &SchurBlocks,
- BlockDiagonalMatrix &SchurBlocksCholesky,
- Matrix &SchurUpdateLowRank,
- Matrix &Q,
- Matrix &M) {
+void addKernelColumn(const Matrix &E, const int i, const Real &lambda, Matrix &K) {
+ int nonBasicStart = E.cols;
+ K.addColumn();
+ int c = K.cols - 1;
+ for (int r = 0; r < K.rows; r++)
+ K.elt(r, c) = 0;
+ if (i < nonBasicStart) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < E.rows; r++)
+ K.elt(r + nonBasicStart, c) = lambda*E.elt(r, i);
+ } else {
+ K.elt(i, c) = lambda;
+ }
+void SDPSolver::initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsXInv,
+ const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY) {
computeSchurBlocks(sdp, BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY, SchurBlocks);
@@ -1638,23 +1732,35 @@ void computeSchurComplementCholesky(const SDP &sdp,
choleskyDecomposition(SchurBlocks, SchurBlocksCholesky);
- // SchurUpdateLowRank = (-1 \\ E)
+ for (unsigned int b = 0; b < SchurBlocks.blocks.size(); b++)
+ stabilizeCholesky(SchurBlocksCholesky.blocks[b],
+ schurStabilizeVectors[b],
+ schurStabilizeIndices[b],
+ schurStabilizeLambdas[b]);
+ // SchurUpdateLowRank = {{- 1, 0}, {E, G}}
+ SchurUpdateLowRank.setCols(BasicKernelSpan.cols);
+ for (unsigned int b = 0; b < SchurBlocks.blocks.size(); b++) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < schurStabilizeIndices[b].size(); i++) {
+ int fullIndex = SchurBlocks.blockStartIndices[b] + schurStabilizeIndices[b][i];
+ addKernelColumn(E, fullIndex, schurStabilizeLambdas[b], SchurUpdateLowRank);
+ }
+ schurStabilizeIndices[b].resize(0);
+ }
- // SchurUpdateLowRank = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-1} ( - 1 \\ E)
+ // SchurUpdateLowRank = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-1} {{- 1, 0}, {E, G}}
blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, SchurUpdateLowRank);
- // Q = SchurUpdateLowRank^T SchurUpdateLowRank
+ // Q = SchurUpdateLowRank^T SchurUpdateLowRank - {{0,0},{0,1}}
+ Q.setRowsCols(SchurUpdateLowRank.cols, SchurUpdateLowRank.cols);
matrixSquare(SchurUpdateLowRank, Q);
+ int stabilizerStart = E.cols;
+ for (int i = stabilizerStart; i < Q.cols; i++)
+ Q.elt(i,i) -= 1;
- // Q = M M^T
- choleskyDecomposition(Q, M);
- // SchurUpdateLowRank = SchurUpdateLowRank M^{-T}
- Rtrsm("Right", "Lower", "Transpose", "NonUnitDiagonal",
- SchurUpdateLowRank.rows, SchurUpdateLowRank.cols, 1,
- &M.elements[0], M.rows,
- &SchurUpdateLowRank.elements[0], SchurUpdateLowRank.rows);
+ schurIpiv.resize(Q.rows);
+ LUDecomposition(Q, schurIpiv);
void printInfoHeader() {
@@ -1684,18 +1790,20 @@ void printInfo(int iteration,
-void solveSchurComplementEquation(BlockDiagonalMatrix &SchurBlocksCholesky,
- Matrix &SchurUpdateLowRank,
- Vector &k,
- Vector &dx) {
+void SDPSolver::solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx) {
// dx = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-1} dx
blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, dx);
// k = -SchurUpdateLowRank^T dx
- vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyTransposeAdd(-1, SchurUpdateLowRank, dx, 0, k);
+ basicKernelCoords.resize(SchurUpdateLowRank.cols);
+ vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyTransposeAdd(-1, SchurUpdateLowRank, dx, 0, basicKernelCoords);
+ // k = Q^{-1} k
+ solveWithLUDecomposition(Q, schurIpiv, basicKernelCoords);
// dx = dx + SchurUpdateLowRank k
- vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyAdd(1, SchurUpdateLowRank, k, 1, dx);
+ vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyAdd(1, SchurUpdateLowRank, basicKernelCoords, 1, dx);
// dx = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-T} dx
blockMatrixLowerTriangularTransposeSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, dx);
@@ -1715,9 +1823,7 @@ void SDPSolver::computeSearchDirectionWithRMatrix(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &R,
// dx_N = B_{NN}^{-1} dx_N
// dx_B = E^T dx_N
- solveSchurComplementEquation(SchurBlocksCholesky,
- SchurUpdateLowRank,
- basicKernelCoords, dx);
+ solveSchurComplementEquation(dx);
// dX = R_p + sum_p F_p dx_p
constraintMatrixWeightedSum(sdp, dx, dX);
@@ -1769,15 +1875,7 @@ SDPSolverStatus SDPSolver::run(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters,
if (isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible && isOptimal) break;
- computeSchurComplementCholesky(sdp,
- BilinearPairingsXInv,
- BilinearPairingsY,
- BasicKernelSpan,
- SchurBlocks,
- SchurBlocksCholesky,
- SchurUpdateLowRank,
- Q,
- M);
+ initializeSchurComplementSolver(BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY);
Real mu = frobeniusProductSymmetric(X, Y)/X.dim;
@@ -1804,15 +1902,28 @@ SDPSolverStatus SDPSolver::run(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters,
Real dualStepLength = stepLength(YCholesky, dY, StepMatrixWorkspace,
eigenvaluesWorkspace, QRWorkspace, parameters);
+ // if (iteration == 126) {
+ // cout << "x = " << x << ";\n";
+ // cout << "X = " << X << ";\n";
+ // cout << "Y = " << Y << ";\n";
+ // cout << "dx = " << dx << ";\n";
+ // cout << "dX = " << dX << ";\n";
+ // cout << "dY = " << dY << ";\n";
+ // cout << "primalStepLength = " << primalStepLength << ";\n";
+ // cout << "dualStepLength = " << dualStepLength << ";\n";
+ // cout << "SchurBlocksCholesky = " << SchurBlocksCholesky << ";\n";
+ // cout << "SchurUpdateLowRank = " << SchurUpdateLowRank << ";\n";
+ // }
+ printInfo(iteration, mu, status, isPrimalFeasible, isDualFeasible,
+ primalStepLength, dualStepLength, betaCorrector);
// Update current point
vectorScaleMultiplyAdd(primalStepLength, dx, 1, x);
dX *= primalStepLength;
X += dX;
dY *= dualStepLength;
Y += dY;
- printInfo(iteration, mu, status, isPrimalFeasible, isDualFeasible,
- primalStepLength, dualStepLength, betaCorrector);
@@ -1836,8 +1947,9 @@ void printSDPDenseFormat(ostream& os, const SDP &sdp) {
os << sdp.affineConstants << endl;
F *= 0;
- os << F << endl;
+ os << "F[0] = " << F << ";\n";
+ int p = 1;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sdp.dimensions.size(); j++) {
for (vector<IndexTuple>::const_iterator t = sdp.constraintIndices[j].begin();
t != sdp.constraintIndices[j].end();
@@ -1858,7 +1970,8 @@ void printSDPDenseFormat(ostream& os, const SDP &sdp) {
- os << F << endl;
+ os << "F[" << p << "] = " << F << ";\n";
+ p++;
@@ -1913,9 +2026,11 @@ void solveSDP(const path sdpFile,
cout << status << endl;
cout << timers << endl;
- cout << "X = " << solver.X << ";\n";
- cout << "Y = " << solver.Y << ";\n";
- cout << "x = " << solver.x << ";\n";
+ // cout << "X = " << solver.X << ";\n";
+ // cout << "Y = " << solver.Y << ";\n";
+ // cout << "x = " << solver.x << ";\n";
+ cout << "EE = " << solver.E << ";\n";
+ cout << "g = " << solver.g << ";\n";
// cout << "BilinearPairingsXInv = " << solver.BilinearPairingsXInv << endl;
// cout << "BilinearPairingsY = " << solver.BilinearPairingsY << endl;
// cout << "schurComplement = " << solver.schurComplement << ";\n";
@@ -2038,5 +2153,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ //testCholeskyStabilize();
return 0;
diff --git a/types.h b/types.h
index d3a3d04..886192b 100644
--- a/types.h
+++ b/types.h
@@ -7,4 +7,8 @@
typedef mpz_class Integer;
typedef mpf_class Real;
+double realToDouble(Real r) {
+ return mpf_get_d(r.get_mpf_t());
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