[sdpb] 74/233: Added printing of free variable solution; some refactoring
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:20 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sdpb.
commit c36a0881b797375aa1197026ecc1b30ba887c2ca
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at neptune.sns.ias.edu>
Date: Mon Aug 11 21:14:58 2014 -0400
Added printing of free variable solution; some refactoring
src/SDPSolver.cpp | 137 +++++++---------------------------------------------
src/SDPSolver.h | 7 +++
src/SDPSolverIO.cpp | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/main.cpp | 2 +-
4 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/SDPSolver.cpp b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
index 11a9ed2..3cf8320 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolver.cpp
+++ b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
#include <iostream>
-#include <ostream>
#include "omp.h"
-#include "boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp"
-#include "boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp"
#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
-#include "boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp"
#include "SDPSolver.h"
-#include "serialize.h"
#include "Timers.h"
using boost::filesystem::path;
@@ -25,6 +20,8 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp):
dualResiduesReduced(sdp.primalObjective.size() - sdp.dualObjective.size()),
FreeVarMatrixReduced(sdp.primalObjective.size() - sdp.dualObjective.size(), sdp.dualObjective.size()),
+ FreeVarMatrixBasicLU(sdp.dualObjective.size(), sdp.dualObjective.size()),
+ FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.rows),
@@ -59,14 +56,12 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp):
// Computations needed for free variable elimination
- Matrix DBLU(sdp.dualObjective.size(), sdp.dualObjective.size());
- vector<Integer> DBLUpivots(sdp.dualObjective.size());
// LU Decomposition of D_B
- for (int n = 0; n < DBLU.cols; n++)
- for (int m = 0; m < DBLU.rows; m++)
- DBLU.elt(m,n) = sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(basicIndices[m],n);
- LUDecomposition(DBLU, DBLUpivots);
+ for (int n = 0; n < FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.cols; n++)
+ for (int m = 0; m < FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.rows; m++)
+ FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.elt(m,n) = sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(basicIndices[m],n);
+ LUDecomposition(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU, FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots);
// Compute E = - D_N D_B^{-1}
// ET = -D_N^T
@@ -75,7 +70,7 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp):
for (int n = 0; n < FreeVarMatrixReducedT.rows; n++)
FreeVarMatrixReducedT.elt(n, p) = -sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(nonBasicIndices[p], n);
// ET = D_B^{-1 T} ET = -D_B^{-1 T} D_N^T
- solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(DBLU, DBLUpivots,
+ solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU, FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots,
@@ -85,7 +80,10 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp):
// dualObjectiveReduced = D_B^{-T} f
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < dualObjectiveReduced.size(); n++)
dualObjectiveReduced[n] = sdp.dualObjective[n];
- solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(DBLU, DBLUpivots, &dualObjectiveReduced[0], 1, dualObjectiveReduced.size());
+ solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU,
+ FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots,
+ &dualObjectiveReduced[0], 1,
+ dualObjectiveReduced.size());
// BasicKernelSpan = ( -1 \\ E)
@@ -99,31 +97,13 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp):
-void printSolverHeader() {
- cout << "\n mu P-obj D-obj gap P-err D-err P-step D-step beta\n";
- cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-void printSolverInfo(int iteration,
- Real mu,
- SDPSolverStatus status,
- bool isPrimalFeasible,
- bool isDualFeasible,
- Real primalStepLength,
- Real dualStepLength,
- Real betaCorrector) {
- gmp_fprintf(stdout,
- "%3d %4.1Fe %+7.2Fe %+7.2Fe %+7.2Fe %s%+7.2Fe%s %s%+7.2Fe%s %4.1Fe %4.1Fe %4.2Fe\n",
- iteration,
- mu.get_mpf_t(),
- status.primalObjective.get_mpf_t(),
- status.dualObjective.get_mpf_t(),
- status.dualityGap().get_mpf_t(),
- isPrimalFeasible ? "|" : " ", status.primalError.get_mpf_t(), isPrimalFeasible ? "|" : " ",
- isDualFeasible ? "|" : " ", status.dualError.get_mpf_t(), isDualFeasible ? "|" : " ",
- primalStepLength.get_mpf_t(),
- dualStepLength.get_mpf_t(),
- betaCorrector.get_mpf_t());
+Vector SDPSolver::freeVariableSolution() {
+ Vector solution(sdp.dualObjective.size());
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < solution.size(); n++) {
+ solution[n] = x[basicIndices[n]];
+ }
+ solveWithLUDecomposition(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU, FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots, solution);
+ return solution;
// result = b'^T a b', where b' = b \otimes 1
@@ -724,84 +704,3 @@ SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters,
timers["Save checkpoint"].start();
return finished;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverParameters& p) {
- os << "maxIterations = " << p.maxIterations << endl;
- os << "maxRuntime = " << p.maxRuntime << endl;
- os << "checkpointInterval = " << p.checkpointInterval << endl;
- os << "precision(actual) = " << p.precision << "(" << mpf_get_default_prec() << ")" << endl;
- os << "maxThreads = " << p.maxThreads << endl;
- os << "dualityGapThreshold = " << p.dualityGapThreshold << endl;
- os << "primalErrorThreshold = " << p.primalErrorThreshold << endl;
- os << "dualErrorThreshold = " << p.dualErrorThreshold << endl;
- os << "initialMatrixScale = " << p.initialMatrixScale << endl;
- os << "feasibleCenteringParameter = " << p.feasibleCenteringParameter << endl;
- os << "infeasibleCenteringParameter = " << p.infeasibleCenteringParameter << endl;
- os << "stepLengthReduction = " << p.stepLengthReduction << endl;
- os << "maxDualObjective = " << p.maxDualObjective << endl;
- return os;
-ostream &operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverTerminateReason& r) {
- switch(r) {
- case PrimalDualOptimal:
- os << "found primal-dual optimal solution.";
- break;
- case MaxIterationsExceeded:
- os << "maxIterations exceeded.";
- break;
- case MaxRuntimeExceeded:
- os << "maxRuntime exceeded.";
- break;
- case DualFeasibleMaxObjectiveExceeded:
- os << "found dual feasible solution with dualObjective exceeding maxDualObjective.";
- break;
- }
- return os;
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverStatus& s) {
- os << "primalObjective = " << s.primalObjective << endl;
- os << "dualObjective = " << s.dualObjective << endl;
- os << "dualityGap = " << s.dualityGap() << endl;
- os << "primalError = " << s.primalError << endl;
- os << "dualError = " << s.dualError << endl;
- return os;
-void backupCheckpointFile(path const& checkpointFile) {
- path backupFile(checkpointFile);
- backupFile.replace_extension(".ck.bk");
- cout << "Backing up checkpoint to: " << backupFile << endl;
- copy_file(checkpointFile, backupFile, boost::filesystem::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists);
-void SDPSolver::saveCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile) {
- if (exists(checkpointFile))
- backupCheckpointFile(checkpointFile);
- boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(checkpointFile);
- boost::archive::text_oarchive ar(ofs);
- cout << "Saving checkpoint to : " << checkpointFile << endl;
- boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, Y);
-void SDPSolver::loadCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile) {
- boost::filesystem::ifstream ifs(checkpointFile);
- boost::archive::text_iarchive ar(ifs);
- cout << "Loading checkpoint from : " << checkpointFile << endl;
- boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, Y);
-void SDPSolver::initialize(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters) {
- fillVector(x, 0);
- X.setZero();
- X.addDiagonal(parameters.initialMatrixScale);
- Y.setZero();
- Y.addDiagonal(parameters.initialMatrixScale);
-void SDPSolver::saveSolution(const path &outFile) {
- boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(outFile);
- cout << "Saving solution to: " << outFile << endl;
- ofs << "foo" << endl;
diff --git a/src/SDPSolver.h b/src/SDPSolver.h
index e8db588..9bf764a 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolver.h
+++ b/src/SDPSolver.h
@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ public:
// For free variable elimination
Matrix FreeVarMatrixReduced;
+ Matrix FreeVarMatrixBasicLU;
+ vector<Integer> FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots;
Vector dualObjectiveReduced;
vector<int> basicIndices;
vector<int> nonBasicIndices;
@@ -127,9 +129,14 @@ public:
const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY);
void solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx);
void computeSearchDirection(const Real &beta, const Real &mu, const bool correctorPhase);
+ Vector freeVariableSolution();
void saveCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile);
void loadCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile);
void saveSolution(const path &outFile);
+void printSolverHeader();
+void printSolverInfo(int iteration, Real mu, SDPSolverStatus status, bool isPrimalFeasible,
+ bool isDualFeasible, Real primalStepLength, Real dualStepLength, Real betaCorrector);
diff --git a/src/SDPSolverIO.cpp b/src/SDPSolverIO.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dbf673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SDPSolverIO.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <ostream>
+#include "omp.h"
+#include "boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp"
+#include "boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp"
+#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
+#include "boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp"
+#include "SDPSolver.h"
+#include "serialize.h"
+#include "Timers.h"
+using boost::filesystem::path;
+using boost::timer::nanosecond_type;
+using std::cout;
+void printSolverHeader() {
+ cout << "\n mu P-obj D-obj gap P-err D-err P-step D-step beta\n";
+ cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
+void printSolverInfo(int iteration,
+ Real mu,
+ SDPSolverStatus status,
+ bool isPrimalFeasible,
+ bool isDualFeasible,
+ Real primalStepLength,
+ Real dualStepLength,
+ Real betaCorrector) {
+ gmp_fprintf(stdout,
+ "%3d %4.1Fe %+7.2Fe %+7.2Fe %+7.2Fe %s%+7.2Fe%s %s%+7.2Fe%s %4.1Fe %4.1Fe %4.2Fe\n",
+ iteration,
+ mu.get_mpf_t(),
+ status.primalObjective.get_mpf_t(),
+ status.dualObjective.get_mpf_t(),
+ status.dualityGap().get_mpf_t(),
+ isPrimalFeasible ? "|" : " ", status.primalError.get_mpf_t(), isPrimalFeasible ? "|" : " ",
+ isDualFeasible ? "|" : " ", status.dualError.get_mpf_t(), isDualFeasible ? "|" : " ",
+ primalStepLength.get_mpf_t(),
+ dualStepLength.get_mpf_t(),
+ betaCorrector.get_mpf_t());
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverParameters& p) {
+ os << "maxIterations = " << p.maxIterations << endl;
+ os << "maxRuntime = " << p.maxRuntime << endl;
+ os << "checkpointInterval = " << p.checkpointInterval << endl;
+ os << "precision(actual) = " << p.precision << "(" << mpf_get_default_prec() << ")" << endl;
+ os << "maxThreads = " << p.maxThreads << endl;
+ os << "dualityGapThreshold = " << p.dualityGapThreshold << endl;
+ os << "primalErrorThreshold = " << p.primalErrorThreshold << endl;
+ os << "dualErrorThreshold = " << p.dualErrorThreshold << endl;
+ os << "initialMatrixScale = " << p.initialMatrixScale << endl;
+ os << "feasibleCenteringParameter = " << p.feasibleCenteringParameter << endl;
+ os << "infeasibleCenteringParameter = " << p.infeasibleCenteringParameter << endl;
+ os << "stepLengthReduction = " << p.stepLengthReduction << endl;
+ os << "maxDualObjective = " << p.maxDualObjective << endl;
+ return os;
+ostream &operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverTerminateReason& r) {
+ switch(r) {
+ case PrimalDualOptimal:
+ os << "found primal-dual optimal solution.";
+ break;
+ case MaxIterationsExceeded:
+ os << "maxIterations exceeded.";
+ break;
+ case MaxRuntimeExceeded:
+ os << "maxRuntime exceeded.";
+ break;
+ case DualFeasibleMaxObjectiveExceeded:
+ os << "found dual feasible solution with dualObjective exceeding maxDualObjective.";
+ break;
+ }
+ return os;
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverStatus& s) {
+ os << "primalObjective = " << s.primalObjective << endl;
+ os << "dualObjective = " << s.dualObjective << endl;
+ os << "dualityGap = " << s.dualityGap() << endl;
+ os << "primalError = " << s.primalError << endl;
+ os << "dualError = " << s.dualError << endl;
+ return os;
+void backupCheckpointFile(path const& checkpointFile) {
+ path backupFile(checkpointFile);
+ backupFile.replace_extension(".ck.bk");
+ cout << "Backing up checkpoint to: " << backupFile << endl;
+ copy_file(checkpointFile, backupFile, boost::filesystem::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists);
+void SDPSolver::saveCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile) {
+ if (exists(checkpointFile))
+ backupCheckpointFile(checkpointFile);
+ boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(checkpointFile);
+ boost::archive::text_oarchive ar(ofs);
+ cout << "Saving checkpoint to : " << checkpointFile << endl;
+ boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, Y);
+void SDPSolver::loadCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile) {
+ boost::filesystem::ifstream ifs(checkpointFile);
+ boost::archive::text_iarchive ar(ifs);
+ cout << "Loading checkpoint from : " << checkpointFile << endl;
+ boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, Y);
+void SDPSolver::initialize(const SDPSolverParameters ¶meters) {
+ fillVector(x, 0);
+ X.setZero();
+ X.addDiagonal(parameters.initialMatrixScale);
+ Y.setZero();
+ Y.addDiagonal(parameters.initialMatrixScale);
+void SDPSolver::saveSolution(const path &outFile) {
+ boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(outFile);
+ cout << "Saving solution to: " << outFile << endl;
+ ofs.precision(int(status.primalObjective.get_prec() * 0.30102999566398114 + 5));
+ ofs << status << endl;
+ ofs << freeVariableSolution() << endl;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index dcb8dea..9a5c872 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ int solveSDP(const path &sdpFile,
SDPSolverParameters parameters) {
- cout.precision(int(parameters.precision * 0.30102999566398114 + 5));
+ cout.precision(min(int(parameters.precision * 0.30102999566398114 + 5), 30));
// Ensure all the Real parameters have the appropriate precision
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