[sdpb] 96/233: Now including free variables in the differential equation; way more numerically stable -- yay :)

Tobias Hansen thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:24 UTC 2017

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commit 9580423c8c436d640d90b37c19454e4e24fabc9e
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at athena.sns.ias.edu>
Date:   Tue Oct 21 18:41:34 2014 -0400

    Now including free variables in the differential equation; way more numerically stable -- yay :)
 src/Matrix.cpp      | 144 +-------------------------------------------
 src/Matrix.h        |  36 -----------
 src/SDPSolver.cpp   | 168 +++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
 src/SDPSolver.h     |  18 ++----
 src/SDPSolverIO.cpp |  16 ++---
 src/main.cpp        |   6 +-
 src/serialize.h     |   3 +-
 src/tests.cpp       |  40 -------------
 8 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 363 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Matrix.cpp b/src/Matrix.cpp
index 72463da..0353bdd 100644
--- a/src/Matrix.cpp
+++ b/src/Matrix.cpp
@@ -47,24 +47,6 @@ void matrixMultiply(Matrix &A, Matrix &B, Matrix &C) {
   matrixScaleMultiplyAdd(1, A, B, 0, C);
-// B = A^T A
-void matrixSquare(Matrix &A, Matrix &B) {
-  assert(A.cols == B.rows);
-  assert(B.cols == B.rows);
-  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
-  for (int c = 0; c < B.cols; c++) {
-    for (int r = 0; r <= c; r++) {
-      Real tmp = 0;
-      for (int p = 0; p < A.rows; p++)
-        tmp += A.elt(p,r) * A.elt(p,c);
-      B.elt(r,c) = tmp;
-      if (r != c)
-        B.elt(c,r) = tmp;
-    }
-  }
 // Set block starting at (bRow, bCol) of B to A^T A
 void matrixSquareIntoBlock(Matrix &A, Matrix &B, int bRow, int bCol) {
   assert(bRow + A.cols <= B.rows);
@@ -83,22 +65,6 @@ void matrixSquareIntoBlock(Matrix &A, Matrix &B, int bRow, int bCol) {
-// A := L A L^T
-void lowerTriangularCongruence(Matrix &A, Matrix &L) {
-  int dim = A.rows;
-  assert(A.cols == dim);
-  assert(L.rows == dim);
-  assert(L.cols == dim);
-  Rtrmm("Right", "Lower", "Transpose", "NonUnitDiagonal", dim, dim, 1,
-        &L.elements[0], dim,
-        &A.elements[0], dim);
-  Rtrmm("Left", "Lower", "NoTranspose", "NonUnitDiagonal", dim, dim, 1,
-        &L.elements[0], dim,
-        &A.elements[0], dim);
 // A := L^{-1} A L^{-T}
 void lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(Matrix &A, Matrix &L) {
   int dim = A.rows;
@@ -217,22 +183,12 @@ void LUDecomposition(Matrix &A, vector<Integer> &pivots) {
   assert(info == 0);
-void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Real *B, int bcols, int ldb) {
-  Integer info;
-  Rgetrs("NoTranspose", LU.rows, bcols, &LU.elements[0], LU.rows, &pivots[0], B, ldb, &info);
-  assert(info == 0);
-void solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Real *B, int bcols, int ldb) {
+void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Vector &b) {
   Integer info;
-  Rgetrs("Transpose", LU.rows, bcols, &LU.elements[0], LU.rows, &pivots[0], B, ldb, &info);
+  Rgetrs("NoTranspose", LU.rows, 1, &LU.elements[0], LU.rows, &pivots[0], &b[0], b.size(), &info);
   assert(info == 0);
-void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Vector &b) {
-  solveWithLUDecomposition(LU, pivots, &b[0], 1, b.size());
 // L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T
 // Inputs:
 // - A : dim x dim symmetric matrix
@@ -282,60 +238,6 @@ void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(Matrix &A, Matrix &L, vector<Integer> &stab
       L.elements[i + j*dim] = 0;
-// L' (lower triangular) such that L' L'^T = L L^T + v v^T. i.e., if L
-// is a cholesky decomposition of A, then L' is a cholesky
-// decomposition of A + v v^T.  This function dominates the running
-// time of this program.
-// Inputs: 
-// - L : dim x dim lower-triangular matrix 
-// - v : pointer to the head of a length-dim vector
-// both L and v are modified in place
-void choleskyUpdate(Matrix &L, Real *v, int firstNonzeroIndex) {
-  int dim = L.rows;
-  Real c, s, x, y;
-  for (int r = firstNonzeroIndex; r < dim; r++) {
-    x = L.elt(r,r);
-    y = *(v+r);
-    Rrotg(&x, &y, &c, &s);
-    Rrot(dim - r, &L.elements[r*(dim+1)], 1, v+r, 1, c, s);
-  }
-// Let lambdaGeometricMean be the geometric mean of the diagonal
-// elements of L.  Whenever a diagonal element is less than
-// CHOLESKY_STABILIZE_THRESHOLD * lambdaGeometricMean, update the
-// cholesky decomposition L -> L' so that
-// L' L'^T = L L^T + lambdaGeometricMean^2 u_i u_i^T
-// where u is a unit vector in the i-th direction.  The index i is
-// stored in the vector updateIndices.
-void stabilizeCholesky(Matrix &L,
-                       Vector &updateVector,
-                       vector<int> &updateIndices,
-                       Real &lambdaGeometricMean) {
-  int dim = L.rows;
-  assert(L.cols == dim);
-  double averageLogLambda = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
-    averageLogLambda += log(cast2double(L.elt(i,i)));
-  }
-  lambdaGeometricMean = Real(exp(averageLogLambda/dim));
-  Real lambdaThreshold = CHOLESKY_STABILIZE_THRESHOLD * lambdaGeometricMean;
-  for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
-    if (L.elt(i,i) < lambdaThreshold) {
-      fillVector(updateVector, 0);
-      updateVector[i] = lambdaGeometricMean;
-      choleskyUpdate(L, &updateVector[0], i);
-      updateIndices.push_back(i);
-    }
-  }
 void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb) {
   int dim = L.rows;
   assert(L.cols == dim);
@@ -376,45 +278,3 @@ void matrixSolveWithCholesky(Matrix &ACholesky, Matrix &X) {
   lowerTriangularSolve(ACholesky, &X.elements[0], X.cols, X.rows);
   lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(ACholesky, &X.elements[0], X.cols, X.rows);
-// Find the column with the maximum absolute value entry to the right
-// of (r,c) (inclusive)
-int maxColRightOf(Matrix &A, int r, int c) {
-  int  cMax = 0;
-  Real aMax = 0;
-  for (int k = c; k < A.cols; k++) {
-    Real a = abs(A.elt(r,k));
-    if (a > aMax) {
-      cMax = k;
-      aMax = a;
-    }
-  }
-  return cMax;
-// Return indices of a set of linearly independent rows of M, where
-// the basis matrix has eigenvalues whose absolute values exceed
-// thresh.
-vector<int> linearlyIndependentRowIndices(const Matrix &M) {
-  vector<int> rows;
-  Matrix A(M);
-  int c = 0;
-  for (int r = 0; r < A.rows && c < A.cols; r++) {
-    A.swapCols(maxColRightOf(A, r, c), c);
-    if (abs(A.elt(r, c)) > BASIC_ROW_THRESHOLD) {
-      rows.push_back(r);
-      // Add a multiple of column c to each column to the right so
-      // that the entries to the right of (r,c) are zero.
-      for (int k = c+1; k < A.cols; k++) {
-        Real x = A.elt(r,k)/A.elt(r,c);
-        for (int i = r; i < A.rows; i++)
-          A.elt(i,k) -= x*A.elt(i,c);
-      }
-      c++;
-    }
-  }
-  assert((int)rows.size() == A.cols);
-  return rows;
diff --git a/src/Matrix.h b/src/Matrix.h
index 5ffc80a..2b2cff8 100644
--- a/src/Matrix.h
+++ b/src/Matrix.h
@@ -121,15 +121,9 @@ void matrixScaleMultiplyAdd(Real alpha, Matrix &A, Matrix &B, Real beta, Matrix
 // C := A*B
 void matrixMultiply(Matrix &A, Matrix &B, Matrix &C);
-// B = A^T A
-void matrixSquare(Matrix &A, Matrix &B);
 // Set block starting at (bRow, bCol) of B to A^T A
 void matrixSquareIntoBlock(Matrix &A, Matrix &B, int bRow, int bCol);
-// A := L A L^T
-void lowerTriangularCongruence(Matrix &A, Matrix &L);
 // A := L^{-1} A L^{-T}
 void lowerTriangularInverseCongruence(Matrix &A, Matrix &L);
@@ -165,10 +159,6 @@ Real minEigenvalue(Matrix &A, Vector &workspace, Vector &eigenvalues);
 // for use with 'solveWithLUDecomposition'
 void LUDecomposition(Matrix &A, vector<Integer> &pivots);
-void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Real *B, int bcols, int ldb);
-void solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Real *B, int bcols, int ldb);
 void solveWithLUDecomposition(Matrix &LU, vector<Integer> &pivots, Vector &b);
 // L (lower triangular) such that A = L L^T
@@ -179,27 +169,6 @@ void choleskyDecomposition(Matrix &A, Matrix &L);
 void choleskyDecompositionStabilized(Matrix &A, Matrix &L, vector<Integer> &stabilizeIndices, vector<Real> &stabilizeLambdas);
-// L' (lower triangular) such that L' L'^T = L L^T + v v^T. i.e., if L
-// is a cholesky decomposition of A, then L' is a cholesky
-// decomposition of A + v v^T.  This function dominates the running
-// time of this program.
-// Inputs: 
-// - L : dim x dim lower-triangular matrix 
-// - v : pointer to the head of a length-dim vector
-// both L and v are modified in place
-void choleskyUpdate(Matrix &L, Real *v, int firstNonzeroIndex);
-// Let lambdaGeometricMean be the geometric mean of the diagonal
-// elements of L.  Whenever a diagonal element is less than
-// CHOLESKY_STABILIZE_THRESHOLD * lambdaGeometricMean, update the
-// cholesky decomposition L -> L' so that
-// L' L'^T = L L^T + lambdaGeometricMean^2 u_i u_i^T
-// where u is a unit vector in the i-th direction.  The index i is
-// stored in the vector updateIndices.
-void stabilizeCholesky(Matrix &L, Vector &updateVector, vector<int> &updateIndices, Real &lambdaGeometricMean);
 void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Real *b, int bcols, int ldb);
 void lowerTriangularSolve(Matrix &L, Vector &b);
@@ -214,9 +183,4 @@ void lowerTriangularTransposeSolve(Matrix &L, Vector &b);
 // - X         : dim x dim matrix
 void matrixSolveWithCholesky(Matrix &ACholesky, Matrix &X);
-// Return indices of a set of linearly independent rows of M, where
-// the basis matrix has eigenvalues whose absolute values exceed
-// thresh.
-vector<int> linearlyIndependentRowIndices(const Matrix &M);
diff --git a/src/SDPSolver.cpp b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
index 64cb3af..e1ca9ab 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolver.cpp
+++ b/src/SDPSolver.cpp
@@ -12,17 +12,14 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp):
   x(sdp.primalObjective.size(), 0),
+  y(sdp.dualObjective.size(), 0),
+  dy(y),
-  dualResiduesReduced(sdp.primalObjective.size() - sdp.dualObjective.size()),
-  FreeVarMatrixReduced(sdp.primalObjective.size() - sdp.dualObjective.size(), sdp.dualObjective.size()),
-  FreeVarMatrixBasicLU(sdp.dualObjective.size(), sdp.dualObjective.size()),
-  FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.rows),
-  dualObjectiveReduced(sdp.dualObjective.size()),
@@ -46,51 +43,6 @@ SDPSolver::SDPSolver(const SDP &sdp):
     QRWorkspace.push_back(Vector(3*X.blocks[b].rows - 1));
-  // Computations needed for free variable elimination
-  basicIndices = linearlyIndependentRowIndices(sdp.FreeVarMatrix);
-  for (int i = 0, p = 0; p < sdp.FreeVarMatrix.rows; p++)
-    if (i < (int)basicIndices.size() && p == basicIndices[i])
-      i++;
-    else
-      nonBasicIndices.push_back(p);
-  // LU Decomposition of D_B
-  for (int n = 0; n < FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.cols; n++)
-    for (int m = 0; m < FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.rows; m++)
-      FreeVarMatrixBasicLU.elt(m,n) = sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(basicIndices[m],n);
-  LUDecomposition(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU, FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots);
-  // Compute E = - D_N D_B^{-1}
-  // ET = -D_N^T
-  Matrix FreeVarMatrixReducedT(FreeVarMatrixReduced.cols, FreeVarMatrixReduced.rows);
-  for (int p = 0; p < FreeVarMatrixReducedT.cols; p++)
-    for (int n = 0; n < FreeVarMatrixReducedT.rows; n++)
-      FreeVarMatrixReducedT.elt(n, p) = -sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(nonBasicIndices[p], n);
-  // ET = D_B^{-1 T} ET = -D_B^{-1 T} D_N^T
-  solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU, FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots,
-                                    &FreeVarMatrixReducedT.elements[0],
-                                    FreeVarMatrixReducedT.cols,
-                                    FreeVarMatrixReducedT.rows);
-  // E = ET^T
-  transpose(FreeVarMatrixReducedT, FreeVarMatrixReduced);
-  // dualObjectiveReduced = D_B^{-T} f
-  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < dualObjectiveReduced.size(); n++)
-    dualObjectiveReduced[n] = sdp.dualObjective[n];
-  solveWithLUDecompositionTranspose(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU,
-                                    FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots,
-                                    &dualObjectiveReduced[0], 1,
-                                    dualObjectiveReduced.size());
-Vector SDPSolver::freeVariableSolution() {
-  Vector solution(sdp.dualObjective.size());
-  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < solution.size(); n++) {
-    solution[n] = dualResidues[basicIndices[n]];
-  }
-  solveWithLUDecomposition(FreeVarMatrixBasicLU, FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots, solution);
-  return solution;
 // result = b'^T a b', where b' = b \otimes 1
@@ -301,45 +253,8 @@ void computeSchurBlocks(const SDP &sdp,
-// x_B = g + E^T x_N
-void basicCompletion(const Vector &dualObjectiveReduced,
-                     const Matrix &FreeVarMatrixReduced,
-                     const vector<int> &basicIndices,
-                     const vector<int> &nonBasicIndices,
-                     Vector &x) {
-  assert((int)basicIndices.size()    == FreeVarMatrixReduced.cols);
-  assert((int)nonBasicIndices.size() == FreeVarMatrixReduced.rows);
-  assert((int)x.size()               == FreeVarMatrixReduced.cols + FreeVarMatrixReduced.rows);
-  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
-  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < basicIndices.size(); n++) {
-    x[basicIndices[n]] = dualObjectiveReduced[n];
-    for (unsigned int p = 0; p < nonBasicIndices.size(); p++)
-      x[basicIndices[n]] += FreeVarMatrixReduced.elt(p, n) * x[nonBasicIndices[p]];
-  }
-// xReduced_N = x_N + E x_B
-void nonBasicShift(const Matrix &FreeVarMatrixReduced,
-                   const vector<int> &basicIndices,
-                   const vector<int> &nonBasicIndices,
-                   const Vector &x,
-                   Vector &xReduced) {
-  assert((int)basicIndices.size()    == FreeVarMatrixReduced.cols);
-  assert((int)nonBasicIndices.size() == FreeVarMatrixReduced.rows);
-  assert((int)x.size()               == FreeVarMatrixReduced.cols + FreeVarMatrixReduced.rows);
-  assert(nonBasicIndices.size()      == xReduced.size());
-  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
-  for (unsigned int p = 0; p < nonBasicIndices.size(); p++) {
-    xReduced[p] = x[nonBasicIndices[p]];
-    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < basicIndices.size(); n++)
-      xReduced[p] += FreeVarMatrixReduced.elt(p,n) * x[basicIndices[n]];
-  }
 void computeDualResidues(const SDP &sdp,
-                         const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Y,
+                         const Vector &y,
                          const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY,
                          Vector &dualResidues) {
   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
@@ -360,6 +275,9 @@ void computeDualResidues(const SDP &sdp,
         dualResidues[p] -= BilinearPairingsY.blocks[*b].elt(ej_s+k, ej_r+k);
       dualResidues[p] /= 2;
+      for (int n = 0; n < sdp.FreeVarMatrix.cols; n++)
+        dualResidues[p] -= sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(p, n)*y[n];
       dualResidues[p] += sdp.primalObjective[p];
@@ -396,9 +314,11 @@ void constraintMatrixWeightedSum(const SDP &sdp, const Vector x, BlockDiagonalMa
 void computeSchurRHS(const SDP &sdp,
-                     Vector &dualResidues,
-                     BlockDiagonalMatrix &Z, 
-                     Vector &r) {
+                     const Vector &dualResidues,
+                     const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Z,
+                     const Vector &x,
+                     Vector &r,
+                     Vector &s) {
   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < r.size(); p++)
     r[p] = -dualResidues[p];
@@ -418,6 +338,14 @@ void computeSchurRHS(const SDP &sdp,
+  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
+  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < sdp.dualObjective.size(); n++) {
+    s[n] = sdp.dualObjective[n];
+    for (int p = 0; p < sdp.FreeVarMatrix.rows; p++) {
+      s[n] -= sdp.FreeVarMatrix.elt(p, n)*x[p];
+    }
+  }
 // PrimalResidues = sum_p F_p x_p - X - F_0
@@ -430,18 +358,6 @@ void computePrimalResidues(const SDP &sdp,
   PrimalResidues -= X;
-Real primalObjectiveValue(const SDP &sdp, const Vector &x) {
-  return sdp.objectiveConst + dotProduct(sdp.primalObjective, x);
-Real dualObjectiveValue(const SDP &sdp, const Vector &dualObjectiveReduced,
-                        const vector<int> &basicIndices, const Vector &dualResidues) {
-  Real tmp = sdp.objectiveConst;
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dualObjectiveReduced.size(); i++)
-    tmp += dualObjectiveReduced[i]*dualResidues[basicIndices[i]];
-  return tmp;
 Real predictorCenteringParameter(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters, 
                                  const bool isPrimalDualFeasible) {
   return isPrimalDualFeasible ? Real(0) : parameters.infeasibleCenteringParameter;
@@ -577,13 +493,22 @@ void SDPSolver::initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &Bilin
   LUDecomposition(Q, Qpivots);
-void SDPSolver::solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx) {
+// As inputs, dx and dy are the residues r_x and r_y on the right-hand
+// side of the Schur complement equation. As outputs, they are the
+// values for dx and dy.
+void SDPSolver::solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx, Vector &dy) {
   // dx = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-1} dx
   blockMatrixLowerTriangularSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, dx);
-  // k_1 = -SchurUpdateLowRank^T dx
-  vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyTransposeAdd(-1, SchurUpdateLowRank, dx, 0, basicKernelCoords);
+  // k_1 = r_y - SchurUpdateLowRank^T dx
+  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < dy.size(); n++)
+    basicKernelCoords[n] = dy[n];
+  vectorScaleMatrixMultiplyTransposeAdd(-1, SchurUpdateLowRank, dx, 1, basicKernelCoords);
   // k_2 = -G^T dx
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < stabilizeBlockIndices.size(); j++) {
     int b = stabilizeBlockIndices[j];
@@ -615,6 +540,9 @@ void SDPSolver::solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx) {
   // dx = SchurBlocksCholesky^{-T} dx
   blockMatrixLowerTriangularTransposeSolve(SchurBlocksCholesky, dx);
+  // dy = k_1
+  for (unsigned int n = 0; n < dy.size(); n++)
+    dy[n] = basicKernelCoords[n];
 void SDPSolver::computeSearchDirection(const Real &beta,
@@ -632,11 +560,12 @@ void SDPSolver::computeSearchDirection(const Real &beta,
   blockMatrixSolveWithCholesky(XCholesky, Z);
-  // dx_k = -d_k + Tr(F_k Z)
-  computeSchurRHS(sdp, dualResidues, Z, dx);
+  // (dx_RHS)_k = -d_k + Tr(F_k Z)
+  // dz_RHS = f - D^T x
+  computeSchurRHS(sdp, dualResidues, Z, x, dx, dy);
   // dx_N = B_{NN}^{-1} dx_N, dx_B = E^T dx_N
-  solveSchurComplementEquation(dx);
+  solveSchurComplementEquation(dx, dy);
   // dX = R_p + sum_p F_p dx_p
   constraintMatrixWeightedSum(sdp, dx, dX);
@@ -654,6 +583,7 @@ void SDPSolver::initialize(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters) {
   fillVector(x, 0);
+  fillVector(y, 0);
@@ -667,26 +597,22 @@ SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters,
     if (timers["Run solver"].elapsed().wall >= parameters.maxRuntime * 1000000000LL)
       return MaxRuntimeExceeded;
-    // Maintain the invariant x_B = g + E^T x_N
-    basicCompletion(dualObjectiveReduced, FreeVarMatrixReduced, basicIndices, nonBasicIndices, x);
     choleskyDecomposition(X, XCholesky);
     choleskyDecomposition(Y, YCholesky);
     computeInvBilinearPairingsWithCholesky(XCholesky, sdp.bilinearBases, bilinearPairingsWorkspace, BilinearPairingsXInv);
     computeBilinearPairings(Y, sdp.bilinearBases, bilinearPairingsWorkspace, BilinearPairingsY);
-    // d_k = c_k - Tr(F_k Y)
-    computeDualResidues(sdp, Y, BilinearPairingsY, dualResidues);
-    nonBasicShift(FreeVarMatrixReduced, basicIndices, nonBasicIndices, dualResidues, dualResiduesReduced);
+    // d_k = c_k - Tr(F_k Y) - (D y)_k
+    computeDualResidues(sdp, y, BilinearPairingsY, dualResidues);
     // PrimalResidues = sum_p F_p x_p - X - F_0 (F_0 is zero for now)
     computePrimalResidues(sdp, x, X, PrimalResidues);
     status.primalError     = PrimalResidues.maxAbs();
-    status.dualError       = maxAbsVector(dualResiduesReduced);
-    status.primalObjective = primalObjectiveValue(sdp, x);
-    status.dualObjective   = dualObjectiveValue(sdp, dualObjectiveReduced, basicIndices, dualResidues);
+    status.dualError       = maxAbsVector(dualResidues);
+    status.primalObjective = sdp.objectiveConst + dotProduct(sdp.primalObjective, x);
+    status.dualObjective   = sdp.objectiveConst + dotProduct(sdp.dualObjective, y);
     const bool isPrimalFeasible = status.primalError  < parameters.primalErrorThreshold;
     const bool isDualFeasible   = status.dualError    < parameters.dualErrorThreshold;
@@ -694,8 +620,8 @@ SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters,
     if (isPrimalFeasible && isDualFeasible && isOptimal)
       return PrimalDualOptimal;
-    else if (isDualFeasible && status.dualObjective > parameters.maxDualObjective)
-      return DualFeasibleMaxObjectiveExceeded;
+    else if (isDualFeasible && parameters.findDualFeasible)
+      return DualFeasible;
     initializeSchurComplementSolver(BilinearPairingsXInv, BilinearPairingsY);
@@ -729,6 +655,8 @@ SDPSolverTerminateReason SDPSolver::run(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters,
     addVector(x, dx);
     dX *= primalStepLength;
     X += dX;
+    scaleVector(dy, dualStepLength);
+    addVector(y, dy);
     dY *= dualStepLength;
     Y += dY;
diff --git a/src/SDPSolver.h b/src/SDPSolver.h
index bf1bd7a..e8d3bd6 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolver.h
+++ b/src/SDPSolver.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ public:
   int maxRuntime;
   int checkpointInterval;
   bool saveFinalCheckpoint;
+  bool findDualFeasible;
   int precision;
   int maxThreads;
   Real dualityGapThreshold;
@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ public:
   Real feasibleCenteringParameter;
   Real infeasibleCenteringParameter;
   Real stepLengthReduction;
-  Real maxDualObjective;
   Real maxComplementarity;
   void resetPrecision() {
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ public:
     setPrecision(feasibleCenteringParameter,   precision);
     setPrecision(infeasibleCenteringParameter, precision);
     setPrecision(stepLengthReduction,          precision);
-    setPrecision(maxDualObjective,             precision);
     setPrecision(maxComplementarity,           precision);
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ public:
 enum SDPSolverTerminateReason {
-  DualFeasibleMaxObjectiveExceeded,
+  DualFeasible,
@@ -84,26 +83,19 @@ public:
   // current point
   Vector x;
   BlockDiagonalMatrix X;
+  Vector y;
   BlockDiagonalMatrix Y;
   // search direction
   Vector dx;
   BlockDiagonalMatrix dX;
+  Vector dy;
   BlockDiagonalMatrix dY;
   // discrepancies in dual and primal equality constraints
   Vector dualResidues;
-  Vector dualResiduesReduced;
   BlockDiagonalMatrix PrimalResidues;
-  // For free variable elimination
-  Matrix FreeVarMatrixReduced;
-  Matrix FreeVarMatrixBasicLU;
-  vector<Integer> FreeVarMatrixBasicPivots;
-  Vector dualObjectiveReduced;
-  vector<int> basicIndices;
-  vector<int> nonBasicIndices;
   // intermediate computations
   BlockDiagonalMatrix XCholesky;
   BlockDiagonalMatrix YCholesky;
@@ -137,7 +129,7 @@ public:
   SDPSolverTerminateReason run(const SDPSolverParameters &parameters, const path checkpointFile);
   void initializeSchurComplementSolver(const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsXInv,
                                        const BlockDiagonalMatrix &BilinearPairingsY);
-  void solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx);
+  void solveSchurComplementEquation(Vector &dx, Vector &dz);
   void computeSearchDirection(const Real &beta, const Real &mu, const bool correctorPhase);
   Vector freeVariableSolution();
   void saveCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile);
diff --git a/src/SDPSolverIO.cpp b/src/SDPSolverIO.cpp
index a974300..e36224c 100644
--- a/src/SDPSolverIO.cpp
+++ b/src/SDPSolverIO.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverParameters& p) {
   os << "maxRuntime                   = " << p.maxRuntime                   << endl;
   os << "checkpointInterval           = " << p.checkpointInterval           << endl;
   os << "saveFinalCheckpoint          = " << p.saveFinalCheckpoint          << endl;
+  os << "findDualFeasible             = " << p.findDualFeasible             << endl;
   os << "precision(actual)            = " << p.precision << "(" << mpf_get_default_prec() << ")" << endl;
   os << "maxThreads                   = " << p.maxThreads                   << endl;
   os << "dualityGapThreshold          = " << p.dualityGapThreshold          << endl;
@@ -62,7 +63,6 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverParameters& p) {
   os << "feasibleCenteringParameter   = " << p.feasibleCenteringParameter   << endl;
   os << "infeasibleCenteringParameter = " << p.infeasibleCenteringParameter << endl;
   os << "stepLengthReduction          = " << p.stepLengthReduction          << endl;
-  os << "maxDualObjective             = " << p.maxDualObjective             << endl;
   os << "maxComplementarity           = " << p.maxComplementarity           << endl;
   return os;
@@ -72,15 +72,15 @@ ostream &operator<<(ostream& os, const SDPSolverTerminateReason& r) {
   case PrimalDualOptimal:
     os << "found primal-dual optimal solution";
+  case DualFeasible:
+    os << "found dual feasible solution";
+    break;
   case MaxIterationsExceeded:
     os << "maxIterations exceeded";
   case MaxRuntimeExceeded:
     os << "maxRuntime exceeded";
-  case DualFeasibleMaxObjectiveExceeded:
-    os << "found dual feasible solution with dualObjective exceeding maxDualObjective";
-    break;
   case MaxComplementarityExceeded:
     os << "maxComplementarity exceeded";
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ void SDPSolver::saveCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile) {
   boost::filesystem::ofstream ofs(checkpointFile);
   boost::archive::text_oarchive ar(ofs);
   cout << "Saving checkpoint to    : " << checkpointFile << endl;
-  boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, Y);
+  boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, y, Y);
   timers["Save checkpoint"].start();
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void SDPSolver::loadCheckpoint(const path &checkpointFile) {
   boost::filesystem::ifstream ifs(checkpointFile);
   boost::archive::text_iarchive ar(ifs);
   cout << "Loading checkpoint from : " << checkpointFile << endl;
-  boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, Y);
+  boost::serialization::serializeSDPSolverState(ar, x, X, y, Y);
 void SDPSolver::saveSolution(const SDPSolverTerminateReason terminateReason, const path &outFile) {
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ void SDPSolver::saveSolution(const SDPSolverTerminateReason terminateReason, con
   ofs << "primalError     = " << status.primalError     << ";\n";
   ofs << "dualError       = " << status.dualError       << ";\n";
   ofs << "runtime         = " << float(timers["Run solver"].elapsed().wall)/1000000000 << ";\n";
-  ofs << "freeVariables   = " << freeVariableSolution() << ";\n";
+  ofs << "y = " << y << ";\n";
+  ofs << "Y = " << Y << ";\n";
   ofs << "x = " << x << ";\n";
   ofs << "X = " << X << ";\n";
-  ofs << "Y = " << Y << ";\n";
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 15eef50..81a8d1d 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      "Save a final checkpoint after terminating (useful to turn off when debugging).")
+    ("findDualFeasible",
+     po::value<bool>(&parameters.findDualFeasible)->default_value(false),
+     "Terminate once a dual feasible solution is found.")
      "Maximum number of iterations to run the solver.")
@@ -155,9 +158,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      "Shrink each newton step by this factor (smaller means slower, more "
      "stable convergence). Corresponds to SDPA's gammaStar.")
-    ("maxDualObjective",
-     po::value<Real>(&parameters.maxDualObjective)->default_value(Real("1e10")),
-     "Terminate if the dual objective exceeds this value.")
      "Terminate if the complementarity mu = Tr(X Y)/dim(X) exceeds this value.")
diff --git a/src/serialize.h b/src/serialize.h
index 376cacd..bfd24d2 100644
--- a/src/serialize.h
+++ b/src/serialize.h
@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ namespace boost {
     template<class Archive>
-    void serializeSDPSolverState(Archive& ar, Vector &x, BlockDiagonalMatrix &X, BlockDiagonalMatrix &Y) {
+    void serializeSDPSolverState(Archive& ar, Vector &x, BlockDiagonalMatrix &X, Vector &y, BlockDiagonalMatrix &Y) {
       ar & x;
       ar & X;
+      ar & y;
       ar & Y;
diff --git a/src/tests.cpp b/src/tests.cpp
index e99d96e..a0de85d 100644
--- a/src/tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests.cpp
@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ void testCholeskyStabilize() {
   cout << "A = " << A << ";\n";
   cout << "L = " << L << ";\n";
-  stabilizeCholesky(L, updateVector, updateIndices, lambdaGM);
-  cout << "updateIndices = " << updateIndices << ";\n";
-  cout << "L = " << L << "\n;";
-  cout << "lambdaGM = " << lambdaGM << ";\n";
   vector<Integer> stabilizeIndices;
   vector<Real> stabilizeLambdas;
@@ -42,41 +37,6 @@ void testCholeskyStabilize() {
   cout << "stabilizeLambdas = " << stabilizeLambdas << ";\n";
-void testLinearlyIndependentRowIndices() {
-  Matrix A(8,3);
-  A.elt(0,0)=0;
-  A.elt(0,1)=0;
-  A.elt(0,2)=0;
-  A.elt(1,0)=1;
-  A.elt(1,1)=0;
-  A.elt(1,2)=1;
-  A.elt(2,0)=0;
-  A.elt(2,1)=1;
-  A.elt(2,2)=0;
-  A.elt(3,0)=0;
-  A.elt(3,1)=0;
-  A.elt(3,2)=0;
-  A.elt(4,0)=0;
-  A.elt(4,1)=1;
-  A.elt(4,2)=1;
-  A.elt(5,0)=1;
-  A.elt(5,1)=1;
-  A.elt(5,2)=0;
-  A.elt(6,0)=1;
-  A.elt(6,1)=0;
-  A.elt(6,2)=1;
-  A.elt(7,0)=1;
-  A.elt(7,1)=0;
-  A.elt(7,2)=1;
-  cout << "A = " << A << ";\n";
-  vector<int> rows = linearlyIndependentRowIndices(A);
-  cout << "Aprime = " << A << ";\n";
-  cout << "rows = " << rows << ";\n";
 void testCholeskyUpdate() {
   Matrix A(4,4);
   Matrix B(A);

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