[sdpb] 136/233: Added SDPB.m

Tobias Hansen thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:30 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sdpb.

commit 113c25e34ffa51a391ec59dfd4cf4492f3fbf405
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at athena.sns.ias.edu>
Date:   Sun Feb 1 17:44:17 2015 -0500

    Added SDPB.m
 mathematica/SDPB.m | 280 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 280 insertions(+)

diff --git a/mathematica/SDPB.m b/mathematica/SDPB.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e36e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathematica/SDPB.m
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+(* ::Package:: *)
+prec = 200;
+(* A matrix with constant anti-diagonals given by the list bs *)
+antiBandMatrix[bs_] := Module[
+    {n = Ceiling[Length[bs]/2]},
+    Reverse[Normal[
+        SparseArray[
+            Join[
+                Table[Band[{i, 1}] -> bs[[n - i + 1]], {i, n}],
+                Table[Band[{1, i}] -> bs[[n + i - 1]], {i, 2, n}]],
+            {n, n}]]]];
+(* DampedRational[c, {p1, p2, ...}, b, x] stands for c b^x / ((x-p1)(x-p2)...) *)
+(* It satisfies the following identities *)
+DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, x + a_] := 
+    DampedRational[base^a const, # - a & /@ poles, base, x];
+DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, a_ /; FreeQ[a, x]] := 
+    const base^a/Product[a - p, {p, poles}];
+DampedRational/:x DampedRational[const_, poles_ /; MemberQ[poles, 0], base_, x] :=
+    DampedRational[const, DeleteCases[poles, 0], base, x];
+(* bilinearForm[f, m] = Integral[x^m f[x], {x, 0, Infinity}] *)
+(* The special case when f[x] has no poles *)
+bilinearForm[DampedRational[const_, {}, base_, x], m_] :=
+    const Gamma[1+m] (-Log[base])^(-1-m);
+(* The general DampedRational case *)
+bilinearForm[DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, x], m_] := 
+    const Sum[
+        ((-poles[[i]])^m) ( base^poles[[i]]) Gamma[1 + m] memoizeGamma[-m, poles[[i]] Log[base]]/
+        Product[poles[[i]] - p, {p, Delete[poles, i]}],
+        {i, Length[poles]}];
+(* orthogonalPolynomials[f, n] is a set of polynomials with degree 0
+through n which are orthogonal with respect to the measure f[x] dx *)
+orthogonalPolynomials[const_ /; FreeQ[const, x], 0] := {1/Sqrt[const]};
+orthogonalPolynomials[const_ /; FreeQ[const, x], degree_] := 
+    error["can't get orthogonal polynomials of nonzero degree for constant measure"];
+orthogonalPolynomials[DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, x], degree_] := 
+    Table[x^m, {m, 0, degree}] . Inverse[
+        CholeskyDecomposition[
+            antiBandMatrix[
+                Table[bilinearForm[DampedRational[const, Select[poles, # < 0&], base, x], m],
+                      {m, 0, 2 degree}]]]];
+(* Preparing SDP for Export *)
+rho = SetPrecision[3-2 Sqrt[2], prec];
+rescaledLaguerreSamplePoints[n_] := Table[
+    SetPrecision[\[Pi]^2 (-1+4k)^2/(-64n Log[rho]), prec],
+    {k,0,n-1}];
+maxIndexBy[l_,f_] := SortBy[
+    Transpose[{l,Range[Length[l]]}],
+    -f[First[#]]&][[1,2]];
+(* finds v' such that a . v = First[v'] + a' . Rest[v'] when normalization . a == 1, where a' is a vector of length one less than a *)
+reshuffleWithNormalization[normalization_, v_] := Module[
+    {j = maxIndexBy[normalization, Abs], const},
+    const = v[[j]]/normalization[[j]];
+    Prepend[Delete[v - normalization*const, j], const]];
+(* XML Exporting *)
+nf[x_Integer] := x;
+nf[x_] := NumberForm[SetPrecision[x,prec],prec,ExponentFunction->(Null&)];
+safeCoefficientList[p_, x_] := Module[
+    {coeffs = CoefficientList[p, x]},
+    If[Length[coeffs] > 0, coeffs, {0}]];
+WriteBootstrapSDP[file_, SDP[objective_, normalization_, positiveMatricesWithPrefactors_]] := Module[
+    {
+        stream = OpenWrite[file],
+        node, real, int, vector, polynomial,
+        polynomialVector, polynomialVectorMatrix,
+        affineObjective, polynomialVectorMatrices
+    },
+    (* write a single XML node to file.  children is a routine that writes child nodes when run. *)
+    node[name_, children_] := (
+        WriteString[stream, "<", name, ">"];
+        children[];
+        WriteString[stream, "</", name, ">\n"];
+    );
+    real[r_][] := WriteString[stream, nf[r]];
+    int[i_][] := WriteString[stream, i];
+    vector[v_][] := Do[node["elt", real[c]], {c, v}];
+    polynomial[p_][] := Do[node["coeff", real[c]], {c, safeCoefficientList[p,x]}];
+    polynomialVector[v_][] := Do[node["polynomial", polynomial[p]], {p, v}];
+    polynomialVectorMatrix[PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[prefactor_, m_]][] := Module[
+        {degree = Max[Exponent[m, x]], samplePoints, sampleScalings, bilinearBasis},
+        samplePoints   = rescaledLaguerreSamplePoints[degree + 1];
+        sampleScalings = Table[prefactor /. x -> a, {a, samplePoints}];
+        bilinearBasis  = orthogonalPolynomials[prefactor, Floor[degree/2]];
+        node["rows", int[Length[m]]];
+        node["cols", int[Length[First[m]]]];
+        node["elements", Function[
+            {},
+            Do[node[
+                "polynomialVector",
+                polynomialVector[reshuffleWithNormalization[normalization,pv]]],
+               {row, m}, {pv, row}]]];
+        node["samplePoints", vector[samplePoints]];
+        node["sampleScalings", vector[sampleScalings]];
+        node["bilinearBasis", polynomialVector[bilinearBasis]];
+    ];
+    node["sdp", Function[
+        {},
+        node["objective", vector[reshuffleWithNormalization[normalization, objective]]];
+        node["polynomialVectorMatrices", Function[
+            {},
+            Do[node["polynomialVectorMatrix", polynomialVectorMatrix[pvm]], {pvm, positiveMatricesWithPrefactors}];
+        ]];
+    ]];                                          
+    Close[stream];
+(*Test Computations*)
+(* Maximize {a,b}.{0,-1} = -b over {a,b} such that {a,b}.{1,0}=a=1 and 
+E^(-x)(a(1+x^4) + b(x^4/12 + x^2)) >= 0 for all x>=0
+1+x^4 + b(x^4/12 + x^2) >= 0 for all x >= 0
+The prefactor DampedRational[1,{},1/E,x] doesn't affect the answer,
+but does affect the choice of sample scalings and bilinear basis.
+testSDP[datFile_] := Module[
+    {
+        pols = {PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[DampedRational[1,{}, 1/E,x], {{{1 + x^4, x^4/12 + x^2}}}]},
+        norm = {1, 0},
+        obj  = {0, -1}
+    },
+    WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile, SDP[obj, norm, pols]];];
+(* A similar computation to the above, except with nontrivial matrix semidefiniteness constraints *)
+testSDPMatrix[datFile_] := Module[
+    {
+        pols = {
+            PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[
+                DampedRational[1, {}, 1/E, x],
+                {{{1 + x^4, 1 + x^4/12 + x^2}, {x^2,     x/5}},
+                 {{x^2,     x/5},              {2 + x^4, x^4/3 + 2*x^2}}}],
+            PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[
+                DampedRational[1, {}, 1/E, x],
+                {{{1 + 3x^4/4, 1 + x^4/12 + x^2}, {x^2,     1/2 + x/5}},
+                 {{x^2,     1/2 + x/5},        {2 + 3x^4/5, x^4/3 + 2*x^2}}}]
+        },
+        norm = {1, 0},
+        obj  = {0, -1}
+    },
+    WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile, SDP[obj, norm, pols]];];
+(*2d Bootstrap Example*)
+error[msg_] := (Print[msg]; Exit[];);
+floatToString[x_]:=If[Abs[x]<10^(-10),"0", ToString[CForm[SetAccuracy[x,10]]]];
+(* Fail with an error message if a file doesn't exist *)
+safeGet[file_] := If[FileExistsQ[file], Get[file], error[file <> " does not exist. Exiting."];];
+(* Fail with an error message if a file doesn't exist *)
+safeImport[file_] := If[FileExistsQ[file], Import[file], error[file <> " does not exist. Exiting."];];
+(* Memoize rcDerivPolTable so we don't fetch files multiple times *)
+(* This is the old basic table with thresholds instead of keptPoleOrder *)
+rcDerivPolTable[nmax_] := (
+    rcDerivPolTable[nmax] = safeGet[
+        $HomeDirectory<>"/Dropbox/SDP3D/rho-expansion/rcDerivTable-nmax"<>ToString[nmax]<>"-thresh10E-2-order60-shifting-allL.m"]);
+(* These are the newer tables with keptPoleOrder *)
+derivPolTable[d_, delta12_, delta34_, L_, nmax_, keptPoleOrder_, order_] :=
+    safeImport[
+        StringJoin[
+            tableDir,
+            "/nmax",            ToString[nmax],
+            "/zzbDerivTable-d", ToString[N[d]],
+            "-delta12-",        floatToString[delta12],
+            "-delta34-",        floatToString[delta34],
+            "-L",               ToString[L],
+            "-nmax",            ToString[nmax],
+            "-keptPoleOrder",   ToString[keptPoleOrder],
+            "-order",           ToString[order], 
+            ".mx"]];
+(* Computation Setup *)
+seriesDataToRules[ruleName_,series_] := Module[
+    {toRule},
+    toRule[expr_,{m_,n_}] := ruleName[m-1,n-1]->(m-1)!(n-1)!expr;
+    toRule[expr_,_]       := expr;
+    Flatten[MapIndexed[toRule,Normal[series],2]]
+(* Here we use that z and zb are symmetric *)
+withDeltaPhiToWithoutDeltaPhi[DeltaPhi_][mMax_,nMax_] := Module[
+    {series, half},
+    half = SetPrecision[1/2,prec];
+    series = Series[
+        ((1-z) (1-zb))^DeltaPhi f[z,zb]/.{z->half+dz,zb->half+dzb},
+    {dz,0,mMax},
+    {dzb,0,nMax}
+    ] // Normal;
+    CoefficientList[series,{dz,dzb}]/.{
+        Derivative[j_,k_][f][_,_]:>zzbDeriv[Max[j,k],Min[j,k]],
+        f[_,_]:>zzbDeriv[0,0]
+                                      }
+    ]
+oddDerivs[nMax_]  := Flatten[Table[withDeltaPhiDeriv[n+i-1,n-i]/((n+i-1)!(n-i)!),{n,1,nMax},{i,1,n}]];
+evenDerivs[nMax_] := Flatten[Table[withDeltaPhiDeriv[n+i-2,n-i]/((n+i-2)!(n-i)!),{n,1,nMax},{i,1,n}]];
+singletSpectrumDisallowed[datFile_][deltaSigLowPrec_,deltaEpsLowPrec_,nmax_,Lmax_] := Module[
+    {
+        coeffs,unitOp,norm,obj,
+        DeltaScalarShift=SetPrecision[deltaEpsLowPrec-1,prec],
+        DeltaPhi=SetPrecision[deltaSigLowPrec,prec],
+        addDeltaPhi,
+        pols
+    },
+    addDeltaPhi=withDeltaPhiToWithoutDeltaPhi[DeltaPhi][2nmax,2nmax];
+    (* FIXME! *)
+    pols=Table[
+        PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[DampedRational[1,{},rho,x], {{
+            Expand[
+                Expand[
+                    Expand[
+                        oddDerivs[nmax]/.addDeltaPhi
+                          ]/.zzbToRcTable[nmax]
+                      ]/.rcDerivPolTable[nmax][[L+1]]
+                  ]
+         }}],
+        {L,0,Lmax,2}
+    ];
+    unitOp=oddDerivs[nmax]/.addDeltaPhi/.{
+        zzbDeriv[0,0]->1,
+        zzbDeriv[_,_]->0
+    };
+    pols = MapAt[#/.x->x+DeltaScalarShift&,pols,1];
+    norm = unitOp;
+    obj = 0*unitOp;
+    WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile,SDP[obj,norm,pols]];

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