[sdpb] 143/233: Separated SDPB.m from examples
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:31 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sdpb.
commit f5b7223741841f9ef13c1141f22834c774ec1081
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at athena.sns.ias.edu>
Date: Mon Feb 2 01:23:04 2015 -0500
Separated SDPB.m from examples
mathematica/BootstrapExample.m | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
mathematica/SDPB.m | 147 -----------------------------------------
mathematica/Tests.m | 44 ++++++++++++
3 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mathematica/BootstrapExample.m b/mathematica/BootstrapExample.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd092cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathematica/BootstrapExample.m
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+(* Examples *)
+(* 2d Bootstrap Example *)
+error[msg_] := (Print[msg]; Exit[];);
+floatToString[x_]:=If[Abs[x]<10^(-10),"0", ToString[CForm[SetAccuracy[x,10]]]];
+(* Fail with an error message if a file doesn't exist *)
+safeGet[file_] := If[FileExistsQ[file], Get[file], error[file <> " does not exist. Exiting."];];
+(* Fail with an error message if a file doesn't exist *)
+safeImport[file_] := If[FileExistsQ[file], Import[file], error[file <> " does not exist. Exiting."];];
+(* Memoize rcDerivPolTable so we don't fetch files multiple times *)
+(* This is the old basic table with thresholds instead of keptPoleOrder *)
+rcDerivPolTable[nmax_] := (
+ rcDerivPolTable[nmax] = safeGet[
+ $HomeDirectory<>"/Dropbox/SDP3D/rho-expansion/rcDerivTable-nmax"<>ToString[nmax]<>"-thresh10E-2-order60-shifting-allL.m"]);
+(* These are the newer tables with keptPoleOrder *)
+derivPolTable[d_, delta12_, delta34_, L_, nmax_, keptPoleOrder_, order_] :=
+ safeImport[
+ StringJoin[
+ tableDir,
+ "/nmax", ToString[nmax],
+ "/zzbDerivTable-d", ToString[N[d]],
+ "-delta12-", floatToString[delta12],
+ "-delta34-", floatToString[delta34],
+ "-L", ToString[L],
+ "-nmax", ToString[nmax],
+ "-keptPoleOrder", ToString[keptPoleOrder],
+ "-order", ToString[order],
+ ".mx"]];
+(* Computation Setup *)
+seriesDataToRules[ruleName_,series_] := Module[
+ {toRule},
+ toRule[expr_,{m_,n_}] := ruleName[m-1,n-1]->(m-1)!(n-1)!expr;
+ toRule[expr_,_] := expr;
+ Flatten[MapIndexed[toRule,Normal[series],2]]
+(* Here we use that z and zb are symmetric *)
+withDeltaPhiToWithoutDeltaPhi[DeltaPhi_][mMax_,nMax_] := Module[
+ {series, half},
+ half = SetPrecision[1/2,prec];
+ series = Series[
+ ((1-z) (1-zb))^DeltaPhi f[z,zb]/.{z->half+dz,zb->half+dzb},
+ {dz,0,mMax},
+ {dzb,0,nMax}
+ ] // Normal;
+ CoefficientList[series,{dz,dzb}]/.{
+ Derivative[j_,k_][f][_,_]:>zzbDeriv[Max[j,k],Min[j,k]],
+ f[_,_]:>zzbDeriv[0,0]
+ }
+ ]
+oddDerivs[nMax_] := Flatten[Table[withDeltaPhiDeriv[n+i-1,n-i]/((n+i-1)!(n-i)!),{n,1,nMax},{i,1,n}]];
+evenDerivs[nMax_] := Flatten[Table[withDeltaPhiDeriv[n+i-2,n-i]/((n+i-2)!(n-i)!),{n,1,nMax},{i,1,n}]];
+singletSpectrumDisallowed[datFile_][deltaSigLowPrec_,deltaEpsLowPrec_,nmax_,Lmax_] := Module[
+ {
+ coeffs,unitOp,norm,obj,
+ DeltaScalarShift=SetPrecision[deltaEpsLowPrec-1,prec],
+ DeltaPhi=SetPrecision[deltaSigLowPrec,prec],
+ addDeltaPhi,
+ pols
+ },
+ addDeltaPhi=withDeltaPhiToWithoutDeltaPhi[DeltaPhi][2nmax,2nmax];
+ (* FIXME! *)
+ pols=Table[
+ PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[DampedRational[1,{},rho,x], {{
+ Expand[
+ Expand[
+ Expand[
+ oddDerivs[nmax]/.addDeltaPhi
+ ]/.zzbToRcTable[nmax]
+ ]/.rcDerivPolTable[nmax][[L+1]]
+ ]
+ }}],
+ {L,0,Lmax,2}
+ ];
+ unitOp=oddDerivs[nmax]/.addDeltaPhi/.{
+ zzbDeriv[0,0]->1,
+ zzbDeriv[_,_]->0
+ };
+ pols = MapAt[#/.x->x+DeltaScalarShift&,pols,1];
+ norm = unitOp;
+ obj = 0*unitOp;
+ WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile,SDP[obj,norm,pols]];
diff --git a/mathematica/SDPB.m b/mathematica/SDPB.m
index 3e36e83..a25a094 100644
--- a/mathematica/SDPB.m
+++ b/mathematica/SDPB.m
@@ -131,150 +131,3 @@ WriteBootstrapSDP[file_, SDP[objective_, normalization_, positiveMatricesWithPre
-(*Test Computations*)
-(* Maximize {a,b}.{0,-1} = -b over {a,b} such that {a,b}.{1,0}=a=1 and
-E^(-x)(a(1+x^4) + b(x^4/12 + x^2)) >= 0 for all x>=0
-1+x^4 + b(x^4/12 + x^2) >= 0 for all x >= 0
-The prefactor DampedRational[1,{},1/E,x] doesn't affect the answer,
-but does affect the choice of sample scalings and bilinear basis.
-testSDP[datFile_] := Module[
- {
- pols = {PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[DampedRational[1,{}, 1/E,x], {{{1 + x^4, x^4/12 + x^2}}}]},
- norm = {1, 0},
- obj = {0, -1}
- },
- WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile, SDP[obj, norm, pols]];];
-(* A similar computation to the above, except with nontrivial matrix semidefiniteness constraints *)
-testSDPMatrix[datFile_] := Module[
- {
- pols = {
- PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[
- DampedRational[1, {}, 1/E, x],
- {{{1 + x^4, 1 + x^4/12 + x^2}, {x^2, x/5}},
- {{x^2, x/5}, {2 + x^4, x^4/3 + 2*x^2}}}],
- PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[
- DampedRational[1, {}, 1/E, x],
- {{{1 + 3x^4/4, 1 + x^4/12 + x^2}, {x^2, 1/2 + x/5}},
- {{x^2, 1/2 + x/5}, {2 + 3x^4/5, x^4/3 + 2*x^2}}}]
- },
- norm = {1, 0},
- obj = {0, -1}
- },
- WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile, SDP[obj, norm, pols]];];
-(*2d Bootstrap Example*)
-error[msg_] := (Print[msg]; Exit[];);
-floatToString[x_]:=If[Abs[x]<10^(-10),"0", ToString[CForm[SetAccuracy[x,10]]]];
-(* Fail with an error message if a file doesn't exist *)
-safeGet[file_] := If[FileExistsQ[file], Get[file], error[file <> " does not exist. Exiting."];];
-(* Fail with an error message if a file doesn't exist *)
-safeImport[file_] := If[FileExistsQ[file], Import[file], error[file <> " does not exist. Exiting."];];
-(* Memoize rcDerivPolTable so we don't fetch files multiple times *)
-(* This is the old basic table with thresholds instead of keptPoleOrder *)
-rcDerivPolTable[nmax_] := (
- rcDerivPolTable[nmax] = safeGet[
- $HomeDirectory<>"/Dropbox/SDP3D/rho-expansion/rcDerivTable-nmax"<>ToString[nmax]<>"-thresh10E-2-order60-shifting-allL.m"]);
-(* These are the newer tables with keptPoleOrder *)
-derivPolTable[d_, delta12_, delta34_, L_, nmax_, keptPoleOrder_, order_] :=
- safeImport[
- StringJoin[
- tableDir,
- "/nmax", ToString[nmax],
- "/zzbDerivTable-d", ToString[N[d]],
- "-delta12-", floatToString[delta12],
- "-delta34-", floatToString[delta34],
- "-L", ToString[L],
- "-nmax", ToString[nmax],
- "-keptPoleOrder", ToString[keptPoleOrder],
- "-order", ToString[order],
- ".mx"]];
-(* Computation Setup *)
-seriesDataToRules[ruleName_,series_] := Module[
- {toRule},
- toRule[expr_,{m_,n_}] := ruleName[m-1,n-1]->(m-1)!(n-1)!expr;
- toRule[expr_,_] := expr;
- Flatten[MapIndexed[toRule,Normal[series],2]]
-(* Here we use that z and zb are symmetric *)
-withDeltaPhiToWithoutDeltaPhi[DeltaPhi_][mMax_,nMax_] := Module[
- {series, half},
- half = SetPrecision[1/2,prec];
- series = Series[
- ((1-z) (1-zb))^DeltaPhi f[z,zb]/.{z->half+dz,zb->half+dzb},
- {dz,0,mMax},
- {dzb,0,nMax}
- ] // Normal;
- CoefficientList[series,{dz,dzb}]/.{
- Derivative[j_,k_][f][_,_]:>zzbDeriv[Max[j,k],Min[j,k]],
- f[_,_]:>zzbDeriv[0,0]
- }
- ]
-oddDerivs[nMax_] := Flatten[Table[withDeltaPhiDeriv[n+i-1,n-i]/((n+i-1)!(n-i)!),{n,1,nMax},{i,1,n}]];
-evenDerivs[nMax_] := Flatten[Table[withDeltaPhiDeriv[n+i-2,n-i]/((n+i-2)!(n-i)!),{n,1,nMax},{i,1,n}]];
-singletSpectrumDisallowed[datFile_][deltaSigLowPrec_,deltaEpsLowPrec_,nmax_,Lmax_] := Module[
- {
- coeffs,unitOp,norm,obj,
- DeltaScalarShift=SetPrecision[deltaEpsLowPrec-1,prec],
- DeltaPhi=SetPrecision[deltaSigLowPrec,prec],
- addDeltaPhi,
- pols
- },
- addDeltaPhi=withDeltaPhiToWithoutDeltaPhi[DeltaPhi][2nmax,2nmax];
- (* FIXME! *)
- pols=Table[
- PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[DampedRational[1,{},rho,x], {{
- Expand[
- Expand[
- Expand[
- oddDerivs[nmax]/.addDeltaPhi
- ]/.zzbToRcTable[nmax]
- ]/.rcDerivPolTable[nmax][[L+1]]
- ]
- }}],
- {L,0,Lmax,2}
- ];
- unitOp=oddDerivs[nmax]/.addDeltaPhi/.{
- zzbDeriv[0,0]->1,
- zzbDeriv[_,_]->0
- };
- pols = MapAt[#/.x->x+DeltaScalarShift&,pols,1];
- norm = unitOp;
- obj = 0*unitOp;
- WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile,SDP[obj,norm,pols]];
diff --git a/mathematica/Tests.m b/mathematica/Tests.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154f347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathematica/Tests.m
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(* Examples *)
+(* The following is the example in the manual *)
+(* Maximize {a,b}.{0,-1} = -b over {a,b} such that {a,b}.{1,0}=a=1 and
+E^(-x)(a(1+x^4) + b(x^4/12 + x^2)) >= 0 for all x>=0
+1+x^4 + b(x^4/12 + x^2) >= 0 for all x >= 0
+The prefactor DampedRational[1,{},1/E,x] doesn't affect the answer,
+but does affect the choice of sample scalings and bilinear basis.
+testSDP[datFile_] := Module[
+ {
+ pols = {PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[DampedRational[1,{}, 1/E,x], {{{1 + x^4, x^4/12 + x^2}}}]},
+ norm = {1, 0},
+ obj = {0, -1}
+ },
+ WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile, SDP[obj, norm, pols]];];
+(* A similar computation to the above, except with nontrivial matrix semidefiniteness constraints *)
+testSDPMatrix[datFile_] := Module[
+ {
+ pols = {
+ PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[
+ DampedRational[1, {}, 1/E, x],
+ {{{1 + x^4, 1 + x^4/12 + x^2}, {x^2, x/5}},
+ {{x^2, x/5}, {2 + x^4, x^4/3 + 2*x^2}}}],
+ PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[
+ DampedRational[1, {}, 1/E, x],
+ {{{1 + 3x^4/4, 1 + x^4/12 + x^2}, {x^2, 1/2 + x/5}},
+ {{x^2, 1/2 + x/5}, {2 + 3x^4/5, x^4/3 + 2*x^2}}}]
+ },
+ norm = {1, 0},
+ obj = {0, -1}
+ },
+ WriteBootstrapSDP[datFile, SDP[obj, norm, pols]];];
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/sdpb.git
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