[sdpb] 145/233: Some fixes to Readme and manual

Tobias Hansen thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:31 UTC 2017

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thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sdpb.

commit 6614e28f477f55c3f64830566d76fb33526f99ef
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <davidsd at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Feb 4 17:51:13 2015 -0500

    Some fixes to Readme and manual
 Readme.md            |   4 ++--
 docs/SDPB-Manual.pdf | Bin 285089 -> 285326 bytes
 docs/SDPB-Manual.tex |  17 +++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index ac531ac..8f7674b 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ systems of correlation functions:
 - SDPB Makes extensive use of [MPACK](http://mplapack.sourceforge.net/), the multiple precision linear algebra library written by Nakata Maho.  Several source files from MPACK are included in the SDPB source tree (see the license at the top of those files).
-- SDPB uses Lee Thomason's [tinyxml2](http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml2/) library for parsing.
+- SDPB uses Lee Thomason's [tinyxml2](http://www.grinninglizard.com/tinyxml2/) library (included in the source tree) for parsing.
-- The design of SDPB was partially based on the solver [SDPA](http://sdpa.sourceforge.net/), without which this software would never have been written.
+- The design of SDPB was partially based on the solvers [SDPA](http://sdpa.sourceforge.net/) and SDPA-GMP, which were essential sources of inspiration and examples.
 - Thanks to Filip Kos, David Poland, and Alessandro Vichi for collaboration in developing semidefinite programming methods for the conformal bootstrap and assistance testing SDPB.
diff --git a/docs/SDPB-Manual.pdf b/docs/SDPB-Manual.pdf
index f75f323..46c1cb9 100644
Binary files a/docs/SDPB-Manual.pdf and b/docs/SDPB-Manual.pdf differ
diff --git a/docs/SDPB-Manual.tex b/docs/SDPB-Manual.tex
index 8edfd47..6fb78b2 100644
--- a/docs/SDPB-Manual.tex
+++ b/docs/SDPB-Manual.tex
@@ -368,12 +368,12 @@ d &\equiv& c - \Tr(A_* Y) - B y,
 measure the failure of $x,X,y,Y$ to satisfy their constraints.  We say a point $q=(x,X,y,Y)$ is ``primal feasible" or ``dual feasible" if the residues are sufficiently small, 
-\textrm{primal feasible:} & \max_{i,j}\{|p_i|, |P_{ij}|\} &<& \texttt{primalFeasibleThreshold};\\
-\textrm{dual feasible:} & \max_i\{|d_i|\} &<& \texttt{dualFeasibleThreshold},
+\textrm{primal feasible:} & \texttt{primalError} &\equiv& \max_{i,j}\{|p_i|, |P_{ij}|\} &<& \texttt{primalErrorThreshold};\\
+\textrm{dual feasible:} & \texttt{dualError} &\equiv&\max_i\{|d_i|\} &<& \texttt{dualErrorThreshold},\nn\\
-where $\texttt{primalFeasibleThreshold}\ll 1$ and $\texttt{dualFeasibleThreshold} \ll 1$ are parameters chosen by the user.
+where $\texttt{primalErrorThreshold}\ll 1$ and $\texttt{dualErrorThreshold} \ll 1$ are parameters chosen by the user.
 An optimal point should be both primal and dual feasible, and have (nearly) equal primal and dual objective values.  Specifically, let us define $\texttt{dualityGap}$ as the normalized difference between the primal and dual objective functions
@@ -555,8 +555,8 @@ systems of correlation functions \cite{Kos:2014bka}.
-\SDPB\ Makes extensive use of \texttt{MPACK} \cite{MPACK}, the multiple precision linear algebra library written by Nakata Maho.  Several source files from \texttt{MPACK} are included in the \SDPB\ source tree (see the license at the top of those files). \SDPB\ uses Lee Thomason's \texttt{tinyxml2} library \cite{TINYXML2} for parsing.
-The design of \SDPB\ was partially based on the solvers \texttt{SDPA} and \texttt{SDPA-GMP} \cite{SDPA,SDPA2,SDPAGMP}, without which this software would never have been written.
+\SDPB\ Makes extensive use of \texttt{MPACK} \cite{MPACK}, the multiple precision linear algebra library written by Nakata Maho.  Several source files from \texttt{MPACK} are included in the \SDPB\ source tree (see the license at the top of those files). \SDPB\ uses the Boost C++ libraries \cite{BoostSite} and Lee Thomason's \texttt{tinyxml2} library \cite{TINYXML2} for parsing.
+\SDPB\ was partially based on the solvers \texttt{SDPA} and \texttt{SDPA-GMP} \cite{SDPA,SDPA2,SDPAGMP}, which were essential sources of inspiration and examples.
 Thanks to Filip Kos, David Poland, and Alessandro Vichi for collaboration in developing semidefinite programming methods for the conformal bootstrap and assistance testing \SDPB.  Thanks to Amir Ali Ahmadi, Hande Benson, Pablo Parrilo, and Robert Vanderbei for advice and discussions about semidefinite programming.
@@ -615,6 +615,11 @@ Thanks to Filip Kos, David Poland, and Alessandro Vichi for collaboration in dev
+  C++ Standards Committee Library Working Group and other contributors,
+  ``BOOST C++ Libraries,''
+  \href{http://www.boost.org}{http://www.boost.org}.
   L. Thomason,

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/sdpb.git

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