[sdpb] 147/233: Added Bootstrap2dExample.m

Tobias Hansen thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 9 04:06:31 UTC 2017

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thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sdpb.

commit 1f7e30066cd27a04b8f08a9a4e44c0d11dd8b9ff
Author: David Simmons-Duffin <dsd at ssh1.sns.ias.edu>
Date:   Thu Feb 5 18:18:04 2015 -0500

    Added Bootstrap2dExample.m
 mathematica/Bootstrap2dExample.m | 163 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 mathematica/SDPB.m               |  35 +++++++--
 2 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mathematica/Bootstrap2dExample.m b/mathematica/Bootstrap2dExample.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd7692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathematica/Bootstrap2dExample.m
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+(* ::Package:: *)
+half = SetPrecision[1/2,prec];
+rho[z_] := z/(1+Sqrt[1-z])^2;
+(* An SL_2 conformal block in the rho coordinate *)
+chiralBlock[x_, rho_] := rho^(x/2) Hypergeometric2F1[1/2,x/2,(x+1)/2,rho^2];
+(* Turn a series a_0 + a_1 x + ... into a list of rules { name[0] ->
+   0! a_0, name[1] -> 1! a_1, ... } *)
+seriesToRules[name_, series_] := Table[
+    (* series[[3]] is the list of coefficients *)
+    name[n] -> n! series[[3, n+1]],
+    {n, 0, Length[series[[3]]] - 1}];
+(* A list of replacement rules zDeriv[n] -> sum of rhoDeriv[k]'s
+giving the derivatives of a function with respect to z around 1/2 in
+terms of derivatives with respect to rho around rho[1/2] *)
+zDerivTable[order_] :=
+    (zDerivTable[order] =
+     Module[{dRhoSeries = Series[rho[half+dz] - rho[half], {dz, 0, order}]},
+            seriesToRules[zDeriv, Sum[rhoDeriv[n] dRhoSeries^n / n!, {n, 0, order}]]]);
+(* A table of the form { prefactor, { zDeriv[n] -> polynomial_n(x),
+... } }, where prefactor * polynomial_n(x) approximates the n-th
+derivative of a chiral conformal bock around z=1/2 *)
+chiralBlockTable[derivativeOrder_, keptPoleOrder_] :=
+    (chiralBlockTable[derivativeOrder, keptPoleOrder] =
+     Module[
+         {
+             approx,
+             numerator,
+             prefactor,
+             poles,
+             derivTable
+         },
+         poles = Table[n, {n, 1, keptPoleOrder-1, 2}];
+         numerator = (Series[chiralBlock[x,rho], {rho, 0, keptPoleOrder}] Product[x+n, {n, poles}]) // Normal;
+         prefactor = DampedRational[1,Table[-n,{n,poles}],rhoCrossing^(1/2),x];
+         (* We compute derivatives with respect to rho and use
+         zDerivTable to convert to zDerivatives *)
+         derivTable = zDerivTable[derivativeOrder] /. Table[
+             rhoDeriv[n] -> ((rho^(-x/2) D[numerator, {rho,n}] // Expand) /. rho->rhoCrossing),
+             {n, 0, derivativeOrder}];
+         {prefactor,Expand[derivTable]}]);
+(* Replacement rules giving derivatives of (1-z)^deltaPhi f[z] around
+z=1/2 in terms of derivatives of f[z] *)
+withDeltaPhiDerivTable[deltaPhi_,order_] :=
+    seriesToRules[
+        withDeltaPhiDeriv,
+        Series[(half-dz)^deltaPhi f[half+dz], {dz, 0, order}] /. {
+            Derivative[j_][f][_] :> zDeriv[j],
+            f[_] :> zDeriv[0]}];
+(* A list of derivative such that m >= n, m+n <= derivativeOrder, and
+m+n is odd *)
+oddDerivs[derivativeOrder_] :=
+    Flatten[Table[zzbDeriv[m,n], 
+                  {m,0,derivativeOrder},
+                  {n, 1 - Mod[m,2], Min[m, derivativeOrder-m], 2}]
+            ,1];
+(* Test whether the point (deltaPhiLowPrecision,
+deltaPhi2LowPrecision) is allowed in a Z_2-symmetric CFT.
+derivativeOrder gives the number of derivatives to use, keptPoleOrder
+controls the accuracy of the conformal block approximation, and Lmax
+sets the number of included spins *)
+singletAllowed2d[deltaPhiLowPrecision_, deltaPhi2LowPrecision_, derivativeOrder_, keptPoleOrder_, Lmax_] :=
+    Module[
+        {
+            deltaPhi  = SetPrecision[deltaPhiLowPrecision,prec],
+            deltaPhi2 = SetPrecision[deltaPhi2LowPrecision,prec],
+            chiralBlocksPrefactor,
+            chiralBlockPols,
+            chiralBlocksWithDeltaPhi,
+            unitOp,
+            pols,
+            norm,
+            obj
+        },
+        {chiralBlocksPrefactor, chiralBlockPols} = chiralBlockTable[derivativeOrder, keptPoleOrder];
+        chiralBlocksWithDeltaPhi = withDeltaPhiDerivTable[deltaPhi, derivativeOrder] /. chiralBlockPols;
+        pols=Table[
+            PositiveMatrixWithPrefactor[
+                (chiralBlocksPrefactor/.x->x+2L) (chiralBlocksPrefactor),
+                (* These are 1x1 matrices of polynomial vectors *)
+                {{oddDerivs[derivativeOrder]/.{
+                    zzbDeriv[m_,n_] :> (
+                        (withDeltaPhiDeriv[m]/.chiralBlocksWithDeltaPhi /. x -> x+2L)
+                        (withDeltaPhiDeriv[n]/.chiralBlocksWithDeltaPhi) + 
+                        (withDeltaPhiDeriv[n]/.chiralBlocksWithDeltaPhi /. x -> x+2L)
+                        (withDeltaPhiDeriv[m]/.chiralBlocksWithDeltaPhi))
+                                              }//Expand}}],
+            {L, 0, Lmax, 2}];
+        (* Replace x -> x + deltaPhi2 for scalar operators *)
+        pols = MapAt[# /. x -> x + deltaPhi2 &, pols, 1];
+        unitOp = oddDerivs[derivativeOrder] /. {
+            zzbDeriv[m_,n_] :> 2 withDeltaPhiDeriv[m] withDeltaPhiDeriv[n]
+                                               } /. withDeltaPhiDerivTable[deltaPhi, derivativeOrder] /. {
+                                                   zDeriv[0] :> 1, zDeriv[_] :> 0};
+        norm = unitOp;
+        obj = 0*norm;
+        SolveBootstrapSDP[SDP[obj,norm,pols]]];
+(* This is not a recommended long-term solution for evaluating SDPs
+for the following reasons: 1) different sdpFiles should have unique
+names so that they can be sovled in parallel and so that their
+checkpoints and output files don't overwrite each other 2) The
+Run[...] command forces Mathematica to be running until sdpb
+finishes. It is better to use WriteBootstrapSDP instead of
+SolveBootstrapSDP and run sdpb by hand or with an external script. *)
+SolveBootstrapSDP[sdp_] := Module[
+    {
+        sdpFile = "mySDP.xml",
+        outFile = "mySDP.out"
+    },
+    WriteBootstrapSDP[sdpFile, sdp];
+    (* Most of the defaults are way over the top for this size
+    problem, but we'll use them because it's easy. If you want speed,
+    try fiddling with some of the parameters. *)
+    Run["sdpb", "-s", sdpFile,
+        "--findPrimalFeasible",
+        "--findDualFeasible",
+        "--noFinalCheckpoint"];
+    (* Careful! Simply evaluating the output file will bring a bunch
+    of variables into scope! *)
+    Get[outFile];
+    (* If we forget to clear x, it'll ruin everything *)
+    Clear[x,y];
+    Switch[
+        terminateReason,
+        "found primal feasible solution", True,
+        "found dual feasible solution", False,
+        _, Throw[terminateReason]]];
+(* For a binary-valued function f, find the value of x in the interval
+(true, false) where f changes from True to False, to within an error
+of thresh. *)
+binarySearch[f_, true_, false_, thresh_] := Module[
+    {test = (true + false)/2},
+    If[Abs[true - false] < thresh,
+       test,
+       WriteString["stdout", "> trying: ", test, "\n"];
+       If[f[test],
+          binarySearch[f, test, false, thresh],
+          binarySearch[f, true, test,  thresh]]]];
+(* Compute an approximate upper bound on deltaPhi^2, as a function of
+deltaPhi.  This function takes a few minutes to run *)
+bootstrapBound2d[] = Table[
+    WriteString["stdout", "> deltaPhi = ", deltaPhi, "\n"];
+    {deltaPhi,
+     binarySearch[
+         singletAllowed2d[deltaPhi, #, 7, 10, 15] &, 
+         0.1,
+         2,
+         0.02]},
+    {deltaPhi, 0.01,0.25,0.01}];
diff --git a/mathematica/SDPB.m b/mathematica/SDPB.m
index a25a094..92f0c93 100644
--- a/mathematica/SDPB.m
+++ b/mathematica/SDPB.m
@@ -25,20 +25,42 @@ DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, a_ /; FreeQ[a, x]] :=
 DampedRational/:x DampedRational[const_, poles_ /; MemberQ[poles, 0], base_, x] :=
     DampedRational[const, DeleteCases[poles, 0], base, x];
+DampedRational/:DampedRational[c1_,p1_,b1_,x] DampedRational[c2_,p2_,b2_,x] :=
+    DampedRational[c1 c2, Join[p1, p2], b1 b2, x];
 (* bilinearForm[f, m] = Integral[x^m f[x], {x, 0, Infinity}] *)
 (* The special case when f[x] has no poles *)
 bilinearForm[DampedRational[const_, {}, base_, x], m_] :=
     const Gamma[1+m] (-Log[base])^(-1-m);
-(* The general DampedRational case *)
-bilinearForm[DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, x], m_] := 
+(* The case where f[x] has only single poles *)
+(*bilinearForm[DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, x], m_] := 
     const Sum[
         ((-poles[[i]])^m) ( base^poles[[i]]) Gamma[1 + m] memoizeGamma[-m, poles[[i]] Log[base]]/
         Product[poles[[i]] - p, {p, Delete[poles, i]}],
-        {i, Length[poles]}];
+        {i, Length[poles]}];*)
+(* The case where f[x] can have single or double poles *)
+bilinearForm[DampedRational[c_, poles_, b_, x_], m_] := Module[
+    {
+        gatheredPoles = Gather[poles],
+        quotientCoeffs = CoefficientList[PolynomialQuotient[x^m, Product[x-p, {p, poles}], x], x],
+        integral, p, rest
+    },
+    integral[a_,1] := b^a Gamma[0, a Log[b]];
+    integral[a_,2] := -1/a + b^a Gamma[0, a Log[b]] Log[b];
+    c (Sum[
+        p = gatheredPoles[[n,1]];
+        rest = x^m / Product[x-q, {q, Join@@Delete[gatheredPoles, n]}];
+        Switch[Length[gatheredPoles[[n]]],
+               1, integral[p,1] rest /. x->p,
+               2, integral[p,2] rest + integral[p,1] D[rest, x] /. x->p],
+        {n, Length[gatheredPoles]}] + 
+       Sum[
+           quotientCoeffs[[n+1]] Gamma[1+n] (-Log[b])^(-1-n),
+           {n, 0, Length[quotientCoeffs]-1}])];
 (* orthogonalPolynomials[f, n] is a set of polynomials with degree 0
 through n which are orthogonal with respect to the measure f[x] dx *)
@@ -55,10 +77,10 @@ orthogonalPolynomials[DampedRational[const_, poles_, base_, x], degree_] :=
                       {m, 0, 2 degree}]]]];
 (* Preparing SDP for Export *)
-rho = SetPrecision[3-2 Sqrt[2], prec];
+rhoCrossing = SetPrecision[3-2 Sqrt[2], prec];
 rescaledLaguerreSamplePoints[n_] := Table[
-    SetPrecision[\[Pi]^2 (-1+4k)^2/(-64n Log[rho]), prec],
+    SetPrecision[\[Pi]^2 (-1+4k)^2/(-64n Log[rhoCrossing]), prec],
 maxIndexBy[l_,f_] := SortBy[
@@ -106,7 +128,6 @@ WriteBootstrapSDP[file_, SDP[objective_, normalization_, positiveMatricesWithPre
         samplePoints   = rescaledLaguerreSamplePoints[degree + 1];
         sampleScalings = Table[prefactor /. x -> a, {a, samplePoints}];
         bilinearBasis  = orthogonalPolynomials[prefactor, Floor[degree/2]];
         node["rows", int[Length[m]]];
         node["cols", int[Length[First[m]]]];
         node["elements", Function[

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