[pulseview] 04/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.0'
Zoltan Gyarmati
zgyarmati-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 29 21:43:20 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
zgyarmati-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository pulseview.
commit f8316f8a174912c94705ac40c2055963b9a13dfe
Merge: 1176f80 2d67d35
Author: Zoltan Gyarmati <mr.zoltan.gyarmati at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Mar 1 02:14:47 2017 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.0'
Upstream version 0.3.0
CMake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake | 130 +
CMake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in | 41 +
CMake/cotire.cmake | 3185 --------------------
CMakeLists.txt | 288 +-
Doxyfile | 234 ++
HACKING | 2 +-
INSTALL | 22 +-
NEWS | 157 +
README | 10 +-
android/AndroidManifest.xml | 68 +
android/assetreader.cpp | 82 +
android/assetreader.hpp | 41 +
android/bundled_libs.xml.in | 24 +
android/custom_rules.xml | 123 +
android/loghandler.cpp | 103 +
android/loghandler.hpp | 39 +
android/res/layout/splash.xml | 20 +
android/res/values/libs.xml | 49 +
android/res/values/strings-pv.xml | 22 +
.../org/sigrok/pulseview/PulseViewActivity.java | 51 +
.../org/sigrok/pulseview/PulseViewApplication.java | 38 +
config.h.in | 1 +
...{pulseview_cross.nsi => pulseview_cross.nsi.in} | 51 +-
doc/pulseview.1 | 63 +-
extdef.h | 2 +-
icons/add-decoder.svg | 7 +
icons/channels.svg | 26 +
icons/decoder-hidden.svg | 41 +-
icons/decoder-shown.svg | 60 +-
icons/menu.svg | 21 +
icons/probes.svg | 72 -
icons/show-cursors.svg | 7 +
icons/sigrok-logo-notext.ico | Bin 9662 -> 9662 bytes
icons/sigrok-logo-notext.svg | 234 ++
icons/status-green.svg | 20 +-
icons/status-grey.svg | 20 +-
icons/status-red.svg | 20 +-
icons/trigger-change.svg | 87 +-
icons/trigger-falling.svg | 46 +-
icons/trigger-high.svg | 46 +-
icons/trigger-low.svg | 46 +-
...rigger-rising.svg => trigger-marker-change.svg} | 12 +-
...trigger-none.svg => trigger-marker-falling.svg} | 15 +-
.../{trigger-none.svg => trigger-marker-high.svg} | 15 +-
.../{trigger-rising.svg => trigger-marker-low.svg} | 11 +-
...rigger-rising.svg => trigger-marker-rising.svg} | 8 +-
icons/trigger-none.svg | 43 +-
icons/trigger-rising.svg | 46 +-
main.cpp | 105 +-
pulseview.qrc | 12 +-
pv/{data/signaldata.cpp => application.cpp} | 41 +-
pv/{view/marginwidget.cpp => application.hpp} | 23 +-
pv/{prop => }/binding/binding.cpp | 35 +-
pv/{prop/binding/binding.h => binding/binding.hpp} | 22 +-
.../decoderoptions.cpp => binding/decoder.cpp} | 99 +-
.../decoderoptions.h => binding/decoder.hpp} | 30 +-
pv/binding/device.cpp | 196 ++
pv/binding/device.hpp | 72 +
pv/binding/inputoutput.cpp | 119 +
pv/binding/inputoutput.hpp | 81 +
pv/data/analog.cpp | 29 +-
pv/data/{analog.h => analog.hpp} | 26 +-
pv/data/{analogsnapshot.cpp => analogsegment.cpp} | 98 +-
pv/data/{analogsnapshot.h => analogsegment.hpp} | 22 +-
pv/data/decode/annotation.cpp | 21 +-
pv/data/decode/{annotation.h => annotation.hpp} | 14 +-
pv/data/decode/decoder.cpp | 71 +-
pv/data/decode/{decoder.h => decoder.hpp} | 31 +-
pv/data/decode/row.cpp | 32 +-
pv/data/decode/{row.h => row.hpp} | 14 +-
pv/data/decode/rowdata.cpp | 11 +-
pv/data/decode/{rowdata.h => rowdata.hpp} | 10 +-
pv/data/decoderstack.cpp | 272 +-
pv/data/{decoderstack.h => decoderstack.hpp} | 78 +-
pv/data/logic.cpp | 41 +-
pv/data/{logic.h => logic.hpp} | 31 +-
pv/data/{logicsnapshot.cpp => logicsegment.cpp} | 180 +-
pv/data/{logicsnapshot.h => logicsegment.hpp} | 54 +-
pv/data/segment.cpp | 110 +
pv/data/{snapshot.h => segment.hpp} | 47 +-
pv/data/signaldata.cpp | 22 +-
pv/data/{signaldata.h => signaldata.hpp} | 24 +-
pv/data/snapshot.cpp | 95 -
pv/device/device.cpp | 104 -
pv/device/devinst.cpp | 139 -
pv/device/devinst.h | 95 -
pv/device/file.cpp | 66 -
pv/device/inputfile.cpp | 143 -
pv/device/inputfile.h | 68 -
pv/device/sessionfile.cpp | 75 -
pv/device/sessionfile.h | 47 -
pv/devicemanager.cpp | 205 +-
pv/devicemanager.h | 75 -
pv/devicemanager.hpp | 83 +
pv/devices/device.cpp | 99 +
pv/devices/device.hpp | 85 +
pv/{data/signaldata.cpp => devices/file.cpp} | 29 +-
pv/{device/file.h => devices/file.hpp} | 33 +-
pv/devices/hardwaredevice.cpp | 133 +
pv/devices/hardwaredevice.hpp | 68 +
pv/devices/inputfile.cpp | 106 +
pv/{view/viewport.h => devices/inputfile.hpp} | 57 +-
.../signaldata.cpp => devices/sessionfile.cpp} | 36 +-
pv/{dialogs/about.h => devices/sessionfile.hpp} | 37 +-
pv/dialogs/about.cpp | 40 +-
pv/dialogs/{about.h => about.hpp} | 14 +-
pv/dialogs/about.ui | 2 +-
pv/dialogs/connect.cpp | 242 +-
pv/dialogs/{connect.h => connect.hpp} | 57 +-
pv/dialogs/{about.h => inputoutputoptions.cpp} | 54 +-
pv/dialogs/inputoutputoptions.hpp | 71 +
pv/dialogs/storeprogress.cpp | 45 +-
pv/dialogs/{storeprogress.h => storeprogress.hpp} | 23 +-
pv/mainwindow.cpp | 825 +++--
pv/mainwindow.h | 122 -
pv/mainwindow.hpp | 212 ++
pv/popups/channels.cpp | 260 ++
pv/popups/{probes.h => channels.hpp} | 65 +-
pv/popups/deviceoptions.cpp | 29 +-
pv/popups/{deviceoptions.h => deviceoptions.hpp} | 24 +-
pv/popups/probes.cpp | 258 --
pv/prop/binding/deviceoptions.cpp | 192 --
pv/prop/binding/deviceoptions.h | 72 -
pv/prop/bool.cpp | 38 +-
pv/prop/{bool.h => bool.hpp} | 12 +-
pv/prop/double.cpp | 55 +-
pv/prop/{double.h => double.hpp} | 20 +-
pv/prop/enum.cpp | 57 +-
pv/prop/{enum.h => enum.hpp} | 20 +-
pv/prop/int.cpp | 125 +-
pv/prop/{int.h => int.hpp} | 18 +-
pv/prop/property.cpp | 10 +-
pv/prop/{property.h => property.hpp} | 23 +-
pv/prop/string.cpp | 42 +-
pv/prop/{string.h => string.hpp} | 12 +-
pv/session.cpp | 682 +++++
pv/session.hpp | 200 ++
pv/sigsession.cpp | 650 ----
pv/sigsession.h | 204 --
pv/storesession.cpp | 224 +-
pv/{storesession.h => storesession.hpp} | 58 +-
pv/toolbars/mainbar.cpp | 565 ++++
pv/toolbars/{samplingbar.h => mainbar.hpp} | 89 +-
pv/toolbars/samplingbar.cpp | 450 ---
pv/util.cpp | 239 ++
pv/util.hpp | 130 +
pv/view/analogsignal.cpp | 158 +-
pv/view/{analogsignal.h => analogsignal.hpp} | 74 +-
pv/view/cursor.cpp | 142 +-
pv/view/{cursor.h => cursor.hpp} | 43 +-
pv/view/cursorpair.cpp | 143 +-
pv/view/cursorpair.hpp | 111 +
pv/view/decodetrace.cpp | 626 ++--
pv/view/decodetrace.h | 191 --
pv/view/decodetrace.hpp | 217 ++
pv/view/flag.cpp | 112 +
pv/view/{cursorpair.h => flag.hpp} | 60 +-
pv/view/header.cpp | 342 +--
pv/view/{header.h => header.hpp} | 70 +-
pv/view/logicsignal.cpp | 465 ++-
pv/view/logicsignal.h | 119 -
pv/view/logicsignal.hpp | 155 +
pv/view/marginwidget.cpp | 51 +-
pv/view/{selectableitem.h => marginwidget.hpp} | 61 +-
pv/view/{marginwidget.cpp => rowitem.cpp} | 10 +-
pv/view/{marginwidget.h => rowitem.hpp} | 25 +-
pv/view/ruler.cpp | 354 +--
pv/view/ruler.h | 84 -
pv/view/ruler.hpp | 180 ++
pv/view/selectableitem.cpp | 66 -
pv/view/signal.cpp | 94 +-
pv/view/{signal.h => signal.hpp} | 67 +-
pv/view/signalscalehandle.cpp | 107 +
pv/view/signalscalehandle.hpp | 93 +
pv/view/{marginwidget.cpp => timeitem.cpp} | 17 +-
pv/view/{marginwidget.h => timeitem.hpp} | 39 +-
pv/view/timemarker.cpp | 163 +-
pv/view/timemarker.h | 113 -
pv/view/timemarker.hpp | 133 +
pv/view/trace.cpp | 213 +-
pv/view/trace.h | 203 --
pv/view/trace.hpp | 145 +
pv/view/tracegroup.cpp | 226 ++
pv/view/tracegroup.hpp | 133 +
pv/view/tracepalette.cpp | 2 +-
pv/view/{tracepalette.h => tracepalette.hpp} | 6 +-
pv/view/tracetreeitem.cpp | 147 +
pv/view/tracetreeitem.hpp | 142 +
pv/view/tracetreeitemowner.cpp | 130 +
pv/view/tracetreeitemowner.hpp | 117 +
pv/view/triggermarker.cpp | 82 +
pv/view/triggermarker.hpp | 86 +
pv/view/view.cpp | 1102 +++++--
pv/view/view.h | 214 --
pv/view/view.hpp | 404 +++
pv/view/viewitem.cpp | 139 +
pv/view/viewitem.hpp | 178 ++
pv/view/viewitemiterator.hpp | 129 +
.../decode/rowdata.cpp => view/viewitemowner.cpp} | 44 +-
pv/view/viewitemowner.hpp | 96 +
.../device.h => view/viewitempaintparams.cpp} | 46 +-
pv/view/viewitempaintparams.hpp | 92 +
pv/view/viewport.cpp | 236 +-
pv/view/viewport.hpp | 110 +
pv/view/viewwidget.cpp | 301 ++
pv/view/viewwidget.hpp | 152 +
pv/widgets/colourbutton.cpp | 40 +-
pv/widgets/{colourbutton.h => colourbutton.hpp} | 16 +-
pv/widgets/colourpopup.cpp | 18 +-
pv/widgets/{colourpopup.h => colourpopup.hpp} | 20 +-
pv/widgets/decodergroupbox.cpp | 46 +-
.../{decodergroupbox.h => decodergroupbox.hpp} | 15 +-
pv/widgets/decodermenu.cpp | 19 +-
pv/widgets/{decodermenu.h => decodermenu.hpp} | 12 +-
pv/widgets/devicetoolbutton.cpp | 153 +
pv/widgets/devicetoolbutton.hpp | 105 +
pv/widgets/exportmenu.cpp | 99 +
pv/widgets/{decodermenu.h => exportmenu.hpp} | 33 +-
.../signaldata.cpp => widgets/hidingmenubar.cpp} | 35 +-
pv/widgets/{colourpopup.h => hidingmenubar.hpp} | 49 +-
pv/widgets/importmenu.cpp | 89 +
pv/widgets/{decodermenu.h => importmenu.hpp} | 33 +-
pv/widgets/popup.cpp | 101 +-
pv/widgets/{popup.h => popup.hpp} | 16 +-
pv/widgets/popuptoolbutton.cpp | 14 +-
.../{popuptoolbutton.h => popuptoolbutton.hpp} | 12 +-
pv/widgets/sweeptimingwidget.cpp | 81 +-
.../{sweeptimingwidget.h => sweeptimingwidget.hpp} | 20 +-
pv/widgets/timestampspinbox.cpp | 121 +
pv/widgets/timestampspinbox.hpp | 93 +
pv/widgets/wellarray.cpp | 50 +-
pv/widgets/{wellarray.h => wellarray.hpp} | 18 +-
signalhandler.cpp | 32 +-
signalhandler.h => signalhandler.hpp | 16 +-
test/CMakeLists.txt | 180 +-
.../data/{analogsnapshot.cpp => analogsegment.cpp} | 48 +-
test/data/decoderstack.cpp | 24 +-
test/data/{logicsnapshot.cpp => logicsegment.cpp} | 208 +-
test/test.cpp | 6 +
test/{test.cpp => test.hpp} | 12 +-
test/util.cpp | 240 ++
test/view/ruler.cpp | 172 ++
242 files changed, 16354 insertions(+), 11682 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/pulseview.git
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