[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [OASIS members] Second Call For Presentations - OASIS Symposium in Reliable Infrstructure
Mark Johnson
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 17:33:03 -0400
----- Forwarded message from "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org> -----
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 08:56:24 -0500
From: "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org>
Reply-To: karl.best@oasis-open.org
Subject: [OASIS members] Second Call For Presentations - OASIS Symposium in
Reliable Infrstructure
To: members@lists.oasis-open.org, xml-dev@lists.xml.org
The OASIS Symposium on Reliable Infrastructures for XML (with Annual
General Meeting and Technical Committee meetings to follow) April 26th
through 29th, 2004 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Second Call for Presentations
OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards, invites you to submit a proposal for a presentation, panel
discussion or tutorial for the OASIS Symposium on Reliable
Infrastructures for XML (including, but not limited to, web services
architectures). The goals of the symposium are to:
* Provide a forum for OASIS Technical Committee members to exchange
ideas and present results of ongoing work, works-in-progress, etc.;
* Identify areas where coordination between standards efforts is needed
to promote interoperability;
* Identify unaddressed topics where standards development is needed;
* Enable outside experts to present issues / opportunities to OASIS members.
The symposium will be followed immediately with two days (April 28th and
29th)reserved for OASIS Technical Committees, Joint Committees and
Member Sections to use for face-to-face working sessions. Conference
rooms will be available to TC's to use for their meetings based on the
number of rooms booked at the designated hotel; space is limited. The
OASIS Annual General Meeting will also be held in conjunction with the
Event Information
The OASIS Symposium will be held on Monday, April 26th and Tuesday,
April 27th at the Marriott in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The symposium
registration fee for OASIS members is 265 USD. The OASIS Annual General
Meeting will be held Tuesday evening. All OASIS members are invited to
For more information, please go to
Many different (and partially interchangeable) technologies are proposed
or available to increase the reliability of XML-based messaging and
networking infrastructure. These include technologies applied:
* At the transport layer (e.g. reliable messaging specifications);
* At the application layer (e.g. transaction protocols);
* At intermediate levels (e.g. routing, point-to-point compared to
* By using Message-Oriented Middleware as a carrier for XML messages.
We define "reliable" to mean that implementing one or more of these
technologies in an infrastructure removes some of the burden of ensuring
application integrity from software programmers and architects.
The OASIS Symposium is focused on exploring the current state of these
technologies and exploring areas where open standards are needed.
The symposium program committee invites you to submit a proposal for a
presentation, panel discussion or tutorial that addresses technologies
and standards for reliable XML infrastructures.
Presentations should be 30 minutes long including question and answer.
Sessions will consist of related presentations, ending with a
question-and-answer session directed to the presenters.
Panel sessions should be 60 minutes long. Proposals for panels should
include the topic, 3-to-4 potential panelists (name and/or role) and
proposed format (e.g. Q&A, short presentations).
Tutorials should be 1/2 day sessions. Tutorial proposals should state
intended audience and learning objectives.
Proposals should address topics in reliability as applied to XML-based
communications at the technology and implementation levels, ideally
driven by usage scenarios. Special consideration will be given to
proposals that:
* Compare and contrast multiple related technologies (clear comparisons
of published and forthcoming XML transaction protocols) with a view
toward guidance for application architects;
* Support and consider decisions about choice of appropriate
technologies (e.g. use of reliable messaging and simpler protocols
rather than transactional termination protocols);
* Place OASIS technologies in a broader context of competing or
complementary specifications (e.g. relating OASIS work to the variety of
published reliable messaging specifications);
* Consider alternative approaches to transaction management (e.g. local
rollback versus compensation-based protocols);
* Compare reliability techniques for environmental models containing
benign threats versus malign threats;
* Consider techniques for ensuring accountability of origin and receipt;
* Discuss the impact of digital signatures and encryption on reliability
OASIS will publish proceedings of the symposium. Authors should arrange
for any necessary releases for publication prior to submission of their
To submit a proposal, please send the following information by email to
* The full contact details (name, affiliation, email, phone, postal
address) of one presenter who will act as the primary contact for the
proposal or panel discussion;
* The full list of authors;
* A 1-page abstract outlining the subject and key points of your
proposal, panel discussion or tutorial.
All submissions will be acknowledged.
Important dates
Symposium 26th and 27th April 2004
Location New Orleans
Proposals Due 9 February 2004
Notification to submitters 15 March 2004
Materials Due 12 April 2004
Program Committee
The Program Committee is the OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB):
* Karl Best, OASIS
* Derek Coleman, HP
* William Cox, BEA
* Chet Ensign, LexisNexis
* Chris Ferris, IBM
* Eduardo Gutentag, Sun
* Jackson He, Intel
* Tim Moses, Entrust
* Krishna Sankar, Cisco
* Pete Wenzel, SeeBeyond
For further information, send email to symposium@oasis-open.org.
This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium
communications. Opt-out requests may be sent to
member_services@oasis-open.org, however, all members are strongly
encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
----- End forwarded message -----
Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org>
Debian XML/SGML: <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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