[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [OASIS members] OASIS TC Call For Participation: oBIX TC
Mark Johnson
Thu, 13 May 2004 16:10:06 -0400
----- Forwarded message from "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org> -----
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 10:47:04 -0400
From: "Karl F. Best" <karl.best@oasis-open.org>
Reply-To: karl.best@oasis-open.org
Subject: [OASIS members] OASIS TC Call For Participation: oBIX TC
To: members@lists.oasis-open.org, tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org,
xml-dev@lists.xml.org, new-work@ietf.org, obix@lists.oasis-open.org
A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS Open Building
Information Exchange (oBIX) TC has been proposed by the following
members of OASIS: Dave Clute, Cisco Systems; Paul Ehrlich, Trane; John
Petze, Tridium; Toby Considine, University of North Carolina; Byron
Hill, Johnson Controls; Jeremy Roberts, LonMark International; Sam Yang
and Richard Blomseth, Echelon; and Anto Budiardjo and Anno Scholten,
Individual members.
The proposal for a new TC meets the requirements of the OASIS TC Process
(see http://oasis-open.org/committees/process.shtml), and is appended to
this message. The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of
deliverables, audience, and language specified in the proposal will
constitute the TC's charter. The TC Process allows these items to be
clarified (revised); such clarifications (revisions), as well as
submissions of technology for consideration by the TC and the beginning
of technical discussions, may occur no sooner than the TC's first meeting.
As specified by the OASIS TC Process, the requirements for becoming a
member of the TC at the first meeting are that you must 1) be an
employee of an OASIS member organization or an Individual member of
OASIS; 2) notify the TC chair of your intent to participate at least 15
days prior to the first meeting; and 3) attend the first meeting of the
TC. For OASIS members, to register for the TC using the OASIS
collaborative tools, go to the TC's public web page at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/obix and click on the button for
"Join This TC" at the top of the page. You may add yourself to the
roster of the TC either as a Prospective Member (if you intend to become
a member of the TC) or an Observer. A notice will automatically be sent
to the TC chair, which fulfills requirement #2 above.
OASIS members may also join the TC after the first meeting. Note that
membership in OASIS TCs is by individual, and not by organization.
Non-OASIS members may read the TC's mail list archive, view the TC's web
page, and send comments to the TC using a web form available on the TC's
web page; click the "Send A Comment" button. The archives of the TC's
mail list and public comments are visible at
Further information about the topic of this TC may be found on the Cover
Pages under "XML and Web Services for Facilities Automation Systems" at
A FAQ for the TC is available on the TC's web page at
Karl F. Best
Vice President, OASIS
office +1 978.667.5115 x206 mobile +1 978.761.1648
karl.best@oasis-open.org http://www.oasis-open.org
Name of the Proposed TC:
OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX) TC
Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of the OASIS Open Building Information Exchange (oBIX) TC is
to define a standard web services protocol to enable communications
between building mechanical and electrical systems and enterprise
applications. This protocol will enable facilities and their operations
to be managed as full participants in knowledge-based businesses.
The oBIX specification will utilize web services for exchange of
information with the mechanical and electrical systems in commercial
Presently most mechanical and electrical systems are provided with
embedded digital controls (DDC). Most of these devices are low cost and
not enabled for TCP/IP. They are installed with dedicated communications
wiring. Larger DDC controllers provide network communications for these
dedicated controllers. There are several well established binary
protocols (BACnet, LonTalk, Modbus, DALI) that are used on these
dedicated networks in addition to numerous proprietary protocols. While
these binary protocols can be used over TCP/IP networks - they have
challenges with routers, firewalls, security, and compatibility with
other network applications. There is an added challenge in that the
industry is split between several largely incompatible protocols.
Because oBIX integrates with the enterprise, it will enable mechanical
and electrical control systems to provide continuous visibility of
operational status and performance, flagging problems and trends for
system analysis or human attention.
OBIX provides a technology that enables facilities operators, owners and
tenants to make decisions based on a fully integrated consideration of
all life-cycle, environmental, cost, and performance factors.
The scope of the oBIX TC is to develop a publicly available web services
interface specification that can be used to obtain data in a simple and
secure manner from HVAC, access control, utilities, and other building
automation systems, and to provide data exchange between facility
systems and enterprise applications. In addition, the TC will develop
implementation guidelines, as needed, to facilitate the development of
products that use the web service interface. Work outside of the above
will be considered out of scope for the TC.
List of Deliverables:
Release 1 (Completion date: end of 2004):
* Standard for the exchange of data between systems in a secure manner.
* Eventing of data (alarms and events)
* Logs of data for trending variables such as temperature
The intent of the committee is to complete several iterations of this
standard, each of which will add in additional functionality. In
addition the committee intends to address the issues of interoperability
and conformance testing, and further revision and maintenance of the
specification. Deliverables related to these ongoing efforts will be
added to the TC charter in accordance with the OASIS TC Process.
Anticipated Audience:
1) Owners and managers of commercial buildings
2) Manufacturers of Building Automation products
3) Consultants and designers of buildings and their sub-systems
4) The IT community that builds and manages networks
The following is informational only for the purposes of starting the TC,
and will not be part of the TC's charter:
Similar Work:
Work on this project has been under progress since 4/2003 under the
trade group known as CABA. Significant progress and structure is
already complete. See www.obix.org and www.caba.org for more information.
It is anticipated by the proposers that CABA will promote the technical
work done by the OASIS oBIX TC. Appropriate liaisons will be created
between the TC and CABA to coordinate efforts in this area.
Other significant work in the area of HVAC and Facility management
protocols has been achieved by ASHRAE (BACnet Standard) and also by
LonMark International. These are both Binary protocols and are designed
for use over various types of networks. For more details please refer to
www.bacnet.org and www.lonmark.org. Liaisons will be established with
these groups as appropriate.
List of Contributions:
It is anticipated by the proposers that the current oBIX working drafts,
completed under the CABA project, will be contributed to the TC at or
after the first meeting of the TC.
First meeting:
Date: 6/15/04
Time: 9:00 AM Central Time
Type of meeting: teleconference
Sponsor: Trane
Ongoing meeting schedule:
Weekly teleconferences; quarterly face to face meetings
Ongoing meeting sponsor: Tridium
Dave Clute, Cisco Systems, dclute@cisco.com
Paul Ehrlich, Trane, pehrlich@trane.com
John Petze, Tridium, Jpetze@tridium.com
Toby Considine, University of North Carolina, toby.considine@fac.unc.edu
Byron Hill, Johnson Controls, Byron.K.Hill@jci.com
Jeremy Roberts, LonMark International, jeremy@lonmark.org
Anto Budiardjo, Clasma, antob@clasma.com
Sam Yang, Echelon, syang@echelon.com
Richard Blomseth, Echelon, rich@echelon.com
Anno Scholten, Individual, anno@estructures.com
TC Convener:
Paul Ehrlich Pehrlich@trane.com
Proposed TC Chair:
Toby Considine toby.considine@fac.unc.edu
This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium
communications. Opt-out requests may be sent to
member_services@oasis-open.org, however, all members are strongly
encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
----- End forwarded message -----
Mark Johnson <mark@dulug.duke.edu>
Debian XML/SGML: <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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