[Debian-OASIS] Fwd: [announce] OASIS Member News
Mark Johnson
Thu, 13 May 2004 16:10:45 -0400
----- Forwarded message from Grace Sigona <gsigona@oss.com> -----
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 11:24:38 -0400
From: Grace Sigona <gsigona@oss.com>
Reply-To: Grace Sigona <gsigona@oss.com>
Subject: [announce] OASIS Member News
To: announce@lists.oasis-open.org
OSS Nokalva Announces XSD Tools
Somerset, N.J., April 19, 2004 - OSS Nokalva, Inc., a leading developer of
standards based software toolkits for building data communications
applications, announced today the availability of the OSS XSD Tools for
"Our exciting new XSD toolkit allows developers to take advantage of two
complementary technologies - XML and binary encoding. Now you can encode
XML data into highly compact binary encodings, achieving a superior
compression ratio at a very high speed" commented Bancroft Scott, President
of OSS Nokalva. "Our XSD Tools enable companies to leverage their
investment in XML technology by extending the reach of their XML data to
applications traditionally not well suited for XML based exchanges - such as
wireless and bandwidth constrained applications."
The OSS XSD Tools bind your XSD schema to C/C++ representations. Runtime
libraries provide fast encoding of values of these representations into XML
or highly compact binary encodings. Using standard, proven, binary encoding
rules we can achieve better speeds and rates of compaction than commonly
used compression algorithms. Decoders provide validation of incoming XML
documents, and fast transformation of those documents to values of the C/C++
The OSS XSD Tools deliver:
· Highly compact binary encodings
· Very fast transformation between XML and binary encodings
· Smaller application size
· Validation of your XSD schema
· Validation of XML instances against your XSD schema
· Interoperability between XSD and binary encoding based applications
Ana Greenspan, OSS' Director of Sales, stated, "Our XSD toolkit provides
developers with a standards-based, single tool solution, providing
efficiency, flexibility, and interoperability. Developers can now choose
the right option when they need it - binary encoding, XML, or both."
The OSS XSD Tools for C/C++, available now, include complete documentation,
online help, and 24 x 7 real time support. 30-day evaluations are
available. For more information, including purchasing and pricing details,
please visit www.oss.com, or contact our sales department at +1-888-677-2761
(Toll free USA and Canada), + 1-732-302-0750 (International), or email
About OSS Nokalva
OSS Nokalva, Inc., a privately held company in Somerset, New Jersey, USA
develops standards based software toolkits, and provides consulting services
to support software developers. OSS Nokalva has been instrumental in
shaping and developing both standards and technologies. For more
information, visit www.oss.com, contact our sales department at
+1-888-677-2761 (Toll free USA and Canada), +1-732-302-0750 (International),
or email info@oss.com.
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----- End forwarded message -----
Mark Johnson <mark@dulug.duke.edu>
Debian XML/SGML: <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page: <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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