[Debootloaders-silo] SILO package maintainership

Jurij Smakov jurij at wooyd.org
Wed Aug 15 21:42:40 UTC 2007

Hi Ben,

Just wanted to let you know, that the silo Debian package had been 
transitioned to team maintenance under the 'debootloaders' Alioth 
project. The debian/ directory of the package now lives in svn:


and a mailing list debootloaders-silo at lists.alioth.debian.org has been 
created and will be used for the Maintainer field (you are included as 
one of the package uploaders). We (meaning mostly Aurelien Gerome, who 
has been doing excellent job) are currently preparing a new upload, 
making the package compliant with the latest version of the policy.

Best regards,
Jurij Smakov                                           jurij at wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                      KeyID: C99E03CC

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