[Debootloaders-silo] New SILO package version available for testing

Jurij Smakov jurij at wooyd.org
Wed Aug 15 21:54:01 UTC 2007


Mostly due to the efforts of Aurelien Gerome, we now have a new 
policy-compliant SILO package available for testing. If you are 
interested and doing some early testing, and don't mind breaking
your system (chances of this are pretty slim), then grab the package


and let us know if you encounter any problems or regressions. If no 
significant problems are discovered by the weekend, the package will 
be uploaded to unstable. The changelog for the package is available 


Best regards,
Jurij Smakov                                           jurij at wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                      KeyID: C99E03CC

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