[Debtags-devel] kapture

Benjamin Mesing bensmail@gmx.net
Sun, 19 Dec 2004 18:41:58 +0100

> finite time. Also, you could bug Enrico (and possibly Michael Vogt) to help 
> out with libapt-front since currently i'm pretty much the only commiter in 
> there :/. The libapt-front is hosted on svn.debian.org (alioth), feel free to 
> look at it. If you could, building and doing a make check would be welcome, 
> even if nothing else

I've tried to fetch libapt-front but was not allowed to do so:

> svn co svn+ssh://bmesing-guest@alioth.debian.org/svn/libapt-front
svn: Berkeley DB error while opening environment for
filesystem /svn/libapt-front/db:
Permission denied

It seems that my permissions are not sufficient to get this project.

Any suggestions?

Greetings Ben