[Debtags-devel] New features!

Enrico Zini zinie@cs.unibo.it
Thu, 2 Sep 2004 00:10:01 +0200

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On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 03:30:59PM +0200, Erich Schubert wrote:

> a minor thing with the current faceted approach etc.
> I used to have "special::not-yet-tagged-a" actually being
> "special::not-yet-tagged::a",
> and IMHO we should rename these tags.
> So "special::not-yet-tagged" is both a tag and a facet!
> It is a tag for packages not starting with a letter but with a number
> (i'm not sure if this allowed in debian, i'll have to check) and a
> facet WRT navigation.

Packages starting with a number are allowed: 9wm, 3270-common, 3dwm and
so on.  However, this should not be a problem because all the debtags
tools split facet and tag on the first '::' occurrence, so the resulting
facet/tag structure would be:
      ...and so on...

You're then free to decide if you want to be "::[a-z]" or "-[a-z]":
either is fine for me and for the library: just commit a new vocabulary
at your liking.

> Right now, the "please help tagging untagged packages" link is broken,
> since it relied on the implications here.

You mean the link printed by "debtags related" when too many tags are
found or something else?

> A second thing we should start building are tag generation rules, such
> as "depends-on-gtk -> ui::gtk" and "depends on python -> implemented
> in python"
> with support for an exception list (such as python-dev not being
> implemented in python, same for packages depending on python-dev)

Project started!

  svn co svn+ssh://alioth.debian.org/svn/debtags/autodebtag/trunk autodebtag

There's a nice "autodebtag" script that does just that, and is ready to
host more ingenious and perverted ideas.  It's written in perl and works
printing a tag patch to stdout.



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