[Debtags-devel] Problems sending tag changes through debtags-edit.

Erich Schubert Erich Schubert <erich.schubert@gmail.com>
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 23:54:34 +0200

> Check the url above: "Do not email asking for removal of dynablock
> entries unless we have incorrectly listed an IP as dynamic that is
> not. IPs that really are dynamic will not be removed." What? They're
> crazy.

Well, i like this policy, that is why i chose to use this filter on
the mail server.
It does get the spam level down a lot. Usually, people on dialin lines
have a mail relay by their provider they are expected to use. IMHO
this is the way to go.
(And it does especially help keeping viruses away)

> Erich, can you disable this check if the subject contains 'Tag patch'
> and the body '...DEBTAGS DIFF V0.1...' ?

IIRC the subject is not checked, only the body. I'd really like to
keep this version string. It helps solving a lot of problems: other
mail attachments can silently be ignored, i don't have to try parsing
them and do some rollback or so if that fails.
Also using version strings helps keeping extendability higher. For
example when we decide to extend the debtags system to a "apropos"
datapase (i.e. tag binaries, not packages) i can just use the version

For your relaying-problem: i think the easiest solution is to setup
some mail forwarding. Maybe we can setup something like
"debtags-submit@debtags.alioth.debian.org" as forwarding. We can then
also switch database locations a lot easier.

@enrico: thanks for submitting his patch.

Erich Schubert
    erich@(mucl.de|debian.org)      --      GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C    (o_
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