[Debtags-devel] Approximating sarge's final package list
Thaddeus H. Black
Sun, 3 Apr 2005 17:59:20 +0000
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Debram (part of Debtags) needs something approximating
a final sarge package list. The latest
/dists/sarge/main/binary-i386/Packages file
(2 April 2005) is publicly available, and this probably
suffices, but I have one question for Colin or whoever
else can briefly answer.
Question: at the moment, does testing significantly lack
packages which
* were present in testing recently, and
* will probably rejoin testing before the release?
In other words, is the present Packages file materially
unreliable as an approximate final sarge package list?
If no, then I would just use the present Packages file.
If yes, then I have a backup plan.
If the question seems too subjective, I would say that
I am not especially worried about some libobscure-
newthingie-perl which might sneak into testing just
before the freeze. My concern is for older, established
packages which (for reasons I do not understand well)
happen temporarily to be absent from testing on my
sample date. Should I worry about this? Please advise.
Thaddeus H. Black
508 Nellie's Cave Road
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA
+1 540 961 0920, t@b-tk.org
(Please reply to me also, not just to the list.)
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