[Debtags-devel] poptags

Gustavo Franco gustavorfranco at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 21:33:09 UTC 2005

I'm writing this message to inform you that i did a small hack to
cross information from popcon with debtags, called poptags[0]. It
isn't strictly debtags but can be.

It's still in early stages of development but i aim to replace my
"apt-cache search regex" usage with "poptags regex or facet".

There's nothing better than usage examples:

stratus at deadhorse:~$ ./poptags culture::brazilian
fortunes-mario - 6575
apt-howto-pt-br - 7529
ibrazilian - 8292
myspell-pt-br - 9631
aspell-pt-br - 10103
kde-i18n-ptbr - 10347
openoffice.org-l10n-pt-br - 10721
brazilian-conjugate - 12154
debian-reference-pt-br - 12632
tz-brasil - 12785
mozilla-locale-ptbr - 12898
quick-reference-pt-br - 15366
maint-guide-pt - 15620
doc-linux-html-pt - 15762
koffice-i18n-ptbr - 16191
focalinux-html - 16501
debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br - 16930
doc-linux-text-pt - 16940
focalinux-text - 17933

stratus at deadhorse:~$ ./poptags debtags
debtags - 3244
debtags-edit - 7205
packagesearch - 8586
tagcoll - 9101
tagcolledit - 9574
libtagcoll1-dev - 16725
python-debtags - 17308
libdebtags1-dev - 17563
libtagcoll1-pic - 17668
libdebtags1-pic - 18082

Do you see? It's ugly but show the package name and its rank (by_inst)
on popcon. The poptags current TODO is into the code, please check
before bash me.

FYI, poptags uses marshal to cache popcon data but the cache is still
too stupid to "expire itself" or be installed in a system directory to
be used by anyone.

Let me know what you think about it and if it's worth to put the code
into debtags svn. It's just something that will be useful to me and
can be to others.

[0] = http://people.debian.org/~stratus/poptags

Best regards,
Gustavo Franco -- <stratus at debian.org>

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