[Debtags-devel] AI Tagger

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sun Aug 21 08:56:39 UTC 2005

On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 06:17:31PM +0000, Thaddeus H. Black wrote:

> > If they can do reverse build-dependencies, then you really, really have
> > to package them.
> Such words are sweet to any free-software writer's ear.  Thank you.
> However, where shall I find the time?  I am a much slower programmer
> than you are, Enrico, and I've already enough free-software work planned
> (including debtags) to fill my spare time for years to come; yet I would
> feel embarrassed to package Perl modules when a proper implementation
> would be done in C++ with libpcre.

I don't think people would care about the language it's implemented in.
And if someone did, they could really reimplement it themselves.

If you don't have time but would like to try, you can just implement the
Reverse-Build-Depends part, then make a tiny commandline wrapper that
does only that, and announce it on -devel with a link to download.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org>
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