[Debtags-devel] Re: Creating a Debtags 'license' facet
Andrew Suffield
Fri, 3 Jun 2005 22:06:48 +0100
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On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 04:20:05PM +0200, Enrico Zini wrote:
> in the Debtags development mailing list, we are discussing about the
> creation of a set of categories (which we call 'facet') about licenses,
> and we would like to include debian-legal in the discussion.
> The idea is to allow people to query packages such as "LGPL libraries to
> edit images". We can do "libraries to edit images" already, but we
> don't yet have categories for licenses.
> There has been a bit of discussion in the list already that you probably
> want to read:
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debtags-devel/2005-June/00040=
> More informations about Debtags and its way of classifying software can
> be found in the paper I submitted for Debconf5:
> http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/paper-debtags.html
> We'd be glad if you had comments to contribute to our discussion.
You've got a problem with this one, because licenses can be combined
conjunctively and disjunctively. So a package might be both entirely
under foo and entirely under bar (foo || bar), or it might be
partially under foo and partially under bar (foo && bar).
And last I checked, debtags wasn't really equipped to express stuff
like that.
.''`. ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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