[Debtags-devel] New version of Debtags stuff uploaded to experimental

Enrico Zini enrico@enricozini.org
Wed, 25 May 2005 21:48:52 +0200

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On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 11:54:02AM -0700, Erich Schubert wrote:

> > You can see, for example, that hwtech disappears from the top list and
> > reappears once you choose hardware::something.  Same happens with
> > games::* and use::gaming, accessibility and interface::*, and so on.
> Basically making it a subfacet of hardware then, doesn't it?
> we could just use hardware::tech::* from the beginning.

One problem is that that would mean imposing a rational (and possibly
incorrect) choice from the beginning, while the automatic
"hierarchization" follows the corpus of tags we have.=20

The other problem is that if you do hardware::tech, you force that
hwtech to appear under hardware, while in debtags-edit I've just looked
for use::playing and found a very nice hwtech::cd.

> I mean, my web packagebrowser doesn't know what a facet is at all. ;-)

Is that a feature?  I always considered it a bug :-P :)



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