[Debtags-devel] Protocols patch, complete

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at gmx.net
Mon Nov 21 16:27:35 UTC 2005


> > If so, I think this is a design mistake.
> > Implications in inherent to tagging, so it definitely must be handled
> > by the tag library.
> > Programs using libtagcoll should not have to reinvent autodebtag's
> > wheel.
> I don't understand: the idea is that the result of autodebtag is to be
> fed back to the package archive, and regularly.  In that respect,
> programs using libtagcoll will have no need to reinvent autodebtag's
> weel because they would find a complete set of tags anyway.
I think you are missing the point. Probably Hervé was not talking about
application using libtagcoll for debtags stuff, but e.g. for a browser,
or whatever else. So there is a different set of tags around there.

Best regards 


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