Tagging demoscene demos

Steinar H. Gunderson sesse at debian.org
Sat Aug 26 18:18:38 UTC 2006

[Please Cc me on replies, I'm not subscribed]

Cf. talking with Enrico on IRC:

Amoeba, which is a demoscene demo, is tagged under game::demos,
uitoolkit::gtk (fair enough, it uses GTK+ for a setup dialog if it's
available) and use::gameplaying. Given that many demosceners (including
myself, as one of the upstream authors of Amoeba) don't really want to have
their work associated with gaming, this is a bit unfortunate -- watching
demos may be entertainment, but it's definitely _not_ gameplaying. (Having
game::demos would be a bit like having project::open-source::gnu; I'm not
sure if RMS would approve of such a tagging ;-) )

Any ideas on how to reorganize this best?

/* Steinar */
Homepage: http://www.sesse.net/

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