Tagging demoscene demos

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at gmx.net
Tue Aug 29 09:22:01 UTC 2006


On Mon, 2006-08-28 at 22:55 +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 08:18:38PM +0200, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> > available) and use::gameplaying. Given that many demosceners (including
> > myself, as one of the upstream authors of Amoeba) don't really want to have
> > their work associated with gaming, this is a bit unfortunate -- watching
> > demos may be entertainment, but it's definitely _not_ gameplaying. (Having
> [...]
> > Any ideas on how to reorganize this best?
> I remember when we briefly chatted about this on IRC that you mentioned
> the word 'entertaining', and I think it's an interesting word. 
Just a thought: Wouldn't use:gameplaying imply use::entertaining? This
might not be a problem, but I think it would be wrong not to have this
Other examples for things that might be covered with entertaining are
xeyes, xodo, xscreensaver. But then it could also be background images
or something like that.

> It all definitely doesn't fit into game.  use::entertaining would be
> interesting, although I'd like something that centers roughly near
> dict-jargon, and touches amoeba, dict-devil, asr-manpages and
> funny-manpages.  And would encompass hypothetical packages such as
> funny-sounds-archive, hitchickers-guide-to-the-galaxy,
> gnutemberg-novels, computer-museum-hardware-manuals-from-the-70s.
> Book-like or radio-like or movie-like entertainment of some sort.  Where
> you absorb some sort of narration rather than exercise your skills.
> What is a word to describe that?
How about use::useless ;-) What I mean is: without a functional value
(use::idling) - but this was more a joke. 
The use tags we have till now are all about functionality (except for
learing perhaps) - that is they are only applicable for software. What
you name absorbing brings it pretty much to the point, we are missing
use:: tags for that sort of packages, which are mostly data packages.

Just some random thoughts now.

      * use::reading Meant to be read
      * use::watching Meant to be watched
      * use::listening Meant to be listened to

But, perhaps reading, watching and listening is not approproiate here
since it is covered by the data:: facet?
I noticed there is the role::amusement tag, perhaps use::amusing would
be suitable (though we could stick with use::entertaining).

To focus discussion let me collect some (hypothetical) packages we might
want to tag:
      * a cookbook
      * a guide how to care for a baby (use::learning?)
      * a DFSG free movie
      * a movie teaching karate (use::learning?)
      * background files and themes for your favourite
      * various audiofiles for funny system sounds
      * a clipart collection
      * internationalisation packages
      * some beautiful photos of the sea

If our goal is for every package to have at least one tag from the use
facet, we must find tags which cover those and potential other packages.
A good tag for themes and such could be:
      * use::customizing Customize programs and desktop environment

I have not great ideas for the other packages. With the use question
        What do you want to use the package for?

What would one answer e.g. to a cookbook package?
        I use this to lookup receipies.
I can't find a good tag name for such an answer though, and I am not
sure if those non-functional packages can be well covered inside the use



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