Please support experimental in the web tagger

Enrico Zini enrico at
Sat Dec 2 23:23:23 CET 2006

On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 02:03:09AM -0800, Josh Triplett wrote:

> A field in the package control file seems somewhat problematic, though.  In
> particular, if a package includes tags in its control file which prove
> incorrect or deficient, and the debtags mechanism provides more up to date
> tags, you end up with package with differing tags in its control/diff/source
> and in the Packages file.

I absolutely agree.  At the beginning I was of the idea that if a
maintainer wants to take control of the tag they can do it, and if
they get some tag wrong we can handle it through bug reports.

Now I wonder if it isn't more trouble than it's worth.

The parallel with section/priority unfortunately stands only up to some
point: there's much more information to be maintained with tags, and
it's very hard to concentrate in a single person or small group both the
manpower and the know-how to maintain the information well.

The model that seems to have most potential for most tags is to have
people adopt tags or facets, and ensure that the right packages are
properly tagged with the tags they adopted.

Unfortunately, infrastructure for this still does not exist.



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