[Proposal] Re: Ways of presenting tags

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at gmx.net
Fri Jun 30 17:12:14 UTC 2006


I would suggest to introduce additional fields into the vocabulary (or
in a separate file) which could be used for the user interface.

The first idea is to have a Refines: field. It is something different
then grouping, since a group might not represent a tag.
The idea stemmed from my thoughts on the devel::* discussion [1]. Given
that we create the 
          +- use::devel-bugtracking
          +- use::devel-profiling
hierarchy, the tags
        use::devel-bugtracking and
would "Refine: use::devel" (we might drop the "devel-" part in their
This would allow the UI to show only the use::devel at first, and only
once devel is selected those additional tags. The additional tags could
be shown at a prominent position, since they are probably very relevant
once the "parent" tag is selected.

The other idea stemmed from the fact, that role::ide (if it gets
created), should only be shown when use::devel is selected. This could
be realised with a relation: "role::ide depends on use::devel". However,
in the vocabulary it would probably be, that role::ide implies
use::devel. Since the depends relation would merely concern the
interface (and there be only needed to reduce complexity) this seems not
to be something that should go into the vocabulary, but in a different
rules file. It might be hard to agree on such rules, but I think we
should find a centralised way (otherwise everyone could ship his/her own
rule file, which he/she finds to make sense). This needs some additional

Best regards 


[1] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debtags-devel/2006-June/001286.html

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