debtags for wnpp bugs?

Luca Brivio lucab83 at
Wed Feb 27 15:08:38 UTC 2008

Alle 20:46, sab 23 febbraio 2008, Luca Brivio ha scritto:
> If filed wnpp bugs could contain tags, we may obtain lists of software
> which is not in Debian, by type, language, field, etc. just like we can do
> now through debtags-related tools and APIs. RFPs IMHO would become more
> useful, Debian sub-projects' webpages may show automatically updated lists
> of interesting packages and packages being worked on, it would be easier to
> check for already filed wnpp bugs, and so on.

Of course, usertags can be (and are) used for this (see [1]), but as their 
scope is user-wide, such utilization may end up in a big mess if there's no 
convention about one "user" who owns these tags.


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