debtags for wnpp bugs?

Erich Schubert erich.schubert at
Fri Feb 29 15:25:04 UTC 2008

I don't think debtags is the right way to categorize WNPP.
It's just too much effort for too little benefits IMHO.

It would however be possible to just (ab-)use usertags for this.
Just use when submitting:

User: debtags-devel at
Usertags: uitoolkit::gtk

and when adding tags to a package later on:
user debtags-devel at
usertag 1234 + uitoolkit::gtk

(I didn't check that : is a valid character for usertags)

But let me just point out that it would make more sense to just use a
specialized set of tags designed specifically for managing WNPP.
Most likely it will boil down to just a set of ~20-50 tags that are
frequently used. You could probably use the "user name"
wnpp at
and use the Wiki to specify which usertags are appropriate.
Of course there will be some overlap with Debtags tags, but I bet
there will be a couple of useful tags for WNPP that won't have a
Debtags equivalence.
(e.g. you could use usertags for separating RFP,O,ITA, ...)

best regards,
Erich Schubert
    erich@(|      --      GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C    (o_
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