
Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney devi.webmaster at
Sun Jan 13 11:40:19 UTC 2008

On Jan 12, 2008 9:04 PM, Ethan < at> wrote:
> What do you think about a game::nonviolent tag?

I don't see an obvious location to put it. It certainly doesn't belong
in game, game being of nature energy. I'm fairly confident it should
be nature personality, but it's apparent that none of the existing
facets in personality would work well with it. I think it's a
worthwhile concept. The appropriate organization for the faceted
system would be to create a new facet like 'rating' and make
'nonviolent' a subcategory. That, unfortunately, sounds like quite a
categorical undertaking.

Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney

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