works-with-format for bioinformatics

Enrico Zini enrico at
Mon Nov 17 10:52:27 UTC 2008

On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 11:04:12AM -0800, Shaun Jackman wrote:
> 2008/11/15 Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at>:
> > On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 01:18:32PM -0800, Shaun Jackman wrote:
> >> The following two tags are required (but missing currently) for the
> >> field of bioinformatics.
> >
> > Please provide the data suggested by the FAQ reported above.
> I just found the tag biology::format:fasta. How does this differ from
> the nonexistant tag works-with-format::fasta? Why is the first
> separator two colons (::) and the second separator a single colon (:)?
> Seems arbitrary.
> biology::format:fastq is also needed. maq, for example, reads FASTQ
> format and not FASTA format. It's an important distinction.

From the link that Stefano posted:

 * It should represent a clear, atomic concept (check)
 * It should have a facet to fit in (check)
 * There should be more than 6 or 7 packages in Debian that can make use of it

Can you please list such packages?

Also, since we have biology::format:fasta, why are you suggesting
works-with-format::fasta and works-with-format::fastq instead of just



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