Fwd: Vocabulary browser

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at gmx.net
Sun Feb 21 20:16:59 UTC 2010

Nice work :)

> 2010/2/13 Jesse Weinstein <jesse at wefu.org>:
> > When you click on a second-level menu item, it turns bold, and a
> > third-level menu opens up, with the name, and a description (if there is
> > one).  The bug happens when you then click on the third-level item.
> > With the first click, the bold goes away, then if you click again, it
> > flashes bold for a second, then goes away again.  I assume this
> > shouldn't happen. ;-)
> That's right, I've fixed it.
> I still don't know if the tag description should be left open after
> you click on tag and continues moving the mouse. Do you think it is
> useful?

Yes, I hate those web stuff were you must be overly careful to avoid
moving the mouse to the wrong position...
Btw. I kinda like the idea of a close button (i.e. an [x]). Otherwise
there is no way to get a clean view of the facets after opening one
except for F5. Thought jumping to the top of the page seems counter
intuitive to me (closing one window shouldn't affect the other one).

Best regards


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